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CGR WEDNESDAY 080223 Melanie Collette Rick Manning

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 2, 2023 9:00 am

CGR WEDNESDAY 080223 Melanie Collette Rick Manning

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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My passion is the fight for freedom. That was a shooting gallery up there. Why was the Capitol intentionally unsecure that day? The FBI had information about security concerns before January 6th. They're out for blood and they're getting it. They appear to be winning. Were the actions of the Capitol Police out of line?

Were there violations in use of force? Now I describe it as an inside job. Ready to do whatever God calls me. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society and that you must have honor and defend your family.

But it's not always easy to do. When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he's still in prison. And my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses.

And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible. And I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in his grace and mercy sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. I believe faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until he comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God not man gets to decide what is truth, life and the way. God bless you. Welcome back to John generation radio where no topics off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my apologies Melanie Collette is unable to join us this morning, and she sends along her apologies, as well.

What I had intended to visit with her about but I'm going to kind of talk about a little bit anyway is, is this hate. Let me see if I can find that video so. Let's see. Okay, hang on just a second folks and see if I can find this and lasting okay. Let's see. Let's see if that shows up.

Okay, well I'm not finding. I'm not finding the video there was a stream of videos that I that came across my reels feed and, and if you ever have have done reels you know that, you know, you get these videos that keep getting fed to you. And, and the, the, they basically they were tenors of, of folks saying, black folks saying kill kill white people. And, you know, I remember that you had Farrakhan, who called for the rising of 10,000 to go out and and start this folks they are using the race war. And this idea and and whether it's reparations, or, or, or just flat out calls for calls for killing there, they're using this in order to try to drive this division.

And they're using everything they can right now they're pulling out all the stops and I think it's because they realize that there's an unraveling of their agenda. We need to be very, very vigilant in in monitoring the signs monitoring, what, what is and isn't really truly happening, getting through the the noise that is out there because there's, there's massive amounts of noise. And there's always efforts to create distractions and, and, and disinformation, so that we don't see certain important issues that are rising up.

But I've got to go back to this and I and I know that, you know, it may sound like I'm repeating myself to some degree. But there's not anything that we're going to deal with or address nothing under the sun that we're going to deal with or address that is not talked about, or that a, or that, or that a truth is not revealed about it in this book. There's, there's, there's just plain nothing that that is that is going to come up that the author hasn't hasn't already spoken on.

And until we address the root issue. You know, if, if Jesus Christ's mission was to to address social injustice, let's just say, I mean, one of the things that he talks about one of the things that he uses is, is he addresses the issue of, of the Samaritans. And so he uses a Samaritan parable and talks about how it was the good Samaritan that rescued the man on the roadside and, and, and carried him to the end and and then paid so that he would get the care that he needed.

There's the Samaritan woman at the well. But Jesus's primary purpose was not social justice. If you want to call it that. I've talked on this program before, and had guests on and we've had conversations about the minute that you put an adjective in front of justice, you, you've essentially watered it down and change the very meaning of what justice is justice is just that there's there's justice and, and mankind's justice would be to pay for his sin. Justice would be just justice would be served by all of mankind suffering for their rebellion and disobedience and obstinance and arrogance and, and the wrongs that they've done against God and then ultimately the wrongs they've done against one another that those that would be justice that we would have to pay, and the word says that the wages of sin is death. So the root issue, which is why Christ talked about the root issue is the issue of sin. And what is sin.

How is it defined. And how does it impact every aspect of our lives. We, we don't do the right thing because of sin. And once we address the issue of sin. Then we begin to establish the platform that we need in order to start making right decisions in all of these other areas. Until that issue is addressed we can't, we don't have the foundation.

We don't have the platform in order to address the others because then we can start to get things to align. And it's really important that we that we recognize that route. Because then that gives our ship the rudder that it needs to stay on the right path. To maintain the proper principles. And ultimately to do the right thing. And it's so it's, it's, it's critically important that we that we begin by, by addressing the issue of sin which we can't do, we couldn't do.

The law simply told us about where the problem lied, and then the symptoms of that problem. But the, the, the, the temporary addressing of that, which was what God showed them through the sacrifices that they brought to the temple and laid on the altar on behalf of the people. As the writer of Hebrews says, those, those were, those were, those were temporary because what you're addressing is, and this again is where God makes a very clear separation between man and beast. If the sacrifice of beasts was sufficient, then God would be saying that man and beast are equal. But the sacrifice of beast was not sufficient.

The offering of the of the blood on the altar of the beast was not sufficient to fully and completely bring about recompense in order to fully make right permanently the relationship between the father and his creation man. And that's why it was important that Jesus Christ, a man had to be the one who laid down his life. Just as it was a man, Adam, who through the disobedience of Eve and Adam, and it is accounted to Adam, the sin is accounted to Adam. And there's another lesson in there to understand, relative to the issue of patriarchy, relative to the issue of who does God hold accountable. Oh, he holds each one of us accountable for our sin. But make no mistake that, that within a family structure, which is, which is what God's perfect purpose is, there is a hierarchy. And the man is ultimately going to be held responsible, not based on what the wife thinks or the woman thinks, but based on what God says and the Holy Spirit shows him.

But he's the one who's ultimately responsible. Even if the wife is disobedient, even in the case of Eve, where she was rebellious and disobedient, the word says that Adam is the one through whom original sin came. Even though it was Eve that the serpent handed the element to, that she then took and presented to the man and said, here, try this, it's really good. But it laid at the feet of Adam. The word says that through Adam, sin came into the world through one man, death entered the world that impacted all of mankind.

Subsequently, then through one man, it has to be changed. It was interesting back in 2004, when I, when I got very, very ill and I was given the three to six months to live, my entire system collapsed, my endocrine system collapsed, my pituitary gland and my adrenal gland stopped functioning. I got pericarditis. I was working out six days a week. I was in what I thought was the best shape of my life, really, truly. And I got pericarditis. And I asked my doctor, how in the world? I mean, I'm doing all he said. You know what?

We don't have a real good answer for for how that. But you do have that virus. And that's why you're having those really serious chest pains.

And you're going to need to cool it, because if you over exert, you could have a problem. So I got pericarditis. Then I had to have umbilical hernia surgery. Then I had to have gallbladder surgery, which turned into a liver infection. Then I ended up getting shingles. Then I got pneumonia and pleurisy all in about a nine month period. And in the midst of all of that, 9-11 wiped out my business. All of that happening and my system collapses. And now I'm I was given a death sentence.

I was told you've got three to six months to live. And so I end up getting to a natural path and I'm going to this natural path. And we started to do some things. And there's more to that story, but I don't want to focus on that right now. I want to focus on this. At a certain point, she said, look, we've kind of hit our our a wall here.

I want to try something new. We've just started this. We just started getting this in. I know you're tight on monies and so on. I want to bless you.

Let me help you with this. God bless her. Nutritional support programs, by the way, NSP, nutrition, nutritional support programs. Kathy Flood. Wonderful people. Strongly recommend them.

They're out in California. NSP, nutritional support programs. And so so she said, oh, I've I'm I'm using we just started this, but we're using what's called bovine stem cells. And I was like, really?

How does that? And she said, well, at at the at the stem cell level. They're there, they're there's a there's there's a similarity that they're not there's there's we're OK there. You're not you're not going to become a cow. But obviously, this is you know, they that this is the whole thing about harvesting stem cells.

So. She said, here's how this works. Every day you have stem cells that die and new stem cells that are created in your body. And the new stem cell is strong and well and healthy when it arrives. But it is taking the place of another stem cell. And so it looks at whatever stem cell it's replacing it. It says, oh, OK, that's what I'm supposed to look like.

And then that's what it looks like. And the old one dies and the new one now takes on the shape and characteristics of the one that it replaced. So the thing to understand then is, is that if you have if you have illness or sickness in your body at the stem cell level. Then the only way to fix that is to introduce healthy stem cells somewhere in the process. In the timeline of man.

You follow me here? The timeline of man, Adam was was a was a a pure and good and and and. Right stem cell. Until sin. And then he wasn't. And so Adam began to reproduce.

Man. Who was influenced by this issue of sin and death and corruption. And quite frankly, as as we got further and further away from Adam.

It got worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. And the degeneration of of genes and and sin impacted all of it, including all the earth. And now here comes Jesus. And Jesus is that new stem cell.

Who is going to step in between? The death of Adam and the new man who's born going. Can what am I supposed to look like? Oh, Adam.

OK. They look like Adam. And Jesus Christ is no, you're going to look like me.

And he inserts himself in the timeline. And from Christ forward, there is an opportunity for man to say, I want to look like that. I want to look like Jesus. I want to get cleaned up. Wash me in the blood of Christ. Cleanse me from unrighteousness. Forgive my sin. Forgive the sins that I am inheriting. Forgive all of my sins. And create in me a new man. Make me new in you. And Jesus says, OK, Grant, I'm going to take that old thing that was that we were born with out and I'm going to put the new nature in.

And that's the picture. And until we fix the stem cell of man. Until we address that issue, hate black, white, red, yellow, brown, doesn't matter. Anger, bitterness. Injustice, whatever it is. Greed, corporate, greedy capitalists, communists, Marxists, socialists, fascists.

Whatever. All of the evil, sexual immorality. All of the evil will not be vanquished until we apply the blood of Christ, who it says overcame sin and death. And we allow his stem cell image to be imprinted on us.

Back after this, Rick Manning joins me on the other side. So up next, we have clean slate. When you have different things like cancer and different diseases that are autoimmune related, it can really help with inflammation because you're helping clean the body.

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And the issue is if there's a nuclear bomb or there's pollution or there's war in one country, it actually affects everything up to the stratosphere. So we're all connected and we've really got to clean things out. You can pick up your clean slate today at That's

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These statements have now been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and if your products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. And welcome back to Chin Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

What planet am I on? Oh, my gosh. Seriously. Wow. All right. I'm very pleased to welcome my next guest to the program.

He's here with us on a regular basis, and I was just mentioning to him. And this is why I want to put you in touch with my guest for my first hour, which is David Shostakos, who was talking about how Jack Smith has opened up the door for the presentation of the evidence of election fraud. And this is the reason why President Donald John Trump would have at least considered that, in fact, there was election fraud and that, in fact, he, you know, he had been robbed and that at some point somebody should have stepped forward and said, hey, you know what?

There's issues here. Remember, all he really has to do is he only has to show that there is a reasonable case to be made, a reasonable concern of the election fraud. And obviously, all he has to show is that state legislators exercising their constitutional right said that, you know, well, gee whiz, we think there's reason to believe that our electors were selected inappropriately and we're challenging those electors. A process that has existed since the Constitution was written, you know, so it's from a case standpoint, this case is worse than paper thin.

It's completely manufactured. It's an attack on dissent. But the problem with this is that's not what happens in January 6 trials. This is a January 6 trial. It's got the elements of the January 6 trial because they're including in that somebody, Ashley Babbitt dying as part of the trial and that Donald Trump's responsible. This has nothing to do with the rule of law. This is a show trial in front of a star chamber in D.C. where J-6 defendants have not received fair and honest hearings.

That's what this is. He picked his judge. He picked his court.

And Biden picked his prosecutor. And so, yeah, if we were operating in a system of law, he would be correct. We're not. I mean, that's just I'm sorry, but I am the most temperate person in the world on this.

You know, I've been very temperate on this. But this is an attack on the basic ability to challenge elections. If you don't have an ability to challenge an election where you believe it's been dishonestly held, then effectively you just have to take whatever result the people who decide what the election result is going to be decide to give you. And it's fundamental to our basic system of governance.

And it's dangerous because it's a criminalization of dissent. And he's got it in front of a court and a judge that has no problem with that. So we have a severe problem.

I wish I had a lot of solutions here, but I don't. The answer to this, obviously, is the Trump team, legal team, needs to get the trial moved out of D.C. They have to appeal to the Supreme Court to get it moved out of D.C. And quite honestly, they have to take the whole context of this thing as far as they can and have the Supreme Court tell them, no, we're going to go through this. And if the Supreme Court refuses to deal with this and put this legal insurrection down, which is what the Jack Smith prosecution is, it is a legal insurrection against the basic rule of law. If the Supreme Court doesn't do that, then we've got a problem in this country that is going to be really difficult to reconcile. Now, the Supreme Court just recently put down an issue where there was a judge and they actually ruled and said that the judge was out of bounds and overstepping their authority. If I'm not mistaken, I seem to remember that the Supreme Court just recently ruled on a case that they have done that.

The problem here is they have to do it proactively. They have to do it preemptively and not after the fact. Yeah, the Supreme Court doesn't really do that. You know, we only actually have five years for the Supreme Court to figure out where they're what's going on. They have to sit there and say, no, we cannot allow this star chamber prosecution to occur in the nation's capital.

Right. If they want to have a Jack, if Jack Smith wants to have a trial, have it in Omaha. But you can't have it in Washington, D.C., where we know what the track record is, where we know that they that the judges have held. I mean, they literally said to the juries, disregard the defense arguments, disregard what the defense put forward.

It doesn't matter. So the prosecution in place in a place where the prosecution gets to make their case and the defense doesn't get to make theirs. And quite honestly, the I suspect what will happen is if it becomes a problem, they'll dismiss the charges against Giuliani and the like, and they'll just have the charge against Trump. And that way, by just having the charge against Trump, they take away the actual the ability to have to litigate the election in front of the district court.

Because why? Well, because the charge against Trump is essentially as he led an insurrection. But the charge against Trump also from what I mean, when David read it to me, the charge against Trump is, is that is that he knew that the election was legitimate. And and and that he continued to act in a manner in contradiction to that leading leading to actions against the country or what have you. Read the statement, read the statement by Mike Pence yesterday. He said he was in the room. OK, he was in the room with Trump talking to him. The statement by Mike Pence is what the is what the prosecution will use on that.

So it's a so let's just be you know, let's just look at this and just say you have a. You will have evidence that is selectively allowed to be entered into court, evidence that is income that doesn't understand that does not comport with the with the narrative will not be allowed. The Washington Post article that was written on this yesterday, the first paragraph and a half is all about how about unfounded charges of election, of election fraud, which, you know, is the narrative that's been crammed in our throat for three years. We haven't been able to talk about it on social media for three years because the government wouldn't allow us to remember because that's a key point. The government would not allow us to talk about this. So it's now in the rearview mirror. And people say, you know, well, that's been proven that was just election product because we were never able to make the case in the public square. The courts just didn't decide not to deal with it. So now we have a we have a problem and we have a prosecution of the leading candidate for president who's going to be the Republican nominee.

And most and has a better than 50 percent chance of becoming president of the United States in 2025 if he's not in an orange jumpsuit. Well, let me ask you let me ask you a question on along this line, because I know you follow this and you're following polls as well. I have read that there is a is a overall in the mouths of a lot of Americans, just a general distaste. They're like, look, we you know, even for some who who said, yes, we know that it was fraud, it was stolen, it was all these things. But obviously nothing's ever going to happen with that.

And now I'm ready. Let's let's just forget about that and move on to whatever trying to, you know, the next election. What you're saying is 100 percent true. Voters don't vote backwards about forward. Typically, voters vote for what you can do for them, not what you did, what you did in the past. They don't want to relitigate the 2020 election in 2024. They're going to look at their circumstances.

They're going to look at what you know, where the country is. And they're going to say, who do we think is the best person to lead us? Right. The challenge, the challenge is that what the polls also that's just typical, that's normal. You know, if you need a proof point, we'll go back to 1946, when somehow Winston Churchill, who led the Great Britain for the greatest crisis, had faced and lost the election, lost the election in 1946 to a socialist. OK, so it was a so if Winston Churchill could lose in 1946, anybody can lose if they're if they're running based on looking backward rather than looking forward. Right. Now, you said that there is a Donald Trump has an aggressive agenda moving forward.

Right. That some agenda moving forward is, you know, is going to get overwhelmed by a trial court that's looking backward at the 2020 election. That is a and it will drown out his message.

So from a messaging standpoint, it hurts him from a. But the other thing that polling shows and it's a it's a there's a significant number of people, 35, 40 percent say, you know, Donald Trump, we're we're on board for Donald Trump. The people you have to get, the independents you have to get in the middle are sitting there saying some of them are saying this is the Trump problem or some of them are saying, you know, I don't like all the mess that comes with that. I want things to be I don't want to pay attention to politics every day. I want to show up to vote once every two years.

And I vote and I don't want to I want you know, I just want everything else to go just normal. Right. And having four court cases, which is what you'll end up having in next year, having four court cases running throughout the year, including one that wants to give him the death penalty, which is the D.C. one. Having four court cases doesn't just accelerate the idea. Well, there's so much mess that goes with this guy. And it can't let me let me just let me just have to be able to do is we have to be able to make the case. Let me there is a reason this mess goes with them is because the people powers that be are doing everything in their power to keep the spirit.

I get it. Well, let me let me just add to what you were saying. There's a there's a Gallup poll as of March 1st, 2023, that says that forty nine percent of Americans have identified now as independent. There's 25 percent Republican, 25 percent Democrat and 49 percent independent. Now, of that independent and Republican, that's where you're drawing the 35 to 40 percent that are saying they would vote for President Donald Trump. Right. The issue becomes the 25 percent that are hard core, that there's no way they would ever vote for Donald Trump. And then on top of that, you've got potentially another 35 percent that are kind of hanging in the balance, if you will.

Right. As a party, regardless of party registration, the rule of thumb I found has been 43 percent will vote for a donut if it's got a Democrat behind his name. OK, see, see the senator from Pennsylvania. Thirty eight percent will vote for a Republican if he's got no matter who and are right. And and so then the battleground is the is the remainder of the people. That's 17 percent of the people.

And you have a and at that point, 17, 18 percent. Right. Those those people tend to split about 60, 40 to the right.

So that's how we have this 50-50 divided America. The but they aren't. They aren't conservative per se. They're not liberal per se.

They are. Whatever is happening at the moment and their personal concerns in that moment is what they tend to do. That's why they're late deciders.

Late deciders haven't given haven't been thinking about this for the whole four years. Late deciders taking their stick in their head up like the groundhog on February two looking around is the sun shining. Well, the sun shining. OK, well, I like things. I'm going to go back to sleep or sun's not shining.

I better get up and do something. Right. And depending on that reaction, on a date specific is how probably you end up breaking about 70 percent of the people end up deciding. And it will be dead even. It'll be dead even going into the last two weeks. The question is, those late deciders sit there and say, we can't have a president who's in an orange jumpsuit because they're not going to be outraged. They'll be catching up. And then you have to do the thing we have to do is we have to make certain that every single person understands what's at stake and understands the you know, that we are battling for the soul of America and kind of tap into the same impulse that Jason Aldean tapped into with his song and get a and take people who.

Normally, yeah, who normally are not necessarily that engaged and are now. But you bring up an interesting point when it comes to the Aldean thing, I think, and that is, you know, the Bud Light target Disney. Right. The you know, the Disney argument, you know, all I mean, the there they are in reality, you know, losing money. Now, it's interesting to me because they're touting the Barbie.

Oh, the Barbie movies doing this, the Barbie movies doing that. But I got to tell you, I look across social media, I look at what people are saying, I watch what the trends send to me. And and I'm I'm seeing a whole lot of negatives. I mean, they're pushing it. The media is trying to drive it down people's throats.

But the truth of the matter is, is it to me is is that it you're you're it's not it's not reality. Well, I was at the movies this past weekend, this past weekend or weekend before. I think it's this past weekend. And, you know, Barbie movie was out. I was I was seeing the sound of freedom movie, but the Barbie movie was out. And the phenomena of the Barbie movie is this a lot of women who were baby boomers all the way down to Gen Z's.

And kids and kids. Play the Barbies. OK, it's a fun, nostalgic movie for people who play with Barbies, who had the different dress up Barbies and did all that. Right. And I saw a lot of mothers and daughters dressed up like Barbies.

OK, not looking like Barbie, but dress up with Barbie kind of outfits, taking selfies. Yeah. OK. It's a massive audience. It is a mass. It is not a philosophical audience. It is a nostalgic audience.

And it is. And so anybody wants to equate the Barbie movie with anything else that's going on is missing the boat because my wife wants to see the Barbie movie. She's as conservative as anybody. She played with Barbies. Heck, she's got Barbies up in her up in her office. It's a so Barbie is a phenomena and that is something that is a is a deeply held common experience that little girls in particular have had.

And when they go to the Hallmark store and they buy their Christmas ornaments, they go buy their Barbie Christmas ornament every year. So this is a so this is not a philosophical phenomena. It is a is Hollywood actually doing a new movie and getting it right?

Imagine that they had they found an audience that hadn't been tapped and they tapped it. Even even if the messaging in the film is. Anti-family, anti male.

All of those things because the messaging in the film, they're going to for nostalgia. I understand most people in America. We've sat there, we've watched TV for the last 50 years and seen the messaging be anti-family since Robert Young retired. So it's a you know, so we've got a that's not a new messaging there. It's not a it's not something they haven't been exposed to. In fact, it's something they're somewhat inured to the you know, one thing you have to understand is that what did what doesn't Barbie do? Barbie doesn't go and say and take her take Skipper and to the public school and let him change Skipper into into Jimmy.

OK, so that's a you know, Skipper doesn't get turned into Jimmy. It's a you have a sort of the political threats facing America's women are core or core value threats. This little, you know, you know, a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle thing is nothing more than leftist trope from the 60s. But they've had that. They've been getting that for six for 40, 50 years.

It doesn't have any effect on them politically. Well, it's already washed through and sick, you know, depending on on on what segment of society you talk about, anywhere from 60 to 70 percent of of households with children in them are are are female only households. Correct. And there and there is no man present in real life, in real culture, in in the real world with extraordinarily damaging consequences to the family, to the to the to those children that not me saying it's, you know, psychologists have been saying this for years.

Yeah. And the proof points are a family of kids who are raised in a two parent family, a man, male, female family, traditional family structure do far better than kids who aren't. And, you know, if you and if you want to talk about on a race basis, you know, talk to Star Parker about this, the data as it relates to from Cure, the data as relates to black families and the structure of the black family and what that's done to school, to results for kids who are being raised in single parent households.

It's a disaster. So those are that's those are truisms that we're not that quite honestly get buried. I know Star had a had a bad outdoor advertising campaign that Black Lives Matter contacted the billboard company had taken down because it said had the outrageous statement that the kids do better.

And and black kids do better in households with two parents with a male and female parents. And Black Lives Matter said, no, we got that's that's that's can't be accepted. That's an attack.

And I heart who took it down didn't have any idea that the people were posting it were actually black. So it's a you know, we had a big big fight last year. Yeah. But anyway, that's your. Yeah. The fact is, facts are the Barbie movie is philosophically wrong. Murphy Brown, when she said when she sat there and said, I'm going to have a have a kid. Right.

No man. Gangquil was right. Murphy Brown was wrong. Hollywood's been wrong on this for a long time. Do we know is it having a terrible effect on society? Yes, it is. It's a terrible effect on society. Well, and what's happened is a lot of those women who bought into that are now are now standing up as single parents and saying, you want to do what to my kid?

And and hence the mama, the mama grizzly phenomena is is taking over so much so that the Department of Justice has had has had to go after mother's groups trying to defend their children who are, you know, and try to censor. Right. So.

Right. The Barbie movie is maybe a phenomena, but it isn't a political phenomena. The point they're making is wash through the system and it doesn't I think it has absolutely no political impact.

It will make whatever studio came up with it a lot of money and it make Ryan Gosling look like he's been neutered. But apart from that, it's fine. And and so does it does it. So it's different than the Bud Light situation or or the or the Disney situation. It's 100 percent different than the Bud Light situation. The Bud Light situation is you have you have a male pretending to be a female, young female being put up as a corporate spokesperson by a company and its customers saying, you're not doing that. I'm not no longer going to buy your product because I no longer align with my values, no longer align with you.

I no longer I'm proud to hold your beer and say it's kind of like Bud Light is. Purchasing a beer for somebody because it's kind of like whether you buy a Ford or a Chevy. OK, a Ford and a Chevy both are the same, essentially the same car.

OK, I'll just say it out loud. Right. They're the same vehicle.

Turn a combustion engine. There's not there's not a difference between they tweak it different ways for different tastes. But, you know, some people love Chevys and some people love Fords and they hate the other. So it is more of a it's more of a style choice, a lifestyle choice in how you kind of grew up than anything else. Bud Light, similarly, beer drinking is I'm a Bud drinker as a as a point.

It's kind of one of those things you brand yourself as being. And when the people when the drinker decides, I'm no longer willing to affiliate myself with that brand, it is impossible to bring them back. And that's the problem Bud Light has. They destroyed about 25 percent of their of their brand value by telling their customers, you know, we're affiliating with it with some man who thinks he's a woman and we're affiliating with that. And 25 percent of their customers said, well, I'm not.

And that was the destruction of Bud Light. Barbie movie has nothing to do with that. All right. According to me, yes, we're at one. Well, so the statement was worth folks. Yeah, I'm one guy. I'm giving you my opinion. OK. Yeah. It's a conversation with friends. And it's a and just and and people could have alternative opinions at this point.

I just know. But I mean, I think you I think you make some interesting points as to as to where we are culturally, you know, and and and, you know, movies are supposed to be about escapism. I mean, to a degree. I mean, you go to a movie to kind of escape from everything else that's going on. Obviously, you know, something like, you know, Sounds of Freedom is is an awareness film. It's it's it's it's it's yeah. It's not an escape movie. Right. By the way, anybody who has not seen it, it's a must see it is it is a hard two hours and 20 minutes.

Yeah, it is a hard two hours and 20 minutes. It is a but they don't show anything that's. They don't show anything that Hollywood would show.

OK. They don't try to titillate in any way, shape or form or do anything that are just are being really grotesque in things. It's inferred, but they don't show it. It is a but it is a it is a hard awakening to what's really going on. And by the way, what's good with the best part about the movie is. Real life, we're not dealing with Marvel action heroes, we're dealing with a real life American hero who who without Homeland Security.

His story is a little bit different than that way is told, but it's basically the same. And it's a and who was a Homeland Security agent who was doing his job. Yeah. And to try to stop child traffickers across the border. And and this is the first few minutes of the movie and just gets says, I can't just stop arresting the perps. I have to try to save the children.

And this is a and it's a. And the underworld that exists is real, more clear for those of us who know that a hundred thousand kids have gotten away, that we don't know where they are in the Biden administration. Just here, just here, just here, disappeared into that system, just here. All right.

Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government, get liberty dot org, get liberty dot org. Rick, thank you. Great conversation. I appreciate it.

Yeah, definitely. All right, folks, we're going to take our break. War number three coming up, fake news censorship. We'll have Tiaran Rose will be with us. And then Julie Rogers is scheduled to be with us at the bottom of this hour. I'll be back with more 10 generation radio coming up right after this.
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