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Kingdom Pursuits - All Comes Down To LOVE

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 27, 2020 10:38 am

Kingdom Pursuits - All Comes Down To LOVE

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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September 27, 2020 10:38 am

Very special time with Author of the new book, The Assault On Our Nation, Alex McFarland and Diana Jewell from the Pregnancy Network.   Alex sums it all up in the words of Jesus Christ.

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Hello, this is Matt Slick from the Matt Slick Live Podcast, where I defend the Christian faith and lay out our foundations of the truth of God's Word. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. I am really looking forward to today's show. We have some really cool stuff coming on that really—I never get a chance to—it's just amazing to me how God is doing all sorts of amazing things all over the place, and I get to find out about them. And so one of the things that we get to find out about today is the Pregnancy Network, which has been operating in Greensboro for years and years and years and years.

It's just that Robbie didn't happen to know much about it. So we have with us Deanna Jewell, who is with the Pregnancy Network. Welcome, Deanna. Thank you. Thanks for having me. And so you're a Senior Director.

That's right. And so can you kind of tell us what you do there for the Pregnancy Network? Sure. So I'm the Senior Director of Health and Client Services. So if you think about a pregnancy care center, if you've ever heard of one, you're probably thinking about pregnancy tests and something along those lines. So that's what I oversee are those two departments. So we have medical services.

All of our services are free. We have pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasounds, STD testing and treatment. And then we also have classes and programs. So we have a Pregnancy 101 class, a Parenting 101 class, and a mentorship program. We also have an abortion recovery program.

So really overseeing all the staff and the volunteers that are in those services, doing those, performing them for the women that come to the Pregnancy Network day in and day out. That is awesome. And you can tell from that that like, oh, good, because you have stories. Too many stories.

You're down there where the stories happen or God's interacting with people and babies are being saved. And so I'm really looking forward to some of those stories. Yeah. We also want to make you aware that they have a big gala. It's a virtual gala.

It's virtual. And so we're going to find out all about that. But next up, we have Alex McFarland, my old friend and author and broadcaster and all sorts of evangelistic stuff that he does.

But Alex, welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. Well, thank you very much. It's an honor to be on with you both. Thanks. And you got a new book, The Assault on America, How to Defend Our Nation Before It's Too Late.

Yeah, yeah. It's a book that we've really been praying about for a couple of years. I was actually in a restaurant June 10th, having lunch in Virginia, and a publisher called and said, hey, we want this book out before the election, but you got to write it by August 17th. So by the evening of June 10th, I was on my knees praying and writing and researching. And the book came out about a week ago.

And it's doing very, very well. And we talked about the Christian history of the country, how we deviated from it, and how we can find our way back. And really, we must. Yeah, in really unprecedented times, which Beth Ann, as you might guess, Are you really singing to the riddles? Yeah, because, you know, the gala for the pregnancy network, it's virtual.

Right. And so with all the stuff that's going on right now, that's virtual, right, Alex? I mean, so speaking of virtual, you knew this was coming. He knew this was coming.

So I'm really excited about this one. Beth Ann, do you know, and maybe Deanna knows, what you call a virtual assistant that can't spell? What do you call a virtual assistant that can't spell, Robbie? Did you ever wonder about that? Did you lay awake at night thinking about that, Alex? Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do.

Aw, he plays along. That's awesome. Well, here you go. She is called Dyslexa. Oh, okay.

Dyslexa, can you not smell that? That's cute, Robbie. I know you'd like that. And I have another friend that is all into computer science. All into computers and stuff. And he started a crazy thing, a website offering for virtual girlfriends, right? It's called E-Babe. And then for the girls, there's Dude Dash. Yeah, there it is.

Drop them right off. So the problem, there was all kinds of problems with the software, from what I understand. You know, what we heard was that they all, they went ransomware.

Ransom-ware, okay. It took a while to get, I didn't even know it was a riddle. It is.

It's the girls, they ran somewhere. Okay, so. Alex, you're not laughing.

Robbie, you're a man of good value. So the deep question, and there is a deep question here, Beth Ann, is are virtual jokes really funny? Are they? I don't know, it's deep.

You're gonna have to think about it. So after the end of all those little riddles there, we actually had the big one coming up. So, speaking of virtual, which king, if you can call in and win by telling us which king in the Old Testament was surrounded by the most virtual prophets, right? So, which king in the Old Testament was surrounded by the most virtual prophets? Beth Ann, the kingdom was clearly a non-profit organization, I'm just saying. Wouldn't you say, Alex? Yeah. But there is, so you could call in and win.

Which king in the Old Testament was surrounded by the most virtual prophets? And if they do that, Beth Ann, tell them what they win. Oh, Robby, we're gonna dig deep, walk right in to the Truth Prize closet.

And we got t-shirts, books, maybe even Alex McFarland's book, who knows? And also the paperback version just out of our very own Sue Epperson Jr., The Last Words of Jesus. Oh, it is out.

It came out yesterday. The Last Words. All right, you gotta call in and tell us which Old Testament king was surrounded by the most virtual prophets, 866-348-7884, 866-34-Truth. So, getting back to Deanna, right? So, how did you, you know, it's one of those stories, like, how did you get connected with the pregnancy network?

Sure. So, I went and did my undergrad at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. And my major there was Bible and ministry to women. And to finish my degree, I needed to do an internship. And kind of long story short, led me to Greensboro, North Carolina, to, at the time, Greensboro Pregnancy Care Center. We've since renamed and rebranded this year, but wasn't sure what to expect, what was gonna, well, it was gonna look like.

But I loved it. I loved that I was able to be in a room with a woman at a really tough time in her life and just love her and be there for her and listen to her and share truth with her and the love of Jesus with her. That's what I felt God had called me to do personally. And so, I left, finished my degree, and the job opened up, a job to come down full time, and I applied and got the job.

So, by God's grace, I've been down here working at the Pregnancy Network for just over four years, and I love it. So, wow, you went to Moody. And I imagine, Alex, you know lots and lots and lots, including Dr. Chapman, went to Moody. Yep.

Yeah. And Erwin Lutzer was up there at the church. He's a dear friend. The man that preached my ordination was a graduate of Moody. So, what a great heritage there. My goodness, that's wonderful.

Absolutely beautiful. And so, we heard about how you got called to do the book from the publisher. Good word. I'm glad you can think faster than I am.

I wasted all my mind on virtual jokes. But how did God call you to write the book? I mean, you said you sensed that a couple years ago. What did you feel like God was trying to get at? Well, you know, what we talk about in this book, the assault on America, how to defend our nation before it's too late, we talk about something that probably a lot of people have not heard of, or maybe not heard of much, and it's the subject of natural law. Now, whenever we in the church talk about life being sacred, and abortion is wrong, marriage is between a man and a woman, many people on the left will say, well, you're violating the First Amendment, that, you know, you can't establish religion. And what I talk about in the book at length is the fact that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights was framed... We got to go to, I'm sorry, Alex, we got to go to a break. When we come back, we're going to hear more about how the Constitution was framed, because, believe me, Alex has the goods on that, and a lot more about the virtual. You're going to be excited about this virtual gala, I'm just telling you. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and we've got, again, poster children for that today. We have Deanna Jewell with a pregnancy network that's in Greensboro, it's in Greensboro, and their upcoming virtual gala. I'm telling you, it's a virtual gala with Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson from the New England Patriots.

He was a tight end that caught all these passes, just unbelievable stuff. And you can meet with him virtually. I mean, this is going to be awesome. They got this all set up, and it's coming there. It's at, and you can find out more about that, as well as Alex McFarland's new book, The Assault on America, How to Defend Our Nation Before It's Too Late. And there is a link there to Amazon where you can just order the book, and then rate it. Five stars, right, Alex? And then tell everybody how much you enjoyed it.

And it's all there at So very fun. I have a Riddler on the line. And whenever we have Riddlers, we have to go. We got Scott is in Winston-Salem. So Scott, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning.

Good morning, Robbie. So which king in the Old Testament was surrounded by the most virtual prophets, in your opinion, Scott? Well, I know Solomon was by far the richest, but I'm going to take a stab.

I'm going to say King Ahab. I was thinking that too. Would you agree with that, Alex? I would. That's exactly what I was thinking.

It was a nonprofit organization, for sure. Yeah. And Jehoshaphat told the Jones to prophesy truth. That is just absolutely wonderful.

Scott, you're a winner, and I'm so grateful. And Ahab, you know, that's just a really curious story on so many different levels. You know, the thing that amazes me most about Ahab is how many times God gave him another chance, showed him grace, right? Here's this guy. He's a complete shenanigans. But he sends him Elijah and some really cool people.

And so I guess there's hope for Robbie. Thank you, Scott. I appreciate you calling in. All right, thanks. So when we left our hero, Alex, you were right in the middle of the Constitution in the First Amendment, so we don't want to leave you there, Alex, because that's critical stuff. Yeah.

Yeah. In the book, I talk about natural law, you know, that is moral. Jefferson called it self-evident truth. And I'll say this very quickly, but whenever we talk about abortion, marriage, the things that matter to a lot of evangelical Christians, many on the left will say, well, if you defend life, you're establishing religion, you're violating the First Amendment. And in the book, I explain how to talk about this, and we say, no, you're not. Look, the First Amendment that says Congress will not establish religion doesn't mean the abolition of all morality. And so I think one of the things we've got to do and how, listen, I applaud the Pregnancy Care Center. My goodness, if there's one issue that every voter and certainly every Christian ought to care about, it's the egregious, terrible, unspeakable sin of abortion that is drawing us farther and farther away from the blessing and favor of God, in fact, more to the judgment of God. And so in my book, I talk about how to effectively argue this point with those on the left so that we can begin to make headway.

And I'll just say this, Robbie. When I've given this lecture around the nation, I've had many attorneys in audiences, Christian born again lawyers, who would come up and say, you know, I'm so glad you're talking about this, because for a long time, people in the legal profession that are believers have said we have to teach about natural law in order to help people understand that our Constitution Bill of Rights Declaration doesn't mean that we can just live any way we want to live. You know, Kamala Harris out there on the VP trail, she said today that we need more riots and more anarchy.

Oh my goodness, that's insane. We need to go back to a foundation of morality. And in my book, I talk about how we can do that. Darrell Bock That is so awesome, Alex. You know, it's amazing the things that God does with your platform, and we're just always excited to partner with you and getting the word out on that. And, you know, Deanna, I was just really thrilled, really thrilled that God had you at Moody with such a, you know, an education that was provided to you and whatever. And then he was like, okay, now you got the goodies.

Let's see how we're going to use them. So you found yourself there in your internship. Was there a story where all of a sudden you interacted with a client or something, and you saw God show up and you said, oh, that's, this is what you're calling me to? Yeah, I think, as believers, I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do and say the right things, especially when it comes to sharing the good news of the gospel with people. And that definitely was there as I was learning what we all need.

And so I've realized that we don't really need to put so much pressure on it because all we have to do is just be obedient to what we know is true. So I had a woman during my internship. She had come over with her boyfriend from another country, and they had come over, finished their undergrad.

They were about to start their master's program, planning on getting married, and found themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, and just felt like it wasn't the right time and felt like they weren't capable of handling a baby at this point in their lives. And all I had to do was just tell her, hey, this is what I see in you. I see that you came over here, and that was really scary by yourself, without your family, you came over here. You have a good head on your shoulders. You're smart. You've finished school.

You're about to start your master's program. You have an awesome support system of even just your boyfriend, someone that you're planning on getting married to. A lot of women don't even have that so far, but here's what I'm seeing in you.

And I know that you can do this. And even just telling her, hey, I have a sister, that she had four babies and was not planning on having any more, and found out she was having a fifth baby, and that was overwhelming. And she has support and an awesome husband. If she can do it, you can do it. Just even simple things like that, that a lot of times these women don't have someone just speaking that truth or simple things of, hey, this is what I see in your life.

And sometimes as a stranger, I think that can be even more powerful than maybe a family member or friend where it's like, well, you're obligated to tell me that you see these things in me, whereas a stranger, wow, you've only known me for 20 minutes and you're complimenting me and telling me that I can do this and I'm not going to be alone in doing it. That was something that I just thought was really neat. And so did she keep the baby? She did.

They did choose life. And did you actually get to see the baby? I haven't. No, I didn't get to.

I was back up at Moody. You know, like God, I got to partner with you to save a life. And I got to partner with you because those parents are just rejoicing, rejoicing in the fact that they did not make that other decision. Like, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

Yeah. I mean, just beyond cool how God takes unplanned pregnancies, you know, and turns them into just huge, gigantic, phenomenal blessings in our lives. And then what a neat role that you get to play. Alex, what do you think? Well, I think that it's a wonderful ministry.

And, you know, 1 Corinthians 15, 58 says that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. And, you know, I just want to encourage all your listeners. By the way, Robbie, let me say what a blessing you are.

Goodness gracious. Even just hearing your voice, I can see your smile. And I know I'm speaking for tens of thousands of listeners right now. You are such a blessing to the body of Christ here in the mid-Atlantic region. And, you know, to every everybody, whether you just give a Gospel booklet to somebody out in the course of your day, or you smile and invite that neighbor to come to church, or you're praying for somebody interceding, you know, our labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15, 58.

So let's just keep shining the light and support this virtual gala for the Pregnancy Care Center. Oh, my goodness. This is, you know, a couple of things I got to say this.

People ask, when will there be a great revival in America? I know two things that have to happen for God's full blessing. One, we need unity in the body of Christ. John 17, 21. We need unity.

So any friend of Jesus is a friend of mine. I mean, that should be our mindset. But the other thing, and we will, in our nation, we will never have the favor and the blessings of God until this happens.

We have got to stop killing babies. And for that reason, I absolutely applaud the work of this and all the Pregnancy Care Centers. Yeah, and thank you for that scripture. And thank you for that scripture, that is really, really encouraging, because it doesn't. And of course, you know, there's so many opportunities that God has given you, Alex, and what you're doing that clearly is not returning void is imagine some of the young people that you mentored many years ago are now, you know, in a place where they can begin to sway the, you know, essentially the culture.

It's got to be a beautiful thing to look at. And because, right? You started this many, many, many years ago. Well, you know, God is good. Hey, I'll tell a quick story. There's a church when I was young in the ministry.

This is 20 years ago. And I would drive past this one certain church, and I wanted to preach there. And well, I hear the music. Yeah, you hear the music.

So we're going to leave our hero then again. He's just gone past the church, and he hears the music. So you don't want to go into Walmart right now, because we're going to hear what happened to Alex when we come back. So much more Kingdom Pursuits coming up. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And today we're so blessed to have with us our good friend Alex McFarland with his new book, The Assault on America and How to Defend Our Nation Before It's Too Late, as well as Deanna Jewell, who is with the Pregnancy Network in Greensboro with their upcoming virtual gala, the Super Bowl champion, Benjamin Watson. But more importantly, they're going to have testimonies like we heard from Deanna of life that has been saved and your chance to see what God's doing in Greensboro and to take part in that.

It's all there at You can find out about that, but also today at 1 o'clock. Amy Cabo in The Cure is coming on. We've got Amy here. Amy, welcome.

Hi, Robbie. I am so excited about. It is a very exciting day. Yes, it is. Yes, go ahead.

You've got a great show on tap at 1 o'clock Eastern. You guys have faith and science and you've got a movie producer on with you, right? Yes. We have Steven Huff, which is the executive producer of Against the Tide that brings science and faith together by challenging famous atheists like the guy from God is Not Dead with proof that God exists. It will explain the phenomena behind incredible strength, relentless determination, and miraculous transformation. Are you familiar with that film?

What, God is Not Dead? No, this one's Against the Tide. No, I'm not familiar with that one. I'm glad to hear about it.

It sounds like it must have to do with the oceans, I'm guessing. Maybe. Have you seen it, Amy? Have you seen the movie?

I have looked at the documentary and it's excellent. It further gives hope to those who are lost, lonely, scared, and hurting. Oh, that's beautiful. And so it's a live show that Amy does. And so you can call in.

It's going to be on at 1 o'clock Eastern. And just, you know, how cool. Because this is one of those really fundamental issues, right, Alex, that we all face when it comes to the First Amendment is the ability to say, hey, you know, God was there in creation, right?

Sure, absolutely. And you know, we have got to, as Christians, for one thing, I want to say to everybody, I hope in the name of the Lord that you are registered to vote, and I hope that you are going to make the effort to vote. Because, look, for those that are atheists or secularists, and they'll say, well, you know what, I don't like the idea of God.

I don't want to hear about morality, things like that. What we need to have the courage to say to the atheists and the militant secularists is, well, if you don't want to be a Christian, that's fine. Nobody's going to make you be a Christian. But we cannot let the secularists dismantle the foundation that gave us a free, safe, prosperous America for 242 years. And what gave us this nation, the greatest nation, I think second only to Israel under King Solomon, America has been the greatest nation in world history. It's this Judeo-Christian moral foundation. Speaking of atheists, even Christopher Hitchens, the late atheist Christopher Hitchens, whom I debated, I interviewed, even Hitchens recognized that America was built on a Judeo-Christian moral scriptural foundation. Now, he wasn't a believer, but he recognized that we were based on biblical principles. And if we don't fight for those in prayer, at the ballot box, as an influencer, as a voice, we're going to further descend into anarchy. And so, you know, I'm happy in Jesus, and I know God is in control, but right now our nation hangs in the balance.

And those of us that love the Lord and love truth have got to have the courage and the initiative to stand up and speak up, or we're going to further lose our nation. Oh, that's so true. And Amy, you had Alex on your show a few weeks ago, right?

Yes. And so, you know, again, the show is The Cure. It's coming out at one o'clock, and so how cool.

One of the cures, apparently, is faith and science. So we got it coming up. Thanks, Amy, for calling in today. Hey, thank you, and God bless. God bless you. Thank you.

Great show, you guys. One o'clock today, and, of course, we got Deanna with— and I asked her, you know, the first story wowed me so much, I was asking her if she could give me more. Because, you know, that's one of the neatest things that— that, like, I get to work at the Truth Network, and I get to see God do stuff.

Like, wow, how did that happen? Like, is there stuff like that that has come to mind that you could share with our listeners? Yeah, one of my favorite stories is I was doing life outside of work, and going to a community group on a Tuesday evening, and we're sitting around us in a circle. It was a new group that I was starting to be a part of, and I was telling them about our Walk for Life that year for the Pregnancy Network, and, hey, here's how you can get involved.

Let me know if you want more information. And a woman sitting across from me in the circle has a pregnant belly, and she goes, oh, I went there, and that's why I chose life. And I just automatically— I'm, like, trying to hold back tears, but— and just amazed and wowed and got to know her more, got to throw a baby shower for her as a part of that community group. And we did a story on her, Kari.

It's on our YouTube channel and website. But basically, she is a hairstylist, and she found out she was pregnant. The father of the baby wasn't going to be involved. She would be a single mother, already had a daughter, which just felt so overwhelmed and afraid of what to do. It felt like abortion was her only option.

That's very common for a lot of women. And the woman in her chair said, you need to call this place, and I'll go with you. So she called us. The woman came with her, and she chose life.

She knew after that ultrasound, after speaking with one of our peer advocates, she knew that she couldn't do it. So the girl that she was— she was cutting the lady's hair. And the lady said, you need to go to Salem. Not Salem, excuse me.

You need to go to Pregnancy Network. Yeah. And she carried her there. Yep. So like I said— What a friend. I mean, that's just awesome.

We make it complicated a lot of times. But I think it's just little moments of obedience and just saying like, hey, no, do this. And what a change that that can make in someone's life. And now getting to see her son, Cason, I still go to her hair salon. And he is three or four years old now, the cutest thing, life of the party. So that is one of my favorite stories. Yeah.

And I would imagine she celebrates her son. Yeah. And it's a beautiful thing. Mm-hmm. Like, wow, God shows up.

And this is why it is so critical, Alex, that we really see for such a time as this, because each of those votes, especially with what's going on with the Supreme Court, you know, could make a difference for I don't know how many moms that would not make this choice if it wasn't legal. Yeah. You know, let me make an observation. And clearly, you know, God loves all people, the Bible says that Christ is desirous that all come to the knowledge of truth and have salvation. So what I'm about to say, I preface by just saying, clearly the Lord loves everybody and whosoever will may come. But the Bible is clear that if we sow to the wind, we will reap a whirlwind.

And when we have sin, there are consequences. I think about this, people talk about the problem of illegal in the country. And there are so many people that have come in over the last, you know, 25, 30 years illegally. I think about the fact that all the millions of American citizens that don't exist because they were aborted, and people worry about how much has been paid into Social Security, and what about, you know, tax revenue and all that. Well, here's the thing. I mean, since 1973, at least 55, 60 million natural born Americans weren't born, didn't get an education, are not part of the workforce. And I honestly think that the number of illegals over the last 35, 40, 43 years, or 47 years, rather, has been roughly equal to the number of Americans we've aborted. And God is not mom.

There's a consequence for sin and we're paying for our sin. All right, we got another segment coming up with Alex and Deanna with the Pregnancy Network. And Alex's new book, The Assault on America. Again, it's all there at Kingdom Pursuits. So stay tuned. I don't want to miss the next segment.

I know you're on either. Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And it's such an honor always to see what God is doing all over the place. And today we have, of course, Alex McFarland, his wonderful new book, The Assault on America, How to Defend Our Nation Before It's Too Late. And Deanna Jewell with the Pregnancy Network. They're in Greensboro.

They have an upcoming virtual gala. And we're going to find out more about that. But Deanna, you guys have a really cool mission statement. And I think our listeners would be glad to hear it.

Deanna Jewell Yeah. Our mission is that we empower women to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear. And something that I do want to say is that we know that in the triad alone, so Winston-Salem, High Point, Greensboro area, over 3400 women last year chose abortion. And we know that to be true.

That fear is crippling. And so that leads them to the choice of abortion. And we want everyone to know, any listener that has had an abortion, that you are not beyond help and hope. And we want to give that to you. And we do have an abortion recovery program. And we know a Jesus that can give you that healing that you are looking for.

So many women are left with pain and suffering after the choice of abortion and men. And so we want you to know that we exist for you as well. So that's something that I just want to make sure is clear.

And we are opening, we just signed a lease, or not a lease, we closed on an office in Winston-Salem. So we are expanding and opening another center because of that number. Because 3400 women felt like abortion was their only option and felt like that was the hope that they were looking for the help. And I know that that's not true.

So that's why we are expanding our services so that more women know that abortion is not the answer and that we can help them. So all the more reason you need to check out this virtual gala. You can get to see stories. You get to see this guy who was obviously impacted by this very thing.

But he was a Super Bowl champion. Yes. So by opening your home, you can change your city. Right. You get to put on the party yourself. So it's really cool.

Find out about it at And Alex, of course, we wanted to give you the last word, a couple minutes more on your book. Well, what an honor to be on with both of you. And hey, get that website where people can learn more about the gala for the Pregnancy Care Center. That's exciting.

It's, just our website. OK, great, great. Well, folks, I want to encourage people, as I'm doing this interview, I'm at a church where we're watching a live stream of the return out of Washington, the Jonathan Cahn prayer gathering, and some of my friend Tony Perkins up there, and Anne Graham-Loss, and Franklin Graham is going to come on soon, and Dr. Dobson. And I'll be on James Dobson's radio show in late October, Family Talk. But I just want to encourage all your listeners, Robbie, pray for this country. Pray. Pray for the confirmation of the president's Supreme Court nominee that we'll hear about before 5 o'clock today. And then, of course, pray for the election, and especially pray that God would overrule any attempts at voter fraud. Because what hangs in the balance? I mean, my goodness, John MacArthur is being threatened with six months of jail time for preaching the gospel. Really, the DNA of our country hangs in the balance. So folks, pray, influence others, vote, and as Phil Robertson says, vote godly.

Darrell Bock That's beautiful. Yeah, absolutely. Because, you know, for such a time as this, you know, we live in really different times, and God has in his own way honored us with this opportunity to step into this culture at this time and just love on people. Because, you know, I love what you guys do. I mean, it's really simple. You just find somebody and engage them, and this is what I see in you.

Because the simple, you know, thing that Jesus gave us is love one another. And even if they differ with you radically in their views, actually, Alex was speaking to somebody yesterday who was telling me how much President Trump lied, and I couldn't vote for that man in a million years. And I said, well, do you really think—and I just looked at him—I said, do you really think that your candidates there that you're talking about over there would do anything to stop the rioting?

Do you really feel like that that's the answer to the violence that's going on? And they go, oh, I hadn't thought about that. And I said, even worse, if, you know, if President Biden weren't to make it in the presidency, and now you have his vice president picked, do you think she'll stop the riots, or do you think we're going to have more? You know, and she goes, the person I was talking to says, oh, I hadn't thought about that. And I really, I didn't know that I was engaging somebody to change their vote, but apparently I did, because by the end of it, it was like, oh, I can't vote for that. And I was like, well, you know, these are the things that are real that we're facing, and here we go, because it is really such a time as this. Yeah, Jesus isn't running.

I mean, if Jesus won the ticket, it would not be an easy, it would not be a hard decision at all, you know, but since, look, any time humans are involved, it always is the lesser of two evils, because we humans are fallen and finite and limited. And so, really, I applaud you, Robbie, for helping people reason through this. Yeah, and we all have the opportunity every day as we just meet and greet people and talk to them, hey, just loving one another is obviously an opportunity, because we've got to defend our nation before it's too late.

Again, it's all there at Of course, we are so grateful that you listen to the show today. It's so much fun to be on with my friends. You know, you can listen to the podcast later, but I want to tell you that encouraging prayers coming up next with Pastor James Banks, and it's a really good one. It's on Pilgrim's Progress.

You're going to love that. Followed by The Masculine Journey starts here now, 12 o'clock. And then The Cure at 1, we already heard about that.

And Nikita Koloff, right? Man up. It's at 1.30. Oh, what a lineup. It's all waiting for you on the Truth Network. Stay tuned. This is the Truth Network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-02-26 18:04:24 / 2024-02-26 18:20:15 / 16

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