Hey, this is Todd Herman, host of The Todd Herman Show.
They call me the Emerald City Exile. There are Republicans with the assigned roles of being the so-called controlled opposition. They're there to slow President Trump down on anything to do with harming pharma, which would come through RFK Jr. because, let's just admit, it's not going to come through President Trump. Check out The Todd Herman Show every day on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Dana Lash's Absurd Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tec.
Welcome back to the program. Dana Lash here with you, broadcasting live from SHOT Show, National Shooting Sports Foundation's annual event, industry event, special event in Vegas. You can listen across the country. We're in hundreds of markets.
Also, check out the livestream, Channel 347, DirecTV, Rumble, X. You guys know where to go. You guys want to know about my guest who's sitting right here because you can see on the wide shot, Donald Trump Jr. has joined us. This is my first time in person to be able to say congratulations on the biggest historical comeback. I actually think that he did more than like Churchill's comeback. Yeah, I will say sort of the most resilient man in the history of politics. Because when you think about the amount of times he was counted out, not just in 15 when he had zero chance or whatever, but like just throughout the attacks, the persecutions, the lawfare, the bullshit, it just never stopped. And so he just keeps coming back. And honestly, Dana, I think the last four years were actually required to do it right.
Had you just rolled over the 2020 crew, like you had the same can kickers. We're just going to wait it out. We're just going to wait it out. But now we know the people who are good. We know the people who are loyal.
And those concentric circles do not overlap very much. And so you just see the team that's getting put into place. Like we can effectuate real change.
I think you've seen in the first two days, just the stuff that they're rolling out. I'm not even doing what he's doing. And I'm like exhausted, like reading. I was going through all the executive orders and he sat there and what cracked me up, what your dad did is like, it started as you know, I'm over there. He starts at, he starts at the event, like when after he made his speech, then they just bring out the desk. He's signing these executive orders. And I was like that he's actually doing this right now. That is amazing. And then he's talking after every single one of them.
Oh yeah, this one's, and normally I would not want to sit through that much policy, but I love the quips that he was given about. We're there and it's a stadium. There's like 20,000 people just full to the rafters and they're just, they're cheering each executive order, just getting rid of the tyranny that's been around us. So it's been amazing.
It's been amazing. I think it wasn't just the four years that helped educate us how to do things better this time around. In 16 we had no way of knowing, right? You think people are going to be loyal at your side. You think because they have an R next to their name, they're going to be good. That is a gross misconception.
But more importantly, I think the American people had to suffer through the last four years and maybe even the world just to understand how important it is to actually have strength and leadership from the Oval Office. Does he have a Diet Coke button? Is that real? I think the Diet Coke button is real. It's right next to the new food button. You don't even know?
You're the first born son. I keep seeing it. I'm like, I don't know if that's really a Diet Coke button or the call, but like, you know, we're going to go with it. We're going to go with it. That was literally the first thing I was going to ask you.
I know there's like other important stuff, but I'm like, I've seen so much. I want to mix it up with the other big red button on the desk because that's, you know, you make a mistake there. That could be problematic. That could be bad. Like you ended up bombing North Korea and you just wanted a Diet Coke, right?
Yeah, I get it. We're talking with Donald Trump Jr. And you know, this, I'm so glad, you know, I guess it was six months ago. That was, I've never been actually legitimately scared like that about my country. And I have to say, you were very kind because we were coming in through NASA.
We were out in the islands and Exumas out there fishing and doing all that stuff. I land and my phone is exploding and you're texting, everybody's texting me and I look and there was no news yet. And you know, I never like bombard you with messages or anything like that, but I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm in NASA. I'm out of the country. I don't want to be out of the country when you know, the leader, the next leader of the free world is in you.
We don't know anything about it. It was scary. I was halfway to you. I got the rare call from my daughter that day to be like, I want to go fishing. I'm like that, you know, that doesn't happen often. You're just going, I was like, I'll be ready in an hour. Like let me go get baby.
So we're out there, uh, you're having a great day. And then my phone starts blowing up and I'm like, you know, I'm, I'm an hour from home and I'm, you know, 20 miles off shore. And like, I'm like, uh, yeah, I'm trying to tell my 17 year old daughter like, Hey, your grandfather's been shot. And by the way, I didn't know anything. So I just got a call, but I tried calling out and there was no comms.
They shut down all comms. I was like, I didn't know for an hour and a half. We're like, we're, I made the, you know, the, the, well, I guess I can't say land speed record, but the water speed record back, I back into Jupiter where we live. The whole family got to my house by that time.
It was 90 minutes before we knew anything. And so, you know, that was sort of, my daughter was the one that spoke at the RNC. That's Kai. She's amazing. Well, she's never been political. She's 17. She's a 17 year old girl, right? But it was the next morning. Well, and it's also her golf buddy cause she's the golfer.
So she's at, yeah, I mean she plays with them, you know, two days a week. And so she called me that next morning was like, I'm speaking at the RNC. I'm basically sick of this crap. I'm like, your first speech is going to be in front of 40,000 people in tens of millions on TV.
She's got some Trump gene. Uh, and I called my dad. I was like, listen, this is the play. He goes, Whoa, that's a big one. Uh, and then he just literally was like, he thought about it for a second. It was just like, you know what? That kid's a winner.
Let her do it. And she, she crushed it. And I think, you know, I knew she hit home when like the next morning the ladies of the view are crapping on a 17 year old girl, you know what I mean? And trying to like, I'm like, I'm like, that's a win. Uh, I mean, that's hard for you as a dad to see it is, but dude, I'm so not, I'm, I'm, I'm blessed with the ability to not give a crap.
I could care less what anyone thinks about me. You've probably seen that over a while. You know, it's like, uh, you know, I have, I have that, but it's harder versus I have a 10 year old girl, but I think she, she saw it then and like it was just great.
And, uh, once she kind of seen, she's seen you be attacked, she's seen her grandfather be attacked for years. By the way, he's got that. He understands it.
Like I will say his biggest political liability is he actually has a lot of empathy, but he looks at it from this sort of old school mentality of like, I can't negotiate against Putin or she or any of the other dictators if they think I'm nice and soft. And so she hit home because she was the one person to humanize them in the entire RNC. And you know, but I think honestly just the American people saw it that July 13th, like you get shot in the face. Everyone's a tough guy these days on the internet. We've seen plenty of that. Like we all deal with the bullshit. Um, but to come back defiant in the face of that, it's like, you know what, like maybe you are a bad ass.
Uh, and you know, or, or there's something a higher power, uh, looking to do right by America because you know, I don't care if you have a lot of faith or none whatsoever. Uh, whatever level of faith you had, it moved towards a lot of fat. That had to be, I mean, as a shooter, it was funny. I was explaining it to him in the days afterwards. He's like, well, no, it's not, you know, 150 yards. That's pretty far. He's a golfer. It's 150 yards to put it in a hole. Like golf versus gun.
That's hard. I'm like, you know, as a guy that was like a rank competitive shooter, like I'm like, like if I missed that shot, I'd shoot myself or like just, you know, like, and so just explaining like, no, no, you don't understand. Like there's divine providence involved. Uh, you know, in, in all of this, it's insane.
I, uh, we're talking about Donald Trump Jr. for those listening and not watching the simulcast, which you should be. I, I thought immediately and I was going to tweet it, but I didn't, but I should have because I said he gets shot and then like a month later, two months later, he calls for national reciprocity. Yeah. Well, listen, that's hardcore. I love it.
God bless him for that. Well, you know, I guess I've probably been, let's, let's call it a not so subtle voice in his ear and all of these things. Cause you know, I understand. Can I just, can I just interrupt for a bit before the people who don't know, like you are a, you're not a gun bunny. You're like a legitimate, I mean, you get me in a bikini with a gun, finger on the trigger, just breaking all the rules. But it's like, I'm kind of hot. Like my, my, my, my ab, uh, or as many call it a keg. There's no six pack.
It's a, you know, got to get the full dad bod going. I can make a lot of money as a gun bunny, but not in the conventional sense. You actually hunt, you do your own reloads. You do like, I mean, you actually know what I'm talking about. I mean, when people are like, how many guns do you have? I'm like, just lower your voice. I remember POTUS saying, well, he's got a lot.
Don's got a lot of guns. I got in trouble one time when they're, you know, they do one of these things like someone's busted and they, you know, they've got 500 rounds in his car and three guns. I'm like, that's like, that's nothing. I'm like, like, what are you talking about?
I don't even understand. But no, I've been doing this for a long time. I've been in that world. I was, you know, competitive shooter for a long time. I, you know, I mean, I have an outdoor company now. We're going to talk about that.
Well, yeah, the field ethos, which is sort of the hunting sort of adventure lifestyle brand. And then in my business life, I've been taking like these sort of, let's call it like, you know, right wing economy stuff, you know, public where public, they then brought Cordova, which sort of, you know, the buy now pay later option because, hey, it's so many of our people. They've been getting, you know, de-banked. You can't get insurance. You can't do this.
We're literally like a syntax to the nth degree. Correct. And now we're taking, we're taking grab a gun public.
That's amazing. So tell people who don't know what it is. Tell them, grab a gun. You know, online gun dealer, you know, incredible tech stack, right? So we're trying to get people who wouldn't buy guns the way they're conventionally buying it as women.
And honestly, as leftists, as people like, you know what, we actually need to be able to defend ourselves. I mean, I'm watching this sort of great opening for people who aren't otherwise gun people to be like, okay, I still need this, you know, and then just trying to make that accessible for the average person. But more importantly, as we watch people get de-banked, like we're putting our money where our mouth is like, you know, if people want to buy a gun company stock, now you can do that. So we're taking that, you know, that's huge. That's what's happening with so many of these gun companies, as you know. Oh yeah.
Well, and you see it, you're getting de-banked. And so as we're doing that and vertically integrated, integrating all these systems. So again, you know, public square, which you can, you know, under PSQH, you know, on the NASDAQ, we're going to take a grab a gun public in New York Stock Exchange and then integrating these technologies.
It's great. So like people can actually, retail guys, you know, right now you can buy it under CLBR as the ticker because what you have is sort of doing it under SPAC. So you have a shell company that will merge with actually grab a gun. It'll automatically become PEW.
That is, I would say serendipitous, but that sounds on purpose. I like it. Eventually, for those of us who have been, you know, bitching about all these things and you know, we have a lot of people that complain, not a lot of people that actually do anything about it. So me and some friends as we've watched this attack and we have sort of the sophistication to do that, we say, hey, like we're going to actually not just help support these companies publicly, but we're actually take them public.
We're going to be dealing with the biggest bankers in the world. We're going to make this, which should be, I mean, it's the second amendment. I mean, we're going to make it mainstream. We're also going to allow these guys to have a great tech stack so that we can get to those people and show other people how they can buy this. But for the retail guys, again, you can buy it now under CLBR.
We want to have Americans have a chance. Buy two shares, buy five shares, buy 100 shares. You can do all of that now and you can actually put your money in the stuff that you believe in because there's been a gross attack for so long.
So really excited to do this with grab a gun and it's just the beginning. We're going to make this, you know, you know it as well as anyone. How many of your advertisers, how many of the institutional guys, how many of the banks that you even, I've been de-banked, I've been canceled. I've been this. I was like, you know what? I got enough guys with, I'll just say it with balls now to be like, now we're out there in the mainstream. I don't want to get us all into trouble.
You already, you got, you had BS. You're fine with that. But you know, there, there has been a real attack on so many of the things that we actually believe in. So we're fighting back, not just like, Hey, I'll post a picture with a gun, but like, no, no, we're actually taking companies public.
These are going to be publicly traded. We're going to make it okay. Uh, and since those companies and so many of the institutions and all of the downstream stuff has been so anti gun, so anti freedom, so anti hunting, we're just going to go all out, all in out there.
So like, you know, if people can help support that, we open the door for people to be unafraid. Um, my father's done that. Other guys have done that. You know, Elon sort of did that for the tech bros and now you're seeing it. It's like, they're coming back and they're like, because you've had left us to infiltrate these companies, buy up shares, and then they start directing company operations and the ideology for the companies and they're happy to take your money and they use it to fund, you know, anti-gun groups and all of this stuff. And it's like, this is insane.
And it's happening in the outdoor space. Like, you know, I don't even need a name of the companies, but we all know, uh, no more. We're going to actually have Patriots buying these companies.
So I, so national reciprocity. I also, we're talking about the office of gun violence prevention. Uh, Michael cloud out of Texas, Congressman out of Texas introduced a bill called the no registry act that I apparently the, even though we're not allowed to have a federal registry because that's federally prohibited, the ATF has been keeping, uh, hundreds of thousands of actually millions of purchase records, which kind of is a backdoor registry. And that's something that I think is, you know, people are aware of, but it's not at the forefront.
Cloud is introducing a bill to ban that outright. I love all of that stuff. Uh, you know, and listen, I was heavily involved in transition, which is I think why we have the team we have. And then 16 again, we wouldn't have known we didn't know. Now we know. Uh, and so, you know, people were pretty deferential to me on a lot of these things like, Hey, what do we do about these problems? Because again, it's sort of the surface stuff that most people understand. And then there's the nuance underneath it that you have to understand.
I mean, I got a lot of hell. I mean, even at 16 when they're like, you didn't sign here in production, I'm like, put it on our desk. Like it doesn't work.
The president can't, he can't go to Congress and he's going to get attacked between the soundbite and reality. But now you have an entire team of people that a gets it. Yeah. So there's a lot, I think they'll now do with ATF with all of that. I mean, you know, obviously you're seeing the turnover rate and all that stuff already starting because what's going to happen with ATF?
I mean, I know you and I know what I want and you know, I would love for it to go by. But again, for, for the last few months I've been very involved in a lot of conversations. So why not you for ATF?
Because the reality is I think I can be loud. I can be a, you know, a soundboard for all of the good decisions. I set up the right people into those positions, let them govern, but it can't just come from government, which is why it's so important. What we're doing again, you know, CLBR, we're taking a gun company public.
No one has the guts to do that, right? So you actually need sort of the corporate side, you need the free market side to do it well. If the government does it but you still have the shadow bands, you still have the banks doing what they're doing, you still have the credit guys doing what they're doing. You know, so again, between public square, Cordova, you know, grab a gun. I mean, these are all companies that we're making mainstream. People can actually invest in them. You know, I want to handle the real world side of that, put it into the right team for the government side of that, and those two functioning sort of simultaneously, not together, obviously they're not linked, but like having people that understand that overall mission, I mean, that's everything.
And so, you know, we're in the process of doing that. So it's not just, again, not just a gun bunny, we're actually putting, you know, money, tablets, blocks of wet and tears. Anyone who would ever actually seriously say that about you. But again, everyone's a tough guy on the internet, right? Like, you know, the reality is like when they were doing, well, Maga is really afraid of Tim Wallace because he's a hunter and a shooter. I'm like, I don't know, man.
I've never seen a wrist so limp. And when I watch a guy not be able to load like a Beretta, a 400, I'm like, how is that a struggle for you? Hand me three shells and a blindfold and a gun.
Like, I'll do it in like... But that was his favorite gun to go hunting with. Oh yeah, no, that was his favorite gun. I'm like, you know what? My favorite gun, I know how to load it. You know, there is a difference. By the way, you don't have to give me, like, you can give me any gun, I'll know how to load it.
It's not that hard. I'm going to interject real quick. We got you for a few more minutes because I only have two questions for you. And one of them is going to be of, you know, maybe future politics.
He's like, great. What are you signing me up for? We're going to take a quick break. We're back finishing up.
A few more minutes with Donald Trump Jr. here live from SHOT Show, Keltex booth, NSSF. Stick with us. With everything going on in the world right now, the economy conflicts, the open border spiraling national debt, the devastating inflation, it's critical that you have a plan for diversifying and protecting your savings. And that's why so many, including myself, have turned to precious metals like gold and silver to help protect our savings. And I partnered with the top rated precious metals company, GoldCo, to make that happen. It's a great company with a great reputation, and they could not have made the process any easier. And right now, GoldCo is offering a free gold and silver kit that will show you how precious metals can help protect and diversify your savings. And for my audience, they're offering up to a 10% instant match in bonus silver on qualified orders. All you have to do is visit DanaLikesGold.com to get started today. GoldCo has helped thousands of Americans place over $3 billion in gold and silver, and they can help you as well.
Join thousands who trust GoldCo. Visit DanaLikesGold.com. On the go and need a quick news fix with a fun twist? Follow Dana's Absurd Truth podcast for bite-sized and formative episodes perfect for your busy schedule on Apple or wherever you get your podcast. Welcome back to the program. Dana Lash here with you. Broadcasting live from SHOT Show in Las Vegas, NSSF's annual event. And we are here finishing out the last few minutes with Donald Trump Jr. Thanks so much for joining us. It's my pleasure. I had a bit of a busy week, but I'm still at SHOT Show.
I went from one zoo to another. Right. I know. And you've been busy with your companies. We were just talking about this on break. The idea of the average everyday citizen being able to have shares in a firearms manufacturing company and be able to take ownership, partnership of that. That's not something that's typically a reality for the average everyday person, but you're making that possible by making it accessible. I'm just trying to open that door. You know I'm a believer. I was at SHOT Show before politics. Now I have to be a gun guy.
He's not like Tim Walz. But just being able to do that, fight back that way. Like I said between Public Square which we took public and that's going to be a whole payment stack for everything we brought. Cordova under that and now taking Grab a Gun public under CLBR right now and that will automatically turn into PEWPEW.
PEWPEW which is amazing. Get out there and buy some stock. We want to make sure that we have the roadmap to take these other guys companies. We've got 30 seconds left. When are you running for office? Real fast. No time soon because someone has to do the outside stuff too, but it also helped us set up a bench with a JD Vance and some of these other guys that can take America first forward. Don's familiar with the Dexter Taylor story.
Any help that we could get with the Dexter Taylor story? It's sort of like us. It's like New York. It's done in New York. They do it in the state so you can't get that federal pardon. They tried going after us that way where my father's guilty. It's all nonsense.
So we've got to fix these problems because they shouldn't be happening and they shouldn't be weaponizing government. Donald Trump Jr. congratulations. Biggest political comeback. And now all of the news you would probably miss.
It's time for Dana's Quick 5. Alright so now there's a lot of discussion about AI being used to treat mental health and it comes from this piece that says my therapist is a bot. The rise of AI and mental health treatments. That's kind of, I don't know how I feel about that.
Like that's, that, couldn't that manipulate people? I'm sorry. I can't, I can't do that Dave. I'm really sorry about that.
Sorry Dave. There's just as a, that's just weird to me. I don't know.
I don't know how I feel about that. Earth's magnetic North Pole is on the move. Scientists just updated its position. Oh, but I thought that the world was flat and that this didn't revolve in. Oh wait.
No, that's a new story. New model tracking of the position of the magnetic North Pole so that the pole is not closer to Siberia than it was five years ago. It's drifting downwards towards Russia. An Australian influencer is charged with poisoning her baby for clicks. For clicks. This, I hate the term influencer. An Australian influencer charged with poisoning our paper girl to elicit donations, make people feel bad for her and boost her online followers. She's, she pretended that her kid had a terminal illness and she was poisoning this baby.
34 years old. She was charged with torture, administering poison, making child exploitation material and fraud. I mean, life isn't enough.
She was trying to raise money on GoFundMe for herself. It's not enough. That's, if you're feeling angry, venting doesn't help. Says a new study per the BBC. The idea of venting your anger apparently it doesn't help.
It doesn't make you calm down by letting it. That's not what I've been told and that's not what I've experienced. I think it's wrong. I think so too. I think these are all lies and I don't believe a single bit of it.
So no. Uh, let's see this, I've never heard of this cow gallstones. So like this gallstones from a cow are apparently a big enough thing to steal. People have been breaking into slaughterhouses to steal cow gallstones and they say it's twice as valuable as gold.
Suddenly I want cattle. It's like they're hardened nuggets of bile. Like what? I don't know. It's really prevalent in Brazil and they're orange. You know what they look like? They look like hush puppies. They look like hush puppies.
Yeah. They said they're orange colored hardened cattle gallstones. It is one of the most treasured ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine and now it's like being used for all kinds of stuff.
Selling them aren't, it's not illegal in Brazil, but it's now a big flourishing practice though. The trade for it underground. That is okay. That, that takes like sweet bread and goes above and beyond. That's absolutely insane. That is absolutely insane.
So you know, I mean what, what would it sell for? I'm so interested in this story. Okay. I got more. Huh?
Twice. I know, but like, can you just buy cattle and feed them a diet? That would be me.
Feed them a diet that would make them have it. I don't know. On this day in history, 1814, the first Knights Templar, great encampment in New York city. Hmm. Yeah. And Roe v. Wade, which is now undone.
It was decided in 1973. Very interesting. Ice teams are out in force with deportations per numerous reporting. They're out in force there. It's underway. It has started.
Uh, Tom home and sitting back there, his eyes turned red like lasers and uh, he's, you know, deploy, deploy ice agents. It is a big week and we're not just talking about inauguration day. Keltech has officially unveiled their brand new pistol, the PR five seven, and it's causing a huge buzz over a million views on the release video already. And you need to see why visit keltechweapons.com slash Dana today.
Right now, check it out. It's the Keltech PR five seven. It's a revolutionary compact concealed carry pistol chambered in five seven. It's ultra lightweight, 20 round capacity and here's what's the kicker. It's a unique top loading design. It's slim, simple and practical.
You're not going to have a magazine. In fact, the PR five seven loads directly into the grip. It's a rotary barrel design and it reduces weight by 40% compared to the other five, seven millimeters on the market. And it's not just innovative.
It's built for real world performance with ease of use in mind. So for a limited time, you can win your own keltech. Just head over to keltechweapons.com slash Dana. Enter their shot show week giveaway right before midnight Thursday.
That's a deadline. The winner. I'll announce it live on air the winner Friday, January 24th. So don't miss your chance to own the future of concealed carry.
Visit keltechweapons.com slash Dana keltech innovation performance made in the USA. I want to play some audio for you as well. Uh, that we're going to get into and pull this up. We're having some, we're having some internet issues right now, meaning that it doesn't exist.
This is a way to us, you know, we need star link over here. Can I play this audio sound bite nine because they're still rolling with not having, they're still rolling with that musk is Hitler thing. Listen to this. This is the United States of America.
And I don't care what Elon Musk is doing behind a presidential seal in this country. We hate Nazis. Kind of like a foundational defining thing. Uh, two, uh, probably the most foundational defining things about American history is that we beat the Confederates and we beat the Nazis. Well, they beat socialists and she's a socialist. You know, the left I actually had an argument one time.
I can't remember where this was. Oh, uh, I think it was in the green room of real time when I was on real time and I, it was somebody from daily costs daily coast who was arguing with me about, uh, how you can't say that they're just socialists. I'm like, do you realize that's what Nazi means?
It's national socialist. You barely literate consequence of cousin coupling. Like how in the world do you not understand basic history?
Not every, I'm so tired of it. Not everyone is Hitler, but you know what, where they're all like, Elon Musk is Hitler because he threw his heart and he made, he had like, you know, his arm out for a second. Where were, where was AOC when they were like beating Jewish students on college campuses? I thought she hated Hitler. Where, where was AOC when they, they were, they were beating down Jewish students on campus or when they were going after a, when the guy who was going to synagogue got shot and killed in New York. Where, where was AOC? That was in her city. Where was AOC then decrying something, something Hitler.
Where was she out over that? Does anybody know? No, nobody has any clue.
Nobody has any idea at all whatsoever. So typical. That's so I really just don't take where she had about the hostages, American hostages still being held by Hamas or Iran through Hamas attacking a long time ally in the middle East.
Where was she at? Silent over that. But Elon Musk, he makes a move where he takes his still beating heart and pretends to throw it to the audience to demonstrate his love and appreciation of them. And because he outstretched his arm to pretend, throw his imaginary still beating heart, she says it's Hitler.
But again, still silent when Jewish people were beaten in the streets. Just want to make sure I got that right. Right. Okay. All right. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. She's, you know what? I tend to think that she ran for office because she was a bad bartender. I mean, can you be bad at Bart's?
Oh yeah, you can be bad. She just doesn't, I don't think she's got it. Hand people already bottled drinks and barely having to mix anything.
Or what if she tries to make a cocktail? Oh, I'm sorry. They call that mixology. I feel like, I feel like I'm in that movie. What was it?
White Christmas with Danny K and he's making fun of dancing and say, no, it's choreography. Now I feel like it's mixology. It's just not making a cocktail.
It's mixology. I have known some really good bartenders by the way. So this is no insult, but this is an insult to AOC because clearly she couldn't hang it as a bartender and she's not, would you want to talk to that? If you're ordering a drink, I would have been grabbing, I mean, if I had a, I'm just saying, if I had a bartender who was that annoying, I'd be grabbing her hair and like, she'd be kissing the bar, I think, you know, I mean, come on, let's not do that. Not do what?
Let's not do the violence. I didn't say that she would have fallen on the bar and me being magnanimous and genuine and very helpful. That sounds like it's gravity's fault.
I would be helping pick her up off of it. That would be gravity's fault at that point. That's right. You know, I mean, I'm with you there. I mean, come on, Kane.
Thank you. It's really disappointing. This, at least Stefanik audio, somebody 11, she goes after Chris Murphy. Did you see Chris Murphy? No, you guys, you know why you guys didn't see Chris Murphy on X? Because you guys have lives. That's why. You have lives.
Play this audio because this is Stefanik just ripping his endocrine system out through his nose. What do you think of Elon Musk, perhaps the president's most visible advisor, doing two Heil Hitler salutes last night at the president's. That's so stupid. No, Elon Musk did not do those salutes. I was not at the rally, but I can tell you, I've been at many rallies with Elon Musk who loves to cheer when president Trump says we need to send a, you know, our U S space program to Mars. Elon Musk is a visionary.
I'm looking forward to his work in Doge, uh, the department of government efficiency and look forward to looking how we can be more efficient and effective. No, but that is not the case. And to say so is the American people are smart. They see through it. They support Elon Musk. We are proud to be the country of such successful entrepreneurs. That is one of our greatest strengths as American. There you go right there. Excellent. Thanks for tuning into today's edition of Dana lashes, absurd truth podcast. If you haven't already made sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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