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Don't Stress About Christmas Shopping - Try This Instead

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
December 2, 2021 8:34 am

Don't Stress About Christmas Shopping - Try This Instead

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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December 2, 2021 8:34 am

As a caregiver, do you like shopping?  Do you enjoy traffic, crowds, lines, etc? 

Here's a suggestion that I worked out for fellow caregivers. 

Get all your shopping done at and use the promo code: caregiver 

You'll get a special discount on EVERYTHING on the site! 


Nothing says Christmas like a water buffalo. For a poor family in Asia, getting a water buffalo is like getting a farm tractor to pull a plow, or getting a milk truck full of delicious milk, or getting a stand at the market to sell cheese.

A water buffalo opens the door for work, food, and income. More importantly, it opens the door to talk about Jesus. And nothing says Christmas better than that. This is Peter Rosenberger. Do you like shopping?

Which of us does? As caregivers, shopping becomes even more excruciating. I mean, just the thought of going out to stores, fighting with traffic, parking, going in there trying to find something, whatever. It's just easier to call or go online and look for stuff. And I get that and I do that. But I also, what's the right product? Do I want to just go search through all the zillions of things at Amazon?

Or is there something specific that I can do? Where it's all one place and there's going to be great gifts for everyone on my list. Well, that's what I do. I go to You've heard Mike Lindell's commercials and all the stuff that they do. And I went out and checked it out a couple of years ago. I found that these pillows were everything they said they were.

I mean, they're wonderful pillows. And I called up the company, I said, hey, would you all be willing to use a special promo code, a special discount code? For caregivers. And they said, yeah, we would.

And I told them about what I do and the people I'm trying to reach. They said, yes, just use the promo code caregiver. They set it up so you could use the promo code caregiver and you can get a discount on everything at the site. That promo code is caregiver.

And try it out and see. I bought pillows. I bought mattress hoppers. I bought sheets and I've given them as gifts.

A couple of months ago and she had to have surgery when she had a fall and she broke her femur on her leg. And so she was in the hospital for a while. I took the mattress topper over there. And I took some of her pillows because it's just more comfortable for her than a hospital bed. And hospital pillows, by the way. And she loved them. And then when she gets home, I just throw them in the washer and I clean them and you throw them in the dryer and you get rid of all the hospital cooties. And those sheets are extremely luxurious. Now they got slippers and so forth. And I've asked for these for Christmas because I want them for myself.

And there are lots of different gifts that you can get there for loved ones in your life. What's it worth? Do you have a good night's sleep to be comfortable? You know, that's a great gift for yourself. What about you? What are you getting this Christmas? Who's who's buying the gifts? And maybe your loved one can't buy gifts for you. But you know what?

You can do this for yourself and use that promo code caregiver. Isn't it about time you got a good night's sleep? Isn't about time that you were comfortable as you journey on this?

It doesn't take much. I mean, I don't need exotic things. As a caregiver to to help me be a little bit more comfortable. And I found that sleeping on great sheets and having wonderful pillows and all these mattress toppers that they have and things such as that towels and those things are wonderful. Go to my type in the promo code caregiver and get your list done today. One stop shopping, no traffic, no fuss, no muss, no getting out and trying to coordinate schedules and everything else. You're done. With just the click of a button. My promo code is caregiver and look at all the discounts you'll get. You'll love it.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-15 09:22:57 / 2023-07-15 09:24:48 / 2

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