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The Madison Manifesto, Omnibus Madness, & Trudeau’s Exit Talks

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
December 17, 2024 3:47 pm

The Madison Manifesto, Omnibus Madness, & Trudeau’s Exit Talks

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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December 17, 2024 3:47 pm

John Kirby speaks out on the drone sightings saying they are being operated legally and not part of a government operation. The perpetrator in the school shooting in Madison, Wisconsin was a 15-year-old girl illegally possessing a pistol. The killer’s manifesto is released with references to feminism, racism and Columbine. The House expects a vote on the 1,500+ page short-term omnibus by Wednesday to which they haven’t been able to read. Kamala uses the horrific Christian school shooting in Wisconsin yesterday to call for gun control. A Conservative influencer takes the final scene of Yellowstone out of context to make it look woke. Canada turns on Justin Trudeau as he considers resignation. San Francisco ironically creates a position called the “Weight Stigma Czar”. CNN admits that the Syrian man that Reporter Clarissa Ward helped “free” was actually an intelligence official for the Assad Regime.

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