It is the JR Sportbreeze show here on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you to everybody tuned in all over North America. I hope you're safe. I hope you're well. I hope you are amazing.
The show gets started every weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. We've had a hell of a show. Thank you to Pro Football Hall of Famer Champ Bailey for coming through to talk some football with us. Thank you to former NFL player current broadcaster Solomon Wilcox for coming through and having a chat with us about NFL, the playoffs, and player health and safety. Thank you to Trevor Lane from Lakers Nation for coming through to talk to us about the newest arrival of the latest star to don the purple and gold.
That man's name is Luka Doncic. You missed a minute of the show? Hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. Thank you to everybody listening live on their local Infinity Sports Network radio affiliates. If you got Sirius XM, you can tune in on channel 375. And if you got a smart speaker, ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. You want to find me?
Easy. You can find me at JR Sportbreeze all over the place. So shout out to my people tuned in in Baltimore, Maryland. Shout out to my people listening in Nova Scotia. People in Miami and Idaho and Texas and Florida here in Georgia.
You could be in New York with super producer and host Ryan Hickey. We appreciate you for being here. It's been quite a show. It's been quite a week.
Hickey and there's there's more. Yeah, we got a top six list tomorrow. I just I'm trying to keep up, man. A lot going on.
It's great. This is like a kind of not hell week because I would insinuate that it's like awful. Hell week. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hell week is for people in college, right? And the military, too, I believe. What happens?
Oh, what training or basic training or something like that? Yeah, like the final push, like the final test. I'm trying to break you. Yeah, yeah. I never did it. Yeah, you're right.
The Navy SEALs do hell. Yes. I quit. I quit all of that stuff. OK, I am not equipped for hell. Not not. Hickey, I'm not not equipped. Neither am I. I am not mentally tough enough physically. Definitely not.
But not mentally. I said no, thank you to school. And then I said no, thank you to the military and shout outs to everybody who has served. Hell, what would you call it if it's not hell week? I'm trying to figure it out. I don't know.
That's my issue. Has this always been the case where the NBA trade deadline has sat right in the middle of the week for Super Bowl? This is new, right?
Am I bugging? This feels exclusive. This feels different. I do remember two years ago and ironic it was in Phoenix when Kevin Durant got traded to the Suns. Yeah, that happened like Tuesday of radio row week or Wednesday of radio row week. So I think it's happened the last few weeks. I don't know if it's last week, last few years.
I don't know if it's intentional. Also, I guess with the NFL going to the extra game, kind of pushed their schedule back. But it's good for the NBA. I mean, the biggest week when everyone in the media is around together. And if you can take away some of the storylines, it's a little small win for the NBA. Yeah, the NBA fights back. LeBron James says you can't take Christmas from us.
The NFL did. And the NBA says, we'll take your headlines in the week. We'll take your media row.
Right, right. And I guess maybe it's two teams that we got the rematch. There's less of an interest. It's not like there's a new face sitting around here at the Super Bowl. There ain't no Joe Burrow here. You know, it's not Lamar Jackson soaking it in.
It's the same old, same old. I heard people asking the Kansas City Chiefs some of the dumbest questions last night. And I give the guy credit because he's being a wise guy. I don't know if he got anything ultimately out of it.
Maybe he will. There was one dude. Did you see him walking around? He was asking. He asked Kelsey, you know, what do you prefer, less or more or something like, you know, your girlfriend or a 15 yard penalty? And he's just like, he's like, funny question.
Who has another one? And he ignored him. And then Patrick Mahomes was asked, you know, does he have a favorite referee? And Patrick Mahomes went along with it and just.
He just went along with the joke and just like, I mean, get out my face. Did you see that? I did see that. Yeah. I don't like that stuff. It's kind of cringy. Yeah.
People are people are trying to make a name for himself. And we talked about this earlier in the show. There was nothing, nothing of significance that came out of media row yesterday and then Hickey again, they spoke. They, the teams, they spoke to the media again today for what?
I get it. You want to give as much opportunity as possible. What the hell is there for me to say today that I didn't say last night with 300 microphones in my face, you know? Now you just get to answer the same questions. Talk about the same generic praise for the other team. They run the ball.
Well, it's going to be a really tough matchup. We gotta be, make sure we're on our P's and Q's. We gotta be locked in and focused and cans out the distractions. We can't beat ourselves. Oh my God. The cliches. I need Marshawn Lynch back.
Someone needs to embody Marshawn. I'm just here. So I don't get fine. That's what I need.
I need that today. That's not fun though. No, it's not fun, but at least it's entertaining.
I don't know. It's different. It's better than the crap that we've gotten over the past two days.
True. And if we didn't get anything yesterday, if we didn't get anything today, we ain't getting on the rest of the week. When is the last time they talk? I should know this. Is it, is it Thursday?
Maybe. Is it tomorrow? It's either Thursday or Friday.
I would probably assume Friday since that's kind of like a normal, like last midi day for like a game week anyway. At that point in time, the players are just like, I would be staying up there. Oh man, I got to talk to y'all again.
Now it's closer to the game. How am I feel? I got butterflies. Give me a cigarette. Like I need somebody. Hickey, I need, I need somebody to have a comedic bone in their body about who's got a light. I know one of you guys do, right? Like, right.
Come on now. Speaking of a light, uh, I'm speaking to myself personally. Hickey, you know, Atlanta United, they gave me one of these fancy lighters and I think I know where it is in my house.
I got to look for it. What constitutes a fancy lighter? Uh, it's electric and I could put, you know, I just charge it forever and it has a, it's not gas. So I guess the flame is safer. I don't know. Hmm.
So if I decide to light something up, ain't no oil in it. Which I, I guess is better. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Okay. Nice.
Well good for the United. Yeah. Thank you.
And Hickey, let me tell you, did I have that conversation? I did. We had this conversation on the radio. We were talking about gifts from the offensive lineman, Dan Marino, giving his guy gloves. And then I say gifts suck like socks and hats.
Yes. If you're going to give me a good, give me something fancy that I can light stuff on fire with. Now that's a good gift. I like that's a gift. Somebody a lighter.
That's a good gift. Shout out to the United PR person, media person, whoever may be that decided, you know what? This is, this is what the media is going to love. This is going to get us some free marketing. Hickey. They know me well.
They gave me a lighter, not that I smoke and they gave me whiskey glasses. Hmm. I'm like, okay, look at Atlanta United. They're good. I like them.
Shout out to Atlanta United. Yeah. Yeah.
Gold. Yeah. Yeah. I like them.
I'm happy with them. Come on now. Hickey, do you know how many times I walk down the street and some, somebody asked me for a light when I left the studio yesterday.
Really? No, he didn't ask me for a light. He asked me for change.
That's a difference. He asked me for something. I don't got no change, bro. I'm sorry.
I don't this place, this entire building that I just left for work. They won't even take a dollar bill out of my pocket. They don't even want me. They won't take my money. They won't take my money.
You think I have change? I told you somebody stopped me in the street in my car. This lady asked for my cash app. I told you that, right?
Yes, that's right. No cash. Okay.
No problem. What's the app? What? I said, I said, ma'am, I don't have any money.
I don't have money. So you got cash app. You kidding me right now? Yeah. I'm going to give you my cash app so you could just request money from me every five days. Like, sure.
Hey, remember me? Oh, your phone would be pinging nonstop during the show, bro. If I gave a lady outside asking me for money, if I gave her money, she would give my cash app to all of her friends that are outside asking for money. They would then be pinging me, asking me from everybody, people I've never seen in my life. Can you block people on cash app? You can. You really can. Oh, okay.
But then just probably get a burner phone. And Hickey, let me just say, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise. My cash app is not a difficult name to figure out. Okay. It's not a difficult name.
Well, the good news is the people begging you for money don't know what your name is. So that's- Correct. Can't search it if you don't know it. Correct. You're right. That guy. Hey, there's a guy in that gray car again. Yep. Gray car guy. Search on a cash app.
Won't find me. Yeah. Gray car guy, dollar sign. What a world.
How do we get here? We talking about Jimmy Butler or something? The boring ass Super Bowl media week and how no one says anything. Well, here's some news.
And this is not news. Andy Reid said, hey, I'm 66. Yeah, I'm old. Yeah. I'm kind of heavy.
Andy Reid reiterated that he is going to be returning next year. Listen to this. I enjoy teaching. So I don't get caught up too much on all the stats and all the records and all that stuff. But I enjoy being around the guys. I enjoy football, the game.
You can't put in the hours that we do and not enjoy it. So I really, I love the game. Yes, I'll be back. I'm glad he's going to have me back.
What a shock. This man is trying to be the most successful coach of all time. He might be what it's all said and done. That sounds crazy to say, given everything that we've seen from Bill Belichick. We know Bill Belichick, including his two championships with the New York Giants as defensive coordinator. He has eight titles. But if you got to start talking about wins, I think if Andy Reid wants to last into his 70s, yeah, I think he may be able to jump a couple of these guys, including Mr. Belichick. Is he going to reach Shula?
I don't know, but he's going to be back. And here's another theme that has kind of permeated in New Orleans. Now that all of the NFL executives and Roger Goodell and the teams are on site, the media is asking them directly about the refs, the bias, the Kansas City Chiefs always getting the favorable calls. And let's just say everybody is sick of it.
How about we start with the guy that most people are sick of? His name is Roger Goodell. He's the commissioner of the NFL. You knew this already. But Roger Goodell basically said, why?
Why do you keep asking me this? Like there's no bias. What are you talking about? I understand that. I think it reflects a lot of the fans' passion. And I think it also is a reminder for us how important officiating is. And I think the men and women that officiate in the NFL are outstanding. They have the highest possible standards.
That's ridiculous theory for anyone who might take it seriously. But the end of the day, it's something we always have to continue to work on. How do we make our officiating better at all times? That was a diplomatic answer. That's why he's the commissioner.
He's not going to give you the full everything. But what a diplomatic answer. Clark Hunt, he's the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs. Somebody stuck the microphone in front of his face and they said, hey, people think your team is just getting all the calls. People think your team is treated like they're the next coming. Like, what do you think about this, Clark?
What do you think? It's just sort of human nature, right? Our family was lucky enough to be involved for the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s when they had their two three-peat. And there were a lot of similar comments made about the team always getting the other call that the league was rigged for Jordan, which, of course, was absolutely nonsense. The NFL is definitely not that way.
All 32 teams were focused on trying to win a championship. Hickey, did you hear that flex? He just casually flexed.
He's just like, not only are we winning now with the Kansas City Chiefs, we were we were involved with the Chicago Bulls of the 90s. Like, man, shut up. Nobody asked you all of that. OK, like we didn't ask you that. What are you going to tell? Oh, you were also involved in the Oilers. Your great granddaddy, Mr. Hunt Hunt Hunt was, you know, with the oil. Like, we didn't ask you that.
You could have made your statement, by the way. Hickey, did you see Michael Jordan's kid got arrested today? I did see that. Yeah. Cocaine possession. Not good. Here's a question.
Where was Scottie Pippen's? Well, is it fair for me to even say that? No. I don't know. I thought they broke up and got back together.
Did she leave him finally? I don't know. I don't know. But I think maybe that's they just been broken up a lot and then got back.
I don't know. Maybe that's why he's outside getting arrested. Maybe he's still depressed. Maybe he is. He needs to call her back.
Larsa Pippen. I know she is. She got to be in the news based off of this.
Let's see what we got here. OK, Michael Jordan's son arrested for cocaine possession, resisting arrest. Well, man, if you got got the coke, you can't resist the arrest. You got to go with it. Well, that's why you got to go.
You can't get arrested. You got to get out of Dodge. Yeah. Now, where's now where's her name in all of this? OK. Ah, as you know, Marcus once dated Larsa Pippen, one of the cast members on The Real Housewives of Miami and ex-wife of former Chicago bull star Scottie Pippen. We've reached out to Marcus so far. No word back. OK, well, I'm just a little busy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think he might be in processing. Try his dad instead.
OK, let me know how much success you have reaching out to Michael Jordan about his incarcerated son. OK, well, there you go. The hunt's very, very busy. Hey, somebody else sick of all the questions. It's Travis Kelsey. Travis Kelsey could not understand why the media keeps asking about these rough things.
Listen, this is an odd question. He was asked what what do you want to ask the media, Travis? Are your people leaning into it? Oh, the media is wide ranging. We just told you about that one idiot going around asking dumb questions.
Media is wide ranging. I don't know. Do you buy an app from him? I actually am. If did you see Adam Schefter's tweet like Sunday morning of Conference Championship Weekend? Well, he put out a tweet and a subsequent article about the Chiefs penalties versus their opponents in the playoffs.
Oh, yeah. Now, he wasn't saying, hey, whatever, this is a conspiracy. He just was basically putting out the numbers and say, hey, look, this is just what the numbers say. That's that's because, like, if it's one thing, it's an Internet troll. If there's a few of these, you know, checkmarked accounts on social media, they're just all troll accounts.
But check interaction and interaction. What did you what the heck did you we're going to be we're going to be an awful announcement in the morning. Now, earlier action earlier in the show, I said, Brown Hole and here you go. We get that call in the morning.
We're going to be in trouble. That's that's fine by me. I welcome it.
Go ahead. So I think like if it's one of those, again, stupid troll accounts, I don't think he's bringing it up. But a prominent media member that's not here just for quote unquote clicks, putting it out there.
That's where it does feel like maybe I think he does have a point. It is talked about a lot. I mean, yes, Champ Bailey.
Like it's like it is every like people. It is now a storyline. Yeah, it's the champ. Champ said he doesn't believe it. The guy played in the league. I don't think anybody got in his ear. And, you know, he's not part of no gambling ring. Nobody got in his ear and said, hey, man, either take a dive, you know, against I don't know. Jerry is crazy.
Jerry Rice was still playing when he was playing. That's nuts. No, no, but he's not taking no dive. Ah, it's just it's ridiculous to think about. It's nuts. Referees cheat. Yeah. Umpires cheat. Yeah. Terry Rozier getting investigated. Yeah.
Jamison Williams. Did he get suspended? Yes. Did Pete Rose get banned for life?
Yes. And unfortunately, the guy died. It's just people this is this is nothing unusual.
Somebody find me. It is 2025. You know, I'm not a full on sports encyclopedia, but I think I have a good idea. In most cases, I don't know everybody and everything. I think I have a good idea of what has taken place in sports over the past 125 years. I am not familiar with any of these prominent leagues going straight to hell in a hand basket because the boss rigged the sport. This is not wrestling.
This is not Vince McMahon's WWE. We can talk about schools. We can talk about teams. We talk about players, refs, umpires, but a league and especially today, today with modern technology and the ability for Joe Schmoe, Larry, Harry, Dick and Tom and and your son, Bobby and in middle school, middle school, you can pick up your phone and you can gamble today. That just basically, as far as I'm concerned, until I'm proven otherwise, puts the kibosh on the NHL, Major League Baseball, the NBA or the NFL being rigged or having a script.
It's just a bunch of losers on the internet writing a bunch of stories because they got nothing better to do. I will hold strong on that until I am proven otherwise. 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. We're going to take a break. When we come back, I told you this is Super Bowl week. The most famous person on earth or maybe two of them will be descending upon New Orleans for the Super Bowl. And one of these famous people, this would be the first time this type of person has attended a game.
I'll tell you who on the other side. It's the JR Sport Reshow, the Infinity Sports Network. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief. It is the JR Sport Reshow here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. 855-212-4227 is the number.
That's 855-212-4227. Right before we went to break, and this has been basically the entire show. We've had some amazing guests on. Solomon Mulkoch joined us, former NFL DB, now radio TV host.
Champ Bailey, former Denver Bronco, Georgia Bulldog, Pro Football Hall of Famer, and one of the best corners of all time. Champ came through and joined us in the show. We had a great conversation with Trevor Lane from Lakers Nation. And so with all the NFL news surrounding the Super Bowl, with all the news surrounding the trade deadline, we've been able to run through it all. We even talked about Kirk Cousins, who earlier today pretty much revealed that when the Falcons were going on that stretch, that four-game run, they were going to be on that four-game losing streak with him at the helm when they went one and four, when he threw one touchdown to nine interceptions.
Kirk Cousins, earlier today, I want you to hear this. He actually said and admitted that he was hurt. This is after basically the entire time they were just like, oh, he's fine. His leg is fine. But it wasn't his leg. It was his damn arm.
This is what he told Good Morning Football. We were six and three, was playing well, doing a lot of good things, even if the right ankle wasn't perfect. Nobody's perfect in this league. We're never feeling a hundred percent. So it didn't really affect me too much, but then against the Saints, got hit pretty good in my right shoulder and elbow.
And from there kind of dealing with that, it was something I was working through and just never really could get it to where I wanted it. And so now it kind of, now the season's over, you have the time and the energy to say, okay, let's get the right ankle back. Let's get the shoulder back. Let's get the elbow back.
And if we can do that, you know, feel like I got a new life ahead of me here in pro football. Man, they should have... Piggy, why not? They should have benched him. If he was so hurt in his shoulder, did you, do you hate penics? Why didn't you?
This, this is even more perplexing. I agree. And it's a, you said it before, and I co-sign, it is a bad look for Raheem Morris. Cause he's not playing well. We talked about it.
It was a month long topic. If and when do you bench Kirk Cousins with his play? We just thought he just kind of ran out of gas that he was just not a good quarterback. And how you can see this, how you can see this season, the post-season slip away with a guy who's not a hundred percent healthy and still run him out there. He's got a lot of explaining to do the next time he meets with the media.
Yeah. Why did you keep running out there? Why was he playing? Y'all told us he wasn't. I mean, Kirk Cousins, this might be his polite way of just, you know, dropping a pipe bomb and just walking out like, y'all deal with this. I know y'all are going to cut me anyway.
So now you deal with, and he, you know what, he has to set himself up too. You know, he's letting everybody know, look, when the Falcons give me the boot and I'm eligible to go wherever the hell I want, I'm fine. Y'all saw how I performed in the middle of the season before the injury. Well, I'm fine. My leg is fine. I'm another year removed from my Achilles surgery.
My shoulder is now fine. And so, Hey, if you need a quarterback, forget Russell Wilson, get me. I think this is his, his pitch as he's trying to work out, you know, what he needs to do.
And speaking of, of a pitch, I don't know if this is a pitch, but, uh, some wild news. We talked about everything surrounding Jimmy Butler, uh, still on the Miami Heat. Bradley Beal has won't move his no trade clause as of now. And so we heard the rumors that Kevin Durant, you know, might get moved instead.
Wild stuff. Is he going to the warriors? Hickey, there was a report you said that had mentioned that if, if Durant does go to the warriors, that Draymond Green may actually end up going to Phoenix, right? Is that the case? That's right. Cause the sun's owner went to Michigan state, Matt Ishbia as the Draymond Green, that they would want him along with draft picks and future assets to come back in a KD trade.
Wild stuff, man. Well now Kevin Durant, they they're sitting them down, huh? They're supposed to take, well, the Phoenix Suns are supposed to take on a thunder. And now they're saying that, uh, Kevin Durant has a left ankle sprain. They ain't going to play.
And that game is for tomorrow. So they don't want this guy screwing up a leg and messing things up. If they got to trade him, that's basically what the ball's down to. The NBA is such a wild, wild world.
This is wild. You think, you think he's going to get moved? Somebody is going to get moved, right?
Between Jimmy Butler, Kevin Durant. Are those the last two big pieces? Am I missing somebody? No, I don't think so. Just because I don't think there's another GM stupid enough to move a big piece at this point, frankly. Oh, we've had that already, right? Right. And now I think you saw with that move, all of a sudden everyone goes, well, will anyone just say yes?
Let's just start making these phone calls and see what the hell we can get. I think it's why, part of the reason why the Warriors call it released reportedly, basically every superstar they possibly could get a handle on to see their interest. You need one dummy to say yes. Clearly there's one down in Dallas. Maybe they thought there's one somewhere else. I did see a funny, a funny rumor. I don't know. It was just like, oh, well now Kevin Durant is going to be moved to the Dallas Mavericks.
And this was Nico Harrison's plan all along to have Kyrie with Durant and now Anthony Davis. And I'm like, oh, okay. All right. I don't know if I want to get a guy to have much credit, but okay. I don't know how that's going to work, but all right.
We can, we can be imaginative, but I'm somebody else is going to move. I'm waiting to see who it is. This is Hickey. I am more excited for the NBA trade deadline than Christmas. Wow. Then Santa Claus.
Yeah. Don't give a damn about him. He just brings presents.
NBA trade deadline brings stories. Santa hasn't brought me a damn thing in a long time. Okay. Well, I guess I know which list you're on. Yeah.
I know what list I'm going to. Yeah. I ain't got a damn thing.
You should get a lot of fires burning. That's good. That's good. I got a, I got coal and the socks, things that nobody wants for Christmas. That's what I get. Not even a lighter to light the coal Atlanta United.
That's right. It didn't come from Santa Claus. Came from the local football team. Gave me, you know what the Falcons gave me Hickey? Nothing.
Nothing. Huh? Yeah.
I gotta have it. I gotta have a talk with them. Good for them. Oh, Kirk cousins downs a man. Hawks are nice to me. The Braves are nice to me.
The Falcons. Wow. No, Mr. Charitable Arthur blank, huh?
Nothing for the media. I think, I think me and him and his people, we got beef. I think we got some beef. You should do something about it.
I think I should protest outside of the hospital. You want to know a story that it's old enough now that I can tell. Oh yeah.
You ready for this one? Hines Ward was here a long time ago. He was with Adam gaze that, that nevermind gotta be nice.
Uh, he was coaching on the New York jet staff. I know Hines Ward. That's my guy.
I met him enough and we've done enough video shoots. I see Hines Ward and his man, Andy, it's all love. I saw Hines Ward on the field.
Hickey before Falcons game. You want to know what I did when I saw Hines Ward? You want to know what I did? You said hi to him. I said, hello. You want to know who wasn't happy that I said hello to my friend.
Oh no. Who? Take a guess. Take a guess.
Is it a man who looks well, not him, not him, not his henchman. It could have been, it could have been, I don't know who, I don't know who, but word got back to me like, Hey, you know, fraternizing with the, I said, what? Because I took a house. I said, hello. And I took a picture with my friend. Come on now.
Hickey Hickey. Come on. Oh, that's crazy.
Is that where we are right now? Come on. That is sensitivity.
That is pretty hard to see. Wow. Come on, man. I wasn't, I wasn't on the field in my, my New York Jets hat cap shirt, you know, telling Hines, Hey, this is what I saw them do in practice the other day.
This is what, you know, come on now. It wasn't deflate gate. I wasn't record. I wasn't Bill Belichick. I said, hi to Hines. Hines doesn't know now. I don't know.
Maybe we'll get back to him now. I don't know. Anyway. Yeah.
What a transition, right? So if the jets come to town, I don't know what their schedule is. Like if they come to Atlanta this year, does that mean you're not allowed to say hello to Aaron Glenn?
I don't know Aaron Glenn. So I guess it doesn't matter too much disaster averted, huh? Right. Yeah.
Yeah. What if champ Bailey's on the Bronco sideline? He's traveling with the team for whatever reason. Are you not allowed to say hello to champ Bailey then? I don't know. Hey, let me, let me not tell a lie. The Falcons have been nice to me, but that, that is one thing I had to go. What's you kidding me? Leave me alone. I don't bother y'all. I help y'all out.
Leave me alone. Shout out to the Falcons. If they've changed people around, I wonder why not. Anyway, speaking of a change, we're going to have an interesting change during the super bowl. And I've told you this, Hickey, should I do it now or in the last break? What do you think?
Let's just do it now. We have found out that someone very special is going to attend the super bowl for the first time in history. You know what it's more important and sounds better when the news people do it. Understand now why the news people don't do sports.
This is from the Associated Press, the same people that didn't want to talk to baby face at the Grammys. President Donald Trump will attend the super bowl in New Orleans on Sunday, according to the White House. It will be his first trip as president to the game as the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Philadelphia Eagles. The president is also scheduled to sit for an interview with Fox News as Bret Baier as part of the network's pre-show programming, which is set to be taped from Florida before the game.
Trump, a New Yorker who now calls Florida home, has not indicated which team he's supporting, but posted congratulations to the Chiefs after their AFC Championship win last month. Oh my goodness. Oh man, Hickey, that guy, he got a voice for sports radio, doesn't he? Is that a person or is that AI? No, that's a human being. Play it again, play it again, play it again.
President Donald Trump will attend the super bowl in New Orleans on Sunday, according to the White House. That's, that's, there's air in that voice. That's a human. You don't think that's a human? Very robotic cadence.
Oh, no, but I listened to the breaths. There's a Marco Belletti. Was that a human being?
I think so. Oh, come on. It's a human. Play it again. President Donald Trump will attend the Super Bowl in New Orleans on Sunday, according to the White House.
It will be his first trip as president to the game as the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Philadelphia Eagles. The president is also, yeah, there is a little bit of a breath that I don't think AI breath or is it an AI driven pause to make it seem like it's a breath? Hey, let's, let's wait here for a second. You're thinking, you're thinking hard.
We all talk for a living. Okay. Agreed. Right. Right. Right. Okay. At some point we studied speech, right?
I think all three of us, right? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Okay.
Right. I had to take a class. Now I feel real stupid or smart.
Pick one. I had to take a class in college. It was about, it was, it was, it was speech, but it was about sounds and how they come out of your mouth. And so I can, you don't, y'all know what I'm talking about?
Plosives and all this other stuff and the tongue tip to the gum ridge and all of this stuff, right? I've never heard of anything you just say. I was a history major. I'm a little lost here. Okay.
All right. So yeah, I, I, I was, I was taught at one point how sounds, how they come out of your mouth and how we utilize air in our tongues and teeth and lips and to make sounds. Hmm. I can tell by listening to this person, that person has a gap in their teeth. That's a human being.
Just by how the sounds and how the words, the enunciation, I can tell all of that. It's a human. Damn. So not only is it a human, but you, you like threw them under the bus.
You got a straight hand going. I didn't know that. I was unaware. I didn't say that there was like, what is that? A train? What did that thing call?
A train tunnel in between the guy's mouth. I didn't say that. Holy cow. What's next? You see why he works on radio, not TV? Okay.
You got a mouth for, for radio? Okay. You're now a jerk. You took it. You took it another step.
Okay. That's what, no, I said, that's not what he has. That's what Marco said. Uh, that's what straight hand had.
Marco said straight. Well, you said gap in his teeth. Well, there's, there's levels to gaps. Okay.
It's levels. All right. Anyway, president Trump is going to be at the super bowl. First time a sitting president is going to be at the super bowl. Uh, can I give a little advice to anybody going to game? Did you go five hours? Okay.
Because the, the amount of security on a regular super bowl, nevermind a sitting president at the game, you better be at the gate at like 8.00 AM. If you want to get inside. Yeah.
That's rough going. I, that, that's the first thing I thought about is like, damn, everybody going to that game is just going to be, everyone is, is ridiculously scrutinized as it is, whether you're working or attending, it's going to be, it's going to be another level. He might as well just, just stay in Florida. They said he's, he's going to be coming in from Florida. Stay down there.
Like, why are you going to make everybody else miserable to see this between him and Taylor Swift? And we know, is she going to be, oh, I forgot about that. Man, they going to, there's going to be security at my house here in Atlanta. Get in line. Yeah.
I'm not even in, uh, you know, New Orleans, but it's, uh, that's a mess at Marco. Who's more famous Taylor Swift or the president of the United States? It's tight. That's tight.
Um, I'm going to go with the president by a hair. Okay. By a hair, maybe the, just the, just enough with the gap in the, wherever that guy's mouth was, whoever was just, just by that much. Cause it's not a lot, just a little, just a little. All right. All right. Okay. And this is, is this because of his, uh, his worldviews?
I mean, Taylor Swift is worldwide. He has worldviews. Yeah, no, no. Yeah. Um, Hmm. I don't know.
Maybe just the age. Cause he's been around for so long. Yeah.
Yeah. That everybody's seen him at some point. So everybody in America knows him. Everybody in the Americas knows him. Everybody in Europe knows him. I'd say everybody in Asia knows him. I don't know about South America.
South America knows him. Yeah. Yeah. Africa. I don't know what they're doing.
They got investments in Asia. Uh, I don't know. I'm going by this young people know Trump.
Old people may not know Taylor Swift. So that's, that's going to be enough to sway me. Okay. Okay. And young people don't know necessarily more of young people don't know a lot. Yeah. Well, they don't know what outside of what they know, but they know Trump. Yeah.
Young people know Trump. How about that? Isn't that something? I mean, this guy's president.
What are you? Wow. I mean, I knew Trump when I was a kid. His guy was walking down fifth Avenue. I'm like, who's that?
They like Trump. I'm like, that's his building. Okay. All right. And here we are a million years later. He's he's the most famous person on earth.
Him and Taylor Swift, Atlantic city and the owner of the generals. I remember this when I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah.
Guys been around forever. They should put him and Taylor Swift in the same suite. I heard they, uh, share the same views. Might be interesting. I heard you were listening to the JR sport brief. Back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore, but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again. It's time for this day in sports history. You see, back in those days, we had radio and you couldn't see anything and it was primitive and lousy and we liked the JR sport brief show.
I wish I was 50 years younger and I'd kick your ass. February 4th, 1997, Mario Lemieux. He scored his 600 goal. The penguins beat the Canucks. He's the first player to score 600 goals at one team.
Take a listen to this Penn's radio network. February 4th, the year is 2007. We had a Super Bowl and guess what? The Colts beat the Bears 29 to 17.
Tony Dungy, first black coach to win a Super Bowl. Peyton Manning helped with a touchdown and Kelvin Hayden helped with a pick six CBS. One ball to go to Harrison like last time he got picked. Here he's going along and a man wide open. It's Wayne at the 15. He walks in 53 yards for the touchdown.
Look out here. He's intercepted. Picked off by Kelvin Hayden and Hayden still running inside the 20 and Hayden. They want it back all the way. He does. Kelvin Hayden can real black coach was going to win that Super Bowl because the other coach was Lovey Smith. OK, February 4th, 2018.
Oh, I love this. The Eagles beat the Patriots 41 to 33 in a Super Bowl. You might remember the Philly special.
This Super Bowl was on NBC. Oh, even Al Michael sounds young. Hickey Al Michael sounds young.
He sounds good there. Alert. Oh my goodness. You just you're just taking a hatchet to everybody today, huh?
No, no, it's just true. Yeah, he did. He sounded alert, not on Amazon. He's sleeping on Thursday nights. That's when he's on TV now, right? Yes, or he's streaming. He's streaming, streaming.
Yeah, well anyway, this was a great show. Shout outs to Pro Football Hall of Famer Champ Bailey. Thank you to TV broadcaster.
Always alert. He played in the league as well. Solomon Wilcox. Hey, thank you to Trevor Lane from Lakers Nation. If you've missed any of the interviews, go ahead and hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. We'll be back with you tomorrow. We got a top six list. We're going to talk about some of the worst trades that we've ever seen in the history of sports.
Thank you for the inspiration. Dallas Mavericks. We got a lot to do. You can find me online at JR Sportbrief. Hickey, where can they find you? Tell him Ryan underscore Hickey and the number three on Twitter. We'll be back with you tomorrow.
6 PM Eastern 3 Pacific. Be well, be safe, be smooth, be cool. Don't move here on the Infinity Sports Network. Bart Winkler is coming up next. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you, producer Brian Hickey.
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