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S.B.A Pro-Life America

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 22, 2024 1:28 pm

S.B.A Pro-Life America

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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June 22, 2024 1:28 pm

Robby talks with Vice President of Communications, Emily Davis

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This is the Truth Network. Oh, do we have a treat for you today on Kingdom Pursuits?

You know, as God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, how about a passion for life? We have Emily Davis with us. She's the Vice President of Communications for the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. And Emily, thank you so much for being with us today. How exciting to have you on for such a time as this. Robby, thank you so much for having me join you today.

It's a joy and I'm just happy to be able to speak with you and your listeners today. Yeah, and so for those who aren't familiar with the Susan B. Anthony, we're familiar with the Susan B. Anthony dollar, but we're not so familiar with the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Was Susan, just explain that for us, would you?

Sure. Well, the founder and the president of our organization really wanted to tap into something that the early feminist did, which was a passion for life and for women's rights all in the same breath. And so that's why she really felt the need to mobilize a political group that worked with Congress and really made sure that they were looking out for children and babies in the womb and also politically prioritizing them and also women as well, making sure that they're able to get the resources they need when they're faced with unplanned pregnancies and really sticking up for those pregnancy resource centers across the country as well. Yeah, that is such a beautiful idea.

You know, I'm glad I asked the question because I love, love, love the answer. Like, of course, it's so much better for the moms because, you know, I've done many, many, many interviews. One time I was commissioned to do a hundred interviews at the Association for Christian Counseling Convention in Nashville, and I interviewed literally dozens of counselors on abortion, right? And the heartbreak of the moms that abort babies and what that ends up doing to their lives, that, oh my goodness, women's rights is very much involved in not, you know, getting involved in all the opposite of pro-life, obviously, that I hadn't even put that together. But I love the fact that, yes, that's what Susan B. Anthony was all about, women's rights. And, you know, the other thing that, you know, and I hate to go on and on, but I was just like so excited about what you're saying that, you know, I think there's this other, it's called Let Them Live, and it's a 501, have you heard of them?

I have, yeah, it's a great organization. They find ways to get resources because they found out some crazy percentage, like 80 percent of the women that abort babies is because they don't have the money, they don't have the financial resources to have the baby. That's right, that's right. In fact, I was going to interject and say, I mean, we see that the majority of women, 70 percent say that they would have rather not aborted, that it was either inconsistent with their values, not their first choice, or even more tragically, and this is something I talk about a lot given my own personal experience, they were coerced or forced into an abortion. And that's 240,000 women across this country who never have their voice heard or their story told when we're talking about abortion. And I believe that you cannot talk about abortion in America without talking about the sizable amount of women who either did not, the majority that did not want to have the abortion, or would have preferred to have financial or physical, emotional support or resources, or more or tragically those who were forced or coerced by a parent, a partner, or a physician.

Yeah, yeah, that's why I get it. I didn't get it until I understood this, but I do now, that that is just really, really, and obviously the other side of the equation makes it all about women's rights, but I never had really thought about the other side of the code, that the real idea of women's rights would be pro-life. Yeah, I mean, really Robbie, there is just this national lie that people believe, which is that, unfortunately even more now, that abortion is somehow empowering for women, or that women that get abortions, it's their primary and first choice, and it's exactly what they want to do. That is not the national landscape or the true story of abortion in America. And in fact, the Democratic Party used to acknowledge this quite freely by saying, abortion is always tragic and it should always be quote-unquote safe, legal, rare. That is not where we are today in politics with abortion, unfortunately. We understand that every abortion takes the life of a child, but there's also significant ramifications for the woman as well. Yeah, and the father, because I've interviewed them as well, and the grandfather and the grandmother, and there's all sorts of people that are along the way that are harmed, even future uncles and aunts. Yeah, the ripple effects are staggering.

That's right. And all that's been said and done about this, but I'm so grateful for, wow, something I did not know about, but I know about it now. And this is really a different time than it was three years ago, four years ago. This is ramped up in so many ways, it seems like people have gotten violently mad about it in new ways, but by the same token, it seems like in some ways we've made progress. How do you, what's your sense of that, Emily? You're right. I mean, really, it even starts, I know a lot of people would say, well, it's because of the Dobbs decision or the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but it started a few years before that.

I mean, I really saw it rev up and that's the impetus for why I decided to get involved, Robbie. I started noticing, I would talk to Christian friends of mine and they would start to just really slip on this issue and start to deny the personhood and the life and the human status of the child in the womb. Or they would start to say, well, this is what women want.

It might not be something I personally agree with, but this is what women want. And I had to remind them of my personal story and all of the other women and the data and the stats and the recent research that we have that point to the fact that no, women are begging and asking for resources, emotional support, and there is a huge lack of accountability with the fathers as well. I was someone who had two unplanned pregnancies by 22. I did not have the financial or emotional support with my first pregnancy. And so I ended up doing an open adoption and I'm really thankful for that.

My son just turned 18 this year. But I also did not break the pattern. And so I did end up getting pregnant again and it was a very violent and difficult situation. But I decided to push through that and keep my daughter. But I understand the fear and the vulnerability of a woman who finds that she has an unplanned pregnancy and is so scared and is looking and searching and seeking for those resources and alternatives to abortion. But like I said, we see in recent research that you've got 240,000 women across this country that openly admit that they were forced or coerced into abortion by a parent, partner or physician. And that really is some thing we hear from women every week on this. And so I just want to make sure that people are aware that is the landscape. And particularly now, when we have these abortion drugs that are being mailed across the country on this, that's crazy.

Can you imagine when that is the landscape that you have, but you also have these traffickers and abusers, and you have no safeguards, no medical safeguards, no regulation of, you know, this young woman or this girl getting these drugs in the mail. And what we have unearthed from this recent Supreme Court case was fascinating to me, because what does someone always say who's pro-abortion when you ask them, you know, why are you why are you for abortion? They'll usually say, well, because it's between a woman and her doctor in consultation. Well, this case, and what's happening in America, makes that a complete lie. It just blows that out of the water. Because what we found through this case was the FDA admitting that women do not go in person to a doctor with these drugs.

They do not have to do power though. Emily, I hate to jump in here, because that's such an important point, and we want to get it clear. We got to go to a break. And then when we come back, yes, we're going to play shenanigans and the fact that this is a very serious topic.

You know, it's just part of what our listeners expect is that we're going to place shenanigans. So we're going to do that. When we come back, we've got so much more with Evelyn Davis and the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.

Stay tuned. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And we're so honored really to have a poster child for that today, Emily Davis, who is the Vice President of Communications for the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.

And if you missed the first segment on this, man, I'm going to tell you, I understand all too well now why it's called the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, as it has everything to do with women's rights and certainly pro-life and what a marvelous job they're doing of explaining this from a new angle. And we're going to get to all that in a minute, but you know, we got to play shenanigans. So speaking of, and Emily, just bear with us here and try to go, speaking of pro. And so, Emily, if you happen to have an answer to any of these, you know, except the last one, then, then feel free to jump in. It's just part of what we do here on Kingdom Pursuits is play a little shenanigans with the topic of the day. So Nick, are you ready?

I am ready, Robbie. All right. So if pro is the opposite of con, then, and again, with the idea of being pro, right? Mm-hmm. So Congress, oh man, it's on the tip of my tongue. Oh yeah.

Emily, got any ideas? Congress. See if pro is the opposite of con, then Congress would be the opposite of progress. Just saying. Okay. All right.

All right. This one's a little low blow, but nonetheless, I do find it humorous. What do you call, now this is not pro-life, what do you call a pro-choice dog? A pro-choice dog.

What would they be called, Nick? Oh man. I'm going to blink on this one. I think I'm too hard about it.

You're going to like it though. It's Rover Wade. Come on, Emily. It was a little funny, right?

It's just a, all right. Anyway, how do you spot, you like this one better. How do you spot a pro at shoplifting candy bars? Ooh. Yeah. Pro at shoplifting candy bars. Think about that a minute. And you'll see that they got a few twix up their sleeve. That's my favorite one.

I like that one. That's a dad joke. That is, they all are. That's what it is. Anyway, why is it nearly impossible to make a pro team for the hide and seek game? Make a pro team? Yeah.

It's hard to make a pro team, you know, professional team for the hide and seek game. You know, they're hard to find. That's right. You got it. Yeah.

The players are hard to find. It's just, yeah. And so if you got all that, you know, we do have to get to your question today where you can call it and win.

And of course we got the prize vault is all loaded up. So with that said, which pro tax collector in the Bible became a branch manager? Which pro tax collector became a branch manager? If you have the answer to that, you call us at 866-348-7884. Nick, tell them what they'll win. Absolutely.

Yes. You'll be winning a prize from our Kingdom Pursuits prize vault. Just give us a call at 866-348-7884. That is 866-34-TRUTH. Oh, the treasure that we have been loading in the Kingdom Pursuits prize vault. All you have to do again is call 866-348-7884 and tell us which tax collector in the Bible became a branch manager.

He was sort of a pro and, you know, maybe not the tallest tax collector in the world. 866-348-7884. But also, also if you got a question or a comment or something on the topic today, you'd like to talk to Emily. We're alive. We would love to talk to you, Emily Davis or, you know, something else.

866-348-7884. So Emily, you're making a wonderful point right before we went to the break and shenanigans about, again, remind me. Yeah. I was just wanting to say, and you said this, Robbie, that we're kind of in this different landscape now with abortion in America, and we are in the way that it is being understood and pushed. You know, back in the day, it used to be, even with the Democratic Party, safe, rare. That is no longer their standpoint. And they always used to say that abortion should be between a woman and her doctor.

In fact, they still say that. But what I'm saying is this case that just went before the Supreme Court really unearthed the fact that the new landscape of abortion drug mail order kept across this country does not have a woman in person in consultation with her doctor or the abortionist or whoever. In fact, what it unearthed with the FDA lawyer admitting to it in front of the court was it could be through email. You could email in your desire to get the abortion drug. They can't verify that it's necessarily even a woman. It could be the abuser, the trafficker. And that is an incredibly dangerous landscape when you've got Planned Parenthood saying you can just order these on the app like it's tomorrow's Walmart grocery order. I mean, this is absolutely unconscionable. So is that like what's the progress of that case at this point?

Yeah. So unfortunately, it was deeply disappointing this last week when we saw that the Supreme Court kicked the case back down to the lower court. So they they said that the doctors that came forward with this case, they weren't able to prove that they had personal injury. Now they did not weigh on whether the FDA, you know, as we suspect, broke their own rules by allowing for mail order drugs.

And let me just give everybody some quick background. In 2021, the Biden administration said under COVID-19 that their FDA was going to now do mail order abortion drugs. A year later, they decided to make that permanent law. And so now it's a permanent rule across this country that mail order abortion drugs can happen state to state. And we're even hearing from women who are getting the who have been poisoned or drugged by people that are getting them across the border from Mexico. So it really is this very disastrous mail order abortion drug. So what about in states that it's not legal to have an abortion?

Yeah, that's a really good point. So what we're seeing are the blue states now have what they call shield laws. And these shield laws say that this medical person, but it might not always be, because it's not really that regulated, can ship these drugs into pro-life states. And, you know, could get in the hands of the abuser, the trafficker could harm the woman, but there is absolutely zero liability on the person in the blue state that ships those drugs.

So that blue state is basically giving them blanket immunity to those people that are then shipping and doing the mail order drugs into pumping them into pro-life states. So that's obviously part of what Susan B. Anthony, you guys were obviously helping along those lines. We're going to get to all that in a minute. But we got Pastor Bush has an answer to the right branch manager question.

So Pastor Bush, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Good morning to you. Yes, so... I hope you can hear me.

I can hear you great. So which pro tax collector in the Bible became a branch manager? It was the chaos. He climbed the Sycamore tree. He managed the branch on the Sycamore tree. Branch manager. That is a wee little man.

Yes, he was vertically challenged. Yes, there you go. There you go.

There you go. Well, thank you. You win.

You win, and that's wonderful. I appreciate you calling. You keep up the great work, Pastor. To God be all the glory. You keep up the great work. Thank you, ma'am. God bless. Bye-bye.

All right, Emily, we get back to you. So how does the Susan B. Anthony organization, I guess, interact with the attorneys? Or who all is involved in what's bringing that to the Supreme Court? Sure. I don't know if your listeners know the group Alliance Defending Freedom.

They're called ADF. They were the ones who were the lawyers of this case. So they were really leading the charge. And what we were trying to do is raise awareness and really work with different states to help them understand.

Because frankly, Robbie, a lot of people don't even know this is going on. And it's gotten so bad, this mail order abortion drug, they're just fueling this new landscape of domestic violence in these states. In fact, I got off the phone the other day with Katherine Herron. I don't know if you all know her.

She is a perfect example as to what is going on with this. She's in Texas. She had an estranged husband. She was pregnant and he did not want to have a child. He did not want to have another child with her. And so he got mail order abortion drugs from Mexico. And then he ended up poisoning her seven times trying to kill their child and also harm her in the process.

Thankfully, he was apprehended. But this is what can happen when you do not have any medical safeguards or any type of regulation on the mail order abortion drugs. And so we're continuing to sound the alarm and wave the red flag on this. I can tell you, there are three states right now that have seen severe cases of poisoning women with these abortion drugs. And there are also three states that are looking to take up this challenge based on the harms of women suffered in their states.

We will be looking forward to seeing more come from them as Idaho, Kansas, and Missouri. Wow. And so, you know, I know some of our listeners have watched the movie Unplanned, you know, but is that the drug that they showed there that Abby Johnson was made so horribly sick from? That's right. That's right. That's exactly it.

It's an absolutely horrific thing to see. Again, I hear the music, which means we got to go to a break. When we come back, we're certainly going to have a lot more with Emily and the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, but we would love your calls.

866-348-7884. We'll be right back with a whole lot more Kingdom Pursuits. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom today. We're so blessed to have with us Emily Davis.

She's the vice president of communications for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. And so what state, where do you guys actually operate out of, Emily? So we're right next to DC. We're in Northern Virginia, in Arlington, Virginia. And that gives us, you know, about 10 minutes right there in the district. And we can go in and talk to those on Congress and also be in Northern Virginia.

Yeah, that's, that's awesome. And obviously close by. And there's always lots of politics going on in the state of Virginia as well. Well, that's right. You know, we, we're not just focused on federal politics. We also work with state level politics as well, because I mean, frankly, the pro-life movement is a grassroots movement. It always has been. I mean, it's always been the people around this country, the advocates who really have kept this movement going.

Right. And so it was the Susan B. Anthony, I guess a foundation or is it a nonprofit? Is was it a, an entity and then they added the pro-life America? Or was it always just the Susan B. Anthony pro-life America?

We used to be called Susan B. Anthony list, but it has always been founded on the principles of pro-life politics and also just advocating for pro-life concerns, like really making sure that pregnancy resource centers are in the fore and getting the support and help they need and making sure Congress understands that, making sure that we are fighting for life for babies in the womb. And that was extremely tough when you're talking during the Roe v. Wade era, where you really could not have any limits on abortion outside of late term abortion. So for years, you know, they were pushing to try and get earlier limits to limit abortion. And so I have to say, I know it's a really tough time right now, but you also have to think about the fact that we were not allowed to really have any movement or even a seat at the table in this conversation, because with Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court had their thumb on the scales of life. And when that was lifted, it was able to give states and the federal government an opportunity to really re look at this and place limits and protect babies in the womb. And I'm happy to say that there are 24 states now that have meaningful legislation that protect babies in the womb at the first trimester or earlier. And that is something to be thankful for.

Darrell Bock Oh, absolutely. And so how could our listeners like, you know, clearly they could certainly pray for you guys and whatever, but is there like a website or somewhere where they can get involved? Do you guys need donations or what? How could they respond?

Robyn Cudone Oh, that's a great question. I would encourage everyone to go to And if you're so inclined, this is an election year. And we we are hiring canvassers and we have people out there on the ground.

So go to We are in many states battleground states across this country right now, just knocking on doors talking to people just like you and I are right now, Robby and explaining what is going on. A lot of people don't understand what the laws are right now surrounding abortion. And a lot of people don't know what the Biden administration is doing with plotting abortion in every agency that they can. Darrell Bock Wow, how cool. And so those canvassers, you're obviously got information for voters on which candidates are, you know, voting which way that kind of thing.

Robyn Cudone That's right. Yes. So local, state and federal, we talked to them about all of that. But we also talked to them about, you know, the different support systems in their area, the pregnancy resource centers, how they can get involved, but really educating them on the legislation. But also having a conversation, you know, we're not just talking to people that are pro life. We're talking to people that are in the middle or maybe pro abortion. So having those conversations. Darrell Bock Right, which we should, right? Because everybody's not going to agree with our point of view and that kind of thing.

But if, you know, we just enter into a good conversation, you know, we may learn something from them, and they can certainly learn something from us, we hope. But how cool. So it sounds like to me that this, which SBA would be Susan B. Anthony, I'm guessing, not Small Business Administration. So like, if I wanted to know which candidates in my area or what legislation that was happening in North Carolina, that kind of thing. Is that all going to be at that website as well?

Susan B. Anthony That's right, most certainly. And I can go even further, Robbie, we have a scorecard. So we have got all of the legislators and the people for your area, you can see how they voted in the past.

So if they're telling you what they're telling you, does their track record reflect that? You can see all of the history on that candidate. Darrell Bock Yeah, and it's a fascinating thing. I don't know if you've noticed it here in North Carolina. But one of the candidates for governor here has been very vocally pro-life for a long time. And oh my goodness, they've taken all the statements he said, and just made them look as violent as possible.

And have this TV ad that just goes on and on and on and on. Have you seen, you know what I'm talking about? Susan B. Anthony I have not seen that. But I think I've seen headlines because I know that the MSM, the mainstream media loves to put headlines out about anybody that's pro-life. Darrell Bock And I just think about, wow, in such a state as North Carolina, there's a certain backfire to because anybody that would be pro-life that watched that would get, oh, this is a guy I need to vote for. Oh, he's actually telling the truth right here. You guys are making it out like he's saying some horrible but at the end of it, they tag it with that same idea is that I'm trying to remember his name is Mark Johnson, as I recall, but anyway, you know, is against women.

Right? Susan B. Anthony Well, you're hitting on something deeper, which is, you know, I work with the media every day. And I can tell you, I mean, I don't have an exact stat, although I do know even back in the 80s, I think it was 1984, it was over 80% of the media said that they were pro-choice. So even back then, they were that much expressly pro-abortion. So I can't even imagine what that stat is today.

I'm sure it's gotten a lot, a lot worse. All of the reporters that I work with, you know, they are not I won't say all but vast majority are very hostile when it comes to pro-life anything and are not interested in telling an impartial story, but rather just really promoting abortion at all costs. In fact, many of them say that it is their duty to not be impartial on this issue, because they view it as some type of rights issue that they have to be on the quote unquote, right side of and so really working with them and challenging them.

That is a part of my daily job. All right, I had time to look it up. It's Mark Robinson, actually, that they're, I mean, that looks like they're just trying to smear him to, you know, like, it's unbelievable. I looked at it and I went, this is the strangest ad I've ever seen that clearly, you know, because he speaks very, I don't know, strongly on the issue, like, he's very adamant about this is life. And, you know, these are horrible things that are going on.

And since he's a black candidate, he's talking about how, you know, the horrible side of the race problem there that so many more black babies have been aborted and limited, literally, you know, wiping them out. Right. Well, I mean, Planned Parenthood cannot get away from the origins of racism and eugenics. I mean, that is part and parcel with the creation of the organization.

There's no getting away from that for them. Yeah. And so it's, it's, it just goes to show you that we do really live in different times because I never thought I would see such a thing as I'm seeing right there. And that's ad plays constantly. And I think, wow, there's people that see that and think that, I guess part of it is to try to get them to go out and vote, you know, but to me, it has the opposite effect, especially in a Bible Belt place like North Carolina, or, you know, I would sure hope that it would get people out to vote that know what's actually at stake when it comes to being for women, that being pro-life is definitely be for, you know, is pro women's rights, like you guys have talked about throughout the show.

And I, you know, I love that that highlights it. And I even like the original name, Susan B. Anthony Lives, is that what it was? Lift.

Lift? It's Susan B. Anthony Lives. Lives. Okay. I see. I get it.

All right. L-I-V-E-S was what it was? It was L-I-F-T. Oh, L-I-F-T-S. We're going to get to that.

When we come back, we'll figure out why that says Lifts. And we got one more segment with Kingdom Pursuit. Stay tuned.

We got so much more coming up. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom today. Again, we have Emily Davis, who's the vice president of communications for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which was formerly, as I understand, Susan B. Anthony Lift. So now I'm curious, why was it Susan B. Anthony Lift? So back in the day, and they're still around, but definitely not as effective, there is a pro-abortion group called Emily's List, L-I-F-T, like a list of names or a list of people. And they expressly worked on getting people into Congress that were pro-abortion.

There was not an equivalent on the pro-life side. And that really was the impetus for saying, well, we need strong women and men standing up for life, standing up for moms and babies. And that was how SBA List got started. All right. So I think I finally, so it's L-I-F-T. That's right. Yeah. So that's right. Like, well, you stand up and be counted. You're going to be on the list. And there you have it.

That's really, and I like the idea that I still am just, I think it's genius on God's part to put this in people's hearts. Susan B. Anthony List of being that, that really truly is for women's rights as well, especially, you know, again, to highlight what we talked about at the beginning of the show, that so many women would not have the abortion. And so their rights are really being violated by the law itself, right?

Well, that's right. You know, I write about this a lot, Robbie, because as I said earlier, I went through two unplanned pregnancies by 22. And now when I look across this election season and I see, you know, Biden and Harris on their Abortions Around America tour, I mean, they're going across state to state and really just talking about abortion primarily. It is so sad to me, because they have a really a golden opportunity to talk to moms with unplanned pregnancies and meet them where they're at, and talk to them about their economic plan or resources. But the best that they have to offer us is just to, to get rid of our child. How is that the best?

Yeah, yeah, how is it? And, again, it's just, it's, it's phenomenal to me that, you know, it just seems like in the last few years, I've come to understand what you are explaining, or although I didn't extend or understand it at the extent that you're explaining, but, you know, that the financial resources are huge reason, you know, for the problem. And when you think about that, like you said, you know, if the men involved are not responsible, you know, that leaves the poor woman in a financial hardship.

That's unbelievable. And just like Jesus, you know, always was going after, you know, single moms and widows, essentially, that's, you know, that's, that's long been, you know, what Christ did. And, you know, the idea of these single moms are facing these things alone. I guess you experienced that all too well.

Mm hmm. Now, that's exactly it. And that really is the true story of abortion in America. It's tragic that women with these unplanned pregnancies would rather not go that route. And that's why we have got to really focus on connecting them to these alternatives to abortion.

But yet again, it's a very hostile political environment, a very hostile environment in general right now. And we are seeing severe attacks on pregnancy resource centers across this country. I talked to directors who have had fire bombs at their centers, ever since the Dobbs decision, there has just been this lashing out from the pro abortion side, nearly 100 centers have been attacked in some way, shape or form. And it just boggles my mind because these centers are providing financial and physical resources to moms and families, often and mostly free of charge completely. In fact, there was a recent study that came out in 2022, that showed that pregnancy resource centers are providing all of these resources, and they to a total value of almost $340 million. Families need this, they should not be taken away. And we're seeing different states in the blue states like New York, Letitia James, the Attorney General there, she's trying to shut them all down, saying that they're just proprietors of misinformation. And why would they do this, when these are lifelines, not life enders for these moms and their babies? Oh, my goodness.

Yeah, that's unthinkable. And of course, I love the fact that you're getting out there talking about it, because I had no idea. You know, I'd heard a little bit about attacks on the clinics, but I had no idea there was that kind of over 100 attacks, and then New York trying to shut them down?

What in the world? Right, that's what's going on right now. And so, you know, praise God again, it's, like Susan B. Anthony, And there apparently, there's all kinds of resources on how you can vote on how you can get more information on the issues at hand. And as well as, obviously, if you want to donate some of your resources to furthering this communications, what are some other ways that you guys would like to communicate that you haven't been able to? Well, we always especially right now in this election season, I know I mentioned it, but we would love the help of anybody, particularly in the battleground states that want to get out there and, you know, talk to people and knock on doors.

But I mean, frankly, Robbie, just from this conversation, there's so many things that I hear that, you know, you said, Well, I didn't know that or I didn't know this. We really have to get that information out there to the people. Let the human know where the printed truth centers are. Unfortunately, the show is over, but we need to be praying for that and for that information and to get out there. Thank you so much, so much, Emily, for your time today and for that information. And thank you so much for listening. Those of you out there. Remember, you got so much truth coming at you. Encouraging prayer, followed by masculine journey and Nikita Kolov. So much truth on the Truth Network.
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