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CGR WEDNESDAY 071923 David Shestokas Dems Attack SCOTUS

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
July 19, 2023 8:00 am

CGR WEDNESDAY 071923 David Shestokas Dems Attack SCOTUS

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at

That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. By the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the community is so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the water. This borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you that we thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry that help us to put more and more borewells in this village. Thank you and God bless you. Thank you, Pastor Greg Young, and God bless you, Pastor Greg Young, and God bless you. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Neither products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. Very excited. Big, big day.

Big, big day today and a huge day tomorrow. Tomorrow in the program, you've been hearing about what she has been bringing forward and it has blown up everywhere. And I'm talking about the investigative reporter who has the FOIA released documents identifying that the fingerprints do in fact exist on the bag of cocaine found at the White House. Susan Katz Keating will be my guest tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Eastern. We will not be able to disclose her picture.

We will not be able to in any way indicate where she is for her own personal safety. But we will have her on the program tomorrow morning. And I encourage you to be tuned in for that. Big program with her tomorrow. The real life story of the Ukrainians behind the war with Neil Bailey will be on tomorrow. And Bill Federer will be with me tomorrow and we'll be doing our outreach to India tomorrow.

So huge program tomorrow. Just want to give you a preview of that. Today we begin next hour, Melanie Collette is going to be my regular weekly Wednesday guest following David Shostakos each and every Wednesday. And we'll be looking at the world through the eyes of a, I guess, you know, this white guy and a black conservative and a black female conservative. We are all, we are on the list.

You know the list. At any rate, she will be with me each and every Wednesday. I'm really, really looking forward to having her on the program each week. Greg Shoemaker, founder of Restore Law, Restore Law and Order Inc, he's launched a national legal effort to seek accountability and reparations for crime, lawlessness and property destruction across the US that was caused by the rioters and allowed, condoned, encouraged, protected by city governments and police forces and so on.

And so he's seeking reparations on behalf of these business people for the damage that was done to their building based on policies that were instituted by these entities. And we'll have that with my co-host Rick Manning, Tiaran Rose Mandelberg, and Censortrack and then Reggie Littlejohn will be with us today. Save the Persecuted Christian as she's stepping in for Dee Dee Logison and we'll be talking with her about what's happening in Nigeria, the persecution there. And also, Reggie has been on the front lines in the battle against the CCP. We'll talk about that as well. So there you go.

And that's just the next couple of hours. In this hour, SCOTUS is under attack. The Supreme Court Control Act, gee, that couldn't create any problems, could it?

I mean, I mean, what would be the issue there? We'll talk right now with my constitutional originalist and our expert on constitutional issues. I want to welcome to the program, my good friend, David Shostakis. David, welcome. Good to have you. Good morning, Greg. It's again, every Wednesday, it's really great day, lets me mark my middle of the week and lets me know that I've gotten through half and I've got half to go. So it's a good personal marker for me, but it's always great to see you on Wednesday. Sometimes the subject matter is a little disheartening, but it's always good to see you.

Yeah. Well, and it's so important that we bring forward this constitutional view of our world and of what is happening. We want to get into the targeting letter and what is that, what does it mean, what's going on there relative to President Trump and another indictment effort from the Department of Justice regarding January 6th. He's still got the issue that's going on in Georgia and they seem to be gearing up with regards to that. There's the sham that is the Bragg situation that's taking place and then the document case down in Florida as well.

And I was praying about all this last night too. Look, they're obviously, they're trying to drain his financial coffers too. I mean, they're going after his personal finances by forcing him to have to continue to bring on lawyers to deal with all of this. It's really a mess, but let's first talk about this issue of the Supreme Court Control Act.

David, your perspective on what the Democrat Party is trying to do here? Well, there's pending legislation introduced in the Senate that does a couple of things in terms of supposedly requiring the court to put together particular new ethics rules and have those kinds of reports. But interestingly enough, buried in that act is something that's even more disturbing than that, is to create a sort of another court, another opportunity where if somebody's appearing before the court and they have reason to request the recusal of a justice, they're now going to put together a panel that will decide whether a justice should be recused or not. That is, and recusal means that they should withdraw themselves as one of the judges considering the outcome of a case or deciding on the outcome of a case.

These kinds of things are just really, really disturbing. That's more disturbing than saying about the reporting factor. But there's a couple of things on the reporting factor too, but let's talk about the recusal situation. The Supreme Court is a co-equal branch of the government, equal with the president, equal with the legislature, typically that one branch is not able to look into or look behind how the other branch basically conducts its business. This is the principle behind what you call executive privilege, where you hear so often where the president says, no, we're not going to give this information to Congress because we're equal to them and we have certain activities that we need to do that will allow us to conduct the people's business. And so there's a balance there. And so that's historically been the circumstances for the Supreme Court as well, that they're a co-equal branch. There's balance, while they have what they call the balance of powers, there's a balance of powers in addition to separation where some of these things are co-mingled.

They're not exactly a hard line between the two of them. But to say that the Congress is going to have some input in the manner in which a judge has to recuse themselves from a case is utter insanity. It is going to make the court just theoretically an arm of Congress. They're trying to make the court an arm of Congress along with their reporting requirements that they want to impose on the court. They're going to make them an arm of Congress. Congress is determined that for itself it needs to see to it that its members have to make certain kinds of reports and have to disclose information about their income and assets and work and sources and things like that. But the Congress, they're elected officials.

They're in a different circumstance. They're not a situation where they're appointed for life and theoretically above the political fray. The reason for creating the court and giving them the appointment for life where their salaries won't be diminished, where they can't lose their job except for bad behavior is to put them in a position where they're not politicians, where they're not deciding things on politics but they're deciding things on the law.

And so to create a circumstance where they're treated like politicians just asks them to act like politicians. We've been for too long probably since Robert Bork little by little treating them like politicians and saying, well, the four conservative justices and the three conservative justices are liberal justices or whatever. This has just been diminishing the court ever since. The Democrats realized that the court is sometimes a vehicle for them to be able to do things that they can't get done in the legislature. And that's why this is a dangerous, dangerous action that the Senate is trying to is trying to go. It's not going to go anywhere. They're not going to wind up in a situation where it can pass the House.

But the fact that at least in yeah, at least in this construct of the House, should the House shift and become Democrat controlled again, and if the Senate were Democrat controlled and we didn't have the White House to balance that, then we potentially run into this. You know, they're taking another run at the Equality Act. They got the redefinition of Marriage Act.

They managed to get it passed because they had control of the House, the Senate and the White House. And now they're trying to do a rerun in the midst of all of the trans stuff that is out there and lawsuits now that have been filed. There are individuals who were underage, that were without their parent kind of well, strong armed their parents in one instance and without parental consent, but forced into a situation of believing that mutilating their bodies was going to fix them. And of course, it doesn't change XY and XX. And now there are several that are suing the administrations of the schools, the hospitals, the individuals that were involved in the mutilation of their bodies.

Yeah. And that's the problem with the whole leftist agenda is they continue. It doesn't matter if they lose a particular battle, it doesn't matter. The Biden student loan business is one. It's been clear from the get go that the president doesn't have the authority to get rid of somebody's personal debt. It just doesn't exist. And the Supreme Court said, no, it doesn't exist. He didn't care. He's trying another way to do the same thing that they just probably can't do.

They just keep coming back and trying to do the same stuff that is basically illegal, unconstitutional. Immoral. It's immoral, David. It's immoral.

The things that they are doing is immoral. I was watching a, I don't know if it was a TikTok or a Reel this morning, and I thought it was great. The language was a little rough, so I won't use any of the language. But this guy's going, yeah, I was always kind of pro-choice and I thought, okay, a woman has a right to choose. But I still thought you were killing your baby.

And so I look at it kind of like this. You know, if I'm making a cake and I mix up the batter and I pour it into the pan and I put the pan in the oven and five minutes later you come along and you grab my pan and you take that pan and you toss it across my kitchen, I'm going to be like, hey, what the, what are you doing, man? You just wasted my cake. And you're going to say to me, no, man, it wasn't a cake yet. I'm like, excuse me, in about 50 minutes, that was going to be my cake. You're a cake killing son of a gun. I mean, we can understand the cake analogy.

That makes, right? You know, why can't we get the baby analogy? You know, I mean, I just think people are just plain flat denying reality. It's irresponsibility. I mean, the choice you make is to have the sex. That's where the choice is. You either have it or you don't. And you know, protection is, you know, they, oh, well, no, that doesn't assure anything.

You still have the potential that a life is going to be created and unless you are ready and prepared and going to take on that responsibility, then grow up, control yourself and don't have sex. Well, that can be said about so many of the things that are going on here because all the left is concerned with, or all they sell, let's put it that way, is rights. They never sell responsibility for any of these actions.

You know, it matters not. And this is a problem. And that's the kind of thing that, again, returning to this SCOTUS control act, which by the way, that's the name that the Wall Street Journal has given it, but I don't know what, they've got some sort of other kind of name that the Congress is calling it, but they're not so blatant as to call it what it actually is, is an effort to control the Supreme Court through the Congress and blatantly turn the justices into politicians. This is another attack on the constitutional structure that was put in place to protect our rights. And basically, because the court this past two weeks ago went about protecting everybody's rights, like the website case where they protected the rights of the web designer to not be compelled to speak, that protects the rights of all web designers to not be compelled to speak. And by the way, just real quick, you're right, it's actually called, in case you want to look it up, folks, the Supreme Court Ethics Recusal and Transparency Act. Yeah. Yeah, because it wouldn't be so blatant as to call it the control act.

Not quite yet. They're so Alice in Wonderland, they're so Orwellian where they take the language and have the language mean something entitled, entitled something to mean where the title means completely the opposite of what it actually is. Well, yeah. And it's an Orwellian world, Greg, and I say it's horrible, I say it's very difficult sometimes in a courtroom where you hear these arguments in a courtroom and these people are saying stuff and you go, how can you say that? It's not even close to truth.

But truth doesn't matter. You were on here a couple of weeks ago and you were talking about, I don't remember the exact case, but it was a situation where basically it was like they made up law. I forget what the particular case was, but that was your statement was, is there was a case and what they were doing, literally the law they were, quote unquote, signing to do what they were doing doesn't even exist.

It's nowhere on the books. Well, actually, it's a case of mine. Oh, there you go. I knew I remembered you.

I knew that I remembered you actually making that exact statement about about a real life situation. No, I'm actually in a courtroom on an election case. And we did not. And it's got to do with the mathematics and how an algorithm was utilized to alter the outcome of an election. We didn't ask to see the we didn't ask to look at the ballots. We didn't ask to do the machines. We didn't ask for a physical recount because for whatever strategic reasons, I don't need to get into. But the judge says because because we didn't ask for those things, we are going to dismiss the case.

The fact is, there's nothing in the law that requires us to ask for those things. So he's he's created an imposition of why he just created something out of thin air. It doesn't exist. My goodness. Yeah.

This judge. Well, no, no. Yeah. No.

No surprise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the same thing. You see so much. And and maybe and that's part of the difficulty in us trying to have some sort of actual debate with this with this leftist people, because facts, truth, absolutes, none of that exists. Right.

You know, jealousy and the end goals exist and and how you get there. It's sort of like when you hear that you're allowed to lie to infidels, you know, it's it's the kind of it's it's the same. Yeah. It's the same rule.

You're alive. Absolutely. Absolutely. And it makes you what little hair I got.

It makes me want to pull it out, you know? Yeah. All right. Let's here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna take a little break. When we come back, let's talk about this targeted letter from the Department of Justice that was sent to President Trump.

And what does it mean? What what what is being targeted? And I know that you have a couple of clients you I know you can't go into extreme detail, but but that have been requested subpoenaed, I guess would be the more appropriate term to testify in this grand jury. And stronger than request. Okay. Yeah, exactly.

Yes. It's not a suggestion. It's a it's a it's a come voluntarily or we're going to come get you. All right. We're going to take a we're going to take one of those kind of breaks right now.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass as well. Folks, so President Trump has had a targeted letter from the Department of Justice. There's another, another effort to create an indictment. This one having to do with the suggestion that he instigated a January 6th insurrection.

Now, I want to balance this because it's very interesting. You may know the name Ray Epps. Well, so Ray Epps now is back in the news. And he is being looked at for his engagement. And the media now is fawning over him.

And in all of their articles about this, they call it a protest. So on January 6, Ray Epps was at the Capitol involved in a protest. But everybody else around him, all the other people, they were in an insurrection. Ray alone. He was the lone guy. He was the one guy, David. He was the only, the only guy there that was involved in a protest. Everybody else was, including President Trump, who didn't even go, who wasn't even at the Capitol.

He wasn't even there. And the last thing he said was go and peacefully and, you know, yeah, Brian, you know, go and peacefully protest. You know, that was his admonition to the group that was in front of him originally. But at the moment, over the weekend, apparently the Justice Department sent President Trump what they call a target letter. And the target letter informs the forms of particular individual that they're the target of a grand jury investigation. And consequently, typically it's fairly typical that not long after somebody receives a target letter that an indictment follows. It does give the people, give a person receiving the target letter sometimes the opportunity. They don't have the right, but it gives them the opportunity to request an opportunity to address the grand jury themselves, to have some input with the grand jury.

Gives them that opportunity. It's unusual that somebody that's the high, that's the ultimate target of the investigation. And of course, whatever they're trying to do, they're trying to get President Trump. It's unusual that the ultimate target is informed of things until just before an indictment should take place. I do have one client that's already testified and one client that they're trying to get to testify. So they're still hard at work at the grand jury in Washington. This is from the Washington, D.C. grand jury, because he's got one set of indictments from Florida, which was the federal folks, and then one set of indictments from the state folks in New York. And apparently another group is working on things in Georgia. And I had another client that we did represent regarding the Georgia case, too.

So I have some involvement with some of these things. But it goes to the kinds of things we were talking about in the last segment, where they actually are just making legal activity, legal legitimate activity, and calling it criminal. It's a so Orwellian use of language. It's legal to, it's legal to protest. Something called the First Amendment. You know, they're trying to make it criminal to investigate whether or not an election was legitimate.

They're trying to make that illegal. They're trying to make utilization of what they call the Presidential Records Act illegal. All these things that they're charging President Trump with are actual legal activity that they are calling backwardsly illegal. And they're also continuing the dialogue that there was no election fraud. When you have, you know, multiple indictments in in states where those of us who were paying attention said, Hey, there's something not right here. You have election officials being indicted. I can't remember now the but I just saw an article that there were 15 election individuals that were just indicted. Was it in Georgia? I think it was in I think it was in Georgia, right?

Virginia, Virginia. Okay. I'm sorry. Thank you. Yeah.

There's a relatively new Attorney General there that's doing a wonderful job by the name of my heiress and is actually pursuing these kinds of things. But you know, I think occasionally you've had a phone by the name of Hans von Spakovsky. Yes, I have.

He's I love Hans. Yep. Yep. Yep.

There's hundreds of them on the on the Heritage Web site under under Hans's collection. So if people want to see that this goes on, it goes on. And there's nothing wrong with investigating whether it went on. There's nothing wrong with challenging whether it went on. That's in fact, part of the system.

I wrote one time that election is not actually over until the last judicial decision is made. You know? Yeah. Well, and, you know, and you had I mean, you had Bill Barr who came out and was like, oh, you know, there was there was there was no there were no issues whatsoever. I need to get Yeah, he should have been with me in Pittsburgh.

Yeah. I have no doubt he was sitting in the Justice Department is sitting up and on the fifth floor or whatever they call it there at the Justice Department. He could have been with me in Pittsburgh and we would have said, Bill, take a look at this. Yeah, take a look at this.

Take a look at the fact that they opened 300,000 ballots outside the purview of all the observers. Are you know, come and take a look, Bill. Well, you know, I would I would love for for him to look at, you know, Lloyd Lloyd Brunson's evidence. I think Lloyd Brunson has his case is still percolating. For those that think that that case died. It did not die. It is not over. It is not ended out. Lloyd called me about a month ago.

And he said, just just hang tight, Pastor, I'll be back on your program. Well, you know, we'll get folks an update on this. But we're, we're working on it. And we've gotten some more high even more high power attorneys that have seen what we're doing and jumped on board to help us.

So so stay tuned. I mean, this is this is way, way far from over. But like you said, in our previous segment, the problem that we have is the individuals in the black robes sitting and and this is I guess, kind of an irony, right? Because this the for the democrats, they believe that the Supreme Court justices, the those guys in black robes, are not doing what they want them to do. So they've put together this act, which is really a facade to try to force these individuals. And one of the statements that's in there, let me see if I can, yeah, here we go. One of the statements that's in there, one of the criterion that is in there, says, okay, so it lays out circumstances requiring disqualification. And and and the standard is has otherwise engaged in conduct that undermines the integrity of the Supreme Court. Exactly, huh?

What does that mean? And who's gonna decide who's gonna decide this this existential bureaucracy, selected by whichever political power is in place at the time, is going to now sit over the Supreme Court watching with their subjectivity to say, Oh, you, you, we think you went out of bounds. Oh, we're gonna, you know what, in fifth grade, you wrote a paper. And that paper, it has something to do with dinosaurs, which has something to do with evolution, which has something to do with creation, which has something to do with abortion. You're, you're disqualified.

You can't hear that case. I know, it's, no, it's, it's insanity. They're now trying to create a fifth branch of government. We already have, you know, there's three in the Constitution. And we have the bureaucracy, which is now the fourth. And I'm not so sure that the media that's in the pocket is not the fifth. They're trying to create a sixth branch of government, which is just destroys and every time they do that, they destroy another piece of freedom.

And this is so dangerous for us all, Greg. I saw an article too, and I was trying to find that I'm not finding it right this second that I read this morning, just briefly that that was a several former federal prosecutors who were advising that President Trump should basically not respond to the targeting letter that was sent on the grounds that essentially all all you know, they're they're trying to entrap him. They want him they want him to say something even if he says I didn't do anything there. They want to find they want him to make a statement or his legal team to make some form of a statement predicated on the targeting letter that they can twist and turn and make into a an an admission what they will consider to be an admission to guilt. In other words, it's it's a degree of an admission of guilt.

It's well, I didn't really do anything wrong. And Jared Kushner, his son in law apparently went and testified that that he believed that his father in law believed that there was election fraud, that he that he didn't know that he didn't believe there wasn't and do and do something in spite of but that he truly did believe that there was election fraud. So that's another interesting point.

Sure, that's a very interesting point. But again, that continues to obfuscate as if that kind of belief has anything to do with whether or not you can make a speech. You know, you know, there's nothing in the First Amendment that says you have to say truthful stuff. If you don't say if you choose not to make truthful statements and it harms people, there are in fact, civil remedies for such a thing.

Right? Well, and and and you have a right to redress your government. And you have a right to peacefully and and and and there is mounting as you know, folks who've watched my program, David Summerall has been on here who probably has a catalog of more video of the events that took place on that day than anyone else we I've had john pierce has been on the program where we've where we've addressed this issue. Jeff and the who ran for Congress in in Arizona has has been I mean, I've had a whole host of Nancy May, I've had a host of people, David, that were there on January 6, that that have video that testify and when you look at the epic times video, when you look at stop hate calm, and their videos when you look at Nick Circe's video, when you put all these pieces together, it's quite clear that this was a peaceful gathering until the DC Capitol police attacked the crowd, and some instigators within the crowd were instigating before people arrived from the ellipse.

I don't know what to say, I know. It's it's insanity. They're, again, making legal, legal activity, they're turning it illegal. You know, if somebody's trespassing, press him for trespassing, nobody in their right mind had any idea that they were going to overthrow the government or stop the vote by the by the by the Congress, in terms of in terms of accepting the election, you know, nobody in their right mind. And you have to have some sort of mental capacity, mental, mental, what they call the men's raya, a guilty mind, you have to have an intent to do the things that you're charged with in criminal law. Nobody had the intent to any of this stuff that they're prosecuting, but they don't care about intent.

They don't care about basic principles of law that were meant to protect people from these horrible, horrible things. Hopefully, we're going to get some sort of review from the Supreme Court on that, because one of the J six defendants on his obstruction charge has now appealed the existence of this obstruction charge to the Supreme Court. And this guy's been in jail for almost three years. And it's just it's insanity.

Yes. sanity. And you can read about that, folks over at the epic times, if you get a subscription, but it's an exclusive a January 6 prisoner takes his obstruction case to the Supreme Court. In a historic move, a Jan six prisoner has taken his challenge of the infamous obstruction obstruction charge levied against him and hundreds of other Jan six prisoners and defendants all the way to the Supreme Court Edward Jacob Jake Lang filed a document with the Supreme Court of the United States challenging the government's obstruction of Congress charge, one of the most common felony charges used against them, which carries up to a 20 year sentence. So it's called a writ of crit crit or create crit C or re pretty or re say again, sorry, sir.

One more time. Search eri search eri or across the Supreme Court to hear an issue. That's easy way to say it. Hey, we want you to hear this case. But yeah, so so so they're claiming a violation of title 18 of the US code 15 C two.

I assume you're familiar with that. Well, I'm familiar with a bit the history of this particular case and that and the history of this case is this same individual did in fact have a motion to dismiss that that charge granted by the trial court, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals overturned that dismissal, and now he is appealing to the United States Supreme Court the dismissal. Basically there's there's some constitutional principles that something is overbroad or or void for vagueness. And the basic principle here is pretty vague.

What is what the obstruction of Congress actually is. And so and that and that charge carries up to 20 years in prison. But the principle of void for vagueness is that nobody reading the law can kind of figure out what it means to violate it. And so this is this is the basic principle involved that the law should be understandable that somebody should know what it is that they're not supposed to violate, what they're not supposed to do.

And given the given the structure of that law, nobody can really tell what you're not supposed to do, in which case it gives the prosecutors the ability to say, oh, you did it, whatever, whatever it is. And so it's and this has the potential because apparently there's been hundreds of obstruction of Congress charges and likely that may very well be one of the things that Smith is intending to throw at Donald Trump. And so it is a very, very important matter that's coming before the Supreme Court.

Hopefully the law reports and everybody else will pay attention to the springs when they decide this is a dumb charge. I just said, but we're just so disturbing that when the Supreme Court does something, these people don't care anyway. They just they just forge ahead and do what they want. Well, and and and what they're what they're saying is, is, is, you know, that that a person has to, whoever corruptly otherwise obstructs influences or impedes any official proceeding or attempts to do so. So whoever corruptly, what does that mean? Exactly. Exactly. That's the question. What is corruptly?

What does that mean? Yep. Yeah.

And it says tampering with a witness victim or an informant. You know, they're sent a letter to Mike Pence. I'm not sure.

Yeah. Well, yeah, but you know, but Mike Pence said that, you know, that that the United States what's happening here doesn't matter to him. That's what he told Tucker Carlson. Did you see the interview? No, I did not.

Oh, car. Tucker Carlson asked him where they were talking about Ukraine. And Tucker went on a kind of a bit of a rant about all the things that are that are happening that are problematic here. And, and, and Mike Pence's response is, is those things don't concern me. Well, that was kind of a blooper.

I was like, I think, I think you just bit the hand that feeds you with that one there, Mike. I think that kind of was a mistake. Yeah. But I mean, in terms of tampering with a witness or a official or something of that nature, or somebody trying to address Pence and saying that, you know, you have a, you got a problem here, and you should consider your conduct. That's not obstruction of Congress, you know, I mean, it's just, it's just not well, and, and, and quite frankly, you know, the decision by Congress to, you know, evacuate and and and and and some of the moves that they made were were precipitated by some very specific individuals who are clearly identifiable, not not, you know, everybody in the crowd. No. So, but in any event, that's what the obstruction thing is about. And I would suggest that yeah, it is, it should be found void for vagueness. That is nobody can understand. I don't know what corruptly means. And, and, of course, but it would be nice if words have meanings, and but I will tell you also that I have to go to court.

I know you do. And I was just giving you the message, we got to get out of here. David just focus has been my guest my constitutional originalist, French is Boy I'll tell you more and more now than ever, you need to pick up the Declaration of Independence explanation that he has written, and also the explanation of the Constitution of the United States in particular, the fact that rights belong to the people, powers are given to the government to defend those rights when they stop defending those rights. They are no longer acting in the interest of the people.

And that is where the Declaration of Independence says that abolishment needs to be considered. And that's what we're talking about. That's where we are at today, unfortunately, David, thanks for being with me today. I appreciate it. Thanks so much, Greg. Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to chosen generation radio, get more at

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Pick up your Clean Slate today. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Look I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer, but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall, but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend, while we may not fully agree, know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs, they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God, not man, gets to decide what is truth, life and the way. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.
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