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Absurd Truth: A Military Makeover

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
January 24, 2025 3:29 pm

Absurd Truth: A Military Makeover

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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January 24, 2025 3:29 pm

Lt. Col. Allen West joins us live to react to the Marines heading to the Southern Border, how to improve military recruitment in the age of woke, and more. Elizabeth Warren attacks Pete Hegeth by saying his fake alcohol problem will prevent him from being Defense Secretary 24/7.

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Hey, this is Todd Herman, host of The Todd Herman Show.

They call me the Emerald City Exile. There are Republicans with the assigned roles of being the so-called controlled opposition. They're there to slow President Trump down on anything to do with harming pharma, which would come through RFK Jr. because, let's just admit, it's not going to come through President Trump. Check out The Todd Herman Show every day on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Dana Lash's Absurd Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. That's Florida Man. All right, so first up, we had Florida woman Amber send us a story and I am not reading it.

I don't know how I began to read it. Well, let's see. So we've got, oh boy, a Florida man was arrested after hitting a police officer in the face with a snowball. Did they, they got enough snow, I guess, down there to make. Now, if it was on the beach where he did this, there's going to be a sandy snowball.

That would hurt. So he was arrested. He hit an officer in the face with a snowball.

It was a snowball flight that escalated into chaos. And this 22 year old man who threw the offending ball was arrested. It was in Tallahassee and they were throwing, there were people throwing snowballs at cars passing by on Madison Street. Citizens were complaining. Fox 35 Orlando says that then police had to respond and authorities said you can't throw stuff, including snowballs into a moving vehicle.

That's a felony. But then when the participants, when the police arrived, the snowball people turned on the cops and they began throwing them, throwing snowballs at the police. One hit someone's cruiser, another one got hit right in the face. They had to give them warnings over the PA system. Apparently it was a crowd.

It's described as a crowd. They ignored commands to disperse and the snowballs were flying. So police were like, all right, you brought a snowball to the fight. We'll bring pepper balls. And they didn't cause any injuries, but they did use pepper ball.

You're just sitting over there smiling so much about that. I don't know how to, I mean, yes, you shouldn't throw snowballs at passing cars, but I just think this whole thing is hysterical. I think it's hilarious that snow in Florida and then this is what happens. They decide it's combat.

It snowed. It's time for combat. Oh no, we had that one yesterday. So let me, oh gosh, I don't want to read this one that Florida woman, Amber sent. She's the one who I think, and I know she's cackling right now.

She tries to look for the most offensive stories possible and send them to me like those. I'm okay. I'm going to try to do this. I was triple dog dared. Good luck. I have to take that. I got to take that dare. A man with a normally large parts of his male copulatory area. All right.

I did that. Well was arrested for exposing said area to a teenager. He, if you look at this dude, he looks like it.

He looks like cross between that poltergeist preacher and a pervert. Oh yeah. He doesn't know. Right. So he, he faces charges of a lewd behavior towards a minor as sunrise police did it.

His name is Mark Buckley, 62. He was arrested because he was exposing himself and apparently bragging about his bits. Everything about this story is so nasty. We're all going to go throw up a little bit.

Everything about this is nasty. Uh, and then, and then days after the inauguration, there was a Florida guy who was arrested for trespassing at Mar-a-Lago. He tried hopping the wall.

How would you think that was going to go for you? My dude, how did a 32 year old man was arrested? He scaled the wall to get to Mar-a-Lago two days after the inauguration and secret service had him immediately.

Uh, and they were, they took him into custody. Uh, his bond has been set at $100,000 with everything going on in the world right now, the economy conflicts, the open border, spiraling national debt, the devastating inflation. It's critical that you have a plan for diversifying and protecting your savings. And that's why so many, including myself, have turned to precious metals like gold and silver to help protect our savings. And I partnered with the top rated precious metals company, Goldco to make that happen. It's a great company with a great reputation and they could not have made the process any easier. And right now, Goldco is offering a free gold and silver kit that will show you how precious metals can help protect and diversify your savings. And for my audience, they're offering up to a 10% instant match in bonus silver on qualified orders. All you have to do is visit Dana likes to get started today. Goldco has helped thousands of Americans place over $3 billion in gold and silver, and they can help you as well.

Join thousands who trust Goldco visit Dana likes Superman derives his power from the yellow sun. DC politicians get their power by giving handouts in 1913. The tax code was 400 pages long today.

It's 75,000. This is how politicians derive their power. Check out the watchdog on Wall Street podcast on Apple, Spotify, wherever you get your podcast. Welcome back to the program. Dana last year with you broadcasting live from SHOT Show in Las Vegas. And he cracks me up every single time we talk. My very good friend, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West. Oh, now you're standing up. Colonel, come on. Well, yeah, get that attention. He told me he goes playback in black because I'm black.

And it almost at first I thought he was saying a lyric and I stopped and looked at him. It was a riot. It's good to see you. And I'm dressed because I can't dress myself.

It's easy. It's good to see you. It's good to be seen.

Look nice and rested. And I'm all good. We were talking.

Everybody knows everyone knows Allen West because you have your own program that you do and you do a great job. I can't catch all I can't catch it. I only watch a few people. You're one of the people I actually do watch you but I can't watch every episode.

But I like it. I like your commentary. I like the way you approach stuff. And it's just very, you know, matter of fact, but you and I were talking because we were getting into some of like the deportations and you know, the illegal crossing the Marines are heading to the border. We don't know exactly where yet. But what you were telling me is that what they really need to be focusing on is that big bend area. Yeah, which is incredibly mountainous that terrains difficult because that's where you said the real baddies are. That's where the people that the got a ways the people that don't want to be detected and caught. And as a matter of fact, when you go out there and you talk to the Border Patrol in the big bend sector, they're Alpine, Texas and what have you. They actually put carpeting on the bottom of their shoes so they can't be tried their track.

Absolutely. So these are some serious actors out there and you know those mountain passes. That's not easy terrain.

So while we're focusing on the kids and the women and everyone that's coming across and Del Rio, Eagle Pass, whatever, the bad actors are coming out there in West Texas. How do you even begin to enforce that in that area? I mean, what do you I mean, drones seem like it's the easiest thing. Well, you got to have drones, you have to have aerial surveillance, you have to have bodies on the ground. Because you know, this is just the same as, you know, us being over in Afghanistan or these type of places where you have that mountain terrain. That's why you need to have military down there.

This is not just a law enforcement type of thing. And we send our military to provide security on everybody else's border. We built up here outside of Gaza and we had some of our men injured.

How did that work out? You know, so well, like everything fighting guys. You know, feed Hamas, feed Hamas. Yeah, let's give them supplies that they'll just sell the back on the black market. Yeah, that's actually a really good point to get because they know how to do this and they know that terrain. That's what they trained in. They know it. Yeah.

And so to have the Marines down there or get someone like the 10th Mountain Division of the United States. Absolutely. That's their whole thing. Oh, that sounds fun. Yes. Oh, my gosh.

The 10th Mountain Division cane. Get them out there to handle it. That because that's not you're right. Nobody ever talks about every now and then it comes up. But honestly, I because it's a scary area when you think of it. It's beautiful. And then you realize, oh, cartels.

Oh, sure. You go out and you talk to the folks there in Alpine, Texas, and they will tell you, yeah, we always have these folks that are transiting across our ranches. We see them all the time. I was out there one time eating at a restaurant and the restaurant owner said, Yeah, we see the illegals just come right across and they just continue on.

And it's always single military aged males out there. And those are the ones we need to be focusing on. Isn't that the area where, like three, two or three years ago, there was a couple jet skiing in the lake in that area, the Big Bend area, like on the border or no in the Rio. They were actually in the river. Yeah. And he was shot and killed. The husband was shot and killed by cartels.

Well, absolutely. Because the cartels on the other side, guess what they have? They have observation posts in the military. We call it LPOPs, listening posts, observation posts. And so they're looking across and they're making sure that no one is paying attention to their infiltration routes and things of this nature. And they have scouts that are out just as well. So that's why this is a military operation.

And President Trump has the right perspective in putting our forces down there. This is not a violation of posse comitatus. This is protecting your border.

I'm so glad you said that. No, it's not. We're not employing the military against American citizens. We're employing the military against invaders.

Because you know what, what you just said, let me stop on that for a minute. That's huge because the states, so I remember when Jan Brewer in Arizona was trying to enforce and the DOJ came down on her like a ton of bricks to stop her from enforcing security and border enforcement or dealing with border law in her area. But she had the right to do that as a governor. So it was weird for the federal government to say, you can't enforce this because it's a federal government matter. Well then the federal government then that you just gave the argument, well then you can't send the military.

That's the whole issue. The whole point is that in Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution, which is known as the guarantee clause, the federal government is supposed to protect every state in the union from invasion. So they don't do what they're supposed to do. Article 1, Section 3, section 10, clause number 3 says exactly what states can do when the federal government fails so that they can secure themselves and they can do it with impunity.

It lays down every means of resource. So if the federal government does not do their constitutional duty, the states have a right to do that. And it was just amazing during the Biden administration that they tried to bring the hammer down and of course during the Obama administration as well. Talking with Colonel Allen West, if you're all watching the simulcast Channel 347 Direct TV or if you're listening across the country, I had a conversation with someone in Army Futures Command a couple of weeks ago and they were talking about recruitment and everyone seemed a little hopeful, you know, after maybe, you know, the election. This actually was before the election. I need to modify that.

It was right before the election and everyone was being very hopeful. Like maybe, you know, if this goes the right way, then, you know, we'll be able to deal with military and, you know, we have a problem with recruitment and messaging and I spoke up and I said, well, respectfully, if I can be very frank, I'm like, I don't know if messaging is your problem when you got guys at the Air Force wearing skirts and lipsticks and they're, you know, like the top of the food chain up there. And then you got other military leaders that are leaving our men and women to die at Abby Gate and you got others that are, you know, making them withhold, defending themselves and the people that they're serving with.

And then we get unnecessary fatalities. I'm like, that's kind of what our young men, including my military age sons, and one of them is on the fence about it. That's what they're seeing.

And they're like, wait, is, are they going to, if I serve and give my all to my country, is my country going to be there for me? And he couldn't answer that. Well, of course he couldn't answer that because he couldn't give you an honest answer because he's still in uniform.

But it's not a messaging problem. It is the actions that they saw in the previous administration that you just articulated. When people can understand their pronouns better than they can understand their task and purpose, you know, the purpose of a military and even Colin Powell said that is, is to go in and kill people and break stuff.

That's just the bottom line. You know, when I was in the military, I wasn't trained to make build roads and all this stuff. So I was an artillery officer. I was trained to blow things up. Can I say that you have one of the most bad-ass stories I think I've ever heard. Oh, stop.

No, no. Everybody knows his story, right? He was saving lives. Yeah, you were, you were out there saving lives and they try to come at you for it. I know that's what a commander is supposed to do. You can't supposed to look at this truce because guess what, if they know that you got their back and you're out there, you know, hooking and jabbing with them on, you know, patrols and combat operations, they're going to fight tough. I think Denzel could play you in a movie about your life.

I don't know. He looked pretty good in that gladiator too. I mean, I just, I feel right. Like if I was casting, I'd be like, okay, Denzel is going to play Colonel West and then we'll fill everything else out. We'll get, you know, maybe Angela Bassett for, you know, your wife and you know, get over it. I see like, I'm a really good director. You already got the movie done.

It's already done in my head. Yeah. You think Denzel can pull off the salt and pepper flat top? That's what I'm worried about. I don't know if he, I think he could. I think he could. Yeah, he might be able to do it, but I mean, you get it and from your, how, how different is it from when you were in active duty to now? It's totally different.

Yeah, it doesn't take long. It takes, you know, the policies that come from a certain administration can change the, the course and direction of a military or any government agency. And that's what we saw in these four years. And so we have a military that's atropied, you know, if you don't use your muscles, you know exactly what happened. So we have a military that is not trained up in the skills that is supposed to be trained that warrior ethos that Pete has, has talks about. I was going to ask you about that.

We got to restore that. And that's for men and women. Look, I understand this. I believe in fairness and all this stuff, but we do not have men and women competing against each other and figure skating. Yeah, that's a great point. So if men and women can't compete against each other and figure skating, how the hell are you supposed to tell me that, okay, men and women are equal on the battlefield. That, that dog don't hunt. And so I think that we need to get people that have that perspective and understanding because there's nothing fair about if you and I have to go mano a mano.

Yeah. Oh no, you're going to, you're going to what me and you can't change the status. I can yell louder, but you'll what me? And I'm 64 and I guarantee you if I still lay the punch on awesome Dana lash, it will probably break your jaw. I can dodge, but at some point I get hit.

I'm quick, but yeah, at some point I get hit. It'd be, yeah, I get it. I get it. Let's get back to, you mentioned Hegseth. What do you think of him? I think that he's going to do a great job.

I think the most important thing for Pete Hegseth is to surround himself with a stable of stallions. That means the deputy secretary, the undersecretaries, those type of folks really have to be strong to be able to implement those policies and you got to root things out seven or eight levels deep. You got to get rid of all these people because multi decades of multi decades, many layers. I mean people call it the deep state. I just call it the bureaucratic administrative state. So you know, the president has issued an order about all these DEI offices closing and so what are they trying to do? They changed the name of the office like you just saw with the ATF. So I think that you have to really go in there and say you're out. I think that's hysterical by the way.

They just, because Trump gave this order, they got to get rid all this DEI in government and they're like, oh, we'll just change the position. No one will ever know. We'll just change the title on the website.

Yeah, I was born in the morning, not this morning. Yeah, exactly. We're talking with our friend Alan West and his last two books, we can overcome an American black conservative manifesto and hold Texas, hold the nation.

Let me ask you about that too. Hold Texas, hold the nation. So two very interesting states that I'm watching. So Florida and Texas and everyone always says, oh, you got a super majority.

That's great. You should be able to do everything as Republicans. We're learning that you can't, I mean the, the, so in Florida, the weak Republicans, those are the ones that wanted gun control and all this other stuff. They're fighting DeSantis and Trump because they think that they should be able to wait till March to go into office.

We don't have that time to spare. And then in Texas, they just guaranteed that Democrats can be on committee chairs. And so basically everything that we do with the Republican super majority is going to have to get approved by Democrats. Yeah, it's amazing to me because in the state of Texas, the state house has 150 seats. You've got 88 Republicans and 62 Democrats. Pretty easy, right? Well, instead you've got 36 Republicans that went over and joined with 49 Democrats to select a speaker.

And now you just had a rules package that passed that, you know, gave the Democrats all of this power on committees to include being able to kill legislation. Why? Why did they do that? People are just cowards. There, there are some Republicans that are just cowards and I can understand why you, Donald Trump won Texas by 15 percentage points. Ted Cruz won Texas, his Senate seat, I thought it was going to be so close, nine to 11 points. So why do we think that we need to go and be kumbaya with these people that they'll slit our throats?

I mean, figuratively and literally if they could. So I think that you're going to see a lot of Republicans, this will be their last legislative session in the Texas state house. How long is this damage going to last? Because I know the big fight was to oust Dade Phelan as speaker, but it seems like now we replace Dade Phelan with Dade Phelan 2.0. Yeah, Dustin Burrows, which is just one of his cronies. And everyone was, you know, cheering when Dave Phelan said, I'm not going to run for speaker.

I said, it doesn't matter. Yeah, something's up. Yeah, something's up. And so I think that you really got to clean house and look at those 36 Republicans that voted with the Democrats to select this guy to be our speaker. Because by their own rules in the Texas state house, they're supposed to select a speaker out of their caucus. Will you come back and take over the party in Texas please, for the love of all things holy? I'll come back and do whatever God and Dana Lash tells me to do. So if I pray to God, like please may Colonel Allen West come back and run. It's not though, because I'm begging him to use his, the power of his servants for his glory.

So you know, can just make that happen. Ask boldly. Ask boldly, Colonel.

Ask boldly. You got me. Yes, sister. Amen. Amen, sister. Colonel Allen West, I'm so happy to see you here, my friend. I gotta tell people, he's one of the realest ones in this industry in politics. I wish you'd go back into it.

Honestly, I get why you don't like it. Well, I'm the chair over in Dallas County. So we got some good things we're doing there. That's Dallas County.

I mean, no offense. I'm not, it's not my county, though. I want you where I can, in my county where it can be better for me. Terrence, good county.

I know it's a great county. Both friends, you got a good guy. Both great.

I mean, but maybe like take over the whole state party. I already did that. I know, but do it again. You want the brother back? Yes.

All right. Bring the brother back. Back in black? Yes, back in black. That's right. Allen West, always good to see you, my friend.

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It's time for Dana's quick five. I know you guys are going to be totally shocked about this. TSA's facial recognition tech is highly accurate. A review says someone else, though, said it was highly inaccurate.

And I don't know. DHS said that they had self-identified black volunteers that participated in it and they had the lowest face matching success rate of any demo with a an overall accuracy of 98 percent. And that the technologies that they're using to verify they said that they're trying to make you know, when you go now, you can a lot of them, they just take a picture of your face as you're boarding. And now it's supposed to it's not that accurate, though. They're trying to make you feel comfortable and they're trying to say that it's accurate.

But it's isn't this basically like the red light camera of identification? So, oh, man, I've got questions. All right. Moving on this.

Oh, goodness. Your next Spirit Airlines flight. If you have offensive tattoos and see through clothing, you could get kicked off.

I don't know why people try. I don't like the idea of dressing up like a hobo to get on a plane. Like I don't want to see your ripped sweats. I don't want to see like you don't need to be wearing leggings. Leggings ain't pants.

Right. You don't need to be wearing leggings. You don't need to be wearing crop tops. You know, cover your ass for crying out loud. You know, you're getting on a plane just like make it nice for other people. But they said Spirit Airlines might have to the tattoos thing I don't get. But like, I guess if people are barefoot, they said, or if their clothing is lewd or obscene, then they.

Oh, my gosh. If you're barefoot, you try to get on a plane. I'm gonna cut your feet off. You don't even get a chance to put shoes on. We're just going to cut them right off because that's nasty with a capital net.

It's gross. Also, let's see. Quick headlines. Bucky's assuming it's a Bucky's fight. It's a beaver fight.

Bucky's is suing North Texas, a North Texas based gas station chain over trademark infringement. It's called Super Fuels. Super Fuels is also using a beaver. Well, they said it's an anthropomorphic dog. It looks like a beaver.

And that Bucky says it's a complete copy of their Bucky's beaver. So the courts are gonna, they're gonna duke it out in the courts. Oregon DMV is closing its East Portland location after complaints to the landlord included quote, sewage smell, sporadic water pressure and all kinds of maintenance problems. I mean, it is a federal government office, so it makes sense that it smells like, well, you know what I mean? I don't even like the fact that they're a DMV and they have to, they have a landlord. Like they're a government agency and they have some sort of landlord. Like how did they not buy that building themselves? Yeah, that's actually a good point.

That's actually a good point. Let's see. The Associated Press says it's going to change Mount Denali to Mount McKinley, but it's not going to honor Gulf of America.

The Associated Press. That's all right. I'm honoring it.

Yeah. You guys can say Gulf of Mexico. I'm going to say Gulf of America, but I don't understand the Denali McKinley thing. They said they're renaming Denali to Mount McKinley because that's apparently one of the, that was a, an edict from Trump and EO, but they said that they are not going to honor anything related to Mexico or international bodies. And they said the Gulf of Mexico has carried that in for more than 400 years, et cetera. Oh my gosh.

Just call it Gulf of America. You dimwits. What's the big deal? Just stop.

It's they just want to fight. Uh, additionally, uh, let's see here. Canada wants to help restart the Keystone XL pipeline. That's very good news, right? As we're unleashing energy and going to be resurrecting our economy. The premier of Alberta, Canada said they would like to restart conversations with the Trump administration about re approving the Keystone XL pipeline. Cause remember they decommissioned it and then they began deconstructing the actual pipeline and take it a dig it up. They were digging parts of it up. So that would be great if we could get something like that back in action and re implement that. Uh, and that's actually, I think it's been what decommissioned for a couple of years, but they were, I mean, it's like one of the easiest ways to get crude down to Houston where it needs to go. And they've been very respectful of the land.

This is just environmental nonsense. I want to switch gears here now with cabinet audio sound bite 18 Elizabeth Warren goes after Pete Hegseth over his drinking. Listen, secretary of defense has to be ready to go 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Look, I understand there are people who have alcohol problems, but we cannot trust the safety of our country to someone who is demonstrated repeatedly using very bad judgment with alcohol and doing it in ways that truly have incapacitated him.

Okay. So that's such hyperbole. That's so ridiculous. I mean, he did this show, it was for Fox nation. It was like this, you know, special that they did. And he sat down with a bunch of veterans and they had scotch, right? And they were drinking scotch and they were having a discussion and it was, you know, our bourbon.

I don't know. It was part of their, part of the thing. This has been extrapolated and exaggerated and modified to now mean that he is drunk all the time, 24 seven and he just keeps a flask under his desk at Fox. And that's such a lie, but that's how they're trying to misrepresent all of this. It's so dumb.

And honestly, I mean, he's a veteran, he's, you know, 40 something years old. If he has, you know, a beer or a couple of drinks every now and then, or maybe if he's out, you know, with friends and family and you know, he has a couple of drinks, as long as he's not get behind the wheel, why is this a big deal to Laiwatha? I mean, why is this such a big deal to Focahontas? Why is this such a big deal to her?

Why? I mean, remember when she was like, Oh, sweetie, would you like a beer? And then her husband acted shocked.

Like who are you? And what did you do with my wife? I feel like she beats him with a broomstick when there was like no cameras. It was the weirdest damn thing I've ever seen.

Can I just stop for a minute? You remember that? Like where's the body language experts for that? That man looked like he was whipped. Didn't he? No, I mean, not like that way. Like the bad way. Like he actually got, gets beat with sticks or something.

He, she offers like, Oh, sweetheart, would you like a beer? And he like flinched. Do you see him? She's too damn stupid and not put that video up on Instagram. I think he was blinking Morse code. If you look at the video, he's probably like, Oh, help me. He's like freaking out. That was so weird.

That was like not normal behavior. You know, like you can tell interactions between couples what's normal and what's put on like, Oh, hey baby, I want a beer. I'll get you one or I'm getting me one.

You want one? But then she like makes a big, like even the way she was standing in front of the camera, it was, it was like this, I'm going to, I'm going to act it out if you're watching. Oh, and she's like making sure she's posed right before the camera. Oh honey, would you like a beer? And he looks at her and he's like, no, you dumb broad. I don't drink beer. You stupid dumb woman.

How long have we been married? You know, I don't drink beer. And she's like, Oh, I like a cold one. And then she's like drinking it so awkwardly.

It's the weirdest, the weirdest stuff I've ever seen. But I'm telling you, that's telling you. So she has no, man, that's a big water bottle. Golly, all the little ones were gone. So I got the big one. I got the big one. What size would you like? Grande? Big one. I'll have that one.

So she's attacking him. Look, I don't know how long they're going to hold this up. I think this one and Gabbert will be held up. Everybody else.

Actually, Gabbert will probably be held up less, but I think it's just Hegseth because he's charismatic. And I think because he's charismatic, they, I think that's one of the more so than the drinking. I think it's just because and the drinking it's just social drinking. Why is that a big deal? I mean, for crying out loud, you know, I had a gin martini with dinner last night. You know, big deal.

You know, responsible and moderation and social just you know, when you're dinner, that's not a big deal. I've, I've known him and I know a lot of people who know him. And I hear gossip like you would not believe.

If he was a drunk and he was abusive, I would have heard about it from all my friends that work with him and that are in the same circle. So I've not heard that. So I'm just saying, I think it's it's part they just he's charismatic and they don't like that.

I think that's a part isn't there isn't there a weird reason? Because he can say something because he's charismatic. And he's the younger dude.

I mean, compare him to Millie. It's the difference between pandering and connecting. And that's what they hate about the right. The left hates the fact that they can easily connect even though they think that they normally look normal because our dudes don't wob off their penises and they don't get into skirts. That's why I mean how we look normal. Our men are normal. Our women are normal. You know, we don't have like dudes in skirts and you know, in the Air Force going it's Miriam, do you like my metals?

Call me call me Joan. Like we don't we don't have that. Our people are just like can we just get on with the job? We just live our lives. We just do our job to be great. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana lashes absurd truth podcast. If you haven't already made sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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