This is the Truth Network.
Wow, if we got a lineup, we are loaded for bear today. I mean, you're going to be so blessed that you have tuned in today as the guest that God has lined up. It just blows me away, the giant projects that are going on today on Kingdom Pursuit. You know, God is doing amazing things, and sometimes I just have to pinch myself to say, wow, I get to find out about this stuff firsthand. And so first up, we have Emily Curtis, and she has joined by Pastor Carrie Hardy with her, it's sort of a project, but it's a book. It's called Hope in the Morning, which is spelled M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G, which is truly not just a book, Emily, but it's like a whole project, if you want to explain a little bit. Yeah, it's 21 first-person stories of great suffering and the hope that they found in Christ. And then at the end of every chapter, the author writes, they answer questions, and there's five different questions that each author answers, and one of those questions is what should you not say to someone in a similar circumstance. So the purpose of the book is to walk alongside those that are suffering and equip those that will enter those valleys with them.
Very cool. And you've got your pastor with you today, which, Carrie Hardy, for a lot of you, you know, you're familiar with this program here on The Truth Network, but Carrie, tell us what your thoughts on this, since, you know, how cool this is coming out of, you know, your church. Well, as a pastor at Twin City Bible Church, it's been a special blessing for me to be connected with Emily and the project here, because about half of the chapters that are mentioned in this book have been families and individuals that were at Twin City Bible Church. So people in our own congregation that have faced some extraordinary challenges and yet have weathered that because of the hope that Christ gave them. So as a pastor, to be able to walk that with them and to help them in that was certainly a blessing. But what a thrill it is now to read the accounts of what Christ did in their lives. Yeah, and the cool thing is it's an ongoing, as there's new ones coming out all the time on the website, and they've got all that going on, but just the time you're trying to get ahold of that whole situation, which, by the way, it's a real resource for all of us, for when we have friends in mourning or we ourselves are there. But also with us, we've got Beverly Moses, and her project is really, I'm like, wow, it's the epic love story.
It's the love story told in 66 songs at this point and someday to be every verse in the Bible. But welcome Beverly. Thank you. Thank you, Robbie. And so again, the elevator talk on what's epic love story.
Well, thank you. I always like to start with our vision, and we envision a world in which all the people are transformed by the power of Scripture. Wherever they are on the planet, whatever their life situation is, the Scriptures have power, and we believe that. And we have stories and lots of people have stories about how the Scripture has changed lives, changed communities, so we believe in that. And then our vision, excuse me, our mission is that epic love story is setting the Bible to song, utilizing contributors worldwide to bring hope and healing to the nations. So this is what we're about, bringing hope and healing to the nations through worldwide contributors. Isn't that cool? And so we've got so much to go over today, but you now naturally, so speaking of mourning, just saying.
And epic and mourning, speaking of those, yeah, we've got to play some shenanigans here. Of course it is. All right. So this first one for you, Nick, is it's rough, okay? All right.
Let's do it. And a little bit in bad taste, but you know, it's just the way my mind works. So to make sure your cremation service is not epic, all right? What food should you never eat prior to your own cremation service? You don't want it to be epic, so just think about the food that you just want and not like refrain.
Like you're there in the hospital, you know it's going to be a few hours. Don't eat it, please. Vegetables?
It does fit into that. If you're playing 20 questions, it is a vegetable. Oh, okay. All right.
Anybody else got any? We got a bunch of guesses. Broccoli. Broccoli.
Oh yeah, that would be foul. Popcorn kernels. Like you don't want to load up on popcorn kernels. You want to make sure all the popcorn you eat is fully popped.
I got you. I was really trying to think of what that would be. That's a good one.
I like that. Another hour to come up with that one. All right, this one's an oldie but a goodie and I'm pretty sure you can get it based on your ability to answer these, but what do you call an epic cow? An epic cow. Yeah, you know this one.
Come on, Beverly. An epic cow? It's epic.
Oh, does your mom know Emily? Oh, holy cow. I like that. That's pretty good. Holy cow. I like that. A little bit funnier, I think, is legendary. There you go.
That is a truly bad joke. Followed up with what is the status of Mr. Hippo if he's in mourning because of the recent passing of Mrs. Hippo. So Mr. Hippo is in mourning because of his recent passing of Mrs. Hippo.
What is his status? They're all puzzled again. We got it. Oh, no.
He's in the Nile. Oh, okay. There you go. Oh, and with my personal favorite on the list, knowing do you know why, I should say, do you know why they're banning these video games with the epic orchestra music?
This is kind of like up your alley, you know, Beverly. Why are they banning the video games with epic orchestral music? Oh, man. These are beyond me. I can't help.
Way too much violence. Okay. Very nice.
Very nice. So you know how that goes. Well, you know, at the end of those shenanigans, we would have a Bible question for you. And so get ready.
As you can answer this, call in and win today. And you will be calling us at 866-348-7884 if you know the answer to which Bible story in the Bible was a great day in the morning. M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G. What?
Bible story was a great day in the morning. M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G? What do you think? 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and win. And if they do, Nick, tell them what they'll win.
Absolutely. Yes, you'll be winning a prize from our Kingdom Pursuit Prize Ball. If you know the answer to Robbie's question, give us a call at 866-348-7884. That's 866-34-TRUTH. What Bible story was a great day in the morning in so many different ways? This one works.
The more I think about it, almost at every angle. You can't give it away. People can't call it and win.
Although that was a great day in the morning, by the way. 866. And I would take that if you decide to call. 866-348-7884.
866. But you being the morning person, you should know that there should be some mourning involved. Mourners, mourning, something like that. I don't know. So again, I'm very curious, Carrie. Did Emily come to you with this idea before it started to get launched?
And tell me about your involvement at that juncture of the story. Well, I think Emily had this idea for a while in her own heart just because of some ministry that she's involved in and so forth and people that she crosses paths with and the stories that she heard. So she actually had put together an initial draft, if I remember right, that she brought to me. So that was my first exposure to it and asked me to read through it, maybe write an endorsement, tell her what I thought about it. And I was captivated from the very first chapter and just reading the stories of these people that have come through great trials, either loss of a spouse, loss of a baby, a diagnosis, a medical diagnosis that was concerning. That first one was Joni Eric Zentana, right? She wrote the foreword.
She wrote the foreword. All right. Well, we'll be back with more of Kingdom Pursuits when we come back. Just hang on.
We'll be right back. So the fig tree does not bud. And there are no grapes on the vine. Though the olive crop fails. And the fields produce no food. Though there are no sheep in the pen.
And no cattle in the stalls. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be joyful in God my Savior. The sovereign Lord is my strength. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer. The sovereign Lord is my strength.
He enables me to tread on the heights. So that is Epic Love Story and their song for the verse in Habakkuk. I know it's Habakkuk Chapter 5, is it? 3, 17 through 19. 3, 19. 3, 17 through 19. 3, 17 through 19.
Well, shows I don't even know. Habakkuk ends at three chapters and I said Habakkuk 5. That's all right. It's all right. You and me.
Just off by, you know, whatever. But anyway, just that song is epic and absolutely beautiful. And the idea of that, right, is as people hear that song, it gets in their heart. Exactly. And it also brings hope because, you know, it talks about there's no food in the stalls, no cattle in the stalls, there's no figs on the vine, yet I will rejoice in the Lord. So it is a song of hope, which is part of our mission.
Yeah. And so talk about that. Talk about your mission. Well, talk about our mission.
Well, you said it well earlier. Phase one is, well, the mission is we're going to set the Bible to music. That's what we're going to do. And we're going to do it with, in collaboration with singers, songwriters and musicians from around the world. And we're going to have the music be what people of the world today are listening to, which is largely contemporary music.
If we did surveys of Asian music, Latin music, UK, African music and US markets and people are listening to contemporary music, there's nine genres under that, nine to ten. And so our music is going to reflect those genres. But it's going to be music that people want to listen to. It's going to be commercially viable music that is played.
Because why spend the money and the time to put a project, to put the Bible to music and not have it where listeners want to listen? And so that's the other thing. We're going to put it on platforms where people are listening. And we're going to do this in seven years.
This is our mission. That is quite a project. Yes, it is. It's 66 songs initially. Is that the seven year project? No, that's a year. Oh, a year from now you're planning on having 66. Having 66 complete.
Wow. And so by seven years you're talking about having all, how many verses are there in the Bible? There's over 31,000.
But again, people laugh. That's a question I get a lot. How are you going to do this? And we have like a Venn diagram type thing where how many producers do you have to have and how many songs can they produce in a year?
And where are they going to be located around the world? And so all that's already laid out. And so we know it can be done. Well, no doubt. God has a lot of resources and there's literally obviously millions and millions of people involved in music across the world. And if they all, you know, the Christians took a heart to the project, then the next thing you know. And that's exactly what we're hoping. You know, when we talk about a project like this, Robbie, you're talking about a lot of money.
It takes a lot of money to produce quality music like that. Then you're going to get out on the world and I mean around the world. And so, you know, one of the things we want to be inviting people into is that this is fun and life giving. And it's a legacy that they are getting to be a part of. And so they're giving not only it's just like, OK, I did this one thing, but their legacy is that they're giving to a project that will have life like the scriptures do on and on and on.
And they'll be written in such a way that people want to engage it. And so we're I'm kind of restraining myself. We're very excited about it. There you go.
Let it go. So if you go to, you will see both Epic Love Story and Hope in the Morning and links to their websites. And so it's beautiful if you go to Epic Love Stories website, which, again, you can find the link easy at or just go And you're going to see ways that you can donate. You can see ways that you can add music or, you know, you know, begin to enter into the project. Certainly praise.
Same thing for Hope in the Morning. That's one of the neat things I love about your website, Emily, is that it really is a resource. Like you've got a story you like you personally are sitting there and you're like, man, yeah, I went through morning.
I lost, you know, whatever this was. And your story, you know, write it up, be the author and then and then send it, right, Emily? Yeah, we offer where people can submit their stories on the website and we feature a reader's story every month and they go through the same process.
So they write their story out and then they answer the same five questions at the end. And that's a way for us to kind of share what the Lord is doing all around the world, not just not just these authors that we have selected ourselves. But we've had so many people write in and say, this book has ministered to me so much and this is what's happened to me. This is what I've gone through. And so that gives me an opportunity to say, we would love to have you share your story.
And so it's a very simple process. And and you can also find hymns on our website as well, because I agree. It's like what you what you listen to becomes what your heart meditates on.
And so whether you are reading good books about truth and hope or whether you're listening to great music that has scripture woven into it, it's important. So have you got when you say around the world, have you gotten a story from the world, like, so to speak, one that jumps out at you that you remember? Well, we have gotten several people that are interested in the book around the world. We have people in New Zealand.
There's people in Australia right now. There's a grief network out there that is going to be working with me soon. And they you know, they have had loss of their parents. And so we're going to be sharing some stories like that soon. And yeah, I mean, we've had we've had loss of spouse shared on the website. We've had loss of children shared on the website multiple times. We have a guy that's featured right now who's going through cancer and singleness and just his his experience of struggling with being single and going through cancer and wanting so badly to be married and have someone partner alongside him. But he has a beautiful story of hope and trusting in the Lord, despite what his circumstances are.
Yeah, it's that's the cool thing about it is, you know, God's moving through the whole thing. And essentially he's given you the tools through the website and what we now have in the way of technology, both this project wouldn't have been possible. Neither project really would have been possible, you know, 40 years ago. And, you know, there wasn't the technology there to, you know, put together that many people. But now as God's open that up with the technology, like, wow, and plus now you're listening on radio, more technology.
And you can you can certainly pray for these and see that ways that you can invest them. And so, Kerry, is there one of these stories that you were personally involved in? Well, several of them, actually. And I wasn't even aware that was going to be the case until I started reading the manuscript. And you read this incredible story. And and they're very honest, by the way.
These people be honest about their struggles. But but helping you see how they landed on their feet and how they trusted the Lord and how how scripture, you know, worked in their hearts and so forth. And so as I read these, there really were several of these families that I began to realize and remember as I was reading them. Oh, I remember that.
I remember walking that through them. And I remember the funeral. I remember sitting down and and planning that or visiting them in the hospital when there's a baby born prematurely. There's an extraordinary story about that in there at the time of this youngest or smallest baby born in the hospitals here locally under a pound, 13 ounces. And just the challenges that that brought and to see how that little girl began to grow. And she's a little girl running around our church today.
She's about 10 or 11 years old, 12 years old. You know, it's an amazing story. So it took me back just remembering the burden of my own heart and my wife's heart as we live this with some of these people. And and yet also how I was able to observe how the Lord really minister to their hearts. And I think one of the things that I began to realize was just how much sitting under the preaching of the word over an extended period of time was preparing these people for these challenges.
For these challenges in ways they didn't even know about. And listening to music that was driving them to scripture, getting those songs in their hearts, just how that was preparing them in ways they didn't understand at the time for this great challenge they were going to go through. And they express that in those chapters as they as they list the scriptures that really minister to them, as they list the songs that really helped them.
And so I think that's really one of the most useful parts of the book are the answers to those five questions at the end of every chapter. And so in any of those cases, just, you know, since I'm a pastor and I deal with similar things, was there some scripture that the Lord gave you that you were like, wow, God, that really fits the bill right here? Well, there always are verses that come to mind like this. And what's going to be a common theme, I think, in some of these chapters is just how various psalms ministered to people. And certainly the psalms are where we go a lot when we're going through difficult times in life, because we find the honesty of the psalmist and their struggles, but yet we find how they end up though waiting on the Lord, trusting in the Lord.
So there are several of those psalms that the people share in the book. But I think, you know, one of the big things you learn as you shepherd people in trials like this is that you're not just throwing Bible verses at them, you know, in the midst of their pain and so forth. There's not a silver bullet fix, you know, to the angst that they have in their hearts and the pain that they feel.
And so a lot of times you are just living life with them. And as scripture says, you're weeping with those who weep and you're just trying to bear the burdens with them. But at the appropriate moments, there are those times then along the way you certainly want to give them truth, because you know it's not your own words that have inherent power. The Word of God has inherent power.
So you look for those moments to graciously point them to scripture, and then you see what scripture does in their hearts that you never could. That's beautiful. Wonderful. Well, again, it's Hope in the Morning, M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G, and it's, and again, they're all at Kingdom Pursuits. We've got a lot more coming up.
Stay tuned. Oh! To me, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. There you go.
I got it this time. Exodus 19, 4-6. Nice thing about this one is they put the verse right there. You know, Exodus 43.
Or whatever. So that's beautiful. Again, that is Epic Love Story,, or you can go to Kingdom Pursuits to find out about that. And the idea, again, is that they're going to in seven years put every single Bible verse to music like that, so they help us all in our Bible memorization, those kind of things. I've said it before that I memorized the 119th Psalm with the grace of God over about a year I did it, and it would really, really help if I sang it in whatever crazy voice that is that I have, because if I could sing it, it would stick better as I was beginning to think through that and all that stuff. So I love that. But before I move on to the next question, I am shocked and appalled that no one has called me with that. This is the easiest question I've had in the history of Kingdom Pursuits. Here it is again. Which Bible story was a great day in the morning? M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G. What Bible story was a great day in the morning? Come on, somebody. You got this.
866-348-7884, 866-344-truth. And did I mention that we have hope in the morning, the books themselves? Like this book is, yay, I think it's got all these amazing, right? Isn't John MacArthur got a story? John MacArthur wrote a review for it, and John E. Erikson Tada did the foreword, and Alistair Begg wrote the gospel presentation at the end.
Yeah, so it's loaded for bear. Like, man, this book is amazing. And you got to get it, and all you got to do is the simplest question ever. Which Bible story was a great day in the morning? M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G. Or you could either do a great day in the morning, whatever you like.
866-348-7884. So getting back to, oh, now the line's lit. Somebody, somebody, thank you. So I know there were some things you definitely wanted to get said today, Beverly, and so I don't want to derail you, so get them said.
Thank you. Well, one of the things I wanted to communicate with listeners is why. You know, why would you do this?
Why would you take the time, the money, the work to do this? Well, there's a passage in Acts that talks about so that the Word of God could run. I'm starting to tear up about this. We want to see the Word of God run. And we know, and a lot of people know, that people are not reading as much. So how are they getting their information?
They're getting it largely through technology, as you mentioned, and they're listening. And everybody knows, as we've talked about and as Emily has referred to with the songs, and Carrie too, the songs get in you, the music gets in you. And so I think that if I kind of distill it down, that's what we want. We want the Word of God to run throughout the world so that when people are grieving in times of grieving and mourning, when they're rejoicing, you know, when they're teaching their children, when they need inspiration.
I just can't emphasize this enough, this part enough. You know, there's really beautiful, speaking of the 119th Psalm, the last verse in the Dalit section, which is like the crescendo of that particular section of the Psalm. It says, I will run in your commandments when thou enlargest my heart. Here we go.
Right? And the idea in Hebrew is that you can't run if you're a slave or you don't run because you're walking. If you're running, you are like free.
And what's he running in? In the path of thy commandments. In other words, what would it be like to just so run with Jesus that you are running in the Word? It's exactly what the verse says. And so as I was thinking about, you know, what a beautiful idea is to run, right, with the Word of God, it's just one of my favorite, it's always been really, since I've been studying the 119th Psalm, one of my favorite verses. And so amazingly cool, but very cool, we have Adam. He's in Amherst, Virginia, of all places. Adam, you're on Kingdom Pursuits.
You've got the perfect name for, you know, at least one of the answers. Well, I kind of came in at the, I just got back in my work vehicle, so I just caught the last little plea for a call. And when you said what you said, the only thing that came to my mind was Resurrection Day. It was a great day in the morning. It was a great day. The funny thing was, Adam, when I first said the idea, Emily said, well, that's creation, which, you know, and since you were there, I mean. Right, right. It was a long time ago.
It's hard to remember. But since I got you on the phone, I've never met you, Adam, but I really appreciate you calling. But, you know, I've often thought that the word Adam in Hebrew, I don't know if you know this, is adama, which has to do with dirt, right, that the word is made of. Right, and so what I usually call my friend's name, Adam, I call him Dusty. Dusty, there you go.
Well, I thought it was kind of cruel that my folks would name me after the very first sinner. Well, that's very cool, Adam. Thank you so much for calling and winning. This is an amazing book, and we're so proud to send it out to you. I know you're going to enjoy it.
Hope in the morning. Wonderful. And so grateful for – where is Amherst, Virginia? I apologize for my ignorance. We're just outside of Lynchburg.
We're one of the neighboring counties, so we're right near Liberty University and kind of between Charlottesville and Lynchburg. Well, thank you so much for listening, Adam. God bless you. You have a great weekend. Thank you. All right. Bye-bye. All right, so getting back to hope in the morning, since we want to have some of that.
Again, one I think is the coolest thing is that this is an ongoing – just wait a minute. Before we go there, Carrie pulled out his Bible, so man, we don't want to miss out on whatever God gave him. Well, actually, what she just said about running, it just brought my mind to something Paul told the Thessalonians when he wrote his first letter to them. This is kind of tangential, but, again, it's the way my mind works. Tangential? I'm sorry, I haven't heard that word before.
It's a good word, tangential. It's sort of related in that, again, it has to do with the power of God's word. You know, the whole point of that book, you know, this epic endeavor to put the entire word of God to music is to keep getting Scripture into people's hearts because it is timeless truth.
There is no other source that's timeless. It's only Scripture. But it just made me think about what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians when he was commending them. He says this in 1 Thessalonians 2, verse 13, that he constantly thanked God for them, but for this main thing he's thanking God for, that when they received the word of God that they heard from these missionaries, they accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, he says, the word of God, which performs its work in you. And that's kind of where the connection was for me as you run with the word. The word has this inherent power to work in you, and Paul saw the fruit of that in the lives of these Thessalonians, and that's what excited his heart more than anything else. They knew what it really was. It was really the truth of God. And so any kind of project that's going to point people to Scripture gets my attention, you know, and thrills me. It's beautiful.
It really is. But part of what you guys have at your website are the hymns. But you guys said that you sang a hymn together.
Am I right about this? We used to sing. We both are— In a former life we sang together, yeah. Well, I wouldn't say you're originally, but I'm originally from Grace Community Church with John MacArthur, and he was the associate pastor there while I was there. And so moving out here and knowing he was going to be my pastor out here was like a taste of home.
Like, I was very excited about that. But he was a wonderful tenor, and I have sung soprano. I was a voice major in college, and so music has always been deeply rooted in my heart, and I'm also a poet, and so the lyrics of songs are everything to me.
You know, that matters so much. And the richness of hymns, there's nothing like it. I would say the only thing that could be better is putting Scripture itself to music. That's awesome. And it's neat how that all comes together.
Of course, it all has to do with your heart, and it all fits in there. So we've got another segment coming up. Stay tuned. Maybe you've got a question for one of these guys.
We'd love to have it. 866-348-7884, 86634 Truth. We'll be right back.
You're listening to the Truth Network and We'll be right back. The Lord is my strength. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer. A sovereign Lord is my strength. He enables me to tread on the highway. All right.
We learned. It's Habakkuk 3. This is the epic – oh, I shouldn't say – it's just epic love story. And the idea, again, is to put the entire Bible, verse by verse, into these really wonderful songs. And they're not just, you know, regular music. I mean, this is a Nashville producer, and they've got a lot of very talented people to make sure that these are like Disney music, right? That, you know, how many people don't know what's in song, Let It Go?
Let It Go. Right, right. You can just think of that tune immediately, because there are certain melodies that are very, very memorable. And so by putting scripture verses to that kind of thing to get it into your heart, you know, that's – it's epic.
It is epic. And I'm glad you brought that up, Robby, because when you're sitting out to write a song, you know, you have the freedom to do rhyme and cadence, and when you're writing from nothing and you write a song like that. And so you can – so what we're doing is we're taking the words of scripture, which are not necessarily rhyming, right? And they don't necessarily have those rhythms. So the power has to come in how the music is written to make it memorable and pleasing to listen to, as well as being commercially viable. So that's another value that we have.
And then the other thing is for it to be diverse. You know, so it's, you know, like James Taylor, for example. So James Taylor had a sound, and when a song would begin to come on, you would know it was James Taylor, because it had a certain sound. The Beatles. And the Beatles. So Epic Love Story is going to be diverse sounds. We're using these top – no, this top genre. It's like the next song to come out, which will be coming out the end of July, is what they call EDM, electronic dance music.
That's very different than what we are hearing today. One of them is Americana – our next song after that's going to have a Latin sound. So it's going to be diverse both in terms of people, using people around the world, but also in terms of style.
But it still has to – it's going to be – we don't have the freedom to say, oh, well, we're going to modify these words and make them rhyme. We're sticking to the truth of the Scriptures. And so the songs coming out now are one for each of the 66 books, right?
Yes. And so within a year, you're saying we're going to have 66. If the money comes in.
Now there is an if there. Well, there you go. And as I recall, it's $7,500 for a song.
For a song. Or that's the top. They'll range probably from $5,500 to $7,500 in that range to be commercially viable. Right. So, you know, your $75 gift, right, will get them – what is it? One-tenth of the – one one-hundredth of the way. Yeah, that's right. That's right. And so whatever that may be, you just go to or just go to Kingdom Pursuits.
The link's there. And take part in that and away you go. And so how about in your case, Emily, what would you want the listeners – how would you want them to respond to what they hear today besides get the book? Oh, I would love for them to not only get the book but to really learn from what's in it. It really is – it's a resource. It's a resource for pastors, for counselors, for the laymen in the church, for everyone to know how do we step in to one another's grief? How do we function as the hands and feet of Christ?
And how do we love people well and intentionally? And this allows them to do that. This allows them to understand someone's grief and then know how to effectively step into it. Also, I would love for them to know that this book is one-hundred percent not-for-profit.
And so this book, one-hundred percent of the prophets go back into grief ministry. And we've already been able to send checks to families who are going through cancer with their young children. We sent a check to that man that is going through cancer himself.
We've sent a check to an abandoned mother. We've sent several books out to bereaved parents and new widows. And just letting the Lord minister to them by them seeing that they are not alone. And maybe the poetry that they would see in there or listening to the hymns, those are going to be bombs to their heart. In between every story is scripture and an original poem that I've written and hymn. And so that way they can cling to those things when they're in the darkest days of their deepest valley.
And those are the truths that are going to give them light to see that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and He is faithful in all circumstances. Yeah, and the thing I found out about mourning that really surprised me, when I lost my father, about two months later I was in his closet. And all of a sudden I just became furious at him. And it was totally out of control.
And I was like, why am I so mad? And so when you're dealing with people in mourning, they don't necessarily have control. Those stages happen. And when you're there, they need to have a resource and whatever. And so Hope in the Morning, and your website was simply
You go to that, it's pretty easy. Again, epic love story. Kerry, thank you so much for being on with us. It's so good to have you back. It's a joy. Thank you, Robbie.
Yeah, and Emily and Beverly. So, you know, God is doing some amazing things. Go to to find out more about it. And now we're so glad you're listening to the truth because you get to hear an encouraging prayer with Dr. James Banks, followed up by The Masculine Journey starts here now. And then it's time to man up with Nikita Kollof. So much truth coming at you.
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