This is the Truth Network. Encouraging Prayer. God offers an open invitation for His people to talk with Him at any time about anything.
Is it awkward at the choicest moment, or that in-law? You have to walk on eggshells around. We all have them, and let's be honest, if we're not careful, we can become them as well. Speaking of insufferable people, James? Don't starve it.
Nice, nice. What a great lead-in for our topic today, because we've all had those conversations at family gatherings or at work, and it just seems to happen at this time of year. And the question is, how do we weather them well?
And there's really only one way to do it. We have to pray our way through them before and during and after. Oh, it's so true. And by the way, I should mention that James and I are close friends off the air as well. Sometimes we say things on the air that might seem a little rough and tumble, if you don't know that. But again, how do you get through that with people who aren't so well-intended or who really don't know what they're doing or saying in the moment? So I mentioned, Robbie, that we have to pray beforehand, and you know how that is.
Sometimes you can just see the person coming and the hair raises up on the back of your neck, and we've got to take a moment. And the verse that comes to mind is, In your heart set apart Christ as Lord, out of 1 Peter 3. Peter's talking about being ready to give a defense to anyone for the hope that's in us. But again, what does that mean, setting him apart as Lord? It really means submitting to him and going to him in the moment. That's so true. I mean, just think about the political conversations some people have around elections, like the one we just got through.
And it's got to be tempting to spike the football if you're side won, but that's not what's needed. We have to keep our eyes on the kingdom of God, most of all, and think, is there anything I can say or do that's going to put a stumbling block in front of someone coming to Jesus? Yeah, that's such a good point, because when we submit to him in the moment, you know, we're giving him everything. We're giving ourselves, we're giving him those feelings that we're wrestling with, even the desire to say, I told you so, you know?
So that we can exchange anything that's in us for him and his spirit and just love people, because that's what so much comes down to. You know, if we respond in love, that's what's going to come through us to others. Even if it doesn't happen in the moment, it'll sink in later, and at least we'll be able to live with ourselves afterwards, right? Oh, it is. I mean, it really is. I'm from a large family, and have you ever noticed how families, when they get together, you can regress several years back to when you were almost a kid, right? You feel all that?
Yeah, I know. It's so true. I mean, I'm the youngest of five, and there's always been a fair amount of sibling rivalry in my family, and if you're not careful, you can fall right back into it, and that's where prayer comes in. Prayer beforehand, like, Jesus, help me to love like you do. You know, help give me a love for this person who is just so difficult, and help me not to be. You know, I know you love me when I'm at my worst, and I need your love, so fill me with it, please. It's so important.
Oh, that's good. And what about when you're in the heat of the moment in the conversation itself? Yeah, even more important, to just hang on to Jesus, right? Lord, help me to respond the way you want me to. Think of Nehemiah's prayer when he's in the presence of the king, and the king is just asking him a question, and before he answers, he prays. And God heard his prayer, and it was unspoken and quick as a thought, and that's how we can go to God as well. We have to keep going to the well of his love, to be able to give to those who suck us dry, if you will, especially those who don't have the love of Jesus in their hearts and souls. And that love, you know, it can really help us forgive where there have been hurts in the past, so that we really can move forward and be kind to others. Yeah, it makes me think of a proverb, right? A soft answer turns away wrath. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we all have our rough edges, but when I think about where I would be without Jesus, he helps me filter my words and my thoughts through his spirit, and just all the more reason to lean into him in those moments. Yeah, he does, and we want this. I mean, we need this.
That's right. It kind of makes me think of that scene in The Lord of the Rings when Bilbo gives Frodo a sword, and, you know, he says it glows blue and orcs are near, and then he says, at times like that, my lad, you have to be extra careful. We need to be ourselves by being the person God is making us to be, but that's someone filled with his love and his life. It's not that we won't have difficult conversations. We just have to be careful, careful, stay close, you know, for the difference his spirit will make, because that difference, that people will notice. And he can lead us places where we would never have gone on our own. Yeah, he can, and the love he gives us is real, and we really can let it flow through us, but to do that Frodo, we have to be extra careful.
We have to keep him close in the moment. Yeah, wait a minute, I'm older than you, so I should be Bilbo. Yeah, but you have more hair than me, so you should be Frodo.
Boys, boys, just stop, you know, that's the very point, isn't it? And afterwards, you know, too, I mean, to help us forgive when someone else got to be Frodo, you know, when difficult things are said, you know, to help with love in spite of ourselves or, you know, in spite of what someone has done. Jesus, he really is the Prince of Peace for just those places. Yeah, and he's Emmanuel, God with us as well, you know, with us in those moments to help us get through, to help us just keep loving, just, you know, just think of what he went through when he talked about insufferable people, you know.
Oh, wow. And the same Spirit that is at work in him wants to be at work in us and will be, you know, when we seek him and cast every care on him and pray, pray, pray. On that note, it's a good place for us to finish up today, so, you know, let's wrap up this one by both of us praying.
Okay. Lord, thank you, thank you for this message and for such a time as this, right, as we go into the season right after the election, and, Lord, I pray that you would help us to cling onto you, remind us to be in the place with you. Apart from you, we can do nothing, and when it comes to our families, it's such holy ground.
Lord, help us to be there with you. In Jesus' name. Yes, Lord, fill us with yourself.
You are the Prince of Peace, and we just thank you that we can come to you, and we ask that you help us in every way, and we thank you that you will. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. You can hear more from Pastor James by visiting his website,, or by visiting Peace Church in Durham, North Carolina. May God bless you and encourage you as you pray. This is the Truth Network.
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