Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. This has got to be the dumbest, like, criminal ever.
A Florida Man was arrested. Okay, so he's stolen Mercedes, right? He steals his Mercedes. And then he decides to flaunt it.
His stolen Mercedes online. Who sees it? The police.
They see it. Volusia County Sheriff's Office, 23-year-old Nicholas Coffey was arrested yesterday morning. He was identified as one of two suspects involved in multiple car break-ins in the Deltona area over the weekend. The Sheriff's Office said that, I mean, he was like, he literally was bragging about having the car on social media. He posted about having a new Mercedes-Benz, all kinds of stuff. And he kept the stolen place. And of course, he gets caught.
I feel like he's got more room on his face for tattoos. He was booked into jail on 11 counts of conspiracy to commit burglary, a bunch of stuff, fraudulent credit card usage. He also is a convicted felon. He's a repeat offender. So he got busted for being in illegal possession of a firearm. And he was using his firearm in commission of felonious activity.
So all kinds of charges on this guy. Like, what a dummy, though, right? I mean, they're not the brightest. They're not the brightest.
They really aren't. Also, geez, an irate Florida customer was arrested because he threw a lollipop at a family dollar manager. Really?
What kind? Dalton Reed, 24, was arrested and charged with simple battery. He was in line to be checked out at the store. And he got into a verbal argument with the manager. And then he threw a lollipop at him. The piece of candy hit the man. Oh, come on.
Really? The piece of candy hit the manager on the chest. They caught it on camera and it was witnessed by an employee. Oh, my gosh. Oh, you got hit with a lollipop. I mean, just make the guy leave your store. You don't have to call the police on him.
You know, I mean, I don't know. Is that am I am I being too lenient? I but I will say I feel like that gets you a free punch. Yes. If somebody throws a lollipop at you, I feel like, okay, I'm not gonna call the police on you, but you're gonna get a free punch. And you can't call the police on me.
That's how this works, right? You're in playground justice, but like for grown folks, you know, you've heard me rave about the Keltyke KSG shotgun for a long time. And the fact is, I cannot say enough good things about it. I mean, the KSG is the one that started it all made ordinary shotguns obsolete and still reign supreme.
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She has COVID. Yes, it's back. It's back.
It's back. But she's on the men. She's on the tail end. And she probably back this week.
But sorry, she's not here. For those of you who are looking forward to seeing. Oh my gosh. There. Do you see what they're trying to push?
Welcome back to the program. Dana lash with you see what they're pushing. Oh my gosh, the COVID back. She's got it.
She's got this. She's got the it's I think it's a cold. It's a virus. First off, it's a cold. It's a glorified cold. I've had it. It's Yeah, it's also the start of flu season.
Welcome back to the show again, Dana lash with you, your lovable curmudgeon. I just for those of you, by the way, who were like, the hell are you playing coming into that segment? I'm obsessed with it. Have you ever I've ever played I'm gonna come back to this topic book market. Have you ever played the goat simulator? It's the most frustrating, singularly hilarious game ever.
I played it a couple years ago. That's the theme song to it. So I just want to use that for all stupid things forever and perfectly. But back to the whole point. They're saying that, oh, it's it's back. It's in his cane noted it is flu season when I I would have I'd rather have COVID a million times over, then even have like, yeah, like a regular standard cold. Or definitely the flu definitely the flu makes you feel like you are dying. And then COVID is just annoying.
There's a difference. And, you know, I think it right. I think it rings true for me. For anybody that has any kind of immune, any kind of a immunocompromised situation. I mean, the flu is going to be bad for you, too, just like Coronavirus would be.
But I it does feel like they're trying to amp this up to get everything to shut down again. We're gonna talk to Dr. Robert Malone here coming up next hour. So the first lady how many times has this chick been boosted, vaxxed, vaxxed again, boosted? How many times? I was actually looking I think every shot you can get she's got it. So she tested positive again for the Rona.
And she has mild symptoms as the White House. And so she is staying in their beach house in Delaware where until she's over it. I they're really trying to they're really making this really trying to push this and make this come back.
Now my husband thinks that they're going to try to push to shut everything down again, like they did the last election. You will see people in the street you will see I won't I won't comply. I mean, there's no way. Actually, I didn't really comply all that much the first go around for the first 15 days as a courtesy I did it. And then after that, I was just pissed off. I was just done with it because you're after that point, I think everyone realized that the facemask thing and all of that, that it was just a pacifier.
It was a public pacifier that it did absolutely nothing. It's not my responsibility to make you feel comfortable going out in public. It isn't. And you could sit here and try to emotionally blackmail me with a faith that you don't subscribe to or care about unless you want to use it to manipulate people that you think are polar opposite you ideologically.
It doesn't work on me either. So I don't know, I just it's not we're not doing this again. We are not doing this again.
Not at all. I think the last time, and it was a doctor's office that I went into where they had asked, and this was a while ago, if they if I would wear a facemask, and I literally just put it on my head like a hat. I was such a jack wagon. I was purposefully as stupid as possible. And I think that one of the girls didn't realize that and the other girl immediately did. And they're like, No, you need to cover your face. So I put it over my eyes. I'm not kidding you.
I don't know. This is how ridiculous I am. And they're like, No, you need to put it over your like mouth. So I did. Oh, your nose and mouth. And so I put it over mine.
And I would it was like three stooges. If it was over my nose, I would make I'd make sure my mouth was because that is absurd as believing that it actually would stop the virus particle that you're trying to say that it would stop because there's so many studies that show it. It unequivocally does it just does not. So not doing it again. But she's tested positive. But I thought the vaccine stopped all transmission.
I mean, what's happening? When when ivermectin was discussed as the therapeutic, I mean, they came after us. They came I mean, everybody saying you're taking hearth medicine. You're trying to claim that ivermectin cures the Coronavirus.
Nobody literally ever said that. They just said that it helped ease the symptoms of it, which it did. Absolutely. I'll fight you on that.
It did all the work. So is it therapeutic, but you can talk about it like that. So they went from talking about this vaccine is in line to you about it preventing transmission, which they later had to come out with their own mouths and say it didn't.
And then the new and then now they're it's like they talk about it like it's a therapeutic, but they don't say therapeutic. I do you think that can is that that is that what they're I don't think that they're going to be able to lock everybody down again. I really don't.
Well, I think they have a whole level of hubris after 2020 and 2021. So I don't know. I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical. You're skeptical. So you think that they I just don't think that they I don't think that they will. I don't think they controls all of the licensing you need to have a business. All they have to do is threaten to pull your life.
Oh, yeah, they didn't. I would still do it. I'd still do it. And and then I would honestly I would still do it. And then I would pull a Boston. Standoff.
I'd pull a Lexington and Concord type of standoff. And I've seen the videos where the police are just quote unquote doing their job instead of upholding the Constitution, which is what they swore an oath to. That worries me. So I am skeptical. I if they try to do it again, I think it's mass civil resistance time. I agree with you.
And then the government with their reaction can decide how froggy they want to get. I'm being completely serious. Declaration of Independence actually spells it all out. I mean, yeah, they didn't get they didn't all meet in the in Liberty Hall ago. No, none of the supplies. Right.
You get sick. I mean, it's our duty as citizens to re just to restart the government if it becomes too tyrannical. I will literally operate speakeasies. Oh, I'll do the whole thing. I've always wanted to do that. Like go ahead, bring back some of that prohibition type type stuff.
I'm looking to get rich off the black market. Let's do this. Oh, I will totally do it. And then if you want to do it, you can do it. I will totally do it. And then if you come at me, we'll go down Waco style like it's, you know, it's up to you. I am so serious. Put me on your watch list.
I don't have enough fingers on the hands that the good Lord gave me for you. So just this is how it is. All of these questions is yes for students at Hillsdale College. In addition to teaching college students, Hillsdale has extended its teaching to K through 12 students and lifelong learners like you. If you're not doing so already, one of the best ways to start learning from the folks at Hillsdale is through Imprimis, Hillsdale's free Digest of Liberty. You can sign up for free at the special website for a limited time at Dana4forHillsdale.com.
And you can look forward to Imprimis each month. It's interesting, useful, and free and it's one of the best and smartest in conservative constitutionalist thought. Find out more about Hillsdale College and sign up for Imprimis at Dana4forHillsdale.com. That's Dana4Hillsdale.com. And now all of the news you would probably miss.
It's time for Dana's quick five. So apparently Burning Man attendees, they got, well, they had a lot of rain, they got stuck, they weren't able to exit festival grounds. Their food ran low, their water ran low, they were rationing their supplies.
People like Chris Rock had to like, like, get out and walk out of all of the mud and hitchhike and actually get a ride out. I mean, it's crazy. They declared it a national like a disaster area. And finally, they allowed everyone yesterday. Just very slowly at 10 miles per hour, start driving out. And they it's just crazy. And then people were getting sick.
And oh my gosh, just an absolute nightmare. Yeah, let's see. This is why it's glorified camping.
We're not doing it. Let's see the states with the relaxed pot laws apparently have more impaired drivers. This is just some is from just the news. They said that states that ease their laws on marijuana saw more impaired driving. But they also said that the potency of marijuana sky has skyrocketed in the recent decade.
And that's contributed to that. Also, this I don't want to really gonna they're super gonorrhea now. Why? Why is this a thing? Why is this? Why does this Why is this the thing? They're saying that yes, this STDs some are apparently getting more powerful, including the super gonorrhea a priority micro organism. And they said it has it's shown microbial resistance.
So keep your knees kissing everybody just, you know, follow, follow my grandma's advice. Engineered red wolves need space. But apparently, engineered red wolves and I don't really trust honestly, the government to deal with any kind of animal issue at this point anymore, especially after they got what is it they had those two wildcats that they got that starved to death in the desert.
After they released them, the government messes everything up. A Phoenix man let his 10 year old son drive his pickup truck on the freeway. According to police who stopped the vehicle, Arizona DPS said the boy led troopers on a brief pursuit Saturday afternoon, speeding weaving in and out. The 49 year old father was in the passenger seat. He was booked in a Maricopa County Sheriff's Office on suspicion of endangerment.
And apparently he also had a container of open alcohol in the vehicle. Why? Why? Coming up next Dr. Robert Malone. So are they gonna lock us down again? Like how dangerous is this new strain?
I mean, do you care about the new strain? We'll talk with him about all of that. Stick with us. So by the way, I got to tell you how my Sunday started. So Sunday morning, you know, like we're, I think I was in church. And my mom is blowing up my phone, Nana Gail blowing up my phone. Nana's blowing it up. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, what is happening here? So I'm looking at it, and she is just fixing to beat somebody. She is mad. And you know how sometimes when a woman sends you a text, men particularly, and you read it, and you can not only hear it in her voice, but you can also feel her head swerving while you read the text. So it was like that.
I'll pull this up. She was so mad. She I mean, I'm sitting in church, and she is just blowing me up. Oh, my goodness. So she said, she goes, you were on CBS Sunday morning for your radical talk radio. You are a bad person. You spread lies, hate, etc.
And then she has eye roll emoji. And then I go, was it a segment on radio? And she says you and Limbaugh, all you care about is spreading misinformation, revenue and ratings. She goes, no, you were on camera. They showed your placing.
They showed a clip of you describing Ozark and two more clips. Get your armor ready. This is Nana. And she goes, she says, Oh, she goes, they showed your placing of number number seven and talk radio. And I responded, lol, I'm number five, those bitches. So she said, they called a division in the media and the internet. And I was like, okay, thanks.
Thanks for the thanks for the heads up. Yeah, she she was and she she sent me screenshots and everything. She was so mad. And she said on another show, you said if Democrats can't rob you, the next best thing is to convince you that you're being robbed.
And I was talking about your voting. And then she sent me on something about Vivek Ramaswamy and Al Sharpton because she didn't like Vivek. So this is what she this is what she was referencing because I don't watch CBS Sunday. I don't know why she doesn't either because she's not 110 years old. And I don't know that mean the only place that I think you can even see CBS Sunday morning is like, I don't know, in the waiting room of purgatory. I really don't know. Like, I don't I was surprised that it's broadcast here in this realm.
So anyway, this is what she was talking about that she saw Sunday morning and got so mad about this was one pulled it listen. 35 years after the talk radio revolution on the air is still often an exercise in off the rails. And you know, that guy had like that, that super white hair.
He looked like a character in Ozark. What's the nature of talk radio? Is it any different than it's been the last two or three decades? If anything, Jim, I think it's more extreme. I think over that long span, it has unquestionably divided Americans. It has unquestionably hardened our politics. If Democrats can't rob you, the next best thing is to convince you that you are being robbed. How is that good for America?
It's not it's bad for America. On the list of talkers magazine top 10. This is like two years ago. I'm number five now suckers. They don't even have the most current list. I'm number five beaten all those beaten everybody else that come on y'all didn't even get the right list. Whatever.
That made me mad. I was like, if you're gonna sit here, I don't I mean, if you're gonna talk bad about me, that's my bet. You get my ratings, right? Okay, if you're gonna sit here and drag my name in the mud, that's okay. But you sit here and you talk about how many millions of people listen across the country every single day. If you're gonna put my name in your mouth, you make sure that you get my placement correct. Okay. So I don't care.
I can't I am not I just find it entertaining. I'm that who was the short stack that they had? They're looking like a frog on a log. Who's that dude?
No idea. They're yelling at you every single day. Oh my gosh.
I don't know like how many calories that burns to be that angry all day long and screaming like that all day long. But I mean, we don't really do that here. Every now and then we'll get, you know, just justifiably perturbed. But it's not like the left. I mean, the left is basically, you know, telling you that, you know, Donald Trump eats babies and probably hates kittens, too.
I mean, all that's the kind of stuff that they say, or it's all mega, mega, and we're just sitting here doing our thing. They're the ones who are obsessed. Who is this guy that they bring on like this? Nobody's ever heard of this dude. I never even seen this guy. I was talking to another friend of mine in broadcasting.
They're like, I don't know who that cat is. Like, we don't even know who you are. Who is you? Who are you doing? What are you doing on CBS? Come on. And who is the guy who was interviewing that dude?
He looks like a gym teacher. Is this like his side job? I'm gonna do let me pitch a segment on talk radio. These segments are a dime a dozen. I'm so tired of it. So they're just gearing up to try to disqualify another means of getting something alternative to to profit. That's all it is. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana Lash's Absurd Truth podcast. If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
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