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JR SportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
September 30, 2023 1:51 am

JR SportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR

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September 30, 2023 1:51 am

JR looks at which NFL team is struggling most heading into Week 4

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For important information, visit slash disclosures. I'm Eli Roth. In the upcoming second season of my podcast, A Ghost Ruined My Life from Travel, you'll hear real horrifying accounts from actual victims who came face to face with a paranormal and survived. It was the shape of a small human and it was pure blackness like nothing I've ever seen before in my life. A ghost? You saw a ghost?

Yeah, I did. Listen to A Ghost Ruined My Life with Eli Roth from Travel wherever you get your podcasts and prepare to be terrified. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. And I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Super producer and host Dave Shepherd is coming to you live from New York City.

We're going to be hanging out with you for the next two hours. It is the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. Thank you to everybody listening all over North America. There's a lot of ways you can tune in. Your local CBS Sports Radio affiliate in cities like Houston and Boston and Detroit. Here in Atlanta.

What's up, Atlanta? You could be tuned in in San Diego and Vegas and Seattle and Portland and Vancouver. On the other side in Montreal, a little bit closer in Toronto. You could be in Ottawa. You could be in Boise, Oklahoma City, Arkansas, New Orleans. What's up, WWL? You could be down in Florida.

Thank you so much. Pick a city in Florida. It doesn't matter. Tallahassee.

What's up, Tallahassee? You can also listen on the free Odyssey app. A U D A C Y. Sirius XM Channel 158. And if you have a smart speaker, it's simple.

Get that thing's attention and just ask it to play CBS Sports Radio. I would utilize an example right now, but I don't, I don't need this stupid computer responding to me. It's always weird.

It's just, it's just still odd. Shep, do you have one of them things? Uh, no.

Do you, have you ever had one? You just call Siri or something like that? No. No, I'm not as technologically savvy as you are, JR. Like I even have an issue with people that have an Alexa.

I think it's just lazy. Oh my God. You have an issue with me then. Talk, tell me about it.

I have one. Tell me about it. I mean, why do you need to speak into a machine? I mean, you're the, I'm not you specifically, JR, but those are the type of people.

No, no, no. You're talking to me now. What's wrong with me having an Alexa? You got an issue with me. Tell me.

It's not, no, it's not a JR issue. I just think that there's something to be said about going over to a TV, going over to a thermometer, going over to a CD player, uh, you know, a cassette tape and actually putting it on yourself. There's something about going and buying a vacuum, um, and actually doing that without having to have a robot do it for you. And I think a robot, yeah, I understand that it saves time, but there's also malfunctioning.

It's lazy. I think there's something to be said about doing something, uh, technology. It advances. You use it. You sit in a studio right now with God only knows how much the equipment costs. We give you two paper cups and a string to produce the show. Well, it's, it's different with, with, with two cups and a paper string, you couldn't disseminate in over 300 markets. So there's a purpose for that.

I feel like with a lot of technology, it's just an alleviation of people's laziness. And do you know how great, do you know how great it is to walk into my house and just say, Hey, play whatever it is. You know how great that is to me? That's okay. So to me, and I could be way off here, right?

To me, it's a little lazy. Man. I have a box. I have, it's a singular box in my house that I can talk to. It will play this station. It will play Sirius XM. It will tell me what the weather is.

If I should choose like what's the, what's the big deal. It takes a lot of effort to type in and look at the 10 day forecast. What's the difference between typing it in and talking to a machine? What's the difference to me? It's I might as well, I might as well go outside and lick my thumb and put it in the air and try to figure out what the weather is. Well, what's so bad.

I mean, you go versus, Hey, what's the weather. And I can walk around and multitask and I can wash the dishes and get the news in five seconds. I'm right.

Come on. I think technology can be a necessity at times. I think sometimes it's either a luxury or a flex.

And I think for so many people, technology has become a flex. It's not a matter of application. It's a matter of being braggadocious. I'm just saying. Yeah. If you're running outside and you absolutely need the new iPhone for, so you could take selfies, right? Exactly. Like the selfie sticks. Yeah. We know. Yes.

Technology continues to move. What is it called JR when, and you see it all the time on the Brooklyn bridge and Manhattan bridge and the Williamsburg bridge where they have these like ring things and it's like for people, is that what those are? It's a light.

Okay. I didn't see that a couple of years ago. I didn't see that five years ago. Now I see, yeah, I see people just stopping whatever they're doing in the middle of a bridge, holding up traffic just to go buy one of these rings so they can flaunt themselves and they can take all these selfies and, and, and manufacture these images where it doesn't even look like them. And that's kind of where we're going as society is we have technology that's just about bragging about our, the state of our lives when it's really not anything like that in actuality. So that's why I have a problem with technology. Yeah. Well, that's like anything.

It depends on what you do with it. I mean, you might as well tell me right now, why do we have cars? Let's go back to a horse and buggy. No, that's, that's different because a car can get you from A to B in 60 seconds. We're a horse and a buggy. It might take 60 minutes, right? Shout out to the great Lake, Mike Williams there, but Jerry, in all seriousness though, you're going to get from point A to point B the same way in a Hyundai as you are in a Ferrari.

Yeah, sure. But if somebody wants a Ferrari, what's the big deal? It's, it's, it's unnecessary.

A $30 watch and a $30,000 watch is going to tell you the same time every single time. It is. But if you have, if you have the funds and the resources to go ahead and get it and knock yourself out, right? There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with wearing something on your wrist that's more expensive than most people's mortgage. That's really the way society should be.

I agree with you. I would say society should be like it. We know we live in a world of haves and have nots. I mean, if that's the case, then everybody should just have a $10,000 car, right?

Yeah. Or just use public transportation. I mean, Jerry, if we're really having a serious conversation about this, public transportation is available everywhere. No, sure it is.

Sure it is. I can't take public transportation, legitimate public transportation. There's no bus in Atlanta? A bus? You know how sprawling the city is?

I find that hard to believe. There is a bus. It's called Marta and Marta is not, how about this? Marta is not in a reliable sense going to get someone from downtown or from the south side up until Truist Park. There is no train to go up there because there's folks who don't want the train to go up there. And so, public transportation is not reliable in many places across the country. I mean, I can go to Los Angeles and hey, guess what? There are trains in Los Angeles.

They exist, but you want to know something? Them trains ain't getting you a whole lot of places reliably. And yeah, you can take the bus, but the bus also ain't getting you places reliably because they got to sit in traffic, man. Public transportation ain't all that, man.

What are you saying? It's nice if you staying local, but it's not moving. It's not realistic. It's not plausible, feasible for everybody. What people are going to have to have a very serious conversation about it at some point is the amount of toxins that we're releasing into the air. And we're not properly disposing garbage.

Oh my God. No, but in all seriousness, the reason I bring this up is because it does typify the individuals who are all about opulence and conspicuous consumption. And it's their desire to want to own five different houses and own three different cars and own 10 pieces of jewelry. And that's the predicament that we find ourselves in.

And that's why a lot of people are not ultimately going to survive on this earth because of the absolute hazardous conditions that people are putting out there because of our style of living. You know I'm right. You know I'm right on this. I was honestly trying to figure out whether or not people who listen to the show via Alexa are lazy bums.

That's what I'm trying to figure out. That's not what I'm infer... JR, in all seriousness, you are one of the hardest working people in any genre. This is not a position that JR is lazy. I'm just saying that type of behavior to me is lazy. That's all. Nah, it's convenience. There's two categories here, right? And this is with anything.

It doesn't matter what era or age you live in. That's like saying, oh my God, we got the remote control now. And so now I don't have to get up off the couch to change a station.

And so now I'm using the remote control and now I'm a lazy bum. Like that's the thought process. Okay, but you're an exception though. Me? Oh, I'm an exception.

No, no, no, no. Because people that do that... It's a contradiction to me because in every other area of life, you grind.

You work so hard around the clock. Most people with those kind of TV habits, they're overweight. They are obese.

You are extremely fit. So you can get away with it. But most people that have that kind of remote luxuries, they're not exactly the most fit people in the world. I'm talking about in a general sense. The remote control did not always... I'm talking about from a technological standpoint, not a personal standpoint.

Gotcha, gotcha. Because let's be honest, remote control does not exactly help Betty Crocker. Yeah, but the remote control did not always exist.

There was a point in time where if you wanted to watch or change the station or the channel, you had to get up physically and walk to the set and do it. What a concept. And so from your logic of utilizing Alexa in a home, it might as well be the same logic of, we might as well get rid of everything that has made life a little bit more convenient. So I'm saving time. There's a difference between vanity and waste and convenience. And it depends on what you utilize the technology for.

To have a machine that can consolidate information and be able to provide it to you in a different way is convenience. It's actually genius, which is why I think there's a lot of people who have them. What's the difference between, man, I have tangible... I got a record player in my house. I have a vinyl collection in my house. I think it's also pretty cool that I can go home and I could turn on Thriller or Teddy Pendergrass or whatever the hell I want to hear, and I can listen to it on vinyl.

Or from the second I walk in the door, whatever I'm playing in my car will automatically play in a house. What's the problem? It's technology. It exists. Might as well use it. You may not love this response. And it might piss off a lot of people when I say this, but I'm... Let's hear it.

Okay. We have extreme poverty in this country. We have even more extreme poverty in this world.

There are too many third world countries to even name on your show right now. We have more than a billion people that live in extreme poverty. That qualifies as less than living on $1 a day.

$1 a day. But it's okay because other people can have the same music right when they exit their car right where they enter their home. That justifies extreme poverty. Come on, JR. That doesn't justify poverty.

What are we talking about? Of course it doesn't. I mean, it's sarcastic. When there's so many of these conveniences and these luxuries, and you think about other people in our world and in our country, by the way... And JR, you may not... You experienced this in New York, I'm sure, living here. I don't know if you experience it as much as in Atlanta. I don't think homelessness is the same kind of degree that it takes place in San Francisco, the way it does in ATL. Homelessness is ridiculous everywhere.

It's terrible. I have a problem with people that have all these technological advances, and yet most of us, when we walk outside our place of work, we see someone sleeping on the bench, and they are so out of it. They are so out of it.

They're doing other things on that bench. I'll let the imagination run wild there for most people listening to that statement. Yeah. Okay. That's what I'm talking about. There's too much goods and too many technological advances that people have these days.

Those resources should be going to people that are really struggling. Yeah. But here's the thing. I agree with you.

Thank you. I mean, if we look at where all the money goes, et cetera, we can look at that. We could talk about the mosques of the world and we can...

The gates. So we can go on and on and on. The fact of the matter is, what do you, not you specifically, but what do you as an individual do, right?

I can't help where I was born, what I did, what I work for, what I have or what I don't have. And that's the reality, unfortunately, for planet earth. I... Oh my God, it stinks.

I have been... There was a point in time where I went to India every single year for like five consecutive years and I would come back to America and I'd go, Oh my God, you know, this is... Nobody here has... You can complain, but it's a totally different level and it's a totally different level of appreciation when you see the world. I've been all over the world and so it's terrible, yes, what people are dealing with. But there comes a point in time where you have to understand, okay, this is the world. Yes, there's no such thing as being fair here in the world.

Not one person is going to go ahead and fix it, even if you think one person or two, three people should. And it's like, okay, what can I do? It's not about feeling guilty or feeling bad, but it's like, okay, this is what I can do for myself and this is what I could potentially do to go out and make life easier for somebody else. And so in that regard, yes, I hear you, I understand you, I agree with you, but man, if I personally had to look at life that way, I would just go be a Quaker. And shout outs... Do Quakers listen to the show, Shep? Do they? I think everyone listens to the show.

And by the way... They listen to radio, you're right, in Pennsylvania. Exactly. Are they? No, they're not Quakers. You're like the wrong example to use for this because you do Agents of Inclusion, you use your platform every day for those in Special Olympics.

So you're the wrong person to bark up that tree of not doing enough with your life to give back. No, but forget that for a minute. Who are our people in Pennsylvania? They're listening to us right now. Well, there's a lot of people in Pennsylvania, but more specifically, there are a lot of Quakers that do reside in Pennsylvania.

But the ones that don't use technology, what are they called? Amish? There you go, yes. Hey, this is special.

I've never done this. Hold on, Shep. Sure. Shout outs to all the Amish folks listening to us. Will they listen? Do they like sports?

Sure, they do. Shout outs to all the Amish people out there in Pennsylvania and, I don't know, I guess going out towards Ohio and all that. We appreciate you. Hey, Shep, you need to go be Amish? I don't know. Well, listen, JR, I love sports as much as- Take off your shoes and throw them in the trash, Shep. So- Give them to the guy downstairs. So you know what?

If I could, if that meant a dying child can show up at one of these NBA basketball games and sit front court seat, I would gladly go with no shoes for a year. Gladly. Gladly.

There's a buddy of mine. His name is Manny Ahome. Okay. He's based in Charlotte.

Right. He has a charity called Samaritan's Feet. And he has, he goes and he walks barefoot to prove a point.

Steve Smith, the wide receiver- That's right. Has certainly been an advocate. So yes, Shep, if you want to walk around barefoot in New York for a good cause, I can connect you with my friend, Manny. Okay.

I'd feel for that. I run the marathon every year for charity. I mean, I try to do- Are you running a marathon again this year?

I am, yeah. Do it barefoot. You know what I was thinking about doing? I was thinking about dribbling. You're going to dribble a basket.

Didn't somebody do that? They did it for the Boston Marathon, not the New York City Marathon. You're going to dribble through, how many miles is that? 24, 26? 26.2.

You're going to dribble 26 miles with a basketball. This is my fourth marathon, Jay. I want to go out with a bang. I want to make a statement here. You're not doing this no more?

No, I'm going to keep doing it, but I still want to go out with a bang. Yeah. How long is it going to take you to dribble a basketball 26 miles? Hours. Let's put it this way. It's going to take me longer than it is for Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift to actually touch each other than it is for me to dribble a basketball.

We don't know what they do. It's going to take you eight hours to do that, huh? Probably less. Probably less. What did you run a marathon in? Four and a half, five?

I usually run a marathon in about three hours and 20, three hours and 30. Oh, you're like top end there, huh? Yeah, I know.

This is with vending machines and where we work too, so that's even more impressive. So you said 3 10, 3 12? What did you say? You know what I really would do, honestly? If our fans had a cause that they were passionate about, whether it be diabetes, like I know for you at Special Olympics, I'm all ears. You said you're going to dribble a basketball.

Do what you want to do. No, I appreciate that. How long is it going to take? Six hours? Probably six, seven hours, yeah.

Oh my God. Probably six, seven hours. Actually, I'm hosting- On New York City streets? Yeah, so I'm hosting that morning, obviously two to six. I host every Sunday. And after that, I'm going to run the marathon.

People think I'm nuts, but I can't- You are. What are you doing on Saturday before? Getting ready for the show and staying off my feet. Are you going to sleep 15 hours on Saturday? No, because by that point I'm just going on adrenaline. You are going to work.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're working when? Well, hosting two to six every Sunday. Yeah, but that's after the marathon.

No, it's before. That's Saturday. The marathon's always Sunday. Yeah, the marathon is Sunday morning, correct? So I host two to six- 8 a.m., 9 a.m., yes. Exactly, exactly.

But I host two to six in the morning. On that same morning? That same Sunday, yes. So Saturday night?

Yeah, yeah. It's Sunday morning, but yes. It's Saturday on the west coast. You're going to work Sunday morning. Correct. You're going to get off at what time? 6 a.m. You're going to work from two to six a.m. on Sunday morning? Yes. And you are immediately going to go to Staten Island?

Correct. I'm going to take the ferry, then take the bus, then on the Verrazano Bridge. And then you are going... What are you?

And then the next day I'm coming and I'm working with you on the JR Support Bridge. Nah, don't do that. Take Monday off. No, I can't do that. You can. You got options. First of all, I don't know if I'm out of days by that point. Oh, okay.

Okay. No, but I wouldn't take it off. Take a sick day, bro.

You can take a sick day. No, but I did it last year with you. I did it the other day with you. I'm not going to take it off.

I didn't know you did it. Yeah. You can take a sick day, man. No, come on. I'm going to take a sick day if I'm actually sick. Cal Ripken- I may take a sick day. I'm going to be in pain from listening to you. Cal Ripken Jr. would be ashamed of me if I did that. You ain't Cal Ripken Jr.

He didn't care about you. Come on, man. Listen, he's Baltimore royalty for a reason now. You're going to work a four-hour radio shift from 2 to 6 a.m. You're going to get on a boat- Yeah. ... to jog over a bridge, to jog all over New York City- Yeah. ... and you're going to be done at. What are you doing on Monday? Sleeping? Sleeping.

Well, no, I'm going to have work Monday- Oh, my God. ... during the day. But, JR, in all seriousness, we talk about all these world-class athletes all the time- For sure. ... and the amount that they have to delegate and the amount that they have to balance, being full-time parents, ambassadors, brands, and obviously world-class athletes.

If they can do what they do- Then you can do this. ... I find it rather ironic that so many people that sit behind a microphone are fat, lazy- Oh, my God. ... and stupid.

Oh, crap. I don't want to be any of those three. You don't want to be fat, lazy, or stupid? I don't want to be any of those three. And so I'm going to be as critical as I am- Yeah.

... and be as specific with my eye when I observe sports and athletes. Yeah, yeah. I got to live up to the same creed. Well, you're going to be running that marathon, and I'm probably going to be sitting around having a glass of Jack, man. Okay.

That's probably what I'm doing. Well, you deserve it. You work six, seven days every single week, so- Yeah, well- Just don't do it with Alexa. That's all I ask. Well, listen, she ain't going nowhere, man. Okay.

There might be people that come and go. Alexa. She ain't going nowhere. She's here to stay. Got it. Oh, she ain't going nowhere.

Got it, got it. Gives me the weather when I need it. You know, plays everything that I need. Yeah, sounds like a wonderful- She knows when to shut up to. Okay. Well, I don't know that part, but that sounds- Oh, yeah. Alexa sounds like a wonderful, wonderful companion, JR. Yeah. It talks back and only has certain parameters. Yeah. Makes life simple.

It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Oh, yeah. We just talked about a lot.

Feel free to chime in. We're going to get to some football and, yeah, well, speaking of places making tons of money and making more and more money, the NFL is in London. They're trying to go other places, too. I'm going to get to your calls on the other side of the break. I know these phone lines are bumping. It's the JR Sport Reshow, CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. Hey, JR. Thanks for taking my car. You have a great show.

I listen to you on my midnight shift every night. Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. 855-212-4CBS.

It's 855-212-4CBS. Oh, yeah. That background music is... Yeah, that lady's something. I don't even know if I want to tell anybody to Google who she is. New York Jets know who she is.

Sexy red. Anyway, 855-212-4CBS. Look, we got a lot of callers here on the phone.

A lot of them. Let's get to as many calls as possible. I do want to talk about the NFL games that are going to be taking place in London. We got the first one this upcoming Sunday, as the Atlanta Falcons are going to take on the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Maybe the Jacksonville Jaguars will actually find some offense in London because they haven't been able to find any here in the United States of America. But let's get to your calls. We got a lot of people. So please, if you hear the sound of my voice, which most of you do. Yes, the answers mean all of you do.

Uh, just please hit your point so we can try to get on as many people as possible. Let's start off. Nick from Chicago.

You're on the JR Sport Brief Show. Go ahead, Nick. Hi, how are you doing tonight?

Amazing. Go ahead, bro. Um, so I think the Broncos are going to unfortunately win over the Bears because the Bears, I'm just going to point this out. The Bears, their defense, not good.

Like they lost 42 to 10 last week. I just don't think the Bears have enough in it, in them. I, I agree with you. And I think they're a bunch of quitters and I think they're a bunch of finger pointers.

And I think at the end of the season, a lot of the dudes on the Bears, primarily the quarterback or starting with the quarterback are not going to be there. I agree with you, Nick. It's going to be hard to come by. 855-212-4CBS. Sam is calling from Detroit.

You're on the JR Sport Brief Show. Go ahead, Sam. What's up, JR? Good evening. Sure. Shout out to all the, shout out to the Amish in Michigan since we talked about the Amish.

Okay. You, you, you like electricity? Oh, I'm, I have to have electricity. Yeah, I'm, I'm a Detroiter.

I, you know, I don't know if it's too many Amish in Detroit, but I'll keep it brief, JR. First off, shout out to all the Detroiters who had that epiphany last night. And you finally realized that we have a contender. But I really called you about the rookie of the month.

It's a really quick thing. I, I don't know how Pooka and Brian Branch aren't rookie of the month over CJ Stroud and Christian Gonzalez. Christian's great, but, you know, Brian showed up as like, he might be best at his position at the nickel, you know, coming into the league. Like in, you know, it might be by next year where he might be the best nickel in the league if not by the end of this year. And Pooka's, I mean, obviously breaking two records to start your career.

To me, that would seem like it would be more impactful. And we'll see what CJ and, and the rest of the, you know, the players that didn't play on Thursday night, what they do this weekend, but that's hard to come by. Like I did, I did see that CJ Stroud was named the rookie of the month and I know what he's done in the first three games is historic when it comes down to touchdown to turnover ratio and yards. I see all of that.

I gotta be honest though, bruh. Who's, who's tracking offensive defensive rookie? Who's looking at that?

Man, I watch it all, bro. Anything, anything that gets thrown out there as if it's supposed to be the truth, just because it's out on our social media things or anything like that. It didn't make sense to me. That they both were first rounders and they both got the rookie. I'm just not thinking about that. Let me know at the end of the year who wins. Let me know who wins rookie of the year, not the month. I don't care.

Hey, I got it. I think I got defensive rookie of the year in my city. You just might've hope his ankle is cool. How's his ankle today? Did it blow up? It probably did, but you know, he's young.

If he was older, I'd be worried, but kids are bouncing back now in their twenties. All right. Thank you, Sam.

You take it easy. All right, brother. Have a good night and go to the MGM for me. Okay.

Oh man. I got to stay at the MGM, bro. I can't and it's been a minute.

I don't want you to listen. I grew up here, born and raised. So I know all the spots where I can get in trouble in that.

So I can keep my butt down. That's why I'm telling you to go. Cause I've been, I've been downtown. I see what, nevermind. I'll talk to you later, Sam. Okay. All right.

No, I'm sorry. Downtown Detroit. I'll be back.

NFL draft is coming up. I will be back. Downtown Detroit.

They building up everything down. So I was going on over there. I don't like the Nike store out there though. Sorry. Larry's here from Cleveland. You're on CBS sports radio. What's up, Larry? Oh, hello, Jared. Nice speaking to you again. You know, I was man. How are you feeling? What's up with you too? Listen, you know, I have Alexa's and I have iPhones and I have all the technologies that I need as a, as a person with disabilities. It keeps me in tune and you know what? I'm going to tell you straight out the back.

I'm not going to hold no ribs against nobody. You know, sometimes it keeps me posted about the stupidity that goes on in Washington, DC. You know, as Americans with disabilities, we demand for a change.

And sometimes I have to keep my Joe Biden jokes fresh because sometimes I'm embarrassed of being a citizen in this country. We're going backwards. They are, we're going backwards. All your, all your people, disabilities that you represent and an orchest that you do, you can look at their eyes.

Look at their eyes. I mean, the blind community here in Cleveland have lost a camp called Highbrook lounge. We have nobody to do it. You know why?

Because after the pandemic, all people with disabilities across the country have lost their campsites because they can't operate them without staff. Nobody wants to work with us. Nobody wants to help us.

Nobody wants to do very much. You do a lot. So thank you.

Thank you for bringing awareness to this. What would you like people to do as opposed to telling us what has happened now that you have done that? What would you like the listeners to do?

I would like to see if we can reach out to any of the athletes or somebody, LeBron James or somebody to do something because they actually do much more. I want to go all the way to AT&T stadium. I'm an AT&T customer and I'm going to keep it straight. You're going to go to Dallas? AT&T all the way to Dallas to call on Congress to tell how mediocre they are. This isn't the AT&T stadium. I want to thank the athletes what they do for us.

LeBron James, everybody else. How about this? What's the name of the place again? Just the name? It's called Highbrook Lodge. It's owned by the Cleveland Site Center, but we need help.

We need to stay this camp. All right. Well, you shared the name and I appreciate you for bringing awareness to the rest of the country and also the listeners in Cleveland. Thank you, Larry. You're welcome, sir. Thank you for having mine to see all night. Nice listening to you.

Oh, thank you so much. Yeah, just doing cool stuff. Hey Marco, you like cool stuff, right? Of course. What's your favorite cool thing you like? I don't know.

Tell me something cool. Go ahead. Come on, man.

Throw me like that. Why you do me like that? I don't know. We were talking about you missed the whole conversation about Alexa. You missed it. We talk about Alexa and technology.

You missed it. Yeah, but it's that's I'm saying like I'm not I'm not cool enough for that stuff. I don't really do all those things.

I'm kind of laid back and very nuts and bolts. I'm an old man. What could I tell you?

If I got both of you guys in Alexa for Christmas, I mean. I don't want it. Thank you. But no, I don't want it. Damn.

I'm a little bit luck. Yeah, I'm not to say it's one in the bathroom right there in the studio. I'm aware and it's fine in the bathroom in the studio at work is good. You come into my house. I'm not tinfoil guy, but I don't want big brother. I don't want you in my house. I want you out. Hey, I haven't called for three days. Okay, Marco. I'm sorry. It's that's just that's how I am. You know you you're welcome over.

You got anything that gives a technological beeping device to your location. Get the hell out of my house. I don't want you here. Chef. Chef. Throw Marco.

Chef. Go to Marco. Well, before I throw Marco, you're not an Alexa guy either.

I'm not either, Marco. Thank you. It's unnecessary. It's unnecessary.

It's just flexing. That's all it is. We've all shared completely. I didn't share completely. Did I get rid of your voice completely?

Did I finally get rid of it? No, no, I had to, you sent me, you sent me into a coughing, a coughing fit. And so now that I'm out of my coughing fit, I was telling Shep to throw to Marco. I got it.

But I, but I wanted to kind of ascertain where Marco was coming from because I didn't get a chance to ask him that question. I thought it was invaluable. That's all it is.

Two on one. Y'all two hate Alexa. And it's just me over here. It's just not necessary. By the way, the hosts are so good here. We have to also hear them when we go to the bathroom.

So that makes all the sense in the world. You can unplug it from the wall. Why would I want to do that?

The host is too good here. Well, you could tell it to shut up too. I don't, I have no problem with that. You go in there, you go into the restroom and you tell the machine to shut up.

I do not, but you can. I mean, you could tell the, you know, the machine to stop playing. When I'm in the studio next time and I walk into the restroom, I'm going to call it and I'm going to say, stop. You could.

Nobody's going to know it's me. Exactly. You could do that.

And that again, I wouldn't do that. I'm cool with it at work. I have a little bit of a thing though. When I get in the home, like, no, I don't want, no, get the hell out of here.

Now I'm home. Can I just say it's still odd to me when I'm in the studio in New York, that this Alexa in the bathroom, I mean, isn't that kind of weird? Well, you know what's weird gentlemen is in both bathrooms, it's WFAN. And last time I checked, CBS Sports Radio is pretty prominent here too.

We should make one bathroom at least. Well, Shep, you can talk to it and tell it to play whatever you want it to play. That's whoever goes in there and says it. All you got to do is walk in there and tell it what to play. Yeah, I know, I know plenty about it. I just, I don't have it. Doesn't mean I don't understand it.

You can tell it to play whatever you want. And let's be fair, gentlemen, in the bathroom, I'd rather hear whatever host is on than anything else that's going on in there. Let's be fair.

Okay. I think that's why it should stay on 24 hours a day. I like the host here.

I agree. I just always wonder why it's always on WFAN every single time I'm in the bathroom and never on CBS Sports Radio. You change it. I will change it.

You change it. That's a deal. That's a deal, but don't turn it off.

When we go to break, go to the restroom and change the station. Okay. There you go. Don't turn it off. You know how to use it, right?

No. You got to call it. You say, what is the thing called? You walk in there and say, hey, Alexa, play whatever. Right. Hey, Alexa, CBS Sports Radio, play our sport brief. Play.

Play CBS Sports Radio. Got it. There you go. Yeah. See?

Go try it and see. Hey, let's go for it. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. I love hearing you every day.

I get off work on the way home. I love hearing it. I'm glad you live in the great state that we live in.

Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. Yeah, the great state of Georgia. Atlanta. It's the JR Sport Reshow on CBS Sports Radio. You know, amongst all the football activities that have been going on, Justin Fields, Kansas City Chiefs, Taylor Swift, the New York Jets, the 0-3 teams, all the bad ones. Has anybody been paying attention to what's going on in Vegas with Chandler Jones? He was arrested this week. Chef, did you hear about Chandler Jones?

I have not. He was arrested in Vegas. Well, you saw the video, right? He put the video up, and he put up the tweets.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You showed me it. Yeah, he's been crapping on the organization. He was arrested for violating some type of domestic violence ordinance where he's supposed to stay away from somebody. It's not a good look for this dude right now. There's something mentally going wrong. He put up a video about Aaron Hernandez, and then also Josh McDaniel.

It's just... I hope he gets better. I don't know. Even when you think about the issues that his brothers had to deal with, and drugs pretty much, just...

I don't know. All the best to Chandler Jones. He was arrested, but it seems like there are just deeper issues at hand. I don't know if we're going to see him back in the NFL at this point.

I don't think it matters. Just get well, man. 855-212-4CVS. Dragon calling from Ohio. What's up, Dragon? Good morning, JR. How are you doing, man? Good to talk to you. Well, I'm about to cough up a lung, but go ahead. Yeah, I heard you.

They got you going there. Couple of things I want to say real quick. Shep, I love your ideas and stuff like that, but as a motivator that I speak to kids, you got to be that change. You got a lot of passion in you. We want to be the change, and you want to make money, have them donate money and do that.

I'm willing to donate my time to come up there with you, do a marathon show, raise money, whatever charity you want. Secondly, Dorian Thompson Robinson is going to probably play Sunday, JR, for Cleveland. Well, I mean, that sucks.

I mean, everybody wants to see Watson. Shep, take over, Shep. I'm going to dial. So, Dragon, so the individual that you're talking about now, let's just look at big picture for a second.

You are calling from Ohio. Sure. Tell me the status of where Browns fans align with Deshaun Watson, because he has had a nice bounce back season compared to the average-ness and pedestrian-ness he was in his rookie year with the Haslams. So, I like the direction that they're going in. I'm going to be honest with you. And by the way, Dragon, their defense, and I include the Cowboys and 49ers in this conversation, I don't know that there's a better defense in the NFL right now than the Browns.

No, there isn't. But here's the thing about the Browns fans. I have been on them all week long because more than half of them still don't believe in the Browns yet. They're still negative thinking. That's a pretty high ratio considering what the Browns have done the last 30 years.

It's really, really bad. Right. I mean, they're all over. They nitpick Watson to death.

But I'm going to give you a couple examples, Chef. Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl. What won the Super Bowl? A defense. Yeah.

He's going to go Brad Johnson next. Oh my God. Dragon, do you see how much they throw this football around in 2023? Sure. So, I don't know if we can look back at 20 years ago and apply it to right now.

You got to throw the ball. Well, sure. But that's where I'm going to break some news to you. I heard and I have an inside source over the last 20 years in Cleveland. And I've heard that they are talking right now to Devante Adams with the Raiders. Good. Yeah. And I mean, if they put him in there, you know, they're going all in, JR. Yeah, I heard he's pretty good.

I heard of him. Yeah. Yeah. And they put him in there. They're going all in to go to the Super Bowl. I like the Lions. I mean, I'm glad they're doing well. It was good to see their fans come out. But over here, the Browns are quiet.

They're not getting no attention, no media, no nothing. And that's good because I think that's narrative we'll watch. But no matter, you know. Let me tell, hold on, Dragon. I got to, I got to go ahead and hit the break, but let me tell you something, man. Deshaun Watson in the Super Bowl is exactly what the NFL in the country wants to see, OK? I'm sure of that.

But here's what I want to give you in closing. When they lost to Pittsburgh, he threw the ball to a tight end and hit him right in the hands and bounced out of his hand. How is that Watson's fault? When he fumbled the ball, the two blockers didn't even pick up the defensive end coming around the corner to hit the ball. You don't have enough time. I'm not, I haven't.

And I mean, you might be referring to people locally or your friends or whatever. I still think the dude is a very good quarterback. I wouldn't be shocked at anything if he regains Pro Bowl form so we can stop. You don't have to defend Deshaun Watson. My point to you is that the NFL, my point to you is that nobody in the NFL office wants to see that man in the Super Bowl.

It's going to be just a big old joke for folks. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio 855-212-4CBS. I'm going to get some more of your calls on the other side of the break and not just your calls. NFL is busy.

NFL is in Europe. It's trying to go other places too. I'll tell you where.

You're on CBS Sports Radio. Don't move. Summer may be over but the beach is open. Whether you're a long-time Bachelor fan or never seen a single show, this season of Bachelor in Paradise is for you.

The premise of the show is pretty straightforward. You've got 20 beautiful singles living on a beach with one goal to find love. There's sure to be romance, laughter and complete chaos. Love triangles will form, so will love squares and even love hexagons because life's a beach and then you cry and cry some more. Yes, this season is going to be bananas but after eight years of successfully uniting soulmates and marriage and kids, there is still magic in paradise. So only one question remains. Who will find love next?

Bachelor in Paradise premieres Thursday September 28th 9 8 central on ABC and stream on Hulu. What's up everybody? I'm Danny Parkins based out of Chicago. This is my buddy Andrew Filippone. He's based out of Pittsburgh.

You really got to check out our podcast First and Pod. Twice a week we're going to break down the NFL after Thursday Night Football and Sunday Night Football. It's every team. It's every game. It's all 32 teams. We give you a complete picture and we get into it. We don't kiss each other's fannies on this show. New episodes of First and Pod available when you wake up every Monday and Friday morning throughout the football season in the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts.
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