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Monday, December 9th | Anti-Semitism & Israel-Hamas War Updates

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
December 9, 2024 6:00 am

Monday, December 9th | Anti-Semitism & Israel-Hamas War Updates

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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December 9, 2024 6:00 am

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In this episode, Dr. Shah discusses Israel, the Middle East, and why it all matters.

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What's going on guys? It's David here, the world's best radio engineer and the most humble, and I'm just here to let you know that today's episode of Clearie Today Show and today's secret word is brought to you by Lebleu Ultra Pure Water. Unlike other bottled waters, Lebleu's Ultra Pure filtration system provides water that's free from contaminants and infused with only the essentials your body needs. Make the smart choice today and experience the difference of Lebleu Ultra Pure Water.

You can order online at Lebleu, that's And when you check out, use the promo code today, that's T-O-D-A-Y, to get 10% off your next order. It'll save you money and it supports us here at the Clearie Today Show. Now before we start, today's secret word is dubious.

That means fraud with uncertainty or doubt. And today's secret word contestant is Dr. Shah. You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abaddon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill.

I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at If you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028, or you can email us at contact at

That's right. And we want you guys to help us keep the conversation moving forward. You can do that by supporting the show, share it online with your friends and your family, and leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify anywhere you get your podcasting content from.

We're going to leave some links right there in the description so you can do just that. And we are here once again in the studio with Dr. Abaddon Shah, who is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor and the host of today's show. Dr. Shah, we want to welcome you to the Clear View Today Show. You're welcome. Another great day.

Another great day. You know, I actually spoke with a podcasting radio consultant. I said, we're trying to get our views up there. And you know what she said? She said, I'm going to help you be popular. Oh, I thought she said, sir, this is a Wendy's. No, she said, you're going to be a popular. She said, I'm going to teach you the, uh, do it. You know what I'm setting you up for?

Is to sing the song. I'll teach you the right cohorts. You'll be good at sports. Know this thing you got to know. So let's start.

Cause you've got an awful long way to go. Yeah. You, you knew I was saying, what do you mean?

Is it real? Yeah. She said, you're going to be popular.

You're going to be popular. And then, and then Ryan knows he's supposed to come in, but he wants to play it. Now.

He wants to play like, he don't know what the song is. I thought y'all were like making this up. Okay. No.

Yeah. I made up talking to a, uh, I made up talking to the show recently on our show. That's the song popular from the music. I've been listening to the songs. I've been listening to the songs and now Ryan wants to act like he's too cool to decide. She's going to teach Elphaba how to be popular.

Oh, but Ryan's too cool for musical theater now. So why don't you just read the verse of the day? I'm a little bit, Hey, Hey, Hey, no, no.

Are you trying to save space? Take your breath. That was pretty stinking good. I got to give you another round. So I came in this morning. Careful. I got to cut on my finger.

No, you're good. I came in this morning. I said, guys, I listened to defy gravity. I'm not gonna lie.

I've been holding some space for some food. It's sad. It's a, it could have been a great movie or right.

And they turn it into this, this, uh, sexual promotion, which is so sad. Yeah, it is. I bought the novel and I've been reading, which is wicked.

Right. Which is wicked. It's kind of good.

But then I like, I'm not gonna lie. I read the plot. Every relationship is heterosexual. I don't know where the gay thing's coming from.

She's in love with a man. The musical itself. I mean, originally opened on Broadway 20 years ago. Yeah. 20 years ago. That's why, that's why the movie came out this year. Cause it's the 20th anniversary. And then her sister who's in the wheelchair is in love with a man. Right. So everybody's all the women are in love with men. All the men are in love with women, but somehow it got hijacked.

It's a huge gate pride. Like anyway, we're not talking about wicked. I just, I was trying to sing the song.

Ryan upset me cause he wants to act like he's too cool to sing it. So it is what it is. Let's get some light on the subject.

The version of the day today is coming to us from Mark chapter 11, verse 25. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him that your father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. Who picked this? Cause I feel like this is targeted at me. You know what, Ryan? I forgive you, man.

I don't want to, I don't want to hold anything against you. What do y'all have going on? Our beef, our beef that we just, that we just created just here on the show. Oh, the popular Ryan. Yeah.

For Ryan, not a singing along. I forgive you. Thank you.

I appreciate that. I think this is a great verse because it's, it does remind you how God has forgiven us and yet it's, it's hard for us to give forgive people, but I don't want it to ever get to a place where God says, you know, it's really hard for me to forgive you right now. You know, I don't want it to ever get to that point where God has to feel like he's, uh, he's, you know what I'm saying?

Like I don't want it to ever get to that point. It always makes me think of that parable that Jesus told about the, the King who forgave somebody a great amount and somebody forgive somebody less of an amount, which one loves him more. And I'm like, man, do I understand how much God has forgiven me? Am I grateful for out for the forgiveness of God?

And am I showing that to other people? Not always, if I'm being honest. And I know it's tough. Some things are easy to forgive, but some things are very hard.

You know, I've struggled with that and still struggle with it in certain areas of my life. But, um, once you see the life of Christ, once you have not just as example, but the life of Christ in you, then you may not be able to forgive that person, but you have to pray and say, God, uh, through me, you help forgive. So it's not just like I'm trying to muster up the courage and the, and the mercy to forgive that person. But I just have to say, God, uh, you forgive that person through me and, and, and you take care of that. And I am, I'm just trusting you. I'm relinquishing my rights to my honor. So let's do that.

It may seem mechanical. Like it's like, well, I don't feel like I am really forgiving that person. No, just say, God, I want you to forgive that person through me.

Try that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That's so helpful for us. Hey, Clearview Today listeners. We want to take a quick moment to thank you for tuning in. As you can imagine, producing a show like this takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. And we're grateful for the Truth Network for giving us a platform to syndicate our show. But the vast majority of our support comes from listeners just like you. If you enjoy these talks with Dr. Shaw and you want to see Clearview Today continue to grow, consider making a donation today because your contributions help us deliver fun, relevant, and biblical content right to your phone every single day.

That's right. Every single donation, big or small goes directly to the production of this show. It helps us keep the lights on in the studio.

It helps keeps the mics hot and running. So if these conversations are making a difference in your day, or if you just want to help us keep the gospel of Jesus Christ in the airwaves, we would appreciate your support. You can give by visiting our website that's and just click on that button that says Give Today. And remember, your support truly makes a difference in our show.

Thank you for being part of this community. Now let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadon Shaw, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. We try to be a show that brings you hard-hitting news, like all the what's going on in today's world. Look what's on the news presently.

I just happened to see this. How to Get Out of Awkward Holiday Gatherings. How to Get Out of Awkward Holiday Gatherings. I'm glad we caught it before it went away. Is she showing you how to gracefully excuse yourself? Dr. Shaw. I love it. I love it.

What does that say? How to gracefully pay good money for that. Oh, yeah. 100%.

I'm sure they've paid good money for that. There's a war going on overseas, but right now all I need to know is how do I get out of these awkward... How in the world do I get out of going over to Memaw's for Thanksgiving? Dr. Shaw, I don't want to be at Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving's been over, by the way, for like a week or so now, but how do I get out of all these awkward Thanksgivings? Well, Christmas is coming up. Yeah, Christmas is coming. Oh, true, true.

And New Year's is coming up. Yeah. Fair enough, fair enough. But I don't want to go. I don't want to see her.

I just don't want to see him. Yep. There is a lot of stuff happening in the world.

Yeah. And I figured maybe we could talk about that today. Lots of things happening, especially in the war overseas. You know, this conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has been going on for a long time.

I feel like, you know, we talked about this on the show before. I feel like this happened yesterday, but also that it's been going on forever. Like there's always been that conflict going on, but this most recent iteration of it is sort of fresh. Well, Israel has been fighting on both fronts, north and the south. Can you believe that? Ever since October the 8th, 2023?

I can't imagine. Fighting on the south and then the north and then not quite sure where America stands at times and not quite sure where Europe stands and not quite sure if the Arabian countries will join them or the Middle Eastern or countries or Arab countries will join them. I mean, they are, they're supporting Israel. There's the only reason why Israel is able to just keep going and deal with people who attacked their families, their children, their loved ones is because the world realizes something is not right with this.

One of my friends, you know, you heard me talk about him in Israel. He told me, he said, you know, yeah, the Nazis were bad. This was worse. That is insane.

Yeah, which is, which was at first I was like, huh? I mean, that's a lot of millions of Jewish people who were killed in the gas chambers. What do you mean? I didn't ask that, but I was like, he said, no, it was done so quickly and with such brutality, this was worse.

Wow. I said, not to say that the Holocaust wasn't bad, but this was so quick and so done, but such hate in the moment and so quickly, we've never experienced anything like that. It's insane that, and having to live through it as well. I mean, like we're sitting here on the other side of the world, we're talking about, we can see that it's bad. We feel it because like I said, that person is our friend.

He's a good, good friend. But I can't imagine having to live through it, having to actually have that on your doorstep. And then constantly be afraid of the Iranian regime threatening to obliterate Israel from the face of the earth, threatening to wipe Israel out. Imagine living with that every single moment and your protection, of course, Israel is very smart, is very strong. So they have the necessary weaponry to defend themselves. They have the shields to protect them, but still. But when one of those missiles escapes and hits, even if it's out in the desert, it hits somebody. I mean, it's just sad. And you kind of mentioned it earlier up top that they're fighting on so many different fronts.

You know what I mean? It's not just that this is Israel and one terrorist group. It's also other nations. It is countless other forces coming against them when it gets so complicated and not, I don't mean complicated morally.

I mean, like physically what's actually happening at what point when it gets so complicated. It's hard to imagine having to deal with that as a small nation like Israel is. Last week, they enacted a ceasefire between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. And as of Friday of last week, it was still holding.

That's when we're recording this episode. But that's good news. But I'm also wondering, like, is it good news for the moment or is it just overall? Is it a trend or is this kind of a tenuous pact that hasn't actually been? Yeah, I think it's going to hold.

It's going to hold. You know, Israel did not start this war. They did not start this attack. But once you start this, you don't get to decide how we finish it. Right. That's 100 percent right. So that's where I don't care what U.N. has to say. I don't care what some of these militant groups have to say. Israel gets the final say. That's true.

When we're done, we're done. Yeah. And they took out some more missile launching sites in Syria. And I'm glad they did. Oh, yes.

Because that is ensuring that what happened last year in October will not happen again. I don't know if you all saw this, but do you have you all heard of Jubilee Media? Have you guys heard of those guys? I've heard of it. I think I watched something, somebody. They did a really interesting series.

I'll give it to these guys. I think they're left leaning. I might be wrong on that. But they did a really interesting series where they took prominent conservatives and pit them against 25 sort of woke college students. And they debated on certain issues. And so the tradeoff is you're hopelessly outnumbered, but these are not professional debaters, commentators.

These are just college students and you've got the training. So it's somewhat. But anyway, they did one with Ben Shapiro and he talked on the Israeli Hamas war. And I thought that was really, really, really interesting. And he pointed out a lot of different takes that I think he actually changed a lot of people's minds. And I guess all of that is to saying, I think minds are starting to change across the board on this whole Israel's at fault take. Yeah, it's based on a dubious claim that somehow Israel doesn't have the land and Israel does not have right to the land.

Oh, should I go ahead and hit that? That's twice, wasn't it? It was twice. What word? Dubious.

Dubious? I missed it. You said it the first time and I was like, I saw you. When did he say it? When did he say it? I missed it. Yeah. We moved on and I was like, well, they would ask me, it's like, Hey, are you going to do the party popper thing?

I was like, no, I need to do it one more time. Where was dubious? It was in, it was toward the beginning. Okay. I missed it.

I missed it. Very dubious. It was dubious.

Probably not. Dubious is a word I feel like you would use. I didn't, I didn't say anything. I was like, no, that's just, it's an unusual word, but I don't think, I think it's a word that you would use. Very good. But then you said it again and I was like, he got it in there quick. He was like, let me go on ahead and get that. I love that sound, man.

I love that sound. But it is dubious because it, it claims that Israel doesn't have a right to the land and Israel, you know, the Philistines were there before and all the kind of, there's this horrible history. And, and the Arabs of today are not the Philistines of the past.

I mean, those are very different peoples. At the, in your estimation, do you think there's anything other than antisemitism at the heart of this issue? Oh, a hundred percent antisemitism. Yeah.

A hundred percent. And, and what bothers me is when, when the church or Christians are, are either shy or they are embarrassed or they are outrightly against Israel. And that, that gets me. Yeah, it should because these are the people of God.

That's right. You know, there's, there's certain things in the Bible that I think we are too willing to step away from or we're too willing to say that this no longer applies. And I think one of the big ones that I didn't even realize this was an issue until we really started doing this show and talking to people and seeing some of the responses online has opened my eyes. I always thought the YouTube comments were just sort of a cesspool of the worst of humanity.

And I think I'm still right on that. It is. They're funny. Yeah.

Oh yeah. They can be real funny. But I think at the same time, it sort of opened my eyes to see what people think.

People who really tell you who they are online. And man, if I ever thought that after World War II, antisemitism was going to die. I don't think that anymore. I think it's, I think it's, do you think we'll ever see the end of it before Christ comes back?

No. I didn't realize it was as prevalent as it is until I, I mean, maybe within the past four years, I just kind of, I heard it, you know, here and there, you hear the term antisemitism and you hear that people have a problem with Jewish people, but you're like, I mean, surely that's not the majority. That's not, that's kind of isolated in cases, but it's, it's really not.

I mean, it's been an ongoing problem for the Jewish people. And it's a combination. It's a combination of course with, from Muslim background people who are in Europe or they're in America and they will say things like that. Not all, some, some know better. So that, that is one group. And the second group of course are Europeans or even Christians coming from that background. And it's, it's like, you should know better.

You should not say that. And again, not all, not all. There are a lot of people who understand the issues involved, who understand the theology involved and they don't take that side. But there are quite a few who say things and you're going, wow, wow, this antisemitism is still alive and well. And how do they justify it?

That's what always gets me. How do they justify it? It's crazy the scene.

And that's, that's one of the reasons I'm glad I watched that Jubilee media thing. Cause it's crazy to see how vehemently they will try to justify, you know, it's not antisemitism it's, it's looking out for the common, for the common good because Israel is a net evil. They're, they're committing genocide against the Palestinian people, all of this different stuff.

So in that sense, it's quote unquote, okay to hate the Jewish people. Right. And man, they really believe it. Or I think they've been brainwashed into believing it because they certainly seem like they believe it. Yeah. It's, and I've seen theologians get up there and make that kind of point and I'm like, this needs to be stopped.

This is no place for that. And they almost act like victims at that point. Somehow they've been victimized because they cannot speak their mind, but speaking their mind, what do you mean by speaking their mind? The theological system that is wrong.

It's faulty. It's filled with hate. See, when I say support Israel, I'll never say hate Arabs. We should love all people.

Right. Everybody should be loved and appreciated and respected. I don't care what religion you are.

I don't care what ethnic background you come from. You deserve to be loved and respected. Well, maybe not loved if you can't love that person.

I hope you can, as a Christian, love them through Christ, but at least respect that person. It's, it's a little frustrating. I think maybe not frustrating, maybe disheartening or discouraging is the better word, but if Israel prevails militarily, do you see public opinion on them changing? You know what I mean?

Like, I don't think, I don't, I don't know. I mean, my, my knowledge is very limited, but I don't see like, okay, hey guys, Israel won. Hamas is done. Hezbollah is done. Now we love, everybody loves Israel again. There's always going to be a battle. There's always going to be a fight. Jewish people will always have to deal with this.

I don't know how else to say that, but over the past, I would say 12 to 16 years. And again, I hope you understand why I'm giving that in the multiples of four, because whoever is the president of the United States, he has the power. That person has the power to direct the course of the world for those four years. And he may not think so.

That's up to you, but I truly believe that's how it works. And so for the past quite a few years, we've had a negative perspective tolerated on Israel, and that has borne fruit this past year. We saw that in October the 8th, 2023, as, as terrorists came into Israel, attacked, killed, mutilated, raped, tortured, kidnapped men, women, children. That's when you go, huh? So how long has this been going on? Who's tolerating this? Why have certain European countries been biased against Israel?

What causes that? So I believe whoever is the president of the United States, he sets the tone, right? Of how people see Israel. So the war ending, yeah, that's going to make Israel safe. And I'm very happy for them in that sense. That will bring a measure of peace in the Middle East.

I'm happy for the people of the Middle East. They need to prosper. They need to have their life. They need to be able to send the children to school. They need to travel, build businesses.

All these terrorist groups have literally hijacked and destroyed the lives of the common people. Hopefully they will have some peace for a while. I hope so. So those are the benefits, but will the public opinion completely change towards the Jewish people? Probably not.

It's an age old hatred that comes from a place of envy. E-N-V-Y. What is the, if we fail to stand with Israel, if we don't, as America, if we don't stand with Israel as our ally, if we don't bolster them with our support, what happens? What is the breakdown?

What does the trajectory look like? Well, I mean, we're going to have another October the 8th. We're going to have October 7th. I'm sorry. You're good. You're good. I've said that 8th before.

8th is when people woke up. We're going to have some more of these events. We're going to have some more of anti-Semitic violence and hate towards Jewish people. So we have to, we have to defend them. We have to stand for them. I think that's sort of our duty as Americans, but also as Christians, you know, if we truly believe, like if you don't believe that the Jewish people are still God's people, then I guess you've got, you've got other issues that you have to sort out. But even if, I mean, even if you don't, these are still people who are who are defending their home, defending their homeland from terrorist attacks. You know, just like, you know, we, we went through something similar when terrorists attacked us. But at the same time, there's, there's a call to action here that isn't just let Israel deal with it. There's a call of action to stand with them.

That's right. And no one is here saying every Jewish person is a perfect person. I mean, my friend will say that, hey, we have our scum.

He often says that. I say, we have our scum. So no one, no one is unilaterally, you know, unequivocally saying that, oh, every Jewish person is a perfect person. Of course not. So nobody's saying that. What we are saying is to go after an ethnic group because you hate them is wrong.

And that cannot be tolerated. That should not, we wouldn't do that for any other group in the world. Yes. Not liking an ethnic group doesn't suddenly make terrorism a good thing.

It doesn't turn terrorists into freedom fighters. Right. Right.

Which is what the narrative would state. Yes. Yes. And I think the burden should also be on pastors and theologians to educate yourself. This morning I was reading, I was checking on a book on supersessionism. Supersessionism is, is the belief that the church has superseded Israel. So it's, it's part of the replacement theology.

It's another way to say replacement theology, that the church has replaced Israel. And, and I kind of skimmed through these articles about the book. A great book is a rebuttal against supersessionism. And I was happy to see that. I was happy to see the names and I was happy to see the titles of the chapters. It's an edited work.

And I was like, okay, good, good. You say edited work. You mean it's pulling in articles and papers from different sources? Different theologians. Okay. Okay. They wrote, and then they put together this book that came out in 2023.

Gotcha. And so I was like, okay, good, good. So, so the, so there's still positive information out there to help people. And I'm going to be preaching a series on the end times.

Very nice. You know, prophecy is coming. It's coming in the, in the brand new year, 2025. We're going to kick it off with prophecy. We're really excited about that. People really are interested. They really want that. They've been, they've been asking for it. How long, how long have people been asking you for that series? Oh my goodness. For, for years.

Yeah. No, I did a series for years on prophecy. I began that series in 2009 and preached all 2009. All or most of 2010. I preached on prophecy. Year and a half. That's incredible.

Nonstop. That's just prophecy, prophecy, prophecy. And then I took a break. So I didn't preach like verse by verse to the book of Revelation, verse by verse through Daniel.

I didn't do that. Or Ezekiel or Matthew 24, but I picked on portions of these prophetic texts about the last days. And then I preached on them a year and a half, a year and eight months, I think it was. And then I was like, okay, I'm done with prophecy for a while.

Step away for a little bit, but it's coming back. And lo behold, when people came to Clearview, we moved our location, came to this location where we are. People are like, have you ever considered preaching a prophecy? I'm like, I just finished last year for a year and eight months.

Now we need some more. Like 20 months of prophecy. Wow.

That's 20 months. That's incredible. That's a lot. That's a lot of prophecies. Yeah.

So I was like, I need a break. So are you dusting that series offers this new content? Oh, this is a lot. This is going to be very comprehensive. It's not going to be one shot, six months and we're done. No, it's going to be, I'm going to leave it, come back to it, leave it, come back to it kind of thing. Nice. I love it.

But the reason I bring it up is because I'm going to start in Romans chapter nine, nine, 10, 11, and talk about the place of Israel of ethnic Jewish people in God's future plan. Yeah. Wow. What is their role? Because once you understand that role, then you have to see those people differently today. That's true. A hundred percent true. So that is the beginning point.

Christians, that's a call to action. Not only, not only viewed God's people differently, but Hey, tune into this new series. This series is going to be, I think it's going to be one of the biggest things Clearview has ever done. Oh yes.

Big, big. And it's going to be, uh, you're going to learn about, uh, of course the end times, but also you're gonna learn about how to study the Bible. You're going to learn about typology, the limits, the bounds of typology, the, uh, the way you can explore at the same time you have certain parameters. Uh, you're going to learn about, uh, the implications of, uh, of this for present day lives. But you'll also learn about not just how this thing is going to end, but what is coming, what is coming on the other side. You know, you've heard me talk about it time and again, that our existence in heaven is not just in a spiritual state that we're not just out there floating in the air or we're just like one with Jesus.

Just kind of like, that's just like a alien ship where all of us are connected to this big mass of life. You know, that's not right. We're talking about a new creation. That's right. Right. It's not just being, being alive. It's not just existing, it's life. We're going to make music.

We're going to write songs. Wow. That's right. Yeah. So good. So excited about that. And, and so good for us to understand that standing with Israel is not just a political matter, but a spiritual one, a religious one.

We need to understand what the Bible says and stand as long as God's people. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, write in and let us know two five two five eight two five zero two eight. Make sure you join us tomorrow.

Same time, same station. We're going to be diving into another great topic here on the Clearview Today Show. Thanks again to Le Bleu Ultra Pure for sponsoring today's episode. And don't forget, you can support us by subscribing to the show on iTunes. If you want to re-listen to any content and you can always support us financially at John, anything you want to plug as we close today? Yes, absolutely. Dr. Sean Nicole's book, 30 Days Praying for America, Daily Devotions to Heal Our Nation is available on Amazon right now, alongside Dr. Sean's other published works. They're changing the goalposts of new text and textual criticism.

Boy, that's hard to say. And can we recover the original text of the New Testament also available on Amazon as well? You can get our debut album Heaven Here and Now available on iTunes, Spotify and anywhere digital music is sold or streamed. That's right. Make sure you guys tune in tomorrow. We love you guys. See you tomorrow on Clearview Today.
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