This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it.
Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits.
Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. It is so great to be back. It is absolutely wonderful to be back after being gone from the snow a couple weeks ago and then my little bout with COVID there, which fortunately the Lord healed me. And so it's just great to be back and get a chance to see how God uses all these wonderful people to build His kingdom, and we get to get in on the fun.
And so we have quite a lineup for you today. First up, we have Herbie Newell. And Herbie is with Lifeline Children Services.
Their mission is to equip the body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children. And recently, Herbie, you guys had a big—actually, when we were going to do it for the snow, it was the week that you were going to be at the March for Life. But as it turned out, how did that go? You know, even with all of the different things that are going on in our nation and all of the hiccups and the weather around the country and just different mandates and everything, the march was great. And it was awesome to see such a wide variety of people from different backgrounds and, you know, different demographics that showed up in support of life.
And, you know, hopefully and prayerfully, this will be the last March for Life that we have where Roe v. Wade is still the precedent in the land. Isn't that awesome? That's just absolutely spectacular. And I noticed that you went to Samford University. I did, yeah.
I graduated from Samford with an undergrad and then stayed and got a master's. Because my daughter is there right now. As a matter of fact, I was there last weekend.
So that's really cool. So next up we have Bill Moncure. I'm hoping I'm saying your name right, Bill. So Bill is the author of Let's Do It, a devotional on steroids. Welcome, Bill. Thank you for having me. Yes, Bill Moncure.
And I'm glad to be here with you. It's just like it's spelled. So it's like a mountain on steroids. There's actually a mountain here in the Bible. Oh, really? Yeah, but God spelled it wrong. You can look it up.
Well, it's just, you know, how they did it in Hebrew is different. It would have been all right there. He got it right there. Next up, again, sort of like an old friend. Because when I first got in radio, actually, I was connected with his family. But we have Sheila Moncure, and she is the director of Princess Cut III, which is a movie that's coming out on February 14th.
But they got all sorts of events. Princess Cut, red carpet premiere that's going on at the Grand Theater here in Winston-Salem on February 15th. Welcome, Sheila. Thank you, Robbie.
It's a delight to be here. I appreciate the honor. And so when you were growing up, did you think, man, someday I want to be a movie director? Oh, no. I was surrendered to the mission field at five, and I was pursuing Romania.
Really? And the Lord completely shut those doors. I wasn't going to get married.
I wasn't going to have kids. And I had to reconsider that because the Lord had other ideas. So, wow. So you might guess that, you know, I've jumped on the word steroids. So speaking of steroids, we got a new producer in today. So he's got my music going.
I'm very excited now. So all right. Speaking of steroids, you don't know this, Christopher, but I'm Christian, is that my struggle with steroid addiction has really only made me stronger. Have you thought about that one? I don't know. All right.
Here you go. Here's a little question for you. What do you call a flower on steroids? I don't know, Robbie.
What do you call a flower on steroids? You got any ideas? Sheila? Bill?
Or Herbie? No idea. You can jump in.
It's a power plant. Oh. Yeah, there you go. Zoom. I figured this one out.
This is really cool. Did you know that asteroids are really just meteors on steroids? There you go.
Asteroid. There you go. Wow. And so I actually do have a Bible riddle today, as always, that you can call in and win and all you have to do.
And by the way, we have a really cool prize, which we're going to tell you in a minute. But here's the riddle. Which strong man in the Bible who, by the way, is not on steroids? Which strong man in the Bible, not on steroids, was the back of the best excuse me, the best actor in the Bible?
Which strong man, not on steroids in the Bible, was the best actor in the Bible, and why was it he was? 866-348-7884. 86634 truth. And if you can guess that, Christian, tell them what they'll win. Some tickets to Princess. We have two tickets to the Grand's red carpet premiere that's Princess cut one and two, and it's coming out February 15th. Oh, they're going to do one, two, and three? Just one and two. Oh, just two and three. She's helping me out. Okay, you're going to get two tickets to Princess cut two and three at the Grand Theater February 15th.
How fun is that? 866-348-7884. So getting back to Herbie. So Herbie, I'm very interested in Lifeline itself. Can you kind of describe for our listeners what that is?
Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, Lifeline was, as a ministry, founded really around the safety of human life and founded in 1981 as a response to the growing abortion movement in the U.S. and young women who really felt as if abortion was their only alternative to a crisis, unplanned, unexpected pregnancy. And so Lifeline, we really wanted to first and foremost show these young women that there were other options.
There were life options for them. But not only did we want to point them physically to life, but we wanted to point them spiritually to the only life that could truly transform them and change them. And so as a discipleship ministry, we then and still now walk along young ladies and young adults who are experiencing these unexpected crisis pregnancies, point them to the love of Christ, but also provide mentorship and love. And then for those women who do choose adoption, we recruit Christian families that are missional Christian families to come alongside and to adopt these children.
But also to be committed to love on these birth mothers, to pray for these birth mothers that gave birth to their children. Since that time, over the last 40 years, the ministry has definitely grown and flourished. And we now have a pretty extensive international ministry as well where we're working in 25 different countries, equipping believers around the world to care for orphan and vulnerable children, providing international adoption services as well.
We have strong counseling and education because ultimately we want to help kids reach their full potential, but also to come to know the gospel of Christ Jesus. And then definitely more recently, we've really over the last 10 years have gotten into states of family reunification. And so in the United States, we have so many kids that are ending up in U.S. foster care. And a lot of times their birth parents are seen as criminals and just kind of run through the system. But there are a lot of these families that if they had a chance and if the church could wrap around these families, they actually could get their kids back out of foster care. And so we have a program called Families Count that's been going for the last decade. And we've seen thousands now of kids reunified with their parents. And even more excitingly than that, most of these families are now joining local churches where they're finding accountability and support and they're thriving as a family. So that's a lot, but that's what life is like.
Yeah, that gives you a good idea. And wow, it's so cool to me that God provides all these different folks. And Sheila, you were going to be a missionary and then Christian Films. And I know the plot line of The Prince is Cut. Can you kind of share it a little bit? Because it's along these lines, right? It is. So it's providential we meet Herbie because our film has been looking for an organization Human Life Coalition is one of those.
But our story revolves around Tessa and she is that girl who didn't have that. Right. It really is. I mean, it's a fit.
And wow, you know, because I saw Princess Cut one, I'll be honest, I hadn't seen two or three. You bear the burden of your own ineptitude. Right.
And there are consequences and it is her decision to maintain that life. Oh, so we got so much more coming back. But we need your call because you know what strong man on the Bible. 866-34-TRUTH. We got the two.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today we have with us Herbie Newell with Lifeline Children's Services.
And Bill Monsoor is the author of Let's Do It, devotional on steroids. And Sheila Munger with the Princess Cut movie series, which is one, two and three, which again, the storyline there is this unwed mother, right? And Princess Cut one is, you know, she's going to have the abortion.
Right. And two, she's presented with the dilemma. Deal with it. And she's like, you know, I don't have a choice. I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to just get rid of it, basically. She chooses that. And she chooses to have the child.
So now we get to Princess Cut three. She's a single mom. She's struggling. She's trying to make ends meet. She does that dead end job. She can't do the job she needs to do.
And you always wonder, why does the Lord have you in these frustrating places where you can do it yourself, but you realize God has you right there because you need Him to show you what to do and how to do it and in a way that will honor Him. And so she's on that path. She wants to do it right. She wants. And she hears grace in her head. You know, that constant encouragement, you know, scripturally. And she says, you know, I hear it in my head. It's not a creepy way, but, you know, she knows. And she's pulled back to what is right. And that's what Mike represents to her. It's that new kind of ministry to your heart after you've failed.
And you fail miserably when you're at that point. That's how cool. You can see both Princess Cut two and Princess Cut three if you come to the Grand.
But actually, on the 14th, you're going to have just three. Which I've got a link up there at Kingdom Pursuits for people that are interested. Because how cool.
I mean, how awesome. But, you know, obviously, as people grow closer to God, it helps them through these decisions, whether they're in the middle of a life crisis like that. So the let's do it, you know, I'm thinking, in fact, I even heard her say do it a second ago, Bill. So it's right along the same lines, right? Yes. It's putting action to your faith.
And that's what both Herbie and Sheila have done, it sounds like. We all have this faith within us, not all of us, but Christians do. And the struggle is actually putting actions to our faith many times. People do church, and they're nice people, but being on the offensive and finding ways that we can do those random acts of kindness and devotion so that our lives are really full in a devotional sense, not just reading Bible and having those quiet times, but actually putting action into our faith. Yeah, that's the delighting in the Lord and committing your way to Him.
That's what too is based on, that whole premise. It is? And let's do it. Aren't you delighted? And so I'm very curious, like, I know God took you on a journey as you wrote this devotional, and I know He took Sheila on a journey as she directed the movie. He's got these adventures for us, but as He did that with you, Bill, what excites—like, He gave you something like, oh my goodness, I can hardly wait to share this in this book.
What's that? Yeah, really, near the end of my church ministry, I'd pastored a church for 20 years, and about three years ago, we did a 30-day challenge, and each night I would send out an activity that people needed to do, either devotional activity or some kind of action, take flowers to someone or write a letter or something like that. And at the end of the 30 days, people just were so excited. We got together and told stories about all the actions we did, and I couldn't keep them quiet.
They just kept talking and talking and talking. They loved it, and it's one of the best things I think I've ever come up with in ministry, or God came up with in me. And I thought, you know, I need to put this into some kind of book, and then I thought, you know, people need devotionals, and I put them together, so actions with the devotionals, and that's how I got to the book. And there's a few other things in it that are different than most devotionals, and that's why it's called a devotional on steroids. It's really more than a devotional.
Yeah, it sounds like it. And so along those lines, Herbie, I'm curious, how did God get a hold of you? I mean, you go to Samford University, you get your graduate degree. How do you end up in that field?
Yeah, well, that's totally a God thing for sure. You know, one of the things, I guess very much like Sheila, when I was younger, I really felt this, and I knew that the Lord was calling me to work with young people, and, you know, at the time, I just stifled that as working as a student pastor, a youth pastor with kids within the local church, and I did do that shortly after college and worked with junior high and high school students. But when my wife, Ashley, and I got married, she had just a burning passion for pro-life ministry, and, you know, she was one of those people who went to college and knew exactly what she wanted to do, and she wanted to be the director of a crisis pregnancy center, and that's what she ended up doing right out of college. And as I watched her passion grow, my degree was actually in accounting, and so I was a CPA financial planner for businesses throughout the Southeast and really enjoyed my job just from a day in and day out, but obviously was devoid of any eternal purpose.
And, you know, really, as Ashley and my wife would come home each night and would share the stories of the women that had come through her clinic, it really even brought conflict of belief for us because these were women who really had nowhere to go, nowhere to turn, no support, and yet, you know, here they were, and they had this pregnancy, and they didn't know what to do, and it just really caused us to do what the believer only can do, which is wrestle in prayer with the Lord on behalf of these women and on behalf of life and these kids and their wounds, and it just developed a family passion in us to really stand in the gap for the vulnerable, and as this passion grew, we started to see it illuminated in God's Word just over and over, the passion, the calling, all the way from the children of Israel and from James of, hey, church, pure undefiled religion is to care for the orphan and the widow, the vulnerable, the stranger, and the alien, and in so doing and caring, we don't just care for a justice, but we care so that ultimately we can show the gospel, and that passion just really welled up, and so about 18 and a half years ago, the Lord opened up the position at Lifeline for me, and we just, through several different just confirmations, knew that that's where the Lord was calling our family, is for me to leave the private, professional business world and get into full-time ministry through Lifeline. Yeah, you don't find many CPAs. I mean, it's just not the personality type that you normally find in your line of work, so it's really, you know, like, God really, that's really, really cool, but I can still tell your attention to detail in your speech. In other words, CPAs have a very methodical way about doing things, and as you describe things, it's interesting, you know, how God gifted you for such a time as this, and He gifted you, Sheila, right? And what did you realize that you had in the way of being able to direct, that woke you to, like, oh man, look what God gave me?
Oh, I direct every day, but they're not all on the same page as film crew is. You know, the Lord does put that in your path. I share that sentiment that He had for the young children and the mothers.
And you have nine children. I do, so I've got a lot of skills that don't go on resumes, but that burden to see young people loved, that's why I was going to the mission field and work with those orphanage. And along that way, as an educator, I have a degree in education, and, you know, I did event planning and weddings and art, and I used to teach art. So coming into film, being hijacked into it, I should say, just supporting my husband, you just do whatever the Lord has in front of you to do.
Yeah, her husband, Paul, by the way, is a producer of all the Princess Cut movies, and it's quite a gifted, but what a neat way to be able to create, right? When you have something on your heart like this, and you can put it in a visual way for people to say, hey, you know, maybe that's something I could apply to my heart. I love hearing people come back and say, you know, I was struggling with that, and that's something I was able to consider differently. And so by the same way, Bill, you know, God gave you a way to take your creativity and devotional, and I love that story about these people. They were all lighting up, right? And you saw the light realizing there was something here to capitalize on.
That's right. And I've always had a passion for stories, and that's what I loved hearing was the stories of the people doing their actions through each week. And in fact, that's what you're doing. You're hearing our story. You're hearing Herbie's story and Sheila's story and my story, and that's what people connect to. And so I really thought a devotional more based on stories, about half of the devotionals are based on stories of my life and my family's life, that help people think about how their lives fit with Scripture. And that's what we do when we read Scripture. We tell people, you know, how does your life fit into this?
What does this mean to you and your life, and how can you apply it to the marriage or your family or whatever? And so I wanted to put stories into it, and then of course the actions. I think they're just so important in our Christian lives. I really feel like, again, when we tell testimonies of our faith, we end up telling things that happened in our lives, or how God came through in our lives. So they're all based on those stories again. So which of those stories, because you've got me interested now, which story is the one that you're like, man, I've got to have this story in there?
Which story is that? Well, I've got several, but the one that everybody is commenting on, who's read this book, is my daughter when she was about four or five years old. And my kids basically are perfect, but every once in a while they have their moments. And she had finished her dinner, and she had not finished everything or taken enough bites of everything the way we did it, and so she wasn't going to have dessert. And she said that was fine. And so she ran off, and her brother ran off after we were all finished talking. And my wife and I were still standing, sitting there at the dining room table, and she came back in, into the kitchen, and she grabbed the refrigerator door. And I said, Katie, you know you're not allowed to have anything else. So don't open that door.
Oh, I'm going to have to stop you there, which is a perfect way. There's no time to go into Walmart until you find out what happened at the end of the story. Because we're going to come back after this with more from Bill and his book, Let's Do It, Devotional on Steroids, Herbie Newell with Lifeline Christian Services, and Sheila Munger with The Princess Cut trilogy at this point in time.
How cool is that? Stay tuned. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom today. We're having so much fun with Herbie Newell with Lifeline Christian Services. Bill Montseur, I'll say it right eventually, is the author of Let's Do It! and The Devotional on Steroids. And Sheila Munger with The Princess Cut, actually one, two, and three, but their premiere of two and three is going to be at the Grand Theatre on February 15th, and they've got a special online going on on the 14th.
Again, you can get information about all three of these at But I know you're wondering like me, like, what about this strong man? And we've got to give away these tickets. And so, you know, before we get to the end, I'm milking it for all I can here, Bill. Before we get to the end of Bill's story, we've got Joseph, who's got an answer for us about the strong man in the Bible. So, Joseph, you're on the Kingdom Pursuit.
The only strong man that I can think of is Samson. Yeah, but do you know why? Yes, you're absolutely right. You win. You have tickets.
You get to go to see these two movies. But do you know why he was an actor? Besides the fact that he obviously, because he brought down the house, man.
Oh, he brought down the house. Oh, my goodness. There you go.
So, you know me, Joseph, I always have to have something in there that tickles me. So, God bless you. I appreciate you calling in today. Thanks.
I appreciate it. All right, bye-bye. All right, so when we left our hero, Bill, his daughter, if you missed this, you've missed out on it. His daughter would not eat her all her dinner. So, she had to go without her dessert. She's gone away. She's come back.
And so, can you take us from there, Bill? Yes, so she's grabbed the refrigerator door, and I said, Now, Katie, you're not supposed to have anything else to eat. And she looked at me and looked at the refrigerator door, and I said, Katie, don't open that door. And here's what she does.
She looks directly at me, eyes locked with me, and opens the refrigerator door. She's not even looking in the refrigerator. And my wife and I had to do everything we could not to laugh. But, you know, that's a funny story, but there's a lesson there. She was absolutely disobedient. I said, How can my child be that way? And I think I would never be that disobedient, but I, just like as he is, are like, after all the blessings God's given them, they're disobedient, disobedient, but the disciples as well, and we are the same way. We can be just terribly disobedient, and yet God continues to forgive us.
I still do love my daughter, and we've got to be a great child. So that's the kind of story that's just thick in my head, and all of them make sense. You know, these things, they remind us of different things about God and love for us. And as you were saying, Sheila Wright, broken sister. Oh yeah, we're prone to linger, or prone to leave the God I love.
You feel that, and that's what Tessa does. You know, when you find yourself, we're all at that point. We've followed broken sisters.
We've followed things that don't satisfy. She's done the same. She finds there's error on every front. She's just totally overwhelmed, and she turns to the one who has that answer. And he gives us the satisfaction of the honey out of the rock, and he satisfies us. And that's what she needs, is that ministry to her soul. When you find yourself as that Song of Solomon, the gal there, she's like, but I'm black. And the lover says, but I'll give you dove's eyes. You're fair. So we know that struggle.
We're like, you can't love me. I got this and this and this problem, and you go on down. And then the Lord does that work, and he does the transformation. He takes all that broken. He's the potter. He puts all that back together in a remade way.
This is really cool. I heard it actually from a Jewish rabbi, something I was listening to last night. And it was so beautiful.
I've been thinking about it ever since I heard it. And what he was talking about was how the manna in the desert is related to Torah, or what we consider to be the Bible, obviously. And so what he was talking about was that the manna, and this is a teaching that they have, that God had perfected it to the point that your body ingested it without having to digest it.
It would just immediately go right in and do all that it was supposed to do. And because it just didn't satiate you. In other words, the Israelites felt like they were getting a letdown because they were eating this stuff. But all that happened was you got all the benefit of it, and it created a hunger for more. That's the beautiful part of it, is that it made you hungrier. And they said the Bible, the Torah, whatever you want to call it, is like that. The more you eat, it's been refined and perfected so it's exactly what your soul needs.
So the more that you eat, the hungrier you get. Isn't that cool? I got to say that. And I think, Herbie, all of us, for years and years and years, we've been praying, and it seems like we're right on the cusp of this thing. What would you tell us that we're hungry for an end of abortion? I mean, we just are.
Yeah, for sure. And even before we talk about that, I do want to just add something to your riddle there, Robbie. I did miss one thing. Samson was a great actor because he brought the house down, but he also got there through a blind audition. Oh, no.
You now are a five-star guest on a cake diversification. But even taking that analogy of Samson and even thinking about Samson's life and how even that relates to what we're going through right now with, Lord willing, the overturn of Roe v. Wade, we can't rely just on judicial systems. We can't just rely on what we hope is a great decision that comes down from nine justices of the Supreme Court.
As the church and as believers, we've got to trust in the Lord. We've got to be intentional, and we've got to go and lay our own rights down and care for the single mom and to care for the vulnerable child. Because even if Roe v. Wade is overturned, Lord willing, at the end of June, what it just basically means is that the decision for abortion is going to go back to the states. And we know that there are going to be states like Illinois and California and New York that will instantly have the most gregarious, the most just bloody abortion laws, not just in the United States but in the world.
They will have totalitarian abortion opportunities more than even North Korea and China. And so we've got to realize that this is not a victory that's going to be won in court. It's not going to be a victory that's won in the legislature. But to truly have a victory for the sanctity of life, it's going to be won in the hearts and the minds of men. And so we can't rely on human strength like Samson did, right? But we have to trust in the Lord and realize that he is our provision, and he is the one that's going to go before us. And ultimately, he's the one that's going to change the hearts and the souls of men. Wow, that's just beautifully said, Herbie.
And greater is he that is in us than he that's in the world. Yeah, that's just awesome. Yeah, and that's so true. But it happens, actually.
Would you just share Jesus with that child or with that person that just met you, right? That changes—you were talking about a life cycle, right? Right. If you cut a life cycle, no matter what the creature or the life, it's an ending of that life.
And so whether you think it's your body or its body, that's beside the point. You're ending a life cycle. And so as we share devotionals like you've got there, Bill, and we bring the light that you're talking about with Let's Do It, because that's where the rubber meets the road, right? When our faith is actually put into action. So we've only got a few more seconds left in this segment, Bill. I'll let you take us out, because you close us so well. Yeah, well, I would even say, as Herbie was saying, we can hope that the laws are going to be changed, but that means more of us are going to have to put our faith into action by adopting children, taking care of them, taking care of the mothers, all those things, all the ministries that need volunteer help as well as family help.
So it's so important to just keep finding ways to put our faith into action and not just come up with platitudes and laws that we want changed, but things that we can actually do to further the change we've got. That's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. We've got one more segment coming up. So again, you can find out Bill's book and all about Lifeline, as well as the movie Princess Cuts All at You can find out all about them. We'll be right back.
You're listening to The Truth Network and And welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. We've had so much fun. We really have today with Herbie and Bill and Sheila and their ministries are all there at, the Lifeline Children's Services and the Let's Do It devotional and Princess Cut movie now trilogy soon-to-be series. Sheila's very encouraging. I can hear that. But as I heard the end of what you were talking about, and Tessa being the character that got pregnant, obviously, then decided to have the baby, now she's a single mom in Princess Cut 3, you said something that really resonates with me because I remember when I went to the – she said she felt like she didn't deserve all that God has given her. I was like, yeah, aren't we all that way? Oh, totally.
We don't deserve any of it. You know, one of the first remotes I ever did, actually, it was snowing and I was at the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission. I'll never forget as long as I live.
It was like a seven or eight hour remote. I'm in the freezing to death. But anyway, and these guys all had – and I was interviewing all these guys that were at the Rescue Mission and they all had almost exactly like, why are you talking to us? We don't deserve, we don't deserve, we don't deserve. And I thought, you know, that's such a precious, such a precious understanding that I need to have. If we think we're deserving, we don't need God's love, we don't need his salvation, we don't need any of that. But when we see that we are in need and we turn from our ways and we turn to him, then you really find true satisfaction. You know, these women who've come from these situations and they're faced with all these things, it's really, really hard to feel God's love to you when you feel so undeserving. And that struggle is a similar struggle I went through. You know, I was like, I don't deserve a godly home. I don't deserve these wonderful kids. You know, when you mess up, you know, you don't.
And then that's the exact place you need to be. You need to know that you're the unfaithful spouse of the Lord, just like in Hosea. We're the Gomer, we're the church.
Hosea is the type of Christ, and he sets his love on us, he redeems us, and then he also kills the fatted calf and reinstates us and makes us joint heirs. You know, we don't deserve anything but our sin and hell, the consequences of our sin, and we're born into that. So, you know, we're twice cursed, you know, and the Lord is that curse reverser. He's going to set that right. He's going to put that new song in our heart.
He's going to make us the bride, a presented bride to himself. And so, Herbie, I know you see that as well. You and your wife, I mean, what an awesome thing that you guys were able to do that in joint, but I'm sure you see that same thing all the time, don't you?
Oh, yeah, certainly. We see just the brokenness, you know, of humanity and certainly see vulnerable women and vulnerable families that come in all the time and really believe they're outside of being loved. And, you know, one of the most powerful things that we are able to see the Lord really speak to the hearts and minds of women, of families that are broken and of the vulnerable is when we're able to look back to God's Word and tell them the truth that they were created in the image of God and that they are special and loved by God.
You know, so many believe they're outside of that love. They've been told their whole life that they're the problem. They've been told their whole life that everything's broken because of their choices. Right, they're the burden.
Right, they're the burden. And when you can help them understand that, first and foremost, they are precious to the sight of God, knit together in their mother's womb by God, and created to be an instrument of the love of God, yes, you don't go away from sin and that we've all sinned and fallen short of God's glory, but I think we have to start pouring that cold water on the dry ground of these lives that have been told that they're nothing but a failure, but to help them see that God's created them and made them for his glory and for his good and for his purpose. It's beautiful that when you actually know that you are a failure and it's not wrong to say, you know, that's true of me, but that's under the blood. The cues of the brethren comes all the time. He says, you know, well, he only does it because you bless him. No, he is the one that gave his life for us and when we say, you know, I can't do it because I'm this or I can't do it, well, no, you know, all these things, I am a failure, I am do, I do this, I do that, but if we plead the blood and we teach these women and these young people who are stuck in these situations where they're going to repeat the same problem, you know, how to plead the blood, how to say I want that applied to my account. We got to get Bill in here because the pastor, we want to give you a word here at the end.
Plead that blood, Bill. Oh, we do. You know, the first step is recognizing that we're poor in spirit, that we are not who we're supposed to be. God loves us as we are. We are his children and he loves us.
You're welcome. But he wants us to be even more. He wants us to be fully devoted to him and the only way that gets started is by recognizing our need for forgiveness and salvation. And so we give ourselves to him and we say a prayer or whatever it is.
I like the language of the Bible, that we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to him, that we deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow him. And then he can do all kinds of things with us. And, you know, the greatest stories, I think, come from the everyday people. Like each one of us that have stories that God has done in our lives so that we can serve him and make more of his kingdom.
Oh, yes, yes, yes, I could agree with him. So again, Herbie Newell with Lifeline Christian Services and Bill Monsour, the author of Let's Do It! Devotional on Steroids, Sheila Munger Princess Cut. We are so grateful for all you guys to be with us today. As always, we're grateful for you who listen because you guys make it all possible for us. And stay tuned because we've got Encouraging Prayer coming up followed by Masculine Journey. And, oh, man up with Nikita Kolov. So much truth coming at you on the Truth Network.
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