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CGR FRIDAY 092223 Tim Schoeff CGR Wellness Building Immune Health

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 22, 2023 8:00 am

CGR FRIDAY 092223 Tim Schoeff CGR Wellness Building Immune Health

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at

That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community. Before, this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water. All the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and all the supporters. We pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the water.

This borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming. We are so thankful for all of you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry that help us and supporters to put the borewell.

Thank you and God bless you. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under use to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets. I wasn't really feeling any different, so I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order, $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And good morning, good morning, good morning. Welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And it looks like, yes, I believe all systems are go. So that's good. All systems go is a good thing. All right, let's see. Lots to cover this morning. Coming up, bottom of hour number three, Ben Luna will be with us.

He is running for US Senate in New Mexico, pushing back against the governor of New Mexico, who seems to think that the Constitution of the United States doesn't apply to her and doesn't apply to the citizens of New Mexico. And quite frankly, in her opinion, doesn't apply to anybody. It's just kind of out there as maybe some kind of a suggestion.

But apparently, in her mind, the government is not responsible to secure the rights of the people. Think about that. So we'll play that piece for you. I'm not I'm not making that up.

That's what she said. And we'll actually have that piece for you coming up. You can see that Don Jans will be with me we'll talk about continue to talk about Marxist indoctrination. And I've got some books that he has written to that effect that I think would be beneficial to you can make a donation and, and help our ministry and and get get a copy of those books.

Let's see. I've also got Perry Johnson, who is gentleman who is running for president in the 2024 election on the GOP side. And, but he's put together a pack to help defend those that are being attacked for calling the 2020 election into question. And he's put up a million dollars of his own personal money to start that pack. So he's putting his money where his mouth is.

We'll talk to him about that and what that means. And then CC O'Leary is with me Southeastern Legal Foundation, who I very much appreciate and respect. They have filed an amicus brief in a case involving students and a bias policy on college campuses. They're the bias police. And if you're a student on a college campus and somebody, you know, hurts your little feelings by calling you a she when you think that you're some other alien force, you can turn them in and and who they better be careful because literally they could they may lose their ability to get an education because they'll get black marked and thrown off the off the campus and and and and it'll go into the the national database that you're a you're a misgenderer and that that's the end of your life. At any rate, Southeastern Legal Foundation has joined in an amicus brief saying these these kinds of groups and these kinds of policies need to be disbanded.

They're unconstitutional and they violate our First Amendment right to free speech. So we'll have that coming up for you top of the next hour. All right. And that brings me to my first guest and he is with us here on a bimonthly basis. And it's always a pleasure to have him join us. Here we go.

We're going to get this we're going to get this recorded, Tim, so we can put this up for posterity sake. Because this is really a critically important issue and what we want to talk to you about today is, is your immune system. And it's and Tim, I have to say, I'm so glad you're talking about this because, you know, I they're they're rolling out again, with their whole, you know, we're gonna have another outbreak, you know, it's already out there.

I thought it was interesting. If you look at the CDC, they've put out something that basically says, if you got the vaccine previously, you're really more likely to get this new strain. So you better get another vax. Yeah. Sure. Why not?

But we we would like to present to you a an alternative view that that involves a natural means and and and using the things that that God created to to help you build up your immune system and we have them at CGR Wellness, CGR Wellness and I'll I'll be sure and play that video for you again to, you know, instruct that let me see CGR Wellness is CGR Wellness calm, right? Yes, sir. Okay, so why did that? Why did that not come up? That's interesting. I was there yesterday. Let me try that again.

I typed in CGR Wellness dot com. There we go. Okay, I was gonna say, man, what are you doing there?

What are you doing there? Alright, so I want the chosen immune pack, right? Jim, chosen generation immune pack. Yes. All right, let's see what this does. chosen gen immune pack bundle is how it's it is I'm seeing it on the site and I'm gonna put that right up here right next to you.

So everybody can see it. chosen gen immune bundle. And Tim, what do we have behind door number two?

Well, we're gonna talk about the immune system, you know, and all the things that are going on in this world and things that you're talking about. I'm so glad that I'm a Christian. I'm so glad that my name is written in the book of life.

And then one day the Lord Jesus is going to come back and take me home. And for those that don't know you, I really encourage you to get that personal relationship Lord because he can do so much for you not only now, but for the rest of all eternity. Amen. And speaking of that, just very quickly, before I throw it back to you, we had our outreach yesterday. For those that watched the program here yesterday, you know that we we began the outreach here on the TCN and the chosen generation

And then we switched over because we stuck with it, but we had to do it on on the, on our social media. But we had yesterday, I got a message yesterday evening 78 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and 54 people gave testimony about being instantly healed. Amen. Amen. God is good. Our God. Amen.

Our God. Well, today, what we're going to do is we're going to this information that we're going to share today is not intended. It's only educational purposes, not intended to treat diagnosed a disease or an illness. If you have a medical condition, I really suggest you see your medical doctor.

We're here for educational purposes only. But today, you know, we're coming into the fall season, it's that time of the year, whether you like it or not, I call it the sixth season is approaching, you know, for one reason or another, somebody's going to come down with this or that, and they're going to start to feel puny, and they're going to start to pollute their whole office, or their whole area, which where they work, and even their family is going to get there, you know, suffer from, you know, catching the bug of some sort. But you know, there's things that we can do. And Pastor Greg alluded to it earlier is that you can build up a robust immune system with products that you can get from CGR wellness.

Now these products are very safe, and they're very effective to build up that immune system that God has given us. Each one of us has that. So there's different things that we can do to kind of protect ourselves.

And we've all heard it. Hand washing is a big deal. And I think there's been more studies done on hand washing since COVID come than I've ever heard before. But it's a great way to get rid of the germs, keep your hands clean. The other thing is to eat right. And depending on your age, the sex, there's federal guidelines out there that state that adults, you know, it's recommended to eat like a one and a half to two cups of fruit a day and two to three cups of vegetables as part of a healthy diet.

And you know, I've been doing this a long time over 40 years seeing clients in my office and so forth. And I rarely see somebody come in and has that kind of diet to where it's clean, and they're getting their fruits and their vegetables. You know, life is too much on the go anymore for some reason or other.

And it's even crowded out Sundays and a lot of areas where people don't even get to church, you know, when it comes to sports, I that's a real pet peeve of mine is, you know, sports on Sundays at that, you know, this traveling volleyball, baseball, that kind of thing. But you know, what I'm saying is there's a fast paced lifestyle out there that requires people to eat a lot on the go. And that really is not healthy. And over a period of time, those toxins and poisons will build up in your body, if you don't, are not able to detox them out. And a healthy body is what's going to help you detox them out. I know Pastor Greg got some other products out there when it comes to detox that are pretty effective. But it's very important to get the waste out of the body to be able to nourish the body.

It's kind of a one two thing you have to put it in and you got to get the waste out. And a healthy body needs to get rid of the waste so it can be healthy. So, you know, along with a healthy diet, you know, you can supplement but we've talked before, not all supplements are created equal. The products you're going to find a CGR Wellness have been created to nourish the body. And they're created in such a way that the body accepts the nutrients. What I mean by that, if you have a tablet or a capsule, some of the ones that are out on the market, they actually have just a mold. What I mean by that is that a machine makes a little bit of a pocket and they just put a little bit of calcium, magnesium, they put your vitamins, your A, D and C in that. And then they put binders and fillers in there. Then they actually put a shellac over that for shelf life.

Well, ours aren't that way. You know, we're dealing with live foods in a lot of cases to be able to get that nourishment into the body. And then the particle size of the mineral is critical. When we hit age 40, we just don't digest the way that we used to. We don't make the enzymes necessary to break down the minerals. And minerals are nothing more than rock. So when we're looking at the product from CGR Wellness, you're looking at products that are down in the submicron particle size at the mineral level. So they assimilate in the mouth, the esophagus, the upper part of the stomach.

So it's really important to be able to get the products in your body that the body can use. Well, and I love that story. I don't think you just said it, but I love that story that you talk about, you know, where they did the study, right, and you had you had the sewage system that had, you know, all all that solid, you know, pills, just that they that they discovered when they did a, I don't know what they were doing.

I guess they were cleaning the sewers that was out to Coble, Washington. Yeah, it was 250,000 ton or 250,000 pounds, you know, a quarter of a ton of pills, they took off the sewer screens when they scraped them off. And that's undigested thing. And, you know, I work with the chiropractic community, and they see that all the time. They see all these tablets on x ray, where, you know, those pills are still laying in the colon. Now, if you think you've got any good out of that, you have it's there in the colon hasn't even been broke down yet. Right.

So when we're talking dollar for dollar, and that's what it's all about is taking the money that God's entrusted with invest in it. Yeah. And I will say, I mean, you know, we don't we don't want to come across and say that, you know, all of them. I mean, I have some natural health, like Michael's health, for example, down down here in San Antonio, and they spend a great deal of time and energy making sure that they that their blended pills that they put out are digestible. We're talking specifically about just your general over the counter multivitamin type stuff, that that is not created by individuals that are in this industry who understand the significance and the importance. And even still, my wife and I just had a conversation about this just the other day, about about, you know, the difference between solid and and and liquid. And I have I have relatives, she has relatives, that when they take solid pills, it does them, it seems to do them no good whatsoever.

My mom was a case in point. My mom took a solid, you know, type of multivitamin and it did her no, no, no good at all. She switched now over and she takes vibe as I've testified here on the program.

And literally within days, the swelling in her legs went down and she noticed a significant difference in how she felt. So you huge difference for a lot of people between solid pills and liquids. I appreciate you bringing that out because not all of the tablets and capsules out there are or those of you can't break down some people and some companies take very good care and they make a quality product but you're gonna if you look at dollar for dollar vibe is that's one of the products we're going to talk about that's in the immune formula is just critical. And the price point is so good on that product, dollar for dollar, I think it's the best multivitamin on the market period, even I had to pay $80 a bottle. But for the price tag, you can buy it for $44 and change, you can't get a better product and a better value for that.

And again, I'll add to that by saying I've got a good friend of mine that is working with an organization that's getting ready to roll out something on a pretty large level on on on Indian reservations in India, you know, for the Indian community across the nation. And, and he's done, he's been in this industry for probably 50 years, at least. And when I presented to him and and had him, you know, he looked into and researched the vibe product, he was like, I am I am really stunned by the quality of this product by what's in this product. And by the price point, he said, I would I would expect to be paying between 80 and $100 per bottle.

Now, Andy, don't get any dumb ideas, I would expect. But he said, but you know, but this price point, I mean, this is fantastic. And it just makes it so affordable and and and and an option for for everyone. And that and that, you know, you can still you know, this is what can I mean, capitalism is about your you, you make a decent living. But in addition to making a decent living, you also provide something to people that is accessible to a large percentage of the population. And at 45 bucks a bottle 44 and change, but almost 45 bucks a bottle.

This is just the best thing you can get it really, I believe I believe that it is just an incredible product. Well, I tell you, I won't give my dad five. And I'll tell you why. Because he's got dementia, and it gives him too much energy, and he gets in way too much trouble. He has a lack of oxygen. And I took him off of it, you know, and I won't give it to him because I give him so many minerals gives enough energy to do the things he wants. But too much is, you know, he can't think things out like he used to be able to. And he's got too much, he has too much energy, he gets himself in trouble. I mean, he thinks he can walk from the barn out to the mailbox without taking a break. And then then he wants to get the tractor out and pick up leaves. And, you know, come on, dad, chill a little bit. And that's what I did for him. And so I pulled him off of it.

It's just not working for me. That's funny. That's funny.

When we're off air, I need to talk to you about that. Because I just recommend that actually, I've done this is the second person that I recommended that detox product that I told you about too. And, and the first one, within a week, they saw a difference in their relative within a week, relative to dementia.

Yeah, well, that's awesome. So basically, what we're talking about is Vibe. And we're talking about Vibe's ability to nourish the body.

That's the first product in the chosen generation immune pack. And that particular product is cold processed, meaning that it's a whole food source product. And by whole food source, we get all the nutrients together in combination. Being cold processed, we're not destroying any of the nutrients in Vibe at all. It's still all contained in that product out of those fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's non radiated. Now, if you look at the vegetables and stuff coming in from overseas, all that has to go through a radiation process to kill anything that might be in there that could harm us. So there again, you've got a little bit of an issue with that, that it's Vibe isn't that way, you're getting the whole nutrients that are available in the processing of that material. And all the products that go into Vibe has gone through the lab, which we have our own lab, we do all our own producing of our product, research development, that kind of thing. But basically, we know the quality of the product that we're making, because we could do it ourselves. And we're not destroying any of the nutrients that are in the product itself.

There's no pasteurization on the Vibe product. And it's basically a live food. I tell folks, it's an alternative to juicing, because it really is like fresh juicing without all the work.

You just take it out of the bottle, you mix it with eight ounces of water, you could sip on it for several hours, or you can take a tablespoon of it, mix it in a juice, four ounces and take it that way. The reason we like to dilute it is that Vibe can be a little hard on the stomach at times, when you're just getting used to it. And it actually, because it's so potent, it can irritate the lining of the stomach. You could go over into a little bit of loose stool with it. You can have what they call a niacin flush, where all the blood rushes to the skin and you get a little blotchy and you start itching all over. It's called a niacin flush. So that's why we wanted to dilute it, because it is a concentrate. And it does that because it is powerful, but it's safe and it's very effective. So that's the first product that we look at when we're looking at the Vibe product. And when I mentioned the minerals, I mentioned them being down in a sub-micron particle size.

What that is, is like half the human hair. If you can picture the mama bird feeding the baby bird, or even if you figure the old soda machines that would take coins, you could take, you know, two quarters and get you a soda. See, I'm not talking about Indiana where I'm talking pop. I'm talking about Texas where you get a soda. So yeah, you get that soda.

Yeah. The way I like to describe it or get people to think of it that makes sense to me is, as you imagine a cyclone fence. And if you were standing on one side of the cyclone fence and you were trying to throw, you know, baseballs and golf balls through that fence, your success rate is going to be quite limited.

But if you had, you know, in one of your buckets, a bunch of BBs, and you picked up all those BBs and through and got next to the fence and through those through, the majority of those BBs are going to make it to the other side. And that's because of the fact that they are broken down into a size that gives you the opportunity to be able to get through that filtration system. And that's what we're talking about with the cold pressed and filtered the fruit and how it is broken down.

It's broken down into a molecular structure that allows it to get into your system and immediately begin to have an impact. Let's sell your nutrition. And that's why the first time I tried by it, even though I thought I was on a good nutritional program, I had a one ounce packet. This is cold buster, but I had it in a byproduct, which we do.

And a lot of people come in, they'll buy it for travel. I was on my way up the highway and I was a little sluggish, not feeling 100% even though I thought I was on a good nutritional program. At that time, I just took the top off one of these packets and I took the whole thing. And I've been taking supplements. I was worried about niacin flush, wasn't worried about upset stomach or anything like that. I said, I'm used to nutrition.

So I did it. And immediately, Pastor Greg, I felt better. I had more energy and that was not only physical energy, but it was mental energy.

And mental energy is very important. I was clear in my thinking. I was able to function at a higher level. I said, wow, I really couldn't believe the difference I felt. And it was just like two to three minutes after I had taken that. That's how fast it got into my system. You talk about your mother and how short of a return time she was from when she wasn't feeling well to when she got better. I mean, it's not something that we're requiring people to wait a long time to see results.

If you're told that it's going to take another three or four months to feel better, you know, that's not the way it works with five. It's really very quick to get into your system and make you feel different here. So we've got to remember that it's very important to have water as a caring agent to when it comes to your health. And vibe is made with some reverse osmosis water.

It's treated with UV light. So we make sure our water is very good and clean and pure because that's a caring agent not only for the nutrients get in the cell, but as we drink water, it helps our body flush out the toxins. So anytime that we're constipated, we're not getting rid of our waste. Anytime that our kidneys aren't working well, we're not getting rid of our waste that way. All that waste is in our body. And that's very important to be able to clean that out. And that's why we want a good functioning, a limiting system in the body, which consists of the lung, the skin, the bowels, the kidney, those are part of the limiting system. So we can eliminate our toxins and our poisons.

In order for that to work properly, we have to be nourished. So our first product that we're talking about is vibe. And after the break, we'll get into some other products that you can get in that CGR immune pack. Absolutely. All right. So we're going to show you how to get that ordered. And once we come back, we will get right back into explaining the rest of the pack to you.

Back with more chosen generation radio right after this. This is how you can place your order today. Hi, I'm Tim Shep, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under use to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, full-food source, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use, or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order, $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Hey, this is Pastor Greg. I just want to take a minute to walk you through how to sign up at CGR Wellness. So you're going to type in, and that is going to take you over here.

And the first thing you're going to do is you're going to come over here and you are going to, we're going to shrink this down so it doesn't get in our way. You're going to go right over here to create account. And it is going to offer you the opportunity to create an account. You've got to type in an email address. So we're going to type in an email address. You're good if I put a good one in there, right?

There we go. And now, there is a window that pops up. Now, when this window pops up, here's what you need to do. You need to just X out. Just close that window. Okay?

Just close that window. Now we go over here and we'll use a strong password. And then we'll put in our name. And we'll put in our last name. And then we'll put in our address.

And the city. And we'll choose our state. And we don't need a phone number.

And it wants us to make sure that we're not a robot. So we'll do that. Wow. And we'll create the account. And now the account's been created. Now, there is a share code.

I don't remember what it is right now, but it doesn't really matter. Now you'd go over here and type in Vibe. It's your first product you're looking for.

And there is the fruit and veggies superfood liquid multivitamin. Click on that. And you're going to order. I recommend that you order two.

And I'll tell you why. You order two of them and add those to the cart. Now here comes the cart. Now you're going to get your second bottle for half off when you type in chosen gen radio, chosen gen radio and click apply. And that's going to give you 20 bucks off. Plus you're going to unlock free shipping.

So now when you get your order, you'll get no shipping charge, two months worth for the price of a month and a half. And then you can go back over and you can securely check out, put in your billing information and so on. And you're off to the races. So that's how you do it.

Nice and easy. Again, When that little window pops up, just X out of it. You don't need that cause you're going to get a $20 discount.

Once you completed the form and created the account, go to the top, click in vibe and then go. Now I use vibe, resvante, ultra shot, the EPA fish oil, the flex. And I also use, this is your, your apple cider vinegar, and this is your ashwagandha. I use those as well.

I'm going to run through this really quick with you. Again, Omega three and then these products up here, your vibe, your resvante, the ultra shot and the flex. Those are the ones that I personally use every single day.

I can recommend each and every one of those to you and just assure you that they do a great job. They've made a gigantic difference in my health. All right. God bless you. God bless your health.

And thank you. And welcome back to Journey Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And again, folks, that was giving you the instructions you need for how to place your order at Again, if it's your first time, don't forget to put in Chosen Gen Radio, Chosen Gen Radio all together, all written together, Chosen Gen Radio. And you'll get a $20 discount off of the first $50 order. And if you have any questions, be sure and email us at pastor Greg at chosen generation and just put CGR Wellness in your tab. That way we'll know what you're messaging us about.

All right, Tim. So we've covered vibe. And of course, one of the things you've got to do, you know, and vibe has some of this in it. But as a kicker to get your system situated, to better use the vibe product we, we have we put into the chosen Gen immune pack, a probiotic talk to me about probiotics. Well, that's one of my favorite products from CGR Wellness is a probiotic that they got available. But it's a super good product to nourish that whole intestinal system. Now we're talking about immune health here. And we've got to realize it's the gut does a lot for us.

You know, I think it makes more serotonin and dopamine out of the gut than actually anywhere else in the body. But I do know for a fact that there's 70% of the immune system is in the gut itself. So if you're looking at the immune system, and you got 70% of that immune system is in that gut, we really want to nourish that. And we're talking about the small intestine. And that's where all the absorption takes place of the nutrients where that goes out and gets into the blood, you're going to want to look at probiotics. Now, from time to time, people are going to have upset bellies, you know, GI upset, you might have loose stools, you might have tight stools, I don't know, you know, whichever.

But I do know that a lot of individuals will go loose. And we've used probiotics over quite a few years to be able to help nourish that system to where we get the regular GI upset settled down. And we get the stools back to where they need to be.

And it's just one of those things. We you feel a lot better when the gut is healthy. And it was 70% of the immune system being there. I recommend our probiotics. And I'm going to tell you why. There's a lot of probiotics out there.

Everybody's got the best one. And I myself have got a lot of five, six different companies I can get probiotics for, but I use these. And the reason I use them is because it's a 50 billion CFU. And it's 10 different strains of probiotic. It's just not one strain. It's different strains mixed together to cover different areas that the body might need. It's also got a gel capsule. That's not a gel capsule, it's just a capsule, but it's a patented capsule that actually will pass through stomach acid. And that's important because anytime you have a probiotic that goes into the stomach and doesn't have a patented capsule like what we have at CGR Wellness, you're going to find that probiotic will release in the stomach. And that stomach acid is going to actually destroy a lot of that probiotic.

And it's not really going to get to where it needs to be for the body to be able to nourish the intestines the way that you want it to. So a patented gel capsule is critical to be able to get that into the gut, to be able to get that nourishment where it needs to help build that immune system. And I find a lot of children as well as adults after they've been on antibiotics for quite some time that what they call the intestinal flora has been disturbed, the lining has been disturbed.

And it's very important to rebuild that immune system to put back those probiotics to restore the body back to where it needs to be. I even used a probiotic a day on my dog. She's only 17.5 pounds and she just went through a round of intestinal problems. She actually was on an antibiotic for skin. She had a lot of itching going on. So the vet gave me an antibiotic, I gave it to her, and it just tore her up. I had nothing but diarrhea. And so she went on about a probiotic a day.

Normally, I just give her half but I had to up it to, you know, one a day to try to get her bounce back out. So You know, that's just to jump in on that, you know, that that's one of the things that I think that people don't think a lot about is the impact folks, antibiotics, I I'm not saying that they don't have a purpose or what have you, there are times that they do. But I gotta tell you, folks, they are absolutely horrible, horrible for for your gut flora. And if you're on any kind of natural pathics at all, and that's that's I mean, that's my, you know, that's my life. I mean, my I am I am a I am a natural pathic.

That's that's what I do. I do natural pathics, I do natural pathics, I do natural pathics, everything you've seen up on the screen for the most part, I don't, I don't do the probiotic because of the other things that I'm doing. I have a digestive enzyme that is actually in this in this package right here that I take. But but I do, as you all know, I do vibe, I do ultra shot, I do resvante, I do flex, I do the cell. I call it cell generator. I know that's not what it's actually called cell ready.

You know, every night, but I did and then I do as I just showed you the the ACV and the ashwagandha. My point is, is that if I have to take an antibiotic, I know that all this stuff that I just showed you gets wiped out. And it's start all over again, every time you do that. So so that's why we're talking about the immune stuff that we're talking about and why this is so critically important.

Because the way that you prevent your body from needing the extreme intervention of an antibiotic, in general, in general, and we're getting we're educating you, but in general, is that you keep your immune system built up, so that your body has the opportunity to reject infection. It just makes sense. You know, you want to keep your house secure, lock the doors, put cameras around the exterior, light it up and put an alarm out there. Hello. I mean, I, you know, right, that's kind of like a mic drop, I guess, I don't know. But it just I mean, you know, that that just there, it's just it's logical. And you know, one of the other things and I know we don't talk a great deal about this, it just popped into my head, but the largest organ in your body is your skin. It's the largest organ in your body. It is the most vulnerable organ in your body. And again, healthy skin. We're talking about responding.

We're talking about vibe. We're talking about things that feed the cells that create the healthy exterior that covers your body. So that why so that that way it's filtering out the nasties.

Go ahead, sorry. Well, that's that's very well said, because you've got to get the toxins out of the out of the body, you've got to put the nutrients into the body to have energy. But once you go through an antibiotic, and we're saying they're definitely necessary in a lot of cases, nobody's saying that. But we're just saying after you go through an antibody, you need to get the probiotics back in to re nourish the gut. We're also saying that if you go into a fight with a bad bug, the stronger you've kept your system, the cleaner you've kept your system, the more you're going to be able to fight back and get back on your feet sooner, rather than if you don't take care of the temple that God's given you.

And it's all just a waste dump. You're going to have a lot more trouble getting back on your feet after you get hit. It's like getting hit with Mike Tyson, or, you know, getting hit with a truck.

It takes you a lot longer to get back on your feet. Look at Pastor Greg, you know, for God intervene in his life after he had his injury, and he's brought him back, but to the place where he's at, it's because he's been doing all these things to nourish his body with these good supplements over the years, he's able to continue to serve God and do the things that he does. Absolutely. Absolutely. And and, you know, I was just talking and we're going to give you this again, how to do this again here real quick.

But you know, I was just talking to my son about this last night, I talked about it yesterday and giving thanks. You know, look, I my adrenal system, my endocrine system, and Tim can vouch for this is still compromised. Okay, which is why I take the things that I take. I am my they told me basically in the in 42 years, I lived 75 years worth of life. So basically, at 62, my body is 95. That that's essentially what what it means.

And when I went in and we did the meridian score test, that's exactly what what the doctor who did the test identified, the medical doctor identified it in the acute care rehabilitation, he said your pituitary gland and your adrenal gland are malfunctioning so severely that you're not going to survive. How are you making it? And I told him what we do. I do this because it keeps me alive.

I do this because it allows me to have these kinds of moments in my day where I can be here with you with my family, and and and have some engagement during the day. And then it has turned out to be a massive benefit. And I thank God for it. Because if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't my body would not have had the ability to survive the accident that I was in and begin the rebuilding process that it did in the natural.

I know that God's supernatural hand was in it. But I recognize that he was also there because I was faithful every day and continue to be faithful every day to do what I know I need to do in order to try to keep going at at some kind of a of a semi look, I've got three, maybe four good hours every day. That's it.

That's it. And I spend about two and a half of them with you. I do it because I believe this is the call of God in my life. And I do it because this works, because this works, because this the products that I'm putting up on your screen, I'm telling you, they work. Get signed up today. Here's how you do it. Let's get you instructed on how to get that done once again.

And then we'll be back to talk more with you as we close out this hour. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went into a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all in one vitamin mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold pressed whole food source, non-radiate, gluten free and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at Coupon code chosen gin radio at checkout and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's coupon code chosen gin radio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Neatly products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Hey, this is Pastor Greg. I just want to take a minute to walk you through how to sign up at CGR Wellness. So you're going to type in And that is going to take you over here.

And the first thing you're going to do is you're going to come over here and you are going to we're going to shrink this down so it doesn't get in our way. You're going to go right over here to create account. And it is going to offer you the opportunity to create an account, you've got to type in an email address. So we're going to type in an email address. Good if I put a good one in there, right?

There we go. And now there is some a window that pops up. Now when this window pops up, here's what you need to do. You need to just X out, just close that window.

Okay, just close that window. Now we go over here, and we'll use a strong password. And then we'll put in our name. And we'll put in our last name. And then we'll put in our an address and the city. And we'll choose our state. And we don't need a phone number.

And it wants us to make sure that we're not a robot. So we'll do that. Wow. And we'll create the account. And now the account's been created. Now there is a share code.

I don't remember what it is right now, but it doesn't really matter. Now you'd go over here and type in Vibe, your first product you're looking for. And there is the fruit and veggies.

Superfood liquid multivitamin, click on that. And, and you're going to order I recommend that you order two and I'll tell you why. You order two of them and add those to the cart. Now here comes the cart. Now you're going to get your second bottle for half off when you type in chosen Gen radio, chosen Gen radio and click Apply. And that's going to give you 20 bucks off. Plus, you're going to unlock free shipping.

So now when you get your your order, you'll get no no shipping charge, two months worth for the price of a month and a half. And then you can go back over and you can securely check out putting in your billing information and so on. And you're off to the races. So that's how you do it.

Nice and easy. Again, When that little window pops up, just x out of it. You don't need that because you're going to get a $20 discount. Once you completed the form and created the account, go to the top, click in vibe, and then go now I use vibe resvante ultra shot, the EPA fish oil, the flex. And I also use this is your your apple cider vinegar.

And this is your ashwagandha. I use those as well. We'll run through this really quick with you.

Again, Omega three. And then these products up here, your vibe, your resvante, the ultra shot and the flex. Those are the ones that I personally use every single day.

I can recommend each and every one of those to you. And just assure you that they do a great job. They've made a gigantic difference in my health. All right, God bless you. God bless your health. And thank you for supporting our Indian ministry through this as well. And welcome back.

Okay, that didn't work. There. And welcome back to children generation radio.

I don't know if things are working really weird over here. I don't even understand but anyway, welcome back to generation radio. That's how you get signed up use the code chosen Gen radio, chosen Gen radio and save $20 on your first order.

It's a one time deal first order of $50 or more. Tim, we got a couple more products you wanted to talk about today. One of those I believe is zinc. Yeah, we want to talk real about zinc.

Pastor, you mentioned it earlier about your skin. You want to nourish your skin. I think is one of the primary minerals that we would use to do that.

Again, all these minerals are down in that submicron particle size to where you're going to assimilate the mouth, the esophagus, upper part of the stomach and this is part of that chosen generation immune bundle that you're able to get at Again, zinc is excellent for the skin. A lot of people use zinc in the area of eye health. They think it's very good to help as the eyes degenerate over a period of time. You can use that particular product to help with the eyes. There's also companion products that we have at eye health that's more designed for people that are struggling with different eye issues. But the zinc is also antifungal antibacteria, meaning that if you've got the bad bugs that are starting to replicate in the body, zinc kind of shuts that down.

So that's very important to note that it won't allow the bad bugs to replicate as fast. Also, zinc is considered an antioxidant, so it helps keep the free radical damage down. Signs that you're zinc deficient could be anything from always getting sick from an immune standpoint to hair loss, maybe weight loss, diarrhea, difficulty concentrating. Some people lose their taste and smell. Could be a zinc deficiency.

So just check with your doctor on those kinds of things. The other product we got that's part of that bundle is our vitamin D. Vitamin D is the mother of all vitamins. It's the one that everybody needs. It's critically important for growth. It's important for immune health.

It's important for development of bones as well as cellular health. So those are all the products that are available in the chosen generation immune pack. From time to time, you are going to get a bad bug. I recommend, in addition to that chosen generation immune pack, getting you a product called Cold Buster. Cold Buster is a natural alternative to anything out there. When a bug gets you, you can start on Cold Buster, that first tickle in the throat.

A little bit of sinus drainage, I turned to Cold Buster. It's an elderberry echinacea blend. It's got organic honey in it, broccoli extract. It's really a loaded product with vitamin C, vitamin D, oregano. So it's one of those that you want to keep on hand for when you get that. And it tastes great too.

It kind of reminds me of the old tank products. So get yourself the chosen gene immune bundle. Take that regularly through the winter.

Additionally, pick up a couple packed bottles of the Cold Buster or get it in the packets for easy on the go. I really enjoy it. It helps me a lot. I take one about every day and give one to the dad about every day. And I think that keeps us going and keeps us healthy. Well, I can tell you, as I said, I use these products regularly.

I don't miss a day, can't miss a day, won't miss a day. It's the first thing that I do. There's one other product that we didn't talk about that I take now as well, and that's the ATP powder. And so the first thing that I do when I get up after I use the restroom is I roll back into my room, I get my bottles out of the refrigerator, and I mix all four together.

I mix my Flex, my Vibe, my Resvante, and my UltraShot. And then I put in the ATP powder and mix that up. And then I take my pills, put my pills in my mouth, and it's about a 16-ounce glass with the juice and the water in it, and down that. And then I refill that and down it again. And then I've got my electromagnetic secret weapon blanket that I use.

You can ask me about that if you want to email me. But I get underneath that blanket and let the blood start flowing, and it just takes all of that stuff that's just gotten in. Oh, and by the way, I also use a very special water that has the same kind of molecular breakdown as the vitamins. It breaks all the water down into... All right, all right, all right. It breaks all the water down. And so at any rate, so it's all absorbed into my system, gets into the blood, and then I put that blanket on, and it rushes it everywhere, all over my body. And that's how I begin every single day.

I do a 20-minute treatment of my kidneys and my liver along with the blanket over my whole body. So there you go. You want to know pastor's secret?

That's pastor's secret, that and the Holy Ghost. And all of it, all of it could be yours for the right price. All right, there you go. All right, we're out of time. Hey, thank you, Tim, so much. Again, Get signed up today, and we would love to work with you, Pastor Greg at God bless you all. Stay tuned. I got more coming up, CCO Larry and SLF coming up right after this brief break.
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