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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tac. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man.
So I'm trying to understand. So this is an NBC2 local affiliate out there in Florida. Cape Coral Man was arrested after he claimed that his house was poisoned and attempted to break into another house. How do you poison a house? The victim was seen trying to open a lock sliding door on the back of the home. The victim said he confronted the guy, told him that he was armed. And that's when the intruder ran away from the scene before officers arrived. The guy, Antonio Cruz Uparicio, he was attempting to gain entry into a home. He was yelling for help, saying his house was poisoned. They'd actually had a tasing to get him under control. And they found his wallet at a separate residence. So he got charged, couple charges, burglary, resisting with violence. Yeah, that's, that's kind of freaky. Just I didn't even I mean, obviously, they probably did a mental health check on him.
This. Let's see, I got a couple of other ones. This is a Florida woman was arrested after she accidentally texted a sheriff's department instead of her drug dealer. That can happen. I'm sure to people like Octavia Wells.
They're 41 years old. She sent a text message trying to get fentanyl before leaving town. Apparently, though, she accidentally texted a narcotics investigator within the sheriff's office. And oh boy, the investigator adeptly engaged her in conversation masquerading as her drug dealer arranged to meet with her. She went to the gas station, thinking she was meeting her drug dealer. And instead, she was met with a team of investigators. And she was taken into custody. Because they see they were they charged with a whole bunch of stuff. And I don't know if like buying with the intent to distribute was part of it. But this, let's see a couple others the Lee County man that got in trouble for slashing tires following a road rage incident.
37 year old Matthew Tobler. He was slashing tires of a vehicle, according to Lee County Sheriff's Office, and he was making obscene gestures, hand gestures at nearby motorists. And when a victim said that he why would you approach the vehicle? There was an incident a vehicle victim approached that Tobler's vehicle he got out of the car began threatening him with a knife and then started slashing his tires before leaving the scene. So they were able to take I mean, why what the hell is wrong with the what is? I'm going to tell you what people can't drive. That is for sure. I've got some stories.
I actually have a story that happened to me over Christmas that I'll share when I'm able to share it. But yeah, people cannot drive. And let's see in Saudi Arabia is pressing a Floridian. Well, a man in Florida to give up his US citizenship over critical tweets. It's a Florida retiree. He made social media posts critical of the Crown Prince.
And Saudi Arabia doesn't have the same kind of, you know, speech. Interesting. This is going to make your life easier. And if you you know, dislike big pharma and you dislike the Rube Goldberg machine, that is our healthcare system. All family pharma is here for you because they believe in medical freedom and empowering you to take take charge of your health. So for instance, when I got sick over Thanksgiving, right, and I mean, it's I can't get into your doctor. And if you know, do you want to go to urgent care and pay like a 200 something dollar copay when you could just literally get in touch with all family slash Dana and use code Dana 10 for 10% off your entire order. And then you know what you need.
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Subscribe at Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. In LA, they've had over, I don't know, some people said they've seen hundreds, personally seen hundreds of homes burn. What were they doing just recently? Audio somebody 11. This is what they were doing. This is how the city was handling stuff. Listen.
I'm super inspired. She took time out of her already busy schedule to tell us about her vision for the department's future. One that includes a three-year strategic plan to increase diversity. People ask me what number are you looking for?
I'm not looking for a number. It's never enough. Out of 3,300 city firefighters, only 115 are women right now. She's already looking at ways to change that. She's quick to point out that doing so has a greater purpose, attracting the best and brightest for the job. They feel included, they feel valued, and they feel part of a cohesive team. The chief also checks another box when it comes to inclusivity and diversity at this department. She's a proud member of the LGBTQ community. That just kind of opens the door of people that thought, I didn't even know that that was an opportunity for me.
Oh, man, things that I would rather say right now that I can't. I mean, you know, they could be focusing on firefighting and stuff. But you know, it's California, specifically LA. We got to make sure that we include people who have sex a certain way in our hiring process. Like, are they, is it like a job for firefighters?
Or are they also hookers? I don't understand. Yeah, like, how, why does that have any impact on that? Why does that, why is that a consideration on the job? You know, my bosses don't care that I love cilantro. They don't care.
They wouldn't care if I dislike cilantro. It's not a thing, right? It's just something, it's just a preference. This, this idea that this is somehow you have to include this into firefighting.
I just I don't understand it. Does it make them fight the fires a better way? Like, do gay, does a gay dude fight a fire better than a dude who's not gay? Like, is how well you fight fires predicated upon how you, you know, get it out privately? Like, I'm curious. Is there something I don't know? Is there study?
Yeah, I don't think even straight people don't have an advantage over gay people in that regard. Because that doesn't matter to your firefighting skills. I am made of jokes right now. It's taking everything I have. All of my self restraint right now. All of them. The fact that we're arguing this part of it to me is beyond absurd.
I mean, this is stuff they were doing just a few months ago. Yes, it's very important. You know, I got your first, I don't care if the fire chief is alphabet. I don't care.
Can you I don't know, fight fires. It's very important that we get a fire chief who likes tail. It's very important. And that it's a chick who likes tail. It's very important.
And this does what concerning the impact of fighting fires? Absolutely nothing. Then why is it an issue? I, this is what's so confusing. Coming from, you know, my perspective as someone who was a teenager in the 90s, and a young adult going into the early aughts. I was always told like the the the rhetoric that we always heard is that what happens behind closed doors is none of your business and stay out everybody's private lives. But now it's like the doors are flung open and they're having a housewarming party in their bedroom and you're forced to attend and applaud. That's what it that's what it's like now. I and I just it's so hypocritical.
And it is completely fair to bring these things up and point this out because the fact that that was like a huge goal for them. Do you know they don't have enough firefighters? Adam Carolla was just saying what he's a re reiterated the story that he shared a couple of years ago that he had tried to be a firefighter. And they told him that he had to wait. He was on a waitlist to be considered because he wasn't a minority.
We don't need any of you white dudes fighting fires. Oh my gosh. This is so it's just so weird. It's so weird.
I don't know. I I'm just that's what they focused on. DEI is going to get everybody burnt up.
People will burn to death because of dei. That's exactly what I just this is just so stupid. So stupid. I was looking at who voted where so the palisades they la times had a story where you can go and you can read and see on this map that they have.
You go to remove paywall to get around their paywall because I'm not paying them for this stuff. But they were saying that the palisades it was pretty close. A lot of them voted for Karen Bass. But barely more of them voted for Rick Caruso. But that Karen Bass ended up winning for mayor in LA. So I mean, and of all the people who were very, very competent, you know, Rick Caruso, billionaire, very successful real estate developer, understands land management, understands all of it. You know, you would think that you would need somebody like that, particularly with wildfires that have been plaguing the area lately.
But no, no, they went with Karen Bass. Not even in town when all this stuff happens. Remember how the left lost their minds when Ted Cruz went on a previously scheduled spring break trip during ice again and a couple of years ago. Karen Bass is legit like at an inauguration in Ghana while her town burns. So shut up.
And then Cruz didn't even go he canceled his portion and stayed. Which is stupid. Yeah.
And he's Yeah. So stupid. So I don't know. Meantime in Seattle, another city being ravaged by progressivism, who would have thought their $20 per hour minimum wage law is forcing all the restaurants to close. There's five more restaurants that are closing. They have a law where they demand that you pay someone over $20 an hour, $20 and 76 cents an hour. And the hospitality industry came out with a prediction that a ton of small businesses will go under as a direct result of that. And so one of those, Belgado Bakery, they posted a sign in its door, they said that they're no longer they're not no longer able to service their customers. They're not able to close that 20% increase in mandated wages, and that they're going to have to close their doors. And they're just one of tons of other people, tons of other small businesses that are closing because they can't, they can't handle it.
That's because it's stupid. To demand 20 over $20 an hour for this is so stupid. And I say this is someone I started as a server. I my first job was as a server.
And I worked every Friday and Saturday night and made a lot of money and tips and I worked really, really hard. It's an entry level job, and I never expected to be paid $20 an hour mandated. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You're you're making the market pay over pay for a lower skill set. And that's exactly it is people can get upset about it.
But I mean, come on. This is dumb. This is how you get $70 hamburgers is this kind of stuff right here. Because people then bitch and moan about capitalism. They don't, they don't account their costs into the capitalism. When you are forcing businesses and why stop at $20? When you're forcing businesses to pay, where do you think that cost is coming from? The business doesn't exist just to tickle your jimmies.
They don't exist just to, you know, make you happy. It's a business. They're going to pass the cost on. That's just how and why stop?
Like I said, why stop at $20 an increase in $20? Why don't you give them $50,000 an hour if you really love the poor? If you love the poor so much, you'll give them your salary. Notice how none of those people ever volunteered to do that. Just it's killing businesses there. But that's people voted for it. And they'll probably continue to vote for it.
It's all the rich progressives that can afford all the stupidity. Our partners who helped bring you the program. It's our friends over at Keltech. Keltech the makers. Oh, they invented the Micro Compact Pistol category. They invented all of that. They're unveiling some new stuff over at SHOT Show as well, which is going to be later this month.
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And that's where you can get updates on the latest innovation performance, Keltech, slash Dana. And now all of the news you would probably miss. It's time for Dana's quick five. So this comes from one of our listeners, a Patzant, Indiana woman, an alleged drunk driver found stuck in the snow. She berated her arresting her arresting officers calling them the devil and saying they were part of the steep, the deep state. Yeah, that's never a good way to try to argue yourself out of getting. She said she only drank three shots of tequila.
Come on, like were they double shots? I mean, I feel like, you know, I don't know if I'm going to trust her on that. I gotta say, I gotta be honest. I don't know if I want to trust her on that. AI's next leap requires intimate access to your digital life.
No thanks. Tech companies are trying to race, trying to upgrade. They're racing to upgrade chatbots like ChatGPT to even take control of a computer to take action on someone's behalf.
I think people need to be really, really careful with this stuff. Just gotta say, they said that they're trying to make it better. And that's, you know, that's, that's the need. It's a very ambitious goal. I'm telling you, this is going to turn around. It's going to get out of control. And it's going to, it's probably already out of control. And we just don't know it. I, you know, it's, when you read some of the editorials, talking about need to contain this stuff, and they're from programmers and these really well known, you know, engineers that have contributed so much to the advancements that we see in software programming, etc. It's terrifying when you like read some of what these people are saying. A major country has reintroduced strict COVID rules because of another Chinese virus.
Yay. They said that a number of states are already trying to implement some of this stuff. Chinese government's trying to manage what they say is the surge in cases. There are a couple of countries where they're trying, they're issuing warnings.
And some of these, there's, I think in India, they are as well. This is wild to see some of this stuff. I mean, they don't even know what it is.
But here, they're already making the same mistakes that we've seen, that we saw what they did during COVID. Outcry is an Arizona tattoo shop. Tattoo's a nine year old girl who wanted a picture of Trump on her neck. I mean, I'm not against tattoos. Why are you nine and getting a Trump tattoo on your neck?
They already shared video of the process. And he said, do a more patriotic tattoo, maybe a flag on your arm or something. But she said, nope, she wants it on her neck. So that's apparently, she wanted to get it. Apparently, they were able to, I guess she did it on her arm. Instead, she changed her mind. They traveled to Arizona, where kids can get tattoos if they have parental permission. But you know, if you wanted to chop off your willy and be a chick, then you don't need to tell mom and dad.
I mean, that's how the rule is. So she got just a tattoo on her arm of a flag. She wanted Trump on her neck originally.
But she ended up getting the, still, though, come on. That's a little, that's a little much. Let's see a Los Angeles vegan chain, abruptly closed all their locations. They got in trouble because they added meat to the menu. I'm looking at their food that looks gross. It looks like dung and some vegetables.
Yeah, they they ended up the sage restaurant, they ended up having to abruptly shut all their locations. It's not my expectation to have any conversation at any point today. But we are looking forward to the dialogue to come. The dialogue to come in the next few weeks and thereafter, to find the common ground necessary in order to get things done for the American people. House Democrats believe that we are not sent to Washington to invade Greenland, rename the Gulf of Mexico, or seize the Panama Canal by force.
We were sent to Washington to lower the high cost of living in the United States. Now you're concerned about it? Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, hold up.
Where was this cat at when everyone was like, Why are my groceries so expensive? They were acting like it wasn't a big deal. But now all of a sudden, they're not, they're not no longer going to be in power in a week and a half.
So they're now they're concerned about the high cost of living. Whatever. Before November, the economy was great.
Yeah, it was great. What happened? Well, since that time, Trump ain't even in office yet. We can't. He's not even in office yet.
That's Hakeem Jeffries. Welcome back to the program. Dana Lash with you. I mean, I think I, I didn't, I don't want expansionism. I didn't vote for expansionism.
I voted for America first. And I feel like right now, if it's not anything that we voted for, it's not one of the animating issues around which everyone coalesced, then it needs to be kicked to the back of the list right now. However, I do think it's been funny to watch. I'm torn because I keep thinking, gosh, this is, it's just like, let's focus. But I also think it's funny.
I think it's funny because after Trump started talking about it, I don't know what the Danes thought they were doing. But King Fred but King Frederick. Has it? Wait a minute.
Has he been the one? Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Is this the guy who got in trouble with his wife? Hold up.
Oh, it is. So the Danish king, if you don't know this, and the only reason I know this is because of the trash British tabloids. So Frederick got caught like two years ago in staying overnight at his Spanish lady friend's apartment.
I think they were in Madrid. And they went out and had dinner and did all this and they went back and he didn't leave her apartment till the morning. Well, they're old friends, you know, how many of you married out there that would fly?
How would that fly with? Yeah, just Yeah, uh huh. Anyway, his wife is Australian, but she speaks the language and she's very well revered in Denmark anyway. So they've had some drama. So Frederick, he's the king of Denmark. His mom abdicated the throne.
I think her name is Marguerite. So he took over. And after Trump started talking about all of this, he decided that he was going to change the coat of arms to more accurately reflect Greenland and their important position to the country. So what they did is they made the bear bigger.
The Danish coat of arms features a bear, which is the symbol of Greenland and the ram and a symbol of the Faroe Islands. And now the bears bigger. At first it was just tiny little bears, two little bears in the bottom left panel and now it's a big giant bear. And they've got the two dudes with the clubs standing. I just am fascinated by these. So they updated their coat of arms like, Oh, look what we did. We made the bear bigger. That will show you Trump.
It's not probably the most accurate Danish accent, but it's the best I can do under the circumstances. So that just seems silly. Is that silly? It's as silly as what Trump is saying, I think, because I don't give a rat's ass about going into Greenland right now. Can we just make reciprocity a national thing and get rid of taxes?
That'd be great. I see his point on national security. If you've got Russian and China ships roaring around up there in North America where there would be a national security concern.
I don't see it. And I don't think he's ever articulated it as us going in and invading Greenland. When the hell did it ever happen that it was a priority? Like all of us said, we're like, okay, we all voted in November, right? We're going to have, we're going to, we're going to secure the border. We're going to build the wall, right?
Yeah. We're going to build a wall. We're going to make groceries affordable again. We're going to make America healthy again. We're going to bring back Mexican Coke for everybody.
Not the booger sugar, but the soda. And then he's like, yeah, okay, what best I can do is Greenland. The pond stars. Like, and we're all scratching our heads. Like, what the hell? I didn't, Greenland wasn't, I'm checking notes, wasn't on the list. Well, I know that the article one section eight of our constitution definitely lays out the responsibilities of these, well, our federal government.
I think if you're going to make that argument, they got to make the case and prove it to the American people. And that was my next point. If he's not contextualizing, why? Because we're small government. Why are we expanding government to another tool? Yeah, this is expansionism.
So he's got to contextualize why this is important and why this falls under the purview of, you know, the executive branch here as it relates to article one section eight. I, I sure as hell don't want Canada. No offense, Canadians. We got some of you that listen. I like you guys.
And I like that Pierre Paul of air. I like him a lot, but I don't want Canada. I don't want it. There's nothing I want up there.
Nothing I want. I don't want the damn liberalism. I don't want the crap healthcare.
I don't want all those damn liberal votes. I don't want Canada. Don't want it. Don't want the cold. Don't want the bears.
Don't want it. None of it. Don't, don't, uh, I think a good syrup and Canada is not a victim.
I mean, what? They've got good lumber and good syrup. I don't care about the syrup. I don't even like pancakes here. I don't even like maple syrup. I don't like it. It's weird. The hell are you saying it's tree juice?
It's weird. You don't like maple syrup? No, no. I'd forever hate going to be looking at you through a dental line. I'll eat a pancake plane. I won't put nothing on it.
Not looking at you the same now for some reason. Give me a fruit compote. You know, I don't want no syrup on it.
It's weird. It's like, would you like some diabetes? Pour some diabetes juice all over your pancake, all over your carbs.
Yeah. I'm not so sure that maple syrup gives you diabetes. Does it? It has sugar. It's like all sugar. But it's not like bad, like refined sugar and crack of all the sugars that exist. It's not the worst one out there.
It's pretty bad, though. Like what? You don't need it.
You don't need it. It's just why do we eat it? I don't get like, what the hell do we do?
Some of the stuff that we do? We drink nut milk. It's weird. It's not milk. It's just dirty nut water.
That's all it is, right? It gets all weird. It's all weird. Why do we do? We are so no wonder that aliens stay hidden. How I want to be like these. Oh, I want these people to be my friend. Have you seen us? We're weirdos. No.
I mean, I'm a human and I'm like, ugh. No, thank you. Anyway, back to this.
I just love this little Danish king, this little lightness loafers looking feller who's like, I'm going to change the coat of arms. I give you to bed. The bay's bigger now. You can't take Greenland. The bay is bigger. Someone asked, by the way, we have, Lorraine informs me.
We have a good kind of a raid happening in the show chat, which happens in rumble, by the way, which you can join. Someone asked if Greenland is going to get named Mara Igloo. A little he cave. I don't know. Little he glue.
It's a he glue. I mean, I just am not interested in the expansionism, but I do think it's hysterical that they're like, oh, yeah, well, we change our coat of arms. Most Americans are like, the hell is a coat of arms? What? What is that even like? Oh, you made the bear bigger. Nobody knows what that means except those people.
Right? Like that's not going to do it. That doesn't create a magical force field around Greenland. Oh, we can't touch them because they made the bear bigger on the coat of arms. There's no more Vikings anymore. Stop. No one's afraid. Good heavens.
But I don't want I don't really think I don't care. And renaming the Gulf of Mexico. Is that going to make the IRS go away? Because if it does, then I'm all for it.
I'm just interested to find out. We should call it the Gulf of F off is what we should call it. Well, rename it. Why not name it the Gulf of America?
And by the way, how much work does that actually take? I want to name it something scary so no one wants to come through it. Like the Gulf of there's straight up monsters here. That's the Gulf of it. Gulf of death? The Gulf of death. Just saying.
What were you going to say? I was going to ask, like, how much effort really goes into renaming it? Like, are we really like wasting a ton of time because we decided to rename? I just don't know what it does to Gulf of America. Who do you go to do that?
Who do you like? Is there like a is there an old man who lives up in a mountain somewhere and you got to climb all the steps and be like, I would like to change the name of this golf. How does that work? I think you just declare it and then the agreement of others. Well, then why can't we just constantly declare stuff? I think we do. I don't think that's how that works.
There's a lot of declarations over the years and a lot of them go against science. You're telling me the next time I'm fishing out in the Caribbean, if I come across an island that no one else is on? Mindsies? Why not? I mean, until their military shows up.
I don't know. Well, if it's somebody's, then yeah, I guess so. But what if it's somebody's?
I mean, you're talking about squatting. If it's nobody's, then you got to deal with, you know, entities like China. I'm all for saying that the Gulf is ours. Pirates?
Yeah, pirates aren't as cool as they used to be. No. I'm all for saying that the Gulf is ours, right? Because we're the it's ours. Like we're all over there and we're bigger than everybody else. So, you know, step off.
But what does it accomplish? Wasn't it the Gulf of Pensacola at one point? I don't know. I didn't know that. I thought it was named the Gulf of Mexico.
And that's their first recorded naming of that area. But the Gulf of your mom and just use that as an insult to every, you know, tyrant, every foreign tyrant. It'd be a waste of time if government was doing what you're saying. I just don't know how like what that does. Again, if you're like, Dana, do you know that all you have to do to accomplish all these things that you voted for is just change the name of the damn Gulf woman. Just do it. And I'd be like, OK, I'm convinced. I want to see that magic happen.
I'm totally convinced. But right now, you know, I just don't know. I just don't. But I sure as hell don't want Canada. All right.
I don't want them. But I envision Trump having his daily list like this to do this honey do list every day from his day one. You know what I mean? And I think like number 12 on that list is probably rename in the Gulf. I don't know. I do think it's funny that Denmark decided to immediately give Greenland a whole bunch of money for defense. I don't know if you guys saw this, but hang on. Who pulled this up?
This is hysterical. So Denmark, after Trump was saying all this stuff, they boosted Greenland's defense after Trump started talking. So they sent a package that they said was in the double digit billion amount in Krone, the Danish defense minister Trollsland Poulsen. That's not I know I'm doing the best I can with the Danish.
I can't do it. Everything sounds like that. That guy from the Frozen movie. It's a double digit billion amount.
It's only a fate. So they're they they they said that they were planning all of a sudden a stronger presence into Arctic is what they're saying. So they're including increasing staffing at Arctic Command in the capital of Nuke, which is right where Junior went. I can't do a Danish accent.
I can do like 10 accents really well. And that's about it. This is not one of them. They said that it's going to be about 12 to 15 billion dollars or Krone. And it was the day after Trump was trolling about it on on Truth Social. So now all of a sudden they just decided, oh, we're just going to boost the defense here. This all I don't know. But is I'd not say I what with that was the goal. Everything is so stupid and crazy. What if it was the goal? Because if that was the goal to get these nations to spend more on their own defense, then why not just threaten all of them with with taking them over and then they'll be like, oh, we'll spend all these NATO nations will suddenly start contributing more to their self defense so they don't have to be our welfare children anymore. I'm just saying, you know, I don't know. I don't know. I just I just let's just accomplish what we need to accomplish now. And then later, you know, but changing the coat of arms is hysterical.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-08 16:27:57 / 2025-01-08 16:41:54 / 14