This is Stu Epperson from the Truth Talk Podcast, connecting current events, pop culture, and theology, and we're so grateful for you that you've chosen the Truth Podcast Network.
It's about to start in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, and please share it around with all your friends. Thanks for listening, and thanks for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore.
What a treat we have for you today on Kingdom Pursuits. For those of you who regularly listen to the Christian Car Guy show, you may have heard Christian Car Guy Theater. And today's show, we have one of the stars of Christian Car Guy Theater, who also happens to be a wonderful author. It's Ellen Kennedy, and she and Nancy Panko have done this book, 9-11, A Beautiful Broken Day.
Seventeen American authors share their memories of a beautiful broken day. So welcome, Ellen. Thank you.
I have Gracie Gashank right here at my shoulder. He's gonna be correcting me. Yeah, I'm really happy to be here. Thank you. We both are.
And Mayor Al Vira, Mary Weather, and Duesenberg, and so many different characters that Ellen plays. But Ellen, this project is near and dear to your heart in so many ways. Can you kind of share with our listeners what it's about? Well, about a year ago, we have a writers group we call the... We've got a new name, the MC Scribes. And we're a writers group of about 25 authors.
And we meet weekly to share our work. And so one of our members, our youngest member, who's in her early 20s, Emily Dykstra, said, in another year, it will be the 20th anniversary of 9-11. And why don't we put together our thoughts and our impressions in commemoration of that day?
And we've never done a project together before. We've all been independent in it. But we were all excited about it. So each one of us has written, at least there's 17 of us decided to participate. Each one of us wrote something about our thoughts on that, including Emily, who was only two years old at the time, but she has a fascinating article about it that she wrote from the perspective of a young adult.
And so that's pretty much what it is. And we're a Christian group. And many of the articles in the book are Christian oriented, as well as we have poems and some other things. The title comes from an exquisite poem in the middle of it, by Kate Trussler.
And the last line in her poem is that beautiful broken day, and it just seemed to be perfect for the title. So Nancy, from your perspective, yeah, it's great to hear you. I've had you on before, haven't I? It seems like you have for both my books.
Okay, I thought we had. So a beautiful broken day. What does that look like from your perspective? Well, from my perspective, that beautiful broken day started off as the most perfect weather-wise. It was one of those days that makes everybody feel good. The tragedy broke that beautiful broken day.
By nine o'clock, it was broken. It was shattered and affected thousands and thousands and thousands of lives. And with our efforts, one of the first things we said after we decided to embark upon this adventure was that we wanted to donate the proceeds of this book to a charity. And we were very excited about that and started talking about what charity we wanted to benefit from our work. Then we came up with a local military missions in action in Fuquay-Varina, had their fundraising efforts absolutely shattered during the year of COVID.
And they were severely hampered by that. And they are a nonprofit organization which dedicates themselves to assisting disabled vets and active duty military and their families. Everything from building handicapped ramps to completely renovating homes to make them accessible. And we figured they could use our money from this project more than some of the big organizations like Tunnels to Towers that have lots of corporate sponsors.
So we wanted to keep the money close to home. And we're hoping that we do make enough money to make our efforts very worthwhile for each of these vet families that are helped. That's beautiful. So, also on today, which we'll have shortly, he's been indisposed right this minute, is Alex McFarland and their Are You Ready event that's going to be going on at Grace Baptist Church, which includes, by the way, a free hot dog dinner on June 18th. But the idea is, are you ready for the second biggest event in world history? Like, wow. And I'm guessing they mean Jesus is coming, Beth Ann.
That's the deal. So you can imagine that with Are You Ready being one of the things—and Ellen, you and Nancy both know this is coming, so here we go. Speaking of ready, we have to get to our puns, you know? So I have a new producer with me today.
So we're going to try this out on him. So I'm finally ready to accept applications for my dear cloning business, Sean. I'm ready. Okay. So is anyone looking to make a quick buck? Dear cloning—there you go.
He'll come to you. Did he come to you, Sean, about making a quick buck if you're in the dear cloning business? Okay. No. All right.
Oh, groaner. So, and the ready straw business is booming. I don't know if you know that, but it certainly is because—you know why? There's a sucker born every minute. So, yes, the ready straw business, yeah.
And the pickpocket, he was ready, Sean, to try his first victim, but turned out to be a dwarf, and he backed out. You know why? No. I had to get, you know, he just didn't want to stoop that low.
Yeah. So you knew that you had to be a little punished before you get to the actual riddle today. And so here's our riddle. I'm not here.
There I am. Who in the Bible wasn't ready because they were in denial? 866-348-7884. 866-34-TRUTH.
Who in the Bible wasn't ready because they were in denial? And if you can guess that, Sean, tell them what to win. All righty, Robbie. If they get that, it could be one of the books from these talented ladies we have on the phone, or maybe something else from the Truth Prize closet. How's that sound, Robbie? It sounds good, including a Christian car guy t-shirt, if you'd like, where you could be styling and profiling with the Jesus-labor-loving on your back and the Christian car guy Superman triangle on the front.
Oh, it's all wonderful. All you have to do is call in and tell us who wasn't ready because they were in denial. 866-348-7884. So again, where you should be getting Alex McFarland here shortly, and he's going to be talking about the second biggest event in world history, Are You Ready? It's coming up June 18th, including a free hot dog dinner.
It's at Grace Baptist Church on Peter's Creek Parkway in Winston-Salem. So, you know, when I think about 9-11, and I'm sure all our listeners that were alive at that point in time kind of know what was going on in their life that day, and actually, Ellen, I was still a car dealer back then. Interesting. And I came out in the service waiting area, and I watched a plane. I mean, I saw it actually, they were showing it for whatever reason, and I saw it go into the building, and I thought, well, that crazy traffic controller let that plane fly right into that building. And then when the second one did it, I went, what are they doing down there? You know, I was saying, what are they doing down there? I was so, I'll never ever forget, I just, I couldn't comprehend what in the world were they doing.
And Robbie, I was freaking out because my husband was in the city that day. Oh wow. And I couldn't get in touch with him. And my story starts that way. And so, and maybe you got a story on 9-11, we would love to hear that, or you've got a riddle about being in denial, 866-348-7884. Maybe we'll get Alex back, 866-348-7884. If you're listening, Alex, we would love to hear you. And we'll be right back with so much more Kingdom Pursuits.
Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom today. We're so blessed to have with us Ellen Kennedy and Nancy Penco with their book, this has just come out, 9-11, that beautiful broken day, 17 American authors share their memories of that beautiful broken day. Now, usually we have that up at, and you could order the book straight from there, but unfortunately, our website broke. So, Ellen or Nancy, do you guys want to tell people how they can get the book? Nancy, why don't you?
Yeah. That beautiful broken day can be purchased through They make sure that you write down 9-11, followed by that beautiful broken day. And it's important to note that if listeners want to join us in donating money to military missions and actions, they can go on the website and buy one book for $10, or two books for $20, buy one for yourself, or buy one as a gift.
They'll be doing a good thing and getting a wonderful book. So the website itself, is that 9-11, that beautiful broken No, it's on
You go to books and type in 9-11, that beautiful broken day. I could read to you what the direct link is. Oh, that's okay.
In other words, it's there in the Amazon link, and they click on that link, and then they go to the website. So also we do have Alex with us, and I apologize, apparently we had a mix-up on the phone number or something, but Alex, welcome, it's so good to have you again. Well, it's good to be back, Robbie, and to your wonderful guests, and I just thank you for the chance to be with you again on Kingdom Pursuit. I hate you missed the punishing that went on earlier. Did I miss the riddle? Yeah, you did, but it's all right.
Oh, bummer. It's good to hear your voice. You can listen to the podcast. Robbie, you've just got the greatest voice, and you minister to so many people, and you do such a good work, and you know, I'm not just saying this to, you know, flatter you. You really, you are a great representative for Christ, and I'm always honored to converse with you, my friend. Oh, and me too, and I couldn't be more excited about what you're doing on Friday, June 18th, right?
Talking about the second. Oh man, well yeah, to everybody in the, you know, central North Carolina, Forsyth County, Winston-Salem, we all know people that need the Lord, and there's an event coming up on June 18th. This is Friday night, June 18th. Now listen up, folks. This is your chance to bring people under the sound of the Gospel. There is an event at Grace Baptist Church, although it's really multi-church, a lot of people, and this event says, America, are you ready? Robbie, I was meeting with some of the people helping organize this.
A dear brother named Mike Carpenter, who's a financial planner in the area, Pastor Cletus Titus of Grace Baptist, and there's other people on board, but here's the thing. COVID has changed the world. I mean seriously, politically, economically, the world is in a unique, and I would say, not good place, and the Are You Ready event, June 18, the doors open at 5 30, there's going to be music, there's going to be free food, then I'm going to be sharing the Gospel, because listen to this folks, Jesus is coming.
It may be very soon. I mean honestly, the world situation is very indicative that we may be very, very, very near the return of Christ, but at any rate, this is a time for people to get their house in order, and I would say to everybody listening, this event, Are You Ready, June 18, you can bring somebody under the sound of the Gospel. We're going to explain in very clear, simple, understandable terms how to be saved, how to know that you're a Christian, and so we just want everybody to come if they go to GBCWS, as in Grace Baptist Church, Winston-Salem.
All right, listen, slash ready, just R-E-A-D-Y, and I would encourage all your listeners, Robbie, to spread the word. Let's have a great night of the move of the Holy Spirit. Listen, this is not a Baptist event, a Methodist event. This is just a time for people, everybody, to come together to lift up Christ and bring people under the sound of the Gospel.
So I'm just so pumped about this, and I just hope everybody will come and bring people to hear about the Lord. Yeah, me too, Alex, and as I think about it, you know, it's kind of cool that you're on together with Ellen and Nancy, where they're talking about 9-11, that beautiful broken day, because like COVID, 9-11 had a similar effect, where it kind of scared people. In fact, it really, really scared people, and one of the things that I'll always remember, Ellen and Nancy, about 9-11, is I had a chance shortly thereafter to interview a man that came to Christ at 9-11. You know, you're talking about receiving the Gospel. The way he received the Gospel on 9-11, Alex, I love this story.
You might have been there when this interview was going on, because it was back in the days with Truth Talk Live, and we did all that stuff. And this man said, everybody walking up out of the dust of 9-11, you can picture the scene, if you remember, how everybody was coming out of the dust, and everybody coming out of the dust was mumbling, how could God let this happen? How could God let this happen? And the Holy Spirit hit this guy between the eyes that had never, right?
This was the day he received Christ. He immediately knew, if it weren't for God, every day would be 9-11. Wow.
Right. If it weren't for God, every day would be COVID City. Like, oh my goodness.
And so, you know, it's interesting to me, Alex, Ellen, you know, how God allows these things, to some extent, to really get our attention on how good he really is. Absolutely. And the people that were spared, they should have been saying, thank God God spared me.
Yeah. We have a good narrative in there from one of our members who was a retired policeman, and what he kept looking at were where all the people were helping each other, and especially the first responders. And he said it lifted his heart and the people that it lifted his heart and those of his other fellow policemen to see that people were stepping up and helping and loving each other and trying to heal each other as best they could under really tough circumstances. And I found that a very inspiring story. That's part of what touched us so much about the book. And I'm really excited to hear about Alex's event.
That's going to be wonderful. God bless you. Hey, I've got to tell a 9-11 story. The day of 9-11, I got a call from the Billy Graham ministry.
It was interesting. I had been on the Billy Graham decision radio show about a month prior to 9-11 and, you know, was doing the thing about apologetics. And so the morning of 9-11, I get a call from the Billy Graham ministry, and they said, look, we're going to Ground Zero to do ministry.
Would you go with us? So a few hours later, I'm on a bus headed to New York, and we got there in the wee hours of the morning. So the next morning, we began to do ministry all around.
Well, the first day the stock market reopened, which was about three or four days after 9-11, the stock exchange reopened, and I was sent down there to give a talk. Well, outside of the stock exchange, there's all these people gathered to go across a crosswalk, and so I'm giving out booklets from the Billy Graham ministry, and we had SEMA credentials and all this stuff. It was really a great opportunity of ministry, but a man looked at me and he said, is the world going to end? Are we near the end of the world?
And I had just this crowd of people coming out of the stock market, and I decided to, Robbie, get my street preacher hat on. And I said, this man has asked, is the world going to end? Is Christ going to return? I said, before that stoplight changes, before the streetlight goes green in 90 seconds, I'm going to tell you how to be ready. When Christ does return, or when the world does end, I'm going to tell you how to be ready.
Well, the crosswalk changed, and nobody moved. It's 5.02 pm, and I shared the gospel, and I got bold. I said, if you're going to pray and accept Christ, if you want to be ready, look, had you been in those towers when they fell, you could be ready if you have Jesus. And if you're going to pray and accept Christ, raise your hand. Well, I promise you, 100% of the hands were raised. And every group that came out of the stock exchange, and I had a box of 500 little booklets of Billy Graham's Peace with God.
We gave every single one away. I finally preached to the last group about 8 pm, and what was really wild was, we had so many groups come across this crosswalk, and honestly, like 99.9% of every man and woman that came out of that stock exchange building prayed the sinner's prayer. We actually had a couple of street vendors who, like, saddled up alongside of me, and I'm up there preaching at the crosswalk, and this guy kind of looked at me like, is this okay? And I said, yes, Mr.
Hot Dog Vendor, you've come here too. We shared Jesus at a moment of pride. You know, the fact that that was a crosswalk, Alex, I think there should be a poem. Oh, very good, yeah. But anyway, wow, what a story.
Well, I think we got to go to a break. We got so much more Kingdom Pursuits coming up again. The book is 9-11, That Beautiful Broken Day, Alex's event coming up Friday, June 18th.
Have fun with that. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. Today we are beyond blessed to have with us Alex McFarland with his Are You Ready event that's coming, America Are You Ready event that's coming Friday, June 18th, to Grace Baptist Church on Peters Creek Parkway, and you can get a sense of like, how, man, how fun would it be to be there.
And 100% of everybody raised their hand that they wanted to receive Christ. And I like what Alex experienced there on 9-11, as well as Ellen Kennedy and Nancy Panko in their new book that's out, 9-11, That Beautiful Broken Day. Seventeen American authors share their memories of that beautiful broken day. But next up we got Amy Cabo with The Cure. She's got a big show coming up today on A Father's Legacy. That movie is coming out, and you guys are covering that today, Amy, on your show at one o'clock, right? Yes, we have a very exciting show today, and the movie coming out this June with Jason Mack. People may know him as the actor from Vampire Diaries, and this is, he's not only the main actor in A Father's Legacy, but he's also the director. Really?
We're gonna talk about family loyalty and redemption and, you know, the father's role in a family dynamic. That is beautiful. Wow, that is so exciting, and they got Boris too. So, you know, you get Amy, you get Amy, you get Boris, and the, I did not realize, hey Boris, good to hear from you, that he was in The Vampire Diaries. Wow, that's quite a story.
Yes, very well-known actor. So that's awesome. Well, you guys keep up the great work, and I know you're gonna have a great show, so you can call in on that show live too, right, Amy?
Yep, I'm looking forward to it. Okay. Everyone's welcome to call. You have a great show. Have a beautiful day. Okay, you too.
God bless. Bye-bye. Well, how fun is this? We have Anne in Huntersville calling in, and Anne, I bet you might have something to say about Ellen's book or something. Yes, I just wanted to join the party. I thought, doggone, this is fun.
I mean, the book sounds, I talked to Ellen about it, and she had told me that Beautiful Broken Day, which is a magnificent title, and I just, I really wanted the book anyway, and then I also wanted to answer the riddle so I could get the book. Oh, there you go. And then also just, yeah. So who wasn't ready because they were in denial? I would say Moses. He was in denial, that's for sure. And he wasn't ready to get out and go become Pharaoh's son, but anyway he did. For 80 years it took him before he was ready, I think. That's for sure. As God works in us, of course. And then also I was going to say that 9-11 was so significant to me.
I lived in Arizona at the time. My mother called, woke me up, but just at 3 a.m. the night before I had just finished writing a brochure about how God's people had to get together, those that are filmmakers, and start doing God-honoring films. So just very, very significant time for me. But I just love you guys. Yeah, well, I've got Ellen on here with you, Ann, if you want to talk to her real quick. Hey, my friend Ellen. Yeah, we're all classmates, more or less. And castmates, too. That is so cool.
And what? And castmates. You're classmates and castmates. So yeah.
That's right, we were in the same college and the same Christian Car Guy Theater. Oh, there you go. Well, God bless, Ann. I'm so glad you called in today and I'm glad you won. Yeah, me too. God bless you guys.
It's such a beautiful show. Just loving it. Oh, good, good. I like that. Thanks, Ann.
God bless. So getting back to Alex, I'm sorry I tried to put you on and then all of a sudden we heard a lot of feedback. So Alex, when we left our hero, man, all these people were there. Like, I have to wonder as God gave you that opportunity, what was it like for you that night when you lit your head down on the pillow? Oh, man, well, I was really tired. But it was a good tired, you know.
And there's just something there. There's just something about seeing the Lord at work. And I want to say to everybody listening, I know, Robbie, you probably have, you know, a lot of Christians in your audience. I want to challenge every Christian listening to, before you leave this world, lead at least one soul to Christ.
You can do it. Robbie, I'm like the least likely guy that could ever be a witness or something. I mean, growing up, I was so shy and such an introvert. Oh my goodness, I was such a very shy, quiet, introverted person. But after I got saved at 21 years old as a college student, I just wanted to see people come to the Lord.
And let me recommend some things. Billy Graham, the great evangelist, Billy Graham, wrote a book called Peace with God. And he also wrote a little booklet. They've given away millions of them probably, but a larger book called Peace with God, How to Have Peace with God. And then, I mean, it's not hard to learn how to evangelize people. And, you know, thank God for Billy Graham, David Jeremiah, Franklin Graham, all the ministers that we know and love. But there are people in your realm of influence, everybody, that they might not ever hear David Jeremiah, but they know you. And I just want to challenge people to learn how to share the Gospel. And if you ask people, I have found this out probably tens of thousands of times, if you ask people, you know, would you like to make sure that you have the Lord in your life? You know, heaven forbid, but if you were to die today, you are ready to meet God. I can share that in just a minute from God's Word, and you can know that you have Christ in your life. Would you like that?
Robbie, you'll be amazed. You'll be amazed how many people say, yeah, you know, I really do. And the other thing, I'll say this, Robbie, I've shared the Gospel with people, and you ask them, would you like to know Christ personally? Would you like to have a relationship with Jesus? And I've had hundreds of people say, oh my goodness, I'm so glad you brought this up.
I've been thinking about this for weeks, and I didn't know how, you know. So I honestly believe there are millions of souls ripe to be harvested for the Gospel if we would but speak up. So let me challenge all of your listeners, honestly, pray and say, God, use me as a witness, because especially in this COVID world, I mean, the world, violence in the Middle East, the economy, what's going to happen?
People are ready. People are thinking about eternity. So let's just unite as the body of Christ and tell this world how they can find Jesus.
Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more, Alex. And Ellen and Nancy, you know, it's interesting to me that your book is going to take a lot of people back to sort of a spiritual opening in their life, right? Where they really sought after God, and that the beauty of that is in moments like that, where Alex was standing on the crosswalk, people really begin to search. And so you guys had a chance to put all these authors together in their experience to help people to feel God, and as they reminisced about what happened.
We wanted to tell the younger people that didn't remember the day, that there was a solidarity in the nation, and that people came together, people prayed together, people stood shoulder to shoulder in a bonding that we hadn't had since World War II. Yeah, absolutely. And Ellen, you were wanting to say something? Oh, just that it's funny, because it all came together rather well. We're more or less united in our group. We're all Christians. And when a friend, one of our members found a beautiful illustration, it was online.
We used it for our cover, and it's from a fellow named Aaron Burden, who it turns out is a very devout Christian. Oh, I hate we got to go to a break, Ellen, but we'll be right back. And we'll have more with Alex and Ellen and Nancy. So stay tuned. So much more Kingdom Pursuits coming up. You're listening to the Truth Network and
Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And we've been having so much fun today, kind of talking about, you know, it's interesting how COVID and 9-11 have much in common. So we got Ellen Kennedy and Nancy Penko with 9-11, That Beautiful Broken Day. This book has just come out.
It's there at Amazon. And you have to put it 9-11, That Beautiful Broken Day. 17 American authors share their memories of That Beautiful Broken Day.
And Alex McFarland, who's got the America Are You Ready event that's coming to Grace Baptist Church and free hot dogs, not to mention, you know, how fun, what a way to bring your neighbor, say we're going to have free hot dogs, and an opportunity to hear Alex share the gospel. And wouldn't it be so cool to see, you know, all those hands go up and all these people, you know, come into heaven that day as there's nothing much more fun, you know, than seeing, you know, something along those lines. And Ellen, it's kind of neat when God, you know, gives you a concept like this and you can feel his joy come alongside you as it was an idea. And the next thing you know, it was a book. Whoever thought you could get 17 people to write the same book?
It was an interesting combination. We have all kinds of different perspectives. We've got poems and experiences and people from all walks of life that have participated. And I did want to point out too, Robbie, that the Military Missions in Action is a really, really great organization. It assists veterans with disabilities and it does all kinds of wonderful repairs in their homes, and it sends care packages to people overseas, and we're very pleased to be associated with it. And Nancy was the one that found this organization and we're really tickled.
So Nancy, this segment's a little bit shorter, so I want to make sure you get a chance to say anything you wanted to make sure that you wanted to get said today about the book as we head into the close of the show. I would encourage listeners who want to help, who want to do something for a good organization to buy this book. It's only ten dollars and they get a book and they do a good thing for veterans and their families. And I should say they also help, like Ellen said, with active duty military as well as disabled vets.
It's a wide-ranging organization and they give selflessly. Yeah, that's a beautiful, wonderful thing. And again, as I think about the book, here's definitely a conversation piece to have on your coffee table.
We like to think of it as a history book. Yeah, because who doesn't want to enter into a conversation like, where were you that day? And almost always, that conversation, Alex, is going to lead to God, right? Exactly. Absolutely. And that gives us an opportunity to do the very thing that you're talking about, Alex, right?
Exactly. I mean, there's so many ways to transition the conversation to spiritual things. So listen, I want to encourage everybody, Friday night, June 18th, Winston-Salem, the location is Grace Baptist Church on Peter's Creek Parkway.
Listen, free Nathan's Heights, Nathan's hot dog, free Abbott's ice cream. There's going to be great music. You can bring people under the sound of the Gospel. Mike Carpenter, the financial planner, is helping make this possible, along with a lot of other people. But it's America, are you ready? slash ready, as in Grace Baptist Church, Winston-Salem. So slash ready. Pray for me as I share the Gospel, bring people, spread the word, and let's see some people saved in Winston, Friday night, June 18th.
Absolutely. And let me also mention that Mike Carpenter is a good friend of mine. He is with a firm called Asset Guard.
So if you look up Asset Guard, you're going to find Mike Carpenter there, and they help people with retirement issues like Social Security, Medicare, those kind of things, and how to, you know, go into your retirement. Well, Mike is a wonderful, wonderful man, and a dear friend, and what he's wanting, obviously. And a soul winner. Yeah, what he's wanting, and he called me so excited, Alex, I can't tell you. And he's like, Robbie, people have got to get ready. It's fixing to happen.
The second biggest event in the history of the world. And I mean, his enthusiasm for this, and really, we all need to have that perspective, don't you think, Alex? Like, if he comes back in about 10 minutes, are we going to be good?
Wow. Yeah, well, I know we need to remember, Jesus is coming, and we want to be found faithful. 1 John 2 28, in the New Testament, 1 John 2 28 says, Abide in him so that when he appears, we may be confident and not be ashamed. And friend, I just want to ask you, if you knew Jesus was coming back today, or you knew your life would end today, if you knew this would be the last opportunity to come to Christ, or if you're a believer to get right with the Lord, if this was your last day to show Jesus that you're on his team, how would you live?
And see, Robbie and everybody, none of us know. I mean… That's right. It's like those people coming out of the dust.
You know, today could be the day, so wow. And we're so grateful that you're listening to Truth Network, because you get an opportunity to hear the gospel, I hope, several times today, as you got Encouraging Prayer, a really great segment with James Banks coming up, followed by The Masculine Journey, and It's Time to Man Up with Nikita Koloff. So much truth coming at you. But thank you guys so much, Alex, Ellen, Nancy, for a great show. I'm so grateful for what God has put on your hearts and your passions, that he's used to build the kingdom. Thank you, guys. God bless. Thank you, Robbie. This is the Truth Network.
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