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CGR FRIDAY 071423 CGR Wellness Heart and Vascular Health

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
July 14, 2023 8:00 am

CGR FRIDAY 071423 CGR Wellness Heart and Vascular Health

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at

That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I know this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the water.

And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming. And we are so thankful for all of you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and the Chosen Generation Ministry for their help and support.

Thank you and God bless you. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food sourced, non-radiates, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work. It supports four areas of the body.

Cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clearer.

Even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code CHOSENGENRADIO at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code CHOSENGENRADIO. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Neuva products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

Where no topic is off limits, everything filtered through biblical glasses. Just a reminder, you can go to the website, Click on Show Archives, and you can see the archives of both the audio and the video. Go to the Listen page, and at the bottom of the Listen page is a link to each one of our podcasts that we do. The iHeart Podcast, the TuneIn, PodJasers, iTunes, Deezer, Spotify, GeoSavon.

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They're all there, and they're all cataloged in my channel at CloudHub. All right, under at Pastor Greg CGR, by the way. All right, great program for you today. Ed Stoll will be with us helping to prepare our children to defend their Christian faith. We'll be talking about that. Don Janz and I will be talking about how Marxists are using deviant and perverted mindsets and thought processes and behaviors in order to capture our children. And we'll get into some of that with Don. And then Frank Gaffney joins me at the bottom of hour number two to talk about the CCP and the indictment.

He and D.D. Logison have written a book that really spells out the criminal indictment against the CCP and what they are doing against us, unrestricted warfare and a variety of other means. So we'll get that explained to you. And then Reverend Jim Evans is with me, and we'll talk about how Trinity Health Freedom Expo, Trinity Health Freedom, is getting ready to launch a biblical coaching component or module for those that are attending their school to be able to include biblical coaching and letting their clients know that they're coming from a biblical worldview. So we're excited to be able to present that to you. Well, joining me now, as he does on a bimonthly basis now, he is my CGR wellness expert. I want to welcome to the program Tim Sheff. Tim, welcome. Good to have you. Pastor Greg, thanks a lot.

I appreciate being here today. You've got a lot going on. Boy, we're going to have to really work to keep you healthy to stay up with your schedule. Yes, sir. It's grueling.

My gosh, you got, I mean, this going on, that going on, you're a techie guy, you got all that other stuff going on with Spotify and your YouTube channel. I mean, you just got a lot going on. So we'll keep working on that with some great supplements that you can get from Amen. Amen. Absolutely. So you wanted to talk today about, and it's interesting because I was just talking to somebody about, that is dealing with health concerns. And we were talking about how liquid is the greatest means by which to deliver the quality and the products and why I stay with the CGR Wellness products because they really do deliver what your body needs.

That's very true. Today, I think, start off the show to kind of help drive that point home or explain a little bit. I want to start talking about enzymes. Now, our body makes enzymes and the enzymes that we make are used to digest our food. Digestion actually begins in the mouth. So it's very important to chew your food well. When you take a bite of food, you put it in your mouth, you set your fork down.

I am very guilty of eating way too fast, and it's a lot better for me to chew my food thoroughly than to take a bunch of enzymes and put them in the stomach and expect the chemical reaction to take place. So my digestion process is to the point where it can be passed on out of the stomach into the new bottom in a liquid form. So when we do that, our stomach actually secretes enzymes through the stomach lining into the stomach to start to be able to digest our food. So it's kind of like a wallowing effect in there.

If you ever see somebody need pizza dough, you know, it's back and forth. That's kind of how our stomach works. And then that liquid then goes into the new bottom, it drips in there, and then we continue the process of absorption through the small intestine. I mean, you know, if somebody eats their food too fast, they don't have any enzymes to digest it, you end up with a lot of problems with gas, bloating, and digestion.

That's just part of what comes on with that. So once that takes place, the body's got to absorb those nutrients. So all that's fine when you're 18, 19, 20, maybe up into your 30s. But once you hit 40, things change. And your body just doesn't produce the enzymes like it used to.

If you take a look at a senior citizens nowadays, which I guess I would qualify for, and at that age, that person really can't even digest a steak. That means their body just isn't producing the enzymes as it should. So they have to supplement to be able to make that work. So here's the thing right here with the liquid versus the tablets and pills out on the market.

And I don't care what kind of advertising campaign you see on television, here on the radio, see it on Facebook or wherever it might be. If you're taking a tablet, they make those tablets and they don't keep the body in mind. What they want to do is they want to produce a product that's going to be able to set on the store shelf life for an incredible long time or in a warehouse before it even goes to the store. And then they expect the body to break it down. And what they do is they've got a mold.

And mold is just a little area where they put their ingredients in. And what they do is they put a little bit of your zinc, a little bit of the calcium, magnesium and those types of minerals in this capsule that they're they're wanting to send or tablet, I guess I should say. And then they put what they call binders and then they put fillers in there to fill up that mold. And then they put a shellac or a coating around that and then they put it on the shelf. So when you go and get your supplement, wherever you choose to do that, and you buy something like that, you're getting something that's a processed vitamin mineral tablet. So you put that in a body, you put it in your stomach and you expect that stomach to be able to break it down. Now, when you're looking at mineral, we're looking at rock.

Right, Pastor Greg? Minerals are rock. Right.

So you've got to break down that rock. So in order for that to happen, you've got to have enzymes. So you're over 40, your body's not producing enough and you put this in the stomach. So the best really you're going to get out of that, according to physician's desk reference, is you're going to absorb maybe seven percent at the cellular level.

Wow. And that's really, really low. So basically, you're not going to get out of that particular product what you think you've got. You may have gone to the bargain store and got a bottle of this stuff and you may have you may be, you know, what, ten dollars for a bottle or two bottles for ten dollars. But when it comes right down to it, you're not giving your body anything to work. Now, when you look at the capsules, you know, they may be a little bit easier to break down. But there's a code within our body that we need that mineral element broke down into a real tiny, tiny.

Piece of mineral, kind of like half the human hair, we call it angstrom size or some micron, and that's there's a cell wall channel that leads the cell. And our goal is to be able to get that nutrient into the cell so the body can start to rebuild at the cellular level. And that's critically important. What that is, if you could compare it to the old soda machines. Hey, I said it right. Soda machines.

Yeah. You know, for down salad soda in your old soda machines, you could put two quarters in a soda machine maybe and get a get a pop back in the old days. But you can never get a 50 percent 50 cent piece in there to do it. And that's a difference in the size of the mineral. When you look at the liquid delivery system that you have with the products you can get at CGR Wellness. Those minerals are already broke down.

I call it the mama bird feeding the baby bird effect. And that's where those minerals are tiny enough already coming from the manufacturer that they're able to be absorbed in your mouth, your esophagus and upper part of the stomach. So you need very, very minimal, if any, stomach acid to absorb the minerals in these products.

And that's why it makes an incredible difference in a very short period of time when you start on these. Now, the product we talk about a lot on the show is Vibe. And I started Vibe probably back in I can't remember. Oh, eight, maybe. Oh, seven.

Don't remember. But I was on a drive and I had been taken, you know, at the time we had liquid a.m. and p.m. minerals. There are certain minerals that when you take in the morning, certain minerals you want to take in the evening. And I had a lot of other supplements I was taking currently. But I was the guy when taking all those tablets and pills would look at the stool after I would, you know, have a bowel movement. And I would find tablets and capsules both in that because my digestion was so bad.

That's what I would find. So I was absorbing when I was putting my body. But I did start to absorb those liquid by those minerals when I started to take those.

When we first started with these products, they were just an a.m. and p.m. And then they brought in the liquid vitamin and vitamins will go through your natural digestion process. And that's not, you know, Tim, how long have you been using these products? Probably since 2002. 2003, maybe.

So about 21 years. Probably so. Yeah, I've probably been doing it that long. And and and so you you you knew Julie's dad, right? Yeah, I did. Wendell. Yeah.

Yeah. I grew up with Whitman. He was the founder of Trinity School Natural Health in Warsaw, Indiana. And back in the early 80s, we started with a gentleman over in Bern, Indiana, called Solomon Wiki.

He was the guy that was an herbalist over there. And that's kind of where I got my start. And Wendell would hang around over there. I'd hang around over there and a couple others. And that's kind of how we started. So I learned Irodology, muscle testing, things of that nature over there. And then my journey just continued on. And it's it's moving, still moving on.

Absolutely. I know we talked to we talked just the other night about how how how many people are turning to alternative health. And I think it has a lot to do with with with an extreme distrust and realization that that the health system and a lot of medical health has been hijacked by by outside interests that are that are that are not interested in in our well-being.

Well, I can I can tell you a story. I was at a conference over this weekend. Last the last week I was in an enzyme conference and we were talking there about a nurse that worked for a doctor.

And that group got bought out by a big conglomerate. OK. And so they had orthopedics underneath that umbrella. They had just general practitioners under that umbrella and other specialty groups. Well, this nurse gave a shot of lannicane in the office as she'd done for a number of years. I think she'd been in the office 27 years.

So it was nothing when somebody had trigger points and things of that nature to give him a lannicane shot to kind of ease the pain and take it down. Well, she got called into the office, the business office, believe it or not. She didn't call into her doctor talk to her.

But the conglomerate that owns it has a business manager. And they chewed her up one side and down the other and said, hey, you can't be doing this kind of stuff. You know why? They said it's a referral. You charge one hundred dollars for a lannicane shot. That's a referral to an orthopedic doctor. They charge eight hundred dollars for a shot, a lannicane shot. So you've got to refer out.

I don't ever want to see you doing that again. That's our health care system. It's about the money. Wow.

So same shot. But they would be gouging somebody for eight hundred bucks instead of a hundred. And if it's a self-pay, that's a huge deal.

But if it's an insurance, it's still a huge deal because that's what drives up premiums. You got it, brother. There you go. Yeah, it's it's you know, it's it's about it's about the economics. All right.

Let's go back to so. So we're breaking down and we're talking about how it's broken down. I know there's the water that I drink has the same technology.

There's there's metal plates that actually break down electromagnetic plates that break down the molecular structure of the water so that the water molecules are no longer the normal large water molecule. Like you talked about trying to put a softball through, you know, through a cyclone fence. Now you're now you're taking it down to BB size. Yeah, that's correct. Yes. That's what you've got here. And you want to take a break, Patrick? You want to move on a little bit? We can take a quick break and then and then let's come back and we'll we'll we'll we're addressing again, folks.

You're talking about the breakdown, the enzyme breakdown and why it's important that you're taking a liquid supplement as opposed to a hard pill supplement and how that ends up working through your system, whether it benefits you or does not benefit you. And of course, obviously we want something that's going to benefit you It's free to sign up for the account. We'll I'll re re share the instructional link. As a matter of fact, I'm going to share that right now. So here's your instructions as to how to get signed up and order from CGR Wellness. And and then we'll be back to talk to you some more.

But this is this is a real easy way to get signed up. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all in one vitamin mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold pressed, full food source, non-radiate, gluten free and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenradio at checkout and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Hey, this is Pastor Greg. I just want to take a minute to walk you through how to sign up at CGR Wellness. So you're going to type in and that is going to take you over here and the first thing you're going to do is you're going to come over here and you are going to, we're going to shrink this down so it doesn't get in our way. You're going to go right over here to create account and it is going to offer you the opportunity to create an account. You've got to type in an email address. So we're going to type in an email address. Good if I put a good one in there, right?

There we go. And now there is some a window that pops up. Now when this window pops up, here's what you need to do. You need to just X out. Just close that window.

OK, just close that window. Now we go over here and we'll use a strong password and then we'll put in our name. And we'll put in our last name. And then we'll put in our address.

And the city. And we'll choose our state. And we don't need a phone number.

And it wants us to make sure that we're not a robot. So we'll do that. And we'll create the account. And now the account's been created. Now there is a share code.

I don't remember what it is right now, but it doesn't really matter. Now you'd go over here and type in Vibe, your first product you're looking for. And there is the fruit and veggies superfood liquid multivitamin. Click on that. And and you're going to order. I recommend that you order two.

And I'll tell you why. You order two of them and add those to the cart. Now here comes the cart now. You're going to get your second bottle for half off when you type in chosen Gen radio.

Chosen Gen radio and click apply. And that's going to give you 20 bucks off. Plus, you're going to unlock free shipping.

So now when you get your your order, you'll get no no shipping charge two months worth for the price of a month and a half. And then you can go back over and you can securely check out putting in your billing information and so on. And you're off to the races. So that's how you do it.

Nice and easy. Again, When that little window pops up, just X out of it. You don't need that because you're going to get a $20 discount.

Once you completed the form and created the account, go to the top, click in Vibe and then go. Now I use Vibe, Resvante, Ultrashot, the EPA fish oil, the Flex and I also use. This is your your apple cider vinegar and this is your ashwagandha. I use those as well. I'm going to run through this really quick with you again. Omega three.

And then these products up here. Your Vibe. Your Resvante. The Ultrashot.

And the Flex. Those are the ones that I personally use every single day. I can recommend each and every one of those to you. And just assure you that they do a great job. They've made a gigantic difference in my health. All right. God bless you. God bless your health.

And thank you for supporting our Indian ministry through this as well. And we are talking about CGR Wellness. CGR Wellness. That is our topic today. And we're talking in particular about these products and what makes them different.

What sets these products apart? And just as a quick piece of personal testimony. I was up in Dallas last month. We went up to see my mom, who is in her 80s, and my aunt who just turned 90. And my aunt was visiting.

Haven't seen my aunt in a number of years. And so it was great to be able to see them. But while we were there, my mom was talking about her overall health and just some health challenges that she's been having.

And her legs were swelling on her just horrifically. And I said, you know, you might want to think about trying this product. I said, I've had great success with it.

And just as an overall for your fitness, you might want to give this a try. And she said, you know, honey, absolutely. Let's try it. And so I placed the order. The next Monday it came in. She started on it. Within three days, within three days, all the swelling in her legs was gone. The swelling in her legs was so severe that while we were there, she has a small dog and the dog actually was climbing and did a puncture wound in her lower leg and water was coming out. That's how severe the swelling and the inflammation was. It's gone, folks.

It's gone. And she's changed nothing else except that she has added this product. And I've been getting reports from other people.

We've had a number of people that have signed up that are giving us feedback and talking about how this is benefiting them. So, Tim, to you, I want folks to understand that this works. My blood work is no joke. This is my blood work.

It's an A+. And this stuff works. Tim, to you. Well, you're not the average guy either. I mean, you come into this fight already being beat up, bruised up, you know, tried by the Lord. And you're still, you know, you're still going and you got an A plus blood work. So something's got to be different than somebody else that come through with your circumstances. So you've got to lean back and look at how God has blessed you.

And he used these products to keep you in the game. Absolutely. So first of all, I want to just make sure our listeners know we're not here to give medical advice.

We're here just to educate. If you have a medical problem, I really can. I really want you to consult your doctor even before you started these products.

It's good idea to consult your doctor and see what he has to say about it. And just to that to that in really quick to that something. I'm sorry. Glad you said that. My aunt, who is 90, went to her doctor and said, hey, I'm I'm getting ready to start this product. And gave him the link. He checked it out and he looked at the ingredients and what's inside of of this. And he said, wow, absolutely.

I think this will be great for you. And so that's exactly what she did. She went to her doctor and told her doctor what she was planning to do. And her doctor said, by all means, I think it'd be great for you to be on that product. Super glad to hear that a lot of functional medicine doctors are now carrying the only needle line or these particular products because they really do work.

So that's a lot of what's being said. But, you know, Pastor Greg, the first time I took the byproduct you got right there in your hand, I took it out of one of those handy travel packets that they've got. You've got one right back there in the background, a little one ounce packet that you could take with you on vacation or wherever you want to go.

You could put it in your desk drawer at work if you want to take it that way. You can make mess next with water. So if you want to take that packet, squeeze in about 20 ounces of water. It's a great way to sip it. It's kind of like getting an IV with minerals. And of course, you've got your vitamins there. So that's a handy on the go. But the first time I took that particular product, I was driving to the city north of where I live.

It's about a half hour drive or so. And again, you know, back 20 years ago, I wasn't I don't think I was in good shape as I am now. I know I was. And I chose to take that on the way. And I just squeeze that packet. And, you know, that stuff worked in a matter of seconds, minutes. And I started feeling better right away. And that product there changed my life vibe. I just unbelievable the results I've gotten with it personally, plus the results I get with my clients. It's a huge benefit to them when it comes to overall wellness. And we always talk about laying the foundation for wellness.

And Vibe is our go to number one product for that foundation because it covers so much. And it's very inexpensive when you look at what all it does, because it helps in the area of cardiovascular health and aging, healthy cell replication and immune function all on one ounce a day. And I think Pastor Gray's got a coupon code that you can use and get twenty dollars off your first order of forty nine dollars or more.

Yeah. And and so actually what we when I advise and what I share when I share the video that you just may have watched the instructional video is get two bottles. The cost of each bottle is forty four dollars. So it gets you just over 80 bucks, but you get the twenty dollar discount. And so now instead of paying eighty eight dollars, you pay sixty eight dollars, but you have a two month supply.

And so it's it's you're getting two months for a month and a half worth of cost. Now, there's a couple of other products that we talk about and I share in the video that I take. I take the vibe. I take resvante. I take ultra shot.

I take flex. I take the the the two kinds of of gummies, which is the apple cider vinegar and the ashwagandha. The apple cider vinegar is a great enhancer, too, as far as the the gut enzyme piece of the equation.

It helps so that so that, again, your body is prepared to process the other things that you're taking. And then I also take their Omega three ethic or I just said that just for Tim, just for Tim, just for Tim. But it's it's Omega three and it does say ethical on the bottle, but Omega three, which is your fish oils. And and and, you know, what's interesting to me, too, is as we talk about these things is how how all of this is becoming more and more mainstream.

I'm sure you've noticed this. I mean, that's why you're so busy, because more and more mainstream and more and more physicians, doctors are finally starting to say, you know, the garbage they told me in medical school, about 70 percent of it is pardon the expression, but it's crap. They gave me the 30 percent foundation that that's good that I needed to know about the physiological part of the body and how it works and all of that kind of stuff. But the 70 percent they gave me about how they wanted me to address what they told me was in the body is is propaganda.

Pure propaganda. And and and thank God these people are waking up and saying, you know what, wait a minute, hold on, because the more they research, the more they realize I've had Dr. Peter McColl on the program, I've had Dr. Judy Mikovits on the program. I've had a virology, anyway, biologist, Dr. Brian Hooker with Children's Defense, who was one of the guys that originally was involved in splitting the DNA of plants. And when he saw that they were trying, they were taking what they had were were learning about plants and transitioning it over to try to mess with the human genome.

That's when he walked away from that project. But this is a brilliant guy. I've talked to all of these people and they all say the same thing. Dr. Brian Hooker was at Trinity Health Freedom Expo.

Dr. Judy Mikovits has been at there has been there as well. Folks, I'm telling you, natural health is is God's perfect plan for our bodies. And that is why I am living proof of it. And these products here are, in my humble opinion, best on the market. Tim, to you. Well, I feel the same way about those products because they've actually changed my life from going to when I go to the bathroom, I see a bunch of tablets and abscess in the stool.

I don't have that anymore. What I've got is a body that's going to take me from a lot of times 4 a.m. to 9 o'clock at night without any kind of issues or problems. And that's a pretty long day for me to get up early. And, you know, getting up early for me is to be able to spend time with the Lord alone and to read his word, to pray and get myself ready for the day. And then after that, you know, get my dad up, get him around and off to work. And when I'm working with people's health, I'm very, very conscious of what they're putting into their bodies. And I have to be because I don't want to do something that's going to harm anybody. So that's why I look for the best products out on the market to get the job done.

And when we're looking at a drive through mentality, and that's what I feel like we live in, everybody wants it's very fast paced. Everybody wants results. Now you can have results. Now, if you're flat, no energy, tired, you just feel blah all the time. There's a lot of different ways that you can go about trying to get better. But I'll tell you one that'll work.

You could start with Vibe. You can start to nourish your body with a product that has over 30 different fruits and vegetables in it and put that in a glass of water. You know, you can do a 16 ounce glass of water, take a couple of ounces out, put a pack of this particular product in there, and you can start sipping on that. And when you do that, your body's going to find nutrition that you can use at the cellular part of the body, the cellular level.

And when you look at our products that you can get at CGR Wellness, you're going to see on the side of the bottle, it'll say cell ready. And you're going to find a difference in the way you feel. You'll find a difference in the way you move. You're going to feel a little bit freer. You're not going to be as stiff. And we've got a product designed by Pastor Greg called Flex, and that's designed just for someone who's having joint issues. And as I said, the older we get, the more types of issues we have that we didn't have when we were 18.

Or 19. And Flex is a product he's got right there in his hand that he takes every day. And he's a guy that's got some mobility issues. Absolutely. I take Flex every day. And you were mentioning the cell generator, right? Cell ready minerals. Cell ready, yeah. My son says, because every night he helps me get my cell ready. And I always call it, hey, get the cell generator. And he's like, dad, it's not cell generator, it's cell ready. And I'm like, okay, we'll just go get the cell generator. But it truly is. It is a cell. I know, it is a cell.

I think that's why in my head, because it talks about that that's what it does, is it helps your cells to generate and regenerate because of the mineral content that's involved there. And I take that, I take that every night. Look, as you said, I am a very unique case.

I can't stress enough, and I know everybody has their stuff. But when I went in to the natural path back in 2004, I was gray and yellow and green from head to toe. I was dying. I had been sent home to die with the nurses crying on my shoulder. As the final internist sent me home and said, I am so sorry, there's nothing more we can do for you. I'd been to five or six different internists. They had stuck and jabbed and poked and stuck probes and done all kinds of things trying to figure out how to fix me, how to help me, how to make me get better. And at the very end, they just said, we're so sorry, there's just nothing we can do.

I consulted with everyone I know, and we don't have an answer for you. And I was blessed to be able to go to a natural path. But she said to me, look, you lived 75 years in 42. Your body is 75 years old. You may, your birth certificate may say you're 42, but you're not, you're 75. So I'm 61 today.

Based on that math, I'm actually 94. And she told me, we're going to give you what's going to make your adrenal and your endocrine system be functional. But there isn't a cure per se. And I've talked to all kinds, and I've had people say, oh, try this and try that and try this and that. Look, we did bovine stem cell intervention.

We did all kinds of stuff. What I do helps me. When I was in acute care rehab, the doctor came in, having done blood work, Tim, and said to me, you survived this horrific accident, which is a miracle. But I'm sorry to tell you that the blood work that we've drawn from you is showing us that you have another situation in your body. We don't have a solution for your situation. And you're not going to survive this. And I don't know any other way to tell you. And I laughed.

And he was like, OK, let me in on the joke. And I said, well, I know my pituitary gland and my adrenal gland have crashed. They they don't work right. But I have supplements that I take every single day, every day. This what's behind me. And and I hadn't been introduced to what's behind me yet. And I'm telling you that what I get, according to all of these folks and Tim could tell you, if I'm not taking this stuff right here, I'm in bed. It would be impossible for me to get to be functional and get out of bed.

This stuff works. And if it'll work for somebody who is coming from the deficit position that that I'm coming from and and I know folks, well, why doesn't God just heal you? Maybe because I'm Paul.

Maybe because this is his plan. I'm OK with that. I'm OK. Because I watch what God's done with my testimony and I watch what God's done and allows me to be a part of. My point to you folks is, is that this these products are powerful, and if they will take somebody who's working from the place that I'm at and cause me to be able to be functional, think about what they will do for you.

In your situation with what whatever you're dealing with. I really believe you'll be blessed And after you signed up, use the code chosen Gen Radio and get your discount.

Tim, let's give him a couple more minutes and then we'll and then I'm going to give him another, you know, instructional video on how to get signed up and then and then we'll we'll close out with a little bit of information about the heart. All right, great. Well, hey, show me your blood work again. What it is today. Absolutely.

Hang on one second. This is what his blood work is today. And this is a guy that was on death's door. His blood work was so bad that they didn't think anything would happen. So something is changing his life to be able to get that from his doctor. And that was just a recent blood work that he had done. And this is his second A plus in a row.

So I think he's had two of them from his doctor just recently. So that's pretty incredible. But not only does it work in Pastor Greg's life, it's working in my life. I made a business out of using these supplements in people's lives. I work with people all the time. I'm in that are having this and that and so forth. And I always want to start with, you know, the ground floor nutrition.

And five is definitely a very part of that. You know, I've taken care of my 90 me in another month. My father will be 91. And since I moved in with him to take care of him and he has dementia, we've been able to put him on a protocol that's kind of slowed that down a little bit to where he's digressing at a slower rate. He's got a lot of issues and he shouldn't even be here today because he worked in asbestos for 42 years.

But he's here. So his regimen contains Q plus every morning. He gets a whole big tablespoon of that. He gets a couple of Omega three for brain health. In addition to that, we're using resvante and we're using resvante for not only the cognitive help that he gets from that, but we're using it for heart health as well. And that's helping him greatly. He's still got excellent blood pressure numbers. His pulse is good.

His color is good, just like Pastor Greg all rosy. But it's a great benefit to be able to use these products and actually see them work. Amen. Amen.

Absolutely. I was just going to show you folks that this is this is the resvante product right here. And one of the cool things that you'll find on this page. This this this guy right here in your on your screen. If you're watching us at children generation radio dot com or on cloud hub or getter or Facebook feeds this this guy right here. This is this is not something that was shot, you know, 15 years ago.

This is a recent video that was done. And the gentleman that you're looking at right here is in his mid 40s. Now, I'm telling you, when you look at Andy Beckler, you just you don't see that you. I don't I'm looking at him and I'm like, he doesn't look like he's in his mid 40s.

He is. And it's because he and his brother created and established this company. And he's been on these products for 20 plus years. They work.

They work. Let's let's go and take that quick break. Again, let me show you this is this is how you make that order. And and and I just so encourage you to do that.

So here we go. I am Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years.

I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. University of New York University And that is going to take you over here And the first thing You're going to do is you're going to go over here and you are going to opportunity to create an account. You've got to type in an email address. So we're going to type in an email address. Be good if I put a good one in there, right?

There we go. And now there is some, a window that pops up. Now when this window pops up, here's what you need to do. You need to just X out. Just close that window, okay? Just close that window. Now we go over here and we'll use a strong password and then we'll put in our name and we'll put in our last name, and then we'll put in our an address and the city, and we'll choose our state, and we don't need a phone number, and it wants us to make sure that we're not a robot, so we'll do that.

Wow. And we'll create the account. And now the account's been created. Now there is a share code.

I don't remember what it is right now, but it doesn't really matter. Now you'd go over here and type in Vibe, your first product you're looking for, and there is the fruit and veggies superfood liquid multivitamin. Click on that and you're gonna order. I recommend that you order two, and I'll tell you why. You order two of them and add those to the cart.

Now here comes the cart. Now you're gonna get your second bottle for half off when you type in chosen gen radio, chosen gen radio, and click apply, and that's gonna give you 20 bucks off. Plus you're gonna unlock free shipping. So now when you get your order you'll get no shipping charge, two months worth for the price of a month and a half, and then you can go back over and you can securely check out, put in your billing information, and so on, and you're off to the races. So that's how you do it.

Nice and easy. Again, When that little window pops up, just X out of it. You don't need that because you're gonna get a $20 discount.

Once you completed the form and created the account, go to the top, click in vibe, and then go. Now I use vibe, resvante, ultra shot, the EPA fish oil, the flex, and I also use, this is your your apple cider vinegar, and this is your ashwagandha. I use those as well.

I'm gonna run through this really quick with you. Again, Omega 3, and then these products up here. Your vibe, your resvante, the ultra shot, and the flex. Those are the ones that I personally use every single day.

I can recommend each and every one of those to you and just assure you that they do a great job. They've made a gigantic difference in my health. Alright, God bless you. God bless your health, and thank you for supporting our Indian ministry through this as well. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through.

Biblical Glasses, my very special guest and my good friend, CGR Wellness, my expert at CGR Wellness, Tim Schaff. Again, You just watched and just listened to how to get signed up over there at It's free to get signed up, and then on your first order, if you use the code chosengenradio, chosengenradio, you're gonna get a $20 discount on your order of $50 or more. You, as I share in the video, in the audio commercial presentation, if you want to call it a commercial infomercial presentation of how to sign up, if you get two bottles of Vibe, you're basically getting two bottles for the price of one and a half, because that's kind of what the discount works out to be. Or, you know, you might consider getting two different products.

You might consider getting the Vibe, and I think if I were starting out, this is just me personally, I'd get the Vibe and the Resvante, because I think the combination of those two is pretty powerful. The Vibe gives you all of your base, and a lot of folks are thinking about, you know, issues of antioxidants and particular issues of anti-aging. And Resvante, and you just watch what Andy has to say, and they have it backed up by by research, but it triggers a, is it a hormone in your body?

It's a family of genes called the setuin gene family, setuin gene family. Okay. And that's your longevity gene, so it activates that whole family, and that's what Resvante does. Yeah. And the Resvante that you get from CGR wellness is 99% pure. So I mean, it's a very pure form of transresveratrol, only it's in a liquid form.

Right. And that's what we've been talking today, is liquid versus tablet and capsules, and how much better the absorption is for a person when they do that. Talk about the evidence, because one of the studies that you saw, one of the pieces of evidence that you saw, is really stunning, quite frankly, and that has to do with the sewage system in a in a city on the West Coast. Yeah, there was a study back in 1998, Chiropractic magazine, and it gave statistics for how many undigested vibin mineral pills were scraped off their sewer screen every six weeks, and I can't remember how many pounds they said it was, but all I know it was a lot. And that's people that went to the store and bought these pills and thought they were doing their body good, that ended up being passed through. And there's been x-rays taken of people at chiropractic offices that I've seen personally, and it showed those tablets and stuff when they did an x-ray still in that colon. So I mean, when it comes to a delivery system, liquid is best, but it's best, but way better, to use the cell-ready version that you're getting when you order products from CGR Wellness, because those products are already broke down, like the mama bird feeding the baby bird.

So they can enter the cell wall channel into the nucleus of the cell to start to change your body and build the body that you want, not the body you have. Sign up today. Use the code CHOSENGENRADIO for your discount. Tim, thanks for being with me, and here folks, check it out. This is one of the main products we're talking about right here.
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