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Falcons Being Too Cautious With Michael Penix Jr.? (Hour 1)

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
August 20, 2024 8:02 pm

Falcons Being Too Cautious With Michael Penix Jr.? (Hour 1)

JR Sports Brief / JR

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August 20, 2024 8:02 pm

JR opens the show by explaining why the Falcons are being too conservative with Michael Penix Jr. l Zac Stevens of DNVR joins the show to discuss when he believes Sean Payton will name the Broncos starting quarterback l Brian Flores responds to Tua's harsh criticism of him

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It is! The JR Sport Brief Show here on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you to everybody tuned in and locked in all over North America. I don't care where you're at. I don't care what you're doing. Thank you for listening. This is where I'll be for the next four hours.

Consider yourselves lucky. This is the beginning of the show. It gets started every single weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. I'm in Atlanta, Georgia, super producer and host Ryan Hickey.

He's in New York City. And we got a lot to get into on this Tuesday, August 20th, 2024. Shout out to all my people listening on the East Coast, the West Coast, over the Pacific, over the Atlantic, over a border, wherever you're at.

Thank you. You can always listen on the free Odyssey app, your local Infinity Sports Network affiliate. Sirius XM Channel 158.

If you got yourself a smart speaker, ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. I guess this is a dog days of summer, right? We actually got college football starting this weekend. A couple of games.

You got one in Dublin Island. We got to wait a little while for some NFL action. We got quarterbacks like to us saying he was getting I don't want to say his feelings hurt. We got another quarterback in Tom Brady saying the quarterbacks of today are basically babied in preparation. And we have some guests who are going to come through and join us as well.

How about this? In about 20 minutes, Zach Stevens is going to come through and join us covers the Denver Broncos on the beat. When I ask him about Bo Nix, we got so many questions answered over the weekend about some of these starting quarterbacks, whether it be the Las Vegas Raiders saying we're going to go with Gardner Minshew or whether it be the some of the more obvious ones. You know, Jayden Daniels getting the call from the commanders. Sean Payton hasn't given the complete go ahead on Bo Nix yet. So we're going to have a chat with Zach Stevens about that in about 20 minutes.

And then as we continue on with the show, how about this? In a few hours, we're going to be joined by former NFL quarterback Steve Burland. Yeah, he got his bones, actually got a championship with the Cowboys. Didn't throw a lot. But then also at the same time, he was an expansion quarterback.

You might recall this for the Panthers. And right now he's just been tasked brand new gig, brand new job. This man is now a radio analyst for the Dallas Cowboys.

Good. So we'd be chatting with Steve Burland, get some some thoughts and insights into the quarterback world with Steve Burland. He'll come through and join us later on in the show. And speaking of quarterbacks, you know the Olympics is done. You know that Paris, it's over. The next time we have the Olympics will be here in the United States of America, out in Los Angeles in twenty twenty eight. There's going to be no breakdancing. That's that's over. No breakdancing.

Despite what you heard, it wasn't just because of the Australian woman. But we will have flag football and there's some NFL players who want to play and there's some individuals who, I guess, help build up the flag football league. Yeah, whatever that is, they're not so happy about NFL players getting automatic bids.

We have an update when it comes down to a brand and I you can see the lamb. No, no new contracts, but it looks like we might be getting closer. In the contracts, Mike Gundy, Oklahoma State OSU, this man, he doesn't want to talk about contracts anymore.

This man wants to just get to football and OSU. They're still trying to make money. They're basically putting QR codes on the back of their student athletes helmets.

So you can donate like going to church or tipping at the restaurant where you shouldn't have to tip for takeout. Anyway, we got a lot to discuss. If you want to be a part of the conversation, any conversation that we're having, you can eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven.

That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. Let's see my multitasking skills. You can also find me. I'm online. I'm on the Internet.

I'm everywhere. I am at J.R. Sportbrief and I just hit the retweet button on everything that we will discuss here over the next four hours and then some. And of course, at the end of the show, I'm going to share with you a few things that took place this day in sports history. It's August 20th.

What are some historical things that took place in the world of sports on August 20th? We'll get into it. But first, Ryan Hickey, how the hell are you doing?

You good? I'm a little depressed. I'll be honest today, J.R. Oh, boy. Oh, no. It's a season of depression has already hit.

Why? What happened today? At least here in the northeast. I don't know how it is down by you. I know you're in the tropics, basically 24 seven. I felt like fall today.

High sixties, low seventies. You had that crispness in the air. And I'll be honest, it's depressing. Look, football weather is great. Don't get me wrong. But summer is fleeting here.

You know, in New York, you only get so little amount of time of beautiful weather and sunshine. I'm not ready to give it up. And it's people say it's a false fall. So, you know, I don't.

It's not going to be fall the rest of the rest of August. If it makes you feel any better, it's about, I don't know, 87 and 90 outside right now. Jealous. I did see a guy. I know it's a guy. Well, he had a beard, so I assume it was a guy he had on a knit cap and a hoodie that I want. Come on.

When I walked into the building, does that make you feel better? That's what what are we doing? What? Well, is he was he trying to lose weight, a knit cap and a sweatshirt in 87 degree weather? I don't know.

You should see some of the high school students. It would be 95 degrees outside and they will they will wear, you know, Nike. What is that? You know, the Nike fleece, the thick one. Yeah, that's great. They'll wear the Nike fleece hoodie with the Nike pants and some sneakers and then like a skullcap.

And it'll be 95 degrees outside. Yeah, I don't know. I don't get it. Neither do I kids these days, you know, I don't know. Maybe it's maybe maybe they have it figured out.

Maybe the sun, maybe shielding your entire body from the sun will keep you from getting hot. I don't know. Maybe. Listen, man, I don't I don't get it.

Not me. It's hot outside. I don't want to wear any clothes. But if they want to wear fleece in the summertime, maybe they maybe they know better than me. Heck, yeah, I don't know. Does that make you feel better? I guess that or the AC in school wherever they're going is cranking up.

That's also a problem. Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, listen, man, it'll be back to 90 degrees before you know it. So you'll be OK. All right. I hope so. That just helped.

Some of the depression has left my body. Thank you, Jarrah. Well, you know what? That's a that's a good excuse.

You're welcome. That's a good excuse for us to start off the show by talking about a couple of teams that that play in the NFL in the southeast. How about a team right here in Atlanta, Georgia?

Because yesterday Atlanta gave us some news and then to a Tonga, Voloa also gave us some news on one end. And I told you we're going to get into quarterbacks because that's what the world is trying to figure out right now. We got Jayden Daniels starting. We got Gardner Minshew started. We got Caleb Williams starting. We found out a couple of the starters.

We get it here in Atlanta, Georgia. You know, I guess it's safe to assume that Kirk Cousins is going to start. Right. Of course, gave this man a big old contract.

Forty five million dollars a year, four years, one hundred and eighty mil. He's the guy. And then they decided to go ahead and draft Michael Pennix Jr. and number eight overall. But Michael Pennix Jr. has only played in one preseason game and he is now going to be in mothballs for the remainder of the preseason.

There's only one more game at the end of this week against the Jacksonville Jaguars. And so we had quite a few callers last night saying that, no, Michael Pennix Jr., he needs to play, needs to pick up reps. And I'm saying to myself, why the hell does he need to pick up reps? They kind of know what he's doing already. And he brought up a great point.

He is just like, well, I mean, if he's going to be on the bench, every little bit helps. And then he also had another great point. And he also brought up the fact that, you know, what the hell is going on? Do they think that there might be a mutiny if Pennix plays well in the preseason? It's the most Atlanta Falcons thing that would possibly happen. And so Rahim Morris, he basically gave a further explanation.

Yesterday, he told everybody he's like, I've seen enough of the guy. And I said, you know, when you get down to practice right now, teams are practicing against one another. The preseason games are not as valuable. Not for everybody.

You know, there's not a one size fits all. And so Rahim Morris had more of an explanation outside of his press conference because he sat down with Kay Adams. And Rahim Morris, he was basically asked if Michael Pennix Jr., if the reps he gets at practice is, you know, the same as preseason and doesn't matter with other positions. This is what he had to say about valuing quarterback reps in the preseason compared to other guys.

Listen to this. To prepare yourself while mitigating injury. And we've learned so much more in the new game of football, a new age of football that we've changed every single year. We've changed the way the game's been played. We changed the way the hits are developed. We changed the way everything's going. So we've got a different approach. And our approach works for us. We got them 25 snaps last week of a bunch of different things that we can simulate. Now we're getting the reps out here against one on ones and ones versus twos, twos versus ones.

I love the competition. And this kid's going to develop and he's done a great job of doing it already. And I'm fired up to see him to keep mature and keep going.

Hickey, so base basically what he said was, this is my interpretation. We love Michael Pennix Jr. so damn much. And Kirk Cousins is 36 years old coming off of a ripped up Achilles. We don't need our other quarterback who we drafted who blew out his knee and blew out his other knee and then blew out his shoulder and blew out his shoulder again.

We don't need some rogue eighth stringer knocking him out in the preseason. Is that an accurate interpretation or am I making that up? Probably making it up. No, I think you're right. Like I think that's without saying directly that that's essentially what he's saying because you know, mitigated risk. He talks about controlled environment in these practices compared to a preseason game. I think you're right. Well, he will not explicitly say it.

It sounds like he is scared to death right now. Michael Pennix Jr. getting rolled up on by a practice squad player, him being out for the year and then having, you know, I guess a question mark with Kirk Cousins coming off the Achilles. Look, is there anything worse than, I don't want to say having two stars, but the quarterback is the most important guy on the team. Is there anything worse than having two guys that have to drive the boat, drive the bus and drive the car, whatever the hell it is, the airplane or fly it, then having both of them be injury prone. That'd be awful. You'd be like, I don't know, the Los Angeles Clippers. Whoever thought this was a good idea to, by the way, uh, Sandra, whoever thought it was a good idea to have Kawhi Leonard and Paul George and now Paul George is in Philadelphia playing with Joel Embiid. Now, which one of them two guys is going to get hurt first?

Come on, let's be real. But anyway, the Falcons are afraid of their own shadow at this point in time. I think I alluded to that last night. They overreacted, they overcompensated, you know, somebody told, well, they found out that they were ugly at the quarterback position. Their own owner said that we were deficient at the quarterback position, Arthur blank. And so they overcorrected. They were told to stand up straight and now they look stiff as a board. They were told that they were ugly, which they were. And so they put on too much makeup. This is what the Falcons did and selected Michael Pennix jr. Yeah, they were ugly last year.

Now they got on too much makeup. You don't need both of these quarterbacks, but they're both here. And so if you got a break glass in case of an emergency, you have Pennix jr there and let's just wait. You know, I'm not wishing an injury on anybody. Kirk Cousins isn't bothering nobody. People here in Atlanta for the most part seem to be okay with him, you know, taking over the reins of the team after the disaster of Heineke last year and in Mariota.

But let me tell you something. It doesn't matter if Kirk Cousins gets hurt. It will only take Kirk Cousins throwing I don't know, two interceptions in the game or were three or a bad loss before people go or a string of two losses or three before people start going.

Hey, put Pennix in the game. That's gonna happen regardless. Kirk Cousins is gonna have to light it up. No further explanation needed. Hey, preparation is great.

Different ways to get it different ways to learn. Michael Pennix jr after all the injuries and the elongated college career even bouncing back helping to take Washington to a national championship counts for something. I don't think the guys just sitting on ice, you know, twiddling his thumbs while Kirk Cousins just, you know, stands around in due time. And for the Falcons, I guess they certainly hope so. Get Kirk Cousins the hell out the way and move on to him. That's the hope when you select the quarterback and number eight. It's just a matter of time. Just wonder how this situation is going to work is Kirk Cousins gonna want to leave willingly? Is he going to have success? Are they going to suck? Are they going to just cut them and drop it? Falcons are just there while doing too much DTM.

It's the JR sport ratio here with you on the Infinity Sports Network me. I'm not doing too much. We're going to take a break when we come back on the other side. We're going to talk about another quarterback situation. This one appears to be a little bit more clear-cut.

It's the one that's going on in Denver, Colorado right now. The job you would believe belongs to Bo Nix. Zach Wilson has been playing well. What does this mean for Stidham? Who's going to be the next reliable wide receiver behind Courtland Sutton?

How you fill in a hole at Justin Simmons now here in Atlanta and Sean Payton? Is he in a better mood than he was last year because that guy was miserable. We're going to talk about it all. Zach Stevens covers the Denver Broncos beat.

We'll ask him for some answers. You're locked in. Congratulations. It's the beginning. It's the JR sport reshow here on the Infinity Sports Network. You're listening to the JR sport brief.

No, no one has ever called me that. It is the JR sport reshow here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. We got a lot of settled quarterback situation so far, right? Washington is set. Chicago is set. Las Vegas is set. But then if I go to the Mile House City, it's well, Sean Payton is keeping things close to the vest, at least for now. We'll talk about everything going on with the Broncos, their quarterback situation, what they could look like this season, how they plug some holes on the defense, wide receiver.

I can go on and on. But right now, it's time to have a conversation with Zach Stevens, who covers the Broncos for DVR sports. Zach, how are you? JR, I'm doing great. How are you doing? I'm excellent. I appreciate the time and you coming on.

I guess the first question out of the box. We have heard Sean Payton be so effusive in the past about the selection of Bo Nix at number 12. And now he's kind of just slowed things down and naming a starter. What's he waiting for?

Yeah, he's waiting on the next 24 hours, JR. I think in the next 24 hours tomorrow morning, I believe he's going to tell the team that Bo Nix is their week one starting quarterback. Because like you said, he has been all in on Bo Nix. He put all his chips in on Bo. Despite being the sixth quarterback taken, Sean Payton has not talked about Bo Nix as the sixth quarterback in the draft.

He identified him when he went out to Eugene to have a private workout with Bo. And this has been his guy. And out throughout training camp, the final three weeks of camp, after a rough first week in camp, the final three weeks of camp, Bo Nix continued to just take off in his development. And obviously we've all seen it in the two preseason games. 23 of 30, 205 yards, two touchdowns led his team to scoring every single possession that his tight end did not fumble. Six of seven possessions ended in scores. That one that didn't, he had a tight end that fumbled. So he is the guy.

It's only a matter of time until he's named the guy. Oh Zach, what does that mean for the other two quarterbacks? We know Stidham is the most experienced. You can take a look at Zach Wilson. I've heard good things are happening with Zach. And so how does that bear out? Are they going to run around with three QBs on a roster?

You know, they very well might do that. And I got to give all the credit in the world to Zach Wilson because the off-season was rough for him. He did not look good in OTAs. He did not look good in mandatory minicamps. In the first half of training camp, he did not look like he was going to make this roster. However, he really has developed nicely over these final two weeks of training camp to where he has a shot to make this team, but he would make it as the third quarterback on this team because if Sean Payton stays true to his word and it's about truly finding the best 53 guys on this roster, Jared Stidham is a better quarterback than Zach Wilson right now. But I could see them keeping three. And in fact, that's my guess is they do keep three because of Zach Wilson's talent and his development. And I know that Sean Payton thinks that there was no worse place for Zach Wilson to go to develop as a quarterback than the New York Jets. So he still sees that number two talent in Zach Wilson. And that's why I think Jared Stidham will be the backup and they will keep Zach Wilson as that third guy. Yeah, we all heard how Sean Payton feels about the Jets offensive coordinator in the thing.

Oh, yeah, we do. Zach Stevens is joining us. Denver Broncos beat. Well, is there a reality as we get into the season that if a quarterback goes down on another team, I mean, could a team look at Zach Wilson and go, we'll trade for him or is he kind of going to get stashed away on Denver? You know, that's one thing that I think if the Broncos were to release Zach Wilson, he would get picked up by another team. So there's a chance that the quarterback goes down that a team trade for him. But Zach Wilson is more of a developmental project right now. He's the Sam Darnold of one year ago, where Sam Darnold went to San Francisco. That could just breathe Kyle Shanahan's air that he was in. And then he goes out and gets 10 million dollars on the open market. That is what Sean Payton wants to do for Zach Wilson. Just have him be around him for a year.

Soak up that knowledge. And then he hopes Zach Wilson can ideally be the Broncos backup quarterback moving forward. Jared Stidham has one year left on his deal. I don't expect the team to go out and make a strong push to get Zach Wilson to be their starter right now, especially after a poor preseason performance in the second game. He was really sharp in week one. But he could he could change that with a strong third preseason game this week, where I expect him to play a lot. Well, Zach, you think about the quarterbacks outside of a Courtland Sutton. Who's going to be the guy to step up where they can get the ball to somebody reliable?

Yeah, it's a great question. And one of the things Sean Payton has tried to do with his Broncos team is make their receiving core huge. And that's what you have. You have Courtland Sutton, who's 6-3. You have Tim Patrick coming back from back to back season ending injuries who actually might lead the team and catches because he's going to be that Mr. Reliable for Bo Nix as a rookie.

And then you picked up Josh Reynolds from Detroit. He's also big. He's skinny, but he's tall. And then the Broncos have this seventh round rookie, Devon Bailey out of Utah.

He is Tim Patrick 2.0. And he has been the best Broncos receiver that that's young. They've got Marvin Mims. They've got Troy Franklin. But it's been the seventh round rookie Devon Bailey who's really stole the show. And I mentioned Troy Franklin and Marvin Mims. Those are two speed guys.

They've kind of been non-existent in training camp and in the preseason. So it's going to be a group of really big receivers. And Sean Payton points back to this game in 1998 where he was on the opposite side and the other team had tons of big receivers. And he said, that's what I want on this Denver Broncos team this year. And so that's what it's going to be.

It's going to be a receiving group by committee, but it's going to be a big committee in terms of their height. Well, Zach, you mentioned Troy Franklin. Is he kind of sticking around because he played at Oregon with Bo Nix? Like if he's not producing, is he just there to see if they build some type of camaraderie eventually?

Yeah, I mean, that's what it's looking like right now. Plus the Broncos traded up in the fourth round to go and get him. So they've got a lot invested in him. But Troy Franklin was obviously the connection with with Bo Nix and the connection with just being such a big play threat that the Bronx was often so desperately lacked.

It seemed like a home run pick. But Troy Franklin has dropped about half the passes that have come his way in training camp. And he is not moving his way up the depth chart. In fact, it's looking like he's going to have a redshirt year really sitting back. And if it wasn't for his fourth round pick selection, he wouldn't be making this football team this year. Now, that's not to say that he's not going to develop into something, but people should be looking at 2025 and beyond for Troy Franklin, not 2024. Zach Stevens is here with us from DNVR Sports. Zach, the defense stunk last year.

OK, there's no other way to put it. Justin Simmons is now gone. You bring in a John Franklin Myers.

You still have certain. But overall, what's the expectation from this defense? How are they going to kind of keep things even with likely a rookie quarterback at the helm on the other side? Well, you mentioned they stunk last year. I don't think they're going to give up 70 points in a single game this year.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that. But it's all about making this defensive line better. You mentioned they lost some big pieces in the secondary. They lost Justin Simmons. They lost Kareem Jackson.

They lost their starting inside linebacker, Jody Jewell. But they beefed up their run defense. One of the biggest issues with this Broncos team last year was they could not stop the run for the life of them. In fact, they had a four game stretch that was the worst run defense in Denver Broncos history. They gave up nearly a thousand yards rushing in a four game stretch last year. So that was the number one thing that George Payton and Sean Payton pointed to at the end of the season. They said, we need to go beef up our run defense.

And they did that. They got a guy by the name of Malcolm Roach from the Saints. Sean Payton knew him because John Payton brought him in as an undrafted rookie a few years ago. And he was one of the best run stoppers in the league.

They traded for pennies on the dollar. They got John Franklin Myers from the Jets. So they've got a much improved run defense, the key with the defense, because they still have Pat Sertan, I believe the best cornerback in the NFL.

The key is going to be, can they get any pass production or pass rush production from a bunch of young guys that they have? And Nick Benito, who was a former second round pick. And Baron Browning, who was a former third round pick.

These the third round pick on Jonah Ellis this year. Can one of these guys get a double digit back season and be a beast in rushing the quarterback? Because they haven't had a ten sack person since twenty eighteen when Bradley Chubb and Von Miller did it. That's a long time without having a guy with double digit sacks. In fact, in the NFL since that time, it's been one hundred and twenty six different players with a ten sack season.

The Broncos have zero of them. Yeah, I can relate. I'm here in Atlanta. We we we go back two more years prior to that. So I can I can I can relate. Zach Stevens is here with us.

Broncos beat reporter. The team started off awful last year. We're talking one in five. They were able to basically even things out towards the end.

Eight and nine. What is the expectation from the fan base this season from a general consensus? I don't think it'll be 500. This is strictly who's going to develop as we build for the future, right? The record is sort of irrelevant. Yeah, well, it's all about the Bo Show and it's a bone that can become that guy to compete an extremely competitive AFC West. We've got Justin Herbert.

You obviously have Patrick Mahone. Thankfully, the Raiders don't have their guy in terms of a Broncos perspective, because if the Raiders find their guy in the Broncos or without a quarterback. Oh, my goodness, that is not just going to be a tough year or two. That's going to be a tough decade for the Broncos. So it's really about finding the guy before the Raiders do to be able to compete in the AFC West. But what I will say is this Broncos team expectations are much higher internally than they are on the outside. I believe the Broncos win total in Vegas is five and a half right now. The Broncos and Sean Payton expect to blow that out of the water.

So from an external standpoint, people probably aren't looking at the Broncos as being a 500 team at all. Sean Payton will be very disappointed if this team is not as good as they were last year, which was a mediocre eight and nine. But they lost Russell Wilson took on the biggest dead cap in NFL history to do that. They moved on from Justin Simmons. So I understand why the nation expects them to take a big step down. Sean Payton thinks that they actually got better at the quarterback position, better on defense.

So the expectations internally are very different than outside. And how has Sean Payton been? His attitude moving into year number two last year kind of prickly. I mean, whether it was Russell Wilson or even the old coach who had nothing to do with them anymore, is he a little bit more toned down? Is his attitude still the same?

You know, he is a little more toned down. In fact, earlier this offseason, he admitted the quote he said was, yeah, last year, I guess I came in and I was peeing on trees, kind of just marking his territory. And that's what he did.

He was very intense, not just inside the building, but outside the building. And he has taken a step back. This is his team. Last year, it was not his team, specifically at the quarterback position. Now it's his team. Bonex not only fits in with what he wants to do on the field, but he fits in with the personality of who he wants leading this team. Justin Simmons, a great leader for most teams, not the type of leader that Sean Payton wanted. So he moved on from half of the captains from last year in order to make this his team.

It finally is his team. And we're seeing a little different, Sean Payton. But the phrase he's using is this Broncos team is young and hungry.

And he said young and hungry can be very dangerous. So that's what they're relying on here. They're relying on a young team that will embrace their head coach and take after the coaching because he doesn't think last year's team was very open and responsive to coaching.

He believes this team is. Well, he thinks that they're going to be, you know, I guess close to 500 or maybe better than what they were last year. What do you think they're going to look like, Zach? I think they are going to be better than the five and a half win total in Vegas. I think that might take a little bit of a step down, maybe seven and ten.

I could see them being eight and nine. I do think that Bownix is exactly what Sean Payton wants as a quarterback. And I think Sean Payton is going to do a fantastic job of not forcing him into a Sean Payton system, but instead bringing in the Oregon offense to the Denver Broncos and really helping his development. And that is so key to help young quarterbacks transition along. And I think Bownix is going to be a guy that at the end of this season, the nation is talking about is being one of the really good young quarterbacks in this game. He's not going to be anywhere close to the elite level yet, but he is going to surprise a lot of people. And I think at the end of the season, we're going to be saying, man, he was a six quarterback taken when he was better than J.J. McCarthy.

And obviously McCarthy with the injury, you can't judge him this year better than Drake may. And I think people are going to be saying, OK, this Broncos team is going to be going to be making a push for the playoffs and will be a playoff team in twenty twenty five. OK, we're going to see. I'd love to see it.

I love a good surprise. Hey, Zach, where can people keep up with you and all your work with the NVR sports? Man, over at Twitter, Zach Stevens, the NVR, where I'm over at the Broncos every single day covering them. And I really appreciate you having me on. And like I said, stay tuned tomorrow morning. I think we might find out some information on Bo Nix officially being named the quarterback in just a matter of time. Thank you so much, Zach.

Appreciate it. Thanks for having me on, J.R. We'll do it again soon. That Zach Stevens covers all things Denver Broncos for D and V are sports. That'd be fun to see.

Right. Bo Nix goes out there and lights it up. Sean Payton, I guess he feels happy about his guy because we know how he felt about Russell Wilson. What's with Russell Wilson? Pete Carroll didn't want him.

Sean Payton didn't want him. Is Mike Tomlin going to want a one? We're going to find out sooner than later.

Give her a few months. We'll have some answers. Hey, good luck to Bo Nix when it comes down to his development. You know what? A matter of fact, on the other side of the break, you know, speaking of development, we talked about we heard from Tua Tonga Valoa yesterday basically said that his former head coach of the Miami Dolphins, Brian Flores, told him every day, you suck. You need to get better.

You're not good enough. And this and that. Well, Brian Flores had a response to that. We hear what Brian Flores had to say on the other side of the break. Tom Brady had his own thoughts overall sense about quarterbacks in their current development. We'll hear about Brian Flores. We'll get into the Tom Brady. Mike Gundy from OSU had some interesting comments.

We got a lot to do, so don't move. Thank you, Zach Stevens. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief.

It's the J.R. Sport Brief Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. Thank you so much to Zach Stevens for joining us in the last break to talk about the Denver Broncos. Sean Payton seemingly loves Bo Nix.

Bo Nix certainly got a lot of seasoning in college. Ended up lighting it up at Oregon. Hopefully lights it up for the Denver Broncos. Hopefully. Thank you, Zach. Zach is like, hey, thinks he's going to be a quarterback improvement over Russell Wilson. Damn. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Hickey, let me tell you something. If Russell Wilson doesn't have a career resurgence, remember, I think it was a valid argument with his career trajectory maybe four years ago, maybe that you could say he was on a Hall of Fame trajectory. Right now, he just kind of looks like he's scrambling like he does on a football field. I thought even like two years ago when he was traded to the Broncos, it was laughable at the discussion of, oh, he could fall out of the Hall of Fame race. I thought it was a lock to three short years later. I'm with you.

This this has gotten ugly very fast. And now it almost seems like it's maybe surprised it makes the Hall of Fame. That would mean he turns his career around. And from what we've seen, what we've heard so far from Steelers camp does not seem like it's going to be a big year for Russ in Pittsburgh.

I think he would need to help lead a team to one more Super Bowl. And I don't know how likely that is. I mean, with all these new young quarterbacks, I don't know. But we'll see what happens.

But this Steelers season is certainly going to be interesting. Thank you again to Zach Stevens for joining us from the NVR Sports. If you want to talk to me like I just spoke to Zach, you can call up. The phone number is eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven.

That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. I told you about to a tongue of Aloha. He said that Brian Flores was basically a terrible person and told him he sucked every day when he was the head coach of the Miami Dolphins.

Very different than what he's received. The type of love from Mike McDaniel. And so his former head coach, Brian Flores, he actually had some thoughts.

I want to share that with you momentarily. Let's go ahead and hit the phone lines first. Let's talk to Chris from Florida. Hey, Chris, you're on the J.R. Sportbrief show here on the Infinity Sports Network.

What's up? Hey, J.R., I appreciate you having me on. I appreciate your show.

You got a good, fast paced, intelligent show going on. And I want to talk about the Falcons. Yeah, the Falcons quarterback situation.

I'm from Georgia originally. And people were talking at one time about about Kirk Cousins being upset that they drafted Michael Pennix. But he was drafted as the other guy behind Robert Diffin back when Washington took him in the fourth round.

So he's been the other guy. You know, I don't think he's worried about the rookie. The difference is that was the same draft. I mean, the difference is, is that they just gave him a contract and then they basically drafted his replacement like right after that. So I think it's a little bit different. I will agree with you on this. I don't think Kirk Cousins is beyond or bothered at all.

I think was he a little bit kind of like anybody. Wait a minute. Well, you didn't get me a wide receiver. You didn't draft somebody on defense.

I mean, you drafted my replacement. I think it's natural for him to just go, well, what the hell are you doing? But I think at this point in time, I think he's understanding of what the situation is. And I think he's also understanding of, hey, they gave me a four year deal. Am I guaranteed to be here all four years? Probably not.

So you got to take it out as it comes. I don't think Pennix. Anybody thinks Pennix is ready right now either. So not not not right now.

But I think a great glass in case of an emergency. They're going to throw him out there. So we'll see. Yeah. He played at Auburn for about six years.

As far as I know, he was still in Georgia. Six years. I mean, why are we talking like it? Well, there's a lot of guys that that seem like it. Well, thank you, Chris. Appreciate you. No doubt about it.

Yeah. Well, who's the QB? We got a QB out in Utah. He literally isn't the oldest guy in college football right now.

Cam Rising Cam started at Texas in twenty eighteen. Is he or is it season number eight? I believe seven, seven.

I think seven if the math adds up. Isn't there a guy who's been? No, there's another guy. There's another guy who's been around like nine seasons on Miami.

He's got like a yes. I think this is the tight end. He's the tight end in Miami, right? Yes. It's not as nice.

He's like injury after injury after injury. It's almost 30 years old. Yeah. Hold on. I think I got his name in front. Nope, that's not him. Jerry.

Oh, now I found the list. The oldest guys in college. Jerry Bohannon, quarterback at BYU, seventh year. Alan Bowman, Oklahoma State, seventh year.

He's been around a long time. OK, we got another guy. This he looks like a wide receiver. Brent Cuthie on Utah, seventh year. Yeah. Tight end.

Yeah. Kath Cam Rising, seventh year. Here we go. Tyler Show at Louisville, seventh year. Casey Thompson, Florida Atlantic, seventh year. Jack Tuttle at Michigan, seventh year.

Here we go. Cam McCormick, Miami. There is ninth year class of twenty sixteen. That is that's the year I graduated college.

That's why that feels like ages ago. So let me ask you, when you're when you've been playing football for this long, what are you doing academically? Like you taking like one class, like what, what, nine years? Is he a doctor?

That's a great question. How is that more school for him? What do you do? Do you get two bachelor's degrees?

What do you do? He'll be the most impressive college graduate maybe in history. Man, if I was in school for nine years, I would think I'd have a master's, but I'd be working on my doctorate probably more than that. Nine years at that point.

Right. You should have your doctorate. Listen, he's probably specializing in rehab.

That's what he's been specializing in. Damn, you know, God bless you. You won't play football and whatever makes you happy. You get one life go out there, live it. And speaking of Miami, I told you, Brian Flores, he did have a reaction to Tua Tonga Veloa, basically saying that he chewed him out, told him he sucked every day, called him everything in the book.

Brian Flores today said it actually hurt hearing Tua say that about him. Listen to this. Look, I'm human. So that hit me in a way that wasn't.

I wouldn't say it was positive for me. But at the same time, I know I've got to use that and say, hey, how can I how can I grow from that? How can I be better? And that's really that's really where I'm at from from that standpoint. Do I feel like, you know, that's me?

No. But, you know, how can I grow from that situation and create a create a world where that's not, you know, the case that anyone says that about Brian Flores? Well, now Brian Flores, he happens to be the defensive coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings. So I mean, Miami, they had a chance and an opportunity to either keep Brian Flores and dumped to or dumped to and keep Flores and they chose the quarterback. And it seems like it's worked out for them. Hey, so Brian Flores, OK, are you you're a different type of guy than when you were coaching Miami? What's going on?

Brian, tell me. Part of coaching is correcting. You know, I'm always going to correct. I'm always going to have a high standard. And I think, you know, look, I've done a lot of reflecting and on this situation. And I think there's things that I could do better for sure. And I've grown in that way. And I try to apply the things that I could do better and the things that I've learned over the last two, three years.

But I would say over the long haul, I've had a lot of great relationships over my 21 year career here in the league, besides the lawsuit part. But outside that. And to a tongue of a lower. Said, hey, you know, let's have a chat and hash it out. Would you do it? So that's something I've thought about.

And, you know, maybe when that at that time is, you know, arises or is available, I'm certainly open to that. Hickey, it'll be a pat on the back and good luck next game. That'll be it.

And they don't even play each other this year. So I guess we'll never see it. Yeah.

But next year, I mean, maybe like you said, a little meeting at midfield, if that need to give them a cold shoulder. But you move on. Man, I just find it interesting how to a to a got the money and now he's comfortable enough to just say whatever the hell he wants now. Right. I don't think he would have said this if he didn't have all that money in the bank. I don't think so. You get the money, you get the cash and now you got free rein to do what you want.

Is it money or do you think it's security? Is that the same thing? Right. Because now he's got paid. But now he knows he's not going anywhere in Miami for the next few years. And now he's secure.

So maybe he can start speaking his mind. Wouldn't it be cool if we had other players throw their coaches under the bus? I mean, Bill Belichick got it, but it was always via. I don't want to say also ran tight players. We never you know, not even Tom Brady. He understands that Randy Moss, none of the none of the stars threw him under the bus. I mean, I need players to actually destroy their coaches like Tua did to him. Tell us the truth. But the current inactive players, for the most part, they really don't ever want to talk bad about the coaches because they're worried about their next job.

You typically got to be a little bit older, a little bit more grizzled before you can get out there and start talking the crap and telling the truth and being honest without fear of repercussions because of what the hell you said to a tongue of a lower said, hey, they just gave me 53 a year. I'm going to say whatever the hell I want. I think he's done now, though. Anyway, it's the J.R. sport we show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. Well, speaking of being old and saying whatever the hell you want, Tom Brady's not throwing the ball anymore. And Tom Brady has some thoughts on the current development of young NFL QBs and Mike Gundy. Yeah. He said, well, did he say something stupid? I'll let you decide on the other side. It's the J.R. sport we show don't move.
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