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Tuesday, February 4th | The Left is Going Out of Style

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
February 4, 2025 6:00 am

Tuesday, February 4th | The Left is Going Out of Style

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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February 4, 2025 6:00 am

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In this episode, Dr. Shah talks about why identifying with the left is becoming less and less cool.

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What's going on Clearview Today listeners and happy Thursday. We want you to know that this episode of Clearview Today and today's secret word is brought to you by Mighty Muscadine, king of the super fruits. Mighty Muscadine offers a variety of products from their signature Muscadine grape juice to powerful dietary supplements.

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Not only are you saving money, but you're supporting our show. Today's secret word is quibble and today's secret word contestant is Dr. Abaddon Shah. You're listening to Clearview Today with Dr. Abaddon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill. I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028 or you can email us at contact at

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Link is in the description below. We're here in the studio today with our good, good friend and our pastor, Dr. Abaddon Shah, who's a PhD in New Testament textual criticism. Dr. Shah, welcome to the show. It's good to be here.

Good to see you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. I'm not here to quibble and stuff, but I am here to work to work. Right off the bat, quibble. Yeah, it didn't work.

Did it work? Oh, there it is. Is it quibble? Right off the bat, I thought it was a fake word. Man, good for you. No, I thought it was a fake word.

I thought for sure he was... I was just tossing in the towel early. Good for you. Quibble. What does quibble mean? I mean just like bicker and argue and fuss about things. Stop quibbling.

Let's get to the show. Yeah, that's right. No more quibbling here. The verse of the day today is coming to us from Deuteronomy 1, verse 30. The Lord your God who goes before you, he will fight for you according to all he did for you in Egypt before your eyes. You know what a true blue friend, Dr. Shah, is a friend who will fight for you. That's right. There's a lot of people in life, and I've learned this is a painful, painful lesson that I've learned over life.

I don't know if it's just being a millennial, just like seeing friendship like really romanticized on TV or whatever, but there's a lot of friends who you consider your close, close friends in life. When it comes time to fight for you, they're like, well, yeah, that's two sides to every story. You know, they don't fight for you.

Yeah. And to know that God will fight for you, you just have to see it. You just have to believe that. And I know in my life, time and again, God has come through. At the moment it's felt like I was alone. I felt like, you know, this is just me against the world or me against the situation or a person or whatever. But in time I realized the whole time God was fighting. The spiritual realm had already entered into the earthly realm and was fighting for me.

That's right. And he won. The victory was ours. And I'm of the testimony that God will fight for his people. Amen. Yes, yes, yes.

One of the things I really respect about you is that, and you even said this at lunchtime, if you want to say a quick word, or maybe we can do an episode on this in the future, is that if you want to be in ministry and really last in ministry, a lot of people won't fight for their ministry. Yeah, that's right. They'll just be like, well, look, it didn't work or people got the better of me or whatever, but they won't fight for it.

You know, I learned that from my parents. This has been years ago. I want to say 2008. This was in 2009.

I'm sorry, 2009. My dad got really sick and it was a medication issue. He had some heart issue. And when he went to get some medication, they did not give him proper instruction. So the medication was right.

The instructions were not. And so he began to become very like all of a sudden, like lifeless, like just had no energy, just kind of going downhill. And we thought he was dying.

So some of you all may remember that I went to India to see him. Maybe this was it. And by God's grace, he was able to come out of it. And, but in the meantime, there was some things happened at their church where some people were giving trouble, trying to use this as an opportunity to get into the pulpit or, you know, become the next pastor or whatever. And I remember making a comment to my mom. I was like, you know, they can just have it. You know, they said, what do you mean? I said, it's like, they're fighting for it.

Fine. Take it. It's like, no, you don't do that. I'm like, what do you mean?

No, you fight for it. You don't just give it like that. And so I was just talking, but that was a great teaching moment. For me, this is 2009. So how long ago?

Maybe like 15, 16 years ago. And I was like, he said, yeah, you don't just give ministry over because somebody opposed you. If you're walking the path, if you're trusting God, if you're being obedient to him and sacrificing your life for him and somebody's trying to take it, you fight back. You don't just roll over and say, okay, fine, whatever.

You can have it. You don't do that. And that had a profound impact on my life. And then I stopped and kind of, you know, did a survey of my parents' ministry. And I saw that over the years, my dad, as he was a pastor of the church, he had people oppose him or opposition came against him and outsiders would try to come in and try to take the church or go against the church. And he fought and I was like, oh, that's what they were saying to me. And so through the years when opposition has come here, sometimes internally, sometimes externally, man, that conversation stayed with me. You know what?

It shows because that happened in 2009. You had that conversation. I came in 2013 and that's the year that you were wrapping up your series on Nehemiah.

And you talk about opposition. I remember coming, seriously, and I'm not joking. I'm not saying this just for the sake of the show. I remember coming in my very first Sunday, I think you were in Nehemiah or you might've been wrapping up Romans, but I think you were starting Nehemiah and I was like, what the heck is Nehemiah?

Seriously. I remember I was like, who preaches on that? That was a book. And when I say that series changed me, not just because of the book itself, but because of the way you preached it and your style of preaching was so unlike anything I heard.

When I say that it changed me, I mean, I'm really, really shifted my thinking because I would never have heard another pastor stand up in the pulpit and say, I'm fighting for this ministry and I'm going to win. Stan Ballot, Tobiah and Geshem the Arab. These were the three who were opposing Nehemiah and they even wanted to, at first they tried to just go head on against him and then they tried to infiltrate and then they even volunteered to help him. And he's like, no, we don't need your help. You're not going to help us. You're not going to help us.

I don't need to partner with you. And so not only my parents, but also the word of God had a big part to play in how I think about ministry. And even Paul, the apostle Paul, I mean, he fought for ministry. I think those are such great examples for us because it goes so counter-cultural to what the, the idea we have of like, you know, well, if God wants to take the ministry from me, that's okay. And just let it pass. I get it.

You know what? I'm going to be like, Jesus, no, Jesus is like, why is the serpents harmless as doves? Your example about Paul too. I think David said it at lunch where it was like, no, Paul didn't just stand up for his ministry. Like Paul stood up for his own self.

Was it second Corinthians? It was one of the Corinthians where he like, I'm an apostle. Don't ever treat me like I'm not an apostle. I'm an apostle of Jesus Christ. As Jim Stanwich would say, I'm somebody. Hey, you got to listen to me. I ain't some podunk preacher with a pot to give away.

You go listen to me. Dude was feeling it. I'll give him that. I can, I, I knew, and I just, I think you said this too. Dude was coming from a place of real frustration.

He was fed up. Yeah. Oh yeah.

Yeah. Well, speaking of importance, we've got a lot of important stuff to talk about today, but don't go anywhere. We're going to take a quick break and be right back with more Clear Read Today. Hey, Clear Read Today listeners. We want to take a quick moment to thank you for tuning in. As you can imagine, producing a show like this takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. And we're grateful for the Truth Network for giving us a platform to syndicate our show. But the vast majority of our support comes from listeners just like you. If you enjoy these talks with Dr. Shah and you want to see Clear Read Today continue to grow, consider making a donation today because your contributions help us deliver fun, relevant, and biblical content right to your phone every single day.

That's right. Every single donation, big or small, goes directly to the production of this show. It helps us keep the lights on in the studio.

It helps keeps the mics hot and running. So if these conversations are making a difference in your day, or if you just want to help us keep the gospel of Jesus Christ in the airwaves, we would appreciate your support. You can give by visiting our website, that's, and just click on that button that says Give Today. And remember, your support truly makes a difference in our show.

Thank you for being part of this community. Now let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. I'm so sorry. I wanted to go start the show. Dr. Shah, we are experiencing, and I know I say this, I think a lot of people say this, but I think truly it is the truth. We are experiencing the biggest cultural shift that we have, I think, people have ever experienced in the last few decades. There's a really, really interesting thing happening right now. We talked about it a little bit yesterday.

We kind of hinted at it because we wanted to formulate our thoughts and really get what we wanted to say into a manageable episode. We're seeing a lot of people becoming disillusioned with the left. A lot of people are becoming aware of the disconnect from the leaders of the left, who are celebrities, typically. They're not usually politicians or people of actual authority.

They're usually popular celebrities. I've been struggling for a way to put it, and I think really we just kind of said it this morning, the left is becoming unpopular. It's going out of style.

I never thought I would say it. It's very in vogue to be left liberal associated with that camp, but we're seeing that shift, that change. They're becoming the dorky kids. They're becoming the hall monitors, the kids that people don't want to sit with at last.

That's right. I'm so glad because that is the heart of America. We are people who love freedom. We like our liberties. What has happened is the left has gone overboard.

They've been doing it for a while, but gone overboard in handcuffing us and curbing our liberties, taking away our freedom. Can't say this, can't do that. You better do this.

You better put that mask on. How dare you? You're canceled for talking like that to me. You have to accept me. You have to validate me, and people got tired of it. They're sick of it. What's funny is I went to go look.

The reason we're even talking about this is because there are people on the left, liberals on TikTok, who are saying these things. I went to go find them, to play them. They got took down. But I'm sure they're out there. You can find them, but there are tons of young women. They were all women, the ones that I saw. There was one young man, but they were all liberals. They were all saying, listen, I'm a liberal. I'm as liberal as it gets. I can't stand the president. I can't stand conservatives, but I got to tell you, we have shot ourselves in the foot. He said, if we don't learn from this, there won't be a democratic party in the next 10, 20 years. Which is not a problem for me.

That would be fine. Because of the values they've been peddling for the past 15, 20 years, and I've been doing it for a long time, but especially in the past 15, 20 years, man, we can live without some liberal Democrats. People think that it's really important that America have two parties.

It's like, not if that's the other way. But what I've been seeing is that the liberals have turned into the annoying hall monitors. Did you have hall monitors when you were in school? Well, I was one of them. I was not a hall monitor, but I was the head of the student body. So we had to make sure everybody's okay.

They're in the right uniform and all that. But I was a fun one. I was not the bad guy.

I never gave people trouble. If you see your friends hanging out in the bathroom, it's like, come on, fellas. We got to get back in.

But overall, we were the fun leaders. But liberal hall monitors, oh my goodness, you write an essay and you got to better have this inclusive language. If you don't, that's not acceptable. I mean, I remember that from 20 years ago.

I had to go back and revise a lot of my articles because it did not have the gender neutral language in it. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had to make it.

In your PhD seminar? Oh yeah. I had to make it like she and stuff like that. Wow. Yeah.

Because you have to do that. Cannot all be masculine. Has to be some feminine in there. So this wasn't just something from the last four years. No, this has been coming.

This has been coming. This leftist ideology, and it especially starts in the universities. Okay. Arts. Arts is controlled by a lot of times by the leftist people. Yes, that's true.

Because technical things like repairing a motor or building a structure requires hard and fast rules. Art is so subjective. So leftist people usually gravitate towards art. Great point. Great point. And so writing, I mean, in our field, we have to write. So a lot of the writing is controlled by the left.

Yeah. That's a good point. Not by the carpenters and the plumbers and the electricians. It's controlled by literary critics. So then all the thoughts and the ideas that we get come from people on the left that come from liberal ideology. And so then I guess the more you see it, because there's so much of it out there, the more you start to think, this is just how the world works.

This is how it's going to be. Maybe I'm weird. Maybe I'm weird for thinking that that ideology is harmful.

I wouldn't say I ever thought I was weird. I just thought I was outdated. It's like I'm just outdated. You know, like at one time I was, this was normal, but now I'm outdated unless I use the gender neutral language. And now to look back and go, man, that's over. In fact, if you try to force that, you're the outdated one.

Like, what are you doing? Across the country, there is a movement where all of a sudden people are like, okay, I like the old ways. I like the tradition. And it's not even a racist thing. There's a pastor in Chicago who does rooftop revelations. I don't know if you've heard of that.

I haven't heard of it. Rooftop revelations? Rooftop revelations. This is a pastor who decided to camp on top of his, I think, church's roof or the roof of one of the buildings. Rain or shine, cold or hot, he was just going to stay there. And so he decided to do that. And this is all through the past four or five years, maybe four years. And he's a big Trump supporter. He's an African American pastor.

But here's was his point. He said, since LBJ, Lyndon B. Johnson, that's him right there. Since Cory Brooks, Pastor Cory Brooks, since LBJ, we have been fed these lies, these lies that we have to be given these crumbs at the government's feet. And so you sing their song, you sing their tunes so you can get these crumbs. He said, prior to that, you had people who worked hard, especially in Chicago.

They used to work hard and make a living. He talks about Fuller. He said, man, this was an African American man, a black man who worked hard and became one of the first millionaires in America from the African American community. He said, but now that's looked upon as, man, you're for capitalism? You're a terrible person. You take advantage of people. How dare you? So leftist ideology took over and look at what Chicago is like.

Now, Chicago has its great parts, but what do we know Chicago for America? Exactly. So this pastor, Pastor Cory Brooks, rooftop revelation, look him up online if you ever want to. In fact, there's a video he just released. Maybe we can listen to that video about supporting President Trump. He was at the inauguration, by the way. He was there?

Oh, really? No, I didn't see him, but he was at the inauguration and he says something very powerful about President Trump and how, oh yeah, let's put that on. That's the one.

It was on Fox News and it just does a great job on what he says about President Trump. So let's listen into that. Wow.

Okay, here we go. All right, so this is Rooftop Revelation. Most of the liberalism never spoke to our better selves. It only brought out the worst in ourselves.

That is why when I heard Trump's simple words about returning to a colorblind and merit-based society, it struck me rather personally. Hello America, I'm Pastor Cory Brooks from the South Side of Chicago to the nation's capital. This is Rooftop Revelations. Many of you know me as the Rooftop Pastor. I recently spent 343 days living on top of a roof through Chicago's cold and heat to bring awareness to the violence and to raise money for this much needed community center that you see being built behind me. And because of the many donations from Americans, just like yourself, we are raising the needed funds for this glorious leadership and economic community center.

We ain't nothing less than the full transformation of Chicago's most violent block, old block into opportunity block. Here we discuss issues, local to national, from the streets to the capital. For you who have been on the journey with us, welcome back.

And if this is your first time watching Rooftop Revelations, we're glad you're joining us for this latest edition of Rooftop Revelation. I had the privilege to attend the inauguration for President Donald Trump. The highlight for me was his speech when he said the following words, quote, I will end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into everyday life. We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based, end quote.

These words were simple, direct, and they are everything we need to return this lost nation to its rightful path. My neighborhood on the south side of Chicago has been on that lost path for far too long. It wasn't always this way. In the forties and fifties, working class blacks as well as entrepreneurs lived on my street. There was entrenched segregation, but these blacks did not let it affect them.

In fact, they defied it. They practiced the American values sometimes better than the whites on the other side of the racial divide. One of the most famous examples was Samuel Fuller, who opened his cosmetic products business.

Fuller's products on 63rd Street. Fuller was born to Louisiana sharecroppers, dropped out of sixth grade due to poverty and started selling products door to door. He moved to Chicago where he worked in a coal yard and then as an insurance representative before he decided to pursue his own business. He was so successful that he became the richest black man in America. But what impressed me the most about the story in light of Trump's comments was that Fuller believed in America and in the principle of merit. He put thousands of salespeople to work, even those who were not black. He only cared if they could sell. He once said, it doesn't make a difference about the color of any individual's skin. No one cares if the cow is black, red, yellow or brown.

They want the milk it can produce. Most of all, Fuller believed in the power of capitalism. Wherever there is capitalism, there is freedom. We lost these invaluable lessons when post 60s liberalism descended upon our community after President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty speech. Our government told us that they, not us, would engineer our uplift out of four centuries of racial oppression. Sadly, we betrayed the fullest of our time and sold our soul for pennies on the door. Instead of uplift, what we got were policies of dependency, man in the house rules that helped fracture our families, substandard schools, never ending violence in our neighborhood and on and on. Post 60 liberalism never spoke to our better selves.

It only brought out the worst in ourselves. That is why when I heard Trump's simple words about returning to a colorblind and merit-based society, it struck me rather personally. It's what I've been preaching to my people all along. It's not the white man that is your problem, but your lack of development. We need to reinforce this message from every side and we can no longer allow the excuse of race to undermine us and our efforts.

The road ahead of us will not be easy, but why should the generation of now pay for the failures of the previous generations? Our work starts now and our ambition must be nothing less than the creation of more Samuel Fuller's to better our America. God bless you and God bless America.

This has been another Rooftop Revelation. Oh, cool. Yeah, that's awesome.

You know what's really cool? A year ago, last year, the left would have torn that video apart because they knew he supported President Trump. And today I guarantee you, there's still some that will, but I bet you a lot more people who were liberal or left-leaning are like, you know, he's got a good point. And this is just, we're talking about economic policy, but also with regards to sexual issues. If you are still on that bandwagon of the sexual diversity, that man, we have to celebrate homosexuality. No, we don't. We can still call it sin. Now, we don't have to be hateful to people. We don't have to be mean.

We don't have to call. No, but I can tell you that homosexuality is a sin. Transgender lifestyle is a sin and any pastor or whoever, you know, posing as a pastor, that's what I call it. Because if you're no longer standing on the word of God, you don't have to agree with me a hundred percent when it comes down to Orthodox biblical doctrine, but you need to call sin, sin, right?

That's a hundred percent, right? Call sin, sin. But if a person claiming to be a pastor is calling sin, what God said is sin as if it's okay and making Chad GBT arguments, right?

Hey, you are, you are out of date. And just so people don't get this twisted, because a lot of people are going to hear that and think you're referring to the bishop. I'm referring to false preachers around here. This is happening here. This is happening here and now.

And it's probably happening in your community too. Yeah. And my word to you is get out, get out of Babylon, get out of Sodom. That's right.

That's right. It's unfortunate that, you know, people are not unfortunate. I mean, it's, it's wicked.

What people are doing is using biblical platforms to, to pull people away from God's truth, using, using the office of pastor at that title to sway people from the truth of God's word. But it's, it's despicable. Well, people, I think I agree a hundred percent, and I'm really, really happy that people are starting to see that it's despicable. I think for, I thought for a long time, we were going to have to carry this to our graves being like, we're the, we're the few that see sense and see reason. And the majority of America is just not going to see it.

And, and, and we are probably the last of that generation that remembers a time when this was, you know, really declared as sin. But, but I really love that it's coming around. I think it's going to start with small with this where it's like, Hey, leftists, not really, they're not cool anymore. They're, they're sort of pushy. They're sort of bossy. I think it's going to in time be like, they're actually pretty deranged. This is, this is a deranged way to think. We were saying that about them for a long time, whether it's economic policy or sexual deviancy or just a hate America spirit. But now it's like, no people across the board, white, black, Hispanic, Asians, they're all agreeing this, this whole leftist ideology that had a chokehold on America for the past 30, 40 years.

And especially that whole became very tight over the past, I would say 10, 12 years and in the past four years. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. We were, we were, yeah, I thought life was gone.

All of a sudden God came in and I think it's because of the prayers of God's people. And that chokehold has been broken. So I am not for a single moment going to support people.

I don't care if it's a city official, I don't care if it's a so-called pastor, I don't care who they are, celebrity or your aunt or your sister or your cousin or whatever. I'm not going to support them. Sin is sin. 100%. By the way, I should say when I said we're turning blue, I meant like we were being choked. I was going to ask you if that was intentional. No, like we were being choked, not like that we're turning liberal. That was a very unfortunate or fortunate phrase.

Definitely not, Tony. They ever choke somebody and they turn blue? I mean, I have not personally, no. But you know what I mean. I know what you mean, yeah. But I laughed at the wordplay.

I thought it was, I thought it was funny. No, that was, no, as soon as he said, as soon as I said, I was like, nah, I should probably clarify. What is the, what is the likelihood, Dr. Shah, that this is not just a fluke or a one-time thing, but I mean, can we call this a full on cultural reset? I believe that this is an awakening that we've been praying for, right? We know about the first great awakening, second great awakening, the prayer revivals, the revivals of the so-called crusades back in the 20th century. And we were, we were sort of, you know, just disheartened because another awakening had not come. We've been praying and preaching on this and teaching on this for years. I mean, decades saying, you know, what happened?

What happened? Awakening has come. It's come in a whole different way. What I am asking is for Christians, especially church leaders to stand up and, and take hold of this opportunity that God is giving to our nation and start speaking out. You don't have to do it with hate. You can do it with love and compassion, but love and compassion does not mean being timid and fearful, right? You can't be loving and compassionate and still be bold. Jesus was bold. He was never timid, right?

He was never brash, but he was, he was forthright. Right. Okay. So I believe this is God's way of opening the door in America for another awakening. I think it's already begun. It's already begun. We have to take hold of that. Amen.

That's so encouraging to hear because you often don't get that side of the story. You hear about how bad things are, hey, things are changing a little bit, but no, zoom out. This is, this, this is the great awakening that we've been praying for.

Yes. That we've been, that we've been asking God to do. God, would you bring revival and let it start with us? Amen. We're here. We're looking at it. This is the wave you've been waiting for.

Ride it. That's right. Make sure you guys join us tomorrow. Same time, same station. We're going to be diving into to another great topic here on the Clear View Today Show. Thanks again to our sponsors for making today's episode possible. And don't forget that you can support us by subscribing to the show on iTunes.

If you want to re-listen or share it with a friend and you can always support us financially at Jon, what do you want to leave our listeners with today? Definitely want to leave you with 30 Days of Praying for America.

These are daily devotions to heal our nation. It's book three in our 30 day series. Listen, this book has transformed the way so many people view America. You know, this book is sitting in Donald Trump's Oval Office right now.

At least I like to think that it is, but we at least know for a fact that Dr. Sean Nicole's books is in the president's hands. So we want to encourage you to get that along with books one and two in that series. You can also get our original music, Heaven Here and Now, our debut album is available right now along with our EP Together Forward. And a brand new single is coming out.

It's called Great and Awesome. Really, really close to release. We're going to be releasing that. We'll probably let you hear it right here on the show.

That's right. Lots of great content coming your way. Make sure you guys tune in. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clear Read Today.
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