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Robby's Time Jokes From Last Week's Show

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
March 24, 2022 10:00 am

Robby's Time Jokes From Last Week's Show

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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March 24, 2022 10:00 am

Robby's Time Jokes From Last Week's Show


And we got to get down to it. But before we get too serious, Carmen, you know, it's got to happen.

Right? You hear that? Robbie's riddles.

Anyway, so speaking of our Carmen, because, you know, we got hours to deal with, you know, after hours of trying, I finally got the lid off this can of biscuits, you know? Got any idea how? No.

How? Miguel? Lid off a can of biscuits? Yeah. Right. He's thinking. He's thinking. How about you, Richard?

Got any ideas? You didn't use your teeth, did you? You've seen my teeth. That's what happened. No, but that was a good one. I liked that. So truth is, you know, I just really pulled it off. I mean, I did. I just really pulled it off.

You got it? All right. Laughed, Richard. This is there's a cue.

You don't see a big laugh sign flashing in the background. Okay. Very good. Okay. I'm gonna make sure these are not necessarily funny, but it's your job to laugh. Okay.

They tickled me or I wouldn't use them. This is my first grade year. So I did my grandson's puzzle, right? I went over there to visit Carmen and he had this puzzle laying on the floor. And man, I want to tell you, I got it done in an hour. You know, hour is the word that we're talking about. Gotcha.

Yeah. That's pretty impressive. But it said, I was impressed.

It said right on the box, right? It would take three to four years. I got it done in an hour, Richard. I mean, how impressive. What do you think? Very.

So true story. When I first got in radio, Miss Stu Epperson and I would go around together and there was this tea shop in the mall, right? They sold tea, like, you know, Lipton tea, but all sorts of different brands of tea. And so, you know, with Stu's sense of humor and mine, we immediately came up with a campaign and a name change for him. We were going to call it Mr. T's Tea Shop. And we had a little ad that we put together. I pity the fool that don't drink Mr.

Tea. Very clever. So, man, this was one of the funniest commercials you ever heard in your life.

I know that Stu, if he's listening, is laughing right now because it was classic, right? And what happened to Carmen is they bought the campaign and things were amazing. You know what?

You could say that their business was brisk. Okay. All right.

Inside you're laughing. All right. All right. That's right.

You are in Nashville. So we have to get to an actual riddles and then we'll get on to bigger and much more serious things. But so which Bible character?

This is very fun. Don't answer it because people got to call in. Okay. So which Bible character needed a manicure? I mean, this dude needed a manicure. I'm just telling you. I guess I gave away that he's a dude. All right. But anyway, he needed a manicure. I mean, his fingernails, they were just totally out of hand. I'm just saying. If you know the name of that Bible character.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-05-18 11:11:39 / 2023-05-18 11:13:29 / 2

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