This is Rodney from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we explored manhood within Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. . Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits.
Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. . How fun today we have with us an old friend from Pinedale Christian Church, Pastor Danny Spainauer, who's over missions for Pinedale, and oh my goodness, Judea to the ends of the earth, but certainly here in hometown Winston-Salem in so many different ways. All sorts of things you guys are involved in. One of the big things you're involved in right now is you've got this Veterans Dental Clinic going on, coming up. Yes sir, Robbie, thank you for allowing me to come on and just talk a little bit about this. We love our veterans, and we love to take care of our veterans, and we do In the Name of Jesus, and on October 5th and 6th, we're going to have a dental clinic at Pinedale, and it's pretty cool.
Anyone that comes gets an x-ray and then a treatment and as much as we can do on that day, so it's really cool. Yeah, I, you know, again, kind of explain for listeners, it's not, well, that includes all active service. If you're in the, have a military situation, right, it fits a bunch of people.
Absolutely. It's veterans. What we've done, Robbie, in the last couple years is veterans and active military.
What we found out is a lot of times the dental needs of this population is not met, and like we all do, a little bit, Robbie, we put it off. And so we like to have a place where veterans or active military can come, and we do a plus one. So if a veteran or an active military, a spouse or a brother or whomever wants to come, we do a veterans plus one. Wow, that's, I did not know that.
Plus one. Yeah, it's, well, we started thinking about, a lot of times, you know, the spouses of veterans or kids of veterans, sometimes they don't have dental insurance either, and so we wanted to be able to help active military veterans plus one. So they come, they get an x-ray, they get triaged, and whatever the treatment plan is, and then we try to do most everything. We've done root canals before.
We have a lady that comes and donates her time and services, and we can put crowns in. Same day, Robbie, it's really cool. It's really, really amazing what all's going on with that. And then you also, you've got a big concert coming up. Yes, we have David Phelps. That was, anyone that loves Southern Gospel knows he started with the Gaithers. But David Phelps, they contacted us and said, would we be willing to host him? And so on Friday night, September the 20th, and we still have plenty of tickets available.
You can get them at Tyndale and not have to do the online charges and all that for anyone that's a local, or you can get them online. But David Phelps started with the Gaithers, now does his own thing. But he has, and I don't know exactly what this means, Robbie, but they say he has three octaves and can hit them all and has perfect pitch. And so the man can sing anything. And he started out Southern Gospel, but now he's kind of transitioned over to, he'll sing a Whitney song. He'll sing some opera song.
I mean, he's just, he's a talent and he will spread the good news of Jesus. Yeah, and that's just around the corner, September 20th. So that's the Friday night. Yes, sir. Yeah.
Just a couple of weeks at 7 p.m. And so that's going on at Tyndale because Tyndale's got all sorts of things going on. But of course, if you listen to Kingdom Pursuits very long, you know, we got to play shenanigans. And so speaking of dental, right?
Oh, yes, it is. It's time to play shenanigans with the whole subject of dental today. So we got you there, Danny. And you've had a chance to experience this once or twice, but Nick, we're hoping you've got your teeth all brushed up for this one. So, you know, here's the first question. What does a dentist say when he removed the wrong tooth? Oh, my goodness. I'd say uh-oh. Yeah, I was going to say uh-oh. Uh-oh is right. He said, oh, that was accidental. Oh, boo.
Oh, boo. I love it. And of course, my dentist was voted dentist of the year. You know what they gave him?
Got any ideas, Nick? What would you give a dentist of the year? A crown.
Close. That's a good one. I like that. But they gave him a little plaque.
Yeah, that's how that works. You know what the dentist said to the, I mean, what the lawyer said to the dentist, right, when he was going to pull his tooth. I bet you can guess this one. I know you can do it, Nick. I'm overthinking it.
I already know I'm overthinking it. He just told him it's okay, but you have to take the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth. I like that one. I like that one. And of course, this is actually my favorite dentist joke of all time. I've used it many times. It always makes me laugh.
I bet you it's going to make you laugh. You know what time it is when you have to go to the dentist? 2.30. Right. I knew you'd get it because I've used it so many years.
2.30. Yeah, that's, so, you know, at the end of those shenanigans, I actually would have a Bible riddle that you could call in and win today. And so I think you're going to like this one, Nick.
So again, this isn't for you or for Danny. This is for the listeners out there. You can call in and win. And here it is. What would you say is going on in dental hell? In dental hell, what would you say would be going on?
I think Jesus would explain this to you, that this is what's going on in dental hell. 866-348-7884. 866-34-TRUTH. And if they can answer that question, Nick, tell them what they'll win.
Absolutely, yes. You'll actually be winning two tickets to Wake Forest versus Ole Miss September 14th at 6.30 here in Winston-Salem. That's two tickets if you know the answer to Robbie's riddle for Wake Forest tickets. Go Deacs.
Against Ole Miss even. Yeah, that's for a pole-climbing too. All right. Well, the stakes are high for this particular dental joke. I'd be really interested. What would you say is going on in dental hell?
866-348-7884. So Danny, the over-reaching, I'll get the word eventually, idea is, you know, how long have you been at Pinedale? I've been at Pinedale now 33 years, how time flies. And you guys have one of the most robust, like when you say missions, it is, right, Jerusalem and Judea and the ends of the earth. In other words, you got all this stuff going on in Winston-Salem. But, you know, Jared comes back with these stories from Jamaica. You guys have things going on all over the place.
And it's amazing. You have a whole team of board members, you know, and one of the, I'll, an apology, say one of the missions they support is the Jesus labor love for the Christian car guy. And, you know, you guys just do an amazing job of finding out what God's doing and getting in on that.
You know, how has God kind of structured that for you? Probably we try. I mean, our idea is to impact not only, you know, people think missions and they think overseas. We think missions is around the block and around the world. And so we have as much focus locally, not just inside the church, but those outside the church. We want to introduce or reintroduce someone to Jesus Christ.
And so we try to find places to be involved. Jesus' labor of love is a perfect one. We had a lady in our church wanted to donate a car. So we sent it through your ministry because we know you would know the needs. And you guys took care of it, fixed up, gave it. We got the nicest letter back from that lady that said, Hey, Jesus gave me a car. And that's the trick.
Robbie, you know that. For God to get the glory, for God to get the credit. And we just, we stay behind the scenes. It's not about us.
It's not about you. And that's kind of how we, at Pinedale, we try to have a missions program where every member is involved. It's not just the staff or the certain ones. We try to get everyone involved. In fact, we used to, and still do, ask any of our adults over 21, we say, Hey, we want you on a mission trip because we know when people go on mission trips, they come back and their world vision has changed.
They come back and life is different because you realize how blessed you are until much is given, much is expected. So every member, a minister, it's kind of our attitude and that's where we're at, Robin. Every member, a minister. I'm going to steal that, Danny. Hey, Robbie, you know this. Creativity is forgetting where you stole it from. So I probably stole that one from someone.
So have at it, sir. Three members, a minister. All right, well, we got to go to a break. When we come back, we got Kevin in Greenville, South Carolina. He knows what goes on in dental hell.
And maybe you're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And we are so blessed to have with us Pastor Danny Spanauer with Pinedale Christian Church and their Veterans Dental Clinic, which is coming up October 5th and 6th, as well as the David Phelps concert coming up Friday, September 20th, just a couple of weeks away. And I have to tell you, Danny, before we get to our caller, which I want to get into in a minute, that it's amazing to me how God just starts a fire sometimes, you know?
Yes. So you guys, they came on board with the Christian Car Guy Show and almost immediate, I mean, not the Christian Car Guy Show, they came on board with the Jesus Labor Love, you know, car repair labor for single moms and widows. And almost immediately, two of their members gave cars. Like, really, seriously, gave us cars to give away to a great big long list that we had at that point in time for people to receive cars. Well, what you may not know, besides those two cars, which God, you know, blessed us with the opportunity to get them fixed and get them given away, but it started a fire of cars that were donated to us, I still can't get over it, that within the next few months, I haven't got a count, I should probably go back and do it, I bet you we got 10 or 15 cars.
What I know is this, that for the first time since we started giving away cars, which is many, many, many years ago, most of the time we just repair cars, but we only have two people left on the list to need cars. Like, that's how God has met the need. It's like, you guys started the fire, and he just came in and went, woof!
Right? How amazing is that? That is so cool. I hadn't heard that story, but that is so cool. It's just ironic, you know, coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous, and it always seems like when someone's like, hey, we've got a car, we want to donate, within a couple weeks, a month or so, we'll hear a need. And they're like, hey, I need a car.
Well, that's interesting, there's a car to be donated. And so God weaves all that together, and I just think that's, to God be the glory, and to God be the credit. Right, right, right. And that's my take on the whole thing. Like, I always see it that we're the middleman, right? Yes, and then we get to enjoy the blessing of, oh, we got to be a part of that. And then hindsight's 20-20 when you look back and you think, oh wow, isn't that funny how all that worked out? But that's just God doing his thing.
Oh, completely. Well, we got Kevin. I'm very anxious, Kevin, to know what you think. What is going on in dental hell, Kevin? Hey, you know, I feel like I've visited dental hell briefly a few times in my life, and I was trying to contemplate what the worst experience may have been, and I'm going to say it's endless root canals. They're very unpleasant. You're still in my conscience, and here's the mercy of a dental professional and a hygienist and a technician.
There's a whole team of folks mostly involved with that. So I'm going to say it's non-ending root canal. Oh my, yeah, it's, yeah, because when you think about it, Kevin, I don't really even want to think about what it would be like to be dealing with nobody that thinks anything about anybody but themselves, to think no love, no joy, no peace, no, nobody has any time for anything.
And, you know, there is never a smile, never a laugh, never a joy. Like, it's unthinkable when you think about it. I don't want to even begin to consider all that, but, you know, I was also thinking that maybe, you know, if you wanted to get more extreme, that the root canal would be performed by a proctologist and not an actual dental hygienist. You had to throw that one in there. Actually, I will tell you, Kevin, that when I was thinking that it had to do with gnashing, the gnashing of Jesus, but you have totally stumped the panel with that one.
That would be a procedure that I don't think anybody would ever like man. But fortunately, we have Jesus, right, Kevin? Yes, we have the Lord. Your ministry is strong.
I try to take time every Saturday to take a ride in my car and listen to you guys and just, you know, continue to take the message to my daily life and uplift those around me. I've got a brother that's going through a hard time right now. He's got a pet that's not well, and he may have to put it down.
And so there's a lot going on in the world that you don't see in folks. So what's your brother's name, Kevin? His name's Larry. All right, well, what's the name of the pet? The pet is named Smoke after Tony Stewart, the race car driver. His nickname was Smoke, so he named his cat that.
Now I confuse myself. So we got your brother's name is Larry. Yes.
And the cat's name is Smoke. Yes, sir. All right, well, let's pray. Lord, thank you for Larry. I thank you for, I mean, I thank you for Kevin and his calling in today, and I thank you for his brother. And his brother is, you know, he loves this cat, and I know what it's like to lose a pet, and it's a horrible, horrible thing, Lord. So I pray that he would sense your presence in this, that he would feel you close by, that, Lord, you know, somehow or another, blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
And we don't understand that, but, Lord, you do. So I pray that you would comfort Larry. I thank you for Kevin and a brother that would think about his brother at a time like this, and certainly for Smoke. She's living out her last days, or he's living out his last days as the case may be, Lord. I pray that they would be used to glorify you, and that all there would be a great reunion someday for all of them.
And I thank you again for the many pleasures you give us in life, certainly the love of a pet. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Amen. Thank you so much for those kind words. It really means a lot to me. I'm going to share with him later.
I'll see him this afternoon, and we're going to talk about what you and I just did in the relevance of the Lord. And I've always said there's a reason that dog is God spelled backwards. There's something special about these animals. I agree. And they're meant to bring joy to your life. So it's never easy to say goodbye. It isn't.
It's difficult. Thank you. Actually, I should tell this story, I guess, that last year my father had a dog. My father went to be with the Lord in 2019, and I never knew a relationship like my father had with his dog. And my father was getting up there in years, and we were all hoping that my dad would go before the dog. I mean, as crazy as that sounds, I just didn't want my dad to go through losing this dog. And the dog, is that too weird, Danny, to even say? But it just was, you know? Not at all. Pets become family, you know?
So nothing wrong with that. Fortunately, Corky lived beyond my dad. But then, oh man, the night he went was one of the worst nights I've ever experienced, because Corky started to have these seizures. And every time—and they went on all night. And my wife was like, can't we—I said, we gotta wait till the death, till some death.
You know, we live out in Stokesdale. It's like, where can we go to have him put down? And we just had to—we stayed up with him all night as he went through this. And it just seemed—and I kept on praying, God, take him, take him, take him, take him, take him. Please, please, this is too painful to watch.
I can't take it. And this went on. And when, you know, the sun came up and those kind of things, we called my youngest daughter, because we knew how much she loved Corky. And she came, and then, you know, Corky literally died in my daughter's arms. And it was a moment that I realized, okay, you were waiting for Mariah, my youngest daughter, to be there. My prayer was that Corky would go, but somehow or another, Mariah needed to be in on that, if you follow what I'm saying. His timing was perfect, even though I would not have had it that way, believe me.
It's just how he does things. You know, and you think about Mariah and how her life will always be transformed from being there for those final seconds of an animal she cherished. And it just goes to show you never know the Lord's plan. You think you can figure it out. You think you have a grasp of where you're going in this world and what's important. But God's plan is always stronger. You just have to allow Him in your life to construct the greatness around Him and to build a fortress of belief and understanding and just never fade away from it, right? Don't let the waves of this world tempt you. There are so many good things that we're blessed with in everyday life, and you just have to take the time to see it.
I had a grandmother that used to say, angels are all around you on this earth, but do you take the time to see them? Right, right. Well, thank you, Kevin. God bless you. Have a great weekend, and tell your brother, you know, he's in our prayers. Okay, I will.
Thank you again so much. Thank you, Kevin. All right, well, we want to remind you again that, as we say again, that this Veterans Dental Clinic, if you're just tuning in, like, this is huge, folks. This is going to go on October 5th and 6th, but it's the Veterans Plus One.
So explain that again, Danny, for the people that are just tuning in. Sure. We at Pinedale Christian Church, and we do ask that people go to the website, and the website, you can find it at Pinedale, and that will get you to where we'd like to ask, because we want to know how many people are coming, but we would love for active military or veterans, plus one, if you want to bring a spouse or a son or a daughter or whatever, sign up so we know we're coming. So we'll have enough providers, and then we'll take care of those folks. But coming up October 5th and 6th, then we'll do all we can do. You'll at least get an exam, x-ray, triage, and a treatment plan, and we'll try to get you cleaned and try to get any work done that's needed. We'll try to get it done on that day, and it's all free. It's all free. There you go, and we've got a lot more Kingdom Pursuits coming up. Stay tuned.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and today we have certainly a poster child for that, in my opinion. We have Danny Spanauer. He is a pastor at Pinedale Christian Church, and he is over their missions, and they have so many amazing things going on, one of which is this dental clinic, which is coming up October 5th and 6th, as he mentioned. If you go to Pinedale's website, you can schedule a time there if you're either active or a veteran, plus one.
How cool is that? And then the David Phelps concert, that's coming up September 20th, and that's at 7 p.m. That's a Friday night in just a couple weeks, and so if you're familiar with the Gaithers, David Phelps and that amazing talent, I mean, that's going to be a real opportunity. And, you know, I think that it's really a neat thing that so many things that God is doing in the local church, if people take the time to, like you said, every member's a minister, and so how cool is it when you see somebody, you know, that was just attending Danny, and the next thing you know, you know, God takes their passion, and they begin to see how God can use it.
Exactly, Robby, and this is one thing we really haven't hit on yet. We also would love to have volunteers, especially dental professionals. Dr. John Pruitt was a great friend of mine, and he went to be with the Lord two years ago, and Dr. Pruitt would always say, hey, I like to use my dentistry as a ministry, and so that is a place where if there are any dental dentists or dental hygienists or dental assistants, we would love for you to come and help us serve and love on our veterans. So that's another way to use what you do. You know, some people say, well, I'm not a missionary. Well, guess what?
You can use whatever you do to get the word of Jesus Christ out. So dental professionals, we would love to have them join us in helping the veterans. The more dental folks we get, the more veterans we get to serve. You know, it's funny, and I don't know if you know this, but Dr. Pruitt taught high school, Sunday school, years ago at Calvary. He had the other class that I, you know, I had one with a couple other guys, and he had another, and he and his wife taught.
I mean, he had a wonderful man. I thought he was a good guy, and he loved the Lord, and we went all over the world with dentistry, and it was just really cool to do what you do. I mean, what God has gifted us, we're not all preachers, we're not all singers, we all can't host a radio show, but we can, whatever our profession is, we can use it for mission. It's kind of called business missions. A lot of people overseas get involved with just what they can do, and what God has gifted them with their career. They go and they use it for the Lord, so it's really cool. Yeah, and in fact, that was one of the original ideas behind this program, Danny, is that we wanted to show where people like—I remember one of my first guests, he loved to sailboard, or whatever you call it, when you put a sailboat on a surfboard and you— Right.
I forget what the word is, parasail or something. Anyway, that was his passion. And so what did he do? He started going from Christian camp to Christian camp teaching it, right? But, you know, it was—God had taken his passion, and now he was going and engaging that thing that he loved to do, as God would use it, you know, for that kind of thing. And that ends up being the case with race car drivers or, you know, you name the profession, and there's somebody out there that is using it to glorify God.
Absolutely. I mean, a lot of times it's, you know, it's your hobby. That's what God allows you to do. If you like to quilt or sew or whatever, there's ministries around that. And if you just look, or if you pray, God, how can you use what gifts you've given me in order to be a part of missions and further in your kingdom?
I bet God will allow those opportunities to open up to you. Oh yeah, and fishing and hunting, you know, those things. Exactly. Oh my goodness. The young men that I can assure you that we have at our boot camps and that kind of stuff, when I show them how to tie a knot, you know, like, how do you tie your hook on? Or, you know, how do you bait the worm?
Or whatever it is that you want to teach them, you know, it's actually demonstrating what it's like to have a father, because unfortunately so many kids don't have fathers. Absolutely. Well, I think Jesus hung out with a lot of fishermen. So, you know, you could have been a good disciple there, Robbie. Yeah, I would have played the castanets. You liked that one, didn't you, Nick?
You thought it, you know, it's going to be one of my future riddles. So the other thing that I find fascinating is I got to go to this, I guess you call it a mission board meeting. What did you call that meeting that I attended? We have a missions, we have a monthly missions meeting, and any of our members that want to know more or get in on a deeper level, they come to missions meeting, and that's also the folks that we serve. We have any of our ministries we support or missionaries, we have an advocate from the church, and that advocate prays for them and just stays in touch with them.
So monthly we have a meeting and we go over any kind of updates that come in, or usually we have someone like you or one of our missionaries that are just in the area and we have them there to give reports. And just to, you know, for other churches and other folks that are listening, I just think it's a model of, you know, it's one thing just to give to missions, but to attend a meeting like this, which I imagine goes on in your church, too, I just got to see some, I mean, I think there were four or five different presentations of the neatest things that people were doing around the country, and you could see it, but also you could see that obviously to a great extent, right, where your heart is, that's where your treasure is. Yeah, that's why a lot of times we say, hey, our missions meetings, that's church before church. And so we, because we start early, we start at 745 on a Sunday morning because usually there's not a lot of conflict there, but we start at 745 and we have our missions meetings and we call it church before church. Exactly, because when you hear all those testimonies about what God's doing, then, you know, clearly, you know, I'm thinking of those people are tithing and giving to missions and all those kind of things are going, man, God, how cool is what, you know, I took this little bit and you'd made it all this, you know.
Absolutely, and our open books, and so we say, hey, here's what's come in and where can we, because we don't want to keep any of it, where can we partner and where can we help advance the kingdom? Yeah, and so it's, you know, part of what I think it makes church so fun is that, and I get that all the time when I think of what Jerry talks about, those who may not be familiar, Jerry Mathis, our Christian Body Shop guy on the Christian Car Guys show is a member at Pinedale and, of course, my connection to Danny originally, and, you know, he's very, very active there, but those trips to Jamaica, I mean, they radically changed his life. Absolutely, it's funny, we'll go to Jamaica and they'll find out that we're there and if they know Brother Jerry's there, well, if they know we're there, they come looking for Brother Jerry, he has some connections down there as tight as connections here. You know, when you were saying Dr. Pruitt had a Sunday school class, Jerry has taught the same group through all these years and watched them grow up, and I'm sure if they, who's your favorite Sunday school teacher, if you ask one of the Jamaicans, Jerry would be at the top of their list, because they just, they know he's coming, they know who he is, and they just absolutely love Brother Jerry. Right, because, and again, to know Jerry is to see Jesus in Jerry, because Jerry cares about you, right? It's obvious, you know, it's called grace, I suppose, that everybody that's looking into Jerry's eyes feels like he's their favorite.
Well, he's living it out, and isn't that what we're all called to do? I mean, once again, a lot of times, well, I'm not a preacher, I don't have to do that. Well, no, you can be, you can run a paint and body shop and a record service, and you can use that as your calling card to introduce people to Jesus.
We all, if we just look around, we can all find a place to use our talents for Jesus. Right, and we had the same experience with Bill's Auto Clinic, right? And so Bill, over at Bill's Auto Clinic on University, is also a member of Pinedale, and for years and years and years, one of our most faithful supporters of the Jesus labor love, and again, to know Bill is that same sense of like, wow, I see Jesus in there.
Exactly, and then we send them business. I mean, it just works, you know, and he takes care of folks as best he can, and it's just, everybody wins, and we all get to show Jesus to people. All right, we got one more segment, stay tuned. We got a lot more coming up in this last segment of Kingdom Pursuits. I'm so glad you tuned in today.
We'll be right back. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom in so many different ways. We just love talking about that here at the Truth Network, and certainly today with Danny Spanauer with Pinedale Christian Church, and of course, we've got this Veterans Dental Clinic, which is coming up October 5th and 6th, and the David Phelps concert, and we had a listener call in and ask us if we would please give out the website again. And so it's Pinedale Christian Church, and if you just type in Pinedale Christian Church, Winston-Salem, believe me, you'll get it, or you can just put in Pinedale. Church, Pinedale.Church, Yeah, and of course, the Dental Clinic, you can just actually, which is what I did this morning when I was posting it at my website, Kingdom Pursuits, all I did was put in Pinedale Christian Church Dental Clinic, and boom, it comes up right to that page. So you can make your appointment or whatever you got going on there, or if you want to see about tickets for this concert, coming up with David Phelps, which again, that's coming up pretty quick, September 20th. It happens in a hurry, doesn't it?
How fun is that? So I have to tell you, there's an interesting another story I need to share. I got this wonderful email, I get a lot of requests for people to come on Kingdom Pursuits, mostly from publicists, actually, who send me these emails, but every once in a while, I get one from somebody, actually the author herself. And so I got this one from a young lady who had written a book called Deep Root Strong Faith, 67 Transformational Christian Devotions to Inspire University Students. Well, I looked at it, and since, you know, this is right up my alley for, you know, authors that aren't well known, don't have publicists and all that, I'm all about that.
And so I immediately said, yeah, when can you come on? And then I got this really heartfelt email back saying, I don't do well in photographs, I can't be on the air, would you please, please just talk about my book? I don't want to do it, you know, but I talked to her some more, I about had her convinced, in fact, I thought she was going to be on today, but maybe later, but in the meantime, I did buy her book, and I read it, and I was blown away. Actually, Dani, she not only, what I loved about it is she not only, she was a medical student, apparently really, really struggling, and she took those struggles, put them into this devotional in the ways that God came for her, but more importantly, she gave you four or five different like scripture reference with every single one of these. Like here's several pieces of scripture when you're going through this as a student, right? And the biggest thing we can do as pastors, right, Dani, is point people back to the source.
That's the only answer, that's all we have, yes. And so, you know, if you've got the scripture stuff, man, then you are armed and dangerous, and so she does a great job at this, and it's called, again, Deep Roots for Strong Faith, that's at, 67 transformational Christian devotions. It's by Rebecca Amos, and anyway, I just wanted to put a shout out for her, and hopefully she'll come on as, you know, I just think that's so critical in our lives. The more we can personally fall in love with the scripture, fall in love with certain verses, and those kind of things, and actually memorize them, or whatever you need to do, so that when you have somebody in this situation, that you immediately have something that you can really give them of value, and that's scripture, and that's what you guys are doing at Pinedale every day, right? That's, well, life is a great teacher, and when you read a book like that of the struggle she went through, it's like, wait a minute, that's me, because folks, we struggle with different things, and when you see how someone came through it and used the word, then in that kind of, you know, I think how God works, he uses our experiences, and what we do in life, and as we share that with other people, how we got through it, and I think that's another way that God shares what we've gone through, so sometimes maybe we shouldn't complain as much when we go through something, because maybe it's just a life lesson for someone else, and for you as well. Right, which is that 2 Corinthians verse, right? That God of all comfort comforts us, that we might comfort others, for the comfort he comforted us with, it's a tongue twister, but I love it. Right, that's like a lot of churches, we have several support groups, one is for someone that's going through a divorce, we have Celebrate Recovery, and that's every week on Thursday night for anyone dealing with hurts and habits and hang-ups, we also have Grief Share, and that's for anyone that's lost a loved one, and if you want to know how to go through that, ask someone that's been there, and it's great advice, and it's just, you know, you're learning from them, so then hopefully you'll get through it on your own, but then you can share on the other side as well. Right, and what you'll find, I assure you, is each of those folks have scripture that they clung to.
Absolutely. And those scriptures are like gold, because here's the truth. Yeah, a lot of people have a life verse, and then I think some people have an event verse, and when we're in the hospital, you know, we see sometimes it written on the whiteboard, their verse, and I think they're witnessing to the doctors and nurses that come in, and they're being reminded as they look up and say, oh, that's right, God's here, and so life verse or situation verse, I think that's true for a lot of people, and I think a lot of people use that. And a great idea to post on your whiteboard next time you're in the hospital, that's a great idea to be a witness, I love that, Danny, I would steal that one too. It's right there, it's right there, they put the time and the day and all that, and you can just put a verse down, and everyone that walks in sees it. All right, again, Veterans Dental Clinic coming up October 5th and 6th, the Danny, excuse me, David Phelps concert, September 20th, it's at Pinedale Christian Church, find out all about that at, and again, we thank you all, thank you so much, Danny, for sharing today with us, look forward to it. You're awesome, buddy, we appreciate your ministry and all you do with so many different places, and we appreciate you. Same here, thanks, God bless.
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