This is Robbie Dilmore from The Christian Car Guy and Kingdom Pursuit, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build a kingdom. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it and share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.
Take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Guess what? I'm not Robbie Dilmore. This is Jerry Mathis, Raised Body Shop and Record Service Christian Body Shop Guy. Oh, that is his new title? Christian Body Shop Guy?
You had never heard that before. Wow. Do you have like shirts? Is that your name plate down at Raised Body Shop? Now, when I go down there in front of your desk, Christian Body Shop Guy? I may have to get that there.
I'm going to get one for Bob. What was the Christian? Junkyard. Junkyard Guy. We all had names early on in the Christian Car Guy world there.
That's funny. But this morning, as I mentioned, Robbie is not with us. And as I mentioned last hour, I just asked everybody to lift him up in prayer as he is recovering from the coronavirus, him and his wife, Tammy.
If you get a chance today during your personal prayer time, just say a prayer for him that God will put a hedge of protection around them and bless them with a quick recovery without too many complications or rough days. I know a lot of people are dealing with that in the world we live in today. But this morning, I'm excited about this show and having in the studio, Bob Young with me. Great to be here, Jerry. And also Mark Garrow, who when you and I said it before, whenever Mark's around, usually walks off, anybody goes, that voice sure sounds familiar. Who heard that voice somewhere before? And you have to also remember what goes with that voice.
A face for radio. If you listen to the Christian Car Guy radio show just moments ago, we had a caller who said that was a lovely man sitting over here. And I look back just to make sure I thought somebody had snuck in on it. Well, just Bob, just because we backed the truck over a couple of times, he doesn't have to do it.
He just put the bus right over the top of me right there. Well, this this morning on Kingdom Pursuits, this is a call in show. Also, if you have a call and what we're going to talk about is just how God uses us in the platforms we have. We're going to talk a little bit about racing because both the men in front of me have got ties into racing, but also just how God, God will use whatever we are. And as we've said in the past and as you've all, everybody who's listening has experienced, we're living in a world that has changed drastically in the last year. And there's been a lot of ups and downs and deep valleys. And then and God calls us to come out of that. And that's what we're going to do.
And again, when we share our stories, how God has given us a platform, I'd love to hear some of your stories, how God is using the call. A number is eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four. And I kept thinking, I tell you what, if somebody calls in for for our first caller, I will find something, an autographed hat or something I've got in my little hey, I got a little man cave that's got all kinds of little weird things in it, some sheet metal and different things like that. So that'll be. Yeah. So that's why I don't even have to answer a riddle. Yeah, there's no there's no no no. So there's no contest.
There's nothing wrong with that. And I or should we say that that since Bob is so famous for his commercials, that they have to give that phone number because because there's nobody around here that would not know that phone number. I was thinking maybe there'd be a chance that before the program's over, Bob would sing the phone number for us.
Wow. Oh, I can sing that phone number any time. But when I try to put a different phone number to music, it's really challenging.
But the one oh nine you pull it numbers. It was what made our business special for so many years. I mean, honestly, there's you know, when I grew up, they had a guy in, you know, because if you live in New England, you get either Boston or New York TV stations. Right. And we got local ones. But basically.
And so WP TZ, which is like a big station in New York. And they had these commercial a guy named Crazy Eddie and he had an electronics store. My prices are so is my price. They're so low.
They're insane. Right. It just a local guy. It blew that company's business like sky high doing these local as a local commercial.
And the same thing. I mean, there's nobody in or around the triad area that wouldn't know that commercial and wouldn't know that company. Well, it was a gift from God. We we had done the commercial one time and I just said the phone number. And but the whole thing came down to Family Life Center at church. They got to talking about building a family life center. It was something my wife and I knew that we absolutely had to get behind. And so we increased our giving. And two weeks after I increased our giving, a guy from the TV station showed up and says, hey, Bob, you need a commercial on TV. And I laughed at him. I thought that was the funniest thing. A junkyard on TV.
You've lost your mind. And he explained how we could get started and everything. And we say, well, we'll give it a try.
It's not too bad. We'll give it a shot. And we did. And two months after we went on TV for every dollar we were making before the commercial, two months later, we were making a dollar and a half. And it was just an instant blessing from God. And I saw it as a sign that he approved of our game. You can't outgive God.
Right. I mean, no matter how he made that terribly, just really, really, really crystal clear to me that, you know, I did what he told me to do. And he did what he said he would do. And it was just amazing. It was just such a blessing for a business.
And when did the idea of singing this? Because that's something as Bob said, everybody knows that. Well, we had done it one time. And I just said it, dial 788-9122 and we'll come get that car for you. And we were getting ready to change it up a little bit and going to film it again. And the people came and we filmed it. And I said it like I did before. And then right before they threw the camera back in the van, I said, let me try something really quick. And I'd been riding around in my truck. I said, if that was a song with that phone number, it'd stick with people a whole lot better.
So I was thinking song and a phone number, song and phone, 867-5309, 788-9122, we'll come get that car for you. And they filmed it one time, threw the camera in the truck. They came back the next week, says we put the commercial together. I'd almost forgotten that I'd sang it for them. And they said we put the song at the end.
I said, no, you can't do that. I was just goofing around. And it turned out to be an awesome blessing for our business. And it was like Velcro. Whether you want to or not, if you lived in this area, most folks knew that phone number. And if they couldn't quite remember, we'd have people call in the afternoon and say, hey, I was trying to get that number right all day. But when the kids got off the bus and they were singing it and I give you a call, you know, for generations, the rest is history.
Yes, sir. They got that commercial on TV. I forget for what financial company where they sing it. So then they had a contest for people to sing it. So that's the last thing you people would have done that. Oh, you did do that?
We did that. I did it like Elvis a few times. I did a Copperhead Road version. I did so many, you know, 788-9122.
The wheel will come and get that car for you. But I had so much fun with it through the years. So much fun.
I did a Jackson 5 version one time. Oh, no way. Wow. It was just a lot of fun we had with it. And my son loved being in the commercials. We had him as picking up cars sometimes.
And then he had tied me up and put me in a car one time. We just had a great run with the commercials and a lot of fun. A lot of great memories there. Absolutely. And we're about ready to go into break, but just a little bit of a preview. When we come back from break, we're going to have Scott be on the line with us. He's going to kind of give us a preview of what's going on with Jesus' labor of love and stuff. As I mentioned, Scott Barton is one of the ones that is the contacts that he does a lot of legwork for Jesus' labor of love.
And God uses them in a pretty powerful way. And I tell you, Scott was also an answered prayer from Robbie on his dedication to the ministry. Again, Kingdom Pursuits be back with you in a moment.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. I'm Jerry Mathis from Raised Body Shop and Rec Service with Bob Young and Mark Garrow. And on the line, I got Scott and he's going to kind of give us a snapshot of what's going on and what's going on in the ministry with Jesus' labor of love. In this last hour, we heard a pretty awesome story of Sunshine and Mark coming together with a vehicle being gifted through to Jesus' labor of love. And a big part of that was Scott putting them together. Scott, how are you doing this morning?
I'm doing great. What a great show this morning, Jerry. Yeah, it's been a it's been a blessing. I never put together who Bob was. I didn't know he was the you pull it guy. Oh, you didn't know that? Oh, man, you know, we had. I realized that I knew his voice.
I just wasn't sure what from. But I just want to thank you guys for doing so much in the community. Jerry and for helping the ladies that come there and Mark so much for helping Sunshine. What a testimony. What a testimony.
That was awesome. And I'm just humbled to be a part of this ministry and I'm nothing more than a conduit, conduit, vessel. So I'm just a small part and I'm just humbled to be a part of it. One of my favorite scriptures is Galatians six to carry each other's burdens.
And this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. And I just try to keep that in mind because we all do have these valleys and these seasons. And I just want to thank you guys for your show today. Yeah, it's an honor to be a part of this ministry.
I just want to just thank you because I can't tell you and I'm sure you know this. God brought you into this ministry because Robbie had been been praying for that, that that helping hand and for for the last few years. And when he called me and told me about your involvement and what you were wanting to just dive in and help in any way, I was just just so grateful.
And a little bit real quick before you go up there. What I mean, was there I never really heard the story on your end. What drew you to the ministry of Jesus' labor of love? Well, I just happened to be listening one morning, one Saturday morning.
I was getting ready to go into the auto parts store and I had it on the radio. And he said that he was praying for a helper and somebody who had patience and gratitude and compassion and empathy for people. And I just thought, what an opportunity. And I prayed real quick and I called and I got Beth Ann and they put me on hold. And we prayed about it. And he asked me to come in and we talked. And I just felt like God just put me there. And it's just been a total blessing. And I look forward to calling these people and praying with them. And you're right, we get people, we've had some from California. And I asked, you know, how did you hear about us?
And they listened to it on their podcast or their computer. So our exposure has been unbelievable. Yeah, God is certainly using that ministry and growing it and meeting needs that, you know, so many times, you know, God just, as I've said here, sometimes I just get chills just how God places people and stuff, even from the part of when you just start talking about your progression as far as getting involved in ministry, talking to Beth Ann and stuff.
I just look, you know, Beth Ann used to work here at Truth Broadcasting and left and now she's back. And I just think, you know, God has so many things and sort of orchestrates our lives in ways we don't understand it. And my connection with Mark and my connection with Bob and, you know, look how God's hand was in that and stuff.
And you know what? He likes to connect the dots. Yeah, that's that's one thing that's interesting about what you see, because there are a lot of times and I was just talking about our mutual friend, Tim Keppley, and we always are laughing. We don't really know how we became such good friends. You know, it just that God connecting dots, you know?
Yeah, absolutely. And Scott, I can't tell you how grateful I am. And I know that God's using you in a mighty way. And, you know, a lot of times, you know, the big things are when we hear about a car being given somebody. But you know what? Probably some of the most important things is somebody taking time and praying with somebody and letting them know that somebody really cares for them on this side of heaven. But more importantly, somebody bigger than all of us, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior cares for them. Scott, I'd like to ask you one question.
We saw with Sunshine somebody who was just so grateful. I mean, from the moment, you know, I pulled up. She came straight chasing after the car. She knew more about the car. I mean, she'd run the VIN number and done all that kind of stuff and thought it was going to be pink. And I think that's why your hesitation maybe to take the car. Well, I guess God wants me to have a pink car.
I don't know where that came from, but she said she got that off the VIN. But what are do most people have this reaction to whatever it is, whether it's you had some body work done or you had mechanical work done or you were able to find the mechanical car? Yes, they do, but they're not able to articulate it in such a manner as Sunshine. She's truly amazing.
I could almost see her in a pulpit one day. So they express their gratitude in other ways. And some you hear from and some you don't. But they're all very thankful.
Yes, they just everybody expresses it in different ways. So it was a joy to listen to her this morning. And I'm sure a lot of people heard it and were really moved by her testimony. She's a real inspiration to so many. But yes, they are. But they just expressed it differently.
Those people may not be able to articulate their thoughts so eloquently like Sunshine. So she was so thankful to you, Mark. Thank you so much. And I'm just truly humbled to be a part of this, probably put it up, put it all together. And I'm just one little piece. Yeah, but God puts all those pieces together, makes the perfect puzzle.
And that's where it's no longer a puzzle. It's just a beautiful picture. And that's what God does in our lives in so many ways. And Scott, you're a big part of that. And I know that this morning, as I let you get off the off the line and stuff, I just thank you for what you do. And I just thank you for the lives that you're going to be touched through the ministry.
And you play your part of that. And as you are a vital piece of that puzzle, man, and just thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for all that all of you guys do amazing show today. All right. Thank you for calling in. Great.
And you know, and one thing I want to touch on as as Scott goes away, I'm sure you'll be able to hear this on the radio is the fact that, you know, I tell people all the time, if you give an engineer a problem and enough money and enough time, they'll solve it. Right. Say satellites, for instance. Right.
OK. I want to beam a light up to a mirror. Twenty six thousand miles above the earth. And I want that to come back at a certain angle.
And it'll sound better than meeting you talking right here in the room together. And an engineer worked it out. The real brilliance, the real brilliance was who thought of that?
OK, I think I can send a beam up there. And this is what how is. So the big picture.
Right. That's where the brilliance comes from. And that's where I give Robbie this massive credit that God, you know, sort of whispered in his ear.
This is something that's needed. But then the brilliance comes to think that big. As you said, Bob, when he first approached, you guys were like, you know, you're going like, wow, this is a big, you know, a big thing to bite off.
But what you were really thinking was the man's lost his mind. Right. This is maybe a little bit. I mean, you know, seriously, I mean, that's part of the thing. I mean, come on, let's be honest, like, OK, this is I get it. It's a good thing. It's big. But, you know, you've got to be a half out of your mind to think this is going to you be able to tackle this. And so, again, that's where the brilliance comes from. Right. The brilliance is the big idea. And eventually you bring upon people like Scott and the other people that have come in and they become the arms and the legs and the tentacles to go out there and make a lot of this stuff happen and work side by side with Robbie. But the brilliance of it is is to have God speak to you and then you use that that to come up with something as big as this labor love. Yeah, I think for me and I think I'm probably going to speak for Bob also.
There's no brilliance involved in it. It's just being humble enough to say, OK, God, you're in control. And where are you going to take us in this ministry?
And you know what? I know that as I was sitting there when when Robbie first introduced it and stuff, one thing I knew I saw his his passion for it and his compassion for those that that needed that ministry. And I knew he had been praying about it when he said God pointed me and told me this is something I need to be involved in.
I knew 100 percent. And I bet you, though, God had pointed other people towards that and they thought it's too big, I'm not capable, and just didn't believe it. Didn't believe in the awesomeness of God, the bigness of God and God and Robbie did. Yeah, well, see, I kind of thought Robbie was crazy when he approached me about joining the team and being a part of it. You know, he just wanted you to sing the commercial.
But when he when he approached me, I was like, you're a Christian junkyard guy. Are you sure about this? You know, he's like, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I feel I feel pretty strong about it. And I was I was kind of wondering about it. You mentioned satellite and it just brought it to my mind. Last week we were in Daytona and at 1059, they had a satellite launch. It had been cloudy all day and I'm like, well, we probably won't be able to see it. My buddy stepped out on the balcony and next thing you know, there's the huge red glow to the south. And and it seemed like it came straight toward us and then turned and and went. You know, it's probably just the angle and everything, but is the long we'd seen launches down there before.
And but that was the best one we'd seen. And when you say. You know, the way this thing launched, you know, it just reminded me of that satellite and Robbie just got it started and it took off and it's done amazing things. You know, God, God is good. And part of what I want to do is wrap up the show when we come back from our break is kind of talk about, as I said, I want to get into the racing part because God is everywhere. And a lot of times we don't realize I know a Bowman grave and Bob is very involved at Bowman Gray and has always been involved at Bowman Gray and stuff. God is working there.
God is working in the NASCAR at the big tracks and the small tracks and in those communities also. And we're going to talk a little bit about those stories as we go to break. I'd love for you to call in and give us a call on what you think. God has used you in a week and how he has at 866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. Uh, I'll tell you what, what a great show this morning.
Just being able to have in the studio with me, uh, Bob Young and Mark Garrow and Scott had called in early, just talking about Jesus' labor of love. But right now we have a call in live from Florida, sunny Florida. I'm sure we don't have much sun.
Well, we do have sunshine. It's a little cold up here, but we have Amy Carbo on the line. Not Carbo, Cabo.
Cabo, like Cabo St. Lucas, right? Amy, give us a, give us a little bit of a hint of what kind of great show you're going to have on with The Cure. It comes on at one o'clock Eastern time on the Truth Network. And I'm sure that you've got a blessing coming our way. Yes, sure, Jerry. Thanks. We have today Travis Horne, who holds a guinea book record as the balance guru. He's an ex-Marine, which you could almost be sure is one of the challenges of PTSD, but this guy is the epitome of mind over matter. And he's got so much to teach us. The guy is amazing. I'm really excited to have him as a guest.
Wow. So, uh, you know, as, as I have you on the line, one thing, I mean, I've kind of went back to some, some of the podcasts and stuff and caught different parts of it. It is how, you know, sort of looking back at some of your history and stuff, you know, as we've talked about here so many times, how God uses us and uses our circumstances to bless others and bring encouragement to others.
And that's what your show's all about. Yes, of course. God is the key. He's the answer to everything and He is definitely the cure. Absolutely.
Absolutely. Well, we'll make sure we tune in, uh, one o'clock Eastern time and hear the cure. And Amy, I know it'll be a great show and we look forward to hearing it. Thank you and God bless. God bless you.
Thank you. Also on the line, we have Sarah from the coast of North Carolina and Sarah, how are you doing this morning? I am doing great. I'm a little tired. I must say I did a night audit last night. Third stiff, but I stayed up for you guys and for anybody who's listening.
Well, I'm glad you did. And when you get off of here, you can get some sleep, right? Yes, I hope that I can. I got to be back tonight. I'm so blessed to be able to be working right now.
Um, I just want to jump right into it if I can, if that's okay with you. Yep. Fire away. My name is Larry Thomas and, um, he has been in federal prison in Butner, North Carolina for 13 years and his release date is in 2025. My dad has, um, four daughters. Well, you know, dads always help their daughters with their vehicles and stuff when they can, when they're, when they're there with them.
Um, now my dad is serving the Lord and Butner and he's helping other inmates with their walks with Christ and I'm super proud of my dad right now. But anyhow, I had bought a vehicle and it was, was not safe for me to drive, but I did get it inspected. North Carolina inspections passed it and everything. And the mechanic put that and they said, Sarah, don't drive that car.
The task is rusted underneath it. I said, Oh no. And they said, dangerous. Don't drive it.
So I did it. I talked to my dad about it. He said, baby girl, he said, I want you to go to because they can help you.
He said, just try it, just try it, just give it a try. I said, Oh no dad, there's no way they're going to help me out. You know, um, cause I found myself in financial distress from helping, um, my mom and my sisters and my nephews. They've, they've come across some, some financial issues. And then I too found myself there and didn't couldn't afford to get the task.
It's pretty expensive. I sent out the application online and it was three days later. I got a call back from Scott and he said, Sarah, I just want you to know I've got the funds to get the welding done on the car. And I said, wow, really? I found a place that was willing to do it now because a lot of people want to touch cars that have been, that got rusted underneath them or, you know, cause things start falling apart. I talked to somebody from Young's Welding and the guy who said, I'm going to help you out. He did it.
They paid for it. The car, he said, don't, he said, don't keep them long. He said, don't take on no long trips. Nothing you said, but it's safe for you to drive now. So I've been, I was driving it and I went to my interview for my job that I have now. And I want y'all to know on the way back from that interview, my timing's up on the car because the water pump went out. Now it's a 04 Chrysler Pacifica. And I said, oh no, I got the job in 10 minutes of my interview. So I was super excited. I'm driving my car.
I'm, you know, happy and all of a sudden my engine just locks up and my, or it just stopped and my steering wheel locks up and guess what? There's a church right there to the right. I said, oh, thank you Jesus. I pulled right into that church because I'm out here in the country now. I'm not on the coast.
I'm in Coates, which is near Campbell University. So I ride in this church parking lot and I get the car towed and the people that got the car now is a place near Coates, but they told me, they said, this car just, it just ain't, it just ain't worth doing the work to it. Well, I went ahead and got the water pump and the timing belt and all that stuff.
Like I was told to do, that was, that was what was wrong with it. It said time and jump on the car. My car had never had a tick, tick, tick to it or knock, knock, knock. So I knew that my engine's still good.
It's always cranked up for me. Good little car, good little running car. It's the only thing I got.
Well, people at the shop told me the other day, they said, well, you might as well just not even get the work done and you can dump the car. We'll give you a hundred dollars for it right now, Sarah. And I was discouraged. And I said, oh man, you know, I'm doing good. One minute I've got my, got my car going now and I got the cash fixed and I've got me a job and then it turns off on me. Okay. Well now I've got my parts. Okay, now I've got it out of the shop and now they're telling me it's not worth anything, Sarah.
Just go on and get rid of it. We'll give, we'll give you a hundred dollars for it right now. I said a hundred dollars? I said, oh God. I said, well, I'm going to talk to my daddy about that. The man started going into, well, the pistons are messed up in the engine and then it goes kicking and knocking. I said, well, my car's never ticked or knocked, not one time.
I said, well, let me think about it. And then something just come over me and you know what, Sarah, you've come this far. God's brought you this far. Don't give up on that car right now. He's got the parts to it.
He's got it here in the shop. Have the man go on and fix it because he didn't want to fix it. He just wanted me to sign the title over to him. He won't hand me five twenty dollar bills, I guess because I'm a, I'm a woman and I'm a woman and I don't really know much about cars, but I've got to fix it. I said, well, my car has never even ticked, not once.
It don't recoil. It ain't a brand new car, but it's a good little running car, I think. And I just said, here, I'm going to make my decision right now. I said, just go ahead and fix the car. I said, if the engine does go out, I said, you know what?
It'll go out on my time and God's time. But right now it's doing me good and I'm not going to lose faith in it. And it was almost like the devil was texting me because, and even my daughter, 14, her name is Samantha, said, Mom, he said, don't be discouraged, Mom.
He said, there's a reason that this is happening. You're being texted. Are you going to pass the text, Mom?
My daughter is, she is so wonderful and I'm very proud of her, but when I spoke to her, it just kind of like confirmed what I was feeling and thinking at the top at the time. Like, I've come this far. God's brought me this far.
This is all I've got. For the $100, I can't make it back and forth to work. And guess what? He fixed in the car and he's only charging me $450 to put the common deal and the water pump on, which is a good deal I've heard. And I'm going to be paying for that because I've got my job now. But I'm just wondering if it's going to be worth it.
So I'll find out in the next week or two once the car's ready to go. But I'm not going to say that. I mean, God brought me this far. And you know, whenever I, when I told my dad, I said, Dad, they called, the car guys called me, they're going to fix my car, Dad.
He was, he was so happy that he had, he had a little part in helping me start my life over and helping me get back on my feet. And it's all, it's all for the grace of God. Sarah, thank you for sharing that story. And I know that I feel like I'm cutting you off, but we're fixing to go into a break.
But you know what? Just keep praying and God will, I think God is going to bless you in a way. I may not understand it right now, and you may not, but God will get you through this as he went to the right place.
When Lord Jesus Christ looked for help and he's going to get you through it. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. And as I mentioned, I just want to make sure I touch on this because of, I think part of Kingdom Pursuits is taking our passion and growing the kingdom with that. And I think, uh, Bob and Mark do, uh, have a platform in different areas. And as I mentioned a few moments ago, Bob is really involved and this is two guys that really love racing are in front of me and at Bowman Gray, the local track here, and which is sort of one of the roots of NASCAR goes back all those years and stuff.
Bob has always been involved there. And we thank, you know, so many times Jesus sitting at the racetrack. And I used to always love whenever, uh, the last few years, Morgan shepherd running with that Jesus saves racing for Jesus. That's what it was. I mean, you know, the NASCAR events and stuff, he was, you know, managed to feel there were people by the way, that didn't like that.
Ah, I know. I promise you. Well, the winner of the Daytona 500 this year, Michael McDowell, he, he's a very strong. And that's the real deal. I am telling you right now, when it comes to Michael McDowell, I couldn't have been happier. Now I don't root for or against anybody, but I have to admit the getting down towards the end of the race.
I'm going like, man, this be pretty cool. You know, if Michael could pull this thing off, because I'll tell you what kind of people, uh, Michael is number one, he is very well liked inside the garage. Right. Number two, most people don't know he and his wife, you know, um, I think it was a baby from Russia. They adopted a baby or maybe it was China.
I'm sorry. That had some, some, uh, physical issues. And of course, over in those countries, they look at those kids and they go like, throw them away. And they went and got one and adopted and brought them in.
And matter of fact, Michael told me one time how, you know, he was kind of over here and his wife went over there and she ended up there for, you know, weeks trying to get this process done. And he said, so, you know, again, they're the whole family and is the real deal. So sometimes these athletes stand up, I want to thank God and, and whatever. And I'm not saying they don't mean it, right.
I'm not saying they don't, but there are some people that stand up and do it. And you know, they live it. And Michael McDowell is one of those guys being genuine.
I mean, and people can see that. And I think back Michael McDowell, he was on, and I don't know if he was in on the show on Christian car guy when you've been on there. I know I've been on the show with him.
We've done interviews with him early on in his NASCAR racing career when he was involved in a couple ministries at the racetrack and stuff. And yeah, you could just hear it in his voice. He wasn't just saying the words. He was living the words and minimum, and it was coming from his heart. And, and again, just to show you again, how people feel about this guy, of course, with Corona, his wife and kids, weren't allowed to be at the racetrack. Most times you win a big race like that.
And you, you know, I mean, this is one 358 starts, 14 years of grinding away. This man would have loved to have his family there. Even his car owner wasn't there. You know, because again, you're allowed only so many people, you know, and they're a relatively small team, front row motorsports, but was, what was really neat was to get these pictures on Twitter.
He landed in Concord the next morning. Of course, NASCAR put them on their jet, you know, Harley J Earl trophy and all that. You know, you kind of get some privileges, you know, when the Daytona 500, right.
Your own little private jet ride home and all that kind of stuff. When he landed, not only were his wife and kids there, but all these other drivers, their families, friends, and whatever. And he had like a pep rally at the Concord airport near Charlotte motor speedway. That's what people think of Michael McDowell. Yeah. And I go and I go back to what I said earlier about Bob at the local track at Bowman Gray.
I mean, I think everybody walks through and pays or doesn't pay to walk in that stadium. Knew Bob Young and knows Bob Young. I mean, he's one of those recognizable faces and singing the telephone number voices. But also a lot of people at the racetrack known Bob Young's story. I just like my story and all of our stories. And they see the difference Jesus Christ has made in his life.
And that's intriguing to people. I mean, sometimes you don't have to, sometimes we don't, to spread the gospel, we don't have to say a word about the gospel. Or just give them your testimony, right? Bob, I, you struggle sometimes. Well, what would I say to somebody? And I've said this before to Stu Epperson, right?
Of truth radio. I really just don't know what to say. Tell them your story. Well, tell them that there's nobody that'll let you hit them in the head with a Bible, but about twice and they're going to walk away, but they'll listen to the mistakes you made in your life and the way God took those mistakes and turn them into positive things. And, um, you know, I faced adversity for years and years and still do every day, but God's always given me a way.
He's shown me the way and, and we've always, you know, come out ahead of the game and it's because of the help I got from him. Yeah. And as, as I've said with Mark, I just, you know, how many times people don't realize that Jesus is alive and well in NASCAR and in the pits and stuff. I mean, there's, there's a Bible studies that go on.
I, well, obviously probably not now, but in the past and we'll look for it in the future. The first people to testify, Dave Smith, David Smith, who's, who passed away from cancer, worked at RCR, Lake Speed. Never forget first year. I walked in that garage as a 20 something year old kid and they immediately wanted to testify about Jesus. Man, it was great. Bob, Jerry, thanks for having me again. Glad you listened with us this morning, came to pursuits and tomorrow go to church somewhere, go online, listen to Jesus Christ story, and also in a dark world, be the light.
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