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CGR MONDAY 070323 Rick Manning Kathy Barnette

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
July 3, 2023 8:00 am

CGR MONDAY 070323 Rick Manning Kathy Barnette

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at

That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. By the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the water. This borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry that our help and support of Pastor Greg Young.

Thank you and God bless you. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under use to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, I wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenradio at checkout and receive $20 off your first order, $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today.

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Neuva Products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical classes. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes.

I've got a great, great program. I'm going to fix this graphic underneath me for a second though. It's like gotten gigantic and practically covers my face. I don't know, maybe that's, but at any rate, I don't think it's a good thing. I think the audience might disagree. Yeah, see, I knew there was going to be somebody in the peanut gallery that was going to jump in on that, but that's okay. Thank you. All right, Carrie Wake joins me, bottom of hour number three. That should be a great interview. Looking forward to talking to her about her new book, Unafraid. Also joining me today, Dr. Christian Widener will be with us. We're going to talk about, and I've talked about these things before a little bit, but we're going to talk some more about these two books, Witnessing the End and Temple Revealed.

He just got back from Israel. We'll talk about where we are in the timeline of the red calves, of the priests that are supposed to be, this is supposed to happen, Passover 2024. They're supposed to do the first sacrifices to prepare the priests to restart temple sacrifices.

That's supposed to happen this next year, and that is all tied in to end times biblical prophecy because I know people were saying, well, how are they going to have an abomination of desolation on a temple sacrifice platform when they're not even doing sacrifices anymore? Well, guess what, folks? They're going to start, so we'll talk about that. Kathy Barnett joins me, bottom of the hour. We'll talk about her involvement as the Tea Party ground force representative for Vivek Ramamswamy and get her feedback and her thoughts with regards to that.

We had a shortened interview the other day, but we got a full half hour with her coming up at the bottom of the hour. And then Dr. David Wormser will be with us. Israel was just involved in stopping a terrorist plot by grabbing the terrorist mastermind out of Iran.

Mossad went in and squelched a potential terrorist assault. So we'll have that coming up top of the next hour with Dr. David Wormser. But joining me now as he does each and every Monday, my good friend and the head and leader of Americans for Limited Government and the Daily Torch, Mr. Rick Manning. Rick, welcome. Good to have you. Hey, good to be on. Hope you had a good weekend. I think, yeah, I believe so. I kind of tried to recuperate this weekend a little bit.

Ben going, you know, full force. And so this was a kind of a weekend of trying to, yeah, trying to recuperate from all of that. But had a great, great service again. Last Thursday, we had 41 people give their lives to Christ, 29 people who received healing. This is the very first time ever that this village has ever heard the Christian message.

Wow. In all of history, for all time, the message has never been heard in this particular village in India. It seems almost impossible given British colonial rule for all those years and the number of really renowned missionaries that came out of Britain and through that whole movement. But it just goes to show you that there are unreached people and sometimes they're seemingly right under our noses. And in this case, India is not like you're sitting in the middle of the Amazon or something and now you're having narrows thrown at you.

But it is a huge area. And actually, at our last meeting, the one before this, RSS, which is the Hindu nationalist movement, had heard that we were going to have a meeting and went to all of the homes pounding on the doors and threatened the entire community that if they came to our meeting, they would injure them. We still had people that showed up, but not nearly as many as we'd hoped. But yeah, no, they were told.

So the arrows piece of that, I'm going to have to push back on that because, yes, there are. And when we go into heavily, the heavy Sikh areas, the same issue. The Sikh tell the people, if you go to their meeting, we may kill you and your family.

So they do go at peril. But a couple of other cool things that happened. There was one sister whose husband had left her and her children. She was alone. She was thinking of committing suicide. She heard my voice being amplified, came back, heard the prayer before the meeting ended, and her children and her husband came back to her. Another woman was having issues with eyesight.

She wasn't able to see clearly, even the screen. But right after she started seeing very clearly after the prayer, two brothers who were having severe head pains had been getting medicine. But when they were passing by, one going to the meeting, they started watching and hearing and God touched them and healed them. One 15 year old girl was possessed with an evil spirit and she hadn't been able to go to school for three years.

God delivered her in the meeting. Another brother was suffering from epilepsy. He wasn't able to sit any place for an hour even.

But in the meeting, he was sitting. It didn't have any attack of epilepsy. The epilepsy was healed. And then three other sisters had joint pains, instantly healed and many more received pain, healing in their backs and in their knees.

Wow, that's a show of force. I mean, God is really stretching his muscles and say, you know, I was thinking about this. This isn't what we're going to talk about. But I think it's more interesting, maybe.

Well, you'd be the judge of this. I was having this conversation with my wife yesterday and it was and one of the set of verses that the pastor went over was Romans 1 18 through 21, 22, somewhere in there. And it's where, you know, God reveals himself to everybody, no matter where they are. God reveals himself to everybody. That's what Paul's saying.

It's no one has an excuse, not one. And I and it struck me in places like India, God reveals himself in very, oh, very clear, open ways, because they haven't been given as the evidences already. They haven't been given been bombarded with the truth. And here in here in America, we have to just open our eyes a little bit to it. You know, and you have so many and it's just struck me in the past few few months or last six months, we've had so many evidences provided, that is almost impossible to miss them unless you're really trying to miss them.

You know, it's and you can start although it doesn't start there. You can start with the with what happened down in Asbury College where the Holy Spirit was moving in such a way that it was it made national news. What brought it to me was a real Facebook reel that I saw the comedian who was on American Idol, I guess at some point, and the but the real his comedy act was clean comedy, he was his comedy act was about least the thing he chose for American Idol was the differences between going to a black church and a white church. And in doing so, he uses this example, here's how here's how a white preacher preaches john 316. And he gives john 316 to the audience and then and that's where the real ended. But I assume he then goes and he does and here's a black preacher does john 316. But you look at it and you say, No, there are millions of people tuned on TV who weren't turning into religious broadcasting, weren't turning into anything, they're turning into straight entertainment programming. And what they got was the gospel. They got john 316 guys to love the world, okay. And there's so many instances of that were individual were God's popping up and showing himself and giving people the message.

And in ways that that quite honestly, we get frustrated because, oh, we're getting banned over here, we're not allowed to be on this platform. And God just says, I got this. And suddenly on a show that gets more millions to watch it than virtually any other show.

There's some guy given the john 316. And because it's a popular reel, that people are clicking on or staying on Facebook's algorithm is putting it into the reels that people are saying just randomly at two o'clock in the morning when they can't sleep. So it's a it's a pretty astonishing. And so, to me, is another proof point that God is alive, God is moving, God is moving in America.

And not just in India, people say, gee, if you could just, if we I just had healings in front of me, well, we have healings in front of you just don't know, notice them because dot miraculous things happen in hospitals every day, you are evidence of said healing you yourself, your person being on this, on this air, are evidence of that healing. And it is a and he's providing those evidences, if people choose to see them, sure. And that's what it comes down to. And it's, and we're out, he was actually preaching on psalm 14, some 14, which is essentially the psalm where God defines people who refuse to see the word see God as being fools, and fools with bad intent, who nothing good comes from these fools. And it is a and it's, and so it's kind of all bubbles up to say, the psalm 14, one where God defines people deny him as being fools, is every ribbon is relevant today, as it was, as it was 2500 3000 years ago when it was written. And, you know, we have all these people want to go around and say, well, the Old Testament is wrong. Well, the Old Testament is absolutely relevant. The Old Testament is what happens to people who fall away from God. The Old Testament is a is a is a case study of what goes wrong when you fall away from God, all the evil that befalls you when you fall away from God.

And it is a and it's a study. And the whole of the fall of Judah, the whole of the fall of Israel, is a study and nothing more, nothing less than God's constant call to his people, as they plunge willfully plunged towards disaster. And it's a and I just really feel like we're in a time when God is sending is using the mediums that exist, not mediums, as in people speaking to spirits, my mediums as in our various platforms, sure.

Internet, television route, yeah, breaking, breaking through breaking the barriers. And and we get so used to seeing evil portrayed and accepting it, that God pops up and it's a and the last thing on it that struck me is, you know, we've had a lot of things that we can't believe are occurring. The train, the crazy pedophiles marching down the street saying we're coming after your children and things like that. Well, you know, they've been what they the argument that that was not scary was they've been saying was by an apologist said, well, they've been saying that a long time. Well, they have, but we never heard about it. And what's happening now is evil is being revealed. Evil is being revealed to us. We're being shown it is so we can't pretend that it's benign. We can't pretend that it's not that there isn't a that the evil isn't moving, and attempting to, to steal our children attacking our children and attacking us. And so we can't pretend that this is all just benign anymore. We have to, we can now we see it, the face of evil has been exposed. And it's everywhere around us.

Let me just jump in. It's everywhere around us. I mean, Disney executives admitting, you know, yes, we're grooming your children. You know, there's I'm, I'm, I have somebody scheduled, we're going to talk about, you know, is is Ron DeSantis is battle with Disney, the nail in his political coffin?

Well, I don't know, I don't even know how you could even begin to think that in light of I mean, you know, Moms for Liberty as example, has has exploded on the scene as a political force. And and it is a political force in large part due to Disney. If Disney doesn't if now and and let me be clear. I've been watching Disney for years and I have been we stopped going to Disneyland years ago.

My my, the second half of my of my wife and I's family because her illness we had about an 11 year gap between our first two kids and our and our next three. But the three younger ones. I think they've only been to Disneyland once in their entire lives. And that's because of the fact that I was watching Disney get woke 20 years ago, and said that, you know, not we're not doing that Disney was putting out in, you know, programming and so forth that basically denigrated dads, and then denigrated parents in general. And and said, you know, that that parents were bumbling idiots.

And and that and those were parts of their messages that they were putting out along with they started having I mean, they've been having pride days, quote unquote, these these sodomite celebration days at Disneyland for probably 25 years. Yeah. And, and, and, you know, just just now, just now, finally, somebody has has caught them on tape.

But that's not an accident. To your point. They're parading their evil now. They're all parading their evil and they double down. Target hasn't backed off. Bud Light hasn't backed off. Bud Light decided that they wanted to put a float in one of the parades.

They sponsored the parade where then people were saying we're coming after your children. Exactly. Sponsored by Bud Light.

Yeah. I mean, it's, you know, a cigarette company can't have Joe the camel because they're coming after their children. But Bud Light can sponsor a bunch of creeps who want to sit there and sexualize your children and attack your children's your children's innocence.

And Garth Brooks comes out and calls everybody who doesn't support that an a-hole. And you know what I, hey, if I mean, what, what I would do is and I just saw this, there's actually there's a guy that's called the ped patrol who busts pedophiles. Quite frankly, if I was if I had a ped patrol, I'd sit outside a Garth Brooks bar, and I'd be taking pictures of everybody that walks in there.

Because as far as I'm concerned, if you support that, you support pedophiles, and you either know one or maybe you are one that would be a listen, I'm tired. The gloves. Listen, Rick, we have got to take the gloves off. We have got it.

We this these are children. I think the key with Garth Brooks is when when he's sitting there, the reason people sponsor his concert is because they want to be affiliated with him. His decision has made it so a lot fewer his fans tend to be older, they tend to be women. A lot fewer of his fans are going to be wanting to go be affiliated with him. And as a result, he's going to he's going to have a pocket book bookish. Now, like most of these guys, he's he's just going to sell his catalog. And the songs he's written, he's going to make a lot of money.

Well, maybe he is. But you know what, if people do what I've done, I don't I don't listen to these people's music. If you if you if you don't, if you stop listening to their music, if the stations that they're on, you turn off, then guess what? Then guess what? It's the same.

It's the same thing as Bud Light and Target and all these others. If you write to station and you say if you play that music, we won't listen to you. And people say, Oh, you're censoring your bet. No, I'm saying that I'm not going to stand with people that are in support of the violation of children. Right? No, I'm with you. I think that's it. And every one of us has a right to engage in whatever commerce or anything else we want to engage in.

Yep. And it's up to everybody to be responsible about that and say, Yeah, okay, I'm not going to do this. Now, the fact of the matter is, you have an interesting problem if you go to Orlando, because if you go to Orlando, either Disney, or you have where it turns out they were on the side of the wicked people in their in their various cartoons. Or you can go to Universal and you can go do the wizarding thing, which has its own set of problems. So it's a but at least then you're supporting JK Rowling, who understands there's a difference between males and females.

So there's a you have a really kind of unique challenge, but the challenge in our world is simple. Go, go to Kentucky, and go to the ARK exhibit. It's it's it really, I mean, go to Kentucky, go to the ARK exhibit. There there are there are parks that are out there that are springing up now.

They're they're not like national scale, but but if you but you can find them that are being put together by Christian investors that are coming together and creating these amusement parks. I don't I and this is an important topic I want to really quickly point out to and this I guess there is the tie in to me is is that mainstream media won't talk about these things. I'll tell you something else mainstream media is not talking about mainstream media is not talking about the fact that yesterday morning in DC, there were three businesses that were attacked by bombs, explosive devices and a Molotov cocktail were used to attack three Washington DC businesses early Sunday morning, including an establishment just a few blocks from the US Supreme Court and Capitol buildings.

And I just read I read up on it on the hill. And one was a Nike store, one was a Safeway and then there was a smaller smaller retail outlet. One of the interesting things to me is that there's a that that part of DC and particularly where the Nike store is on H Street has been for 50 years, the District of Columbia has been attempting to attract businesses to grow that that district is the play is basically between the Capitol building and RFK Stadium on the Anacostia. And for years from in 68 that Martin Luther King riots burned that area to the ground.

And they've been trying to read to attract to basically regrow for 50 years is they finally have gotten it so it's coming in economic engine again. And it is a and the attack on one was the Molotov Safeway, Nike and and and the Truist Bank, T-R-U-I-S-D Bank. And it's a final minute.

Well, and they were in a 15 minute period. The person who had Maryland place they clearly were, they started with the Truist by the Capitol building, they then hit the Safeway. And then they hit, I'm sorry, then they hit the Nike store, then it's Safeway is kind of on the way out back up. But it's clear somebody had a path had a vision of what they want to do. It is and it's not I think it's interesting that they chose to attack the exact thing that the black community has been trying to get to happen in DC, which is big retailers to invest in DC. And it's a and so it is a an interesting to be interested to see how that plays out. I don't think that this bomber will get the same treatment as the bomber for the RNC and the DNC who apparently had the ability to disappear into space. But it was a The longer they hold off on putting on any identities with as many cameras as they have in DC, the longer they hold off, the more that tells you that the person does not fit the narrative that they want. And this has been this has been going on now for, you know, the last 12 to 12 to 14 years. That's true.

And the fact that there were terrors, obvious terrorist attacks in DC is scary. Yeah. Yeah, we got to jump. You'll be back with me on Wednesday. And we'll have much to discuss Kathy Barnett's coming up next here on show generation radios to don't go anywhere.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topics off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for joining us.

I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here. Don't forget, coming up, Dr. David Wormser joins us at the top of the hour. We'll talk about the Israel terrorist thwarting that took place.

Mossad thwarted a terrorist plot by going into Iran and taking out a terrorist leader, capturing him. And we'll talk about that and some of the other things that are happening over there on that front. And then we'll also be talking with Dr. Christian Widener, who has two new books out about end times and also about the temple location being revealed. And he was just over in Israel. We'll talk about the red calves and how it is that they are planning to actually have the sacrifice this Passover. They'll be sacrificing the red calves and preparing the priests and then beginning temple sacrifices again, starting in 2024.

That's huge, especially for the end time clock. And then Carrie Lake joins us at the bottom of hour number three. But joining me right now, and I'm so pleased to be able to get her back on the program.

She was with me for just a short interview just this past week. And so I'm really excited to be able to have the opportunity to have her back on the program. I want to welcome Kathy Barnett back to the program. Kathy, welcome. It's so good to have you. Thank you so much for being with me today. Absolutely.

Thank you so much for having me back on. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we kind of started and I wanted to get into with you, you know, kind of talking about the establishment machine and whether or not we can have a fair debate and the opportunity for candidates to be able to come forward and and talk about policy and and perhaps policy differences, how how they would carry out getting America back.

What are the top priorities, those types of things? Do you think we can do you think we can get there? Do you think that we can get to that place in this climate? I believe we must. And because we must then that it creates a different posture for us.

Right. If I begin to say I must do this must happen. It is imperative that we that we make certain things take place. Then our posture is different. I am not one. I don't have the posture any longer of asking people for permission to speak truth or to show up in a particular space or spot.

I just do it because we must. And so that is my attitude is one of I don't know if we can kick the can down the road any further. I believe I mean, I seriously question if we don't do what is necessary to get certain people out of office and to get better leadership in. If we the people don't begin to just stand up and speak truth, then I don't know if we will have a country 20 years from now, even 10 years from now. Certainly, certainly not the kind of country that I grew up in. Perhaps we will have America in name only.

But the the kind of country that that where we look to the Constitution, where we look to rule of law, I seriously doubt that we will have that. To that end, you know, it seems to me that that most of the folks that I interview here on the program, people that I talk with, all agree that the battle we're in is an ideological battle. I spent quite a bit of time had Trevor Loudon on on Friday, and we talked about the infiltration of communism. Communism is an ideology. Marxism is an ideology. And this is an ideology that unfortunately is being indoctrinated to our kids.

And and a lot of our younger people seem to think that it's a really good idea. So we're in an ideological battle. Doesn't that become the impetus then for why we need to have these conversations? Yes, absolutely.

Right. And yet I am of the firm belief that we have to offer something in return. The church republicans, we're real good about delineating all the problems. We're real good about watching Joe Biden trip and laugh at it and cut out, you know, epic takedown videos. We're really good about doing that on our side. What we're not as good about doing is offering a culture in return.

I mean, whether we like what the left is offering the ideologies that they're offering, the fact that they're offering little girls the ability to cut off healthy breasts or little boys have the ability to chemically castrate themselves and then they force everyone to either applaud or shut up and sit down and say nothing at all. And many even in the church are obliging them by sticking their head in the sand, going into their little church pews and calling that church. I am the church. You are the church everywhere we go.

Jesus just showed up. And so we have to get busy about understanding what we believe, why we believe it, because once I understand what I believe and why I believe it, that is the beginning of creating convictions. And once I have conviction, now I'm able to have courage. And if there's anything we need in this culture, it is courage. It is those people who are willing to stand up and say the emperor has no clothes on.

It is those particular people who are willing to put a stake in the ground and say there are only two genders and I am not going to use a female, a feminine pronoun to address a male. How many, even in the church, are willing to put a smile on? We don't have to be antagonistic and ugly and overwhelming or aggressive about it, but how many of us are willing to put a smile on our face, walk out of our home and just have a cup of coffee and a real conversation with our neighbors? That is what we need in our culture more than anything. We need a competing culture to what the left is offering our young people. Now they claim that their position is the compassionate one.

That they're, you know, that they're all about inclusive and inclusion. And then they attack us and drag us into that, to the conversation through that doorway. How do we change that conversation? And what do we say?

Look, this is what God says. Can we get away with that still? Can we still say that? Should we still say that?

Absolutely. I was up this morning. I told you right before I came on, I had a dream this morning. It is one of those dreams that is still resonating on the top of my mind. And I woke up asking the Holy Spirit to give me understanding of that dream. And so I went into, so I got up, it's like five o'clock, five 30 in the morning, and I started studying the word of God. And in second Timothy, I believe is chapter two. This doesn't have anything to do with my dream, but I had a dream. I started talking to the Holy Spirit and I opened up the word of God just to sit and listen to him.

And so this is separate from the dream. But nonetheless, to your question, how do we handle when the left says cutting off little girl's breast is healthy? You know, should we get into debates and arguments with them? The word of God, what I read this morning said, do not, Paul, encouraging Timothy, but really encouraging us as well, is not to engage in trifling conversations.

That is, that's the word that's used in the Amplified Bible. Don't engage in stupid conversations. It is beneath us.

You know, there are people who ask really stupid or trifling questions, and then we get bogged down following them into these rabbit holes. So we need discernment. And yes, pray for discernment.

Pray for, ask God to open up the eyes of your understanding, to give you wisdom, to give you strategies of how to, because there's a lot of people in our culture who will get you bogged down in trifling, useless conversations and activities refuse. Instead, understand what it is you believe, why you believe those things. Get out a piece of paper and a pencil and begin to write down what do I believe?

What is true? And I believe that truth is a person. I believe that he is real. And I believe that we can engage him and we can ask for wisdom and insight. And I believe that it is the role of the Holy Spirit is to teach me.

That's his job. His job is to make, is to bring understanding to me. Jesus said in the Book of Revelations, chapter three, I am the one who opens up doors of opportunity. That's his job is to open up doors of opportunity so you and I can walk through it and you and I can be effective in the culture.

But it starts with you and I. Also, in Second Timothy, I read is to is to try to paraphrase this, but to but to be clean, to be noble. He said there is a great house. And in that house, you have all kinds of of things. You have certain things that are honorable, that are used to bring honor. And then you have things that are not so honorable, but they're all inside this great house.

But I thought it was interesting that the pivot turned to. So you decide if you're going to be an instrument of honor, or if you're going to be an instrument of just common use. That is something that you and I get to decide of how we separate ourselves, consecrate ourselves and truly seek what is good, what is admirable and to pursue those things. It's interesting, there's a there's a scripture that talks about understanding and that and that those that that do not have the Spirit of God and that have not been enlightened, don't don't have the understanding. They're, they're, they're trapped in darkness and and that it's so important for us to recognize that. And then, you know, part of our prayer, part of our our warfare is to pray for their eyes to be open, pray for them to be able to have an understanding of of those foundations and truths. You know, we're, we're at a place where tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day.

And and a great I mean, our country would not be here if it hadn't been for the Puritans fleeing England and and leaving a king who began to claim a type of deity and putting their faith and their trust back fully in Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. Let's take a quick break. And when we come back, let's talk a little bit about that and and and the significance of that. And then I'd like to get into talking about your book, nothing to lose everything to gain.

Because this is your faith journey that you've put down on paper. And and let's talk about about that and and and more when we get back. We'll be back right after this quick break and then more Children generation radio coming up straight ahead. Hi, this Pastor Greg and you're listening to Children generation radio get more children generation

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Pick up your clean slate today. You can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to chosen generation with Pastor Craig. And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topics off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my very special guest is Kathy Barnett her book, nothing to lose everything to gain, nothing to lose everything to gain and she is the grassroots leader for Vivek Ramaswamy, right? Ramaswamy? Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy.

Ramaswamy. And he is number three right now in the most recent polls, by the way. So I was getting ready to say the fourth, the Independence Day is tomorrow. And our founders, you know, came over. They were the came, the Puritans came over. It was in the mid 1700s that the preachers were preaching about who we are, and who America is and our and our Christian belief system.

Revival began to happen. And it was out of the pulpits that our revolution took place. Because Americans said, Hey, you know what, our king is Jesus. Not not some guy, you know, under under a crown sitting over in in England. And this was where they differentiated from the john lock idea where in one hand, you have God handing you your rights.

In the other hand, you have a man handing your rights. I believe our founders in their writings make it clear that it wasn't somebody who had one in a hand, but God literally made them. He birthed life. He breathed life into them. He breathed liberty into them. He breathed john 1010 abundant life into them.

He gave them everything for life and godliness. So literally, it was I'm pledging what God has given me. And if I don't pledge it, then then then you're going to kill me anyway, because you're extinguishing God in me, Christ in me. Yeah, you know, you and I were talking during the break, I am the national grassroots director for the big Ramaswami presidential campaign. So I get to travel all across the nation and I walk behind the curtains of politics. And that is the sphere of influence God has placed me in. And and my candidate, as you mentioned, the latest Fox News just came out with their Fox News just came out with their latest poll and he is now third and the polls leading over some of these perennial forever candidates, like Nikki Haley and Tim Scott and Chris Christie and all of them, he's number three.

So this is, I mean, it's been amazing. And yet, everywhere I show up, I believe Christ shows up because I'm the church. The church is me, not the four walls of these buildings. And and so it is not an oxymoron to be in the culture to be in the world and not of the world to be influential, to do the things that we are called to do and to and to not be of the world as well. And so that is the path in which I believe we're all called to walk.

We all have we're all a seed. The seed has been planted. We all have a sphere of influence.

And so what are we doing with the influence and the space and the time that we've been given? I love what one of our founding fathers, John Adams, I may have said this on your show already, but allow me to say it again. He wrote in a letter to his wife, Abigail, our constitution, our constitution is the highest law of the land and our nation. Right. All needs are to bow down at this constant. It's the highest law of the land.

Right. It tells us what we can and cannot do. And yet he said our constitution, the highest land in the law, our constitution is only made for a moral and religious people. He said it is wholly inadequate for any other kind of people. And the word moral there simply means people who know the difference between right and wrong. And where do we get our sense of right and wrong religion? So, again, our country is our constitution is only made for a moral people who know the difference between right and wrong and religious, because that's where you get your sense of right and wrong people. He said it is wholly inadequate for any other kind of people.

And in fact, he goes on to say, and I'm a paraphrase, he said, when we become a nation where people are unbridled by more by morality and religion and religion, meaning we just do whatever we want to do. Right. My reality, my truth. You can't tell me what to do. I get to make it up.

I am God. Right. I get to make up how I want. He said, when we become a nation where people are unbridled, where our where our where our human passions are unbridled by morality and religion, he said we will move through the Constitution like a whale moves through a net. And that is exactly what we're doing today.

You can look at the First Amendment and the five rights in the First Amendment. Freedom of religion. Right.

Really? Because last night, last I saw when they wanted to deem us as nonessential, they did. Right. So there is no freedom of religion. It's free freedom to do what the government tells you to do. Freedom of speech.

Go out there and say something on social media and see what happens to your account. I mean, so all of these things were moving through the Constitution, the highest law of the land as a whale moved through a net. Why? Because we have become a people who are not bridled by our human passions, are not being bridled by this sense of morality and this sense of religion. And I believe that that is the role of the church. It's the role of all of us.

Someone is going to create a culture. And I believe it should be us, the church, those of us who believe we know what truth is or at least know that there is such a thing as truth. And now we go out and we pursue that truth. You know, I interviewed Milo Yiannopoulos after he gave his life to Christ. And we talked about his, you know, his Christian conversion. But one of the things that he had said even before that, and I want to read something to you, Christian morality allows one to live within the culture immorally.

Now listen, let me explain what I mean by that. One of the things that I think made Milo so powerful in his voice was that he never made excuses for the fact that he was living an immoral lifestyle and making a sex choice. He was more of an arbitrator of knowing the difference between right and wrong and realizing that it was conservative values, Christian values that allowed him to live within the culture and live out his immoral lifestyle, but not just his immoral lifestyle, the immoral lifestyles that were being left out. Because unlike in other social constructs, where absolute morality meant that individuals were going to pay the ultimate price in a Christian biblical worldview, certain immorality is, while not preferred nor even encouraged nor even granted a stamp of approval, it's quote unquote, not illegal. At one point, our laws about adultery or fornication were much more harsh. Over time, those laws were bent. So adultery and fornication became quote unquote, mainstream.

But the only reason that they were allowed to exist without a capital punishment is because of biblical morality that recognized that the life had greater value than ending the life because of those acts. In the same manner, divorce at one time was considered to be not only immoral, but illegal. As divorce became more accepted legally, it also had breached the barrier morally. Unfortunately, the acceptance on a widespread basis of divorce has also led to the destruction of the family.

To your point, the more we bend that moral rod or reed, if you will, the smoking flax, the more we bend that, the more our culture suffers. Paul said, all things are permissible to us. But not good. But not good.

Yep, but not good. We get to choose. And as I open it up in my earlier comments and looking at Second Timothy, in this great house that we live in, especially those of us who say Jesus is Lord, we live in a great house. And in that house, we have all kinds of material utensils. And some, the Word of God says, are made for or used for honorable the activities, and some are used for less than noble activities.

But they're all in this great house together. And then he ends it, I asked you to go read it. Second Timothy chapter two, it really depends upon you. Do you want it? Do we want to consecrate ourselves and submit ourselves and be used for something honorable? Or do we just want to, you know, hey, I'm in the family. Now I'm gonna go out here and live wherever I want to live.

Keep my mouth closed. And that's it. And yeah, and the challenge is this, when we legalize, such as we've done with the marriage issue, once we legalize it, now we teach it to children. And now we force children to deal with something that God never intended for a child to have to deal with. And that's why I believe that we're in this slippery slope that we are in. And it's a very dangerous place for us to be. And it's going to take people like your voice standing up and saying, wait a minute, here's the right way.

Here's what God said within the sphere, even of politics, you and I both speaking into that sphere and saying, our policies have got to align with a moral culture in order for our rights to remain sacred. Thanks you for all that you're doing. God bless you.

Kathy Barnett, pick up the book, nothing to lose, everything to gain and also Vivek Ramaswamy. I'm so sorry. Be sure and check out his website and find out what he's up to and what he's talking about as well.

You can follow him. Kathy, thank you so much for all that you're doing. God bless you. And thanks for being here this morning. All right, folks, we're going to take a break. We'll be back with more Children Generation Radio coming up. Dr. David Worms joins me on the other side.
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