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Kingdom Age Transformations (Part B)

Cross Reference Radio / Pastor Rick Gaston
The Truth Network Radio
December 24, 2024 6:00 am

Kingdom Age Transformations (Part B)

Cross Reference Radio / Pastor Rick Gaston

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December 24, 2024 6:00 am

The prophet Isaiah foretells of the future glory for Jerusalem. Though they are in darkness for now, in the millennial Kingdom they will shine bright for the nations to see. The Lord will reign gloriously from Mount Zion and Jerusalem will be honored as the City of Peace.

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There was no way to represent atonement for a Jew except the Mosaic offerings. There's no way Isaiah could have thought outside of that box.

It wasn't given to him. And so that's why the language sounds like, hey, are there blood sacrifices? No, because the finished work of Christ precludes that. When Christ fulfilled his mission, he said, it is finished.

And all the types on the cross went with it. This is Cross Reference Radio with our pastor and teacher Rick Gaston. Rick is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville. Pastor Rick is currently teaching through the book of Isaiah. Please stay with us after today's message to hear more information about Cross Reference Radio, specifically how you can get a free copy of this teaching. Now, here's Pastor Rick in Isaiah chapter 60 with this edition of Cross Reference Radio. We're going to be those who teach, those who have not heard the Word of God.

It's a big world. People won't be dying as they die now in the millennial age. Commerce and things are going to be going on as always. So why does he need to appoint kings and priests? The priests will be the royal priesthood of believers. Because again, the earth is going to be loaded with people, and more people will be born during this period, and death won't be snatching away so many. There'll be no more wars, there'll be no more military, no more police stations.

It's quite radical. I think the firemen will probably still get to be here. I don't know that the laws of physics are going to stop, but violence will go away, will largely go away, and I'll give you verses for that. But before I do, Psalm 86 verse 9, all nations whom you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.

Well, that hasn't happened, but that will happen. Malachi chapter 1. Remember, these prophets are writing from their standpoint. They don't see as much as we see, and that accounts for why so much is locked into Israel. They certainly couldn't see the church. They couldn't see the Gentiles, you know, leading in churches, teaching Jews, but that's happened. Malachi 1.11, for from the rising of the sun even to its going down, my name shall be great among the Gentiles, and every place incensed shall be offered to my name, and a pure offering.

Now pause there. That pure offering is to Christ, but Malachi, you know, how much of that did he know, or did he just have enough to know? Whatever offerings we offer, Messiah's going to have it right. Well, we have the details of such a statement. Anyway, incense shall be offered to my name, and a pure offering for my name shall be great among the nations, says Yahweh of hosts.

And so, again, this is future. You know, we talk about the rapture. Those prophets, they were all about the messianic kingdom.

To them, that was the kingdom age. And for us, you might not know this, but those with less hair, like Elijah the prophet, will be raptured at a faster rate than those of you with a full head of hair. This is hair-o-dynamics. I'll let that sit to you.

Hair-o-dynamics. Okay, anyway, noted tough crowd, what's today's date? Verse 4, lift up your eyes all around and see, they all gather together, they come to you, your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side. He's looking back at, he said these things in chapter 49. The revival in Israel creates a global movement of the Spirit. So a revival technically is something that's been dead and now has been brought back to life. And you can say that of those in Judaism. They had the right faith, and then the wicked have gained power, and, you know, before King Josiah, the wickedness, you know, was in control, was exalted, and then he becomes king, and there's this revival, and then he dies, and then the wickedness is exalted in these cycles that take place. But amongst the Gentiles, technically there's no revival. There's a movement of the Spirit, like in the book of Acts. It's not that they weren't believers and then drifted away and came and revived.

I'm splitting hairs, but I think it's helpful because in Acts, the Gentiles are brought into the church, into salvation, unlike anything since the giving of the law to Moses. And so Israel will be revived, but as for the Gentiles that survive, they will be converted in the Spirit. And it's going to be very exciting. Jesus has made us a part of this process.

So he doesn't just return to earth with us, and we have nothing to do. We have quite a bit to do, because not only will life change, but so will the landscape. The deserts will not be deserts anymore. Things are going to be incredible. So anyway, verse five, then you shall, I have to pause.

I just hope there's no summer in humidity. Just, you know, that's verse five. Then you shall see and become radiant, and your heart shall swell with joy, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you. The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you. Their hearts will be throbbing. The Hebrew is literally beat with excitement, and it's supposed to be exciting.

I think the prophet was very much excited when he was writing these things as God revealed them to him. Maritime commerce will thrive. There'll still be shipping, and the ships will still be built, and just, you know, the work to maintain ships.

Life's going to continue without the corruption. Nations will finally recognize that Yahweh, the Christ, is the only God. And this stays until deep, until the thousand year reign of Christ when Satan is released, and then the boat gets rocked again, but that's a brief, very, seems like it's just a thought, a moment of a thought, and it's dealt with. But the Gentiles will bring their wealth and their merchandise as offerings coming to worship in Jerusalem.

They're going to help finance the build. You know, there's going to be wars, nuclear exchanges in the days of Antichrist. Well, when Christ comes back, he's not going to magically, you know, clean up the rubble. This damage is going to have to be, cities are going to have to be rebuilt. Rubbish is going to have to be removed.

Think of Nazi Germany, what the bombings did to Nazi Germany. The work has to take place, and it's going to happen. The survivors will have, there'll be so much to do.

We'll continue to develop it, to develop it. Verse 6, the multitude of camels shall cover your land. The dromedaries of Midian and Ephah, all those of Sheba shall come, they shall bring gold and incense, and they shall proclaim praises of Yahweh.

These are Muslim, presently Muslim territories. Well, Islam's going to be gone. And so will Buddhism and Hinduism and all the rest of those, false religions. Climate change will take place, but it will not be man-made, it will be God-made, and it will be good. And these folks here are coming to worship, and there's going to be, okay, there'll be, I mentioned no more war, no more military.

Well, the monies that would go into arming militaries will be redirected into agriculture and industry. And I'm sure entertainment too, without the loony entertainers that we have today. So just very, very exciting. Entertainment is not evil, sin is evil. And if you take sin and you mix it with entertainment, then of course, that goes for everything.

Even money, there's nothing evil inherently about cash or money, but it becomes a root of evil because of the sinful heart. But there's going to be money in this kingdom age, there's going to be, you know, commerce and trade. Verse 7, all the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together to you. The rams of Nebioth shall minister to you. They shall ascend with acceptance on my altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory.

Yeah, they're coming to worship in Jerusalem. Nebioth was Ishmael's first son. Ishmael was a son of Abraham through Hagar.

It was a disaster. You know, one of the, and the Arab people own their beginnings to Ishmael, a big part of their beginnings. And it says of Ishmael that his hand will be against every man and every man's hand will be against him. And we've been living that for millennia.

Kedar is the second son of Ishmael. Genesis 23, 13 is where I'm getting this from. And so it says here in verse 7, they shall ascend with acceptance on my altar. They're going to be righteous now, but there will be reenactments, bloodless reenactments in Jerusalem that commemorate the sacrifice of Christ. They will come where it says with their sheep and their rams. Well, that's really their wealth. In those days, you know, if you had in some places the world still, if you had large herds and flocks, that was a measure of your wealth.

You know, no blood sacrifice is used, and I'm going to stay on this for a little bit. In the millennial age, there will, as I mentioned, be commerce and trade. What about, will animals still be eating each other? Will we be eating the animals?

What about leather shoes? Where are they going to come from? What about the saints that come and find linen with Christ? Where did they get the linen? Who worked the flax to get the, I mean, you know, so many questions, right?

But technology will continue without the corruption, developing new products that can replace leather goods. I'm giving you scenarios. Isaiah 11, 6, the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and it doesn't mean the lamb will be dwelling with the wolf in the belly. The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf, and the young lion, the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. So violence creates, you know, Paul said all creation groans.

It's all messed up. And Christ said that's going to change. And so there's going to be the kingdom age transformation of not only people and climate and topography. When Christ comes, he splits the valley of, you know, when he arrives at Mount of Olives, I mean, there are just radical changes going to be taking place, and that's only the few that we know about.

He's the creator, and he's creative, and he does all things well, and there's really nothing boring or casual about him. Anyway, the ancient language is that they're bringing their dromedaries, their sheep and all. It symbolizes the wealth in the millennial kingdom.

It could very well be other forms of wealth. It could certainly be some of the animal, still wool sweaters. I don't know if you even need wool. What the climate's going to be like and will the seasons have any intensity to them?

Nothing like a nice wool jacket. Anyway, coming back to this, this is also symbolic that the gentile nations will be doing very well. They will have such an abundance. Again, they're not spending on defense, you know, items.

Their agriculture, industry, technology, probably the medical field will continue to some degree. I mean, I would think that there's times they're going to get a headache. Well, I can't imagine living without Tylenol. I don't want to. I have before, and I don't want to go back to those dark ages. But anyway, again, unless you want to read miracles into everything and just think it's not heaven is my point. It's not heaven for the survivors of the millennial of the tribulation period who move into the millennial age. The saints have the new Jerusalem, but promised land Jerusalem is going to be radically different also. The boundaries will be expanded. The priests will have larger territory. There's so many people flocking to Jerusalem. Where are they going to park?

You see, things like this. Well, someone's going to have to put a tramway going. They're going to have to be mozed to facilitate transportation without all the headaches. And it's going to be a pleasure to go worship because you won't have the corrupt leaders and the greasing of the palms and the nepotism and all the junk that ruins so much stuff in this present world. And so, back to the symbolism. Well, new Jerusalem has gates. Promised land Jerusalem will have gates.

They will never close, both of them. Well, then why have them? They're commemorative. They're memorials. They're saying to humanity, I didn't have to let you in. I could have closed the gates, but they stay open.

Praise to Lord, right? My point is that the symbols mean something. And those gates are not there to keep out intruders. There are no intruders in new Jerusalem, for example. Christ is our offering and our altar that sanctifies every gift. And therefore, the offerings being made in the millennial age are bloodless offerings. They are symbolic, like the gates, like many other things. The city in new Jerusalem with the names of the souls.

It's to remind, to keep before us the value of our salvation, but also to share it with those tribulation survivors. We haven't even gotten to what happens after the millennial reign. Well, that's not covered here yet. But at the end, Christ says, you know, let's just wipe everything out.

Let's just start again. And we don't have a lot of information on that, but he makes a new heavens and a new earth. And so anyway, coming back to our study this evening, prior to the cross of Christ, there was no way to represent atonement for a Jew except the Mosaic offerings. There's no way Isaiah could have thought outside of that box.

It wasn't given to him. And so that's why the language sounds like, hey, are there blood sacrifices? No, because the finished work of Christ precludes that. When Christ fulfilled his mission, he said, it is finished. And all the types on the cross went with it, except as memorials and teaching aids. Go with some verses, because it's difficult to imagine Christ presiding over blood sacrifices in Jerusalem. He's going to reign from Jerusalem.

Can you imagine? He's not going to say, you're sacrificing a sheep? I died on the cross.

What are you saying? That would be anathema. Hebrews 10, 4, for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. No, but the precious blood of the Lamb took them away, as John the Baptist said it would. Hebrews 10, 14, for by one offering he is perfected forever, those who are being sanctified.

One offering done. Matthew 5, 17, do not think I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill. He is a fulfillment.

No need to go backwards. Romans 10, 4, for Christ is the end of the law, for righteousness to everyone who believes. And so I don't know why anybody would say, well, they're going to be offering bulls and goats and all again at the temple.

They're not going to be offering. There will be reenactments as memorials, but it will be all symbolic as were the original sacrifices. They were all symbolic. The temple tabernacle of the Jews given to Moses based on a pattern shown to him in heaven, all symbolic.

For example, the lampstand. Well, God doesn't need candles to see anything or lampstand. He sees in the dark, but the teachings behind it are of utmost value to all of us.

And you know, we love it. That's why you buy reference materials and you study and you go to Bible studies. We love the teachings that come out of these events. We love a teaching on the tabernacle or on why the, you know, the, the showbread and why, you know, the lampstand and the wick was trimmed to keep it burning bright because when it goes dim, that's not what God wants. And we apply that to our lives. Well, those, those living through the millennial kingdom, they're going to be applying these things.

We'll be set. We're in like a whole nother category, sort of like the angels, the angels to us, the unfallen ones are another category, but they're ministers to us. They help us in, in our walk with Christ and serving Christ. And I believe in guardian angels to, to the righteous.

Why not? When we see Lazarus goes to heaven, it says the angels took him to Abraham's bosom. When it talks about the death of the young, it speaks about their angels see the face of God. These aren't things to be troubled by.

These are things to be excited by. God's got this system in place and it's, it's, it's got this rhythm that's moving and we're, we've joined that rhythm. The flesh tries to work us out of it and it has some success, but not, it doesn't win. And that's what the whole meaning of they overcame him by the word of their testimony and the blood of the lamb. And that speaks to all believers. Well, God, he's going to provide a temple for assembly and worship there in Jerusalem. The priesthood system will again be in place without the Jewish priesthood system because the Royal priesthood systems, another, you know, that's having to do with teaching and upholding the kingdom truths.

So I think I've hit that good enough. Um, but there will be everybody united, Jews and Gentiles and a single religion hasn't been that way globally since Noah and his family on the ark and not off, not long after they left that ark and had children did things begin to, uh, drift from God. Well, verse eight, who are these who fly like a cloud and like doves to their roost. Nice. This is figurative language describing the rapid influx of Gentiles to Jerusalem, not to live there, to come worship, uh, and likely also a reference to the day aviation literally from taking flights to Israel.

Why not? Why would we think that, okay, all the things that God has allowed us to learn, he's just going to wipe out. We're going to go back to traveling by cart and you know, outhouses and yeah, see all of a sudden now he's like, no, I want some of the new stuff. Uh, so, uh, it's, it's, you know, keeps it real to me and it should keep it real to all of us. But also here they are flying like a cloud, like doves to their roost. Well, what do we see today? We see these entertainers, you know, traveling from Western civilization to places like Tibet or India to learn some senseless demonic teaching and try to come back and say they had some experience. And what about the guy that says, like five minutes in heaven, then you weren't in heaven. I died and I went to heaven. No, you did not. Or what are you saying? They threw you back?

I mean, but people believe this stuff without the scripture. Uh, well that's all going to be gone. We're not going to have any more of those. You know, I died and I saw myself on the operating table. Well, was it gory? Shouldn't have been. Shouldn't have been gory. I'm anyway, I guess I'm the only one that, well, if I'm looking down at them cutting me open, I think it's going to be pretty gory.

Well, in verse nine, again, second note, tough crowd. Surely the coast land shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish will come first to bring your sons from afar, their silver and their gold with them to the name of Yahweh, your God and to the Holy One of Israel because he has glorified you. Yeah, they're going to just, the survivors, they're going to love this stuff. Uh, and they should.

That's what the plan is. Jerusalem, Israel will be bustling with human activity to worship commerce and peace. Micah four, three, they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they war. Learn war anymore. That's why the gates can stay open.

There's no need for that discontinuation of armed forces. Money is redirected. Verse 10, the sons of foreigners shall build your walls and their King shall minister to you for in my wrath I struck you, but in my favor I have had mercy on you. Yeah, the wrath of God came out. Armageddon did a lot of damage to the promised land. Who's going to clean that up? Well, Ezekiel tells us that there's specific steps taking to clean up the battlefield. Well, what about all these civilian targets? So if, if, if I were a military commander today in the Pentagon and uh, and I had to, when they do, they have a war plan for every country and uh, if you know the Chinese communists, you can bet their three gorge dam is on the radar to hit. Well, if you hit that dam, that three gorge dam, so much water would be released, you'd probably without exaggeration kill a billion people. It would be just, just incredible disaster. Well, my point is there are targets that are going to be hit and the damage is going to be catastrophic.

Again, who cleans this stuff up? Well, the survivors will. This will pump the bolster of the economy. I just think, you know, that this is going to be so much better for the survivors.

But late in the millennial reign, they'll have nothing to base it off and they'll, they won't remember these things. It seems. Thanks for tuning in to cross reference radio.

Today. Cross reference radio is a ministry of pastor Rick Gaston of Calvary chapel mechanics, Ville in Virginia. If you'd like to learn more about this ministry, we invite you to visit our website cross reference,

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