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Absurd Truth: The Babylon Bee's Joel Berry Joins Us

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
September 2, 2024 3:05 pm

Absurd Truth: The Babylon Bee's Joel Berry Joins Us

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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September 2, 2024 3:05 pm

Joel Berry from The Babylon Bee joins us to debate the state of the GOP & how old-school, pro-life evangelical leaders are a thing of the past and how Christians need to adapt. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration will ban federal government using plastic cutlery to combat climate change.

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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. I immediately want to go to the guy who was trying to steal steak, so I'm not going in order. I'm sorry, but this immediately caught my eye, as you can imagine.

It would anybody's. So this Florida Man stole four ribeye steaks and hid them under his shirt. Under his shirt at a Walmart, according to deputies. I mean, I just wanted some red meat.

That's all. Angel Rivera, 66, was charged with petty theft of $100 or more after he, on this Walmart ribeye theft. He hid them under his shirt and they got him on camera. He went and picked out four packs of ribeyes, placed them on the top part of his shopping cart, and then he went to a different aisle where I guess he thought cameras couldn't get him, and he hid them under his shirt, which he was covered by a jacket. And then he left without paying. Walmart asset protection officer confronted him. He gave the steaks back. They waited until deputies arrived.

It was, they were recovered but damaged. $102. For four steaks, $102.

Man, that's a lot. So he gets in trouble. He gets in trouble.

So we also have this guy. He didn't want to share his passcode on his phone. He did not want to share his password. His phone's like to unlock his phone with his girlfriend and he jumped into the ocean.

Hmm. This dude doesn't sound trustworthy. Just got to say he would rather literally jump to where the sharks and gators live. Florida Man, he did not want his girlfriend or his cops to access his phone and he jumped into the ocean to avoid giving it up and tried to flee arrest after he was being grilled by police while out on a boat. There's body cam footage.

It shows two female Florida Fish and Wildlife Commissioner, Commission officers questioning the guy. He identified himself as AJ, him and his girlfriend on a boat in the Keys. And he was arguing with his office, the officers and his girlfriend over the phone. He got agitated and jumped into the ocean.

And he, because he goes, What if I just swim away? And then he led, I love this line, he led the cops on a seven minute pursuit back to shore where they promptly arrested him. He, I don't know what they didn't actually say like what they just said his boat was breaching code.

And they didn't have any like documentation with them. And that's pretty much all they because I really don't know why they were stopped or why but to me, like not even letting your girl just saying just to say it sounds a little sketchy sounds a little sketchy. What else we got this? Oh, yeah, this one. This is when I pompano beach woman. Man, this woman had a bad day. She flipped off the camera plowed across a car into a school. And then she also hit a bunch of wheelchairs and a cop car. Deputies say she caused more than $20,000 worth of damage. She drove through the closed gates of a South Florida school where 12 children with special needs were the bright horizon school.

And she plowed through the glass door, she ran over a whole bunch of wheelchairs and then she backed into a sheriff's patrol car and then did donuts in the parking lot before speeding down the school hallway. Oh my gosh, they totally arrested her Tiffany medias. Tiffany with an eye two eyes in an era where daily election headlines and political turmoil can create a sense of unrest. Having a peaceful retreat is more important than ever. Cozy Earth's exceptional products can be instrumental in helping you establish a sanctuary within your own home. Their sheet set is a standout favorite of mine.

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Cozy Earth's traditional marriages being between a man and a woman. And I love what Joel Berry said, he's the managing editor of the Babylon Be. And I wanted to read this to you because I think it should it's kind of long for a T-shirt but it's T shirt worthy. He writes quote, in his he wrote this on X he said, quote, sorry, pro life evangelical leaders when you nominate weaklings like Romney, McCain, and Mike Pence, you lose elections, when you act like politics is too dirty for Christians to be involved in, you lose the party, when you think evangelizing entails inviting your neighbor to mega church movie night you lose the culture the Republican Party is no longer yours but you weren't pushed out he writes you gave it up you stopped fighting for it you were too busy building your stupid mega church kingdom with its 28 satellite locations and inane self-help sermons while the culture and the country fell into disrepair there's still time to turn it around but you have a ton of work to do and he adds to that you lost the Republican Party long before Trump they paid lip service to your cause but they never really cared about it and you were satisfied to remain uninvolved and punched the ticket for whichever polite milk toast family man with good hair told you the right things while giving up on every single issue and he ends with Trump and Trump supporters didn't start this they just exposed it oh my gosh that's a sermon and joining us right now is Joel Berry with the Babylon B God love you for writing that because I am so glad that you said this and I say this is someone who lives in a town where we just had a mega church scandal at the Gateway Church with one of the pastors over there and it became this huge thing and I'm like and I always hear all the time from so many leaders like don't you know politics is dirty don't get involved in it you know it's not it's like you're you're not really it's like bad for Christians to get involved I'm so glad that you said this tell me what your thoughts are of all of this because I think what you said is what a lot of people are really feeling yes I think evangelicals for the most part have themselves to blame for this for the last two decades we've been told you know if you get involved in politics if you're an outspoken conservative you're worshiping power you're practicing idolatry you're living for the kingdom of man rather than the kingdom of God you know you hear all this stuff and our leaders have been examples of complete impotence in spite of our high ideals the things that we believe they haven't done much good for the Republican Party they haven't done much good when it comes to preserving our culture and stopping the march of the left and and and so we shouldn't be surprised I mean you know while while we were being lectured from the pulpit about not being too political from our evangelical leaders people like Carmine Dylan we're kicking down doors you know fighting for liberty for our children and our grandchildren and so of course the Republican Party they're gonna go with the people who are actually fighting who are actually doing something as opposed to the people who are kind of sitting off to the side just waiting to be catered to like evangelicals have for so long yeah and you mentioned you know while these people were doing this people like Dylan were going out and fighting the good fight and even during the kovat lockdown I mean our church was one that locked down and I I mean we had like you know people within our church talk about how it's you know it's it's nice to wear your face mask because it makes other people feel comfortable and you know keep six feet away and yes you know and try to justify you know at a time when the church should have been open and they weren't and that's what really a lot of people were really motivated to get out and that's why we see so many people and there's so much passion right now but you make such a good point because I do feel like the church kind of accommodated that not all but some well yeah I mean they kovat was a great shame for the church I mean the the fact that the church is shut down for months and months and months when when people the sheep Christians needed to be fed needed fellowship it was such a colossal failure and in a time when you know the left is aggressive the left is getting their policies you know passed when at a time when we need people who are bold people who are willing to speak the truth in a hostile culture people who are willing to fight and win evangelicals especially particularly our leaders not necessarily the rank-and-file haven't done anything you know a great example you know I live in Ohio we had issue one which was one of their most horrific pieces of legislation it did it it legalized abortion up to the moment of birth for any reason no questions asked in a largely conservative state like Ohio I was part of the pro-life movement at the time getting pastors to say anything in the pulpit you know to oppose issue one getting churches to organize to you know to help with voter drives or or attend protests anything like that it was like pulling teeth because pastors well you know that's politics you know that we're not supposed to be involved in that we might lose our tax exemption there's this there's this great fear in evangelical churches about doing any of that not so with the left you go to a Democrat Church you go to you know you know a black church they are preaching politics every Sunday from the pulpit they are getting souls to the polls they are organizing and we're just not doing that and so I think the Republican Party they started to look for okay we need we need people who are willing to fight and evangelicals just don't seem to have the fight in them anymore I think that's a huge point we're talking with our good friend Joel Berry and I think you're making a point that a lot of people are really scared to make because nobody wants to look like their critics they're being too harsh and criticizing the church or criticizing their faith or criticizing their elders or anything like that I get that totally but then at the same time there are a lot of people asking well where's that representation in the RNC you know the language about traditional marriage and the language you know on abortion and that's I mean it seems to be like you know and it is kind of a pretty moderate you know to write down the middle position on all of that stuff for this platform it's not anything like we've seen prior to Republican RNC platforms and it's it you said it's because you know evangelicals really remove themselves from that fight I I don't really see a lot of that activism as much on the right that I is I used to see when I was younger yeah well I think the good news though is that I think the younger generation has mostly rejected that kind of that weak need evangelicalism of you know the last 20 years I think the bold Christianity and outspoken Christianity is back it is sad to kind of see it being taken out of the official Republican platform but I think that it's I think it is coming back in a big way and I think our voices are gonna be much louder and I think we're in the next 10 years you're gonna see Christians being a lot more effective to get some of these political wins talk to me about this for a minute about the idea of that it's you're being a bad Christian if you're involved in political outreach because that if it's not said it's definitely intimated in a lot of churches and I have so many so many of our friends in our church it's like it's like the dirty thing like we you know people know that I work in politics it's like a dirty thing that we just don't talk about in church it's just very odd what what are your thoughts on that how does how do we overcome that well I think part of it is a little bit of an embarrassment reflex you know we you know the 90s and the 80s we had the the moral majority and the Jerry Falwell's and and there's this kind of like well we don't want to be those icky you know right-wing Christians and and and so a lot of evangelical leaders have kind of taken upon this mantle as being like PR reps for Christianity we have to be cool we have to be kind of you know pleasing and winsome and we got to invite people and we can't be like those hard-nosed Republicans we can't be like the Rush Limbaugh types and so so they kind of just pushed all that aside and and there has been there's a lot of kind of like passive-aggressive like shaming of any outspoken conservatives outspoken Christians who are involved in politics and you know as a result you're seeing you know the school boards in in largely Christian areas are being populated completely by leftists you know City Council local elections I mean we've completely given this up to the left you know the evangelical voters are the most reliable pro-life pro-family voting voting bloc I mean if churches were to mobilize I we could make sure that a Republican never lost an election again but I think there's there's just been this this overwhelming fear from our leadership you know to look bad they don't want to look uncool they don't want to look square and so it's like a business approach to I mean I understand that you're out there trying to win souls over but sometimes it may be and correct me if I'm wrong on this sometimes for me it seems like you know you have some leaders out there that are more interested in adding more you know seats to the the corporatized megachurch then actually going out and winning the souls yeah they're entrepreneurs now they're trying to get more more butts and seats and they they have won people to their their buildings with you know slick programs and cool music and really kind of watered-down sermons that don't really have a lot of depth to them and and they're at the point now where they have these you know 20,000 person churches a third of which are are on the left politically and they know that if they speak out that they're gonna lose all these people what do we do and so I think a lot of it is absolutely it's money money motivated because it's not like it's not like people are speaking out on you know like just trying to think of you know like taxes or something like I mean you're talking about life and you're talking about you know the building blocks of a functioning society which is a family that parents a man and a woman start and you know all of that stuff I mean these they're not controversial things I mean it's very biblical but if they're very nervous to talk about any of this stuff and which is weird because the stereotype from the left is that they're not but in reality they are yeah yeah well you know the thing I always tell people is that Christians are meant to be salt and light you know our presence in the world should make the world look different we're not meant to just kind of sit in our churches and our ivory towers and we just kind of like listen to our sermons and that's it we're supposed to go out and it's supposed to make a radical difference in our communities in our states in our countries and and so I I hope I hope that the tide is turning in in Christianity in America I hope that we're kind of turning back that fear that we've had for so long because we are we're gonna lose our Republic we're gonna lose our freedoms if evangelicals don't start mobilizing yeah that's a good point one last thing you add you want God back in the party me too that requires you to emerge from your pristine ivory ivory towers and take your Christian faith into the ugly messy world of political action you add feel free to join us but I won't hold my breath you don't sound very optimistic there I'm naturally a pessimist that way I hope it does turn out well I hope it does and and and and what do you examine do you think that that's gonna what do you what would you like to see I actually this will be my last question to you what would you like to see with regard to this issue in the RNC because I under I understand the people's I understand people's can and I completely agree with you a hundred percent on this I understand the concern that individuals have but like you I'm like well where were you out here fighting for this or why were you so quiet on this issue and it's always like the same groups forever that have always held the line on issues of like life or a marriage or things like that and some of the people that I see speaking out the loudest about this now I've noticed we're pretty silent during some of these battles before yeah I think really the only thing that's going to turn this around in those substantive way is going to be it's going to take radical spiritual revival from the ground up I think all of us need to repent our leaders we need repentance we need repentance we need to get back to the basics of what scripture says preaching the plain truth of Scripture speaking the plain truth of Scripture to this post truth culture and and and living it out and I think once we do that I think you'll start to see this groundswell of change it's gonna look weird and mysterious and we're not gonna be able to necessarily put our finger on it but I think it has to start in the churches with repentance and revival in our hearts and and getting back the basis I keep hearing people say oh we're navigating a post-christian world I don't know if I'm ready to adopt that line of thinking yet post-christian either yeah I'm not ready to I'm not ready to accept that Joel Berry with the Babylon beat god bless you my friend I appreciate you joining me today thank you thanks for having me of course as we move our partners that help bring you free radio the folks at Caltech the p15 if you don't have it you should have it there's two versions there's the metal version and the polymer version it is the lightest thinnest double stack nine-millimeter on the market it's ideal for doesn't matter if you're season pro if you're a newbie it's sleek compact 15-round capacity lightweight and powerful it comes with two mags by the way standard 15 rounds minimal pinky extension you also have a flush fit double stack mag that holds 12 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different like further south on the same street both jet skis had the name Kirby scribbled across the side what Kirby and it was in a towaway zone as the second jet ski was there until like last night apparently and they finally removed it but yeah it has Kirby on the side what do you think it is you were saying that this is like a marketing yeah one of those viral marketing things where who knows maybe is there something coming out with Kirby the actual video game play that or something I don't think yeah I don't know that paint poof it just seems like it would be a marketing thing where they're getting stories and it's all mysterious and then boom they're gonna drop something I don't know a Sam's Club worker was left bruised after angry family an angry family attacked her because she would not prepare two whole pizzas minutes before closing because that was a d-bag thing to ask minutes before closing it was in Atlanta suburb Henry County and the employee was attacked she and her co-workers were closing down a family walked in two minutes before closing and asked for two pizzas two whole pizzas and they said that when she told them it was too late to place an order they started calling her names the mother walked behind the counter to the kitchen and punched her in the face geez over oh my gosh I don't even know let's see here I'm not doing this one it's gross oh this is the Prime Day orders so Amazon delivery partner fired gunshots in South Philly during an altercation what does Philly with the jet skis and this now what the hell during an altercation with a bus aid a school bus was full of children and a delivery partner for Amazon fired gunshots during an altercation with the school bus aid so when they're not running into people and trying to deny accountability they're firing shots and uh yeah who knew that the bus driver wasn't able to make a turn because of a park Amazon van and the bus aid got out and asked one of the drivers if they could move and then apparently the altercation got underway and the guy got a gun from his Amazon truck and opened fire on the bus driver I mean you know come on guys you know Biden is still in office right you guys know this right he's still there yeah guys he's he's doing the he's doing the big stuff he's focusing on some very important problems right now important problems that are roiling the nation and that is plastic cutlery in a bid to save the world the Biden administration has announced a plan to target plastic cutlery across federal departments they're taking aim at the climate crisis it's an all hands on deck response so China dumps like actual garbage and turds into the ocean nobody says anything to them chemicals they make their lakes pink and toxic they do all that they don't care and the United States is well I guess we should get rid of our plastic cutlery that's gonna save the world I said by an administration's approach to this you have to you have to drink out of a straw that literally dissolves in your mouth and in your drink so China can dump chemicals in the ocean I know by the way cyber is that not the worst thing ever when I get my cup and if there is a paper straw in it I want to throw the whole cup it I want to throw it it takes everything I have I want to throw it it makes me so it's so and there's dyes on that damn straw if you notice and it's always those stripey stripey straws that's dye that's dye that's going in your drink because it's a stupid paper straw I'm gonna can't even make words it makes me so angry I have I have what is it cornstarch straw I would buy plastic but they don't make them in these fun colors like this that I can get on Amazon so it's just I didn't mean to be good to the earth I just don't come on I just the whole thing about those is they eventually do dissolve but I've left one in a drink just to see how long it would take for it to dissolve and after like two or three days it still was a straw yeah it's a straw so I don't know why people don't do that it was so easy for me to do and they they go for those fashion striped straws I hate those stupid things because you know that's like toxic dye on those dumb things too and it's all you're drinking you're consuming it so dumb anyway so yeah that's what he's doing he's gonna reduce the sale of single-use plastic products on public lands well what are you supposed to eat with but if you if you go to like a museum or something you go to their little sit-in cafeteria at a park on public land you think they're gonna be going out by said no it's good you know what it's gonna be like what's that place medieval times can be like medieval times you got to go in there just gonna give you turkey like you're gonna nod everything with your hands that's what they're gonna do can I tell you a story about that by the way I legit just heard thunder right now the hell is going on in Texas are your windows down look at us we're like can do you need to go roll your windows up so you've been in medieval times right that's like there the castle where you know you if you're buying medieval times and you've never gone when we there wasn't any in Missouri so when we moved here to Texas we had we went twice yet ago and I you know I'm not I'm not gonna put I always my husband was like this kind of bougie Dana because I brought literally plastic cutlery with I've seen people do that okay my husband was like why are you doing that because we evolved and invented this stuff that's what that's why I'm doing it look at this we don't eat with our feet and hands anymore because we evolved as a species that's why I'm bringing it in I'm improving my chopstick skills I brought wet ones and everything I'm like I could sit here and just eat this stuff with my hands scooping up some taters or whatever I'm but I ain't doing it you know I'm not gonna do it clean my hands off on my jeans yeah they're like yeah well they basically send someone to lick your hands off they don't do that but yeah it's just so bad so I was just like nope I'm gonna take care of my business because I came prepared my husband could not believe he looked at me and he was like I'm watching you open like the equivalent of a quick mart here at medieval times it's like no no there's certain things that I don't do and it's not because I'm being bougie or anything like that like I love the outdoors and I love rocks and I mean it's like I got to eat dirt or something to like convince people that I love nature I love nature what buddy do it's great I love being outdoors but you know what I also don't like pretending to be homeless and that's why I don't camp because we as humans invented the house and as of as a result we stay in them right just like we as humans invented cutlery and so I will use that I am NOT going to throw away generations of achievements of our ancestors by saying no I don't want your house or your cutlery gonna pretend to be without I'm not doing that I'm just not gonna do it sorry we invented tents first yeah but then we invented the house mm-hmm it's like saying let's go back to the Flintstone cars let's pretend for a little bit nope that's okay I'm good I'm all right anyway Biden brontosaurus ribs though yeah well that Biden's he's gonna solve all the world's problems cuz he's gonna go after the plastic forks yeah we'll fork you it's not gonna do anything not gonna do nothing I mean basically isn't it gonna just raise costs on people it's gonna be like military bases and government workplaces so instead of maybe here's the thought instead of trying to reduce the use of plastic cutlery here's it maybe reduce the size of the federal government that sounds like a great idea you know if you have fewer people in government you have fewer people using the plastic cutlery oh what I know amazing isn't it thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana lashes absurd truth podcast if you haven't already made sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-09-02 16:32:36 / 2024-09-02 16:44:32 / 12

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