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CGR MONDAY 071723 Part Two Dr David Wurmser Sherrif Richard Mack

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
July 17, 2023 9:00 am

CGR MONDAY 071723 Part Two Dr David Wurmser Sherrif Richard Mack

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. That was a shooting gallery up there. I could hear the tremble in his voice. She suffered a very severe being. The video is pretty graphic. Justice for us seems almost impossible.

It's not fun to watch somebody die. And they knew she was in mortal peril. They have not asked the hard questions. Why was the Capitol intentionally unsecure that day? The FBI had information about security concerns before January 6th. They're out for blood and they're getting it. They appear to be winning. Were the actions of the Capitol Police out of line? Were there violations in use of force?

Now I describe it as an inside job. I'm ready to do whatever God calls me. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society and that you must have honor and defend your family.

But it's not always easy to do. When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he's still in prison. And my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg.

Our number two, our number two. Boy, we talked about a lot. Rick Manning and I got into some great conversation. One of the things, of course, we talked about is we talked about Hollywood. We talked about the film situation. We talked about SCOTUS. We talked about the Equality Act that they're trying to push through. We talked about the stand that Chip Roy has taken with regards to the NDAA and stopping all of the medical experimentation that is taking place within the military.

And I don't know if you knew this or not, I didn't realize this until Rick mentioned it. But the Department of Defense created a policy so that someone who wanted to get a sex change operation could sign up for four years in the military, get their sex change operation, and then never have to actually serve. And you say, well, what do you mean? Well, because actually under the guidelines, if you go through the sex change operation, you are legally, you are not allowed to handle a gun for five years because they know how psychologically unstable that makes you.

They know how crazy that is to mess with somebody's hormones like that. And so as a result of that, you're not allowed to have a firearm. Well, how can you serve in the military and not have access to a firearm?

You can't. So you sign up for four years, you get your free whatever it is you're doing, and then you live out this fantasy, but you actually don't ever, you're not, you don't actually serve, you don't actually fulfill the contract. So Chip Roy said, no, we're not doing that. And he got that entered into the new NDAA. And that's what Biden and them are wanting to basically saying he will veto, he's going to veto the NDAA because they are pushing sexual mutilization, and the government paying for it, and the government paying for abortion. And you say, wait, that's against the Hyde Rule.

Yes, it is. And so how are they doing that? How are they paying for it? By transporting the people to states that will allow them to have abortion. So if somebody is from a state that doesn't allow a third trimester abortion, now, the government will pay for them to go to the state that will provide it and get the service and then transport them back. That's the government paying for an abortion, folks, and it is absolutely 100% illegal. But it is the policy of the new Department of Defense, because that's what we need to be focused on. We need to be focused on killing babies and mutilating people and having them have their sexual deviant fantasies, instead of actually defending our nation. Like, I don't know, maybe from a border invasion or something like that. Dr. David Worms, you're welcome.

It's just great to be here on as always, Pastor. What's that old film? A mad, mad, mad, mad world? Yeah. Remember that? Oh, I do.

I do. Is that the one where they go across the U.S. to find a treasure? Yeah.

There are palm trees in Los Angeles. Yes. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah. Yeah. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world.

I'm great. I remember it. It dates us, though, you know, I mean, that yeah, that was all that same genre.

Remember the great race with Professor Tate? Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely.

All right. Well, you know, I know we're having our issues here. Israel's having their issues over there. And really, there's a significant connection between that is the reforms that the conservative majority are wanting to see introduced back into Jewish society. And what we as conservatives hold to hear and value and consider to be very near and dear and important to the sustaining of our nation. Yeah. You know, I'm the first always to to warn people when interpreting foreign policy to project.

But in this case, this is absolutely correct. What's going on there is very similar to what's going on here involves the same ideas. This is really in some ways right now, Israel's the front line battleground of internal Western civilizational conflict. And yeah, you know, I just read something the other day, one literally within five minutes of each other sort of an article in the Israeli press about their problem, and us here about various things like you were just talking about.

And you could literally translate it from English to Hebrew, and it's almost the exact same article. One was about the privileged are trying to use their position of power to ram down the country, a social transformation that is hyper secular, destroys the the civilizational foundations of the country, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You can't guess which country that was in.

And the truth is, it was in both countries. The idea of a privileged crowd using their authority against the will of the people. That's essentially the theme there. And that's becoming very much the theme here.

And what is it? What is really it's, you know, we could go into the weeds about judicial reform. But at the end of the day, it's not really about judicial reform. It's about the civilizational divide. You have a hyper secular, leftist, woke, privileged elite that is trying to find ways to preserve its power, increase its power, and control society that is immunized from any public reaction or popular rejection. So you see in the school boards here in Virginia, the idea that parents can't have a say over their children's education, worse, they're not allowed to know what is being taught their children in schools, right? Because the privileged educational class under Randi Weidgartner knows better. So she would tell the parents, but the I can we just really quick and then I'm gonna throw right back to you just but but the irony is, is that is that they are using the media to suggest that that it is guys like us, you know, the the, the white patriarchal, you know, God fearing, we're the bat, we're the national, we're the Christian nationalists, we're the, we're the we're the ones with all the power, we're the ones that are trying to force people, we're the ones that are marginalizing the weak and, and they're there, it's all about they're the victims.

So it's the, I mean, you follow what I'm saying? That's, that's, that's the contrast in this that's so bizarre is, is that they actually are the elites that control the media, control academia, control the financial institutions are are are running the corporate, you know, when we talk about, you know, oh, you know, everybody about corporations, and so on it, the irony here is, is you have Bernie, you have the Bernie Sanders over here, right, and his ilk that are, you know, oh, it's the corporations, it's the bad corporations, except that it's the corporations that are driving the Bernie Sanders woke agenda. Yeah, you see, the socialists have a problem in this country, because they're woke, but business has gone woke.

They've actually succeeded in what they wanted to do. They set out decades ago to terrorize the boardrooms through, through boycotts, and so on and so forth. First, and then a second stage of it was to use invest, investment, structural investment institutions like BlackRock, or so forth, which are the biggest investors in business, and in pension funds, by the way, and you and and use these structures to force boardrooms into being diverse, which is code for putting leftists on the board that are not worried about the bottom line, but are worried about a woke agenda. So businesses in America have become quite woke, especially big business. Small business has been crushed because you know, small business at the end of the day, it's a ma and pa shop, it's a few people that don't have the luxury of being woke, they have to get a job done and they have to make money. And the investors in small business are often themselves.

It's a it's a self generating structure. So they've really taken a harsh tone towards small business. But big business has become woke. And quite honestly, this nexus now, that has emerged between woke government and woke business is very dangerous.

Because those are two concentrated forms of power. Well, and you're and you're BlackRock, and I'm trying to remember what that other investment firm is. Yeah, water or something. I don't know what it was.

Yeah, I know what you're talking about. But but BlackRock and then and and and those, I mean, those two firms, essentially, my understanding is, is they're they've bought up kind of in the background, like something like 60%, right of the, I mean, they're, they're driving like 60% of the of the major corporate policy across the country. Correct. Now, the other thing too, that's really dangerous, and it was done in the last weeks, literally, of the Trump administration, we were so busy trying to get sort out our election issue, that that I don't think the Trump crowd was paying close enough attention to what the bureaucrats were doing. But they signed with international organizations, a change in the international banking structure that essentially put ESG, the leftist woke environmentalist guidelines into international banking guidelines so that they would no longer judge loans and international loans and international transactions, strictly through fiduciary considerations or through monetary considerations, but that it would, they allow them to price in social justice considerations as well, of course, the one they were focused on was environment but that's really the, the open door or the door opening move for a much broader social justice agenda.

So what happened was it shifted our entire structure so that banks in the United States and banks internationally can give loans, first of all, based on these extraneous certain considerations, but then later, they can actually deny loans to companies and businesses and individuals that are not, quote, socially just. I think it's Vanguard. I think it's BlackRock and Vanguard. Yeah, Vanguard, exactly.

Exactly. You know, Berkshire Hathaway, that is Buffett. Yeah, is Warren Buffett. But Buffett doesn't tend to get as much into the news, as far as driving a political agenda, right, BlackRock and Vanguard are absolutely driving political agendas. So go ahead.

I'm sorry, I just wanted to get that name in there. Yeah, no, no, but the dynamic that was created internationally in the last two, three years is that when you invest your money in a pension fund or an investment house or something like that, it is their legal obligation through their best efforts to make you money. And up until two, three years ago, it was very difficult for them to price in things that that could make you lose money because they were woke, but they still wanted to do. They couldn't go and invest in a farm that says it invented some way to stop cows from passing gas and therefore there won't be pollution or anything like that.

They couldn't do it because it wasn't economical, it didn't make money and it might not work. The way that the regulations have been changed and have put our central bank under the sort of guidelines of this international structure is that now you can price in that social justice consideration. But an investor besides trying to make money, he is allowed now to say, well, the price, the cost internationally for investing in this woke thing, not investing in it would cost me. I couldn't get the good rates and therefore I have to price in being non-woke as a cost and that therefore I would really want to invest in Exxon's new offshore natural gas development, but the costs of the loan have gone up because they've been priced internationally and the loans are being priced to factor in the environmental damage of that and therefore I can't invest from a fiduciary point of view as a money manager.

I cannot invest because I can't make as much money as I used to. So they have priced in social justice into the loan structure and that is sort of this quiet hidden thing that's happening. No congressional ability to stop it because it's international and we've subordinated ourselves to these international structures doing that. It's a very dangerous way for the essentially Davos crowd. So Davos, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum and ultimately ending up at the UN, these are the kinds of, so it's kind of like the frog in the pot. They've turned up the heat and even though, yes, we're pushing that, we're over here trying to say no to climate change and we're not going to accept that and it's all lies and it is all lies by the way, folks. It is all lies. I mean, little Greta said that all the polar caps would be melted by now and the world would be coming to an end.

And here's the irony of this. In spite of the heat wave that we have going across the country, think about this for a minute, in spite of the heat wave and I'm in Texas, it's miserable. But in spite of the heat wave, we also have flooding in the Northeast and blizzards and snow storms in Colorado.

I'm just saying. You know, the thing is, you can come up with statistics to show there's been some degree of global warming, but the problem is we have no idea what's causing it. We don't know if it's cyclical. In fact, there are strong indications that there have been such cycles before.

Oh yeah. Well, and actually the scientists, David, that I've had on my programs tell me, like Bonner Cohen and others are like the majority of these, you know, carbon emissions that they're all concerned about are actually coming out of the water, out of the oceans, not from land, not from people, but out of the oceans. And now they're openly coming out and saying, well, we're going to start spraying so we can reflect the sun back.

If you watched 10 years ago, there was a Newsweek article that came out talking about the jet, you know, how they were, how they were putting stuff, the, the chem trails. They said that they were already experimenting with chem trails and aluminum in an effort to reflect the sun rays back. And 10 years ago they were saying, we, we've really messed up because we've interfered now with, with all of the, the natural rays and the means for the sun to be able to keep the earth alive. Look, you know, this is, we're not God and we shouldn't, the reflection of the sun into the earth is, is just beyond humans. But we don't know what damage we'll do by that. But the second thing is let's just buy for a moment their argument. Let's say, okay, you're right. Humans have really messed it up and we're killing ourselves.

The world is going to end in two days, you know, and Greta, whatever her name was right. Well, who's responsible for this? We have done great strides in reducing our emissions. It's China that has been polluting the world. It's China that is using its, it's basically the fact that nobody can touch it to outproduce us cheaply with, because they have no regard for the environment. No regard when they build a dam, whether they build another coal plant. China's opening coal power plants right and left right now. China right now, if you really, truly Greta, what's her name, Greta van Greta, whatever. If you're really, truly concerned about the environment defined as they define it, your highest level of concern should be China's behavior.

And yet China gets never a criticism. Greta Thunberg. It's just part of this whole leftist woke agenda that it's just issues being used for a broader, basically Marxist agenda. And we're going to run out, we got about two and a half minutes left, but and the link back to what's happening in Israel, one of the things that they have is called the Reasonability Doctrine. Oh, yes.

Talk to me about this. What is the, what it sounds to me like is, you know, is the big compromise, which is what we've done over here that's killed us. Yeah, well, the right is learning that even when you compromise, the left doesn't care. They've reduced the entire reform package to undoing what's called the Reasonability Clause. This is when the courts in Israel, any level court in Israel, including the attorney general, which you remember in Israel, does not work for the government. It works for the courts. Basically they can take any law, any decision, any policy and say, in my view, that is unreasonable. And that's it.

It's shot down. There's no need to appeal to precedent. There's no need to appeal to law or a constitution or a quasi-constitution or anything. It is literally a subjective judgment by a judge.

I don't like that decision. And to give you an idea of how deep it goes, because the attorney general has her legal teams in every bureau of the Israeli government, if an Israeli officer tomorrow says, I need to move this tank from one side of the base to the other, that is subject to the Reasonability Doctrine. And she can say, we don't believe that's right. And it's applied all the time in operational decisions in the military, which is why every unit now in the Israeli army has a legal officer in it. And the government, can you even imagine, ladies, we're in our final minute, but can you even imagine, you're a commander on the battlefield, and the enemy is flanking you. And you want to send troops out in order to stop them from flanking you. And you have to get a legal opinion that agrees with your decision to stop the enemy from flanking you. And you have to wait for that legal decision in order to act.

And if by chance you do act and the legal decision is no, we don't think it's reasonable, you should what, let them flank you, you are supposed to let them flank you, or face potentially significant consequences like a discharge from the military and a court-martialing. It's insanity. It is most acute in circumstances of hot pursuit. And the Israelis have four or five attempts at a terrorist attack a day almost. So there's an awful lot of hot pursuit in Israel. That's insanity. That's insanity. All right.

We've got to jump. Dr. David Wormser has been my guest, Center for Security Policy. You can follow him. David, where's the best place to find your articles at? Center for Security Policy?

Center for Security Policy is the best, yeah. Outstanding. We look forward to having you back in two weeks. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. David.

All right. We're going to take a break and we get back. Sheriff Mack is with us on the other side.

Rule of law, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, founded Sheriff Mack. And we're going to talk about reinstituting the rule of law and what the lawlessness is doing to our streets and to our citizens right here in our country. We'll be back with that coming up right after this brief break.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Welcome back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

With you. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses, and folks, I'm just so pleased to have my next guest with me. He ran for Congress right here in my little district about 10 years ago now, I guess, something along that line. He has been fighting the fight for law and order.

He has founded the Constitutional Police and Sheriff's Peace Officers Association, CSPOA, of which, by the way, I'm a lifetime member. And yeah, and you know what, I was washing my shirt and my little lapel star got lost, so I've got to reach out to you guys and say, hey, send me another lapel pin, please. That'd be fantastic. Yeah, that would be awesome.

That would be awesome. But I am a lifetime member. I don't have my wallet right here with me. I'll get it in the break. Yep. There you go.

I'm wearing it. Yep. Thank you. Absolutely.

Absolutely. Sheriff Richard Mack is with me today. And Sheriff Mack, again, thank you for all that you're doing to fight for law and order. Appreciate it. Well, it's a pleasure to be in this battle with you and thank you for having me on.

I appreciate your friendship very much. Well, and, you know, Tonya kept me abreast of everything that was going on and you were in my prayers daily. You know, I know you went through some real health challenges and some things of that nature and God brought you through those things and you look fantastic, by the way, sir. Oh, well, thank you.

It's that Arizona sunshine, I guess. There we go. I feel I feel really good. I'm so glad.

I'm so glad. Let's talk about what we're facing today. We are here and you're, you know, just like I am here in Texas, you're in the belly of the beast. And everybody thinks, oh, Texas is is, you know, is red. We're not red.

OK, we are we are a deep shade of purple and and and and we're losing it every day, unfortunately, and especially because of the lawlessness that is allowed to run free in ours. I mean, God, gosh, the sheriff of Bexar County is allowing prostitution rings to run right across the street from the immigration center. George Rodriguez has been on my program and has been reporting on this. They're running prostitution rings directly across the street from the immigration center in San Antonio.

And no, but he's doing anything about it. Sheriff, how do we what do we do with all this lawlessness? I think the bottom line with all is the ubiquitous, widespread, universal corruption within our own governments.

And that's really what you're describing. If I were if somebody would ask me, what's the absolute worst thing that's going on in America? I would first say we've turned our backs on our godly foundation. We do not care about our Constitution anymore. In fact, most of our governments in America, especially Congress and the White House, are actually intentionally destroying the Constitution. None of them feel that they have any obligation to uphold and defend the Constitution as they have sworn an oath in God's name to do, but they refuse to do it.

And they believe that if their party or their personal feelings are contrary to the Constitution, that it's okay to just go ahead and legislate it anyway. The Constitution has been replaced with woke and political correctness. And if we don't take our Constitution back, America is doomed. It is our foundation. Destroy the foundation.

The rest of the edifice will fall. The rest of America will fall and is falling at this very point. So I would say the number one thing is we the American people have got to get more involved in the process. We have got to elect people who will stand for American ideals. And we've got to get rid of sheriffs like you have there in San Antonio and all across the country. We've got to get honorable people into office. And if we do not, then I guess we will have to resort to the Declaration of Independence where it says, when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people that is the duty of the people to throw off such government. And I do not advocate violence and I never have, but we have got to push the envelope more regarding that assignment that we the people have. You know, you mentioned a couple of really significant foundational perspectives there. One of the things when we're talking about the people coming in and electing and in particular sheriffs is everybody says, well, you can't you can't you can't have a litmus test.

You know, you can't have it. You can't have a and then they focus on religion in particular. But they essentially say, yet on the other hand, the woke side says, well, they have a litmus test and it's ESG and DEI and are you woke? I mean, they have a litmus test, but they tell us that we can't have one.

How do we respond, Sheriff? Well, in Article six, where each of us in government are required to swear notes of allegiance to the Constitution, it says there that no religious test can be given. And that's that's fine with me if we still know and understand that we're electing honorable people. And I don't care what religion people are.

In fact, I'll even I'll even say some of my friends that are atheists, I don't understand it. But they are on the side of liberty. And I'd much rather have them on our side than the than the other side.

Well, we've got to wake up. And I don't care who you are. I don't care if you're Christian, LDS, atheist, agnostic, Muslim, Buddhist. I don't care what you are. As long as you're on the side of American liberty and you respect the liberty of your neighbors, and you understand that liberty is. There can be no exception for liberty. There is no exception. If there's exception, then we're all going to get our turn. And indeed, Christians are getting their turn right now.

And another thing that really concerns me and it has for the last 10, 15 years is that the Amish be an attack by our government. And even Sam Giraud, a friend of mine who is Amish from Kentucky, got six years in prison from Judge Danny C. Reeves in Louisville. He got six years in prison because he didn't get permission from the FDA to make a lotion out of chickweed. And I didn't know what chickweed was. But let me tell you, chickweed is very innocuous. It's not a controlled substance.

But because he didn't get permission and because he was obstinate, he got six years in prison. So many are now across America being attacked because they don't pasteurize their products or they don't get a certificate or permission from the state to butcher hogs or cattle. These people know what they're doing. And the governments now see the government bullies from USDA and FDA and some in the states see an easy target because the Amish are so passive. They see an easy target and they're taking advantage of this. And it is so unchristian and it is so un-American, this could be taken care of very easily. I've talked about this when we think about what happened on January 6 and the absolute atrocity and miscarriage of justice that continues to happen where they're holding basically prisoners of war.

That's my opinion. But they started this with Ruby Rich. They started this even with Waco, irrespective of what you think about David Koresh or his teachings or whatever, but that was all about. They have been testing us. They tested us with Bundy Ranch. They tested us at the LaVoy Finicum, who I believe is a martyr for the cause.

They've been testing and testing and testing all the way along. And you mentioned about atheists. David Horowitz is an agnostic. He says, I'm an agnostic, he's a Jewish agnostic, but he writes a book called Dark Agenda. And in that book, he says there's a war on Christianity in America. And if Christianity doesn't stand, if Christianity falls, America will fall.

This coming from an academic, a man who actually stood with Bill Ayers back in the 60s and the student league and that whole situation back then, and the Black Panthers, and then came to the realization of what they were, who they were, and what they really stood for. Sheriff, I mean, I just wanted to reinforce, again, what you're saying, because we've got to gather our tools together and bring those tools out to get people to fully comprehend and understand what we're facing here. Well, where's the church? Where is the church? Where are the churches? Where are the pastors? So many of them are so worried about the financial stability of their church that they forget about the spiritual stability. And also, our duty as Americans and Christians to save our country, to ensure that the God-given precious gifts that we were bestowed with by God Almighty when we were born here or when we became American citizens, that those are not lost, and that our God-given rights are protected.

Those that we were born with. Endowed. Endowed. Exactly.

The endowed. Yes. The gift.

Yep. The gift of God, of these gifts. And the first one, of course, is, as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, is the one of life, our right to breathe, our right to be, our right to rest.

And we're destroying that. And it's because life is who we are. That's the thing that I think when we talk about endowed, where you're endowed, I share and I'm going to have to remember the gentleman's name, but one of the concepts that I've really come to appreciate is understanding where our founders differed with John Locke.

And here's why. Locke had held out two hands, and he said, in this hand, man gives you rights. In this hand, God gives you rights. Our founders said no, because God's not handing you rights. God made you with those rights.

They're endowed. If he's handing, anything that's being handed to you, no matter who's handing it to you, it can be taken away. God's never going to strip life from us because he gave us life. God's not stripping liberty from us because he put liberty inside of us. God's not stripping. He said that I've given you everything for life and godliness. And that includes the pursuit, the desire to do better, to work hard, to be engaged.

Those are all inert things that are endowed inside of us. And the left, this wokeness is all about trying to quench every bit of that and destroy it. And then, as you alluded to earlier, the problems at the border of human trafficking, and we've seen since the movie came out, Sound of Freedom, which I've seen, and I thought it was spot on.

I thought it was an excellent movie. Just some of the statistics I do question. However, if I don't care for one child or one person that is sold into sex slavery, we should be doing something about it. And a stark realization is the Biden administration. What are they after? What are they trying to do? Well, instead of hiring more agents and police and trying to unite our sheriffs and police departments in this country to fight this, he hires 87,000 more IRS agents.

And I think that that's been blocked somewhat. But it hasn't been blocked enough, and the IRS should be abolished. It is a Gestapo-like organization.

It is an organization based on intimidation and bullying. And it is completely and entirely unconstitutional. The income tax is unconstitutional. And they continue to push this narrative that we can do anything to you because we own what you have. And that whole idea that the American people, we were born with the right to the fruits of our labor. The fruit of my labor belongs to me.

I was born with that right. My labor belongs to me, does not belong to the government, does not belong to my neighbors. And yet we believe this now because they've inculcated and brainwashed us enough that my fruit of my labor belongs to them.

And they can decide how much we keep and how much they get. That premise is very mistaken. It's wrong. It's immoral.

And it's evil. And we've got so many different issues to fight, almost hard to pick number one. But we've seen what this administration is after. They're after more control on us.

And yet they will do nothing to secure the border, which is increasing the evil of this horrible plague called human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. It is absolutely that I was looking here and and this is hilarious. There was a gentleman who was speaking in front of the UK Parliament about about the taxation issue.

And and and they have they have Instagram has taken down his video, which I guess doesn't surprise me. But he was talking about really good. Yeah. Oh, well, well, he he said, you know, you you don't understand, you know, what the average Englishman goes through. You know, he gets up in the morning and he and he and he eats food that he's been taxed on. And then he puts on clothes that he's been taxed on. And then he gets into a car and he's been taxed for the permission to be able to drive on the road. And then he goes and he purchases fuel that he's taxed on. And then when he goes and he goes to work and he gets his check, you know, there's the and he goes through the I mean, it's tax after tax after tax after tax. It's like at the end of the day, the man the man is essentially working for the government without actually drawing a paycheck from the government because he's giving the government everything that he earns.

Yeah. And the the enslaving debt that we've been forced to participate with and inflation and the whole nine yards, it's just all at the foot of government. And I'm here with it all. And again, like I said at the beginning, it all boils down to utter and complete corruption.

And you don't have to look any further. In fact, you want an example of communism? How about Joe Biden in his dictatorial self-affirmation of being a Democrat, a Democratic dictatorship that he has established for himself, that he that people with good credit now must share that with other people who do not so that the other people that have not been careful to to keep their credit clean when they go to get a mortgage, they get some of your points and all the mortgage companies and banks, loaning companies all fall in line with that because the dictator said so. What he has proposed is a complete and 100 percent communist dictatorial order that businesses, private businesses now fall in line with.

And that's just one of the innocuous examples of his communist dictatorship. And to your example there, Sheriff, you know, think about what happened in 2008 when the housing bubble exploded. Well, what have they done to make sure that that's not going to happen? Well, what they've done is, is they've taken our tax dollars and that's part of this.

That's the underlying part of this is they're saying, hey, don't worry about it. Go ahead and give out those loans like you did before to people that can't afford to pay. And then when it all implodes, when it all collapses, we'll swoop in, we'll pay you back. Don't worry, Mr. Banker, you're not going to lose. But what you will get to do is you're going to take ownership of everything on the stuff that you loan.

So now what's the next step for communism? To eliminate the ability for private property to be owned. You're not going to own your property. And actually that's an argument that a lot of people make right now because of taxation, because of property taxes. You can, you can pretend that you have a certificate where you own your property, except that the government taxing entity can say to you, well, we're going to tax you a thousand percent of the value of your property for this year. And at the end of the year, if you can't pay that, we're going to take your property from you.

It's amazing how much they do that. And again, that's a communist ideal that you just explained. You don't own property, government owns it all, or it's just communal. And I'm telling you right now, what we talked about just a few minutes ago, the church, the Christian people of this country have got to raise up and vote, you know, vote and get rid of the election fraud and get rid of the corruption that is being perpetrated all across our country. I don't believe there's any hope to restore liberty in Washington, D.C. We must work together at the local level. We must work with our sheriffs. Our sheriffs must be educated as to what their duty is to, what their proper role is in preserving the God-given American republic that we were blessed with and endowed with, the term you used. We've got to get a hold of our country and we take back America with good constitutional sheriffs working with their people and their posses and building and erecting the barriers against the encroachments of our corrupt governments and the encroachments of tyranny. And if we would do that, if we would get serious about that and form local organizations with our sheriffs to erect those barriers, we could take back America tomorrow. I am proud of about 100 good sheriffs in Texas. We need about 100 more, but we need hundreds more across the country to do this.

But we do have a peaceful and effective solution at, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. Every American, every citizen can become a member and should do so today. Go to, become a part of our posse and become a part of the solution in taking back America effectively and peacefully. Folks, I have joined the organization myself personally, as I mentioned, and I'm going to get you my address. You can get me my star back again because, like I say, I got lost in the wash, but, you know, we really, we have got to do what you're saying. We have got to make that stand.

What are the key things? I had one of your members out of, I believe, out of the state of Washington, a sheriff there, who was making that very stand on behalf of some of his citizenry, when there was encroachments from the federal government trying to come into his county. Yeah, that sounds like Bob Songer. Yes, that is exactly who it was. Yes, I have... Sheriff Bob Songer of Click Attack County. Yes, yes. Good man.

Yeah. He's one of our most staunch constitutional sheriffs in America. Right now we're fighting to help Sheriff Clinton Smith in Dundee County, Nebraska, who is also one of our constitutional sheriffs.

The state there is trying to remove him from office, and they have absolutely no grounds or basis to be doing so. So we're financially and morally and spiritually backing this good man, Smith in Dundee County, and we need your financial donations for that too, everybody. We just do not have enough to pay all of his lawyer fees. We have now paid for a retainer for his lawyer.

There's no other way to go around this. He needs a lawyer. He's got a good lawyer. I've already paid from CSPOA funds, the retainer fee for this good lawyer, but we are helping the good sheriffs like Sheriff Songer, Sheriff Smith, Sheriff Darlief in Michigan. There's good sheriffs in Florida. Like I said, there's good sheriffs in Texas. We've had about a hundred of them come to our CSPOA training. We want to make sure that sheriffs and peace officers and judges and county commissioners, as we're doing and we have done in Texas, understand their constitutional obligation to uphold and defend the Constitution.

They're God-given stewardship to protect liberty and to make sure that they are part of maintaining our God-given constitutional American republic. That's what we do every day. And it is so critically important, folks, that we are supporting CSPOA. You can also get signed up. They have an email that they send out as well to keep you abreast of the things that are going on.

I know you guys have also, yeah, Sheriff Bob Songer, he's in my list of texts of people that I've had on my program. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Sheriff, real quick, I know you guys have also, as can be expected, come under a lot of assault and a lot of attack. You've faced a variety of different things.

Are there any specific issues that you would like just for the final two minutes to be able to address relative to those, for those that might do a Google search, for example, and go, oh, wait a minute. What about this? Well, one of the attacks is that every time that we uphold and defend the constitution or teach more public officials to do that, we get labeled as white supremacists and racists. And that's absurd. There's nothing based on that.

There's absolutely no truth to that whatsoever. As I said, liberty is for all people. We include Martin Luther King quotes in our presentation, in my presentation. We show video of Rosa Parks being arrested by peace officers. Martin Luther King was arrested over 30 times, yet he never broke a single law, never. And yet we do that today now to other people, to parents who want to go to school board meetings or to Christians who simply want to take care of their children or don't join in the transgender movement. All of this is a violation of the rights of parents. We want to secure that for everyone.

But we've got to we've got to come together on this and realize that we're all in this together and it doesn't matter what the color of our skin is. And Channel 5 in Dallas, NBC affiliate there did a real big, horrible hit piece on us. And they got a journalism award for Scott Friedman, who is a big liar. And I've told him to his face that he's a liar. And I'll tell him that he's a lawyer to sue them for us. But folks, they have said CSPOA and me.

They're absolutely not true. We we invite you to come to our be a member and you'll find out for yourself. folks, I really encourage you to support Sheriff Mac and what they're doing and and support their endeavors. Thank you Sheriff for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it. God bless you, sir.

Thank you so much. We'll see you soon. Yes, sir. All right, folks, we're going to take our break. Dr. Carol Lieberman joins us on the other side. Transgenderism is a mental illness. We'll talk about it coming up here next. We're listening to Children Generation Radio where no topic's off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.
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