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Cross International

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 14, 2024 1:54 pm

Cross International

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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September 14, 2024 1:54 pm

Robby talks with Kelly Miller from Cross International 

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This is Stu Epperson from the Truth Talk Podcast, connecting current events, pop culture, and theology, and we're so grateful for you that you've chosen the Truth Podcast Network.

It's about to start in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, and please share it around with all your friends. Thanks for listening, and thanks for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Wow, how fun is it today to have on Kingdom Pursuits somebody who's really a poster child for how does God take your passion and use it to build the kingdom? We have Kelly Miller with Cross International. If you're not familiar with them, boy, you're gonna be blessed today, and if you are familiar with them, you may be more blessed.

It's just to hear what God is doing internationally, essentially with the cross, with the gospel, but also, you know, it's critical when you find out about a need that, you know, somebody's hungry or they're thirsty and all that, you know, those kind of come precedent before you can really, you know, share the love of God. So, Kelly, that's what you guys specialize in, right? We do, and Robbie, it's so good to be with you, and all your listeners, thank you for having us, and boy, I love talking about this, so we're gonna have a great time together this morning.

Yes, we really are, and again, if you have been listening to the Truth Network, you can see we've got a wonderful campaign going. We're actually partnering with Cross International in this campaign, and so simply for $62 a gift, you can join me, and I'm excited to do that. You know, what can be done for $62 literally blows my mind. Kelly, explain. Yeah, well, you know, it really is an amazing thing of what can be done.

Just let me digress a little bit. This last week, our board of directors, we meet every quarter with our board of directors. Our offices are in South Florida, and our September meetings, everybody comes together for about a day and a half to help lead Cross International, and I'll tell you, one of the comments, we have a relatively new board member, a woman who is a senior CFO for a very large credit union here in the U.S., in the western U.S., and she came on our board about a year and a half ago, but prior to that, we were able to have her join us on a trip to our program work in Guatemala, and some of the rural communities that we work in for economic development and, you know, safe water, shelter, caring, you know, and with the church leadership in the middle of all that. You know, we're standing in front of a home that had been built with a new family. I wouldn't say for, it's with, because this is all sweat equity and personal involvement, but we stood there in front of this home and she said, I just didn't get how little it takes to make such an incredible impact in people's lives. I mean, unprompted for me, she was amazed to see, you know, what it took, how little it takes to really make life-changing, you know, gospel-driven change in the lives of children and families and communities. Right.

And, you know, once they meet, you know, that basic need and they see that God was the provider of that, it does spectacular things. But, you know, this is a little bit different show than Truth Talk Live. We had you on before, Kelly. And so part of this show is we have to get this part over pretty quickly as Robbie has to play shenanigans. And so, you know, speaking of international, right, yeah, so this may be the dad joke section of the, where you get a chance to guess my dad joke is along with Nick. And so, you know, here's your opportunity.

So I don't know if you knew this, but yesterday, speaking of international, was International Women's Day. Do you know why it didn't come off, Nick? I might get hit for this when I get home.

They couldn't get ready in time. Yeah, there you go. And are you really like this one, Nick? The big international non-governmental organization. Do you know what that company goes by, the name? Big, you have to really think about it, big international non-governmental organization.

And bingo was its name. It's a little early for me right now. I just got to my second cup of coffee. This is actually my personal favorite on the list that I have this morning.

I think I will rethink it. This is a great, you know, later on for Halloween or something, you know. So what would we call an international chain of hotels catering to vampires?

Hotel Transylvania? That's a good idea. I like that. Not quite as catchy, though, as the hemoglobin. Very nice.

Yeah. Feel free to use it for Halloween. So anyway, at the end of the shenanigans, you know, we would have a chance for you to call in and win. And so with that said, our question today for you to win an amazing prize from the Kingdom Pursuits Prize Vault, all you have to do is tell us what's the clarion call, right? The clarion call in the Bible to share the gospel. What verse, you know, where would you find it in the Bible that you're supposed to share this good news that we have? What's the clarion call and where would you find that in the Bible?

And if they can answer that, Nick, tell them what they win. Absolutely. Yes, you will be winning two tickets to the rodeo coming to the Greensboro Coliseum on September 22nd at 1.30. Yes, and speaking about the rodeo in Greensboro on September 22nd, more excitement is going on that you get to come here, like I'm going to be part of the pastoral team that is giving Cowboy Church at 11.30 on the 22nd. So with those tickets that you're going to get, not only do you get to see the rodeo, which is absolutely, Tammy and I, we get a chance to speak at these events quite often at Cowboy Churches and at the rodeos, and so we've had a chance to attend these.

You don't want to miss this. And all you got to do, because you get to see the rodeo, you get to see all that. I mean, calf roping, bull riding, like, wow, 866-348-7884. What's the clarion call in the Bible to share the gospel? Where would you find that?

866-348-7884. And that is the clarion call of what you guys are doing, right, Kelly? Yeah, it sure is.

It sure is. You know, as God calls us to reach out into the world around us, you know, as a Christian community, no matter where our starting point is around the world, you know, it's part of God's creation, God's community that we're called to be shining lights, right, and to be an expression of His love in tangible and verbal ways. And that's what Cross International is all about. You know, we work with, in the countries where we work, in Latin America and Africa, our ministry model, other people might look at it as their business model, but our ministry model is to work with local Christian organizations. You know, those that know their communities so well and have a heart and a passion to live and share the gospel of Jesus in very tangible ways, right, and help identify, you know, those communities of high need of kids and families and rural communities and urban orphanages and such that are in deep poverty, both spiritually and physically. And how do we walk the journey with our local partners to reach into the lives of kids that are starving, families that are at risk, both health and food support, economic support and spiritual support, and really, you know, come alongside and share that love of Christ in incredibly tangible ways. It's an amazing journey for those of us that get to do this and for those that are supporting us financially in prayer support, you know, have this passion to engage the world around them. They're not quite sure how. Cross, we look at the position we're in as a very kind of sacred, responsible role, a fiduciary role to be that conduit to the world around us so that people that, you know, they've got that itch to do something and we help scratch that itch through the ministry work that God's called us to do together. And that's the key is together.

That's exactly right. And so you're wondering, oh, how do I do that? Well, you go to

You're going to see a beautiful Cross International banner. You can just click on that. Or you can call 888-222-9566.

That's 888-222-9566. Go to You're going to see it. Of course, we've got a whole lot more coming up with Kelly, plus we've got Jason and Ramona all have answers to the clarion call of the Gospels. So we've got all that coming up. Stay tuned.

You're going to love it. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And today we're so blessed, really blessed, to have with us Kelly Miller with Cross International. And they are, again, sharing the Gospel, but they're doing it by also meeting the needs of, you know, deeply vulnerable communities out there around the world that are suffering from a tremendous poverty, both, I like that, both spiritually and physically. And I don't know if you've ever heard this about the Hebrew alphabet, but I think it's so applicable to the situation. And really beautiful to me when it comes to charity or the idea of being charitable is that in the Hebrew alphabet, the third letter, it's called the letter Gimel, but that's not important.

I just want you to remember what it looks like. It looks like a foot. And when you think about that foot, the way that letter is described in Hebrew, all the letters are pictures because it's a picture language, which is really helpful to understand the meaning of the letter. And so when you think about this foot, it's the third letter. But the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is letter Dalit. And it is a poor person. It's bent over and it looks like a poor person because they're bent over under their burden. Well, the idea of the Gimel is that it is the rich person that is running after the poor person to give back to them what has been stolen.

Seriously. So when you think about that, when you are reaching out to these young kids or you're reaching out to whoever that is in desperate need, you know, you're just like Kelly put so beautifully, we're completely the middleman. Like God gave it to us so that we could run after that poor person to give him back what was stolen from them. And of course, the thief came to steal and kill, destroy, especially life, which is what it is when we go to share the gospel. And so when you think about this opportunity to give, right, $62 will do amazing things. And that $62 that God gave you, right, we get a chance to run after that poor person to give him back what was stolen. And so we got Jason is, let's see, in Winston-Salem, and he's got an answer for us on what was the clarion call to share the gospel? Jason? I think we'd like to call it the Great Commission.

Yeah. I love that. I love the Great Commission. And so where do you find the Great Commission? I mean, you know, being the Christian car guy that I am, Jason, you know, I've always said the first thing that attracted me to the gospel was this whole idea of a Great Commission.

A little commission humor there. But anyway, so Jason, where do you find the Great Commission in the Bible? I believe it is Matthew 20, chapter 28.

And if I'm recalling right, I think it's verses 18 through 20. That is exactly, you hit it on the head. And guess what? You get to go to the rodeo. And I'm excited. I get to meet you then. Well, I hope you'll come early to the cowboy church that's going on at 1130. And I'll get a chance to meet you, Jason. Thank you so much.

Oh, I could be more excited. Thank you so much for calling in and sharing today. God bless you. Bye bye.

We also have Ramona is in Walnut Cove. So Ramona, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Good morning, Ravi. I haven't talked to you in a long time. Oh, it has been a long time, but that's all right.

I still listen. I'm off and on. We have a fair week here in the Stokes County. It's our county agricultural fair.

And it's just a lot of fun, but very, very busy. We have a table there. Wonderful. Oh, it is fair time. And, you know, I want to enter my pickles in somebody's fair. I've had so many, you know, my last name is Dilmore.

You may have heard that. And so I'm famous for my dill pickle. Oh, my goodness. My husband lost dill pickles.

I love to get pickles. But anyway, just a completely side note. Yeah. I'm sorry. Go ahead.

No, no, no. You're good. You're very good. I'd love to have some of your dill pickles. Well, come to the rodeo and I will make sure that that happens, Ramona.

Now, this is for size? It's at the Greensboro Coliseum. It's September 22nd. It's a week from Sunday, if I'm not mistaken.

A week from tomorrow. Okay. Well, we'll come. And oh, the rodeo is so fun.

And it is completely a family. In other words, they wouldn't have cowboy church if it wasn't for all that. So from your standpoint, Ramona, what's the clarion call to share the gospel in the Bible? Well, it is the go, go into all the world and, you know, make disciples. And it's that in Matthew 28, that that immediately came to my my memory.

I love that. So that's, that's the one that, you know, he tells us to make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. And so yeah, teaching them to observe all things I've commanded you. And behold, I'm with you always, even to the end of age. And seeing, yeah, well, you know, being that I am the Christian car guy, and I mentioned this previous caller, there is a great commission, right? That not only were you, were you committed to go do it, but when you do it, there's something for your heart. Like, if you've ever had the honor of leading somebody to Christ or baptizing them or anything along those lines, when you do something that's including disciple people, like, that's what the Great Commission is, go make disciples.

Like, man, there's a payoff that's that's unbelievable, right? Yes, and I just want to put a plug for my husband, for Betty. He's made up these little Jesus loves me cards. And we call them the good news cards. He now has three in his set. And we are giving them out at our fair.

And so we're just so excited and so happy to be able to touch as many lives as we possibly can. He's given out about 500 now. And today's the last day of the fair. So if you're in Stokes County, yeah, if you're in Stokes County, you got to come out to the fair.

And what's your booth, Ramona? It's the Stokes Tea. We're an old tea party group. Oh, really? Not political. I understand. We're constitutional.

And being that, my producer will tell you that, you know, we're all sort of cups of tea that were not brewed for just everybody. Very good. Well, that came from his grandmother.

And I'm going to tell you, that's official from St. Nick, right there. Well, thank you. Thank you, Ramona. You have a great weekend. God bless. Oh, God bless you, too. Bye bye. Bye bye.

All right. Well, getting back to the real subject at hand, Kelly, I love the stories I just do of what Cross International is doing. Have you got one of those you want to share?

Yeah, boy, how many? I love these conversations about the Clarion Call, right? And obviously, you know, the great commission issue, you know, for Cross and one of our foundational verses, you know, it's in is in First John three. And, you know, we understand, you know, as John's writing to the church, teaching the church, how do we live in the light of Christ? And, you know, he says, lay down your life as Christ did for us. But then he says, if anyone, you all know this verse, but it's so rooted and intuitive.

Anyone has material possession and ceases brothers in need, but has no pity on him. How can the love of God be in him? And dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with action and in truth.

And then just what you were just talking about, then this is how we know we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence, whenever our hearts condemn us, right? And it is it's just another to your point, there's so many nuggets within God's word of that Clarion Call to engage those around us who are our neighbors, right? So to your point, my goodness, I think of I think of a young man, his name is Nelson, who I visited a few months ago in Malawi.

And if you go to Malawi to long north south country in eastern southern eastern Africa, and you fly to a town a city called Blantyre, and you hop on a four wheel drive truck and you drive west out of the bush, you come to a village cluster area, the main village is called Tanganyika, and it has a whole lot of letters in it, but it's pronounced Tanganyika. And some of the most impoverished people on the face of the planet live out in this area. And our work there is is where it's kind of McDonald's approach, you work through children to reach the families, right? We incredibly impoverished families, these kids have an opportunity to go to the local schools, which are very, very meager. These are incredibly rural areas, the kids walk many kilometers just to go to school. God bless the teachers, they do a great job, hardly any resource whatsoever.

So the education is kind of kind of meager at best. But after school, they they they walk to Tanganyika village, this the central village, where we provide a daily food program for these kids, right, they come they get literally what's most often their only nutritious meal of the day. Could be some chicken could be some sardines, some greens, some starches also that we provide. And it's it's it's very robust meal for these kids. And I'm telling you what, when you're there, you get a chance to serve these kids play with these kids where there's about 500 kids a day that come to this. But that's just the beginning. Then it's sharing the gospel, lots of singing, lots of games, pastors come in and teach and engage with these kids.

And then it becomes the community hub, we built a big fellowship hall there a few years ago, there are six or seven community churches that worship there. And through those kids, we're able to identify the most vulnerable families. And oftentimes, these are, you know, single parent, mostly moms, raising kids. And, and, you know, living on 60 7080 US cents a day, and try to care for that parent.

So how do we walk the journey with that parent and help train her in ways of maybe running a tiny business? Well, I hate to jump in those kind of things, but we got to go to a break. When we come back, we're gonna hear more about Malawi, but you got to go to and click on the Cross International or dial 888-222-9566. We'll be right back with a whole lot more Kigna Pursuits. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom again. Today we are with the Cross International. We have Kelly Miller with us and what they are doing across the country, again, across the world.

What am I saying? Not across the country. So it's international is the whole idea as we talked about on my riddle. And we want to remind you that again, if you go to that, we are partnering with them in this effort. If we get $62 a piece, just $62 can do absolutely amazing things. If you go to the and you see that banner and you click on that, you're going to see like, Oh my goodness, some of the people that Kelly's been talking about, some of the projects that they've been working.

And as he said, so little can go such a long, long way. And so if you're not internet, like that's not your thing, you can just call, right? 888-222-9566.

That's the number directly across international 888-222-9566. So when we left our heroes in, in Malawi, we were talking about the moms, right? Yeah. Well, see, I told you for getting me talking, I'll bore you to tears here, but you know, it, it, the reality, I go back to this young man, Nelson, who, who's part of our, our program there with the kids and, and reaching in the family. And, and as you stabilize that family, the kids now see hope, right?

And they understand that they are, there's a God who created them and who loves them and cares for them. And there's this pathway forward in life and young Nelson. Now he's close to graduating high school and his vision for the future. He wants to go to the city and study in university.

He wants to become, um, he says a ceramic architect. And, and so that, which is culturally appropriate in that area. Right. And, and here guys, the, the, the, these are kids who literally years, some years ago, and those that are younger today, they haven't have yet to come into our program are in stages of acute malnutrition. And so the need, although it looks chronic, the need is immediate also to be able to step in and care for these kids and move them to a place where they do have that sense of hope and purpose for the future. And contrast that again, I was there a few months ago and we, we went to a new village that we hadn't visited and we're making visits to various homes. And, and as you can just picture in mind is kind of this mud hut, a fast roof, maybe 15 feet square.

And it sits on a, on a mud foundation. That's a skirt of around the, around the home, maybe three or four feet. And this one home that we visited, there was an older woman who was living on that skirt. Her mat was outside the home and we didn't understand her, her affliction, but she was really in a tough place. We tried to understand her situation and get her to some medical care, but it was too late.

About a week later, she passed away. And I look at that and I think of a young child today that we, through God's grace and openness and resources are able to step into those lives today and affect them so they don't over the next number of years and decades end up in a situation where they can't be helped. So I'm asking listeners what can you do today? And $62 is, is, is in an amazing amount of small amount of money that can help in such big ways. You put your seatbelt on and we'll fly to Haiti from Malawi to Haiti and Haiti in our news here in the US, you don't hear a lot of positive stuff these days and haven't for quite some time. Let me tell you, in Port-au-Prince, the capital city, we still today do quite a bit of work with kids, at-risk kids, I mean, kids who could easily fall into the gangs but haven't because they've been captured by the ministry work we've got going on there that helped give them some schooling, gives them some computer training, gets them off the street, feeds them meals. And last month, it was in August 24 maybe 25 kids gave their life to Jesus through that program.

Wow. And so for all the crummy stuff we hear on the news about Haiti, I can guarantee you there's still the light of Christ there today that's happening. But we've got to step in today and affect them. We've got to step in today and share the love of Jesus in real and tangible ways so they go, ah, there is hope. I do have a future.

I want to decide for that future today. Yeah, and I was thinking about that. Well, first of all, I got to tell you, if you want to do something today, pretty easy, just go to and click on the Cross International banner or you can call 888-222-9566, 888-222-9566. But as you were talking about the ceramic architects in the mud, I couldn't help but just kind of let my mind go around that for a minute. And you know, you may know that we were all made from that stuff, right, in the beginning, right? God took, he took the dust, right? And so that in Hebrew is called Adama, right? Which is interestingly, when you think of Adam's name, it actually comes from the same obvious root of Adama. And so you might have called Adam dusty instead of Adam, you know, in English. Just saying. But being a ceramic architect, you know, in Isaiah, you know, God refers to himself as a potter, right?

And he's taking that mud and then it's got to be baked. All sorts of things happen. And so when I think about Nelson's, in becoming a ceramic architect, I just thought, how amazing, right? Because Nelson, at this point in time, has the gospel and he's able to change so many things in his culture, you know, just like you do right this minute, right?

Yeah. Well, he, again, is that sense of hope, right? And, you know, it's really interesting in our work.

I love the fact that we are a ministry that represents Christ in this work because there's a lot of great work that goes on by non-Christian organizations. I don't want to discount that at all. But, you know, there is science, there's studies that's done that when the gospel is infused in communities, and when people have that hope of Christ, just from a sheer measurement perspective, economic development programs that we do, you know, on average is about 10% more income for people.

If you just want to put a number to that. And the reason, you know, the reason for that is that people have hope. That hope translates into grit, and commitment, and a knowledge of a hopeful future. So even just from a measuring standpoint, you see how impactful the gospel of Jesus is in ways, and of course, you know, ultimately, it's like, we want people to know Christ, we want people to decide for Christ so that together in eternity, you know, we are together. But the fact is, you know, we're living on earth today. So how do we, how do we create a sense of joy and peace and thriving for kids and families and communities? And that is living and sharing the living Christ with those that are in such deep and desperate need.

Right. And again, it's a beautiful thing that in God's economy, it's all about multiplication. And so, you know, you plant one apple seed, and you get a whole bunch of apples, a whole bunch more apple seeds, etc, etc. See, you plant that $62 into some, you know, future apple tree like Nelson, right? And then once Nelson gets to go to university, becomes a ceramic architect, and then he is planting in, in other words, he's going to multiply the gospel, but he's also going to multiply the financial wellness as God blesses him. And again, it's just a matter of we get the seeds that God gives us in each dollar, and we get a chance to do that. And, you know, it's going to be amazing what God does with it. So again, so easy, just go to, it's, or dial 888-222-9566.

Again, it's across international. That's the banner. You'll see a little child there that clearly looks kind of like she's in need, as I recall to she.

It's there at And you know, really, really fun. I love the story you told on Truth Talk Live when I had you on here a couple weeks ago, about how this, this whole village just got like turned around financially. Mm-hmm. Yep. Want to talk about that one again? I do, I do.

I loved it. Yeah. This is another great story.

We do, we do a lot of work in Latin America. And, and one portion of our work is called community transformation, you know, which is, well, what does that mean? What does that look like to help lift the entire community? Oh, we got to go to a break again.

I'm sorry, but this is perfect. So we're going to go to Latin America when we come back and we're going to lift a whole community. God's going to do it. And we want you to take part with us.

So go to to find out about Cross International or dial 888-222-9566. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And again, the idea behind this show is always, is, you know, all around the world, certainly even in your neighborhood, God has given somebody something that they could give them a chance to trust him, to obey what he's telling them. And sometimes that's write a movie or like I was sharing on the Christian Car Guy show this morning.

It was a mom in the Outer Banks calling me saying, Robbie, can you help promote this movie? And the next thing you know, it led to a marvelous interview because she'd had the courage to reach out and call me to say, Robbie, you know, and then God blessed that in amazing ways today. And so however God is calling us, like, there's such a blessing that comes on the other side of obedience.

And so if he's putting something on your heart today as far as Cross International or some other thing that it like, go see the movie, God's Not Dead, whatever it may be, right, there's such a blessing that comes from obedience. So we're going to make that easy for you. All you got to do is go to

That's or call 888-222-9566. And this time when we left our hero, we were in Latin America, we're going to raise up a whole community, Kelly. Yeah, yeah. We're globe trotting today, aren't we? So let's land our plane in Guatemala City. And we're going to hop on the four-wheel drive. We're going to drive east to a town called Zacapa. And from there, we're going to get in our real four wheels and head out into the hills and go to a village area called La Union, La Union or La Union.

And from there, we're going to go even deeper into the mountains and the hills and go to a village called La Union. And we work with these very, very rural communities that are families that are just scratching out a living. Dad may be a day laborer for somebody else's farm and making that 60, 70, 80 US cents a day and just working like a dog to take care of his family. And mom is taking care of three or four kids. And a village may have maybe 100, 125 families. And most of them are in that situation.

And it truly is a scratch out of living every day existence. Housing is meager. Access to clean water might maybe more often not. Education, not so much.

Medical care rarely, right? So I'm trying to paint the picture. Again, these are big rolling mountainous regions that we're in. So we work with local village leadership groups and local pastors to help identify how can we help lift that village over literally over a series of years? And what does God's word have to say about values and how we work together as community and such? So it all starts with leadership and biblical values.

And we identify those needs and then start working and train those families in very simple agricultural techniques, how to grow better crops, and we provide them land to access. And not just we give it, it's on loan. And there's a payback for that.

And so I can mention the whole story. But after the first year, it went from about, on average, about 80 cents US a day to close to $2 a day per family. And in year three was about 380. And we're now in year four.

We haven't finished that yet, probably close to almost $6 a day of income for that family. Homes are being built. We've worked with the local Ministry of Education to bring in a school and they populate that with teachers. Same with medical clinics.

In water, safe water systems are installed. And at the root of that, again, at the core of that is the village leadership and Christian values, the truth of Christ, teaching and preaching, you know, small groups of prayer groups and teachings about marriage and, you know, kids groups are involved. So the church is rooted and growing. And that's what we talk about lifting a community, helping, helping, you know, we call it our Thriving Kids Initiative. All of what we do at CrossFit National is our Thriving Kids Initiative. How do we provide that opportunity for a child to thrive in life? Well, that has to look at the family and the community also.

And how do we lift them? And, you know, at the core of that is the foundation of that, is the gospel. And that's just, again, it's just one snapshot of how an entire community gets lifted. And again, for folks that are listening, if you want to participate in that, you know, as you give to Cross in our Thriving Kids Initiative, that work also is affected today. And there are families today that are in abject poverty that will be blessed by your partnership tomorrow, the next day, six months from now, a year from now, two years from now, three years from now, because you gave today.

Yeah, absolutely. And again, we want to tell you how easy that is. All you got to do is go to, which by the way, that's an amazing resource.

All the shows that you love, there's always the podcasts of all those shows if you want to listen to something that you can get to hear earlier in the day or whatever. It's all there at But simply, there's a wonderful little banner for Cross International. You click on that, and boy, it'll just go one, two, three. I think it took me, oh, maybe 30 seconds to partner with Cross International and the Truth Network, and what we're trying to do to reach a bunch of folks.

Again, you can just call if you're more into phones. That's 888-222-9566, 888-222-9566. Kelly, once again, amazing to have you on, and what a joy to see what God's doing with Cross International. Thanks so much, Robby. We appreciate you and all of the listeners, and we do this as a community together, and God bless you all. Yes, yes. And now, for all of you on this community, the next step is encouraging prayer. Coming up with James Banks, followed by Maskelyne Journey, and then Nikita Koloff. It's time to man up all on the Truth Network. So much truth coming at you on the Truth Network.
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