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Absurd Truth: Congressional Bathroom Bill

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
November 19, 2024 3:20 pm

Absurd Truth: Congressional Bathroom Bill

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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November 19, 2024 3:20 pm

Rep. Nancy Mace proposes a bill to stop newly-elected trans Rep. Sarah McBride from using the women’s bathroom. Meanwhile, The Southern Poverty Law Center plans to dox writers from The Babylon Bee’s news website, Not The Bee, over a piece they published.

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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast. Sponsored by Kel-Tec.

It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. I'm trying. Oh man, I got to start with this lady.

This Florida lady. Woo, we got some of them today. Alright, so this chick is, man, I got, I'm going to make sure we get her beautiful visage and slack guys. Hold up.

We're going to need it. She faces assault with a deadly, yeah, faces assault with a deadly weapons charge after domestic disturb. Everyone is not right. Oh my gosh.

I never thought anything would make me not like him. A woman faces assault with a deadly weapons charge after domestic disturbance involving threats with a taser and a knife. According to Coral Springs Police Department, this beautiful woman named Cheryl Hyatt, officers responded to a residence. There was a confirmation between family members, including some death threats. And the 61 year old woman, Cheryl here, she was irate because her daughter said she wanted to go and live with her dad. And then it got crazy. And then apparently little Ms. Cheryl here retrieved a taser and a knife and pointed the taser at her daughter and her and 90 year old mother and asked who's first?

Dang. On the scene that Coral Springs Police Department did recover a pink taser and a kitchen knife in Hyatt's wheelchair inside the residence. CSPD report indicated that video evidence was provided by the victim shown Hyatt shouting quote, I have a taser.

I have pepper spray. Who's first? Yeah, that didn't didn't go real well. And they Yeah. Let's see here.

I guess they really want me to read this one because it's in here twice. A Florida woman. Oh, man. So she tried to defraud over hurricane aid, right? According to police, a 44 year old woman was accused of using her mother's identity to apply for hurricane aid. And when she was questioned by Bradenton City employees as to why she looks so much younger than the much older woman in the photo ID. She said it was because of Botox. Girl. The assistant's claim saying that she was forced to move out of her home due to hurricane damage.

But the employee, if you could imagine, did not buy her explanation of Botox as to why she suddenly looked like almost, you know, 20 something years younger. And yeah, so she is she posted $2,500 bond. And that's she's gonna go to court.

So she's just bonded out right now. Man, I tell you what, oh, this Florida man was arrested after he was pretending to be a police officer, an undercover police officer, to avoid a background check. William Milstead 64 was also he this is the not the first time he's done this. Not the second time he's done this. Also not the third time he's done this 64 year old Mr. Milstead. He did this again in 2002 and 2016. Dude, he looks like somebody who would do this.

His mugshot is entertaining to me. But the agency reported that he was attempting to lease a residential property without undergoing a background check. He said that he was an undercover agent working off grid, which is why he could not participate in your particular background check. But they and then he produced a letter from apparently the assistant captain of their quote off grid command unit, which you know, that's not what it's called. And it had numerous grammatical spelling and punctuation errors. And it not even literally, yes.

Yes, yes. Yeah, they he's got 13 prior felony arrests. And I mean, he just Yeah, so he's in St. Lucie County Jail. His case is still being investigated.

He posted $11,000 bond and he was released just a couple days ago. My gosh, why do people do this thinking that they're gonna get there? I don't know. Also this. Oh, man. Tomorrow I'll tell you about the it's a villager story.

The couple who got into a fight because the woman who was reading her Bible was tired of her husband going for the rum and she poured his rum out. And oh boy, that's tomorrow. Welcome back to the program. I'm in this mood right now. Actually, I'm in the mood of do I want to be starting something right now?

Or do I not want to be starting something? I think I do. Yeah, I do. I really do. Yeah. Anyway, this was in my head because I heard this Marjorie Taylor green audio. And we're and I need to inject it into my veins because it's hysterical. She's a trip. Yeah, did was the new chick with a deck in Congress.

What are we going to do to keep him from coming in our bathrooms? Oh, now people are like that's in bad taste. Is it though? Can we just have a little conversation about that? Now?

Here's why I'm and I had this down later on the show, but I wanted to do it now. Here's why I bring this up because there's this big fight that started yesterday because there is a dude who is in Congress. And he is a dude who is identifying as a chick, much in the same way that me Dana lash would identify as a billionaire. Right? I can identify that but it doesn't grow money into my bank account. And this dude can identify as it but it does not grow what rhymes with shmajina. All right, so very I'm being very sensitive for our sensitive ears out there.

I did notice I didn't have the hard v cane did not do that. No pun intended. So the Democrat senator. This one is the first transgender member of Congress to serve on Capitol Hill. And he goes by the name of Sarah McBride.

And this, let's see, it was a democrat state senator and then became now went to Congress. And so it's like a big deal. They're saying it's a very big deal. That that this person is the first I don't know why that's important. And there and everyone's saying that it's bullying. Oh, why are you such a bully and Newsweek had a story.

Marjorie Taylor Greene misgendered it's not misgendered. Look, you don't get to just change magically change your chromosomes. You don't you're not the Lord. You don't get to speak things into existence.

Okay. You don't just get to go I, I own my own private tropical island and it operates into some ocean somewhere. It's not how that works, right? You don't get to speak it into existence. You can say something and maybe you think it's true.

But for the rest of us, tis not. So case in point, the Sarah McBride. So Marjorie Taylor Greene after that soundbite. They said she repeatedly misgendered misgendered. I want to misgender your face.

I just I'm so tired of this. It's not misgendered. It's a proper job. This is you're not going to sit here and lecture a woman as to how she can refer to a man. Because this is it's a man. It's a man.

And you don't get to control her her language. And we like science, right? We do like science. So they said they said that, oh, she referred to Sarah Sarah McBride as a man and he multiple times, because he's a dude. That's why.

And so now they're attacking their mad at Marjorie Taylor Greene. Now the bathroom thing came about because now he, I guess wants to use some of the bathrooms there. He has got a bathroom in his own office. I'll call him Sarah if he illegally changed his name, Sarah, but you're not gonna I'm not gonna have the patriarchy. And then the weak, ineffective matriarchy stand by and allow a dude to hijack women's language.

Oh, hell no. So he's got an office or bathroom in his office, but I guess they're talking about some of these other congressional bathrooms. So Nancy Mace, finally, I mean, she proposed a bill. And she the bill is making the bathrooms for women's usage, which I'm totally fine with.

And I think that that's that makes perfect sense. So Mace, it's a it's in this bill, it's there, they're, they're looking to attach it to the new house rules package, that they're no pun intended, that they're going to be voting on next year. And they would it would require the house sergeant at arms to enforce the rule.

And McBride said that no, they're going to be voting on next year, and they would it would require the house sergeant at arms to enforce the rule. And McBride said that Mace's effort is a distraction, because that's what progressive men do. They think that any kind of concern that women have are nothing more than distractions. And they said it's a blatant attempt from far right extremists. What? Women want to feel safe in the bathrooms, you this is a blatant attempt by a far left extremists to hijack women safe spaces.

Nobody wants to drop trowel and have to do vulnerable business with a dude. In the rest of the restroom with them. Come on. And so audio of her, Nancy Mace from five minutes ago on this very thing.

Yeah, go ahead and hit it. All right, hang on. Being a feminist makes me an extremist. I'm totally here for it.

Is this effort in response to Congresswoman McBride coming to Congress? Yes, and absolutely. And then some I'm not going to stand for a man, you know, someone with a penis is in the woman's locker room, that's not okay. And I'm a victim of abuse myself.

I'm a rape survivor at PTSD from the abuse I've suffered at the hands of a man. And I know how vulnerable women and girls are in private spaces. So I'm absolutely 100% going to stand in the way of any man who wants to be in a women's restroom, in our locker rooms in our changing rooms.

I will be there fighting every step of the way. Well, I mean, I don't disagree with that. Nobody wants we don't want men in our in our restrooms. We do not want men in our restrooms. And I don't think dudes want women in their restrooms. I mean, let's be real about it.

I mean, I love you, bros. But you know, your restrooms are weird. Yeah, get rough in there. I mean, you got like the urinal rule and it's not for weird cakes in there and all kinds of stuff.

It's weird. It's not for women. It's not for ladies. It's not for ladies.

I'm using my that's not for puppies voice that I use for wick. That's not for ladies. But it's true. So I totally agree with this bill. The left is mad. And they're saying it's a distraction, etc. Yes, because women wanting to prioritize their own sense of security and safety is a distraction. And there you have it. That sums up the progressive patriarchy right there. There we go. We've been at least they admit it. I mean, they this is how it's been.

You're in and you're out. Going back to the time of Susan B. Anthony and and beyond. This is the progressive patriarchy. Women, your concerns are distractions. We the progressive patriarchy are going to do what we want to do. And that's exactly it. So I'm not I don't think that this is a distraction at all.

They're getting ready to actually go into Congress. But what gets me now is they're mad at Marjorie Taylor Greene saying that well, he's you're misgendering him. No, nope, there's that's not a thing. That is literally not a thing.

That's something that you made up so you could try to find something of some victimhood to have access to. So no, we're not we're not playing that game. So there are a lot of people that signed on to this access access reported that Mike Johnson said that it's not being immediately dismissed by Republican leadership. Johnson said that they're going to talk about it. We're working on the issue. But apparently Democrats, they're mad. Some broad name, Becca Ballant, who is the co chair of this co chair of this dumb Equality Caucus said that it's the cruelty is the point.

You mean the cruelty of forcing women to forgo safety and security in their place of employment, that cruelty, the cruelty of demanding that women conform their language to suit that of progressive males, that cruelty? I mean, we could sit here and go on and on and on. But you know, that's up to you. That's up to the left Keltech p 15. It stands for 15 pews.

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It's the p 15. Tell them Dana sent you. And now all of the news you would probably miss. It's time for Dana's quick five. I did our 12 o'clock headlines.

And 11 o'clock. Stress can scramble the brain so badly, it can actually damage your memories or change your memories. According to a study from Toronto, it not only impacts your mood stress, but it fundamentally changes how your brain processes and stores memory. So people who deal with PTSD can actually be debilitating. But stress is causes the release of not gonna be able to say this.

And Oh, can been no way that's exactly right. Is it? You know what that is?

Of course you do kombucha tea. I chemicals that normally help us form specific contextual memories. High amounts of the endo cannabinoids disrupt the brain's gatekeeper neurons, leading to the formation of overly large generalized memory and grams.

Okay, well, basically, it changes your memories. That seems about right. I can get it.

Yeah, I get that. So Trump actually is on his way to Texas, he is going to attend the latest SpaceX launch today. This is I'm sure really enjoy it. You could get to watch the chopsticks takeoff and land. It's scheduled for four central, it's gonna mark the sixth test launch of the company's rocket Starship rocket. And yeah, he's already I've seen photos of him already getting on the plane and heading down. So very interesting.

He'll like it. This pull this. So doctors think that they have cracked the mystery of like colon cancer. We're talking about colon cancer earlier had another headline. They think it could actually maybe I've seen everyone say, Well, we've cracked the code. It's pesticides, or we've cracked the code. It's antibiotics, or we've I think it's all of it and a more sedentary lifestyle. I think it's all of these things and that.

So I mean, I think you don't disregard these articles, but I think you just kind of keep that and keep that in mind with all of this. Let's Oh, this is crazy. So Daily Mail had this story. A Chicago woman's home was sold out from under her over unpaid property taxes after a insane mix up. She got a letter saying that her family home had been sold in a mix up claiming she hadn't paid her taxes.

Robin McElroy from the Morgan Park neighborhood was distraught. She said I just started receiving letters from different tax buyers. She'd been making she'd like had receipts though of her paying her property taxes. And she says she had all the receipts. And they said that there was that they finally did tell her that there were no grounds to proceed with the sale.

But they I mean, how crazy is that? But apparently she got another letter five years later. And they said that you're above property has been sold. And she apparently they were even trying to get her for years of rent to the yeah, that is crazy.

So you don't really even own your own property, though, really. Do you guys see this with Southern Poverty Law Center? Southern Poverty Law Center, which is a hate group, they decided to go after not the B, which is the Babylon B, but it's not it's for news, like not satire. And this guy named Creed Newton, who says he's a journalist, he's not he's an activist masquerading as a journalist. So like Kamala Khashoggi, or Jamal Khashoggi, similar to that, he's an activist masquerading as a journalist with the Southern Poverty Law Center. He goes on with their intelligence project.

This is what he sent to Seth Dillon. He wrote, I'm writing to request comment for a story we plan to publish Monday. The story details your articles on not the B. Planet Moron has maintained a separate web presence as a blogger for nearly 20 years. But since 2020 has written over 600 articles for not the B. Exposed author information on not the B source quote, source code indicates that Planet Moron you x a blank instructor from blank. Planet Moron is a prolific writer on culture war issues. One article mocks transgender children as mentally ill tweens are the economic lifeblood of the multi billion dollar trans industry.

Do you wish to comment? Well, yeah, first off, he's right. They are mentally ill tweens and they are absolutely being exploited by equally ill or just evil adults who are trying to deform these children so that they can they can live out some sort of activist fantasy with their bodies. That's exactly what it is. And he's exactly correct. But furthermore, the the idea that let me tell you what Southern Poverty Law Center did in case you are you don't remember.

Back in like this was like 2011 2012. There was this whole it wasn't even a debate. Someone got mad at Chick-fil-A. They realized Chick-fil-A the owner was Christian. And the activist alphabet people were all up in arms because they just somehow figured out that the owner of Chick-fil-A was Christian.

You remember this came? So then they decided out of nowhere, they're going to start boycotting Chick-fil-A. They're going to go boycott Chick-fil-A and they're going to get real mad.

They wanted to do kissings and all this stuff. And Chick-fil-A because they were Christians, they were like, would you like some free water? We give everybody a cup of water when they come in, you know, at least if they don't buy anything. And so then the alphabet activists not deterred yet. They're like, well, well, then we're gonna drink all your water, but they couldn't drink all Chick-fil-A's water.

So it kind of fizzled out because it was very stupid. But in the meantime, Southern Poverty Law Center, they noticed that family research council, which is a Christian organization that promotes family, they were defending Chick-fil-A. And they're like, why can't the guy be a Christian? Let the guy be a Christian. If he wants to support, you know, traditional marriage over same sex, then he whatever. That's his, he's not demanding his employees follow his code of beliefs. And there's not a code of conduct except say, you know, it's our pleasure. That's it.

And keep the bathrooms clean. And everything that they were accusing Chick-fil-A of doing they weren't actually doing. So Family Research Council was defending them. This made Southern Poverty Law Center mad. So they put out this hit map, what they called hate groups. So they had the map of the US and then they had the location of all these hate groups and they listed Family Research Council as one. Well, then a month later, as it was still raging, a guy named Floyd Corkins busts up into Family Research Council's Washington DC offices, opens fire, shoots a guard in the arm, and then he was overpowered by the security guard who took his gun from him.

Cops show up and and the guy is now in jail for like, I don't know how many years I mean, I for a long time. He had 15 chicken sandwiches on him because his plan as it came out during his trial was to kill everyone at Family Research Council and he had like a ton of sandwiches, and then shove the chicken sandwiches into the dead gaping mouths of his victims. And then he was going to go target other conservative entities. All the entities were on Southern Poverty Law Center's target map, because when the authorities went to go search his his his house, his home, they found his computer, and they found Southern Poverty Law Center still in the browser, and that he was using their hate map to target everyone. Southern Poverty Law Center put a hit out on Family Research Council and almost got people killed. And now they're trying to do the same thing to Not the Bee. Using a pretend journalist who's masquerading as a journalist, but he's really a very anti Christian bigot activist. So I asked on the internet, Creed Newton, I was like, Are you trying to get people at Not the Bee killed much in the same way that the Southern Poverty Law Center tried to get people killed at Family Research Council, and Southern Poverty Law Center was very upset. They were apoplectic that someone would dare mention their contributions to Floyd Corkins's reactions. But when they were saying that, you know, the Chick-fil-A people and Family Research Council, when you're telling people that they're literally the devil and they're out to kill your family, I mean, with with people who are maybe not all there or who are super evil and looking for an excuse, you're going to inspire something in them. I don't believe that words are actionable unless they fall under, you know, the defamation, fighting words, libel, slander, all of that stuff.

But let's not play pretend. Let's not act like Southern Poverty Law Center didn't inspire an assassination attempt of literally everyone at Family Research Council. And had he not been caught and succeeded, he would have targeted other conservative institutions there as well.

So who knows? I mean, he really didn't the saving grace was that he didn't really know how to he didn't really know how to shoot well. And that sounds harsh to say, but that's what I mean, by the grace of God, that's why no one was killed that day. And he that's what he was going to do. And now Southern Poverty Law Center is attempting to do it again with not the beat.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-11-19 16:09:52 / 2024-11-19 16:19:12 / 9

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