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JR SportBrief Hour 4

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June 18, 2024 10:05 pm

JR SportBrief Hour 4

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June 18, 2024 10:05 pm

Remembering the great life of Willie Mays l Anthony Irwin, Lakers Daily insider l This Day In Sports History

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TuneIn is the audio platform with something for everyone. News, in order to secure convictions in a court of law, it is essential that we conclusively. Sports, clock at four.

Doncic, the step back three. Music, and even podcasts. Whatever you love, hear it right here on TuneIn.

Go to or download the TuneIn app to start listening. Tired of sifting through countless supplements? Unsure of what's actually effective? Introducing Legion, the choice of over 800,000 discerning fitness enthusiasts. With all natural products, clinically effective ingredients, doses, and hassle-free money back guarantee, you can achieve your fitness goals without the unnecessary guesswork. Say goodbye to wasted efforts and hello to results with Legion.

You don't need supplements to build muscle, lose fat, or get healthy, but the right ones can help. Visit Go to to get 20% off your order now. Are you a fan of mystery and adventure? Introducing June's Journey, the captivating free-to-play mobile game that will ignite your inner detective. Play as June Parker in a thrilling murder mystery adventure as you search for hidden objects to uncover the truth behind her sister's death. Step into the glamorous world of the Roaring Twenties with stunningly illustrated scenes and over a thousand mysteries to unravel. With new chapters added weekly, you'll never run out of clues to chase and suspects to interrogate. Plus, you can build your own island escape with beautiful gardens and buildings and even join a detective club to collaborate with other players. Experience the thrill of being a detective and unravel the mystery in June's Journey.

Download June's Journey now on your Android or iOS device or play on PC through Facebook games. It is the JR Sportbreeze Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia.

Much love and many thanks to the super producer and host Ryan Hickey for holding it down for us in New York City. We got some unfortunate news that has just come through the pipe. This is the worst. This is the worst. So here we go.

We can kill my fancy music. The San Francisco Giants just shared with us and this is via the San Francisco Giants quote. It is with great sadness that we announce that San Francisco Giants legend and Hall of Famer Willie Mays passed away peacefully this afternoon at the age of 93.

Willie Mays, 93 years old, passes away this afternoon. I hate to be the one to go ahead and share this news with you. This is what the San Francisco Giants literally shared in our break.

And so I unfortunately have to share this news with you. We all know Willie Mays, just a legendary figure in baseball period. I can't even just say Major League Baseball.

We just learned a few weeks ago that Negro League stats are now going to be instituted as a part of Major League Baseball. And here we have what is someone known as one of the most legendary baseball players of all time has passed away at 93. That happens to be Willie Mays. This man played baseball in the majors from 1951 all the way till 1973.

A lot of people remember Willie Mays, unfortunately at the end, you know, fallen with the New York Mets. But how can you forget someone who was a 24 time All-Star, a World Series champ in 1954. He's a two time National League MVP. He won Rookie of the Year when he was allowed to get into and play in the bigs in 1951. This man walked away with 12 Gold Glove awards. He was a batting champ in 54, multiple time home run leader.

He's a legend. Willie Mays gone at the age of 93 years old. And I know Major League Baseball getting ready to celebrate the Negro Leagues by actually playing a game this upcoming weekend in Birmingham. And unfortunately, and I read this recently, as recently as as a couple of days ago, that one of the oldest ballparks in the country, Rickwood. Willie Mays is not going to or wasn't going to attend the Giants and Cardinals game. And it was a pretty apparent to everybody, well, he's he's not going to attend the game because he's 93 years old. And then, lo and behold, we get this message from the San Francisco Giants that Willie Mays has passed away at the age of 93 years old. Phone lines are open if you want to give me a holler. That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven.

That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. We were expected to have Anthony Irwin join us to talk about the Lakers and and what have you. Give us an update on that coaching search. I'm not sure we'll be able to get Anthony on this. We may have to chat with Anthony tomorrow, possibly as Willie Mays has passed away at the age of 93.

Quite quite a show, right? We talk about the Boston Celtics and celebrate their victory and have fun. And then, you know, we learned about the passing of Willie Mays here. Eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. Thank you to everybody locked in on the show on the free Odyssey app on your local Infinity Sports Network affiliate. Sirius XM Channel 158 and everybody available listening on a smart speaker.

All you got to do is ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. Susan is calling from Massachusetts. Susan, you're on the J.R. sport re-show.

What's on your mind, Susan? Yeah, yeah. I just want to say rest in peace, Willie.

You know, I just watched YouTube a couple of days ago. I wanted to see Willie Mays, his swing, the way he could hit a ball, the outfield, how he was just unbelievable. The guy could do it all.

And guess what? Yeah, he did it with a smile, a smile on his face. He just loved baseball. People loved him. And I hope he gets the biggest celebration ever. He's one of the greatest athletes in my lifetime. I wish I could have seen him back when he started, you know, in the 50s or whatever that was.

He was unbelievable. Now, getting back, I want to say something about the Celtics. I am getting so tired of these Celtics. These radio talk show hosts.

J.R., you got a lot of sense. I don't want to hear that they're going to win three or four. Come on, give me a break. They just finished winning one. It took them how many years to do that?

Seven? And they're already putting Tatum with Michael Jordan. I don't want his name even matching with Michael Jordan. What the heck's going on in Boston? A sports radio person put Michael Jordan in the same place as Jason Tatum?

Yes. They're going crazy. And these are the same talk show hosts that were criticizing Tatum. Because he had that one game. I'll admit he played good. I'm not going to take that away from him.

But they've been criticizing the guy for how many series? He can't do this. He can't do that.

It was all Jalen Brown. And now they want it. I don't like this, J.R. I'm getting upset about it. Well, listen Susan. Well, enjoy the, forget what the radio people say. Enjoy the fact that the Celtics actually won.

You don't understand. I wanted the Mavericks to win J.R. I love Irving. I love Luca.

Oh, that's another thing. The names that call Luca. I take him over Tatum or Brown. He's a generational player. Okay, Susan. I thought you were a Celtics fan, but no.

Okay. No, I can't stand him. I'm like that Bart Link. Well, we both could certainly call him and we hate him. Oh, my God.

Well, he goes through. Oh, wow. I don't, well, damn. I don't know why I don't hate anybody, but damn, okay. Well, you know what I mean. I'm just tired of this crap.

It's all bull crap. The Celtics won 18 B&Ms. What was it? 2,202?

19? Why don't they get all those B&Ms? That's why half the time we don't like the Celtics. Well, it's because they win. They did a lot of winning. You could thank Mr. Bill Russell for giving them the heads up.

Yeah, I know, but I'm not taking nothing. Here's another great athlete. I'm surprised they haven't even mentioned Tatum with him. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah.

Well, if it makes you if it makes you happy, you haven't had a repeat champ in like six years. So Dallas can come back. There you go. Hey, can I ask you one question about Irving? Yes.

Go ahead. I love the guy. I can't help it. I think Kyrie Irving is an amazing ballplayer. I also think he just stunk in Boston. I don't think so. He did his head on the names. He's called you.

I don't like Boston. He gets he gets paid enough money, so I'm not I'm not worried about how his emotional well-being is. Hey, Susan. Jay, you are the best. I'm the one that called a few. Well, you know who I am. Yeah, you said your your husband.

Yeah. You rather listen to me than your husband. You better believe I don't get the trick with you. I think you're wonderful. Well, thank you. You're intelligent and I call you the great one. Well, thank you.

I don't use that. Yeah, I'm better than Gretzky. Thank you, Susan. Appreciate you. OK. And thank you. Thank you as well for the kind words and sharing your perspective on Willie Mays. We appreciate you, Susan. OK.

It hit me because, you know, it just hit me when you said that, you know, he was wonderful. Yeah. Not not the news that I wanted to share. Let me let me take a break, Susan.

And I want to share some more. OK. Thank you so much. OK. Have a good night. Talk to you later. OK. Thank you.

Bye bye. That that the great Susan from Massachusetts. She gave me a new nickname that I appreciate. The great one. You can best believe somebody called me the magnificent one last week. And I'm going to keep that one.

I'm put the great one in my my back pocket. Speaking of a great one, I just told you minutes ago that a great one passed away. Willie Mays has passed this afternoon, announced by the San Francisco Giants. Willie Mays gone at the age of 93 years old. Right now, this minute, the second the San Francisco Giants, they're out in Wrigley Field.

The game is tied at two runs apiece in the bottom of the fifth. And John Miller, he had to go ahead and and unfortunately share this news, as I just did a few minutes ago on the NBC Sports Bay Area. Take a listen to another great John Miller break this news. We are very sad now to relay this information that has just been released by the Giants that the great Willie Mays has passed away. He passed away peacefully this afternoon at the age of 93.

The Giants come to bat here in the fifth inning with Jorge Soler and Nick Ahmed and Jastrzemski. The Giants release said it is with great sadness that we announced that Giants legend and Hall of Famer Willie Mays passed away peacefully this afternoon. Michael Mays, Willie's son, quoted as saying, My father has passed away peacefully and among loved ones. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my broken heart. Yeah, Willie Mays gone at the age of 93 that John Miller, you want to talk about greatness?

I miss hearing John Miller call Sunday Night Baseball. But what the hell do I know? You know, what do I know? Things change.

Times have to change. And there you want to think about Willie Mays. And I gave you his accomplishments. He was the first 24 time All-Star.

He was actually he was going to be honored. And this week is going to have a whole hell of a lot more significance. Willie Mays started in the Negro Leagues in Birmingham and Major League Baseball and actually doing some due diligence and actually paying some respects to the Negro Leagues was going to play its first ever regular season game in Alabama. I want to take on the Giants at Rickwood Field. Rickwood is the oldest baseball field in the entire country. It was a home of the Birmingham Black Barons for the Negro Leagues and Willie Mays.

He grew up not too far from Birmingham and he played for the squad and it was announced that he was not going to make it to the trip. But this weekend is going to hold a hell of a lot more significance here. But we all know Willie Mays known for that catch back in the 1954 World Series at the Polo Grounds as he went backwards. Hickey, was it last week? I think it had to be last week. We talked about that catch by Jim Edmonds, right? We did this day in sports history. This day in sports history, Jim Edmonds went back and he made that that catch. Well, they compared that catch to Willie Mays. Let's go back in this not this day in sports history, because this was in the World Series back in 54th. So that was in September. But courtesy of Major League Baseball, let's listen to the audio of what was one of the most iconic plays in Major League Baseball. There's a long drive, way back in centerfield, way back, back it is. Willie Mays just brought this crowd to a speech where the catch would cost a better optical illusion to a lot of people. Yeah, that was the year that he won himself an MVP.

That was also the year that he won himself a world championship. Rest in peace to Willie Mays, gone at the age of 93 years old, as announced by the San Francisco Giants this afternoon. It's going to be a major celebration of his life this upcoming weekend out in Birmingham, Alabama. It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on the Infinity Sports Network, 855-212-4227.

It's 855-212-4227. We're going to take a break. I think we can go ahead and get him on as a guest. Anthony Irwin is going to join us on the other side. He has some interesting news as it comes to the Los Angeles Lakers and what their future might look like. So we'll talk to Anthony Irwin.

The phone lines are open after that. We'll share with you a few things that took place this day in sports history. Willie Mays gone at the age of 93. It's the JR Sport Reshow, the Infinity Sports Network.

TuneIn is the audio platform with something for everyone. News. In order to secure convictions in a court of law, it is essential that we conclusively... Sports. The clock at four. Doncic.

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42-27. Of course, a lot of the conversation that we've had tonight has been around the Los- Well, not the Los Angeles Lakers, but I know Lakers fans are upset about that. It's actually been around the Boston Celtics, them winning a championship. We even had another legend on earlier on in the show as Cedric Cornbread Maxwell has joined us.

And then here at the top of the hour, Susan called for Massachusetts, and she shared some kind words about the NBA Finals, but then also about Willie Mays. 24-time All-Star. All-Star game MVP multiple times. 24 appearances in the All-Star game. When you think about the most home runs hit by a human being in Major League Baseball, this is a, well, we know who's at the top.

Nice relationship there. Barry Bonds, 762. Hammer and Hank Aaron, 755. Babe Ruth, 714. Albert Pujols, 703. Alex Rodriguez, 696. And Willie Mays, 660 career home runs.

Also 12 gold gloves. Tied for the most among outfielders along with another Hall of Famer, famed human being as well, and Roberto Clemente. And so he was before my time. I did not see Willie Mays play live. Everything is via story.

Everything is via replay. But certainly, certainly one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Major League Baseball player of all time. You got a lot of people who have seen him play with their own two eyes.

And they would certainly go out there and attest to that, especially people from an older generation. And, you know, when you think about the times that he might have missed by participating and having to have played in the Negro Leagues on Birmingham. I mean, we could say that for a lot of black ball players, it's going to be a very interesting celebration. It's going to have a whole lot more to it by the time we go ahead and and move on to this weekend.

No one expected Willie Mays to pass at the age of 93. A matter of fact, it looks like we we do have our guests here. Anthony Irwin is joining us. Covers the Lakers, has some news that he dropped earlier today.

Lakers insider for Odyssey Sports. Hey, Anthony, how are you, man? I'm doing great. I'm doing great.

Thank you very much for having me. Well, thank you for taking the time to hop on amongst all of the the news surrounding the Boston Celtics winning the championship. You you dropped some news earlier today about the Lakers. What's going on with Redick and this team?

Yeah. So basically this morning I noticed that Redick wasn't on first take. Normally you would think that ESPN would want one of their kind of foremost basketball voices on their kind of marquee show. And so when I saw that he wasn't on first take, I started asking around to ask. You know, I already had a pretty good feeling that this news was going to be coming at some point this week. Then when I saw that he wasn't on the air this morning, especially seeing as the box and the finals just wrapped up in Boston, just up the road from Bristol, Connecticut, I started asking, all right, well, is this this feels like a pretty key development here? You would normally be on the air here and was kind of given the run around and stuff. And then I don't know if you saw it, but Jay Williams basically kind of like accidentally announced it on on get up as well. And I saw that clip across my timeline. So then I started asking directly the people that I've been talking to throughout this process who were close to the Lakers, who obviously can't speak or have to speak anonymously.

I just started saying straight up, all right, stop, stop giving me the run around. I'm I'm I've I've been told that the Lakers are getting ready to hire JJ Redeker, that he is the guy and was called by multiple sources that, yes, that is the direction this is heading. They are working on an agreement and the announcement is very imminent. Anthony Irwin is joining us, Lakers insider, host of the Lakers Lounge for Odyssey Sports. We actually talked about this earlier in the show.

The Boston Celtics are scheduled to have their parade on Friday up in Boston. You say imminent. Is this imminent as in tomorrow, Thursday? Are they going to have to wait until next week? They want to run into the draft.

What are your thoughts? They need to get this done ASAP because of the draft. Because of, you know, this upcoming off season that they have, you have LeBron James player option that he is making his decision on and how well they are organized heading into the off season.

I think it's going to play a role in that. You have the Lakers have the 17th pick in this year's in this year's draft. Last year, they kind of messed up the draft in pretty in the type of fashion that is not to be expected with this organization. Normally, they are very good in the draft. They have found plenty of guys and plenty of talent up and down the draft. And last year, they drafted Jalen Huchafino. He dealt with some injuries right after he was drafted. You had Jaime Jaquez drafted. You had Pods from up in Golden State drafted. And you had Cam Whitmore also drafted after the Lakers drafted. So they swung and missed.

That doesn't happen very often. They can't afford to do that again. And they want a head coach in place to be able to have those conversations with. And I'm told that, you know, there was that report that the Lakers, there are some people within the organization who are OK with that not being settled heading into the draft. That would be that.

That is not how a productive organization operates. And so I'm I'm I'm under the impression that they want this done as soon as possible. And I legitimately don't know why this wasn't done and finalized today. It has me asking new questions to the same people that confirmed that it was JJ earlier this morning. Anthony Erwin is here with us, Lakers insider. What is the consensus right now by Laker fans, given the fact that Dan Hurley came in and said no thanks, knowing that JJ Reddick has no no head coaching experience. What is what is, I guess, closest to consensus by Laker fans as to what's going on? Yeah, Lakers fans, I think, are just kind of tired at this point. They you know, the only like the bright spot in the LeBron James era was a championship that they were never able to get together and celebrate because of covid.

So and and everything basically before and since then has been mostly mediocrity. And I think Lakers fans at this point are just like just waiting for the organization to figure things out and and try to show that they operate like or on the level that that is expected of the Los Angeles Lakers. And, you know, they are now on while Rob Lincoln has been making these decisions, he has had to fire Luke Walton. He had to be fired Frank Vogel and then he just fired Darvin Ham. And now he's getting ready to potentially hire a podcaster for their next head coach who has zero coaching experience in the NBA. And I think just generally speaking, Lakers fans just kind of looking at this organization that has provided them with a whole bunch of success. Like what is the deal?

Where is this organization? Where is the exceptionalism and those those those exceptional expectations that got the Lakers to the point where they have been to where, you know, for a long time. You you knew that the Lakers were always going to at least going to be in the playoffs and they were always going to be vying for a championship. And you could always feel like they were among the higher operating franchises in the NBA. And you just can't quite say that about them right now.

Anthony, final question for you. You take a look at these Los Angeles Lakers. Good chance that we see both LeBron and Bronny on the team next year.

Yeah, I would say so. Rich Paul and clutch boards have been doing a lot of work to basically shoe off all other teams. They have been pretty open to the Phoenix Suns, which is which kind of strikes me as somewhat interesting. But I would I would be pretty confident in saying that Bronny will be taken by the Lakers, whether it's earlyish in the second round. The Lakers always buy a draft pick early on in the second round. Maybe that's when they they go up and they take them then.

Or at the very least, they take him at fifty five. Having done the work that clutch needs to do and that the Lakers need to do to kind of guarantee that that Bronny will get to play with LeBron next year. Anthony, always, always keeping busy in Los Angeles. What's the next crazy story besides the coach and Bronny? Are they going to run out of stories, man? What's next?

The Lakers absolutely refuse to be normal. It's always it's always going to be something. So no matter what it is, though, you know, they're going to keep us on their on our toes and they're going to you know, they're going to provide plenty of stuff for everybody who either loves the Lakers or hates the Lakers or just like talking about the Lakers. They're very good at providing this stuff to talk about. Most definitely.

They will keep you busy. Anthony, please fill us in on where people can follow you and all your news. You can follow me on Twitter at Anthony Irwin L.A. and you can find the show The Lakers Lounge everywhere that you get your podcasts and on YouTube at YouTube dot com slash at Lakers Lounge. Anthony, thank you so much.

And let's see if that J.J. Redick news drops over the next 48 hours. Thank you, man. Thank you. Anytime. Thank you. That Anthony Irwin, host of the Lakers Lounge, as he just shared with us.

So go ahead and check that out. Anthony reported earlier today that it is pretty much a done deal. J.J. Redick to the Los Angeles Lakers just waiting on a formal announcement. Eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. Damn it. We've had a full night celebrated with the Celtics. Unfortunately, 30 minutes ago, learned of the passing of Willie Mays.

And there's even more. I mean, we got hockey going on tonight. You know what? We're going to take a break when we come back on the other side. I'm going to share with you a few things that took place this day in sports history. We're going to come back and wrap the show up as well.

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The J.R. Sport Brief Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4227. A busy, busy show. Thank you to Anthony Irwin for coming through and joining us in our last break to talk about some Lakers news that he found out earlier today. He says and reports that J.J. Redick is going to be the next head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers. He says it's just a matter of time as of right now as to when they go ahead and announce it.

You also heard a few things from Marco Belletti in the last update. We've actually had another update because and what could be the final game here of the NHL season. The Florida Panthers are now on the board.

Edmondson leads the Panthers 3 to 1. Eight minutes to go here in the second period. Florida hasn't been shy up until the last game in scoring some goals, so I would not be surprised. And we just had another goal scored by who other than Connor McDavid. Edmondson now pushing the lead up to 4-1.

Hickey, they not just going to die and finish this off, are they, huh? You know what, good for the Oilers because they've realized whether it's the conference finals in basketball, the finals here in both sports. We've had a lot of easy victories here and they are not going down without a fight. Down 3-0 and now heading back to Edmondson looks like for game six. Well, you don't think that the Panthers can score three more goals?

Come on. Look, it's 4-1 less than halfway through the second period. If you're Edmondson in the finals and can't close this out as I speak, there's literally a goal by the Panthers.

Oh, so maybe I've got to slow my roll here. Now it's 4-2. But you cannot lose the Stanley Cup on the road when you're up 4-1 with less than half the game to go. You can't do it. Well, they could.

Yes, they could. You can't. It wasn't until last game that they actually woke up and just said, here's eight goals. And now they got four. You can't get outscored by the Panthers in this series.

You can't do it. Five. They can go to overtime. I'm not going to call this game over. We know in the NBA, I think, what are we now? A team is 0-3, what is it, 157 I think now? One fifty seven. Yes, sir. One hundred and fifty seven times the team that has led at any point at 3-0 has won the series.

OK. In the case of NHL history, it's actually happened. OK. Four out of two hundred and four teams that fell behind 3-0 in a seven game series came back. Most recently, 2010, the Flyers did it, knocking off the Bruins. And then in 2014, the Kings did it by knocking off the Sharks. Now, do I think this is going to happen with the Edmonton Oilers?

I think not. But while the things while the things have happened, so we'll let you know if another goal has scored. And before we get off of the air and Bart Winkler comes through at the top of the hour, I've told you already that we've had a full show.

Unfortunately, at the top of the hour, the last hour, we all learned about the passing of Willie Mays at 93 years old. We were able to talk a whole lot in this show about the Boston Celtics picking up championship number 18. And we also earlier in the show, we heard from another legend, a Boston Celtics legend, a former NBA Finals MVP himself, Cedric Maxwell. He came through and he shared some kind words. And Cedric Maxwell wasn't shy in telling us that he thinks that these Boston Celtics, that they got a whole lot more winning in front of them.

Listen to what Cedric told us earlier in the show. The Celtics are built right now for the next, you know, five, six years. This team could be in the running.

I believe they're going to win several more championships. You know, you have to get through that ceiling first. You know, it's like Michael Jordan. He got through that ceiling and then everything else, you know, kind of fell into place. The Celtics are the same way with Tatum and Brown.

You get through that ceiling, you know how to win, you understand how to win, and you kind of go from there. So I just believe that Brad Stevens, you know, who is now the general manager of this team, has struck a chord. Yeah, that was Cedric Maxwell. Cedric Cornbread Maxwell joining us earlier on in the show. If you missed that full interview, you missed that whole conversation.

Hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. That was him on the air with us last night, Jalen Brown. We know that he won an NBA Finals MVP. It doesn't appear that he expected to win it. He's done a lot of sharing. This is everybody's award. This is Tatum and I's award.

It's really his. But Jalen Brown pretty much echoed the same things that Cedric Maxwell said to us. Jalen Brown said, we ain't done. We, the Celtics, we're going to try to win more.

Listen to this. I think we have an opportunity. I think we definitely have a window. We take it one game. We take it one day at a time.

You know, we definitely got to make sure we stay healthy. But, you know, we we enjoy the summer, enjoy the moment. And then we get right back to it next year.

Enjoy the summer, enjoy the moment. Get right. Yeah, I think in time they got a chance to win another one. Are they going to go back to back for the first time since the Warriors?

Time will tell. They're going to enjoy it. Cedric said that they're currently in Miami doing God knows what. They will be back in Boston for their parade on Friday.

And at least the city has an opportunity to celebrate with them. Kyrie Irving, he gets to lick his wounds. We know Luka Doncic. We don't know if he's going to have any surgeries on his body. We don't know if he's going to participate in the Olympics. Kristaps Porzingis will have a surgery on that ankle, that dislocated tendon. And Joe Mazula will have surgery as well.

Joe Mazula dealing with a torn meniscus last night. And at least we probably won't hear from him for the rest of the off season. Kyrie Irving is done.

Right. Had a poor shooting effort all throughout the series is 0 and 8 in Boston. Pretty much since he left and joined the Brooklyn Nets. And last night, Kyrie Irving, he spoke.

Of course he did. And he talked about what the hell they need to do moving forward. Pretty much a positive note that we can take from this series. Just how far we made it. And, you know, how proud I am of the guys. And, you know, we answered a lot of questions this year on what we were capable of doing. And now it's just about being consistent. I see an opportunity for us to really build our future in a positive manner where, you know, this is almost like a regular thing for us.

And we're competing for championships. Hickey, no more Kyrie until October? I hope so.

I really do. I'm sick of him. Yeah, but this year he was pretty quiet, right?

I know, which usually would mean then he's due. Oh, no, I hope not. No Internet from Kyrie for now until October. You're cutting him off?

Yeah, no. What's his provider in Dallas? I don't know. Is he in what's in the Comcast is in Dallas? I don't know. Xfinity?

Yeah, one of them. Spectrum. Someone's down there.

Yeah, nothing. AT&T. That's what's down there. AT&T. Duh, right.

That's where they get the money from. Yeah, somebody cut off Kyrie's Internet. It'd be nice.

He can be disconnected from the world. Anyway, let's connect you with a few things that took place this day in sports history. What the hell is today?

June 18th, 2024. Let's go back in time. Back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore.

But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again. It's time for this day in sports history. You see, back in those days, we had radio and you couldn't see anything. And it was primitive and lousy and we liked it. On the JR Sport Brief Show.

I wish I was 50 years younger and I'd kick your ass. June 18th, Y2K. The year 2000. Tiger Woods won the U.S. Open. This was the 100th edition of the U.S. Open in Tiger Woods. This man won by a record 15 strokes.

Let's go back to the year 2000 and tune in to NBC. Right edge and solid. And Tiger Woods is the 100th U.S. Open champion in history. And I played really well today and all week I made those big putts and that's what I bowled down to. I drove the ball beautifully all week. A lot of good iron shots.

But more importantly, I made all those big par putts. June 18th, the year 2013. The Miami Heat beat the Spurs 103-100 in Miami. It looked like the Spurs were going to win another championship.

They were bringing out the yellow tape. And Ray Allen hit a 3 with about 5 seconds left to force overtime. Ultimately, the Miami Heat won the championship.

I want you to take a listen courtesy of ABC of the 3. And then listen to Ray Allen tell this to guess who? JJ Reddick. Should the Spurs foul? Should Milani go for the 3 right away? Just attack the basket. James catches. Puts up a 3. Long go. Rebound box.

Back out to Allen. History final. Bang! Tie game with 5 seconds remaining. It's even like a blur to me because it feels like it happened in slow motion that played it. I mean, I watched the ball, even as I think about now, I watched the ball and it just kind of it was like a real movie.

It happened in slow motion. And I swear it didn't feel like I did anything with it. It didn't feel like it was going to make it to the rim. So you didn't feel like when you shot it because we know as shooters, we know we know a perfect shot. We know a shot's going in. Yeah, no, you didn't feel that. Nope.

All right. Well, there's JJ Reddick, probably future head coach of the Lakers, talking to Ray Allen. Hey, what else happened on June 18th? Let's go to 2017 when Brooks Koepka, Brooks Koepka, excuse me, won his first major championship. It was a U.S. Open.

This for the U.S. Open. Koepka, a major champion. Damn it, that was Joe Buck on Fox. What doesn't he do? Hickey, does he do boxing? No, right? I think that's the only thing he doesn't do.

He doesn't do boxing. What else took place this day? June 18th. Let's go back to 2018. Excuse me, 2017. Diana Taurasi broke the WNBA scoring record past Tina Thompson and Diana Taurasi is still playing. Damn it.

Listen to this from 2017. This is courtesy of the NBA. Taurasi fights through a screen. She's got the ball in her hands.

She's standing at the corner of destiny and history. Taurasi for the record. Dennis Parker offering her congratulations immediately and the whole building standing.

Busloads of fans came over from Phoenix. OK, so that was seven thousand four hundred and eighty eight points. OK, at that time, Diana Taurasi at this point has eclipsed ten thousand points. OK, right now for the Phoenix Mercury, she is forty two years old. She's dropping 17 points again.

The Phoenix Mercury have a record of seven and seven. Diana Taurasi, I'll say it again, is forty two years old. I think Diana Taurasi just wants to keep on playing to keep every record imaginable away from Kaitlyn Clark. That's what and including Olympic teams. We don't need her on the Olympic team.

I don't need her to score points. I'm going to try to stay away from her. All of that good stuff. Anyway, did I miss anything? I think that was everything that took place, right?

I think that is all. Busy day today in the world of sports is busy day. Unfortunately, this is going to be added into the sports history books. The passing of Willie Mays at ninety three years old. Willie Mays passing at ninety three years old is going to be one hell of a celebration between the Giants and then also the St. Louis Cardinals as they play out in Birmingham to honor the Negro Leagues of this upcoming Thursday.

I'm most definitely going to be locked into that as much as I can as we get ready for a show on Thursday as well. Some news that has come through the pipe as well. Aaron Judge hit by a pitch. This man is leaving the majors and home runs and RBI. He's going to have his hand checked out that the last thing that the Yankees or Yankee fans want to hear Aaron Judge leaving today's game after being hit by a pitch on his left hand.

This man is absolutely dangerous at the field on the field. Aaron Judge. Twenty six home runs.

Sixty four RBIs leading Major League Baseball. You've been listening to the J.R. Sport Show here on the Infinity Sports Network. We'll be back tomorrow to share with you a new top six list. Thank you to Lakers insider Anthony Irwin. Thank you to Celtics legend Cedric Cornbread Maxwell for joining us.

If you missed a minute of the show, you can hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. Much love to the Celtics and their fans and condolences to everybody associated with one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Rest in peace to Willie Mays.

The J.R. Sport Show here on the Infinity Sports Network is done. Don't move. Don't go anywhere. Lock in. I said so.

But Bart Winkler is coming up next. Thank you so much to Ryan Hickey. Tune in is the audio platform with something for everyone. News in order to secure convictions in a court of law. It is essential that we conclusively sports that clock at four. Doncic.

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