What's going on Clearview Today listeners and happy Thursday. We want you to know that this episode of Clearview Today and today's secret word is brought to you by Mighty Muscadine, king of the super fruits. Mighty Muscadine offers a variety of products from their signature Muscadine grape juice to powerful dietary supplements.
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There's a good five star view on iTunes or Spotify anywhere you get your podcasting content from. Link is in the description below and we are here in the studio today with our host, Dr. Abbadon Shah, who's a Ph.D. in New Testament Textual Criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full time pastor and the host of today's show, Dr. Shah. Welcome back from your travels, my friend. Hey, bud.
What's up? He's not here. We're still doing this joke. He's same old joke we've been doing for the last. He's not. He's on the way back.
Who wrote the run sheet? You did. That was you. If it didn't get a gut laugh the first two times, maybe it would get one the third episode we did it.
Yeah, Dr. Shah. Third try's a charm. And I still don't hear him laughing. Oh, hang on one second. Hang on. We got a button for that.
I mean, a genuine studio audience. Dr. Shah is on the way back. He should be. I thought he was going to be back today. He might be just an hour out, but we said, you know what, let's go in and get one more episode. Let's go ahead and get one more in. Before he gets in. That's right.
That's it. The verse of the day today is coming to us from First Peter chapter one verse twenty three. Having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible through the word of God, which lives and abides forever. You know, it's not it's not my good works that has gotten me saved.
It's not my my good Christian habits that bring about my salvation. It's only the word of God which lives. And also this abides in me forever means the word of God is never going to leave you. You know, one of the things that we really hit on in our wanna program here at Clearview is the Bible memorization. And it's because the stuff that they learn as kids, it really makes a difference.
They it stays with them. You know, some of the songs and some of the stuff that I learned as kids that were not Bible stuff, but I still remember them all the way to this day. Yeah, my Bible memorization is a big part of what we do in a wanna, and it carries over into our children's ministry. It carries over even into our student ministry. They've got memory versus and incentives to memorize those memory versus.
But that's something that kind of falls away after you become an adult. That's right. We're not really memorizing scripture anymore.
That's right. So I have challenged myself as I'm giving memory versus out to people that I will myself memorize them. Because you know, you can never go wrong with hiding God's word in your heart. Because yes, now we have the phones and we have the Bible with us 24-7. Absolutely. But there's something to be said about when a situation arises, you can immediately recall God's word without having to say, hold on, let me look that up real quick.
Type, type, type, type, type. There are people whose theology is so twisted and so backwards, but I still, I'm not going to say any names, but I still respect the fact that they can quote scripture just like that. Even though I disagree with them wholeheartedly in their theology, the fact that they know the scripture backwards and forwards, even if they don't apply it correctly, the fact that they know it and have devoted that time to it. Speaking of challenge yourself with the Bible, Ryan, it's time for the Bible Guess It Game, my friend. Oh, this has become a favorite on the show. A lot of people are writing in saying they want this game. I am not as skilled at this as Dr. Shaw is.
Dr. Shaw is not here, so we may not be getting it as quickly. You know, I really think the Bible Guess It Game ought to be sponsoring this show because we've actually sold, not we've sold them, but there's a bunch of people who have wrote into the show and said, I've ordered this. I've ordered this for my church, for my youth group.
It's fun. All right. This is a person, if you've never listened to the show before, this is a segment where we play a little game called the Bible Guess It Game by the Action Bible. Basically, I'm going to give Ryan 15 hints. He's not going to, he hopefully will not use all 15.
The hints start really, they start really vague and then they get more and more obvious as it goes along. All right. This is a person. I was faithful to the Lord. Love that. Paul wanted me ASAP. Timothy.
Are you playing? Yeah, it was Timothy. Timothy. I didn't know if your mic was on. Yeah, Timothy.
It was Timothy. Good job. I'm going to give that one to David. Very good. All right. Hold on.
Can I also do one thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. In the last few games when you played with Dr. Shaw and Ryan, you would give a hint and then as they're thinking, you'd just go right to the next hint. No. Well, they weren't answering.
They weren't answering. This is a radio show. Well, you think we're going, I'm going to just let some dead air be on the, we got, we got 29 minutes to fill. I feel like this one's kind of, this one is not, oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Is it a person or a place?
It's a person. Okay. My father was Jacob.
Okay. That narrows it down. I'm called son of David. Judah. Not Judah.
I was a righteous man. Benjamin? Not Benjamin. One of my sons has the same name as me. I'm famous, but the Bible never quotes me.
Hmm. I was told what to name my son. Reuben? Not Reuben. I made a pledge to get married.
I made a pledge. Is this Joseph? It's Joseph. Oh. David's got two and you got none. Joseph.
And I didn't even know this dude was playing. All right. All right. This is a thing. A trumpet blast came before me. The fall of Jericho.
No, not the fall of Jericho. This is what? A thing.
It's an object. Trumpet blast. No rapture? No, no. I speak of idols.
This is a thing? Mm-hmm. I speak of murder. The law? Kinda. The Ten Commandments.
The Ten Commandments. Ryan. Man. You're not looking good.
I'm not looking good. All right. Person.
This is a person. The spirit was in me. Okay.
I was a fighter. Gideon? Not Gideon. Samson. No.
Okay. My name means the Lord saves. Joshua.
Yes, Joshua. There you go. Good job. You really stink.
You really stink. All right. Last one.
Three to one. Last one. You're really, you're not doing well.
You're not doing, you don't look good, Dave. All right. Last one. This is a place. Okay.
I'm known today as Yom Kineret. Okay. I'm 14 miles long.
I'm six miles across. Jordan River? No.
I don't know what the- You ought to know this one. Yeah. That's why I'm trying to think what's Yom Kineret. Yom Kineret. Okay.
I am 695 feet below sea level. Is that the- The Dead Sea? Yeah. No.
Over 5,000 people were fed near me. Galilee? See? The Sea of Galilee. Yeah. The Sea of Galilee. Oh, nice.
I was not going to give Galilee, but Sea of Galilee is 100% correct. Well done. Well done. Great job, David.
That was another great round of the Bible. I don't have a prize to give you. I do have this chase figure. So, this is Mighty Chase from the Mighty Pups. Congratulations.
Not just Chase, but Mighty Chase. Yeah. You didn't even try to catch it.
You were going to let it hit you in the face. Wow. Yeah. That can rest on your microphone until the next time we play. Good job, fellas. Fantastic.
Guys, don't go anywhere. We're going to take a quick break and be right back with more Clearview Today. Knowing that every single dollar you give helps us share the hope of Jesus with a world in desperate need of him. If God is pressing on your heart right now to give to the Clearview Today Show, you can visit our website, ClearviewTodayShow.com, and press that little button that says, Give Today. We just want to say thank you for your support. May God continue to bless you as you partner with us in making our show as impactful as possible for the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's right.
We appreciate every single one of you. Now, let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You can visit us online at ClearviewTodayShow.com, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. That's right. We touched on this a little bit yesterday, but Dr. Shah has been going through a series that is leading up to a series. This is like a mini-series laying the foundation. It's a prequel, if you will, Star Wars style, except these ones are actually good. I cracked my own self up. That was pretty fun. Thank you.
It's a prequel series getting ready to go into our Dr. Shah series on end times prophecy. We talked a little bit yesterday about the importance of community, living Christian life together, because it reflects what's coming up in eternity. We also hinted a little bit that worship, our worship here on earth, reflects the exact same thing. We gathered together for worship week after week after week. It's not just time to mark off time in the service to give the pastor time to think about what he's going to say. It's also not just a time for us to get our hearts right.
A lot of times we say that. It's about lowering our guards, getting our emotions right so that we can receive the word of God. All that stuff is true, but at its core, worship on earth is a reflection of what we're going to be doing around the throne of God forever.
It's designed for eternity. Those things are not true. They're just a shallow understanding of what worship is. It's just a very surface understanding, which is why I appreciate the way that you, John, and Dr. Shah craft the worship services together and think through what are these songs saying? What does this mean? How does this tie into the overview of the message? How is everything knit together?
What is the flow between the songs? It's very intentionally crafted with moments to allow for spontaneity, to deviate from the script, albeit as long as that serves a purpose. That's one of the best things I ever learned. I think this has transformed the way that I do worship. I think as a worship leader, worship pastor, whatever your title is, one of the things that you want to do, the biggest thing on your heart is to create that experience for people. I know that's a really hot Christian buzzword, that experience.
We want to just give you guys an experience. We want to help you experience God. What you're really trying to do is you're trying to get people to respond to the truth of who God is. God doesn't change. What he's done for us, we don't impact that at all.
The only thing we impact is how we respond to it. I think a worship leader's main goal is to get the congregation at large to have that one response. The best thing that I ever did in leading worship was doing it alongside the lead pastor. If you don't plan your worship services, and when I say worship in this context, I mean like the music portion before sermon or after sermon or whatever, but if you don't plan it alongside your lead pastor, it is always going to fall a little bit short. You may have those emotional moments, but if you and your pastor are not, and Ryan, I think you can attest to this, too, because I think in youth ministry, you follow the same approach, but if you're not doing it alongside the vision of where your pastor's going, you're always going to have some level of fragmentation.
Tanner Iskra 100%, absolutely. That's true in worship. That's true in student ministry. My goal in student ministry is to have series and messages that coincide with what Dr. Shah's talking about. If we talk about students being a part of the church now, if we talk about students being a part of, you know, not just a microcosm of the church, but a part of the larger body of Christ, why are we then having programming that is separated from what the larger body is doing?
Why are we doing our little thing over here and then expecting them to value connection? You've got to have things that will funnel back to the message that Dr. Shah is talking about in his sermon, in where our church is headed right now. So, right now, we're talking about community, we've talked about worship, and we're talking about end times prophecy. Everything that I do in my programming is going to feed back into that because I want my students and the students here at Clearview to get a full, well-rounded approach to their time in student ministry. Not just, hey, here's some fun dodgeball, now go sit in service.
Jonathan Kingham 100%. And one of the, when you get past the surface level discussion of people in their church, one of the most common things you hear is, I love the preaching, but man, that worship is just, I don't know what that is. Or, I just really, really, really love the worship. And I can take or leave the preaching, he's a good preacher, but man, there's always a divide.
And people don't realize they're putting the divide in, you know what I mean? It's not like a thing where it's like, I really want to undermine the preaching, or I really want to undermine the worship. I don't think people intend to do that, but what ends up happening is, like a lot of times, what we would see sometimes, before we started to change things up in our new building or our new sanctuary, was people were showing up, and they were showing up, you know, as worship was beginning. And so, they would come in, and just, you know, it's kind of, it's just really kind of human nature, I think, when you come into a church, you hear the worship, and you think, okay, good, I've still got some time. Jonathan Kingham Yeah, I've got time, yes.
Jonathan Kingham I've got some time. The preaching hasn't started. Once the preaching starts, it's like, wow, we really need to get in there.
Because now the, quote, unquote, worship of God has begun. So, what we did was, we started, we went alongside our lead pastor, and we said, what can we do? How can we address this? And we came up with a solution.
And our particular solution was, we wanted Dr. Shah to come out and open up the service. The worship team is playing underneath him, and he's the one addressing what we're talking about, what God is doing in our church today, what he's doing in people's lives. And so, there's this sense of the two are combined. They're not two separate entities. The pastor is not only helping frame and shape the worship, he's actively participating in it.
People are responding. And I think that's what we're seeing, that God is taking our worship ministry to the next level. Jon Moffitt Well, I think it's indicative of what, you know, people would say, like, people a lot of times have a problem with planning worship services.
They have a problem with, you know, sitting down and thinking how you're going to go from one element to the next to the next. You hear a lot of times, man, just let the Spirit lead you. Just let the Spirit lead you. And if you want to do another chorus, do another chorus. Or if you want to preach for another 10, 15, 20 minutes, preach for another 10, 15, 20 minutes. But I think the approach that Dr. Shah has taken, and then we as a team have taken, is that, you know, God shows up in the planet. God shows up in the prayerfully crafting together the elements of service in a way that makes it feel organic.
And it is organic, but it is very carefully thought through and planned so that, you know, things flow seamlessly into one another. Jon Moffitt And there are some people who bring their own personal taste or disdain for music. Some people, genuinely, they just, like, we talked about this a little bit yesterday with community, with small groups. Some people don't like singing. Some people don't like music.
They don't like standing up in front of all their peers, all their colleagues or whatever, and singing songs. And I like the way that Dr. Shah put this from the pulpit when he said that. He said, look, if you don't enjoy worship here on earth, you're not going to enjoy it in heaven. And heaven, heaven without worship is not heaven.
That's hell. That's literally what, when there's an absence of worshiping God, that's literally what hell is. And when we think of worship in the Bible, we only think of it in the frame of the Old Testament, which is cut open these animals, burn all these carcasses, light fire and smoke signals up to the Lord. And so we detach ourselves from that. But then what are you attaching ourselves to? You know, worship is just as important in the New Testament and in the end times, in Revelation, as it is all throughout the Old Testament.
Yeah. Jon, what would you say to people out there who maybe are looking to revamp the worship in their churches? Maybe they're having a problem deviating from what worship has always been, but there's a desire for change. Or maybe they just feel like, you know, worship is an afterthought and they want more attention brought to the musical aspects of worshiping together.
Well, number one, I think the first advice still stands, get your pastor involved. Because ultimately, it's his flock that you're shepherding to. You are an under-shepherd of his flock, so get his vision. You're not as, and I learned this the hard way, you're not as creative as you think you are. The things that you think are going to really revamp the worship typically, some of you out there may be savants at creativity, but typically it's not.
It's like a cool fad that you've seen or you want to try to replicate and it works in one context and we feel like it might work in another. But then I would also say, just pray. Just pray for vision. Start meeting with your team other than just your Thursday night rehearsals. That was a big weakness for me. I didn't like to do that. I like to lead music. I don't like to lead people. And so it's one of those things where you have to sort of confront what you're afraid of. If you're afraid, and now some people are just born leaders and they're like, hey guys, we're going to craft this vision. We're bringing our pastor along or we're bringing whoever else along and we're going to cast this vision.
We want you guys to get on board with it. Some people are really naturally good at that. And to which I would say, keep doing more of that because when the team knows where you're going, it's easier for them to get on board with you. And I think that really is the best word for it. It's a team, you know, it's a team effort. No matter how talented of a singer you are, no matter how talented of a musician or a planner you are, worship doesn't happen in a vacuum. Just like with our small groups and our Christian lives, worship happens in community. You got to embrace that.
And if that's not your bent, kind of like we said yesterday, you have to find a way to make it your bent. You have to find a way because it's a discipline. Worship is a discipline. Dr. Shaw reminded us in a message recently that worship is linked to our understanding of who God is. When we understand truly the majesty of God and we understand the grace of God and the goodness of God and what he has done for us and what he continues to do for us daily, it inspires a sense of awe that informs our worship. Sometimes worship is just, I'm going to stand up and I'm going to sing these songs because that's what we're supposed to do in this part of the service, then I'm going to sit down when I'm told to sit down.
That's choreography. That's not, that alone is not worship. Worship comes from that sense of awe in who God is and the wonder, the majesty of God, the mystery, a little bit of the Christian life. Yeah, you can't have, and that's the perfect word for it, you can't have worship without that mystery. There's a paradox, there's like conflicting truths of who God is and I use that word conflicting a lot. Not that one's truth and one's false, they are both true at the same time.
I think that's what makes it a paradox. You know, you have to confront the holiness of God and I know that's a weird word, but what I mean by that is you recognize the sinfulness of your heart and then you have to comprehend the greatness of the salvation that God offers you. That's really what a confrontation is.
It's two opposing things. God's holiness, my sin, it has to be reconciled and fortunately we don't have to be the ones to reconcile it. Christ has already done that. So your worship also in that sense is a celebration. It's lots of different things at once and I think that's where a lot of the conflict can come in because a lot of churches struggle with worship. I mean, and Jesus said that. He said, you know, no one's ever going to come through the father except through me.
You know, there's a lot of Holy Spirit less worship. You know what I mean? And you can't just usher him in. I don't know how I'm trying to say it. Sometimes my words don't come in right. Sometimes we say things like, Holy Spirit, you are welcome here. Those are lyrics in some of the songs that we sing and we just, you know, we're kind of waiting on this mystical like feeling, this sensation to come over us and that's not really worship.
And a lot of times, a lot of times, here's, this might be a hot take and I would love to get Dr. Shah's opinion on this. A lot of times we, it's like we have not cleaned up the house at all, right? The house is a wreck.
That was just an absolute wreck. And we just throw the door open and say, Holy Spirit, welcome. You're come on in. And there's tons of people who would say, no, you don't have to do any cleaning up. The Holy Spirit comes in right as he is. It's like, yes, he does.
That's where he works. But I also don't destroy my house on purpose and then invite people to come in. I put forth some effort. It says to strive to be holy, like God is holy. I don't continue. And a lot of times, a lot of times people are not confronting their sin and dealing with their sin before they get onto the stage. Because there's this idea that you don't have to, the Holy Spirit's going to come in and he wants you just as you are. He wants you to just remain a filthy wretched sinner who constantly invites him in knowing they're going to turn around and stab him in the back after church.
And it's like, bro, no, not at all. That's not what the Holy Spirit expects. Yes, he takes you as you are.
But at the same time, there is some effort. Why do you think we put effort into making the worship sound good? Why wouldn't we just say, hey, get up and say, hey, everybody, is everybody grateful for the Spirit? You're grateful for Jesus?
High five your neighbor and sit back down. All right. Hold the Spirit. We're grateful. Worship over. No, we put effort into it. That's the end.
That's the end. What would you say has been your biggest learning curve in the time that you've been leading worship? What has been the biggest adjustment or change in your understanding of what worship is?
Let's both do one because you've been along for the ride as well. I would say the biggest learning curve. People. People.
I thought when I started, I started here at Clearview at 21. I thought it was all about the music because Dr. Shah, you know, he understands music, but that's not his area. So I'm going to take charge of the music and the music's going to be great. I think honestly, and you guys can attest to this because you guys are around me for pretty much all of the working week. Music, dealing directly with musical things is about 5% of what we do.
5%. The rest of it is all people. It's all dealing with people. I, that was a brick in the face. That was like a, that was like a splash of cold water.
And that was where it led to a confrontation, like an internal confrontation. Do I want to do this? This isn't what I thought it was going to be.
Do I still want to do this? And the Holy Spirit told me, yeah, you do. This is what you're called to do.
You didn't know it. You didn't have the specifics of the calling, but this is the calling. I thought, I thought for sure, maybe when we started doing the album, that number jumped up to about 6 or 7%, but literally very, very, very little of what I do. And I think what most worship leaders, worship pastors do has to do with music. Yeah.
Yeah. That's a great point. Uh, I think for me, an understanding of worship is just, um, when you're on stage, you are, it's like a, like a bull's eye on your back for just the pitfalls, the struggles, trials of life. Um, and, and, you know, Dr. Dodd said this before, but you are, you're under heavier fire because that was the, the job description of the enemy.
He does not want you doing his job. We're saying this, uh, you know, hiding behind Christ, of course, and, and, you know, pleading for him to guard us and protect us. Uh, but, but before he was kicked out of heaven, Satan was a worship leader. That's right.
Um, and so when he sees people taking his former job, he takes that, uh, uh, you know, a special interest in that and not in a good way. Yeah. I think if a lot of churches were honest today and a lot of worship pastors, myself included, a lot of worship leaders, if they were truly honest, you know, we would all admit that worship, even, even the best worship service you've ever been to, like, like I'm talking like swelling guitars, like fire drums, everything's just hitting in the right moment. The lights are on point.
The videos are on point. The best worship service is still missing something. Um, and I think we, we avoid the real problem. We try to retreat to things that are familiar to us, you know, familiar songs and familiar styles, whether it's hymns or whether it's like nineties worship or just songs that I'm really skilled at, even if they're, they're new and they're, um, what do you, what do you call, they're, they're popular.
Yeah. We, we treat retreat into something that we know and we feel safe with. Um, and so it's a lot easier to do that than to actually correct our worship. And I don't want to get too far into it cause I think this is a great topic that Dr. Shaw can talk about on the show, but I think it's as we go forward in this end time series, we're going to be talking about that more and more and more because our worship needs some correction. This side of heaven will never have true, authentic, heavenly worship as it's, as it's seen in Revelation.
But I think we can come close and I think we ought to strive to come close. That was something that was kind of an eye opener for me in, in, uh, our recent discussion on worship from, from Dr. Shaw's message is how much worship is heavily throughout the book of Revelation. I mean, there's a lot there's a lot focused on who God is and worship of God and what that looks like in heaven and the new heavens and new earth.
I mean, there, there's a lot of worship based material in the book of Revelation. That's right. That's right.
A.W. Tozier said one time, I love this quote. Dr. Shaw told me this once.
He said, if God took out his Holy Spirit, if he just removed the Holy Spirit from the world, what we're doing would go right on and nobody would know the difference. I said, dog, dog, Dr. Tozier, give me some grace, man, please. But I think it's true. I think, I think it's missing from some, and I'm not saying like here at Clearview, we get it right all the time. We've had, we, we had some bad Sundays sometimes.
You're always going to have bad Sundays. That doesn't mean that the Holy Spirit is missing. And so as we go forward with this, um, with this prophecy series, I want, I want us to hang on to not only what we talked about today, but also what we talked about yesterday. This doing this in community, doing it together. Like I said, that's a, that's a struggle even for me, but I think it's, it's really cool cause God is still working on me. You know, I'm still learning, I'm still growing.
And, and even though I've been doing this for 13 years now alongside Dr. Shaw, I still feel like, I still feel like I'm learning the fundamentals and I'm not ashamed of that. I used to be, but I think each day more and more God is showing me basic things that are maybe basic to me, but I think in his timing it's exactly where we as a church need to be. Well, I think you said it well when you said that, you know, this side of heaven, we're never going to have perfect worship. Um, you know, we may have some bad Sundays that are off technically, whereas musicality is a little off, or we may have some Sundays where we get up there to lead worship and our hearts are not in the right place.
I mean, that has certainly happened to me. I've been on stage trying to either teach or trying to, you know, lead worship alongside the band and my heart is not in the right place. I'm a hundred percent, but, um, you know, as long as we are still learning and we are still growing and you know, I'm 36 going to 37 years old and I'm still learning what it means to, to lead, what it means to lead people, what it means to lead, uh, a congregation. Um, I think God is still working on us and God is still refining in us.
And that's the case for Christians across the board. And, and, and just always remember that the first step to effective worship and, and I'm, I mean like not just effective, like time of music, but worship of God is understanding the holiness of God. And I think, and, and again, I don't want to, I don't want to speak too, um, confidently here, but I think if you feel the missing holiness, that's a good place to be.
Yes. That's a really great place to be because there's a lot, there's almost every time I get up there and I say, Lord, I am not qualified. I'm not cut out for this. I'm not qualified to be leading your people.
And I think I hear the Holy Spirit more often than not say, you know, that's, that's the kind of leader that I want. That's right. A hundred percent. Make sure you guys join us tomorrow. Same time, same station. We're going to be diving into another great topic here on the Clear Read Today show, possibly revealing more about Dr. Shaw's trip. I think I can say with confidence, Dr. Shaw will be on tomorrow's episode. So, uh, welcome back.
Yes. Thanks again to our sponsors for making today's episode possible. And don't forget that you can support us by subscribing to the show on iTunes. If you want to re-listen or share it with a friend and you can always support us financially at ClearReadTodayShow.com. That's right. John, anything you want to leave our listeners with today?
Yes. Definitely want to pray for Dr. Shaw in Nicole's book, 30 Days of Praying for America, Daily Devotions to Heal Our Nation. I think you guys are going to be hearing a lot more of this book in the coming days, but definitely you can get it on Amazon.
It's book three of a series, a 30 days devotional series. You can also check out our original music, Great and Awesome is a new single coming soon. You can also check out our available, what is it, our debut album, Heaven Here and Now. It's available on iTunes or Spotify and where digital music is streamed or sold. As well as the EP. Yes, the EP Together Forward that came out of a collection of songs that we wrote during 2020 when everything was just kind of a little bit, a little bit weird, a little bit strange, a little bit strange. Those are songs that kind of were birthed out of that. So that EP is available in all those same places as well.
That's right. Make sure you guys join us for the discussion tomorrow. We'd love to see you there. We'd love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clearview Today. Bye.
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