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Conference Championship Weekend Preview (Hour 4)

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2024 10:04 pm

Conference Championship Weekend Preview (Hour 4)

JR Sports Brief / JR

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December 6, 2024 10:04 pm

JR opened the final hour by hitting on the biggest stories of the day, including if Bill Belichick could have success at the college level before hearing the best jokes of the day from callers. JR then previews the SEC and Big Ten conference championship games before ending the show with, "This Day In Sports History."

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It is the JR Sport Brief Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you to everybody tuning in, hanging out with us on a Friday night, wherever you are, whatever you're doing. I hope you're safe.

I hope you're well. I'll be hanging out one more hour. The show gets started every weekday, 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. You can listen on the free Odyssey app, your local Infinity Sports Network affiliate.

If you got Sirius XM and Channel 158, and if you have a smart speaker, ask the speaker to play the Infinity Sports Network, of course. But of course, man, we've had a fun show. So much football going on all over the place. We're getting ready for all the conference championship games. We have a couple conference championship games that are already underway. I'll give you an update on what's going on in a second momentarily. Talked about some NFL games this weekend.

We had a head coach on, a former head coach, former Boise State player, Mike Sanford Jr. came by. If you've missed a minute or second of the show, just hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. It's free. It's the holiday season. How many things are you getting for free? I can tell you what I'm getting for the holidays.

Hickey, you know what I'm getting for the holidays? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I'm not getting anything.

I gotta do a lot of giving, a lot of giving back. I'm not getting nothing. Hickey, I haven't thought about Christmas for a long time. I don't get nothing. Nothing. I'm trying to remember the last thing I got. I can't remember the last thing I got for Christmas.

Really? Nothing good ever? Stocking stuffer, Secret Santa, grab bag, nothing. I can't, Hickey, when I tell you I don't remember the last, I don't know if that's good or bad, I don't remember the last thing I got. Do you shop for yourself? Like some people do that, you know, treat themselves.

Do you do that at all or no? Hickey, I hate shopping. Hate it. Hate it.

I mean, you can't say disagree. I hate shopping. I hate the experience. I hate looking. I hate it all. Hate it.

Is that also online shopping or just more reserved for in-person shopping? Yeah, I want to see what I'm buying. I hate it.

You know, I don't want to do online. Has it fit? Has it actually look on you? Listen, you want to know how much of a dumbass I am? Sure. How much I dislike stuff like this? I went, I said let me get some pillows. I'm stupid, right? I'm a dummy. I need the pillows. You know what I did? I bought the pillows on Amazon. Okay.

All right. And I looked at the reviews and this is like a four, four and a half stars out of five. And so I said, oh, these got to be great pillows. And so the box arrived. It was in the size of like an elongated shoe shoebox, right?

It's that size. And I'm like, how the hell are there two pillows in here? And so they sucked all the air and like, what do you call it?

A freeze, not freeze wrap. Like vacuum sucked? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay. And so it said, you know, do this to get the pillows out, whatever. And in a day the pillows will be fluffed and put them in the, the, the dryer and let it fluff out that way. And these are going to be the most amazing pillows ever.

Hickey. Those are the worst pillows I ever put my head on in life. The night I slept on those pillows was I had, I didn't sleep. I felt like crap.

I'm stupid. Who buys pillows on Amazon or thousands of people, but me, I'm stupid. I never even would have thought they would have vacuum sealed pillow. Like to make them that flat.

I can't imagine they ever come back. Geez. These pillows were rolled up. It took me a day to take them right back to Amazon. I took them to a little Amazon store and I said, here, take these back and take them back. He's like, I said, I couldn't roll them back up. He said, I understand. Oh my God.

Oh, that was, I was so miserable about that. Uh, anyway, man, we got a lot, we got a lot to do. Of course, at the end of the show, I'm going to tell you about a few things that took place this day in sports history. Uh, let's talk about what's taking place right now.

How about this? The American athletic championship, the AAC army is beaten up on Tulane. My buddies at Tulane.

I'm sorry. I love Tulane. I love new Orleans.

I love the food. There's so much I love about new Orleans and certain things I cannot say on air. Uh, army is beating Tulane a 14 to zero. Meanwhile in Boise, I love Boise, Idaho too.

Had the best steak in America that I've ever had in Boise, Idaho. Boise state is beating UNLV is seven to nothing is about six minutes to go in the first half of that game. Uh, about six minutes to go here in army and Tulane as well.

Uh, pretty cool as well. Uh, we told you earlier in the show before they got started, Ashton Gentsy, Heisman, a candidate along with Travis Hunter is probably going to be between those two guys. Gentsy enters the game with 340 yards until he passes Barry Sanders.

As of right now, as I speak, he has 32 yards. Okay. No big shock. Uh, you know, UNLV and trying to handle him.

We got two Russian teams. Barry Sanders actually tweeted about this. Barry Sanders went online and he said, Hey, Ashton Gentsy wishing you luck tonight.

My fans can gripe, but records are made to be broken and I'm rooting for you. I love seeing all these NFL and NCAA running backs, showing the value of the position. Run the rock. Barry Sanders, man. Barry Sanders is so cool. The Barry Sanders does not care about anything. He doesn't. Barry Sanders is like, I'm done playing this. I'm out of here.

He doesn't care about nothing. Like Barry Sanders. I missed on man. That was a bad man.

Best running back I've seen in my lifetime. Uh, eight five five two one two 42 27. That's eight five five two one two 42 27. Kevin is calling from Dallas, Texas. You're on the JR sport re show. What's up, Kevin? Hey, JR. I appreciate you taking my call.

I love your show. Um, I'm a, I just want to say I'm a 34 year old air force vet and I just think it's super cool. You know, obviously army's not going to make the college football playoff. We all know that. Right. Right.

But, um, I just think it's, you know, with the restrictions that they have with recruiting and they don't, they don't really have the advantage that other teams have. I just want to give a shout out to my army brothers out there, even though I'm from the air force, but you know, we're all, we're all a brotherhood and I just think it's, it's something that should be celebrated. I know they're up 14 nothing right now, maybe go up 17 nothing here and a little bit, but, um, I just think it's such a, uh, a super accomplishment for them to be able to, uh, win a conference championship potentially, you know, who knows? So I'd never have to go, but, uh, I just, I just want to give a shout out to all the, all, all the army, uh, players and, you know, you know, offensive lines will have to keep a certain weight to pass their fitness exams and all that.

So I just think it's super cool. And, um, I just want to give a shout out to, to all the army people out there, uh, fighting for our country and doing all that. So I just want to, uh, shout out to you, you know, veterans day is gone, but man, shout out to you. Thank you for your service, Kevin. I appreciate it. Uh, so I just want to give a shout out to the army and, uh, I appreciate you. I appreciate you taking my call and, uh, I'll let you go off from here. So I, I appreciate you have a wonderful weekend, wonderful weekend.

That's an excellent point. You don't, you don't expect the service schools to be here. They're beating up on Tulane. I'm like, ah, man, not my guys love Tulane green wave. I love them. You see, can you see Hickey waters and Belicheck go coach one of the military schools, right?

Why don't you do that? Well, I think that'd be the dream, right? Friend coach Navy, right? Affinity for, for Navy.

Yes. It's family business might as well. That'd be fun.

That'd be very likable there. And now, well, now we'd be America's team. And now we got this update from, uh, about Belicheck going to North Carolina. Well, what's this latest update? Let's see. Uh, according to Andrew Carter, who is a writer for the news observer in the Carolinas, he says, and told the Belicheck camp is lobbying hard for the North Carolina opening and that there's some chaos surrounding candidates and who is best among the decision makers.

Resolution expected as soon as Sunday, John Sumrall remains a leading candidate. Hickey. This is like everybody now. Nobody wants, uh, nobody wants Belicheck cause he's just going to run the whole show.

Is that what it is? I think there's a real fear. Cause you've seen when Tom Brady's gone and Bill's calling all the shots, it's not pretty. Oh, he's still, oh, well, let's also remember, he took everybody off in Cleveland.

I don't want to bring that up. People hate his guts in Cleveland because of that benching of Bernie. Uh, he's, he's a good coach. Come on. He's a good coach. You just don't, you just don't do this because of Brady.

Come on. I'm not saying, no, I'm not, sorry. I'm not trying to insinuate that he's a bad coach. I think he's a good coach. I'm insinuating that he's a bad talent evaluator, bad drafter, bad for agent signer.

He knows talent. He's just a bad draft. The roster, the roster stinks. And I think he still is a good coach, but he can't even overcome the bad roster he put together.

No. And now Mayo is now coaching his team and his crap. Remember he defended the roster early this year. What is he defending now?

Well, he's blaming Mayo now. What are we doing? Throw, you know, can't throw your former boss under the, under the you can, you're just not supposed to.

Well, I guess there's some things you're not supposed to do. Hey, let's listen to Nick Saban earlier today. Nick Saban was on the Pat McAfee show and Nick Saban was just like, Belicheck would be terrific in college. First of all, you know, Bill's an outstanding coach. He's very well organized. He's a good teacher. I think he relates well with the players.

So I think he would do a great job in college. The only thing that would be different is recruiting. But as you say, relationship building is not as important, not that Bill wouldn't be good at that, is not as important now that you pay players. I think it becomes a little bit more about, you know, the money and the deal that you make with them. So it is a little bit more like pro football. So and I think Bill knows how to manage that and would do a good job.

So it doesn't surprise me when you have a coach of his caliber, quality, consistency and success for a lot of years that it wouldn't be somebody that people would consider. Yeah, whatever. Hickey, I'm trying to think if I if I was if I was a betting man, which I think I am, but I'm not.

I don't know what the hell I do. I do my prize picks anyway. I would say no. I know you think yes. Would you would you put money down? Would you put big money down on Belichick going to North Carolina? Big money, no. I'm also not a big gambler in general. Would I put a small amount of money?

I would. Sorry, I just sneeze there. My bad. It's OK.

Terribly timed. Human being, you sneeze. Right. I do. I know you're not a robot. As we also heard from our joke last hour from our caller, you also do not pea soup. No, no, I do not. I'm glad you're getting it now.

Turn around. Not still don't get it. But this doesn't seem like it seems random, right? But I don't think he's doing it if there wasn't an interest. But he's not just taking this interview just because.

Yeah, sure. But he might as well. Why not take the interview? Why not? Well, say no, I'm not interested.

No, thank you. But why would he like why waste his time? I mean, he is we talk about it. He's on a million shows. Here's a million podcasts. He's got a girlfriend who I'm sure is full of energy. Like he doesn't have a lot of time to just be like, hey, I'm sitting around. Nothing better to do. I'll talk football.

It's in North Carolina boosters for like an hour. Sorry, Hickey. How old is Belichick girlfriend?

Sorry. I think you know the reason she like 25. Bra 24 years. Oh, my God. Times that by three.

Guess what that age is? Oh, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. Oh, man.

Oh, I should be back. You know, back at home surrounded by some folks her age. Good for him, though, right? Good for him.

Maybe, you know what? Maybe this is why he's willing to go back into college. Well, I could connect to the youth. He was Belichick is going to be a polygamous now.

No, no. I'm saying he could connect to 16, 17 year old, 18 year old men. You know, he's hippie. Knows what the trends are.

Ah, what is she going to tell him? Like, this is what you need to do to attract these recruits. Imagine. No, this is terrible. I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to say this. I'm going to take a call and then we're going to break because it's just too much.

I'm going overboard. Could you imagine if Belichick is in coaching in college and then his his girlfriend ends up with one of the students because they're the same age? She is crazy, right? While the things have happened, we have seen I'll say this again, poor Scottie Pippen, Scottie Pippen's poor. Let's see how his ex-wife was with Michael Jordan's kid.

Come on, it's some wild times. Did you see the Alabama story? Oh, my God. Wait, that's fake. It's fake. It's fake. I looked that up. I saw nothing real.

The player who was reportedly, you know, dating, whatever, and then he got suspended off fake and then he entered the transfer portal. Fake. Oh, OK. I did not do that much.

Do you not? I got I got fooled then I looked up. You were looking at ball sacks, boys. So you got to ESPN ball sack.

Just, you know, it's easy to defer, you know, to mix them up. Yeah, I didn't see that on ESPN. It's all ball sacks. Next, I'll go to CBS Sports, not not ball sack.

Yes. You think Bill Belichick is finding out his football news on ball sack sports? What a world we live in.

The Internet is a crazy place that it is. It is eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. Marty is calling up from New York. You're on the J.R. sport ratio. What's up, Marty?

Yes. Good evening, Jay. Good to talk to you. It's been a while, but I know you haven't been on the local station on Saturdays, but in any case, I'd like to weigh in on the situation. I got I got something cooking soon, Marty. Stay tuned. Oh, good. I look forward to that. But, you know.

Oh, OK. But Belichick, you know, recruiting takes a lot of time and effort. And, you know, it's 73 years old. That might be a difficult task for him. I know he'll be probably have some assistance to help him out.

His girlfriend will help his girlfriend. Maybe. Yeah. You make you make a point there.

And also, you know, can he relate to 18 to 22 year old? But I think it's ironic. I don't know if you pointed this out earlier. I wasn't listening earlier, but it's ironic that he's going after that North Carolina job. That's L.P.'s alma mater. And I'm just wondering if he does land the job.

I mean, he can bring it along with them. Wait, wait, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Marty. Marty, you gots to be joking, right? No, I don't know.

I mean, that's ironic. No, no, no, no, no. Marty, do you know what Lawrence Taylor has been up to over the past bunch of years? Marty? I understand that. But, you know, he's close to Belichick.

So I don't know. I mean, Marty. Oh, no, no, no, no. OK. I mean, I guess I know he I know he's had his issues. I'm well aware of that. But, you know, you can't.

Now, Marty, now I have to explain for people who are not aware. I get you. But no, I don't think Belichick is going.

And if he does, I can I can I can bet you that we will not see Lawrence Taylor anywhere near a college campus. OK. OK, that's fair. My man. But thank you, Marty.

You enjoy the football over the weekend, OK? I definitely will, JR. I look forward to you on the local station.

Thank you so much. Appreciate you, Marty. Shout outs to all my folks. WFAN in New York City. Shout outs to my local folks. Ninety two nine the game here in Atlanta, Georgia. Shout outs to everybody listening nationally right now all over North America.

Hickey, I got to tell you, that is not something I had ever thought in my life that I'd hit suggested ever. We want we're going to hire Lawrence Taylor to work on. Is he allowed is he physically allowed to do that? No, but I love Marty's justification. Well, he's close to Bill. Forget everything else. He's close to Bill.

You know, I hate I have to do this is just part of the job. I have I now have to fill in the blanks, OK? Oh, boy, OK. Here we go. In May 2010, Lawrence Taylor was arrested for statutory rape of a 60 year old girl at a Holiday Inn in Montebello, New York.

He didn't know how old she was. That was the the thing there. He had an issue with the pimp and the there you have it. OK. Allegation of domestic violence. Yeah.

December 2021, Lawrence Taylor was arrested again, failing to report his new address, which he has to do as a registered sex offender. OK. All right. So, yeah, I don't think he's going to be allowed near a campus. I don't think that's the best idea.

I don't think L.T. would be, you know, just no, no, no, no. You know what I'm I'm not going to do if I have a farm, if I have chickens, you know what I'm not going to do?

What's that? I'm not just going to, you know, put the fox in the kitchen, you know, and just leave the door open while I leave. I'm not I'm not going to do that. No, huh? No, no. So if you had a, let's say, a high school aged son looking to play college football.

You're not sending them there, sending him where to play for L.T.? A son? Uh, if I'm a if I'm a school, I'm not. Geez. No, if I'm a school, I'm not hiring him. That's very true.

That's very fair. What? What? Lawrence Taylor should now be coaching with my brother for the girls basketball team in New York City, right?

Like, I think you answered the question. I don't think he's even allowed to coach. Oh, my God. I don't know about anywhere near our college campus.

You need to know where he lives. That's great. That's just, yo, come on, Marty. I talk to Marty all the time. Marty, come on.

But hey, he's close to Belichick. What are you thinking, man? And we we should let the we we should let the sniper. I don't know.

Let's give the sniper an invite to the I don't even know it. Let me just stop. It's just ridiculous. It's the J.R. sport we show here.

I think I thought that said something else on the board right now to have had this in the bridge. It's a Friday. I'm going to get some more of your calls on the other side. Eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. Of course, we're going to talk more football, give you an update on all the games going on tonight over the weekend.

Don't move. You are listening to the J.R. sport brief. It is the J.R. sport show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. You know, we're going to do this. We're going to develop this joke segment on Fridays. We're going to develop it. So, hey, if you enjoyed some of the jokes that you heard over the past few hours, we are going to we're going to have more.

We're going to have fancy imaging and sound to introduce it and get used to it every every Friday. We got you eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. Yeah, it looks like Boise State is going to take care of this one. Ashton Gente just scored a touchdown. Boise State currently leads UNLV 20 to nothing.

Gente, 14 carries one hundred and thirty two yards. Wow. Crazy.

Is this what just happened? Let's see. That's a seventy five yard touchdown run. Yeah, OK, I'd say if he bust and now 21, it kicks the extra point. If he busts ass. He might pass Barry Sanders. Not tonight.

Can't do it. He needed three. How many did he need tonight? Three hundred and forty. Yeah, three hundred and forty yards to pass Barry Sanders.

Well, tonight already he has. He has one hundred and thirty two. Now, if this man goes out there and gets 200 more years, well, why do you want to do that?

Right. I want this man to be healthy. Why are you going to give him carries and ass whooping also right now? But Army is smacking Tulane the same score.

Twenty one or nothing. Nicky, these games suck. Game star conference championship game sucks. Send you get the old UNLV quarterback, get him and give him give him his job back. Is it too late for that?

I guess it is right. It's too late. Anyway, looking forward to more of these conference championship games. Tomorrow, Arizona State, Iowa State, UGA in Texas, Penn State. I know you're not you're not excited.

You're lying. You're not excited for Penn State versus Oregon. You think you're going to get whupped?

I do think they will lose. But with that said, I am excited to see how I'm as shy as the other play. I'm excited for the game.

I am. OK, well, let's listen to head coach of Penn State, James Franklin. He talks about facing Oregon.

Know that they are probably going to whoop that ass. We're excited to play Oregon. Great opportunity playing the number one team in the country. We're excited about that. That's what we control. That's what we're focused on.

Not focused on anything else. I mean, I understand the question and I appreciate the question, but we're just focused on trying to beat the number one team in the country. Oregon in Indianapolis in the Big Ten and just totally focused on that and not any of the other scenarios or discussions. Yeah, let's listen to more coaches.

Why not? Well, hey, we've been we got a lot of callers who hit us up about the Gamecocks and Clemson and people was complaining about who's in and who's out, who's going to be in, who's out. And we know that Clemson is going to be participating in the ACC championship tomorrow against SMU. Be rather interesting to see whether or not we end up with two teams from the ACC in the playoff.

I don't think that'll be the case. But let's listen to Dabo Sweeney. It's like, hey, Clemson, ACC championship almost every damn year. What did Dabo say? I know we're supposedly a bad program now and we're doom and gloom, David.

It's all downhill and everything's terrible. But I think we've been in this game two out of the last three years. This is our eighth time in 10 years. And I don't think we've gone back to back years not being in this game since 13 and 14.

So, you know, I know for all the things that have to change and how we're supposed to be like everybody else, I'd say that's pretty good. You know, eight times in 10 years. And so really proud of that consistency. And we got two goals left. And that's to win the ACC and to win the closer.

And if we hit them two goals, they will be national champs. Hickey, how come he's never miserable? He gets angry, but he's never miserable.

He never sounds like Ryan Day. I guess his national titles, right, kind of help him out, make him a little happier. What's wrong with his quarterbacks when they leave, though?

Wow. I know another guy they won't let back onto a college campus, his old quarterback, Deshaun Watson. I still can't believe, I still can't believe Marty called. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let Lawrence Taylor, you know, be a college coach.

Hickey, I could not. Could you see him on the sidelines focusing? Well, yeah. On the football?

Yes and no. I could see him being locked in with the help of something else. Oh boy.

But also, yeah, I could see him looking around. I like Joe Namath. I've met him. I've met his daughter.

Very nice people. Like Joe Namath, you can't have Joe Namath back at Alabama. No, just rolling up to young ladies when I kiss you. No, we don't need that stuff. Anyway, let's get back to some more of the coaches that are going to be playing here in Georgia.

I'm ready for this one. We got Texas and Georgia and Steve Sarkeesian. He was like, man, we at the SEC championship game. We just got to the damn SEC. Being part of this game is something that we hold in very high regard.

Our guys have worked extremely hard to get to this point. And so we take this very, you know, we take this very seriously. This is a big deal to us. Yeah, it is. It's a big deal. Listen to Kirby Smart. He'd been here. He's like, this is not, we're not playing Alabama this time.

Okay. It's a great game. And it's one that I've played in a lot of times and had a lot of heartbreak and a lot of triumph. But that's what makes this conference special is this game is tough.

And the atmosphere, the electricity around the game is really awesome. So we're looking forward to it. I'm honored to be playing Coach Stark and his team at Texas. What a tremendous job he's done there. Getting them into this game is a gauntlet. And it's a reward to play in it.

And both teams have earned that. He'd been yelling at some guys all week. They're yelling. He needs a recola, a lozenge, a halls. That guy's throat is messed up.

Happens when you're yelling that. Anyway. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27.

That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. Yeah. I can tell you one thing we will not have at the game tomorrow. That bull is not going to be at the game. Bevo is not going to be at the game. We'll talk about that on the other side of the break. The phone line's open if you want to give me a holla.

8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. And of course, we'll tell you about a few things that took place this day in sports history. But hey, you know what? We got Brent from Illinois. We'll talk to him and then we'll get to a newsflash. Brent, what's up?

Hello, how are you? I'm excellent. Oh, okay.

I got a joke, but I just like a month ago, I told you the Woody Woodpecker, the barrel over the Tiger Falls. I sent you that cartoon by email today. Oh, well, thank you.

I'll take a look. Okay. I got a joke for you.

Okay. There's this man who got possessed by the devil and he's having convulsions, got very sick and like his old being is like being taken over. So his friends got concerned. They called the priest to do an exorcism on him.

The priest comes to do an exorcism on this man that has a devil in him. And finally, it worked. It cleared him.

And everybody was happy. So the priest, where his services want to get paid for it, the man that was sick couldn't pay for it. So what happened to the man?

I don't know. He died? He got repossessed. Oh, oh, oh, this is a repo. Did you hear us talking about the repo man earlier?

Yes, they did. Oh, thank you. Hey, I like that repossession joke. Okay. I give you credit for that.

That's creative, Brent. Thank you so much. Thank you. Have a great football weekend chair.

You as well. Lots of football. Marco Belletti, did you like that joke? It's not bad. It's not bad. A little long in the preamble, but not bad. Not bad. Not bad.

Shout out to Brent. Call up with a good joke. It's the JR sport re-show here with you coast to coast on the infinity sports network. When we come back, we're going to start to wrap things up. I'm going to tell you why the hell they won't let a bull into a football game.

That is not a joke. And then we'll talk about a few things that took place this day in sports history. You're listening to the JR sport brief. It is the JR sport re-show here with you coast to coast on the infinity sports network.

8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27 is the number. If you want to give me a holler, you want to tell a joke before we roll out in a few minutes, we're going to roll into a few things that took place this day in sports history. Today is Friday, December 6th.

The year is 2024. We're getting ready for championship weekend, championship Saturday. And by the time we come back on Monday, we'll have gone through another slate of NFL games, NFL Sunday. We'll know the playoff seedings for the college football championship.

And so we're, we're really moving into the nuts and bolts. Yes, Dak Prescott, not nuts and screws of a football and both the college, the pros college might as well be pros. You get what the hell I'm saying now, before we went to break, I did mention to you about one of the conference championship games. So the SCC is going to take place tomorrow with Texas and Georgia. And we all know about Georgia's bulldog.

I don't know what dog they up to right now and I don't keep track. And we also know that Bevo, that big old bull from Texas is he's not making a trip. He's been banned.

Take a listen to this from KVUE. Unfortunately, Texas mascot Bevo will have to root for the horns from a distance. He will not be at Saturday's game in Georgia. He's staying here. The silver spurs say there's just no room for him on the field. And we all know what happened with UGA, you know, so I think it's just better that, you know, maybe the Longhorn Bevo gets a bye week.

Yeah, Bevo tried to, uh, Hickey, did he try to horn him and eat him? We don't know. We don't know what happened. Thank God. That's true. You're right. Thank God.

We never found out what he's actually trying to do. Oh my God. Could you, and that was on camera too. Could you imagine, now was that live? That was a recorded piece when they played it on TV, if I remember correctly. Oh, like when the cameras, I'm assuming so.

Yeah. I think that was insane timing. They wouldn't, could you imagine everybody at home watching live? It's like, Hey, here are the mascots. And the next thing you know, they'd have to, well, there's a seven, there's a delay on TV. They would not show a bull destroyer dog on television. Oh my God.

Bevo's dude. Where are those horns going? Oh my God.

Yeah. PETA would be on lines one, two, three, four. No Hickey. We would not see any animals. Anyway, there'd be no animals anywhere on sports.

So, uh, good stuff there. Um, by the way, there is no space. This is not a, there's no space for that on the sidelines.

I've been a Mercedes Benz a million times. There's no space for that thing. Um, there's, there's so many suites now on the field and behind the benches.

There's no space. They'd rather make money pulling a bull, uh, eight five five two one two 42 27 instead of talking to or talking about a bull, let's talk to a bill bill from Arizona. You're on the JR sport brief. Hey, how are you doing? Um, I've got a good joke and this one actually got me out of a ticket. Uh, I was going, uh, 70 to 35 and a cop pulled me over. Whoa. I said, and I told him, I was, Hey, uh, have you got a minute?

I want to tell you a joke. He's okay. So this whole man was, this whole man was, uh, bought a sports car and he decided to take it out and see what he would do. So he took it up to 70, 80, 90, a hundred miles an hour. All of a sudden he sees these lights behind him. He goes, they're not going to catch me.

He goes 110, 120, 130, 140. He said, uh, I'm gonna pull over and take my medicine. So the cop gets out and go, look at, I'm on my way in, this is my last ride in. If I write you up and I have to arrest you, if you take more time, if you tell me something I've never heard before, I'll let you go. Hurry.

So the, uh, so the old man says, okay. So I was speeding up and, uh, all of a sudden I see you guys come by me and they went faster and faster and faster. And I realized that, you know what, uh, several years ago, my wife ran off with a cop and I thought you were trying to give her back to me. Oh boy. And I told the cop that he let me off with a speed ticket. Hey, hey, well listen, as well, that's dangerous.

Drive safe out there, bill. Okay. All right. All right. Thank you so much.

Nicky. He wasn't impressed that I wasn't impressed. Did you like that joke? Um, so I will, I'll, I've been called in the past a cheap laugh.

So I did laugh at it. All right. I will say that the lead up to it is very long. It was long as I lost track a few times. Yeah, I lost track.

Thank you, bill. Hey, let's not lose track. Let's go back in time to a few things that took place this day in sports history. Back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore, but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again. It's time for this day in sports history.

See, back in those days, we had radio and you couldn't see anything and it was primitive and lousy. We like the JR sport brief show. I wish I was 50 years younger and I'd kick your ass.

It is the JR sport brief show on the infinity sports network. It's December 6th, 2024. If we go back in time, we'll talk about a few things that happened. How about this day, December 6th, 19 is 61 Ernie Davis from Syracuse. He won the Heisman. He was the first black man to do so take a listen to this. Ernie Davis of Syracuse, the plate Syracuse halfback is voted the Iceland trophy as the outstanding college football player of the year.

The 21 year old whiz kid is as hard to stop as a 10 ton truck. Watch that number 44. Over for the touchdown, the kind of playing that sparked the Syracuse offensive.

Ernie hopes to play eight or 10 years of professional football and then pursue a business career. Yeah, God bless him. That was dope. Hey, December 6th, 1992, Jerry Rice, he set an NFL record 101 touchdowns. Okay, this is courtesy NBC, San Francisco.

The Niners beat Miami 27-3 at candlestick. He broke Steve Rogers record. Listen to this. The brilliant wide receiver from Mississippi Valley State. He's out to the left.

There it is, 101. His greatness is never in doubt. From the time Joe Walsh first saw the highlight films of him at Mississippi Valley State. And they traded two picks to New England to get New England's number one in 1985.

He had trouble the first couple of games, didn't he? And then after that, he just seems to be the perfect man for the position. His Jerry Rice greatest wide receiver ever. That took place on December 6th, 1992. A little more, a little bit more recent, I guess, I guess.

Hey, how about this? In 2009, Brett Favre, 283rd consecutive game. This is Brett Favre talking about it in 2014. I mean, I'm not going to bed at night thinking or saying my prayers that no one breaks it. Uh, but it does mean a lot to me. I think someday someone will break it. Um, you know, it will be tough. And as, as you have to be to, to hold that record mentally, physically, you have to be, you have to be tough. You have to be hardheaded. You have to be a little bit insane at times too.

No, well, there's drugs for these things now. And sometimes it's been ultimately played in 297 consecutive games. That's crazy. And the NFL, the players move around too much.

I don't think we're going to see that that broken anytime soon. Hey, let's get a couple of calls in before we roll out of here. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. Don is here from Wisconsin. You're on the JR sport. We show us up, Don. I'm going to try to speed it up because I know you got much time, but this joke is about back in the day when everybody used to make moonshine, especially farmers, but the school got together. So the only way we can stop this outbreak of alcohol and whiskey is we got to educate the kids. So the kids all come to school the next day and a board gets together and says, you got to get with those guys.

Some kind of like I'm experienced that scared the hell out of them. So, oh, because it's the end of the day, here's a glass of water with glass water. And here's a glass of whiskey sports, glass whiskey. She dropped the woman, a glass of water.

The worms went wrong. Then she grabbed the woman, a glass of whiskey. Well, I'm close up to fall down and guys, what'd I teach you? Class dining reasons. Tango.

They're drinking up good whiskey. You'll never have one. If you, what your phone wasn't, if you drink good whiskey, you're what? Never have one.

You'll never have worms. Oh, okay. I get it. All right. Oh, thank you, Dan.

Oh, Don. I appreciate that. Thank you. Good talking.

I wish I had one more time. I got the Packers Detroit game. I get that done, but I'm not going to it's game's over. The Packers will be fine. They'll go to the post-season and win a round or two.

And then they'll lose to the lines. Oh, Don it's simple question. Yes or no. Are the lions better than the Packers? No, I didn't, I didn't ask you as a yes or no.

Did you, did you fail in school? Are the lions better? Are they a better team in the back? Okay. All right. Yep. Yeah. Okay. YouTube Don.

Thank you so much. Hickey. I couldn't follow that joke. He needs a new phone. I couldn't follow. Yeah. I don't, I still don't get it.

I didn't either. You got work. Somebody got worms or something. I don't know. It started off hot.

It kind of petered out a little bit, but still strong start the characters through for most of the night. Hickey. Everybody told the joke today, except for you. Go ahead. Your turn. Oh, I got nothing. I don't even have a joke right now that I could give you off the top of my head. Knock knock joke.

Nothing. No, I'm not funny. You're hilarious. You make me laugh here every day. Hilarious. I couldn't.

Yeah. I don't even have like, I don't even have like a joke, like in the back pocket. I think Marty came by. That's not a joke. When Marty said about Lawrence Taylor being on a college campus is not a joke. It's sad.

Anyway. Hey, the week is over. How the hell is the week over? How the hell did we get here? Has flown by, right?

Oh my God. How it's about, what's tomorrow? The seventh.

When we come back, it'll be what the, uh, the ninth Hickey. Where can people listen to you? How? Right here, infinity sports network, 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific on Sunday night. Get ready. We're recap here.

The NFL week 14. Yeah. Make sure you listen to Hickey Hickey. Tell him your social stuff, man. Ryan underscore Hickey and the number three on Twitter. Check me out. Hey, thank you so much to Mike Sanford Jr. For coming through. Enjoy conference championship weekend. We'll talk about the rankings.

We'll get into it all. You can find me online at JR sport brief. The JR sport brief show is done. Bart Winkler coming up next. Thank you Hickey.
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