It is the JR Sport Brief Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia.
Much love and many thanks to everybody tuned in and locked in all over North America. I hope you are well. I'll be hanging out with you for one more hour. And time flies when you're having fun. I've been here for three already. The show gets started every single weekday at 6 p.m Eastern, 3 Pacific. Thank you for listening.
You can always hit rewind on the free Odyssey app because we've talked about a lot, a lot. Joel Embiid and the Sixers being investigated because Joel Embiid is not playing basketball. Injury management, okay. It sounds like they're disrespecting the game by not playing a healthy player. Just resting him, air quotes, rest. Anyway, this morning we learned about DeAndre Hopkins being traded from the Tennessee Titans to the Kansas City Chiefs.
So thank you so much to Matt Derick of for joining us. He's no Zion Williamson tonight. No, he's not hurt. He's just sick this time, okay. I don't know if that sickness will become a hamstring injury, but we'll find out soon enough.
Oh, how about this? Jameis Winston is going to start. Bryce Young is going to start as well for the Carolina Panthers. And Jayden Daniels, well, he's day-to-day, week-to-week. I think he'll play against the Bears. We need that matchup, Jayden Daniels, Caleb Williams. May the best man win, even though it's a football game and not a boxing match.
I'll take things where I can get them, okay. And then of course it's Wednesday. I'm giving you a new top six list in honor of what we saw take place last night between LeBron James and Bronny James, the first father and son to ever play in an NBA game together. Today's top six list is based around the top six father-son combos that we've ever seen in sports. And I gave you the whole big fancy list last hour. We listened to the fathers and the sons. We heard their comments.
We heard it last hour. Let me give you a quick recap. At number six, I gave you the Earnharts. And number five, I gave you the James family, the LeBrons. And number five, I gave you the Holes, Bobby and Brett. And number three, I gave you the Currys. And number two, I gave you the Griffys. And at number one, I gave you the Mannings. You know you a big deal when even Eli's getting his ass kissed, okay. Let's listen to this one more time. This is Peyton Manning, bigging up his brother who is likely to go into the football, the pro football hall of fame in Ken.
Listen to this. We have quite the resume here, young man. Two Lombardi trophies, part of one of the greatest plays in NFL history.
That's on a resume? Second greatest quarterback Iron Man streak in NFL history. Only quarterback to beat Belichick and Brady in a Super Bowl twice. Quarterback to New York, longer than any quarterback in history. Number one overall draft choice. And I don't care what mom says, you're her favorite. That might be the only accurate thing in there. Now you know you some big stuff when Peyton Manning is bigging you up.
Because we all know Peyton Manning, he was just some schmuck. What a family that is, right? Come on.
And they're running television now? Let's go. What are we doing? The Manning. Who would have ever thought? Instead of I don't even. Oh, wow. That's a big deal, too. Hickey, how does Joe Buck and Troy Aikman, how do they feel knowing that they have? Well, they don't care. What do they make?
Thirty million per twenty five per. Right. That wow.
I did not know that much. Holy cow. I think Aikman makes that. Yeah. Aikman does. Wowza. I was going to say, how do they feel knowing that they have to split eyeballs with the Mannings?
And then I was like, wait a minute. Troy Aikman does not care. He does not. He's like that check clears. I do not care. Mickey Mouse could run up to my door with that check. I do not care.
As long as it's not getting halved by the Mannings. He's a happy guy. He does not care.
He doesn't. Hickey, is there a sports family that stands out to you is basketball, football, baseball. Somebody named a woman. Don't name a woman. Anybody?
Any family duo? I mean, to continue the the Mannings here for a second, I think it's going to, you know, happen shortly here. To add Arch to that. Oh, my God. Is I mean, I don't see how anybody tops that.
Wow. Archie, Peyton, Eli. And now you go to a to a third generation, which in two years is, let's say, at least on track to be the number one overall pick. I mean, they're better than the booties. Better than that. You got Mannings and then you got booties. That's you know, that's another good one that should be on the list. No, no booties. The first, you know, like the the first one out. Yeah, we didn't think about then the booties didn't even cross my mind.
No booties. Yeah, that'd be crazy. Arch now, imagine.
Imagine what he might do. We don't know. Right.
We have no idea. But imagine if he is imagine if he's better than Eli, what is that going to do? Come on.
It's crazy. And then he's going to be required to have sons. He has to have sons. He has to. He must. He has to try and try and try until he has sons.
And then we cut you off. No, Peyton, what? I was gonna say he has a son.
No, no, no, no, no. Arch. But I'm saying like, imagine like you go from Arch and then you have like Peyton's kid that's playing then Arch's kid. Like you could have like literally a hundred years of Mannings in football. Oh my God. Wait a minute. Peyton has a son throwing the football. I'm not sure if he's throwing the football, but I mean, I think he'd be stupid not to. Oh my goodness. Right. They got to give the kid the football out the womb. Here, fall out the womb. Here's a football.
Get used to it. This is the family business. And shout outs to the Mannings, man. Shout outs to the Mannings.
Got a lot of father and sons where the sons suck. Hi, Michael Jordan. 855-212-4227. That's 855-212-4227.
It might be LeBron's kid, too. We don't know yet. Alan is calling from Toronto. You're on the JR Support Warby.
Show us up, Alan. Yeah. Somebody stole my thunder from Mark and Gordy Howe. I was about to say that.
You know, I wanted to go into detail, but here's another very good one, too. Joe and Marvis Frazier. Marvis had a record of 19 wins, two losses, eight KOs, and they both beat Joe Buggner. Joe Buggner is a very stylish, cunning, agile, experienced fighter. And Joe and Marvis, they both beat him. And I met them both.
They're very sincere, very down to earth. And they both had excellent careers. It's too bad. Marvis lost to Larry Holmes in 83 and Mike Tyson in 1988. He retired after the Tyson fight, but he was okay. Never call a fighter a powder puff, you know, because he only had eight KOs in 19 fights. People were calling him a powder puff. Nobody's a powder puff. Joey Archer wasn't a powder puff. Alan, Alan, Alan, let me ask you this. I follow box and love boxing, know a lot of boxers.
A lot of people don't know who the hell you referred to. Let me ask you this. Did you box? Did you ever fight?
Yeah, when I was a youngster, but my mom stopped me at age 14 because she didn't want me to get my face messed up. So I would have continued. You know, I was a slugger. I wasn't a boxer. I was a slugger. You had a, did you have a pretty face? I had, yeah.
Until I got messed up, I came home and my mom just looked at me in horror. She said, your face looked like you just came out of a meat grinder, you know, it's swollen beyond recognition. She said so. Oh my God. Okay. I had to, I had to quit. Otherwise, I would have been, I could have been a champion.
You never know. Oh, okay. You heavy weight?
No, I was a, I was a lightweight. Okay. All right.
Nothing wrong with, you could still, what's the last time you had to punch somebody in the face out? Go ahead. Tell us. No, I'm asking.
I'm asking when's the last time. Oh, you don't. Okay. Okay. Don't, don't, don't incriminate yourself. I don't want to know anymore. I was asking when's the last time you punched somebody, but I don't want you to tell on yourself. Okay.
Oh, it's going to be more than half a century anyway. Oh, okay. Good.
Let's keep it that way. Well, thank you, Alan. Appreciate you, man. We love you in Toronto.
Don't punch nobody. Yeah. Joe was, Joe was one of my favorites of all time. He was an all time great and nice to see his, his son too.
I met them both and I was very happy to see them. Well, thank you, Alan. I'll talk to you later. Yeah. Talk to you later.
That was a great show. Thanks a lot for taking my call. Of course. I'm here.
You know, when I'm here, like, I'm here like clockwork, you know, when I'm here or when I'm here. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. Jack is calling from Colorado. You're on the JRS sport reshow. We're talking father and son combos. Go ahead, Jack. Daddy. Oh, uh, has the, has the Ripken family been mentioned? Uh, no, nobody talked about dad and his son, the iron man.
No, no. Uh, and Billy as well. Excuse me, Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy, I'm, I'm familiar with Billy Ripken, Billy. What, how many teams did Billy play for? Uh, the only one that I'm aware of is with the Orioles. Uh, Billy played for like every team and he barely did it.
He was, he was, he was, he was a fringe baseball player. You know, I get it. Well, I, okay. I get it, but I mean, but if you think about say again, go ahead.
Cal Cal, senior Cal junior. Yeah, but he didn't have Billy. I mean, I know you don't like Billy, but I don't, I don't know. I don't not like him. I just think that in the grand scheme of things of like father son combos and sports when, you know, dad was pretty much a coach and the son is one of the greatest of all time.
And then his brother is just like, Oh, there's his brother. You know, I was just kinda for like the, the greatest of all time is like, eh, doesn't carry the same weight. They're great. Great name.
Pretty much because of Cal. I agree. I agree. Yeah. That's my point. I don't look, come on. You got lots of guys that are sticking around just because it's just Cal in the middle. Ripkins are right though.
I think the great family, I don't know about like a top six, top six. Thank you, Jack. Thank you.
No problem. Yeah. Billy, Billy Ripken. Billy rip. If Cal Ripken walked down the street today, people would go, Oh, there's Cal. Hey, there's Cal Ripken. Oh my God. It's Cal Ripken Jr. If Billy walked down the street, people would go back. That guy looks like Cal. That guy looks like Cal. There's a difference.
There's a difference. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. Paul is here from Rhode Island. You're on the JR sport brief show.
Thank you, JR. I guess I'm going to have to go with the Chris Long and Howie Long. Howie Long and Chris Long. The guy that won two Super Bowls back to back. Well, yeah, Kyle too. He was a pro bowler. Yeah, Kyle.
Now he's sitting on doing TV. Good job. Yeah.
Look at you, Paul. Thank you so much. Thank you, my man.
Okay, great. That was great. Hickey, he didn't get, what did he say last week? He doesn't sound, is it snickered? Is that what it is? Something like that. Yeah.
It was a weird phrase. It's snookered. I think it was snookered.
He didn't get snookered. Not yet. We're working to the point. What time is it in Rhode Island? Nine.
About 15 after nine. So there's still time for him to get snookered. And good one. Yeah. Howie Long. Howie Long on TV. You got Chris Long. I think Kyle Long on TV.
Yeah. And not the Mannings, but nothing wrong with them Longs. Howie, Hickey, you know, what's impressive about Howie Long. Howie Long has looked the same for like 40 years, bro.
He has. He's getting the hair, he's getting the hair stuff done. I mean, that hair has not moved an inch.
I think in 30 years. Who cuts his hair? Does it get cut? Does it just stay there? Does it move?
Like what happens? I'm going to assume that, well, I'm going to hope at least I'm not sure. I'm going to hope that he just gets a haircut every day. That he's just so meticulous.
Otherwise it does raise questions about what's really going on up there. Is it like Hulk Hogan's hair? I'm not familiar with Hulk Hogan's hair. Oh man. You know, Hulk Hogan has that blonde hair is just, I don't know how it's there, but it's kind of, I don't know, needled in his scalp or something like that.
Yeah. I mean, he was what, a defensive lineman, right? I don't think he's vain enough to say, you know what, I need a piece. He's on TV every week. So is Terry Bradshaw. Terry. Anyway.
Terry's let that bad boy go, rightfully so. Maybe. 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. We're talking about famous father and son combos in the world of sports. What do we have here? Nick in Pennsylvania. You're on the JR Sportbreeze show. What's up, Nick? Hey JR. First time caller.
Oh, thank you so much. What's up? Uh, growing up in Erie Mistake on the Lake, I grew up being a Browns fan. So I was a big Clay Matthews Jr fan and his dad, I want to say played for the Falcons and then his son William Clay Matthews of course played for the Packers. So there's three generations of Matthews. Yeah. Clay. Clay played here in Atlanta and then it was Bruce.
And then they had, they had another, though they got another, isn't there another one like recently? Is there one running around in college right now? Maybe, maybe it's juniors kid. I'm not sure. I don't know.
Who's this one right here. Let's see. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Jake. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Jake is on the Falcons right now. Yeah. I'm like, there's another one running around. So there's four generations then. Yeah.
I can't, it's too many. What the, you said you grew up in the neighborhood. You said you grew up where they came from in Ohio. No, I just grew up long time Browns fan. Oh, okay. That's when I, that's when I, back when I first started remembering like player's names was Clay Matthews and Webster Slaughter and Kevin Mac and all them. Yeah. No, that's amazing.
Back in the early eighties. What the hell have you feeding y'all man? What's up in the Midwest? What are y'all eating? We eat good up here, man. Oats, right?
Oats and potatoes and stuff. I don't know, man. No, you good. Well, thank you, Nick. Appreciate you. Yeah, no doubt. Appreciate you too. Take it easy.
Thank you so much for listening. Yeah, man. Matthews. I'm like, yeah, there's a Matthews here in Atlanta right now too. Damn.
Now that, now the math, that's a lot. Looking at that 25 pro bowls, 11 all pros, man. I wish I liked clay when he was with the Packers. He was running around. He had the long hair busting ass. That was cool. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27.
That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. We're talking about the best, some of the top father and son combos that we have seen in sports. Jack is here from Michigan. You're on the JR Sportbreeze show. What's up, Jack? Hey, how you doing, man? I'm amazing. How are you? I am at least good. Thank you, sir.
Um, I want to go outside the box a little bit. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. The last time somebody said that they mentioned someone that wasn't a, that wasn't a son.
It was Layla Lee who I checked last was a woman. You're not, you're not going to name me a cat or a dog, are you? No, no, no, no, no, no cats or dogs, anything like that. But I am going to name you a female. Well, that's the same damn thing that the other guy did.
We're talking about sons. Go ahead and insult, go forget outside the box. Go ahead and insult a woman by calling her a man. Go ahead, Jack. Go ahead. Do it. No, I, no, I just want to, I want to save, uh, Pam McGee and JaVale McGee.
They both want to go medals in the Olympics. Oh my God. Okay.
I'm not disputing the fact I'm, I'm very aware of his mom who played in the WNBA. I'm familiar. Right, right. But I do have a number one though. If you allow me, I do have a number.
Just, just, just, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't have to over talk me, Jack. Okay. Go ahead.
My microphone is louder. Uh, it's just for clarity here. She's not, she's not a father, right? She's a, she's a mother, right?
Yeah, she's a mother. Okay. Just making, just making sure.
What else you got? Go ahead. Right.
Uh, no, this is actually one of my favorites though. I grew up watching this guy and his son is, uh, Terry Metcalf and Eric Metcalf. So Terry Metcalf played for St. Louis.
Uh, you know, when they was St. Louis Rams, then Eric Metcalf played for Cleveland. You got it. You got a point.
You, well, you, you dug deep for that one, man. Well, thank you. Yeah. I guess you had to say that coming out of, coming out of Michigan. Well, not, ain't out of Michigan right now. Well, apparently is.
That's, that's the reason why I mentioned that cause he from playing. I'm not far from her. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I had to mention that one. But Terry Metcalf and Eric. Yeah.
They were one of my favorite duos. Well, thank you. Thank you Jack for, uh, for bringing, we got a two for the price of one with you, even a woman and Jack. Thank you so much.
Hey, it's bargain day. Oh, okay. Well thank you Jack.
I'll catch you down the line. Okay. All right. Thank you.
Thank you sir. No doubt about it. Yeah. There we go. We're talking about fathers, sons, and we get women. Why not?
Why the hell not? It's 2024, right? And then what people are arguing about nowadays, it's the JR sport brief show here with you on the infinity sports network. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27.
That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. The phone lines are open. If you want to give me a father and a son combination, some of the best that we have seen in sports. Is there one that we haven't heard yet? We've gone through them all the longs, the hows, the, I think that somebody say the Alomar is or something.
I don't know. We got a lot. The Matthews is the JR sport reshow. Get some more of your calls. Get some more of the news in the NFL. Give you an update on the NBA. Get an update from Marco Baletti.
I'll give you a bunch of things that took place this day in sports history. I ain't done yet. I got more to do.
So don't move. You're listening to the JR sport brief. Oh yeah. It is the JR sport brief show here with you on the infinity sports network.
Shout outs to the guy who called up and said that Layla and Muhammad were great father son combo. He admitted he was going outside the box. I want you to stay in the box. Follow instructions. Do it. This is not, you know, ABC or D and you write an F that's not how it works.
8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. Yeah. We're talking about father and son combos in the world of sports. I need you to think O'Reilly auto parts for all of your car care needs.
Get guaranteed low prices and excellent customer service from the professional parts people at O'Reilly auto parts. You know, we got a big day in sports. Marco Baletti will be here in a few minutes to give you a newsflash and an update on everything going on. And we've talked about a lot in the show. I'm going to get back to the phone lines in a second. So if you're on hold, don't move.
I got you. Don't worry about it. But some of the biggest news earlier today, we learned that DeAndre Hopkins is being traded from the Tennessee Titans to the Kansas city chiefs. Andy Reid was asked about it earlier today. And because the trade is not final yet, Andy Reid don't know nothing. Practicing today.
Is that right? I know nothing. He doesn't know anything.
How about this? Jamis Winston. Not a shock, not a surprise. Jamis Winston is the newest starter for the awful Browns.
Listen to Jamis. I'm extremely grateful to have yet another opportunity to do what the Lord has called me to do in the NFL and this be a starting NFL quarterback. So I'm beyond grateful for this and I am prepared and I will do my very best. He's going to do his very best because he is smashed by Baltimore. That's the Browns next opponent. We learned earlier today that Bryce Young is going to get a start. Bryce Young is going to start in place of Andy Dalton against the Broncos who are going to smash him. Andy Dalton was in that car accident yesterday.
God bless him. Him and his family are fine, but he did suffer a sprained thumb. Meanwhile, another great matchup that people were, and I still think are looking forward to Washington, Jayden Daniels. We saw that rib injury this past Sunday. He was and still is scheduled to take on Caleb Williams and the Chicago Bears, but he's busted up.
His head coach, Dan Quinn, he's just like, yeah, we're not all that concerned about the matchup. We want him healthy for the season. He's day to day.
He's week to week. You guys have all been around Jayden and like anybody anywhere, anytime is really the mindset for him. Like I think at his core, Sam, that's one of the things I really admire about him is just like his readiness, his wanting to go prove it.
So no, much like we talked about Lamar a few weeks ago, you know, like they're not playing against one another. So like it's about him and the readiness to get ready and and help our team. Ultimately, that's why so many of his teammates really gravitate towards him.
They know how much he puts it in and goes for it. And that's why he's, you know, seen as one of the great teammates around here. OK, another move we had today. This wasn't a trade, but Devin White, who was with the Eagles, did not play a game because Nicobe Dean took his spot. Devin White, former Pro Bowler for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He's going to be with the Texans, a team that is actually moving in a positive direction. They're going to take on Hickey's Colts next.
Listen to C.J. Stroud. He's very happy. They got a former Pro Bowler at linebacker. He's a great player, great addition, you know, so a shout out to Nick for, you know, doing his thing once again.
But yeah, I'm in love with that choice that Nick made. And, you know, I think it'd be a great addition to the defense. Great addition. A lot of football news. Marco Belletti will be here shortly with so much more news. We got a lot of callers here. 855-212-4227. That's 855-212-4227. We got a lot of callers. Of course, I have to share with you a few things that took place this day in sports history. So let's see if our callers can heed the words that I'm about to share. Tell me your father and son duo.
Explain why. And let's save time to get to the next caller. I got a lot to do. Robbie is calling from Birmingham. You're on the JR Sportbreeze show. Robbie, show us how smart you are.
Go ahead. JR, man. Well, I'm not, uh, I was probably college.
I played receiver, so just enough to get by and stay eligible. But, um, you know, and I was also the only time I'd be, uh, I was the one that would kind of circle, like Mark A, but then kind of Mark B, like, hopefully. Okay, hold on, Robbie. Robbie, you're on hold. Nobody can hear you.
Give me a father and son combo. Go. All right. All right. I got you, bro. All right. But first of all, thanks for all you do, JR. You're the freaking man.
And just love hearing that voice coming on the radio. All right. Father, son duo. Father, son duo.
I got one that hasn't been used yet. Hurry up. It's a bonus, a bonus. So, uh, you know, trailblazers, you know, with Pippen. Arvidus. Arvidus. Yep. That was your house's name.
And his son, DeMontez. Yes. That's right. Okay.
I didn't know the first name. Thank you. You're welcome. Yeah, man. That's a good, that's a good duo.
No, it is. I actually, Robbie, I wish you could have got to the point. I'd have more time and thank you for the kind words. Call me back tomorrow. Okay. You got it, bro. All right. Thank you. Thank you, Robbie. It's like, come on, Robbie.
Show us how smart you are and get to the point. He's like, I failed school and I circled F when it was supposed to be A. Now I'm going to tell you, I loved Arvidus a bonus. Unfortunately, Arvidus a bonus came over to America a little too late. You see all these big men popping shots and all of that. Arvidus a bonus would have been busting everybody's ass. He was out there moving.
I'm not kidding you. This guy was moving like Jokic. Like he had the down low game. He had the shot he could make. He was an excellent passer like Jokic.
We had a couple of guys. It was Devoxx a little bit different than Arvidus. Arvidus was bigger. Arvidus big as hell.
It's slower, but there's some similarities there. Let's keep it moving. We got Trevor from Knoxville.
Give me your father son combo quick. Arvo mentioned Deon and Shader out in Colorado. Too soon, too soon. Give us some time.
We got a bunch of Shilohs and stuff out there too. Thank you, Trevor. Josh is calling from Alabama. Give me that father and son, Josh. Ed and Christian McCaffrey.
Oh, he got, he got like 20 more kids after that. That's a great one, Josh. We talked about that last week. You got Luke now playing too. How about that? Yes, sir. He's at Washington doing good up there.
And then even the father. Where are you at? The steel mill?
Where you at? Yeah, I'm at the steel mill up here in Birmingham. US Steel, sir. Listen, man, I'm a genius.
Thank you, Josh. Picky, I'm a genius. I'm a genius. I know what a steel mill sounds like. How about that? Very impressive.
Marco Balletti. Did you know that was a steel mill? I was unaware. I'm very impressed. Yeah, I am too. I shocked myself.
I did. Brian is calling from Florida. Hey, Brian, give me that father, son. I keep everybody in check.
You keep everybody in checkmate. But the Alubros, like Montreal Expos, they don't exist anymore. But right. Yeah. Felipe. Yeah.
Right. Felipe Alou. And Moises Alou. Yeah, Moises.
I'm the Moises in Houston. Hey, thank you, Brian. Thank you.
OK, no problem. Pablo's calling from New Mexico. Give me that father and son.
Pablo? What's up, sir? How are you, JR?
I'm good. Go fast, bro. OK, man, I got I got the racing museum. Motor sports does count. The answers, Al Unser and Al Unser Jr. from Albuquerque. OK, give me give me the quick what makes them great.
Tell me fast. Bro, they won all kinds of races back in the day, man. They have a museum here, a street named after them in Albuquerque.
Also, if I could double dip, I'm going to go with my boys in Pittsburgh, Joey Porter and Joey Porter Jr., man. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you. Yes, he cracked skulls. I remember him.
And now the boy catches the balls. Thank you, Pablo. Yes, I do. That Mike is calling from Birmingham quick. Hey, man, thanks for taking my call. I just want to say my dad's not been passed away that too long. And I keep my mom that's got to mention it made me think of my dad in this question.
I have no backup answer. My answer is my dad won two state championships in Alabama and I won five metro championships with him coaching. So me and my dad are the best father son. Thank you.
You're a better combo than Al Bundy and his son, Mike. I like you guys. You and your dad are amazing, man. Thank you. Thank you, man. You have a great night. You as well.
My next door neighbor in Birmingham, Alabama, about 90 minutes away, depending on how fast I drive. 855-212-4227. I think we might be able to get some more.
Try if you want to try to call me and get you on before the other side of the break. Good. Marco, do you have a father and son, the favorite combo in sports? You have a favorite one?
I don't have a favorite. I know you went through a lot of them. Did you do I always like the Ken Norton Sr. and Ken Norton Jr.? Has that one come up yet?
Somebody did. Yes. Yes. I always like that, especially with Junior punching the goalpost and kind of in honor of his dad. I always kind of thought that was cool. We even got Muhammad Ali and Laila. Yes.
Father and son. Yeah. And I do like the Alu's.
Felipe and Moises Alu. That was always close to me. I like the whole baseball thing. The no gloves, no batting gloves. That's good stuff. Yeah.
Moises. You see that guy's hands? Hands are like mitts.
And that's the thing, too. Like when you look at guys that don't use batting gloves, they usually have enormous hands. They're all calloused up. I won't tell you how they do it. And they're just I mean, they're just different creatures.
They pee on their hands. Yes, they do. Yes, they do. Yes, they do.
Yes, they do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to leave that alone, but I didn't know. That's why I said it.
It's OK. I'm a genius. I know what a steel mill sounds like and I know how to callous your hands.
No experience. It's the J.R. Sportbree show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. You are listening to the J.R. Sportbree. It's the J.R. Sportbree show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. What a day, what a day, what a day.
Just to amuse myself, I do want to let you know this. The NBA is back in full swing. We just heard a lot of the scores and whatnot from Marco Balletti. The Pistons already lost the game. And in hilarious fashion, I'll give you the score if you care, the Pacers beat the Pistons 115 to 109. And the one highlight that I saw from the game. Is that the Pistons got a technical foul for having six guys on the court. Hickey, how the hell you have too many men on the field like this is the NFL and basketball, six guys on the basketball court. How do you do that?
J.B. Bickerstaff led the Cavs to the second round of the playoffs last year. Maybe he, maybe it's the Pistons and you just go there and automatically just drop to the bottom of whatever your profession is, in this case, coaching. I have no idea. How does that happen?
I have no idea how that happens. Is it his fault? I got to do more due diligence. Is it his fault or is it the players fault? Come on down.
I mean, a little bit of, but like, I mean, his fault because you have the view of the court. You can, you got easier to see. Hold on. One, two, three, six. You know, you, you know, it's weird as hell if there's, if there's six guys on the basketball court, it just looks weird. It just doesn't make sense.
I don't know. It's the Pistons, man. Hickey, here we go.
I'm going to say this just because, not that I believe it. They're going to go to the playoffs. Watch a rattle off like 20 in a row after this. Yeah. Well, damn it. Where they get 29 last year, 20 line losses set a record, whatever that number is.
26, I think it was 27 piece. And how about this? Washington was no better. And people just paid all the attention to Detroit, right? To lose ass franchises. Get that brunch ready for me in Washington.
Okay. That's all the way I'm coming. At least to watch that game. I go to DC all the time.
Love DC. Anyway, you know what? It's the end of the show. I'm going to get to your calls momentarily as we wrap things up. And as I wrap things up at the end of every show, today is Wednesday, October 23rd.
The year is 2024. It's time to go back in time to a few things that took place this day in sports history. Back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore, but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again. It's time for this day in sports history. You see, back in those days, we had radio and you couldn't see anything and it was primitive and lousy and we liked it. On the JR Sport Brief Show. I wish I was 50 years younger and I'd kick your ass.
It is the JR Sport Brief Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Ironically, this is kind of crazy. This is crazy. Hickey, isn't this irony? This first one is irony? Very much so. This is nuts.
1999, October 23rd. We had a father who beat his son to win his 300th victory in college football. I'm not going to spoil it. Listen to this courtesy of ESPN. So that should be the final play of the ball game. And we see history tonight in two different situations. That young man against his father, first time for father, son to face off in division one. And for Bobby Bowden, win number 300. Coach Bowden, congratulations on your 300 victory, barely.
Tell you what, when you take all the family fun out of it, you had your hands full. Yeah, I got mad at Tommy there in the first quarter, first half. But we were lucky to win it. I thought Tommy did a better job than we did, but we probably had more players. Bobby Bowden beat his son, Tommy. FSU went out there and beat Clemson.
The final score was 17 to 14. We know Bobby Bowden finished with 377 wins. He won two titles, including that year that he beat his boy. God rest his soul. Man, coach until 2009.
Yeah, we talking about father and sons? Well, that one beat his kid. He did. 2016, Jay Ajahi, remember him, the running back? He was the fourth guy in NFL history to rush for 200 yards in consecutive games. This is what he did against them Buffalo Bills. Coach trusted us, trusting the offensive line and me, other runners to just kind of get the running game going.
We know we want to be more balanced on offense and throughout the week in practice, we really just put an emphasis on finishing blocks, finishing downfield and just doing a good job of being physical. And I think that is shown on game. This man had 214 yards in Miami, beat the Bills 28 to 25.
That's a lot of wear and tear in the in two games. That's why this man, we don't see him today. Hey, how about this day, October 23rd in 2019, Kyrie Irving making his debut with the Brooklyn Nets. That's right. He actually did suit up. He did. He played. He dropped 50 points in his Brooklyn Nets debut. Remember, Kevin Durant wasn't there because he wasn't healthy yet, even though he signed a contract. He got a year's worth of free money. The Nets, they did lose to Minnesota 127 to 126.
Listen, this is from the Yes Network. First bucket of his next career. Long rebound to Irving.
That's up the floor in a hurry. Irving attack mode for two. Irving, oh no. The handles and the range for Kyrie Irving.
He is putting on a show. The blow by Kyrie Irving, 45 points. Irving a three.
He knew he missed it. Prince guides the ball back for Irving. Kyrie Irving buries it. Yeah, and the Nets still lost, as I told you. And you just heard every, pretty much every highlight of Kyrie Irving's career as a Brooklyn Net. Congratulations to you.
Yeah, October 23rd. It's the JR Sport Reshow here on the Infinity Sports Network. Let's try to get on as many calls as possible.
People never listen. Mike is here from Boston. You want to tell me about a father-son combo?
Go quick now. Yeah, JR, how are you doing? Here's a big one. Patrick Mahomes and his father, Pat. Aaron Boone and his father. Too many, Mike.
We're trying to run through things. First of all, Pat Mahomes Sr. went to jail like yesterday. Great baseball player. Great reliever. Not even great.
Had like one great year, but he was good. We know about the Boone family. We talk to the Boons all the time.
He didn't follow directions. Andre from Delaware, give me a father and son combo. What's up? I'm surprised. A lot of Cowboys fans ain't called in about Tony Dorsett and his son Dorsett played defensive back for Oakland a couple years.
That's right. Well, thank you, Andre, for calling from Delaware. Josh is here from Alabama. You're on the JR Sport Reshow. Go ahead, Josh.
Yeah, I've got Vinny's son, Siri, and his father's cell son, Siri. Wait a minute. We're talking about greats here, Josh. You're talking about from football? I'm talking about some college football that they did. They won a national championship there in 2011 together.
That's pretty great. We're talking about greats over here, Josh. Jeff is here from Wisconsin. What's up, Jeff? Hey, I got us something that's a little different.
It's Dick Weber and Pete Weber. Okay. All right.
A little bowling action. Thank you, Jeff, for calling from Wisconsin. Well, thank you, Jeff. We appreciate you. There you go. He hit the nail right on the head. He really did. And you know what?
I can't leave without mentioning this. We had some terrible news that we learned of. It was bad when he got pulled off the broadcast and what have you last week.
Let's take a listen. We got to show love to Fernando Valenzuela. He had passed away, gone at 81.
Listen to this from MLB Network. Sad news out of the baseball world is Dodgers legend Fernando Valenzuela has passed away at the age of 63. The Mexican native pitched for six teams over the course of his 17-year big league career, but it was as a Dodger rookie in 1981 that he became an overnight sensation. Fernando won the Rookie of the Year, the Cy Young Award, and a World Series Championship in that remarkable 1981 season. The 20-year-old Valenzuela captured the hearts of fans in LA and throughout the entire country in what will forever be known simply as Fernando mania. Yeah, Fernando mania is 63.
I said 81 because of that damn amazing year that he had where he basically won everything. Rest in peace to Fernando Valenzuela. You've been listening to the JR Sportbree show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network.
If you've missed a minute or a second, you can go ahead and hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. We talked about a lot of top six, a top six list of some of the best father and son combos we've seen in sports. Thank you to Matt Derek from Chiefs Digest to talk about the DeAndre Hopkins trade. We talked basketball, football. We got more baseball tomorrow. We got Thursday night football. We got a lot. Make sure you come back tomorrow at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific.
You can find me online at JR Sportbree. Thank you for listening. Thank you so much to super producer and host Ryan Hickey. You be safe, be well, be cool, be smooth. Don't move. Bart Winkler is coming up next. Thank you so much to Ryan Hickey and thank you to you for listening.
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