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Absurd Truth: Flirtin' With Your Mask Off

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2024 3:44 pm

Absurd Truth: Flirtin' With Your Mask Off

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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December 6, 2024 3:44 pm

The assassin of the United Healthcare CEO exposed his face in order to flirt with an employee at his hostel. Do you think this was a hit job?? Meanwhile, The Village People’s Singer praises Trump for boosting 'YMCA,' and rejects the song’s ‘Gay Anthem’. 

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It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. I really want to play this video, but I'm told we can't because of the profanities that are in it.

It's a four minute, three minute and 35 second clip. I mean, we're willing to take the chance. I mean, we do know the head of the FCC. We shouldn't have to bring him in.

They'll put any pressure on Brendan Carr like that. I mean, what's the point of having a CHIT if you can't call it in? You know what I'm saying? Right, but they're not for something like this.

Yeah, maybe you're right. But play the video anyway. So the 72 year old Florida man, Dennis Wynn, Walmart, Walmart drones keep flying over his house. And so he shot one as it flew over his property. And the drone, I mean, the drone was like right above his house.

There was someone who said that they want a $10,000 lawsuit for the same thing. And when they arrested him, he goes, I can't breathe. That's what he said. That was just chef's kiss there.

Chef's kiss. But I mean, the drone was right over his house. He said he's had issues in his neighborhood with these drones flying right over people's houses in their yards. It's not like they're flying like way up high.

And yeah, when they put handcuffs on, he goes, I can't breathe. He, the Lake County Sheriff's Office said they found a bullet hole, bullet hole in the payload that the drone was carrying. And he said, you can't be flying your drone in, you know, in our properties. And he's got a point.

I mean, at some point, you know, people have the expectation of privacy on their own property. I don't. Yeah, I don't got a problem with him. I got to tell you.

The officer actually started laughing when he said it though. We've been fine. There's no issues. We're not, you know, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

Dang. I mean, you know, I'm just saying so I don't. What's wrong? I mean, if you're trespassing, you don't know if it's a threat. What if that drone's armed? That's a possibility.

Nobody knows. People have the expectation of privacy in their own house. You guys don't under appreciate how old school I am. Like I go back to the Wild West. That's how old school I am.

Didn't even live there. I'm like, you're a drone in my yard. Pop.

It's happening. But if it's a drone that's hovering or something like that, how far up legally is my property? It's free skeet. It's what it is. All the way to the I see it. I'm going skeet skeet skeet. I see it.

I want to go at it. I see I get 5000 feet. Like do I if I have property 5000 feet above it, I can defend like it was low enough that he could see it from his window.

Apparently, I read another story where he could. That's how low it was. That's a problem. There's law that has a limit.

Like if it's more than 4000 feet above you, then yeah, alone. But if it's less than that, you can do something. Yeah, apparently, I guess so. I don't know.

I'm just you know, I got a couple of other I got a lot more. Let's see a drunk Florida man slammed into a deputy's cruiser during a traffic stop. This guy's face is so jacked up you guys. For Pierce. He's got a history of driving under the influence. This Florida man. It's past Saturday, Fort Pierce police try to conduct a traffic stop reckless driver. He wouldn't stop and then he hit the he hit the officer's car.

His name is Perry P. Apples. And it looks like he got beaten halfway within an inch of his life. And his mugshot he looks like a garbage pail kid in his mugshot.

He totally does. So they took him into custody. And he's he he said that he was not he super slower and they found open containers of alcohol.

In the vehicle, all kinds of stuff. And Lorraine sent this one, a Florida man bought a used TV. And then when he switched it on apparently was in demo mode. He bought it off a Facebook marketplace for $300 turned it on in a Popeyes menu came on from the food chain. And he couldn't get it off the Popeyes menu. And he said I thought my friends were missing messing with me.

It was like in demo mode or something. And it was like literally the Popeyes menu. He could not get it off the Popeyes menu.

And he got any game. I can't play the video because he's like it's a blanking Popeyes menu. It's not blinking funny. Steve that his friends finally helped him get it off demo mode.

I don't know why it was on Popeyes though, our partners that helped bring you the program. It's our friends over at Caltech, the P 15. It stands for 15 pews. It's the lightest, thinnest, most easily concealable nine millimeter double stack mag that's on the market.

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Innovation Performance Caltech learn more at Caltech That's tell them Dana sent you his face that we've seen before smiling here are John Miller who we're going to speak to in just a moment is told by his sources that the man pulled down his mask because he was flirting with a woman at the front desk of a New York City hostel that he was staying in. Pulled down his mask and was smiling and flirting with her. I just don't think a professional hit man is going to be so dumb. First off, if there's a camera there, he'll see it. If he's a total pro, he's going to know that there's a camera there at the desk. He's not going to position himself in a way that the camera can see his face. And if his face is covered, he sure as hell not going to remove his face covering to give a photograph to the camera that can later be used against him. He's not going to be distracted from his mission either. I mean, that's where I'm like, maybe it's not unless it's a really bad, you know, I mean, this is it.

It does not seem quiet. That's that was a dumb move. That was so that do you still think it was a professional hitter that their budget only got them this this great value assassin?

For real? No, I don't think it was a professional hit. Just look the weak grip on that first shot would say that they probably haven't really shot guns that much. Yeah, that was also a thought like the way that he handled I mean, not that we're trying to be but when you're we're not we're trying to be like technical in that petty kind of way. But we're that goes a long way in telling you about the background of the person who's doing carrying out the criminal act.

And, you know, just gives you a little bit of insight in him. Yeah, he was real limp wristed. And this is I mean, that's why jammed. I mean, when you got when you're limp wristed, and you got that's, that's one of the number one ways that you can have your semi auto pistol jam up on you is if you're not holding it correctly, and you're not applying, you know, proper, you know, pushback.

If your wrist is taking that and absorbing that the slide should be doing that to the next round. Exactly. So he didn't really know what he was doing. And Steve was like, Well, he does have a silencer. Yeah, but you can just, you know, that's easy to attach. That doesn't that doesn't.

That's not and it's not really, you know, silent either. But the way that he was the way that he was handling his gun, his grip, his the fact that he would wear such an easily identifiable backpack also isn't that backpack like a $300 backpack. So you're wearing an ultra bougie backpack that apparently was is used by professional photographers. And it seems like he went and got out.

He got a hit man backpack. That's what that's what that says to me. You know, that's what that's I don't know. It's such a weird thing. How in the world do we not know anything else about this though? In broad daylight in Manhattan, they got his DNA off a water bottle. They've got showcases with cryptic words on them.

They got a photo. I mean, I don't know. I'm sure maybe there's more that they just haven't released. Thompson apparently his estranged wife said that she that he had been receiving threats, but she didn't know the nature of them. And he didn't have security.

And the other people with whom he worked, who were attending the conference with him said it didn't seem like he had a detail. So I don't know. Just wild. The whole thing is wild. Do you have any theories, Cain? Yeah, it's wild.

It's a weird one. But the fact that they got his picture because he was flirting with a chick, to me, and then his grip and all that he's not like a seasoned he's not a pro. He's not a pro.

So who hired this guy? Or what else? What? What other I mean, this is this is gonna be on like what? Unsolved Mysteries or something one day, isn't it?

I just don't know how you don't know who it is at this point. But again, maybe there's maybe there is there's I'm sure that there's a lot more to it than they're sharing but it's still very interesting. I know Lorraine brought up the the thing that denied defend oppose on his shell casings. And apparently that was a based from like a 2010 book delayed and I defend why insurance companies don't pay claims. I mean, the most basic reasoning is this was a guy who got mad because they denied his claim and he was going to take action against them.

Right? It's very Occam's razor. You know, the most simple explanation is usually the correct one Occam's razor.

But really, though, I don't know, I think we're so used to conspiracies. But this guy was not a pro. And like I said, his his the reason that his pistol jammed is because he was limp wrist in it. And by the way, when going to the range with people, that is the number one, that's the first thing that you really focus on with people is their grip. Because otherwise, you got all you got all kinds of malfunctions. If you're not holding it properly. You're not you're not holding it steady with with proper strength in your grip.

So that you're not taking that recoil, and then get, you know, jamming up your gun. Or he's not the guy says one. That was the backpack, though, and that hostile hostile, hostile video, right? That was the same backpack that bougie backpack. I mean, that's what I don't it's so weird.

I don't know if you can get them together one and show them on screen side by side or not. But he's shown that the jackets actually are a little different to the different photos. Now, does that mean he wore a different jacket on a different day? Or is this a different person? I mean, this, the thing is, it's all still speculative, no matter how you slice it, but maybe he had like some of the same jacket.

I don't know, it's the whole thing is so weird. Yeah, so it looks like he's been he's able to toggle back and forth. So we've got these are so these are the jackets here that these are the pictures that were circulating originally. And then he showed his face. And this is the jacket that he was wearing with his face. So you see there. Now, obviously, the picture is lighter. So it looks like the could be a different jack.

I feel like there's not enough contrast in the earlier ones, or brightness and there's two other three photos one and this thing there looks like he still has the thing on his sleeve on that very right photo. But I don't know. Still, I'm not in charge of the investigation, obviously.

And I don't envy those who are but it might be it might be different. You know, he could have, you know, changed his jacket. But that looks like the same backpack.

So I don't know, it's all very interesting. It probably was maybe it was a different jacket. Looks like that's a pullover.

Whereas the other one looks like a jet. But anyway, long story short, I don't know, maybe it's a guy who got his claim tonight. He's mad. I mean, they made movies like that. It's plausible. But that's the guy was getting threats beforehand. And see, that may not be why we don't have any more information. If he was getting through receiving threats beforehand, then obviously, you know, they're investigating all that they don't want to release any information to the public that could compromise the investigation or give up you know, you don't want to give up any information to that would potentially warn a suspect.

You don't want the suspect to know if you're you're closing in. 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Trump I did not that is hysterical it's like he's got string it cracks me up the first time that I saw him do it I think it was back during his first term when he was campaigning for his first term and he did kind of a little thing and nobody really noticed it I think well I think people talked about it they laughed about it and then he kind of started every time he'd get happy he'd do it it was funny welcome back to the show I just like the dance because it's hysterical what was the video that it was SNL where he was he was redoing that video oh my gosh who was the guy was on Nickelodeon and then but acts like he comes from the life of hard knocks school hard knocks Steve who am I thinking of he did he did a sketch on SNL he recreated Drake and hotline boy thank you yes he recreated that video hotline blink that's right that's what he did he read it he did that video and it was funny because that's when he really got into it and that I think really is when it was officially born and he was just he was doing his Trump dance with this his string his invisible string it just cracks me up so welcome back it's Friday they he was doing it to YMCA I was reading the story about Victor Willis the YMCA singer who says that he's he supports Trump using the song because it brings joy to the American people he did an interview about it and he says he has no problem with it being used but he said he will sue outlets who call it a gay anthem he says he said he he supports Trump using it to bring story the American people he goes I decided to allow the allow the president elects continued use of YMCA because he seems to genuinely genuinely like the song and so many other artists were stopping him from using their music and he goes if you were asked asked me today if the village people would perform at the inauguration I would probably say not because we'd be concerned about endorsement he goes however he because he's done so much for YMCA he goes the song's actually gone back to number one it's still number one today he goes so if you were to ask the village people to perform a life room we'd have to seriously consider it but he goes the song was never gay and I'm gonna sue people who say it's a gay anthem I am dying he goes he goes come January and then he drops it because I come January 2025 my wife and I we're gonna start suing each and every news organization that falsely says it's a gay anthem I mean he like went right into it it's hysterical this guy cracks me up but you know he's like he's having fun with it I always hate when people say that like these artists that go out like how dare you use my music the way it works is they have to license their music to that so they make more money off of their songs if they license it for different use like you can get different licenses like what came like for public use there's like different categories publishing for for actual production for score you know I mean all there's all kinds of different ways that you can attach your name to it but it is it's it's ultimately about ownership of your own music so by doing that you're licensing you now have the license to decide where that song goes and if you put it in the public domain and allow it to be purchased that's just what happens right it's like similar to what if you're like you're Nike and you're selling shoes somebody buys your Nike shoes they can wear them right I mean or you're licensing your your logo out for certain yeah I mean that's right so once they do that you know it's yeah I mean you you can't you can't say for him but not for him that's not how the licensing works and that's so you have your ass cap would be in my ass cap yeah and see sec so I always get mad when I see these musicians go out and say he can't use our music anymore why'd you license it then I think they do that as a way to get more attention for themselves so good on this guy good on the YMCA guy it's a joyful song it's a very joyful song you know I gotta say thanks for tuning into today's edition of Dana lashes absurd truth podcast if you haven't already made sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you get your podcast
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