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Absurd Truth: Tim Fudd

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
October 14, 2024 3:40 pm

Absurd Truth: Tim Fudd

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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October 14, 2024 3:40 pm

Dana reacts to footage of Tim Walz going pheasant hunting while failing to load his shotgun and drinking a Diet Mountain Dew.  Meanwhile, Elon Musk reveals Tesla’s Optimus robot which is the closest thing to a human that’s ever been created.

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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. So do you guys remember the Florida dude who strapped his house down? And apparently like the hooks went all the way into the ground and they were attached like to conquer like he did it properly. He actually was able to protect his house. So this guy Pedro Cezares from Orlando, he strapped his family's house down with these giant straps. Everything was anchored into the ground.

This is actually super impressive. And apparently it was an eight feet of cement in the ground and he used large plastic straps that they use they use to secure cargo containers on ships attached to ground hooks. And it cost him $22,000 to place the stuff around his the roof around his property to have this stuff set.

By the way, if he ever sells that isn't that like a selling point? Like you can strap your house down to and they said that they the reason he did this was because their aluminum roof nearly flew off during a previous hurricane. So they got these straps, they strapped it down cost $22,000 and they said that they were good.

There were a lot of leaves everywhere. And there's there apparently a lot of the stuff is affected near their house, but everything is good. They're not taking the straps off until the hurricane's over. So hurricane season's over. That's actually impressive.

Juan showing you on the simulcast. That's what it looked like. And it worked. It actually worked. I thought it was AI at first.

I did too. No, it literally that's he apparently they're they lost their roof during a previous hurricane. And he was like, I'm not doing this again. And so he spent $22,000 getting all of those ground hooks around his property. That's it's actually pretty impressive.

So good on that. guy. Wow. Let's see one Palm Beach Garden homeowner had a dumpster tossed onto their roof by an EF3 tornado. This is like one of the tornadoes that was going around right when the hurricane was coming in. And yeah, it literally threw I had some impressive and there's a video of it. It threw a an entire dumpster onto the house of the roof of this one house. That's crazy. I mean, these things are and those weigh a lot. Those things weigh a ton. This.

Let's see. Coast Guard rescued a dude who was clinging to a cooler in open water. Wow. So this was the day after Hurricane Milton. They were looking for a boat captain. He was wearing a red life jacket, black shirt and black pants. And they had an emergency locator beacon. And that's what the guy had. And he also had his his cooler. He weathered one night in open water with the hurricane strong winds and massive waves. He was 30 miles off of Longboat Key in the Gulf of Mexico. Juan's preparing the video of this dude literally was spent the night in open water during a hurricane with his life vest, his locator beacon and his cooler. I have never seen anything like this in my life.

Holy cow. Like, I don't think that they thought they were going to be able to get him. But they said that the I mean, they just this is the craziest thing I've ever seen. They, they saved him. I mean, they got him out. And he's like, Okay, this is so wild that he was out there. I can't even believe what?

Wow. So, I mean, he had been aboard a fishing boat called the Captain Dave. Okay, we got Lieutenant Dan Captain Dave. And he was trying to bring the vessel back into port and make repairs but that he was trying to beat the hurricane back in. He as soon as it wasn't that he was like flouting, you know, preparation. He was trying to get back. He had a problem with his rudder. But man, he's the conditions deteriorated too rapidly and he got caught out in it. So that's that's wild.

But he survived a full night and they got him. So I've never seen anything like that before. It's a great American company, Florida based company. Great company.

Great success story as well. But Kel-Tec the the P-15 is doesn't matter if you're new, it doesn't matter if you're, you're new to shooting like Tim Walz, or if you're a seasoned old pro. This is it's lightweight and powerful.

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That's K-E-L-T-E-C Tell them Dana sent you. I, oh my gosh, everybody's been asking me to react to this Tim Walz video. First off, welcome back to the show.

Dana Lash with you. You can listen coast to coast. You can watch the stream Channel 347, DirecTV. And find us on X Rumble where the chat happens.

Substack the newsletter. So Tim Walz decided to, did he invite the media or did they just set up a, they set up this interview where he was in the field. He was supposed to pretend he was pretending that he was pheasant hunting. And he has been really keen to show everybody that he's like a dude's dude, right?

We all know he's not but let's, you know, move on. And he decided it was a what is it opening day of pheasant season, pheasant hunting season. He didn't bag a single bird, apparently.

Opening day pheasant hunting season. He has the media there with him, right? I just think when you're inviting the media to go shoot with you, you need to learn how to load your stuff.

That's all I'm saying. I, I need you to watch this video because here he is in the field. Basically, he just stood there in orange and and you know, Bart stomped around the field a little bit with hunters and that was the extent of it. But watch him fumble here while he's trying to load his shotgun. Watch this video.

This is insane. I brought I bought it when I was shooting a lot of crap. Because it has a did he try to pump it? I just see things.

I love how he goes. It's got this special thing so it doesn't hurt your shoulder. Shoulder pad you dumbass. Oh my gosh.

I don't know. I don't know how this was really hard to watch. And he's he's sitting here acting like I mean, he can't load the damn thing. But and he was bragging about how much he shoots. That's what gets me like he's he started this bragging about how much he shoots. And how much he hunts. And I would be really uneasy if I was in the field with this dude.

And he had, you know, this shotgun, a modern shotgun, and he couldn't load the damn thing. I would feel really nervous around him. I would not feel comfortable.

Like probably more nervous than I would feel if I was with Dick Cheney. Just saying. I mean, it is really bad. I so when Barack Obama last week was like, can Trump even change a tire? Well, how can Tim Walz even load a shotgun? I mean, come on. I mean, I'm looking at this.

And I'm looking at screenshots right now of it. He looked like he just he he tries to this is why I don't like him pretending to be a responsible gun owner. Because he makes he makes responsible gun owners look bad.

Look at what he was doing with that. Did he get a tampon stuck in the chamber? Like what happened? Like I don't understand that you're supposed to load shells.

You put don't put tampons in a time. Come on. I don't know. I, I was just, he's just a he's pandering, obviously.

But it looks so bad. He looked like he was entirely unfamiliar with his Beretta. And he kept saying, Oh, and he is he looks like he's just a told reporters that it wasn't new. He told them that he got it a long time ago. And he was bragging about how much he shoots. And this is this is what he uses to shoot trap. This is what that's what he was saying to reporters. Because there's other that was just the that's the most important part of the video. And there's other parts.

It's like hard to hear. But he was bragging about like how much he shoots. And then he gets his then he gets his gun and he's like fumbling with it. Does that look like a dude who should you go ahead run it again?

If you can, one? Does it look like a guy who shoots often? We actually have a different angle hood.

It shows his hands more in this particular boy. So of course we do. Here we go.

Put it up right now. See him blood the tampons in and go ahead and put it up. That's just so bad. It's so bad. And he's fumbling.

He's just so awkward looking. And that's when he's pointing goes that I love his what he says there. He's like, Yeah, I got this thing here. It makes it so it doesn't hurt your shoulder. It's literally what he said.

He says it's got a special thing so it doesn't hurt your shoulder so when you get old, it doesn't hurt your shoulders. Oh, I am. Oh my gosh, I'm dead.

I can't I can't. It looks bad. And so you have Kamala Harris trying to tell everybody that she owns a Glock. And then she's telling everybody Yeah, shoot those people come up in your house. But then she conveniently omits that she actually supported a handgun ban and this and supported banning all of Glock in California.

And that as the head of what is it the gun control working group with the White House, the Office for Gun Violence Prevention, that she is being accused by the Republicans in house James Comer, who subpoenaed her of colluding with the ATF in the city of Chicago against Glock because Chicago is suing Glock. It's a stupid lawsuit. They're the people who also sued Kia and Hyundai because they were saying how dare you make your cars to where they can get stolen. It's like Kia's like we're not making what they're not making our cars to get stolen. What's what's the matter with you? It's like one of those suits like they're they're mad at Glock like how dare you make something that someone could use illegally.

Well, that's not the purpose of the product, but it's it's a nonsense suit. But she's being accused of colluding with the ATF in the city Chicago against Glock in that so you have her doing this him doing that. Do you think anybody because everybody's making a play for the hunters. There's a lot of unregistered voters that are hunters. Is any of this making anybody any of y'all feel easy?

Look, Republicans did not help themselves when they deprioritized guns on their platform. Believe me, I got a beef. Yeah, I got a big beef because that's a major issue with me.

I don't know. I just think when you've literally had your life threatened and you've relied on firearms to defend yourself, it becomes a big issue to you. You know what I'm saying?

So or a bigger issue than it ever even was to begin with with you. And so I get that but I don't see Republicans out there fumbling like this. They're not talking about being and stuff. They're not talking about going into people's houses. They wouldn't they wouldn't do that.

They wouldn't pass it because they there would be a little literal riot on the right. But I mean, they're just this just looks so dumb. I mean, I I'm looking at this and it looks so bad. And he didn't get any birds, you know, because he shoots all the time. I saw some of my friends are not judging him for not bagging a bird on opening day. I am because he bragged about it nonstop. If you listen and talk to the press, he's he acts like he's you know, he acts like he's john wick. He acts like he taught Taron Butler everything he knows. That's what he acts like, doesn't he? And then you see him out there doing this.

Oh my gosh, no, I'm gonna do it. So they've been trying to reach out to gun owners. That's what all of this was about. This whole stunt was about them reaching out to gun owners, and trying to, you know, seem legit.

And it, you know, backfired, obviously, big time. But this absolute dumbass with his I mean, I can't stop looking at how awkward he is. How awkward he looks. I mean, he just doesn't know what he's doing. I'm like watching the video. He just doesn't know what he's doing.

I don't know. It looks so bad. It is embarrassing. Oh my gosh, if that would have been a republican, they would have never lived it down. Right?

You guys know this, they were never lived never ever lived it down. And remember, the first joint thing that he did with Kamala Harris was to promote a ban on the modern sporting rifles, automatic rifles that are used in the least crimes. I don't know.

I mean, I, I just can't visit. He's got a barretta. How much is that barretta? That's a that's not a not cheap. Not cheap shotgun. Yeah, it's in a nice Italian gun.

You know, Columbus Day. It's a nice Italian gun. But he, I'm just wondering the legal status of his firearm. I don't know. Just curious. I mean, don't you have to limit? Your shells? I got to look at I'll have to look at Minnesota's law on that.

I'm just curious. Don't you have to limit it? Because it looked like he loaded five in. Did he load five in? It sounded like he loaded four in. If we go back to that first video we heard it sounds like he's just shoving four shells in there.

Don't because don't in some places don't get to use a plug to reduce, like to thwart your own capacity. So did he do that? Governor, what kind of gun is it?

He's struggling so bad. He just did it for the chaps. Let's be real.

They told him he'd be wearing chaps and so he showed up maybe just fumbled with two and I thought it sounded like four. All right, I got the price on the gun. What's the price on the gun?

Should we guess take guesses? I thought Oh, I know it's gonna be expensive. I was gonna say 4800 but that may be too much. It's too high. It's like five six in it. It's 2200.

2200. What am I thinking of? I don't have a nice bird gun. I don't really I don't really but I've never bird hunt before. I mean, I've never I've never successfully like that.

Let me redefine it. I have not successfully. I've not been successful at it. So I'm like, I'm not gonna go and I haven't gotten a nice bird gun.

When I've gone. I've used my father in law's bird gun before, but he's got a really nice one. My husband has a real nice one. My oldest son has a nice one. I'm gonna have to get but I probably I like burrata.

I'd probably get burrata. But now he makes really good stuff too. Anyway, long story short, he didn't fire any of it.

I'm just curious about this because someone asked me if he was operating legally. And I'm like, that's actually a really good question. That's something I'm going to come back to that because there's going to be a piece going up at sub stack. I'm gonna I'll look back on that. But has that convinced anybody?

Has his has that stunt that he just did convinced anybody? No. I mean, you can sit here and you can, you know, pretend all day long. Be like, look, we're looking at it. We're just we're doing a loan the shotgun.

Look at how I'm such a hunter her. But I don't think that that's I don't think that that's doing anything with any for anybody. I don't I don't think that that's like I don't think that you're you're undercutting any overtures to any kind of firearm community by telling everyone that you're going to ban half of what they own. And then you're actually entertaining the idea of mandatory confiscation that you call a buyback. I mean, it just doesn't work.

It doesn't work. We got more on the way. In today's fast paced world, the mental load on families has become significantly heavier, particularly because everybody navigates new schedules and a lot of responsibilities and with an increasing array of activities and work commitments and school related tasks to manage can often feel like juggling is a constant act. Life 360 makes it easy to keep track of everybody without the constant back and forth.

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It's time for Dana's quick five. So first up, this air pollution is leading to a fall in IVF pregnancy rates, according to one. So this is a study that they did. This is AJC, Atlanta Journal Constitution.

They did it in Atlanta, Australia and Europe. And they're saying that it's pollution's negative impact on fertility treatment. I don't that seems like a stretch. But that's what they're reporting. I don't know.

Right here. I don't know if I put no high ceilings in buildings. High ceilings in buildings are linked to poorer exam results for students.

Of all the things, it's the University of South Australia and Deakin University. They suggest that big and open rooms with high ceilings make it hard for students to focus on what is in front of them. They did a previous study on this, the same researchers, where they were looking at brain mapping and technology and virtual reality. And they found a relationship between cognitive ability and the perceived size of somebody's surroundings. And so they were looking at exams.

They looked at over 15,400 students. I don't know, maybe depending on the light or the acoustics of the room. I mean, maybe. But I also think that a lot of this is just self discipline.

And if you're doing poorly on an exam because you have high ceilings and you have zero discipline and you have bigger issues, honestly. A woman tried to smuggle 29 turtles into Canada by crossing a Vermont lake. She was trying to get around this.

Didn't happen. Associated Press says that she pled guilty to trying to smuggle 29 different of these little turtles in. Her name is 41-year-old Wanyini. She was arrested at an Airbnb, and she was trying to get into an inflatable kayak with a duffel bag. Border Patrol caught her because it's not like, you know, somebody trying to cross the lake into the border on it with the giant duffel bags. They found 29 live Eastern box turtles wrapped in socks.

They sell them on the Chinese black market for $1,000 each. That's crazy. I'm glad that they got them because goodness. Welcome back to the program. Dana lash with you top of this third hour you can listen coast to coast.

You can watch the simulcast of the radio program channel 347 direct TV as well. You got rumble where the chat happens. You've got what else we had X run X we're everywhere. I was like, first of I'm a little distracted because I was looking at the story about the space that we're in. There are the robots that the house robots that Elon Musk is coming out with.

Did you see these? I swear this is like some I robot stuff. It's supposed to be robots that will help you around the house with your tasks. The optimist robots.

Have you seen Kane and I were like what? They're the Tesla optimist robots, the biggest product ever of any kind. The walking talking optimist robots. They had like a reveal thing on Thursday. And they were revealing the company's cyber car. And they're nearly six feet tall. They play rock, paper, scissors. These are actual things.

Have you seen these? They walked out once getting ready to he's getting the video queued up. They legit walked out. And I am really they all walked out.

I feel like I'm watching a Kanye West fashion show when I look at it, though. They all walked out and they're helping with drinks. They were making drinks at this event.

They dance to techno music. Did you witness some of the interactions of the bartender robots? No, there was one.

So they ordered specific drinks, right? But there was a human guy standing next to the guy that ordered the drink. And the human guy said to the robot, hey, you may want to check his I.D. The guy was clearly old enough, but the robot stopped what it was doing, asked for his I.D. Then the guy gave him a credit card and the robot looked at it and said, wait, this isn't an I.D.

Hand me your I.D. He gave him the I.D. He looks at the I.D., then looks up at the guy, then looks back down at the I.D. and looks up at the guy.

And he's like, hmm, I don't know. Like, these are really human like interactions that they're having with these robots. How do we know that they're actually like human? They're not humans in a robot suit?

They have to be really skinny humans. Well, I mean, I don't know. I'm torn because they would be fun pets, but also no. I don't.

I'm really torn by this. The reason that I bring this up and I don't want to just say because they said the optimum spots are going to be in people's houses, they can walk steadily on uneven terrain, they can lifestyle day on a single battery charge. They can go into the I.R.O.B.O.T.

movies. They said they said the optimized spots are going to be in people's houses. They can walk steadily on uneven terrain.

They can lifestyle day on a single battery charge. They can navigate around people and pets. And this is crazy, I mean. It's the I.R.O.B.O.T. movie. It is the I.R.O.B.O.T.

I mean, they look just like that. I don't know what I feel about this. Um, I- people that give us food samples at like Costco and Sam's. Like we start off as just the robots are like, here's some breakfast sausage from the freezer section you can try while you're walking around shopping.

Like start something, start it off small like that. I know, I look at this because I'm looking at all this stuff and I'm looking at the robots and then of course we had the rocket thing. The super heavy that just landed and that was super impressive. I don't know when Musk sleeps but I do know the Democrats I think hate him. I've never seen anybody do everything that they can to trip up a dude who has done more to help people than any Democrat has. They don't like him because he is not a Democrat. I mean, they put him in their anti-Trump ads. They put Musk in their anti-Trump ads.

And I'm just, it's crazy. They can't recognize his accomplishments. Like when Joe Biden had all of these EV manufacturers, you know, especially they didn't invite Tesla.

They didn't even include Tesla in anything. He's like a Tony Stark, I mean, he is Tony Stark. And he's hated, he's absolutely hated by the left.

I mean, I don't know. He has revolutionized the number of industries and I think he also stopped the huge takeover of speech on in digital and the digital planes that the left was undertaking. I mean, he put a stop to it.

They, he didn't come out as like a conservative. They made him one because they persecuted him. Juan showing you these robots. I am dude, I don't know. It could beat your ass. I just feel like I don't want anything that I can't eat. Why does it have to be that tall? Why does it have to be almost six foot tall?

Why can't it be like twee? Maybe we could start a business. Like moo dang size. Start a business that gives you the equipment to be able to eat one of these whenever necessary.

Just as a response in the free market. No, I just like want like a short little robot. I don't want like a big thing that can kill me, right? I don't want that.

So our robot yeater idea is not a great one. No, I just make them shorter and yeetable. Make them shorter. They don't need to be that tall. They can't do that much when they're that short. Yeah, they can.

They'd have to have. Make them half that size. Make them three feet tall. They'd have to have like go-go gadget legs.

No, no, no. Make them three feet tall. I don't need them to do all that stuff, right? So you want them to make another version smaller, like a mini me. Yeah, like they do that with, oh my gosh, what am I thinking of? What's the thing that makes you feel like you're exercising but you're not, when you're standing on that thing?

The segue. One of my favorite things ever, I hate cardio. Like I'll only lift weights. But I like to pretend sometimes that I do cardio and I'll get on my workout gear. And I have a mini segue that Chris got me for Mother's Day like years ago.

It still works wonderfully. I'll get on my workout gear and I'll just stand on my segue and that's my workout, like my cardio for the day because I hate cardio. I hate cardio so bad, it's stupid. And that my cardio is just rest between sets. But that's, and if you get in your workout gear and you're standing in your segue, it's just like exercise. Not, but it feels like it is, right? You just, they're not that expensive.

People think they're exorbitantly expensive, they're not. You can get like a mini one and you get a little handle that you can just, see, so if you can get a little one of that, then you can get a little robot, right? I see what you mean. Yeah, like I just want like a little robot. Yeah.

Like not a big one, give me a miniature one. I'll name it Tricky Woo and that's what we'll live as. You'll name it what? Tricky Woo.

Okay. I want, I've always wanted like a little something to name that. It's like a name that I've been holding onto because this is goofy. And I'll, the little robot will be perfect. I don't want the big one because that's weird. What if you're like sleeping at night and you wake up and it's standing at the foot of your bed like, with this blank face just like gazing at you, it's weird. I don't like that, I don't want anything bigger than me.

I get one, I'm naming mine Johnny Five. Well, that sounds like the name of something that could beat you up. Tricky Woo does not sound like the name of something that can beat you up. There's the difference, you see what I mean?

See what I mean? You insult it with a name like right off the bat. Like, oh, that thing cannot get hurt. Did you hear what its name is?

Golly, nothing named Tricky Woo is gonna hurt you. But if you name it Johnny Five, that thing will shiv you. Oh.

For sure. Wow. You'll wake up with a pain in your stomach in bed and look up and when your steak knives is in your guts. Courtesy of Johnny Five, your robot. I never took it that far before. Well, I think of all these things at night right before I go to bed. And my favorite thing to do is ask my husband about them after he's drifted off to sleep. This is how my mind works.

Nighttime day and I'll be like, what if? What if we get the robot but we have it? We make it like.5 times the size instead of like one whole point, what did that do? Can it still reach things on shelves? Like I could, and if you're worried about, you could make it lightweight, you could hold it up and it could reach it for you. Oh, I see. Yeah, see, you don't need something that's bigger than you that can murder you.

You just lift up Tricky Woo, boop boop, and Tricky Woo will get it for you and then you put it back down on the ground. Like emergency shutoffs for these things, right? Like just something that. That doesn't work. You don't think so? When has that ever worked?

Like if it's about to plunge? I read a story over the weekend about a robot vacuum cleaner that got a woman's hair in it and like ripped her hair out. Oh my God. Yeah, I don't know what she was doing with her head on the ground, but it like vacuumed up her hair and her head and she was like dying, maybe not dying, but I would have been out of embarrassment getting my ass kicked by a floor vacuum cleaner robot. But I don't know, this is the stuff that keeps me up at night. I'll be going to bed and I got my covers and I'm going to bed, I'm getting ready to drift off and I'm like, what if we get a robot and it killed us? That's, you know, because everybody has Alexa's. Right, that's what I was just about to say. I don't even get an Echo Dot, an Alexa, a Hey Google, whatever the hell it is, I don't get any of those things.

I'm curious as to how many in the listening audience have like Alexa's and stuff. I don't have that because I don't want the government to, oh, and by the way, Kathleen in the rumble chat is reminding everyone about Chucky. Chucky was little, he was eatable, but he was also a demon.

So like I don't want, Tricky Woo wouldn't be a demon. It would just, you know, be a bot. But to your point though, Kane, with Alexa and that, I don't understand the people who feel like they can accomplish more in a day just because they can go, Alexa, add, you know, something, whatever, Alexa, put nuts on the list. Alexa, add eggs to my list. I wonder how many people's Alexa's I'm setting off right now, by the way.

Yeah, that's not what you're saying, stop doing that. Alexa. Okay. Stop Alexa, stop.

Alexa, play two live crew. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. You see, I don't need that in my life.

Someone out there is losing it. I don't need that in my life. I don't need the list. I don't need my refrigerator to tweet.

I don't need anything, you know, I just don't. We are an indulgent society that creates problems for ourselves. And we are literally creating an army of things to come and kill us because we are so indulgent. We're like empires, we're like a rotting empire, like how Rome, as everything was falling apart, well, at least they had the Colosseum, they had bread and circuses, you know, at least they had that. And we're like killing ourselves and then we're making giant robots and we're gonna act shocked when they turn on us.

I mean, literally this is how Skynet comes about. I'm just saying, you know, we could, you know what we need? Universal translators.

Yeah. That you can just like an earpiece you can wear and it works with your phone. You don't need a robot that can like make drinks. I wouldn't want a robot that makes drinks. That's, why?

I don't need it to do tasks like that. You know, we need like universal translator or like something that makes people like good music and not listen to bad music. I don't know. Just like, I'm just like, I don't know.

I'm out of ideas, but the thing creeps me out. But anyway, my whole point, I brought this up because Elon Musk is like, I mean, he's like a modern day hero. He's Tony Stark and Democrats hate him. They absolutely hate him.

They don't have anybody on the right that has accomplished this, that has done what he's done. He was asking, well, if Kamala wins, how long is my jail sentence gonna be? I mean, I know people are like, but it's true though, right? It's true. Goodness.

I don't know. I just, I don't want that big giant robot. Is everybody gonna have bots? All my friends have Alexa. And then what is it the, what is the other Alexa that's not Alexa?

Whatever. They all have this stuff and they all talk about it like in everyday conversations. Like, oh yeah, and I said, you know, Alexa, I'm like, what?

You said what to what? I don't have any of this. I almost feel like I'm like Little House on the Prairie when they talk about it. I feel like I'm gonna go home and, you know, go to the creek and get my own water cause I don't have Alexa. It's weird, right? You feel like that?

Yeah. It makes me feel like a pioneer. But then I remember I have an iPhone. Yeah, then I remember I'm not giving the feds a whole bunch of evidence on me. Not that I'm doing anything bad in the first place, but you know. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana Lash's Absurd Truth podcast. If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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