Speaking of cars, yes, it's time to play shenanigans. So, speaking of cars, you know, have you thought about this one, Chris? When is a car not a car? I don't know. When is a car not a car?
You got any ideas, Clark? You know, you're doing a car cruise in. When is a car not a car? I think I would know. You would think. Really?
It's when it turns into a driveway. Absolutely. So, you know, you're bound to get that one. And then, you know, I couldn't work out how to fasten my seatbelt. I was working on it, working on it.
All of a sudden, man, it all of a sudden clicked. Oh. I do like this one. Alright, so what is, why did the poor gentleman drive his Subaru into the lake? You got any ideas on that one? I've got no idea.
Willy? No. Oh. I don't know.
Come on, Clark, if you think about it. Subaru. He's going to make it a scooberoo. Ah, okay. A scooberoo.
I've always wondered why you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway. Well, there you go. He's got his own, he's got his own shoes. He's got his own shoes. I got my own material. Alright, let's see how he does with this. That's all I got. What part of the car is the laziest?
I don't know. Ah, the laziest part of the car. It's the wheels because they're always tired.
So, Confucius says, I understand that a man who runs behind a car gets exhausted, but the man who runs in front of the car, he gets tired. Yeah, or worse. Yeah. And I bet you can get this one, Willy. I really think. Okay.
What kind of a car does Yoda drive? You've heard it? Yes. I'm a member. What do you think, Chuck? You got it?
What kind of car? I'm sorry. You got a new name coming in heaven.
It might be Chuck. Sure. I'll take it. As long as I'm there, man.
Call me whatever you want. I'm sorry, Clark. Yoda. Oh, I've heard this. I don't remember. Christian, you want to take a shot at this one?
I know you can do it. Is it a Toyota? Oh, that's it. Of course he drives a Toyota. So, we have a great Bible riddle for you today. Pretty easy one, actually. Which cars are mentioned in the Bible? Which cars are mentioned in the Bible?
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