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JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
May 29, 2024 10:07 pm

JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR

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May 29, 2024 10:07 pm

Karl-Anthony Towns bounces back with a big Game 4 l Jerry Hairston Jr., 16-year MLB vet l This Day In Sports History + Mets reliever Jorge Lopez ejected, then cut from team


I'm at the nail salon. I'm at the grocery store. I'm at the combination nail salon and grocery store. Wait, she's at the nail salon and the grocery store? I'm at the combination nail salon and grocery store. Groceries through Instacart delivered to my door. I don't have to choose between acrylics and the grocery store.

It is the JR Sportbrief Show here on the Infinity Sports Network. Happy Wednesday to you. Hope you had an amazing day. I hope you're good. I hope you're safe. I hope you're well. I hope you're smooth.

I'm only going to be here with you for one more hour. Where the hell you been for the last three? Have you been listening to the show? You making money? You got a job? You sitting in traffic? You listening to music?

Where the hell you been? I get started every weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. You can lock into the show on the free Odyssey app. Shout out to people listening on their local radio affiliate, Sirius XM Channel 158. And if you got a smart speaker, ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network and boom, we pop right on up.

We've had a fun show, right? No basketball tonight. Well, win or lose, we weren't going to have none. The Mavericks choked away their opportunity to advance to the NBA Finals. Carl Anthony Towns was clutch last night. Anthony Edwards was clutch.

They got another game tomorrow for the Minnesota Timberwolves back in Minnesota. I know Alex Rodriguez is happy. I've never seen this man happier in his life. Man is one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

He's having more fun on the sidelines for the Minnesota Timberwolves than he is for his own career. Which ended with a thud. Icky, pretty disappointing end to A-Rod's career. I don't want to beat up on A-Rod because I can go on about it, but the end of his career sucked.

It really did. I mean, basically he was just kind of pushed out, essentially, forced to retire four homers short of 700. Say what you want about A-Rod, that sucks. I do feel bad for him in that sense.

He got to be happy a little bit though. I hear Jennifer Lopez ain't doing too good, huh? What a shock. She breaking up with another boyfriend slash husband? Can't believe it.

Yeah. I heard the tour. She got a tour's not doing well. They're canceling dates. Oh, really?

Oh, boy. Jennifer Lopez had a concert scheduled for here in Atlanta. They had to cancel it. In Houston, they canceled quite a few of her concerts.

How many? Name a J. Lo song. Go ahead.

Jenny from the Block? Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Another one.

Go for it. We were playing the other day. Name Spurs.

Outside of like Ben Banyama, you got Devin Visell and then we stopped the game. Sohan. Sohan. That's right. Jeremy, I think? Yes, with the funky here.

Yes. Okay, so we got three. I'll stop this game after one J.

Lo song. Isn't McDermott, wasn't he there too? I know you finished the year on the Pacers because I saw him in the playoffs. He may have started the year in San Antonio that hour. I don't know. We're about to start our own game of who he played for.

Right. It's two seconds away, bro. I saw the Spurs here in person when they played a couple of months ago. I stood on the floor and watched them warm up.

Well, I watched when Banyama warm up. I'm like, this is a this is a hell of a show. And they were putting they were putting people out there. I'm like, who is this? What? I saw Greg Popovich going to the bench and he's just putting guys out there said they got that guy from the stands. Like, who is that guy?

I don't know. Anyway, Jennifer Lopez, that that might be her audience next time. And so congratulations to what?

Just say it. Congratulations to Alex Rodriguez, at least as I don't even know. Can I call it his team? He has a part of it.

So I guess it is. I know he wants the whole thing. Half his team. Forty three percent of his team. What percentage you think A-Rod got? Twenty, twenty three.

Yeah, it's a joint. I think they got like in the 40s. But Mark, yeah, let's say twenty, twenty one. And you know, Laurie got the majority.

Twenty percent. A-Rod just wants to be a face anyway. Congratulations to the Minnesota Timberwolves for living the fight another day. We talked about Scottie Scheffler. All of his charges have been dropped. The police just look crazy with their lack of evidence. And there was an admission from Scottie Scheffler via a video that was released, or at least widely distributed today. Scottie Scheffler is being detained in the back of the patrol car and there's another officer talking to him.

And Scottie Scheffler basically admits, like, I just thought that was a security guard and that's why I ignored him. And it's just like, that's that's not a good excuse. And you got two wrongs. Neither of them make a right. It's best that they just just rip this to shreds. And so Scottie Scheffler, yeah, utilizing his wealth and his privilege to get off.

That's the reality. I mean, the police department in Kentucky, they don't want no problems. They don't want no publicity. They're not going to try to prosecute Scottie Scheffler.

That doesn't do them no good. Now, you or me or Hickey. Oh, yeah.

They would try to prosecute us to the full extent of the law. But we're not Scottie Scheffler. We talked about Bronny James using his privilege to potentially only work out for two teams. That being the Lakers and the Suns. We talked about Kaitlyn Clark and her 30 point game in a loss last night.

She's continuing to get better. And then also, how about this? In about 15 minutes, we're going to have a conversation with Jerry Hairston Jr. Dodgers broadcaster, former player in the big leagues. His grandfather played in the Negro Leagues. I told you last night that Major League Baseball is basically integrating the stats from the Negro Leagues over into Major League Baseball's record books. And so this is a big deal.

There are a lot of people that aren't happy with it. I don't know why the hell people would be so damn mad, but we're going to talk to someone who has a direct relationship to the Negro Leagues via his family's lineage. And so this is going to be an excellent conversation with Jerry Hairston Jr.. You don't want to miss that in about 15 minutes. And then, of course, we went into a top six list. There's no basketball tonight. I wanted to share with you a list of some of the most clutch players that we've ever seen in the NBA. Like you needed a game.

You needed to win a game and a championship game. Who the hell would you pick? Who would you choose?

Who would you want leading the way? Impossible to just give a flat six. There's so many damn names. Ultimately, I gave you some guy named Michael Jordan at number one. At six, I gave you Walt Clyde Frazier. Number five, Larry Bird. Number four, Steph Curry. Number three, LeBron.

Number two, Magic Johnson. I ain't talk about no singular shot, OK? If I want a bunch of points in eight seconds, I'm like, give me Reggie Miller. If I'm a San Antonio, Houston, Los Angeles Laker, I'm saying give me Robert Horry. But I ain't think about no damn shot. If I want to win a million games, give me Kobe. Give me Allen Iverson.

One of our callers talked about Isaiah Thomas and his ankle. Yes, great. Good. It's impossible to fit.

Just 70, almost 70, almost 80 years. NBA in six slots. Impossible. But I got Jordan at number one. Let's get some more of your calls and then let's show love to Karl Anthony Towns.

Because for a guy who sucked for this entire series, he sure as hell was clutch last night. Eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. It's the J.R. Sportbrief show. Let's talk to Ralph calling from North Carolina. You're on the J.R. Sportbrief show. Good afternoon, J.R.

Thank you for having me on your show. As you mentioned, your list is perfect. I would have went with also Kobe Bryant. But listening to your explanation was basically kind of clutch already about how you feel about Kobe Bryant.

I would like to add in the pic really quick. I would add I'll add Dwayne Wade in that list since you basically already kind of kind of went with everybody that I would have chosen to be in that clutch. OK, Dwayne Wade. All right.

Yeah. And by the way, really quick, J.R., as far as running, going to the NBA, I feel like as as much as we talked about most of the other C players being more more developed. And I feel like he should have basically keep that in consideration and have his son develop more so he could be more of a clutch player like him in the near future. So you're saying that Bronny James should go to the G League?

To be honest with you, he should stick to college. Too late for that. It's too late. They said they're not going to do it.

So but that's why we're going to see him actually in the G League or he's going to basically be taking a bench spot. That's what it's going to be. All right. Well, we'll see.

Maybe. Well, thank you, Ralph. Here's the thing.

And thank you, Ralph, for calling from North Carolina. Like Bronny James, he can't go to a bum team because he's going to play. But then if he plays on a bum team, then people will just be like, it's a waste of time. He has to be able to. The best place for him is college, like Ralph said.

But he ain't going back. Hickey, what do you what was he studying in USC? Nothing.

Right. A degree in nothing. Probably nothing.

Hey, Bronny, what's your major going to be at USC? Nothing. Like, I don't know. NBA. That's what it is.

NBA National Basketball Association. I'm going to stay here until this is time to go. Yeah. Well, that that ship has sailed. Bronny ain't going back to college. And if he does, it ain't for basketball.

It's, you know, Hickey, that's a question never thought about. Now that this whole idea of amateurism is out the door, do we now have to like pretty much rip up eligibility? So if I play in college. Can I play professionally?

And I don't know, the Spanish league and South America and and can I come back to college like the answer should be no. Right. That's a great question. Yeah, I know. Oh, wow. I don't know who. Who's the great swimmer?

Oh, boy, I'm blank on this now. Michael Phelps. No, she's in or had to leave, but she was at Stanford.

Great swimmer and had to leave because she won the Olympics. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I hope someone like in her position, another sport, if they want to compete in the Olympics, can be able to and then go back to school. Be ridiculous if you couldn't do that.

Is it that is it that is it really that big of a deal? Like, let's be real. If you're a college athlete, you're going to have your prime and your peak years as most people in college are, you know, between 18 and, I don't know, 25. Right. As a college age, quote unquote, student or student athlete. We know plenty of people go back to college at so many different stages of life.

I mean, outside of finances. And we know college is a business. You can go back at any point. You can. I mean, you could be 80, 90, 100 years old.

And if you got the finances and you can sit there and you can you can get a you can get a degree in something. And so I don't I'm just saying to myself and we always hear these stories. Right. 55 year old kicker on some middle of the road football team in the middle of nowhere. Like we always hear the stories. But what happens? Like, are we going to see college basketball teams with a a 30 year old superstar playing with a bunch of younger kids? Like this guy left school and he played professionally and now he's back at the school to get his degree or finish his degree. They're going to let him back on the team.

I just like, oh, he made money. He can't come back. Well, now that's that's been blown to shreds. So. What difference does it make?

That's an unanswered question, Hickey. Wait until it happens. We're going to have a gray beard busting ass in March Madness and I'm just going to be chuckling. You know, it'd be funny as if the NBA like revokes the one and done and instead allow, you know, instead going forward allows high school kids to go right to the NBA and you have almost a reverse where the kid goes from high school, tries to make it to the NBA, doesn't make it, goes, goes, goes through college. Screw it. I'm going to college. I'm going to get paid. I got 25 years old, goes like Duke to try to like revamp his his career. That'd be hilarious. We are in the wild, wild west when it comes to college athletics. So the barrier to entry for everything has just it's been it's been blown to shreds.

It really has. Maybe Carl Anthony Towns will go back to Kentucky. I don't even know if he got his degree out of that place. I know he was good last night. We did all this talk about clutch players. I got to show Carl Anthony Towns love. Because last night with the Minnesota Timberwolves beating the Mavs 105 to 100, the man had 20 points.

That's excuse me. He had 25 points. He had 20 of these points in the second half. He was shooting 28 percent coming into this game. I want you to listen to Carl Anthony Towns pretty much tell everybody about his mentality entering into the game. Being aggressive. Ain't no time to have any doubts in your mind, especially at this time is game four. We're down 3-0.

Ain't no time to have any doubts. I'm gonna go out there, be aggressive, shoot my shot. Like I've been doing all series and be a confident every shot I shoot. So defensively be in my spot.

So all I could think about was being in my spots earlier. Make sure that I do as disciplined defense as possible. And on the offensive end, you know, don't don't lose any confidence and don't lose any aggression.

Do it again tomorrow, man. That's it. We don't have no basketball tonight. There's no basketball. Unless you want to watch the WNBA and you should watch the WNBA. Watch it.

They want you to. And if you're in D.C., I know it's too late for you to go to the brunch ticket special. Oh, yeah. You didn't know about that.

The Washington Mystics. There's a restaurant next door. You could have bought tickets and had bottomless mimosas and brunch and chicken and waffles. And then you could have went to the game.

You could have sat down for three, three hours a bottle. Oh, man. Hickey, I might do that. Well, I can't do that any day.

I got things to do. I wish. When was the last time you did a brunch like that, Hickey?

Oh, it's maybe last year, I want to say. Oh, bottomless mimosas? I'm not a mimosa guy. So if they like margaritas, I'll be good. Bottomless margaritas? Yeah, they have some.

Whoa. I went to one place with frozen. Now they are frozen to slow you down. But frozen margaritas, which are pretty good.

Damn, bruh. And small cups, too, of course. Small cups? Small cups, frozen. Like the little ones you get at the dentist office, right? No, no, not that small.

Not that. It's like a, you know, a medium drinking glass. Well, listen, some of these restaurants are cheap when it comes to the alcohol. Oh, and when it's bottomless, they'll try to slow you down any way possible.

Screw all. Hey, listen, we got a lot of restaurant people listening. If you serving bottomless mimosas somewhere, let me know, because I will have the mimosas and then I'll have me some Jack and I have me some whiskey and I'll go down the line. OK, you serving bottomless mimosas hit me up because I'm coming.

Yeah, I got legs in a car and I can get on the plane. I will travel. It's the JR Sportbree show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. We're going to take a break when we come back on the other side. We're going to find out about what's going on with this. This all of these statistics that are being integrated into Major League Baseball as they are now fully acknowledging the Negro Leagues. We'll talk about it with Jerry Hairston Jr., his grandfather played in the Negro Leagues.

You're listening to the JR Sportbree show here on the Infinity Sports Network. Call from Mom. Answer it. Call silence. Instacart knows nothing gets between you and the game. That's why they make ordering from your couch easy. Stock up today and get all your groceries for the week. Deliver it in as fast as 30 minutes without missing a minute of the game. You have 47 new voicemails. Download the app to get free delivery on your first three orders while supplies last.

Minimum $10 per order. Additional term supply. You're listening to the JR Sportbree. It's the JR Sportbree show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. We got people listening coast to coast. And yesterday, Major League Baseball put forth a very big announcement. This has been years in the works. Major League Baseball's official record books and stats will now include Negro League stats. And so the records have been changed.

But more importantly, there are thousands of individuals whose accomplishments will be recognized because they were unfortunately segregated. And so to talk about this this huge change in Major League Baseball that it's been in the works for years now is someone whose grandfather played in the Negro Leagues. This is someone who he himself played in the majors, a 16 year career, a champion with the Yankees, a broadcaster now for the Dodgers.

You might know who the hell he is. It's Jerry Hairston Jr.. Jerry, thank you for taking the time to join us. Appreciate it. Yeah, no problem.

No problem. How you doing? I'm very well. Well, when you think about what Major League Baseball has done, and I want to get to your own personal connection to this. Are you surprised that this has taken place?

I'm not surprised it's taken place. To be honest, I think it it took a long time for it to come to fruition. The one thing I will say, basically, baseball did an incredible job. The Negro Leagues Statistical Review Committee did an incredible job.

This was not done on a whim. This took years of study, making sure they got the statistics from the Negro Leagues from the year 1920 to, I believe, 1948 or 49. And they made sure they included the box scores. They double checked, triple checked, making sure that they got all the statistical analysis right. Now, if it was a barnstorming game, if it was something that wasn't meaningful, where the statistics weren't double checked and it wasn't clear, they didn't use those statistics.

So these were taken not on a whim. It took years of planning, years of research, and they got the proper statistics correct. Listen, guys like Bob Feller, for years when he was alive, Ted Williams, Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, talked about the Negro Leagues and were very passionate about, and adamant, how it was a major league and how the black players, guys like Josh Fish and Satchel Paige should be in the Hall of Fame and that league should be recognized as a major league. So I'm glad that it's finally being recognized. And the way I put it is, I know there's some people that are, you know, don't view it positively.

I'll say this. Well, for everybody who's saying, well, you know, Josh Gibson didn't play in the major leagues and Satchel Paige didn't put up those numbers in the major leagues, you know, they weren't in major league baseball. Well, you can make a case, you know, Babe Ruth and Bob Feller and Ted Williams weren't facing those guys when they played major league baseball.

This is American history, okay? And imagine if Pastor Holmes, with his talent, wasn't allowed to showcase his talent and his abilities, and his stats weren't recognized. Imagine if Michael Jordan, his stats weren't recognized. So I'm so glad that finally major league baseball took, you know, the proper protocol as far as making sure they got everything right to incorporate these statistics, because back then everybody knew Josh Gibson was the best hitter on the plant. Everybody knew that back then. Jerry Hairston Jr. is here with us, former big leaguer, current broadcaster for the Dodgers.

This is personal for you. Correct me if I'm wrong. You have a long family lineage. Your grandfather, Sam Hairston, played in the Negro Leagues. He helped integrate the White Sox. Is that accurate?

It is accurate. My grandfather, Sam, was the first black player to play for the Chicago White Sox. He went two for five, and he was set down to the minor leagues and never called up again. Back then the White Sox integrated him and wasn't given another opportunity to be in the big leagues. He, for I believe it was eight seasons, hit well over 300, was dominating the AAA.

But didn't get another opportunity. So, you know, my grandfather was never bitter, but I always felt guilty knowing that my grandfather was a better player than I was. And yet I got a chance to reap the benefits of playing 16 years in the major leagues, and my grandfather didn't have that opportunity to die. And he was a far better player than I was. So I'm glad that players like my grandfather, guys that were better than him, Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige, Jackie Robinson for years stated he was not the best player. He was not the best player when he came and broke the color brand.

So I'm glad that they'll be recognized. And it just goes to show, if you look back at the history, after Jackie Robinson won the MVP in 1949, nine of the next 11 players in the National League that won the MVP were black. Think about that for a second. That's how much talent that was in the Negro Leagues. And, you know, people could say, well, it was the major leagues. You know, and, you know, they could say, well, they didn't face, you know, so-and-so. They didn't face Dave Bruce. They didn't face, you know, Walter Johnson.

Well, guess what? They didn't have to face Josh Gibson. They didn't have to face Satchel Paige, prime Satchel Paige when he was in the Negro Leagues.

So you can have that vice versa conversation. But I'm glad Major League Baseball did this, and they're recognizing the great players that were in the Negro Leagues. And Jerry Hairston Jr. is here with us, the J.R. sport re-show Coast to Coast on the Infinity Sports Network. You know, there have been conversations, and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet, but there have been conversations about opening up the record books to overseas leagues in the Pacific. And I personally find that to be different. What are your thoughts on that? Well, here's the deal.

Remember, this is American history. Okay, so Major League Baseball obviously is America's pastime. Okay, now everybody can say, well, what about Itro? Itro is a friend of mine, a guy that I value, respect, incredible ball player. But remember Jackie Robinson booked the color barrier in 47. Okay, so in Japan they have their own league. It's a great league, but it's not America's pastime as far as when the players were playing back then weren't physically able to play in their league. Itro could have come over at any time and played Major League Baseball.

You know what I'm saying? He could have played Major League Baseball because it had been integrated in 47. Right? So again, Japanese baseball had incredible talent. They still have incredible talent. I'm just seeing Shohei Ohtani right now do his thing.

He's arguably the best player on the planet, and he's going to have a strong cage, maybe the best player ever when it's all said and done. But right now Major League Baseball is taking time, and it's taken so much time that it was a grave injustice done that they physically weren't allowed to play that Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige in his prime, and all the rest of the players. They weren't physically allowed to play during this time, during America's time when Major League Baseball was segregated. Obviously after 47, Japanese players, Puerto Rican players, all sorts of players were able to come over and have that opportunity to play. Well Jerry, you mentioned the Dodgers and what's currently going on.

I know you helped broadcast for them. You see all of their games currently in New York right now. How have they been able to weather this storm at their early portion of the season? Distractions overseas, Ohtani's, financial issues, and here they are again looking like consenders and they're not even at full peak. Yeah, I mean they've got off to a pretty good start. Now obviously they went on the road to Cincinnati, got swept, but I love the way they bounced back.

They went and swept the New York Mets in New York. They're starting to swing the bats again. The pitching has been pretty good.

I would say it's been better than I expected as far as having that continuity. We have rookie in Yamamoto. We have a new guy in Tyler Glass now. Having that rapport with our catchers, they've really done a great job of hitting the ground running.

James Paxton has done an incredible job as well. The Dodgers are playing really good baseball, but the main thing, and they understand this, they want to be playing their best baseball come September and October. That's what they want to do. So you're going to have lulls here and there throughout the course of the season. They have a great team. If they stay healthy, and if they continue to get better as far as cohesively getting used to playing with each other. Obviously show Ohtani he's new to this ball club.

I think they're going to be a tough team to beat. So far they've been fun to watch. Ohtani, you talk about these distractions. I'm telling you, man, he has been smiling. He's been happy ever since the interpreter has left. He's more able to now be himself. I think the interpreter kind of blocked him from his teammates.

I can imagine. Well, now we know why. He wanted to, you know, keep Ohtani from everybody. And now he's more open. He's laughing. He's funny. He reminds you of kangaroo junior, the way he's pranking guys, always laughing in the clubhouse. And when I played with junior, he was always laughing. And I was like, man, and I told my teammates, Griffey's always in a good mood. And one of my teammates said, well, if you had that swing, would you be in a good mood all the time? I said, you're right. And Ohtani, you have that talent.

He would be in a good mood all the time. So I'm just so happy that that's behind him. The truth has come out. The FBI did an incredible job investigating.

And that's the one thing too. You don't mess with the FBI, man. They can care less who you are. You know what I'm saying? They don't care if you're Shoah Ohtani.

They don't care if you're whoever. They're going to get to the bottom of it. And they got to the bottom of it. And now Shoah Ohtani will go out there and be himself. And he's been adamant from day one of his innocence. And that's why he was always happy.

He knew he had nothing to hide. And he's playing great baseball. Yeah, we know he's one of the best. Jerry Hairston Jr. is here with us as we start to wrap things up. There's been a lot of conversations over the past few days about umpiring. Man, you stood at the plate. You know about the umps. What are your thoughts about Major League Baseball integration over into using a little bit of technology to get the job done over the next few years? You know what?

I'm scared of the technology because of what I've heard that technology isn't ready. I want the umpire to do their job. They're paying a lot of money to cause balls and strikes.

Now, I will say this. If we have a challenge system where if you argue ball and strike, whatever, you get say three or four throughout the course of a game, then you could use a challenge system. But I want the human element still in the game.

You know what I'm saying? If they're not doing their job right, just like the players, they should be set back to the minor leagues or lose their job. So I don't want an automated strike zone because it takes away from the human element. Hire umpires that should be calling the strikes and balls correctly. There's good umpires out there. In fact, there are great umpires out there. They should be the ones that are calling balls and strikes in the big leagues. Now, each team should get three or four challenge systems. If you think it's a ball or a strike, whatever, you have a right to challenge.

If you lose that challenge, you lose one of your other challenges. So I think that's what they should do. As far as having an automated strike zone for every pitch, I'm not in favor of that. I hear you.

Well, last question for you, Jerry, and this is an important one. Now that we have this full integration of Negro League stats into Major League Baseball, where can people find out more information? I know the Players Alliance does an excellent job with withholding events. I know Bob Kendrick, he does an excellent job spreading the word. Where can people find out more information and attend some of these events and get to the different museums and what have you so they can learn a little bit more? Please, guys, go see if you haven't. Go to Kansas City.

Go see my good friend Bob Kendrick. The Negro League Museum does an incredible job of making sure all those statistics, all the history was preserved. And also, I'm going to say this, Cooperstown, I was just there, man. They now have a new exhibit there, Honoring Half-Legends of the Negro Leagues. They did an incredible job making sure they preserved that history as well. So make sure you go to Kansas City if you haven't been there. Go to Cooperstown and also, I'm going to put another one out there, Birmingham, Alabama. They have a Negro League Museum there in Birmingham, Alabama as well. They did an incredible job.

So those three, I would make sure you go visit if you haven't already. Hey, Jerry, I appreciate the time and for you dropping the knowledge. You shared some information, I think, and set a lot of people straight, especially folks who go, why are they doing this? It's not fair.

You nailed it. It's history. It took place here in the States and we all know a lot of people.

And that's the thing. This is not black history. This is American history.

This took place in America and I'm glad this is being rectified. This is what Ted Williams wanted. You can listen to his hall of fame speech. This is what Babe Ruth wanted. This is what Bob Feller wanted and the rest of the players wanted. Listen, I'm a former Asian baseball player. We want to play against the best players, period. And we know who's the best. And for them back then, knowing that, man, these guys need to be playing in our league, the Josh Skipsons, the Satchel Paige, I'm glad that they're finally getting recognized.

Now, in my opinion, it's late, but better late than never. That's all you can ask for. Jerry, where can people follow you and all your work now with the Dodgers?

Well, I'm on Spectrum Sportsnet LA in LA and you can follow me on at TheRealJ here on Twitter. Hey, Jerry, give me give me a day or two. I'm going to I'm going to post a throwback photo of you and I in 2009 when Alex Rodriguez and Ray Negron were giving away backpacks on River Avenue.

Dude, I remember that. Tell you what, any throwback Thursday, I'll repost. Oh, well, you'll see it. You'll see it tomorrow, man. This is 2009 on River Avenue at the new mural that Ray did.

You'll see it. I remember that day. Great day. Great year. It was, man. Well, thank you so much for dropping knowledge here for a wider audience and we'll catch you on down the line, OK? Sounds good, brother. You take care. No doubt about it. That Jerry Hairston Jr. 16 year big league career now broadcaster for the Dodgers and just so much life and time and family in the big leagues.

Nobody more qualified to come through and chat with us about this integration of of Negro League stats into Major League Baseball and the history of it than Jerry Hairston Jr. Thank you again for the time. It's the JR Sportbreeze show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. I need you to think O'Reilly Auto Parts for all of your car care needs. Get guaranteed low prices and excellent customer service from the professional parts people at O'Reilly Auto Parts. This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance.

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Progressive Casualty Insurance Company and affiliates price and coverage match limited by state law. You're listening to the JR Sportbreeze. It's time for this day in sports history. See, back in those days, we had radio and you couldn't see anything.

And it was primitive and lousy and we liked it. On the JR Sportbreeze show. I wish I was 50 years younger and I'd kick your ass. It is the JR Sportbreeze show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network to go way, way, way, way, way back this day in sports history.

It is May 29th. Let's go back to 1980. Larry Bird was named Rookie of the Year over Magic Johnson. Larry Bird might have got Rookie of the Year, but Magic Johnson got the title anyway. Let's listen to Larry Legend, a montage of his best as a rookie. Yeah, Magic made a good team better, but Larry took a bad team and made us the Celtics again.

And it seemed like every time someone faced him for the first time, they weren't ready to believe it. We haven't seen anything like this, what he could do with the ball. Here's a guy, if he wanted to score 30 a night, he could average 30. Yeah, that was courtesy of the NBA.

How about this? This day, May 29th, we gotta go back to 1990. Ricky Henderson broke Ty Cobb's 62-year-old American League stolen base record number 893. Let's take a listen to Mr. Henderson, courtesy of MLB. The A's lost 2-1.

Sorry about that. Anyway, in 2010 this day, on May 29th, Roy Holiday, God bless his soul, no longer here with us. He decided to go out and throw the 20th perfect game in Major League history. Beat the Marlins.

Struck out 11. Listen to this. Thank you so much to Comcast Sportsnet. And God bless Roy Holiday, no longer here with us. Wow, this is crazy.

He's already gone. Hey, also this day in sports history, 2017, some guy named Tiger Woods, well, listen to CBS New York tell you what happened. Police say Tiger Woods was asleep at the wheel when officers spotted his car stopped along a Florida road early Monday morning.

The engine was still running. An affidavit released Tuesday says officers woke Woods, who had extremely slow and slurred speech. The 41-year-old author issued a statement blaming his DUI arrest on prescription medicine. Woods said, quote, I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. I didn't realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly.

Police say he failed a roadside sobriety test and took him to jail, but they confirmed there was no alcohol in his system. Tiger Woods is just like, hey, it's just my pain meds. And thank you. That audio is courtesy of CBS New York. And those are four things that took place this day, May 29th, in sports history. Today is pretty funny in sports history because the New York Mets went out there and they did what they did.

Jory Hairston pretty much let us know as much. The Mets just lost to the Dodgers. Jorge Lopez, a reliever, was ejected from the game. He threw his glove into the stands. Everybody's mad at him. And then he was asked about whether he regretted throwing the glove.

And this is what he told SNY. No, I don't I don't regret it. I think I've been looking the worst team in probably in the whole MLB. So, you know, whatever happened happened. So whatever they want to do, I'll be tomorrow here.

They want me, you know, whatever they want to do. Just to clarify what you said, just because I didn't fully understand. Did you say I'm on the worst team? Is that is that what you had said? Yeah, probably. It looked like they were embarrassed by you.

Is that what you did? Well, damn, the Dodgers beat the Mets 10 to three and Hickey in summation. This man stood in front of his locker and said, we are I am on the worst team in baseball. He was asked to clarify and he said, yeah, I am. And they can basically bring me back tomorrow if they don't want.

I'll be fine. And that's that's what happened. Hickey, right? Isn't that what happened? Yes, I'm still not sold like it does sound like he's saying initially teammates.

I'm the worst effing teammate. But again, it's hard to make out. And when he's asked to follow up, you say team? He said, yeah, probably.

There's no there's no misinterpreting that. But what happened to him? He said he'll be there tomorrow if they want him.

Plot twist. They don't want him. He is now cut. They cut him.

You're being nice, man. They gave that he gave him another chance. He said, I'm on the worst team. OK, Hickey, I'm from the Bronx, New York.

OK, I think I understand Spanish and Spanglish and everything in between. That man gave up and quit. He made it very clear. We suck. I don't want to be here if they want me here.

I'll be back. If not, they could do what the hell they want. And they cut him. That's what happened.

I don't think we had any. This is not Sammy Sosa in a congressional hearing. OK, this is not Sammy Sosa all of a sudden.

Hey, Sammy, what did you have for breakfast? No, no speaking English. This is not it.

This is not it, man. The New York Mets are a joke. They had a guy quit on them. They suck.

They do. What's the Mets record right now? What is it? Bad. Ten games under is twenty twenty two and thirty three. Stearns, the new boss said the other day. Yeah, we need to do better.

I don't know. Maybe this ignites a fire underneath the New York Mets to do better. Right.

Right. I mean, it can't make him any worse. They suck.

They're the worst team in the league. If Pete Alonzo, you know, everybody gets together and they go, we can't have this. Maybe this will galvanize the franchise. OK, maybe.

Great. I hope so. Can't get any worse. That's the good news.

This is I hope at least rock bottom. Unless somebody else quits in the next game. Hey, this I love this. I'm going to remember this forever.

Great quote. If they want me, I'll be here. If not, I will.

Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow. The J.R. sport reef show on the Infinity Sports Network is done. Thank you to Hickey. It don't go nowhere.

Bart Winkler. He's coming up next. The wait is over.

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They're punching it into overdrive. Chris, Courtney, Kim, Chloe, Kendall and Kylie are back and continue to defy expectations in all their endeavors. So get ready to go behind the glitz and glamour of the most iconic family on television.

The all new season of the Kardashians is now streaming on Hulu. I'm at the nail salon. I'm at the grocery store. I'm at the combination nail salon and grocery store. She's at the nail salon and the grocery store. I'm at the combination nail salon and grocery store. Groceries through Instacart delivered to my door. I don't have to choose between acrylics and the grocery store.
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