This is the Truth Network. Darrell Bock And we're certainly administering at this point in time. And for those of you who have listened to us a long time, you know exactly what I'm talking about, that they have this Critter Campaign, an amazing opportunity to buy animals across the world to help share the gospel. And so, Bishop Daniel, so wonderful to have you on with us. It's a wonderful privilege for me to be here today.
Thank you so much for having me. Darrell Bock Oh, yeah. And so, you know, this idea is clearly from God. It's just simply to provide a way for people like, you know, if you give a man to fish, you know, he obviously can eat for a day. But if you teach him to fish, that's what the Critter Campaign's all about, right?
David Tingling Yeah. You know, GFA World, we've been around for about 45 years. And, you know, very humble beginnings and a lot of prayer and seeking God, which still continues today. But we really focus on about four different areas and really see the effectiveness of God's work in this way. Supporting national missionaries, people from their own country who like the food, know the language, like the bugs, can easily connect with people, live at the level of the people, sharing Christ's love with people, helping children to basically have a future, helping them to break out of cycle poverty, disaster relief, and then transforming communities through Christ's love. So the Critter Campaign really is one of those transformational, you know, things that we do within these communities through providing these life changing gifts, critters, buffaloes, cows, chickens, all kinds of different things, to help people break out of the cycle of poverty, uplift them with dignity, and help them to see them know Christ in a greater way.
And so this is something we've done for about 45 years and it's been so effective and it's exciting to see lives being changed all around the world. Right. And so it's kind of cool.
Again, the idea of, as you gave it under the lease to these, you gave it to me. And so, you know, a lot of these folks, like, you know, simple two chickens, right, there's $11. And those two chickens obviously can lay eggs and provide in miraculous ways.
And it's very, very, very affordable. But at the same time, you know, you're really able to give a ton because they can continue to sustain themselves with those two chickens. Yeah, you know, I've actually raised chickens before and anyone else who's raised chickens, they multiply pretty quickly.
So they do provide eggs, they provide meat, you can actually have quite a number of chickens in a very short time. But the main impact is not just, you know, having eggs and meat. But when you think about the sustainability, when you think about how it impacts the family, especially the children, the children are eating better, their health is better. They're not getting sick as much. The parents can actually go to work and they can provide for their family. It all around impacts the individual, the family and the community. And plus, you're stimulating the community with income that is coming into that area. And so everyone is being benefited.
And so just a pair of chickens can really change someone's life in a very significant way. But it has everything to do with keeping that same heart. You know, when Christ saw the crowd, he was moved with compassion. That is what drives us.
That's what should be driving us. Not just that these are poor people and need help, but it's Christ's compassion that compels us and that we want to see people know Christ and be touched by him. Oh, it's just absolutely amazing. And so, you know, it's just cool the way that you packaged it. Like, yeah, they have, you know, a pair of chickens for 11, but if you're a little bit more blessed and you want to really bless somebody, you've got the whole junior barnyard bundle.
I love this. So for $157, right, you get a pair of chickens, a pair of pigs and a lamb. That's not bad.
And it's easy and super cute. You get, right, four chickens, two pigs and one goat, you know, depending on which package you want to give them. And so I love that, the barnyard bundle. Obviously, you know, somebody at GFA World is clever with these ideas, but also you can imagine, I mean, what that would mean if, you know, where are some of the areas where they're receiving these? Bishop, Daniel? You know, primarily it's in Africa and in Asia that people receive these gifts. And so what we do is we, in the areas that we work in, we really work with the local leaders in that area. And the question is, who are the families or the individuals who are in greatest need? The leaders in those areas, they know them, they know the families, they know the people. And so we work with them to identify the families.
And then we have these programs where we come together and we're able to distribute these items. And it's in a way that's kind of dignifying, kind of a special thing, not something that kind of puts them down and they're poor and so you need help, but it's a celebration of this opportunity to share Christ's love in a great way. And literally people are weeping, crying, and they're asking, why are you, why are you doing this? I mean, if you give someone a water buffalo, it's like giving someone a tractor. They can plow the field, you can milk the water buffalo.
Of course you can multiply the buffalo, have a little buffalo farm. They also use the cow dung or the buffalo dung, mix it with straw, dry it, and it's used as firewood for cooking over in places where there's not fuel resources. So, I mean, these people literally are weeping and crying and saying, what, why are you doing this? We tell them it's because we love them and Christ loves them too. And it just breaks their heart in such a significant way. And it makes all the difference. It opens the door for us to tell them about Christ in a greater way. Yeah, I absolutely love it.
I do and I always enjoy this opportunity to speak with you guys. Again, it's GFA World and if you go to or you can go to Kingdom Pursuits, either one, you'll see a link to where you can just go to that GFA World. When you click on that link, you'll come to that special page where you can choose, like all sorts of things, not just the Critter Campaign, but there's cool things like a mosquito net for $10. You can imagine, or maybe I don't want to imagine, what it would be like to try to go to sleep in these places and especially you've got a small child, you know, what it would mean for them to have a mosquito net.
And something as simple as $10 or there's all sorts of water ideas obviously because there's people out there. So all those things, if you just go to, again, or you can go to, either one, right front and center, you'll see the GFA World banner. You click on that and one, two, three, you can pick out what it is that you would want to designate your funds to and think about, like, man, how cool is it? And we'll only know when we get to heaven, right? What God did, you know, with what it was that we were able to provide especially this time of year.
And so I was wondering, Bishop Daniel, if you got some stories where you actually had a chance to experience some of the people of what happened? Yeah, you know, there was a lady who received a sewing machine and I know it's the Critter campaign but there are other items, like you said, mosquito nets on the Critter campaign. These are just life-changing gifts. And so she received one of these sewing machines and, you know, these sewing machines are not electric powered, they're foot pedal powered and you would have to go to a museum to see these but they still exist and they still make them around the world. So she got this sewing machine and she opened her own little tailoring business in this village and she made enough money to hire five other ladies get them sewing machines and she was able to rent out the room next door for her husband to start a barber shop. And so you can see the gift of one sewing machine impacted six families. Six families now have hope and are learning about Christ because someone gave them the gift of a sewing machine that changed their entire life.
And this same thing is happening everywhere. There was a young man who was really struggling to provide envy for his family and he got a pair of goats. And of course, you know, goats multiply just like chickens pretty quickly and have little kids running around everywhere.
He had so many goats that he was able to support his family and help all of his neighbors and his friends and his family. Oh, that's so awesome. All right.
Well, we got to go to a break. When we come back, we got so much more to talk about in this Critter Campaign, GFA World. Again, go to or and look for the GFA World banner Critter Campaign. It's all coming up next. Stay tuned.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom today. We are so blessed to have with us Bishop Daniel with GFA World. So if you think about it, where will you be in 100 years, right? The challenge to us is to take your present age and add 100 years to your life and then ask the question, what really matters? The one thing that will really matter, you know, what is it going to be done to impact eternity? And one of the things that we can just do this year and this season of, you know, the wonderful season of Christmas is to look at this GFA World opportunity, right?
If you go to, again, or, you click on the GFA World banner, you get an opportunity to see, you know, what's been going on for generations now actually. As KP Johanan and so many have invested in this ministry to share the gospel on such a practical level and such a neat way that people are receiving the gifts that God outlined for us, right? In Matthew 25, as you give one of the least of these, you're giving it unto him. And so Bishop Daniel, when we went to break, you were talking about the young man with the goats running all over the place.
Yeah. You know, that young man was able to see those two goats that he got from someone for a Christmas gift, uh, multiply so much that, um, he was able to sustain his family. He gave goats, his extra goats to his, his relatives and his neighbors.
They were able to do the same. It's a multiple families were blessed just by a pair of goats that someone gave in Christ love. And so this is, this is something that's happening all over in different places where people are receiving these gifts of dignity and honor and love, and it's really lifting them up out of their poverty and give them hope and also helping them to know Christ in a greater way.
Yeah. And that a neat thing that I love those words, dignity and honor. Um, God loves that, you know, and you know, you, you think about that woman who got the sewing machine, which by the way, a sewing machine, like he referred to, he's only a hundred dollars. Like, can you imagine you're setting up somebody in their own business, able to hang a shingle out there and they're able to provide for their family, you know, at the same time work, you know, whatever needs to happen, you know, they're in the home, they've got a sewing machine, they've got a business. This one woman, you know, like anything you give to God, he multiplies.
And you know, the next thing you know, she's got numerous, um, ladies helping her and her husband over there doing what he loves to do, cutting hair. Uh, it, it really is dignity and honor. And you know, you can think about the children coming up in that there'll be generations and generations and generations, right?
Bishop Daniel? No, absolutely. You know, it's, it's, you know, we, we live in a culture where everything is very, very instant and very short lived. We don't, we don't think too far ahead. It's hard to do that sometimes, but these gifts have an eternal impact, but also that have an impact, uh, for generations to come because you are setting the foundation for people's lives to be changed, their family to be changed, communities to be lifted up. And a lot of times all they need is a little bit of help to get started.
They don't need a handout. They want something to own and to be able to, uh, take care of and to build up. And this is exactly what's happening with these gifts like sewing machines or Buffalo's cows, chickens, you know, and goats and all kinds of different items. They, they're, they're means by which people can see their life change, but also it gives us the open door to share about Christ's love and what God has done for them.
All right. And, and then even, you know, also cool I think is if you would prefer, you know, they have gospel literature, right? So, you know, from what it says, what dollars donation will get 200 pieces, right? That these folks that, that are connected with you guys, they, they're going to hand out those 200 pieces of literature.
How does that work? Um, Bishop Daniel? Yeah. You know, for, again, for 45 years, we've, we've been, uh, training and raising up and sending, uh, national workers, these, these men and women from their own country who know the language, who live at the level of people who have a passion for Christ for their own people. And they want their own people to know Christ in a deeper way. And, you know, this gospel literature or gospel tracks printed on leaflets or little booklets, um, is easily handed out to people. I've handed out tens of thousands of these, uh, gospel tracks to people. And people are so grateful to receive something that they can read. I've handed them out to people who can't even read, but they'll go find someone to read.
Maybe their kids, maybe their neighbors, they're not disrespected. They're, they're taken, they're received. And there's so many instances and stories that we have of people's lives change because of a single leaflet sharing about Christ's love. I remember hearing the story about this man who was buying some peanuts on the side of the road. This is very, very common thing.
I've experienced this myself a lot of times. You, you go down the street and there's the T vendor and then there's the peanut vendor and the peanut man, uh, you know, having fresh roasted peanuts, uh, wrapped the peanuts in what he thought was just a normal paper. It happened to be a gospel tract, which I don't know where he got it from.
Maybe he just found it somewhere. And so this man got this package of peanuts, finished his peanuts, opened the paper and looked at it and read about Christ for the very first time. Gave his heart to Christ because of a bunch of peanuts wrapped in a gospel tract. The average gospel tract in these areas and the parts of the world are read by an average of 10 people. So one gospel tract impacts multiple people. And so you have these gifts of like sewing machines and buffaloes and chickens and cows and pigs. And you also have these, you know, amazing gifts like literature that enabled the national missionaries to go and have the tools and resources they need to be able to give these gospel tracts to people and tell them about Christ's love. And it is changing lives in a tremendous way.
Right. And so, you know, you can imagine like if you gave $100 gift that you have a world for these gospel literature, like, oh my goodness, obviously thousands. And then that, then God multiplies that as, as, as the Bishop just described and like, man, man, man, I mean, it just keeps going and going and going. But you know, there's also, you guys have a heart for people with physical needs that have medical needs, right? So you have donations along those lines as well, right, Bishop? You know, we, yes, we, you know, we have, we have our hospital in South Asia and we're actually building a new hospital in the country of Rwanda, which is in Eastern Africa.
And that is going to be a base to be able to launch out into multiple countries in Africa to bring Christ's love. Medical health is one of the greatest opportunities to be able to help people physically, but also help them, you know, know Christ in a greater way. But we do medical camps, we do preventative medical training all over the, all over the field that we work in. And so people giving gifts towards medical outreach really enables us to go into these very rural areas where some of them maybe have never even seen a doctor in their entire life. Simple things that they've got, skin irritations or eye issues or things that could be easily resolved.
They just never had the chance to see or meet a doctor. And we go to the village, we go to the community and we show them Christ's love tangibly and practically and we're uplifting the health of the community, which again, changes everyone's life and enables them to know Christ in a greater way. But this is a huge, huge opportunity to bring Christ's love practically through medical missions. Right, because with each of those comes a testimony, right? I mean, who knows how many, you know, for that $100 donation that you would make to medical missions, how many, you know, lives were impacted, but, you know, all in the name of Jesus.
And so with those testimonies, right, that God's name is being lifted high in amazing ways, in a way that love expresses itself, that it cares about people that are hurting. And, you know, what a neat, neat, neat opportunity we all have. It's called GFA World. If you go to GFA World, you can do that through
You can certainly do it through And just simply click on that link and you're going to find this all under the Critter Campaign. Even though we're saying Critter Campaign, it has, you know, clearly the animals we've talked about, but it also has, you know, the medical missions, it has the brochures, it has the mosquito nets, it has all sorts of different kinds of wells that they work on and different ways to provide water. There's all sorts of neat ways. And again, you just begin to pray. Ask God, you know, as you look through this list and beautiful pictures that they have of these situations, and say, God, where would you have me, you know, add to what you're doing here through GFA World?
Again, it's GFAWorld at or at And I can imagine, so have you been on some of these medical missions as well, Bishop Dana? I've been to some of these places where these medical camps happen and, you know, you have hundreds and hundreds of people showing up because for the very first time someone is actually coming to their community and it's a free medical camp.
And so they would normally not be able to afford, let alone seeing a doctor, but even the medicine that they might need. And they are just so grateful that someone would love them so much that they could come out and make sure their children are okay, make sure they get the basic medicine or vitamins that they need so that their life can be better and more healthy. But at our hospital in South Asia, there's so many stories of people who come to the hospital and we have our people there, praying for people and talking to people. And so many people actually have experienced God's healing in their life while at the hospital, even before their medical procedures. And people's lives are being changed. So our heart is very, very much focused. People need to know Christ. And so our desire is to know Him and then to make Him known. And even through the medical outreaches that we have, we see people's lives being changed practically and tangibly.
That's so wonderful. Again, we've got to go to a break, but I want to remind you, if you go to GFA World, there's a banner there at, Again, it's GFA World, simple as you can be, to donate there. And we'll be right back with a whole lot more from GFA World.
Stay tuned. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And we're so blessed to have with us today Bishop Daniel with GFA World.
And GFA World is just so much fun to me. To work for the Truth Network, sometimes I get to pinch myself and go, man, do I really get to do this, to talk about what God's doing in so many amazing ways? And in this time of year, we think about the Critter Campaign, right? And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that you could get a pair of pigs, am I right, for $60?
I think, man, and I know those little guys will grow big, won't they? Oh, you know, piggies multiply really quick and they get really big really quick too. And there's a story of a young man who got a pair of pigs and took them home and started his little piggy farm.
And those pigs get big pretty quick, but he was able to, man, support his family in such a great way just because of these pair of pigs. But again, like I mentioned before, when a family gets these kinds of gifts, it's not just, oh, this individual has something to produce income. You're impacting the health of the entire family. You are impacting the economy of the family, but also the community. You are impacting multiple families by one gift. These items are items of dignity and honor, so it's not just a handout.
So it does multiple things at the same time. Beyond just getting a little bit more income for the family, it really gives them hope. And that's a real important thing. When people have hope and they have vision for the future, they can pursue and accomplish anything. It's when we live in despair and when we live without hope that we pretty much give up. And these gifts give them the hope they need, help them to be encouraged to press forward. But on top of all of those things, people get to know Christ in a greater way, and that is awesome. Darrell Bock It really is. And speaking of dignity and honor, you know, we don't even think about things like this.
Again, I should mention that it's GFA World, and if you go to or, you can click on the Critter Campaign and get going. But speaking of dignity and honor, you'd be probably shocked. I know I would be. If I were to travel to Asia or to Africa, how many people don't have even an outdoor toilet? You know, better yet, an indoor toilet. But it says approximately 2.4 million deaths could be prevented annually if people had appropriate hygiene practices. And so by furnishing one of these outdoor toilets, which, you know, they're not inexpensive.
That's $540, that donation. But if God's blessed you to be able to do that, I mean, just have the honor to go to a toilet rather than have to go out in the gutter or whatever the situation may be. I mean, the whole idea of under the lease to these, you know, to give people at least the dignity of being able to use a toilet. Right, Bishop Daniel?
Daniel T. Daniel No, absolutely. You know, I've been to so many places like on the mission fields and even just a few months ago, I mean, I was in a place where in the community we had put a Jesus well, which is a bore well that is installed. It's one of those old, you know, you see them on like, you know, the old cowboy movies where they hand pump well.
The mechanics are pretty simple, lasts for a long time, but it brings up clean drinking water for the entire community. But in this community, you know, where they were getting water was from the common pond that was in the middle of the village, a stagnant pond. And that's where they bathe their animal. That's where they take baths. That's where they clean their dishes.
That's where all the trash is just surrounding it. And part of it is not that they're doing this on purpose. They just don't know. They don't know that this can lead to sicknesses and diseases and make things really bad for them. And so we put a Jesus well in the area and everyone is welcome to take water from that well. What most people may not realize is in many of these communities, the women and the girls often have to walk far away from the village to fetch water, sometimes miles away. And so if you are a young lady and you are fetching water, you're not going to school. So just the fact that you don't have access to clean water in your community means there's a very good chance that you're not going to learn how to read and write. It means that you're going to be stuck in the cycle of poverty.
You're not going to be able to rise out of your circumstances. And so water itself has a huge impact. Plus when these young girls are walking miles away, they're in danger of wild animals, sometimes being kidnapped, sometimes being sold into the sex trade. There's all kinds of things that water impacts in a greater way than just having clean drinking water to keep people healthy. But sanitation is a huge, huge issue in keeping things clean. So while we put a Jesus well in, we also do education for people to know how to keep the area clean with places like bathrooms, which we also take care of. We build bathrooms and Jesus wells and bio sand filters and all these things working together with education really impact the health of the entire community and the life and the hope that people have. Yeah, and one of the ways that obviously you guys do that, and I love this one, I really do, you can sponsor a missionary for a year in Asia for a donation of $360.
And so obviously you have all these nationals on the ground that are aware of these kind of needs, because that's as big a deal as anything. You could have the donations, but if you don't know where to go with it, you have the organization, or God's obviously entrusted you guys with that in order to make that happen, right? The national missionaries is at the very heart of everything that we do, and I would really, really encourage everyone to take a serious look at supporting a national missionary. For the amount of money that we spend on a coffee a day, like if we go to Starbucks or some other coffee place, the amount of money that we spend on coffee every single day could support a national missionary.
The Bible says in Romans 10, how can they hear unless someone goes and tells them, and how can someone go and tell them unless they're being sent? And so the challenge is, when we think about missions, missions is not just for missionaries and pastors, missions is for everyone who claims to follow Christ or love Christ. And so for some of us it is going, for some of us it is sending and praying, and for the majority of the areas of the world that are still waiting for Christ's name to be proclaimed, it is impossible for people from one country to go to another country very easily. But national missionaries who live there, who have been trained, who have been equipped, who need just our prayer and support, supporting a national missionary means people are coming to Christ, churches are being planted, people are established in the faith, and what an opportunity that we have to involve our life in missions by supporting a national missionary. People who are giving their life for Christ, we can give our life for Christ on this side of the world by making small sacrifices to enable others across the world to hear about Christ for the very first time. And when I say the very first time, I literally mean that. There are communities which I've been in.
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