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JR SportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
October 22, 2022 12:59 am

JR SportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR

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October 22, 2022 12:59 am

JR continues the Russell Westbrook talk while pivoting to Dak Prescott's return for the Dallas Cowboys.

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Some fans gear up for game day, but some fans follow their team every day. That's why the Locked On Podcast Network has a daily podcast for your favorite NBA team. Every trade, every overtime win, every game, our local experts cover the biggest stories around your team every day. Search Locked On plus your favorite NBA team on the Odyssey app or wherever you get podcasts. The Locked On Podcast Network, your team every day.

Some fans gear up for game day, but some fans follow their team every day. That's why the Locked On Podcast Network has a daily podcast for your favorite NBA team. Every trade, every overtime win, every game, our local experts cover the biggest stories around your team every day. Search Locked On plus your favorite NBA team on the Odyssey app or wherever you get podcasts. The Locked On Podcast Network, your team every day. is when i get started we talked about christian mccaffrey and his trade kyle shanahan john lynch they talked about their newest acquisition emory hunt he was able to come through and join us to talk college football he covers all things college football for cbs sports hq we talked about elijah moore yeah who elijah moore wide receiver new york jets in his second season already asking to be moved because he didn't feel he was getting the proper touches it sounds like a dude who's always or maybe just about that coin just about his bread and i'm not mad at him speaking of all about that bread right before we went to break we talked about russell westbrook lagers lose to the clippers last night russell westbrook only has two points on 0 for 11 shooting to go along with four assists and three rebounds he did not want to go out there and do any type of work he stunk and then after the game he was asked by a reporter hey what do you think about your own personal performance and quite frankly it wasn't good this was russell westbrook's response you personally how would you assess your game tonight um solid solid um played hard that's all you can ask for solid solid yeah we sucked i sucked i didn't even make a field goal but yeah he was solid and so the point i made last hour was that russell westbrook isn't just a he's in an interesting spot as a professional he's young enough to still go out there and play at a high level or a decent level but then he's too old to demand the type of salary that he's getting right now 50 million dollars and so if you look up and down and up and down the the current nba roster what's the ideal spot it doesn't even feel like there is it's like there's not a a thing ideal if you're a championship contender what do you want him for you're already contending if you're a bad team why would he want to go to a bad team and why would you want him it's unfortunate he is one of the best i don't think he's appreciated the way that he should be for the things that he does not do like be an awesome shooter or at least enough of a decent shooter where lebron james doesn't feel obligated to throw you under the bus i'm gonna get some more of your calls i then also want to keep things rolling and talk about some of these disappointing teams in the nfl let's hit the phone lines eight five five two one two four cbs tony's calling from toronto go ahead hey jr um regards to westbrook i don't think the feature is as bad as i guess to me it is making it sound he's in the top three on the lakers in points per game at about 18 he's in the top three on the lakers in points per game at about 18 assists he led the team now you can't expect him to be the leader of the team at this point and the way he's playing but how about going to a team where you're not so much in the limelight the media's not all over you a team like denver where you got a solid base of five starters no that's that's oh man but they need someone to lead let's say the the second lineup or in case of you know what you want to rest a couple of your starters you have a more than capable individual like i said the numbers don't reflect what's being said about him because when you're getting about 18 19 points a game there's a lot of nba players whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i i think that's i think that's looking at things through rose-colored glasses when you have two points you have taken 11 shots and you have none yes that is an outlier type game but there have been so many games jr may i finish yeah and then please let me finish back no i don't thank you anyway listen the fact is you can have a a russell westbrook on your team it's the it's the consistency of it it's what are you willing to do this unfortunately to me feels like a an allen iverson situation where you know someone is capable of still going out there and just straight getting buckets the nba isn't just solely about hey can you get shots can you get buckets as you get older you're gonna have to figure out how you can contribute you have to figure out oh man i can't start i'm not gonna last they're younger guys who are gonna be around longer than i do how do i fit in that's it and a lot of teams quite frankly also don't want the distraction if i'm the denver nuggets jamor murray is coming off of an injury michael porter jr man every time he breathes you hope he doesn't come down with a back obviously you have nikola jokic yeah westbrook would be nice to do what though he ain't gonna go out there and spread the floor he's not he's not gonna knock down a j it's the consistency he's starting to look like alan iverson on the way out the door greg is calling from michigan go ahead greg hey jr mr positive you are spot on about russell here's the thing i gotta ask you my friend how does lebron stay in the moment and surpass what's happening and get past this i love real quick anthony davis's resilience last night he took a massive fall you could tell he hit the floor hard and normally you know he probably wouldn't finish the game but he came back i was very pleased with that my friend but what about lebron i love him what about him what what am i supposed to say about him he's gonna pass kareem if he's healthy right he's looking to win the championship they're gonna have to be a little bit more gonna win the championship they're gonna have to ship out a westbrook and somebody to do that and it's not even a guarantee that they win a championship with whoever they bring in it's it's tricky do they have a chance to make the playoffs please say yes it's slim i mean look at the depth that they have on the team look at the depth and look at the lack of shooting yeah they're not the lakers aren't all that man they i wouldn't be surprised if they did not make the playoffs my this it's a massive question mark the lakers roster right now is not going to be the lakers roster that goes on a a run to the playoffs just to get in they're going to have to make some changes because uh it's obvious like westbrook is checked out he's done he's cooked yeah yeah good luck right okay thank you i thank you for calling from michigan paul from rhode island you're on cbs sports radio all right let's talk about one thing really well let's get there go ahead russell westbrook is a bad man he's a bad man really really does he make the money well who said who said well paul who said he was a bad man no come on come on you know everybody the media everybody's on top of the guy why why no guys it's a five-game five-game guy okay i don't know i don't know what a five-game guy means but let me let me let me uh at least try to clarify some of my own statements russell westbrook we can all look at the numbers and see what he's accomplished in the league at the same time we know who he is not the man has never been an excellent shooter there have been plenty of times throughout the course of his career where he has made some questionable decisions throughout the course of his career he's also been very combative with the media he's been very short with the media he's been very curt he's been very sarcastic he has not done himself any favors and he's well within his right to go ahead and do anything that he wants it it hasn't got him it hasn't got him anything in return i don't think anybody looks at him as a quote-unquote bad man or bad guy russell westbrook outside of basketball when he's not in the locker room does a lot of amazing things in the community where he's from in los angeles he's he's very outspoken in that regard he has many interests fashion so i don't think anybody looks at russell westbrook and calls him a bad guy he has not helped himself with the media with how he just acts and how he treats people treats people that is his own doing absolutely paul where have you been where have i been i've been around anybody that's oh wait well hold on a second paul it's friday night what you've been doing before you spoke to me paul listen i've been sipping i've been sipping red breast and i have a message in a bottle for you no no thank you paul billy is calling from charlotte you're on cbs sports radio what's up what's going on jr listen it's actually philly nate and charlotte but hey i got i got two points the first one is why you got to disrespect ai like that and compare them to westbrook well disrespect alan iverson in what regard to even put him in a comparison like the cancer that is known as russell i mean ai no whoa no no no no well let me explain something well here's let me clarify sure i didn't i did not compare alan iverson to russell westbrook that's that's the first thing i looked at how the two i looked at how alan iverson's career ended and the potential for russell westbrook's career to end it has nothing to do with alan iverson i can sit here and write a book and tell you how amazing he is all the way from when he came out from the beach in virginia all the way to finishing up his career bouncing around to the detroit and the memphis's of the world trying to fit in being an absolutely amazing scorer and refusing to back down from what he was used to there's a similarity there in what we currently see with russell westbrook how does he fit in into the current nba how does he fit into a team where he's not what he was where please help me find the disrespect to alan iverson i just think including them both in that same sentence right now towards the end of their career ai i think took it a lot more elegantly he accepted his role he kept no he did not he accepted his role he accepted his role so much that he ended up on three different teams on the end yes he he finally at the end he did not say hey i'm going to the bench he didn't do that he was combative all the way through until he had no choice yeah i i don't remember the scrutiny that westbrook's getting compared to ai alan iverson's career did not end on twitter it did not end on instagram it didn't exist in such a way that it does today so if you want to talk about scrutiny then that's that's completely different we don't live in the same media space even though this was about a decade ago but to say that alan iverson was accepting of his bench role or or that he he exited out so eloquently there's a reason why he ended up from philly into detroit or excuse me philly into denver then into detroit then in memphis he did not say hey please i'm willing to do it not at all yeah i mean i agree to disagree but i want to close it out with this why am i still not a believer in jailing hurts and he stood off the eagles being from oh we're not talking about the we're not talking about the eagles right now and it's and you're fine to uh agree to disagree i'm just telling you the facts you can disagree with the facts all you want that's just the reality of it disrespect to alan i love alan iverson ain't no disrespect it's just the facts he accepted a bench role and left eloquently no he didn't this man was was was moved around he didn't want to sheesh brett is calling from chicago you're on cbs sports radio what's up brett hey jr uh it's nice talking to you first time caller um can you hear me i hear you loud and clear you're live going ahead great um so i want to talk about russell westbrook and uh i've been a huge huge russell westbrook fan my whole life uh you know all the way from his ucla days um and i've seen him i've seen him play up live and i think his career is far from over i think that if he lands with the right coach like a greg popovich maybe on the spurs that you know that could revive his career almost kind of like demar de rosen when he kind of left toronto and everybody forgot him and he's been a huge player left toronto and everybody forgot about him and you know why why would why would the spurs want him on the team and why would he want to play there to rebuild his legacy and maybe have a coach to in his ear to stop you know doing the nonsense so why would if i'm the san antonio spurs and i have tons of young players and i'm trying to develop these young players who might be future assets for me to play or future assets for me to move if i'm the san antonio spurs and i'm i'm probably looking towards the draft why would i want why would i want westbrook in the locker room why for what he's a voice and he's a leader i mean oh no over the last year we've seen it no that is a that's not okay to be with the ramp that's that's not a reason for a a young team to bring him in when you have an older player who's accomplished and he hasn't accomplished a championship and he's highly scrutinized that's called the distraction there's no reason to bring him in and to say he is a leader a leader of of of what there's no reason for the spurs to say we want to bring in russell westbrook and if i'm russell westbrook why do i want to babysit why because i have zero options left i mean to him he does technically i mean like you said his days the mbas could be numbered if he doesn't take either of them offered and if i'm what and if i'm russell westbrook and i've made all the money in the world and the san antonio spurs they and i'm i'm telling you something factual bret i'm not i'm not sharing with you something that that would be my opinion there would be no reason really for them to say oh my god we need him on the team he is running out of options a championship contender wouldn't necessarily want to bring him on because he's an he's an odd fit if you are a rebuilding team you're saying he's a leader it's like oh my god he's a distraction at that point it it's it's hard man on the lakers right now right man he's a distraction on the lakers obviously hang out of the lakers well that's like a change of scenery would do him well and in the spurs it just might might i don't know because you know he might put up the numbers and then make oh my god no no he would take those young players no he would take away shots on the basketball court from young players who the spurs want to develop and build up their value in the locker room he would bring nothing they have nothing to do with bringing him in they got a bunch of young guys they don't want somebody in get him to get right like he was an okc and he was triple no what is greg popovich is he a babysitter or is he trying to win basketball games sure the san antonio spurs are in a rebuilding situation greg popovich wants to see what he has in the young players that is on his team as opposed to bringing in someone who is older who who might be washed up to a certain degree there's no benefit for him in that we know who he is well thank you bret for what you got you got an opportunity to put five guys on a basketball court five five if you're the san antonio spurs you put your young guys on the court you see what they can do can you sink can you swim well wow he's swimming well let's keep him or he's swimming let's trade him oh wow us as a team we're sinking we get a draft pick why am i putting russell westbrook into the mix to do what to take away shots from guys i'm trying to evaluate why makes no sense none this is this is like the end of the line here this is my concern and worry i'm not i'm not uh i'm not stupid enough to go this will never work for russell westbrook i don't need to make a hard line in the sand what i will tell you is is starting to become very bleak our friend who just called from san antonio he's not being realistic you can look at the standings you can look at every team look at every team you can do it yourself if you're not driving please if you're driving don't do it look at every nba team tell me what team what team would want to add russell westbrook who is it a dumbass one that's who it would be i wish he could change his game around it's a massive adjustment this is this is how it goes you get great players still have talent talent has kind of ran its course in different places and now you have to adjust it's the jr sport re-show here with you on cbs sports radio 855-212-4 cbs we got a lot of people on the line with a lot of opinions i'm gonna take more of these calls when we come back we're gonna talk some nfl speaking of disappointments it's the jr sport re-show on cbs sports radio it's the jr sport re-show here with you on cbs sports radio people got strong opinions about russell westbrook i want to finish up your calls here on rus i want to talk to you unfortunately about some disappointing teams in the nfl and we're going to keep things rolling 855-212-4 cbs paul is calling from boston you're on the jr sport brief show hey how you doing you know i heard that guy earlier you know trying to downplay alan iverson and you know it's funny this is an argument that i've gotten with a lot of people paul slow down he he wasn't he wasn't trying to he actually called up and was upset that i put alan iverson and russell westbrook in the same sentence not understanding i wasn't comparing them as as players but i was looking at the end of alan iverson's career and saying how he went out being relegated from the the superstar without a shadow of a doubt to someone who had to adjust and change his role that was the comparison he called me to big up alan iverson so i want to make sure that that's clear there i think we all know because i was going to say in my opinion alan iverson in my opinion is one of the greatest nba nba players to ever play on the court during a time when he played with some of the most elite hall of fame nba players to ever play on the court the hall of fame nba players during that time the jordans the robertsons shackles go on and on and not to mention he carried that 76s team into that nba finals with who eric snow i think yes and uh yes yes eric snow and and larry hughs yes i think most people would say that so then no need no need to defend alan iverson we know he was an absolutely amazing player i caught the end of it i'm sorry i caught the end i just get out of work and i always tune in so i apologize i caught no problem appreciate you paul thank you for calling from boston yeah we know he's a great player we know that robert is calling from detroit you're on cbs sports radio what's up robert hey how you doing jr my first time calling love your show thanks um you guys were talking about what's the rest book i jumped in about 20 minutes ago and i just wanted to say that russell westbrook was compared to um you watching michael myers what's that in the back i'm sorry about that let me get out the noise but no but was that michael myers so no that wasn't michael myers i just want to call him to say uh westbrook is compared to uh carmelo when he was with james harden he played real good and then when he started to walk to other teams he uh he started downfall no that's that's not that's that's reasonable i think something else we need to keep in mind here thank you robert for calling from detroit russell westbrook over the past several seasons since leaving oklahoma city he had that stop in houston with with hardened and then he goes to washington now he's a laker that paul george was supposed to stick around with him out there and then he didn't want to be there anymore he's like i'm going to hang out with kawhi lennard russell westbrook is 34 years old well he's about to be 34 in a couple of weeks we've seen the best days of this guy it's not to say that he doesn't have talent or that he can't help out with the team but he's the one who now has to make the adjustment the boogie down is calling from florida go ahead boogie hey you're live hello you're you're live go ahead please oh my bad um it's boogie down i i said that go ahead please oh okay okay how many years russell westbrook got on um got on his contract this is it this is the final year of his deal he'll be a free agent okay i got i got a trade for you uh cal larry and uh duncan robertson sister lake with these shooters what what what what benefit does that do what benefit does that do for the heat for an expiring contract what's the rest look is better than uh cal larry correct oh man is he yeah to to do what on an expiring deal so he comes in what are you going to do at the end of the season you're just going to hold on you're going to re-sign russell westbrook to a longer term deal well you can free up past me right to do so but here's the thing if you're the miami heat you're trying to compete and win a championship right now you're not trying to dump one asset coming off of a poor season due to personal reasons to to bring in russell westbrook well you can bring them into the uh to the heat culture and maybe they can change them something like that well it's this well the heat culture it is uh let me check it depending on where you live it's it's saturday october 22nd the season is underway uh that's that that's that's that's kind of tough to go through you know at the same time if i'm the los angeles lakers and i want to it just it doesn't make sense boogie it does they say um they didn't want to trade there to uh 2028 29 picks so they can keep those picks and then we'll just do a straight up trade for dunking and cal and if it don't work it don't work yeah i don't i don't see i don't see the miami heat saying let me bring in uh russell westbrook because i don't that actually would make them worse uh all things considered if kyle lowrey is healthy enough to play basketball and i would hope to god that he doesn't have to deal with personal things that he did last year i think he's a better fit overall for the team than bringing in westbrook who you don't know what you're going to get especially with all of the surrounding talent russell westbrook is a and has been a ball dominant guard he's not someone who's the best of shooters if i'm the miami heat i don't want to bring in someone who's less of a shooter than kyle lowrey to pair him up with someone who also isn't the greatest of shooters and jimmy butler it's not the best idea in the world greg is calling from ontario you're on cbs sports radio hey greg you're live yes uh it's greg from othas ontario sir i heard i said that you know said that you're greg from ontario go ahead is this the jr man or just we're recording no this would happen to be santa claus mark is calling from atlanta you're on cbs sports radio i love it man i love it hey um you know russell i was a critic because i didn't like him being moved around all you know to team after team after team like you just stated but um i always thought he gave his you know his all when he played and he still does his shooting you know obviously is off and i think he should be like in the gym all day practicing his shooting so because he's just that good of a player he's box office when you know i think he's still box office and my thing is you know when kobe was he gave his endorsement about uh russell's man you know he was one of his favorite players so that must mean something uh yeah yeah well kobe brian said he he's intense he reminds him of him in that regard that was about six or seven years ago when russell westbrook was still in his in his 20s so if i have to look at the year 2022 i don't think that means a whole hell of a lot of anything right now can i ask you one question about lebron if you don't mind certainly um when you watch lebron play if you look at him on the court he's very you know just distant he's not even in the action i mean i know he's putting up numbers sometimes but yeah his body languages his body languages he's two through and and he's he's done that through certain parts of his career whether it's walking off of the court or whether it's being distant yeah we we've seen that i would agree with that and one more thing are you a fan of russell westbrook do you think he's worth do you think he's still good a fan of russell westbrook uh a fan uh to watch him play basketball he's okay i don't know if i'd call myself a fan i feel that he he's talented can he contribute to a team does he have talents yes for how he's played can he fit in on a on many teams i i wouldn't think so anymore he's running out of space why no because i think he still can move up and down the floor it's not like he's i mean it's not but it's it's it's not whether or not he is falling completely off the wagon here's a couple of things he plays balls to the wall he plays one speed okay that's that's that's not conducive at this stage of his career with reduced athleticism and poor decision making that's that's it's difficult to slot him in all of his greatness is is it can't be covered up with age he was an mvp he was or is the the man who's had more triple doubles than anybody in nba history how you fit how you fit how you fit that in right now with a team trying to compete for a championship is very difficult it just is it's um it's a sad situation i hope he can i hope he can find some place where he can do some damage it's the jr sport reshow here with you on cbs sports radio eight five five two one two four cvs when we come back we're going to talk about someone who is actually going to fit into a situation he's a starting quarterback for the dallas cowboys it's the jr sport reshow cbs sports radio it is the jr sport reshow on cbs sports radio so many conversations about individuals who uh might be towards the end of the line there's no guarantee that they have a future that would be russell westbrook someone who we can finally put this conversation to bed and i'm thrilled and i'm just like it was a farce it was a joke the whole damn time it was dak prescott what happens when dak prescott is healthy enough to come back from that busted up hand not being able to grip the football as per jerry jones are they going to keep cooper rush out there it was only jerry jones about a month ago who wanted to champion the cause of i hope i'd love to have a quarterback controversy because that means that cooper rush played well well he did for backup he did his job absolutely he did he didn't throw them out of games at the same time he didn't throw them into winning games and in his last outing recently against those eagles and who happen to now be six and oh cooper rushed through three interceptions and so perfect timing for dak prescott to return and ride in on a the high horse let everybody know that he's the boss as they get ready to take on a team that is uh just ripe for the picking that happens to be the detroit lions great situation to come back to if you are the four and two dallas cowboys taking on detroit unless detroit decides to send out all the offense the cowboys should be in a good position to go five and two and so dak after weeks of the nonsense cooper rush should start if they're winning then cooper rush should keep the job and no need to bring in dak no need to do that dak put that all to bed when he spoke to the media listen to this confirmation of him starting against detroit i'm thankful that i'm healthy that's all that's all i care about and think about and not just by playing playing the game that i love just to be clear you are starting sunday i am and how i think anyway so how do you wish the game was tomorrow or do you need these days to get ready i mean i'm fine i think the number counted things you watched the practice or had that film you would say that yeah i could play today i could play tomorrow but obviously there's still preparation to be done um yeah we've got this is just thursday we've got friday saturday to make sure that we're exactly where we need to be okay and he's gonna be out there and good for him i mean outside of having his his ankle snapped and then having to deal with even some of the lingering after effects with his ankle achilles last year i remember that game against the new england patriots dak presscott has been healthy relatively speaking over the the start of his career going out there for about four consecutive years and starting every single game in the past couple of seasons he's been snakebit like who's to say he comes out of the gate or he came out of the gate earlier this year and it's just like hey i got a broken thumb now you gotta send in cooper rush and so the dallas cowboys they still have some life they still have some opportunity i guess to be semi-relevant but it's hard to be totally relevant for the the right reasons when jerry jones opens up his mouth at every single opportunity this is his weekly hit on 105.3 the fan down in dallas jerry jones goes on the radio says whatever the hell is on his mind and recently was about the owner's meetings and jerry jones and robert kraft seemed to have an issue over how much money roger godel would be paid how he earns that money is it via bonus is it via salary and everyone thinks that roger godel can make all the cash in the world it's been reported that he made 130 over a two-year period lets you know how much money the owners are making when the commissioner can also go out there and make more money than a player interesting right well jerry jones not a fan of the financial structure he was beefing with kraft these guys uh got a little bit of argument going and jerry jones he found out and understands that if he says something it will be repeated take a listen to jerry first of all uh i've just gotten used to the fact that uh when you're saying something uh it's highly likely that it could be being recorded or it could be uh being heard and will be repeated and that's in various things and uh i've just gotten used to that so consequently uh i really don't say things that uh it's almost like every time i talk it's like talking to you guys over the air here what did jerry jones get an iphone for the first time he's just now finding out how technology works hey jack do you think jerry has an iphone i feel like jerry jones is more of a flip-flown guy flip phone like older dude so yeah you remember you remember back in the day when your parents had the razor phone and you thought it was the coolest thing in the world and then they had that slide phone that had the full keyboard i think it was called like the envy or something like that i feel like jerry jones is a super old school type of guy who has the most boring phone possible parents say watch it now man as uh those razor phones were out when i was little man it's be careful now he might have a flip phone but let's be real jerry jones probably had a probably had one of the first celly cellular phones in his uh his limousine and so he's just now finding out that you know if i say something it'll it'll uh get out there in the public yeah yeah jerry jones it will a matter of fact he said he wasn't surprised his argument with robert kraft was leaked take a listen here it's not surprising me that it's out i would get out and certainly uh uh when you are in those situations you express yourself with people you know and people are around a lot and you express yourself in different ways and i would say that in this particular case it's probably accurate that i did express myself and in probably a way that's not in good taste he expressed himself in a way that's not in good taste he basically told robert kraft when it came down to uh hey let's pay roger gudel everybody in favor i everybody not in favor jerry jones was the only dude to say no he wanted to make sure that there were incentives from all reports he wanted to make sure that this was more incentive based as opposed to let's just give him the money well it was reported that jerry jones ultimately told robert kraft don't blank with me don't meth don't well don't blank with me this sounds like i know they said uh punches happen all the time and and being practices in locker rooms draymond green hitting pool happens all the time i will imagine that uh billionaires getting in a room arguing over whether or not a guy making 130 million dollars is is enough i i would think that happens more often than we would ever imagine or think of it as well so let's just all chill it's the jr sport reshow here with you on cbs sports radio we're going to get ready to take a break and what i'm not going to do is argue like a billionaire because i'm not i'm not going to jack up shots or tell you that i'm awesome even though i suck like russell westbrook i'm not going to go out and i don't know what i'm going to do and i don't know what i'm going to do i'm not going to be not going to be like san diego they took an l to the phillies tonight i'm going to come back and i'm going to take a look at some of the games this upcoming nfl sunday and i'm going to let you know some of the teams that have ultimately been massive disappointments i think we've seen enough nfl football i think we've had enough weeks of action at this point where you could just go oh yeah they suck for real this is not an accident i'm going to tell you some of the worst teams that i expected to do better right on the other side of the break it's the jr sport reshow cbs sports radio some fans gear up for game day but some fans follow their team every day that's why the locked on podcast network has a daily podcast for your favorite nba team every trade every overtime win every game our local experts cover the biggest stories around your team every day search locked on plus your favorite nba team on the odyssey app or wherever you get podcasts the locked on podcast network your team every day some fans gear up for game day but some fans follow their team every day that's why the locked on podcast network has a daily podcast for your favorite nba team every trade every overtime win every game our local experts cover the biggest stories around your team every day search locked on plus your favorite nba team on the odyssey app or wherever you get podcasts the locked on podcast network your team every day some fans gear up for game day but some fans follow their team every day that's why the locked on podcast network has a daily podcast for your favorite nba team every trade every overtime win every game our local experts cover the biggest stories around your team every day search locked on plus your favorite nba team on the odyssey app or wherever you get podcasts the locked on podcast network your team your team every day
Whisper: medium.en / 2022-11-14 00:26:17 / 2022-11-14 00:42:51 / 17

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