This is the Truth Network. Darrell Bock How fun today! We are getting to go all over the world with Bible League and my old friend Michael Woolworth. And so I know if you're tuned in today, you're going to hear what God is doing around the world in so many amazing ways due to, right, in so many ways, His faithfulness, but our faithfulness to pray into and donate and all those things. And so it's always fun for me, because I've had a chance to invest in the kingdom through Bible League, to hear some of these amazing stories, and welcome Michael. Michael Woolworth Well, Robbie, it's great to be with you today, brother. You've been a great friend of Bible League over many, many years, and listeners, you've been incredibly kind, not only to our ministry now in its 86 year, but really those on the receiving end of those Bibles, those brothers and sisters around the world, Robbie, that really had no hope of a Bible, but enter Listeners to Kingdom Pursuits and the Truth Network, and over the years, you've blessed literally tens of thousands of waiting believers. And you know, I'm primarily here today for the riddle.
I'm here for the riddle, Robbie. But if we have time, if we have time, I do want to tell you what God is doing in His world. You know, above all, we want to glorify Him this hour. Amen. But I also want this hour to be an encouragement to you and your listeners, Robbie.
Why? Because we all pray the gospel would take grip all over the world and the name of Jesus would be lifted high. And I'm telling you today, you won't find this on the front page of your morning paper on your favorite cable news source. So our hour together today means what God's word is going forth in His world again through His word and all that to say it's great to be with you this hour. Now, let's take your listeners as we get going here in a few moments to the Philippines, Kenya, the Middle East.
And if we have time, we'll end up in Madagascar. But again, all that to say, Robbie, I am thrilled to be your guest today. And as always, I am thrilled. And I heard this as you said the word gospel, right? And I know what you're thinking. I don't actually, for whatever reason, we had printer problems, numbers of technological issues that caused me not to be able to do my riddles.
So don't turn us off because I think you're going to hear it. But I do have a joke, okay? So I understand that people from the Bible league take a special pill every morning, you know, first thing when they get up. Do you know what that is? I don't.
I mean, for me, it's Geritol, right? But anyway, go ahead. What do you think, Nick?
This is your shot. I don't know. I'm thinking a little hard about this. I'm not sure. Yeah, they take the goss pill.
The goss pill. Love it. So, you know, I didn't want to leave you out completely without anything to laugh about. I think I have one. Oh, you do? You do? I think I have one. Okay, go ahead. All right. What do you call, what do you call a book club that reads one book forever?
Wow. What do you call a book club that reads one book forever? The forever one. I don't know what. Church.
Oh, forever. Oh, I like that. Yes, it goes right with Bible league. That is good.
You see? We're on the fly giving up a few. But anyway, to get into this, we at the Truth Network have partnered with Bible league for years. And so it was our goal for the month of October. It is our goal for the month of October to read 3500 Bibles, right? We got people that are standing in the wings that have asked for a Bible. These people are wanting to get into God's word, and they obviously would be so amazingly blessed if we can fulfill this need.
We know that the need's out there. And to get 3500 Bibles in their hands, the neat thing is Bible league has got so much technology that they can print in Bible and get it distributed for just, what, is it $5 a Bible? Am I right? $5 a Bible, yeah. You know, in an age of inflation, you're probably expecting to say, no, it's eight. But no, it's still five. That's the average cost, Robbie, $5 a Bible.
And so with that, $100 would send 20 of these. And where are we at, Michael? I know that was our goal. It's been a little bit different kind of October due to the floods and all that stuff. But people have been very generous, right?
Yeah, they have, Robbie. Yeah, yeah. We're going to finish up on November 3rd. We'll rejoice in whatever God does through Listeners to the Kingdom Pursuits and the Truth Network. Right now, a thousand answers to prayer. A thousand Christians that we know waiting in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America now have God's word coming. And Robbie, it's a joy for me to circle back to these believers and say, hey, this year and going forward, you'll read for yourselves the wonderful Christmas story. And so, yeah, a thousand answers to prayer. You say thirty five hundred is where we've got our our sights and our prayers focus. We need to wrap up absolutely on November 3rd. So my prayers at this hour together, we can take care of a big chunk of this goal.
And good news, Robbie, we have friends of Bible League, another part of the country. They know that we're here today. They've said we want to double every single gift, regardless of size. Today, as you say, a hundred dollar tax deductible gift will take care of 20 waiting Christians a day. So double that with that Bible for Bible match.
This will go the entire hour. And so regardless of the size of your gift today, they're friends and say, you know what? We believe so strongly. We believe so firmly that every believer, whether you're in the Winston-Salem area or somewhere across the US or somewhere elsewhere in the world, you need a Bible to read about the God who loves you and to grow in his grace and knowledge of Jesus. And Robbie, again, we're at that thousand Bibles at this point. And again, in an age of inflation, I know where everything is costing more.
It means you've got less to give to causes you care about. So again, let that Bible for Bible match be a great incentive. So what you're actually saying, let me just reiterate, because I'm pretty excited, actually. I am excited because what you're saying is when I send my hundred dollars a minute, which I'm going to, then it'll be a thousand forty, right? And so I'm just doing the math real quick.
You know, if we could get maybe, you know, 70 donors or something like that at a hundred dollars, like, wow, it would, it would immediately like make a giant impact. Absolutely. Yeah. So I'm sorry. I'm just excited because I'm like, man, why we can knock this out. And I want to be part of that because I'm telling you that when I hear these stories every year, it just blesses me. When I see God at work, I mean, what is there better in life to see than that?
I mean, it's just awesome, Michael. So share. Well, let me set the stage for what we're up against.
And I say we because, you know, when Paul, Paul writes in First Corinthians 13, he says, when one part of the body suffers, we suffer together. Robby, there are literally millions of believers around the world, the regions I just mentioned who, you know, go without what is so basic to the Christian faith and that's kind of a new Bible. In fact, you know, if you're driving, don't do this. But put two hands up. You've probably got 10 fingers staring at you.
Put down a thumb. That analogy will tell you in a crowd of 10 believers around the world, outside of the U.S., as many as nine of 10 go without, go without a Bible. So about 10 percent of the evangelical population right now on the congregate, on the continent of Africa has a Bible.
But again, call by call, click by click. We're doing something about it today. You know, if you appreciate your Bible, your English Bible today, let me tell you, it was October of 1536 when a guy with the name of Tyndale, William Tyndale, was strangled. He was burned at the stake simply because he had the conviction.
Robby, he wanted English speakers, people like you and me, to be able to read for ourselves. The just shall live by faith. So there's been an incredible effort to bring the Bible around the world and bibling down our eighty six year of ministry. You know, we minister to people like Alia in the Middle East. She's in her 40s as a former Sunni Muslim.
Robby, she was denied an education because of her social standing in her part of the world. She's recently learned to read in Arabic and she's praying for a Bible. We want to bless people like Juwara in Kenya, Africa. He's a former witch doctor, the village witch doctor who came to faith. He's praying for a Bible in the Walaf language. Washington, her husband, are rice patty farmers in communist China. They have two children.
They want to raise them to know and love Jesus. They're praying for a Bible in the Mandarin language. And then Maria in Colombia, she's a widowed mother of two children, one of those with cerebral palsy.
She's recently learned to read in the Spanish language. Robby, she is praying for a Bible. And so, you know, what we're going to do today is give you an intimate look into the lives three or four stories as we go along of Christians. It's 50 Bibles here, 500 there that we want to bless.
And again, it happens with every call and with every click today. Darrell Bock Yeah, it's absolutely a wonderful opportunity. And again, it's neat to me how you guys, you're connecting with churches so that not only are the people getting the Bibles, but that they're certainly going to get the discipleship and the stuff to help them understand it and go deeper in God's Word. It's all there, by the way, at Bible League. Like we can go to and just click on that or you can dial 1-800-YES-WORD. Or go to, click the Bible League button, and we'll be right back with a whole lot more.
Announcer You're listening to the Truth Network and Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And I hope your passion like mine is for the Gospel, for the Word of God to get out in as many places as it possibly can. And obviously, if people have a need for it, there's at least a need for 2,500 more Bibles in the month of October through Bible League. And we got opportunity to take part in that.
How fun is that? And we got Michael Woolworth here with Bible League. Again, if you've been listening and wondering, how do I do that, Robby? You dial 1-800-YES-WORD, 1-800-YES-WORD, or just go to Truth Network or Kingdom Pursuits. You'll find it in both places.
And you just click on the link and simple as pie, like it took me all of about 40 seconds with my phone to add my little part. And so I'm excited, Michael. Michael Woolworth Well, Robby, thanks for that gift. I don't mean to single you out, but you're not asking your listeners to do anything that you haven't done. I know you've made generous investments in this kingdom work over many, many years. You know, Psalm 119, you know, we're admonished to watch. Cherish God's Word, in fact, hiding in our hearts is how the psalmist puts it.
How do you hide God's Word in your heart if you've never even held it in your hands? And so, you know, call by call, click by click, listeners of Kingdom Pursuits and Truth Network, we're getting it done. Fernando said, you know, count me in for 30 Bibles. Ashley said, I want to be a part of this. Betty said, Michael, Robby, count me in a $100 tax deductible gift. Averna said, I want to be a part of this at 20 Bibles.
And then, Robby, each one of those, in fact, your gift today doubled because of this Bible for Bible match. And you're right, a thousand answers to prayer to this point. We've got our prayer set on blessing 3500 Bibleist believers. We need to do it by November 3rd. This is not a campaign that'll go on forever.
We'll wrap up on Sunday, November 3rd. We'll rejoice in whatever God does through the truth of that word, listening family. But again, to this point, a thousand Bibleist believers have been taken care of.
And to add to that, you know, Robby, your gift, and thanks for doing that. You know, we're feeding heart-hungry believers today, and we feel that it's incumbent upon us at Bible League, now in our 86th year of ministry, really to give you an intimate look into the lives of these waiting believers. And Robby, as you said, going into the break there, you know, there's not a place on earth where Bible League ministers, where we're not connected to the local evangelical church. I mean, that's the blueprint for church growth in the New Testament.
Why would we deviate from that? And so all the Christians we're talking about this hour, the weeks that we've been together on Truth Network, these are brothers and sisters. The soil has been worked … Well, there went Michael. It's okay. We are going to share more with the Bible League.
We're going over a period of time that this was an opportunity that was lost with every passing. I love the way that God does that, but the only way I would know that is by spending time in his word, and I just got the biggest joy out of that. By the way, if you want more information on that, you can go to
I wrote an article there this morning because it just brought such joy to my heart, and here was something I really did not understand for years and always wondered. But I had a Bible that I could go to, right, to get those answers. I had a Bible that I could, you know, go to the index and look up some things in order to find the passage I wanted. I had a Bible so that I could dig into these questions I had and get to know God better. You know, people, they want to be able to hear from God, but, you know, again, if they've got a Bible, they can hear from him constantly, and it's beyond sad to me.
It's beyond sad to me that here's people saying I want a Bible, and God's going to deliver them a Bible somehow, let's send me, Lord, send me. Yeah, Robbie, I'm not sure what the last thing you heard was before the call dropped, but anyway, you know, we're feeding heart-hungry believers today, and again, we're giving you a glimpse in the lives of these believers. Let me take you to the Philippines, if I may, tell you about a woman by the name of Lori Jane. What's her story?
Robbie, born without a right foot, in fact, nothing below the right knee. Because of this, children bullied her. Her own father abused her, disowned her.
Her parents split, she lived in extreme poverty just outside of the capital of Manila, there in the Philippines. Because of all this despair, Lori Jane tried to end her life. She tried to drink petrol. Gasoline was not successful in doing that, but I can tell you, it was a Bible league volunteer that invited her to come hear the hope of the gospel through a weekly Bible study, and Lori Jane, as a speaker of Tagalog, would go through that Bible study, again, with about 15 others, and week by week, they would hear, who is Jesus?
How is he both God and man? What's it mean to die to self and to put on Christ in the day to day? And so Lori Jane became a believer. Robbie, she was trained to share Christ, and this is what she would do. She would go on to minister six days a week. She would travel by horseback on the back of a motor scooter, powered by a friend of hers.
Even walking with her crutch, something she's done her entire life, right? And she has ministered in using resources from Bible league. She set up a Bible studies, about 50 Bible studies in that part of the Philippines. And Robbie, I can tell you today, about 600 people have called on Jesus as Lord and Savior, but they live in a part of the world where there's no Christian bookstores, no discount retailers, and no Amazon to drop a box of Bibles into their village. You know, here in America, if I order a Bible on Amazon, I used to say, I'd be on my doorstep tomorrow morning.
Somebody said, no, probably by five o'clock this afternoon, right? But those are not options for the believers that we're talking about. And so enter the Truth Network listening family, as I mentioned earlier, a number of you calling in, you're saying, you know what, I'm joining with Robbie and Michael and saying, it ought to be totally unacceptable in our minds, in our checkbooks, that Christians go without what is so basic to the Christian faith, and that's having a Bible.
And Robbie, I think about a Laurie Jane story, a woman who at one time wanted to end her life, now pointing people to the bread of life. And listen, that's what God is doing in His world, through His word, and He promises that, right? Jesus said, if I be lifted up, I'll draw the nations to myself. And so, you know, wherever you're listening today, what an opportunity to have an incredible impact on the work of the gospel.
I think of Proverbs 3.27, where it's written, don't withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it's within your power to act. And Robbie, I don't have to come and beat this listening family over the heads with this plea for Bibles. They've responded so generously over the years. We're at a thousand answers to prayer at this point, a thousand Bibles on their way.
We've got 2,500 to go, we need to do it by November 3rd. And now you know 600 waiting believers in the Philippines who are praying today, not for an end to all the poverty in which they live, all the suffering that they see in that part of the world, they're praying for what? The precious word of God today. Right, and think about the fruit out of that one Bible, right? Or 10 Bibles, or 20, whatever it is that God puts on your heart to do, that out of those people, like streams of living water will flow, right? And they're gonna reach other people that someday were in heaven that, you know, maybe three generations down from the one Bible that you gave, however that worked. But again, it's pretty easy to do. You just dial 1-800, yes word, 1-800, yes word, or you can go to Truth Network or Kingdom Pursuits, be the one, and there you're gonna find a banner for Bible league.
You just click on that, and if you do that with your phone, by the way, and you got a bunch of autofill, it just takes absolutely no time. And man, you know, just again, don't do it without praying. It's critical, I think. You know, God, this is something you want me to get in on, and then just be obedient. And whatever he puts on your heart, you know, that's an amazing opportunity that we all have with the stewardship of what he gives us. Yeah, let me thank a few others that have said, we wanna be a part of this. Deborah said, count me in, 10 Bibles. John and Gail listening today at Winston-Salem, they said, Michael, Robbie, we wanna be a part of this. Peg said, count me in, a $50 gift, enough for 10 Bibles.
And Robbie, each one of those doubled. In fact, your gift made today, thank you for that, will be doubled because of this Bible for Bible match. Again, November 3rd is kinda where we're setting our sights. We officially end up November 3rd, we've got 2,500 Bibles to go, Robbie, if there's a group that can get it done, it is The Truth Network listening family. Hey, let me just mention this, whether you're in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where I'm in Chicago or elsewhere in the world, let's say within the walls of communist China, you need to be able to open your Bible. I think about what does the enemy do? Well, the enemy pushes us, rushes us, frightens us, confuses us, condemns us, and yet when you open the pages of scriptures, is this not true in your own walk with the Lord? When you open the pages of scripture, because it's not merely ink on parchment, it's what? It's the living Word of God, God working through that Word to minister to us.
What happens? Well, God steals you, what? He leads you, He enlightens you, He refreshes you, encourages you, certainly convicts us where needed, right? But there is a calm and a comfort that comes to us when we can open up the Word of God.
So think about doing that today. You've done it for 1,000 waiting believers around the world. And Robbie, I can tell you with Christmas, I think what, eight weeks away, a joy for us at Bible League to circle back to these believers and say, for this year and going forward, you'll read for yourselves the precious Christmas story. $5 sends a Bible every gift match.
How many can you send today? Yeah, again, 1-800-Yes-Word, that's 1-800-Yes-Word, or you just go to and you click on that Bible League banner or, either one. You know, those things work. And again, I just think it's so much fun to see what the church is doing around the world. And I love that Bible League is working with the local churches that are in that area that know who really does need a Bible, who really will use it. And then they can disciple them as you guys are connected to those pastors right there, right, Michael? Well, as I said, there's not a place on earth where we minister that we're not connected to a local evangelical church. And so, you know, we will never compete with the tithe. Robbie, that goes to your local church. But, you know, here in America, we have something special.
It's a discretionary income. You know, you've tithed, you've paid your bills. We typically have a little bit left over, less and less it seems these days, right, to invest, to save, to put into God's work. And so, you know, our prayer is that you'll be a part of this today, 1,000 answers to prayer, 3,500 our goal.
Robbie, it's happening with every call and with every click today. There you go, 1-800-Yes-Word, we'll be right back. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And I am certain, like me, one of your passions is the word of God.
It's living, it's breathing, it's sharper than any two-edged sword. And oh my goodness, what a difference. I can't even, I don't even want to begin to think of what my life would be like if God didn't come after me with his word. As I was, if you're not familiar with my story, I was saved through the word of God. That, you know, I bought a series by Norman Vincent Peale that said you're supposed to get up an hour early and read the Bible and you gotta ask the Holy Spirit to show you what it means.
I didn't know how important that part was until I started reading it. But again, it was through that actual journey that I got so convicted, like oh my goodness, God has a really high standard, I don't meet it. The Old Testament had me just on my knees saying oh my goodness, what am I gonna do, what am I gonna do? And I got to the book of Matthew and I found out what I could do. And we just have no understanding of man, this is like God, like we, the more I get to know, the more I know I don't know, but I know one thing, man, every time you load one of those things up and you put it in somebody's hand, the power that they're, that will change lives, it's amazing the opportunity we have.
And because I've been blessed like that, man, what an opportunity we have to bless others with this opportunity at Bible league. 1-800-yes-word, or go to and click on the link, and away you go, Michael. Well in Hebrews 4 says what? This book, it's a sword, right?
It's a weapon to fight the world of flesh and the devil, the enemies of the believer. And you know what, we've got a wonderful Truth Network listeners that are becoming sword senders, if you will, today. People like Henry said, I want to be a part of this at 10 Bibles. And Aldo said, count me in, Robbie and Michael, count me in for a $100 tax deductible gift. And Madeline said, I want to be a part of this as well, a gift of $50 for 10 Bibles.
And then Robbie, each one of those will be double because of Bible for Bible match. November 3rd is the final day for this campaign, The World That Crazed the Word Will Rejoice in Whatever God Does through listeners to Kingdom Pursuits and Truth Network. But Robbie, to this point, just north of a thousand answers to prayer, we've got $2,500 to go get a Bible for Bible match at $5 a Bible in a moment.
I want to take your listeners to Kenya for this incredible story. But Robbie, today we're feeding heart hungry believers. Believers need the Word of God to grow in the grace and knowledge. And you know, today it's really, we're talking about the fruit of these believers as they hear the Word of God preach.
They hear very quickly, what? Jesus is not to be kept one's self, He's to be shared. And so if you think about what God is doing in parts of the world where as many as nine of ten new believers go without a Bible, imagine, you know, the fruit that will come as people are being able to open for themselves the precious Word of God. And you know, Robbie, again, it happens at $5 a Bible. I'll let you let, you know, your listeners know how to get involved.
And I want to share an incredible, incredible story from the continent where Christianity is growing in the strongest numbers in the world. Yeah, so easy. Just down 1-800. Yes. Yes. Yes. Y-E-S. You know, if you're digitally gifted.
1-800. Yes. Word. Or you just go to If you've got the Truth Network app or, you know, just go to Kingdom Pursuits.
Any of those. You click the Bible league banner. It takes your simple, simple, simple. Like man, like I said, I did it.
I don't, I'll bet I wasn't there 30 seconds. And boom, God, you know, I've done something for, you know, what you do echoes in eternity. And what an opportunity we have to do that. Well let me take you to the country of Kenya. And you know, Robbie, if you follow a church growth around the world, you probably know from your organization like Barna and Pew, they will tell us here in America, church growth is somewhat stunted, even on the decline, especially after COVID, a lot of churches are still pleading with their people.
Come back, right? But it prompts you to look at places around the world where the church big C is growing. Where is it? It's Latin America. It's the region of the Middle East. It's the parts of Asia. And it's also the continent of Africa, part of the world that really, for decades upon decades, was known for what?
Pagan beliefs and practices, and most recently, the influence of radicalized Islam. But I can tell you, God's truly at work there. There's more evangelical Christians on the continent of Africa today, Robbie, than there are people in the US. So that gives you a little bit of perspective what God is doing in Africa. Let me take you to the country of Kenya. I've been to that part of the world, the Great Rift Valley. It's absolutely beautiful.
You also see glimpses of extreme poverty, and a lot of pagan beliefs and practices. And I want to tell you about a pastor by the name of William. What's his story? He will travel 31 miles each way to reach one of his congregations.
Robbie, he's an itinerant pastor. He's also a marathon runner, so he runs part of that. He walks part of it. I think fitness experts will tell us, you know, to stay fit, you need about, what, 10,000 steps a day. I did the math. So 31 miles each way is about 124,000 steps.
So this man is definitely getting more than his share of good fitness, right? But William will travel 31 miles to reach the Maasai tribe. This is the tallest ethnicity in the world. I've been there at 5 feet 7.
I was a little envious of their height. But Robbie, this is a group of about maybe 2 or 3 million strong there in the countries of Kenya and Africa. You've probably heard of the Maasai. And one of the people that he has ministered to is a young lady by the name of Anya. What's Anya's story?
Well, 14 years of age, what happened to Anya happens to a lot of young ladies in the Maasai tribe. And what is that? They're subjected to local traditions. And one of those is a female circumcision.
I won't get graphic about that, only to say there's no known health benefit. It's painful. It's embarrassing. There have been laws passed in Kenya that prevent groups from doing this. Because the Maasai tend to be a little disconnected from government controls, they've gotten away with this for a number of years.
But that's one of those things. The other thing is arranged marriage. Forced marriages. Young ladies like Anya forced at 14 years of age to marry men they don't know, men they don't love, men oftentimes who are double their age, right? So that was the story of Anya. But William led her to Christ. The story does not end there, though.
Robbie, she would go on to live a life in front of her husband who abused her, did not look at her as any person to be loved and nurtured. But I can tell you that he became a believer. He said, I want this Jesus. He was, again, steeped in pagan practices and beliefs.
But the story does not end there. Young Anya would gather 40 of these young women, all in the same situation, subjected to local traditions, including forced marriages, to men they didn't know, men they didn't love. And Robbie, I can tell you that 40 of those young women gathering week by week, going through this Bible study from Bible League in the Maasai language, they've all become believers.
Many of those that were married have loved their husbands to Christ, and as you broaden the story here, about 500 people have come to Christ. They're among the Maasai tribe in the country of Kenya, on the continent of Africa, where Christianity is growing in the strongest numbers. And admittedly, Robbie, I don't always wake up and wonder, what is God doing among the Maasai tribe on the continent of Africa in the country of Kenya? But I can tell you, God has not forgotten, and he meets the needs of his growing family, through whom? Well, his family, right?
And we've come to know this precious family is the Truth Network listening family. Robbie, you and your listeners, you together have blessed a thousand, just north of a thousand waiting Christians, and now you know about 500 waiting among the Maasai tribe in Kenya, Africa today. Yeah, I mean, how cool is that? That 500 of these Bibles are gonna go to these people that really are just totally ignorant. And as God comes into one of them, you know, like she did, just so fruitful, so fruitful, because there's hope they never had before. You know, there's love they never had before.
There's joy and peace and things that they couldn't even begin to come. And man, the next thing you know, I mean, that spreads, and you know, you can imagine how God feels hearing the screams of these children, you know, being abused like this. You know, he's sending, he's sending help, and he will send help.
He will definitely send help. But man, I want to be part of that. And again, we all can do that at 1-800-YES-WORD, 1-800-YES-WORD, you know, we're at the Truth Network, are definitely partnering with Bible League, we'd love that. And you can go to, click on the Bible League banner or, click on that. And again, we can, we can be praying, like, you know, maybe you can't, or the Lord's saying no, but man, I know, he loves our prayers, and pray for this Messiah tribe, and pray for these young ladies that are, that are, you know, just unbelievable.
So it sounds like I just lost Michael again, but I, you know, apparently we got a little connection problem, but we'll get him back on. And I, you know, I just think about, man, you know, you may know I've worked with Land and Rescue and other people, that God is hearing these screams all over the world, and he's sending help. He's sending Jesus with skin on. In some cases, he's always sending his Word, and anything we can do to take part in that. You know, we're really honored to be here at the Truth Network, and to see, to be able to do this firsthand. Keep praying for all of that, and we'll be back with Michael and a lot more Bible League coming right up. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom, and I'm so grateful for all of y'all's passion today as we're hearing these stories of how God has blessed people around the world with Bible League. It's somebody we've long time been a partner with here at the Truth Network, and our opportunity to sow in that, if you're wondering how you can do that, 1-800-YES-WORD, 1-800-YES-WORD, or go to, $5 sends one Bible, $100 sends 20, $60 sends a dozen. But the great news is that right now, through November 3rd, they've got a sponsor that's doubling that, and so how cool is that?
Your $100 could send 40! We got Michael back! That's good, we keep losing you.
We'll take what we can get. You can't keep me away, Robbie, I don't know what it is, but anyway, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Robbie, great to be with you today. We're gonna wrap up in the Middle East here in a moment, but you know, Psalm 25, you know, the plea of the psalmist is what? Show me the path where I should go, lead me and teach me, and you know, the Lord doesn't expect us to pull that out of thin air.
He gives us His Word, you know, we can open it, be reminded of His precious promises, we learn His will for our lives, right? And then we persist, we persevere and endure in our walk with Christ. That's so important for us, whether you live in Winston-Salem, like you do, Robbie, I'm in the Chicago area, but you know, Bible league has ministered all over the world for 86 years, and we've been giving you glimpses into what God is doing around the world. As I came into the show today, I said, you know, really, above all, I pray that our hour together would, you know, make much of Him to brag about our gracious God, who's truly at work in His world, through His Word, but also be an encouragement to you and your listeners.
Why? Because we all pray the gospel would take grip. Again, I don't always think about the Maasai tribe, but be assured, the gospel is a work among the Maasai in Kenya, we talked about the Philippines, some of the impoverished areas just outside of Manila, as I say, I'll finish up in the Middle East here in a moment. And let me say thanks to Truth Network listeners, Lana said, I want to be a part of this, and I said, $50. Patricia said, count me in, Michael, Robbie, for a gift of $100 today, Peter said, I want to be a part of this as well, for a gift of 25 Bibles, and Robbie, I just learned as we wrap up in the next few moments, that Bible for Bible match will continue again. November 3rd, we'll wrap things up, this campaign will be officially done, we'll rejoice in whatever God does through the Truth Network listening family, but we'd love to be at 3500 Bibles. So let me kind of finish up here in the Middle East, I know our hearts, our prayers remain with people affected by the Israeli-Hamas conflict in that part of the world, and Robbie, I don't come today with the answers to the geopolitical issues that plague that part of the world, I mean, they've lasted for millennia, right, but I can tell you as we apply the hope of the gospel to a part of the world that's merely known conflict, pain, suffering, loss for many, many years, we see lives truly transformed, and I'll tell you the story of a young lady by the name of Nora, what's her story, her husband was murdered by ISIS in that part of the world just about a year ago, leaving her a widowed mother of four daughters, it wasn't until recently another group of radicals showed up, they burned her house down, Robbie, she found out two reasons for that, number one, she's a born-again believer in a part of the world where many people follow a radicalized agenda, and secondly, she was found to be educating her daughters beyond the age of eight, in that part of the world, in that system, that is a very, very serious violation, and you know, rather than grow bitter through the tragedies of losing her husband, losing her home, almost losing her wife, I can tell you in that the house being destroyed, burned down, her youngest daughter, about four, maimed for life with very, very serious burns all over her body, again, this woman did not grow bitter through all of this, Robbie, she grew bold, why, because she's a born-again believer, a former Sunni Muslim who came to faith, there was a Christian trained by Bible League that said, hey, Norah, come hear the hope of the gospel through a weekly Bible study, Norah would go through that, accept Christ as Lord and Savior, be trained to share him with others, and Norah has gone on to lead about 50 Arabic-speaking women that would gather week by week to hear the hope of the gospel, many of them in the same situation, widowed, they have children, they want to raise them to know and love the Lord, and Robbie, I think about how much better their lives will be now that they know about, you know, the God who loves them, and so there's prayers today for 50 Bibles, we can broaden that and tell you that we easily know a thousand waiting believers, only miles from that current Israeli-Hamas conflict, who are praying for the Word of God, listen, God is at work in his world, through his word, I remember what Paul says, he says in Galatians 6, let's bear one another's burdens and fulfill the law of Christ, and I can tell you, Robbie, today, because of the faithfulness of the Truth Network listening family, call-by-call, click-by-click, it's getting done today. Yes, and not a way to do that, it's 1-800-YES-WORD, that's 1-800-YES-WORD, or, again, just go to Truth Network or Kingdom Pursuits, and, you're going to see the Bible League banner, you click on that, easiest 1-2-3, boom, boom, boom, you can donate, or if you got the Truth Network app, you know, easy enough, the Bible League banner's right there, and, you know, the opportunities abound, again, we would ask that you certainly pray what God puts on your heart, you know, I'm sure you'll be obedient, and it's wonderful, it's a wonderful opportunity, again, as those people around the world are screaming out for hope, they're screaming out for peace, certainly, and love, like man, you know, what it would be like to live in one of those situations with a husband that didn't love you, didn't care anything, but, man, you can imagine, I forget the lady's name, but what would it be wonderful to have a new husband, like, man, that woke up in the Word, so 1-800-YES-WORD, thank you, Michael, as always, love the work, and love a chance to take part in it. Well, let's get there together, Robbie, God bless you and this wonderful listening family. Ah, yes, we are so grateful, we'll tell you one more time, 1-800-YES-WORD, or go to, but man, we are also just so grateful for each one of you listening, and what's really cool is you've got Encouraging Prayer coming up, followed by The Masculine Journey, if you're in Winston-Salem, here and now, it's going to be there at 12 o'clock, and then Nikita Tkolov, it's time to man up at 1230. So much truth coming at you on The Truth Network, thanks for listening. This is The Truth Network.
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