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CGR THURSDAY 062923 Mark Skousen Kathy Barnette

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
June 29, 2023 9:00 am

CGR THURSDAY 062923 Mark Skousen Kathy Barnette

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. That was a shooting gallery up there. I could hear the tremble in his voice. She suffered a very severe being. The video is pretty graphic.

Justice for us seems almost impossible. It's not fun to watch somebody die, and they knew she was in mortal peril. They have not asked the hard questions. Why was the Capitol intentionally unsecure that day? The FBI had information about security concerns before January 6th. They're out for blood, and they're getting it. They appear to be winning. Were the actions of the Capitol Police out of line? Were there violations in use of force?

Now I describe it as an inside job. I'm ready to do whatever God calls me. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society, and that you must have honor and defend your family. But it's not always easy to do.

When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he's still in prison, and my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg.

Where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for joining me. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here. Just want to remind you, bottom of next hour, we'll have our India outreach service.

And the first half hour will be here on the network, and then you'll be able to follow us over on our Facebook feeds, our Clout Hub feed, and our Getter feed as well. We've been having some just amazing things. As you know, we've planted 750 churches since 2019.

We put in 41 freshwater wells. We've established four sewing schools for our widows over there, along with our orphanage and our Bible school. And we just thank God for all the work that we've been able to do over there. We'll have another outreach into another unreached area. Last week, we were actually in an area where the RSS, which is the Hindu Nationalist, threatened the community that if they came to our meeting, they would have trouble. So we got a smaller tune out, but we still had 40 people that accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and I believe 22 people that gave testimonies of God doing miraculous healings in their lives.

So pretty powerful stuff. So I hope you will stay tuned for that part. Kathy Barnett will be with us in just a little bit as well. And let's see, we've got one other special guest that we're welcoming today. And oh yeah, Jeff King will be with us right before India.

We'll be talking about Christian persecution. Well, I'm really pleased right now to welcome, I believe this is the first time that he'll be on the program, but he is the founder of Freedom Fest. And I'm really pleased to welcome to the program, Mr. Mark Skousen. Mark, welcome. Good to have you. Thanks for being with me today.

Nice to be with you. We're in both tax-free states. I'm in Florida and you're in Texas. And I didn't get a chance to tell you this in the green room, but I lived in Clearwater for a period of time and had restaurants in Clearwater, Tampa, and then also down in Miami. Wow.

That's impressive. I've been to Clearwater a few times. Of course, Scientologists are there. You're not a Scientologist, are you? No, sir.

No, no, definitely not a Scientologist. No, we were on Highland was where one of our restaurants was there in Clearwater, just down from Dunedin. And one of my kind of childhood heroes, I grew up in the Bay Area actually out in California. And I got a chance. My mom worked for a pediatric office and Dick Green, the then second baseman for the Oakland A's in 72, 73, 74 when they won their World Series. His wife, Kim, used to bring their kids into the office and we became personal family friends with the family. So as a 10, 11, and 12-year-old, I got to go to World Series games. And I've got autographed baseballs with Campi Campinaris, Sal Bando, Reggie Jackson, Vita Blue, Jim Catfish Hunter, Gene Tennis. And so Gene Tennis was the batting coach for the Blue Jays at that time who had their training camp there, as I'm sure you're aware, in Dunedin.

And so I got to see and re-meet Gene Tennis as an adult, having been a kid when I saw him when they won their world titles. It was pretty cool. Yeah, they're all Yankees, aren't they? Ah, man, I'm telling you. Well, yeah. I mean, Charlie Finley did a fire sale.

I mean, he knew that was coming. And he did a fire sale and he made bank. And of course, the players made bank, too. So yeah, it completely changed the game.

It really changed the game. And I'm an old Yankee fan, actually. So we were delighted to get all those Oakland A's pitchers and batters and Reggie Jackson and stuff. It was really quite a treat. And they're all Hall of Famers, most of them these days. It's a pretty impressive group. I love the A's. You know, I'm a Yankee fan, but you got to love the A's and Oakland A's.

It looks like they're headed for Vegas. But that was the old time. Yep, it was.

It was. Well, and you know, it's interesting when we think about our freedoms and our liberties, because that's what they say is, well, you know, you're retro. You just want everything to be, you know, old and you're not modern and you're not progressive. How do you respond when you hear people talk about that in that way? Well, I do think that culture does make a difference. We have a lot of discussion at our Freedom Fest Conference, which, by the way, is coming up in a couple of weeks in Memphis, Tennessee. And you know, it's all about choice and making the right choice. You know, we believe more. We don't, you know, Freedom Fest, we emphasize the word freedom, but really our favorite term is persuasion. And this is what the Christian doctrine is all about, is persuading people to behave appropriately, to not commit sin, to do the right thing.

And I'm not sure that sins change from time to time. You know, certain attitudes do. I mean, what is modesty today? We believe in being modest. We dress modestly. But today's modesty is different than it was 100 years ago, especially with bathing suits and stuff like that. But we do know what modest means even today. So I do think it does change with mores, and we are a more tolerant people.

There's no question about that. We're more accepting toward homosexuals and stuff like that. It's become more open in that respect.

But it's not like we would say, oh, it's a totally legitimate lifestyle, and everything is fine, the transgender, all of this kind of stuff that goes on. There are some basic constitutional principles that I think apply. By the way, we just confirmed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is going to be one of our keynote speakers. He's running for president of the United States, and he's talking about free speech.

And look at how free speech has been suppressed in this country. Is that a good thing? Is that progressive?

I just had his biographer, Dick Russell, on the program, actually, which was an interesting conversation. Let me ask you this, to that end, because there has been some, I think, overt acceptance of lifestyle choices, however you want to look at it, within what was referred to as the conservative movement. In fact, one of the prime commenters that frames this recently came out talking about decent and indecent as two different races of individuals, when referring to the Pride Month that we're in the middle of closing out. And my argument to that is, is that if we shift the definition of decent and indecent, and we move away, and we make it subjective to man's view versus God's view, then don't we also limit and take away the definition of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Can that become subjective as well, and become basically whatever man, whoever the tyrant is that's in charge, gets to decide?

Because if our rights don't come from God, and God doesn't make the rules, then our rights come from man, and man makes the rules. Yeah, it's a, I, just in terms of like Freedom Fest, we set, we set standards, okay? So we discourage bad language.

And some would say, oh, that's censorship. But we're really trying to reach a broad audience so that we don't offend a certain group of people that are there. I mean, we're a libertarian conference, but we're also a lot of conservatives. A lot of social democrats come to our conference.

So we have this, and you probably have the same thing in church when people come to church and so forth. It's not about all of one political party. There's diversity in that respect, and you need to respect that. But you have to set certain standards.

And I'll give you an example. We have a libertarian comedy show. Well, we have two shows.

The first show is clean, and the second show is what we call unrestricted. And so people know what they can choose from. And so nothing is forced on anybody, but you know what you're getting. People have the right, and people are going to choose, and quite frankly, Mark, people are going to choose sin.

Scripture tells us, in fact, that the light comes into the world, and man rejects the light because he prefers the darkness. So we know that that's a fact, and we know, Paul writes and tells us, we can't live in the world and isolate ourselves because we're going to have to interact with people that don't believe. And as you said, our founding fathers were not afraid of reasoned conversation and discussion and persuasion as a means by which to bring people to the knowledge of the truth. But are we living in an age right now where we have accepted compromise to the point that we have sacrificed our liberties? This gets into our Bill of Rights and freedom of religion, in particular, on what can be accepted and what isn't accepted, and the Supreme Court is ruling on these kinds of things all the time. But it is, thank goodness for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which specifically says that you have freedom of religion. And while there have been restrictions on certain aspects of religion, over time, the Supreme Court has ruled on various issues. We have a pretty high level of religious freedom in this country. You look and see what happened in Canada and some of these other places during the lockdown, of course, we had some issues with that. We were locked down ourselves at Freedom Fest, denial of the right to assemble, as well as the right to religious freedom.

Those two went together. We have a home in California, and there were a number of churches where the pastors were threatened or actually put in jail because they performed services. We actually went to some of these services, and we knew what we were getting into, and some required mass, others didn't.

It was really an interesting experience. I don't know what happened with your ministry, but it was a very, very tough time. So is family structure simply a religious construct? Yeah, I think the Judeo-Christian Code is clearly favoring the traditional family unit, and that's the preferred unit. This is why I think the teaching in schools and so forth, that, oh, these are all legitimate alternative lifestyles. We tolerate them, but we don't want to put it out as saying, this is equal, that any of these ways of lifestyles are equal.

They're not equal, because if you want to have a family, you want to see your own children, then you have to support a more traditional family value type of approach. This is one of the things we do at Freedom Fest. We have these kinds of debates, and it's really been, by the way, I think it's really important to have these debates so that by hearing both sides, you can come to good conclusions. We have debates every year. We have a mock trial this year. A mock trial is on open borders.

Is open borders a good thing or a bad thing? We have people on both sides of this issue, and then we have a jury of 12 people from the audience who say they're objective. We just ask them, and hopefully they are objective, and then they rule at the end.

Majority rules, and it's really a fun event. We have Larry Elder, by the way, this year arguing against open borders, and we have a good young lady, Christina Bernard from Atlanta, who is arguing for open borders. She argues on a Christian perspective that nobody should be condemned for living or being born in the wrong country, so she has an interesting argument.

It's interesting. I ask people, you know, do they know who established nations and boundaries? Well, that's certainly the state, and man did that. Not God, right? Or am I missing something?

You are missing something, actually. In fact, when God called Abram out of Tyre, He said, I will make you the father of many nations, and He defined the boundaries in which Abram was to reside. And He instructed Abram how to respond and how to act as he traversed through each of the nations that he needed to go through in order to get to that promised land, and the respect that he needed to pay to each one of those kings. So God is the one who establishes the boundaries of nations, God is the one who raises up leaders in nations, and God determined that there would be nations. And our Founding Fathers, in fact, when it came to determining how we would bring people into this country, our Founding Fathers used the same context that the Israelites were given by God, which is, there's a difference between a traveler and someone who is a different form of stranger that comes to your land and wants to live there, and in order to be able to live in the land of Israel, you had to renounce the gods that you had previously had and accept that there was only one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now if you were a traveler, you were allowed to travel through, but as a traveler, you were that.

You were there on a very temporary basis, basically given a pass, and allowed to be able to travel through the land on your way somewhere else. Well, so, I do think that if you look at recent history, that is the 20th century, and you look at the boundaries that were created in the Middle East, for example, since you brought up Abraham and so forth, those are all created by the British government, who came in and imposed their own divisions that were very artificial. There's an artificial line between Iraq and Iran, and a lot of, and they created the State of Israel, and they set the boundaries by it. It was not God that set those boundaries, it was the British government.

Big difference. Israel's boundaries, though, if you, I mean, let's be honest about that, Mark. Israel's boundaries are set and are created, in fact, related to the promises that were given to Abraham, just like Jerusalem, which is the reason why, and I commend President Trump for having moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital.

Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel, and recognized as such around the world. And actually, if we want to get into the whole Palestinian conversation, then let's go back and talk about the Russians in the 1960s, because the reality is that the Palestinian was all invented. Arafat was trained as a terrorist by the Russians. I was a Russian Cold War linguist, by the way, just thought I might throw that in there. Well, look, the Skousen family, my uncle Cleon, my father, the naked communists under J. Edgar Hoover, and by the way, I should mention to you, my wife and I have just compiled and edited Cleon Skousen's journals into a book called There Were Giants in the Land, Episodes in the Life of W. Cleon Skousen, and there's a whole. And by the way, it was banned. We were printing it in China to save money, a Chinese ban, our uncle's book, coming up in a couple months.

I'll send you information about it. But yeah, so I'm an anti-communist from way back. All I was trying to say was that there are legitimate historical religious foundations for boundaries and nations, and then there are artificial ones that have been created just by history, and the United States being a perfect example of it, the boundaries between Canada and the United States are very artificial, the cultures are virtually the same. And then you have Mexico, and those are somewhat artificial as well, and California could have easily been Mexican. Well, it was at one point.

I mean, at one point it was, until it was basically sold by the Mexican government. So yeah, no question. You might be interested in this one too. This is called Finding Courage. It's the true story of a family that escaped communist China. You're ringing up their persecution. Their Falun Gong, but the sister was murdered in one of the Chinese communist camps. The brother was tortured for 12 years. And in the video, they had five of the guards that flipped and gave testimony in the video about what the system is and why they do the things they do.

But it's called Finding Courage. It's really quite a powerful presentation. I should tell you that at Freedom Fest, we always have Chinese dissidents speaking. We have Simon Lee this time, who left Hong Kong.

We have Lee Schooland, who teaches, she's Chinese and she's a dissident, though she's gone back to China many times to teach basic free market economics, but it's a real problem right now. So they're all speaking at our conference in Memphis, which is in two weeks. And by the way, people, they want to come join us, they just go to and they can read all about. We have over 300 speakers and we have a lot of good Christian people who come as well as other faiths. It's really a gathering where we network and celebrate and learn from each other.

It's a really great opportunity. We have presidential candidates coming and Larry Elder, who's a big friend of the freedom movement, is one of our speakers. I've had Larry on the program and Larry is a mutual friend of some friends of mine that were Trump surrogates out in California and delegates for him in both 2016 and 2020, longtime friends of President Trump. And I mean, Freedom Fest, yeah.

Donald Trump actually came to our Freedom Fest conference on 7-11 in 2015, just at the beginning of his campaign, his polls were struggling and he had major media coverage and his polls turned around as a result of Freedom Fest. So we're a pretty influential conference and Governor DeSantis is considering coming to our conference. We haven't confirmed him and so forth, but I'm more of a fan of Governor DeSantis than President Trump, but that's just my choice. And you know what, I hope that it's going to be a great debate about principles and ideas and why we've got to stand on those, why that foundation is so critically important. I think it's really great that Governor DeSantis is really standing in support of many of the principles that you and I are talking about as a residence of Florida.

And there's a guy who garnered a supermajority, I mean like 60% voted for him for governor and that's a really good sign. Yep. I agree. I absolutely agree. Mark, I'm so glad you came on because these conversations, what you and I have had here kind of in a long-term coffee shop, but me sitting in Texas and you sitting there in Florida, drinking our coffee together, these are the kinds of conversations that are so important to our liberty and they are so reflective of America and our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence. So thank you so very much for this great conversation, I appreciate it. My pleasure, Pastor Young, it's been a pleasure.

Take care. Freedom Fest, give us the dates again and so we can get people signed up to attend your conference. Yeah, so it's called, that's our website, it's July 12th through the 15th in at the Memphis Convention Center. Mike Rowe, by the way, of Dirty Jobs TV is our keynote speaker and he's a good Christian man by the way, he's really very impressive. So we have these over 300 speakers and exhibitors, I mean it creates a lot of buzz, so I hope to see people there.

That's awesome. That is so, folks,, get over there and get signed up. We're going to take our break, Kathy Barnett joins me on the other side, I'm your host Pastor Greg, you're listening to Children Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So up next we have Clain Slate, when you have different things like cancer and different diseases that are autoimmune related, it can really help with inflammation because you're helping clean the body and Clain Slate is a formula that's made from a natural orthosolic acid that basically is put into a formulation that's naturally occurring that uses different processes from polarization to heating to cooling to different types of catalysts which will go in the body and really help communicate to get rid of those things that don't need to be there.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to seeing you again next week. No topic is off limits, and everything filtered through biblical classes.

Again,, And we are anticipating Kathy joining us here shortly, making sure that she has the information that she needed. And I was thinking that she did, but it is possible that she did not get the link.

So I am re-sending it to her right now to make sure that she has it. There we go. All right.

So, hopefully she'll be able to join us here momentarily, and we'll have her on the program with us. There we go. All right. Well, let's see. So maybe you saw this, President Trump was put on blast with regards to the documents and the documents that he was supposedly waving around. According to President Trump, he is saying that, in fact, he did not actually have documents in his hand that were classified that what he was doing or sharing or saying was, and this is in the article in the Epoch Times, I would say it was bravado. If you want to know the truth, it was bravado. He told ABC and Semaphore in an interview on June 27th, I was talking and just holding up papers and talking about them, but I had no documents.

I didn't have any documents at all. This is part of what David Jastokas was talking about yesterday, and that is that the problem that you have, the problem that they have is an inability to be able to verify in that recording and use it as evidence because unless you have someone who was a witness in the room, who steps up and says, yes, he was holding this or holding that or what have you, you really don't have any actual verification that, in fact, we will be praying for her. All right, well, prayers for Kathy, if you don't mind, that would be great. Let's see, what else do we have going on here?

All right, so she will not be joining us. There we go. This was what David talked about yesterday when he talked about what can and can't be brought into the case, and the challenge that was raised is can you bring this evidence in and will a judge allow the tape to be played simply based on the prosecution's statements? And even if you have, I mean, you have what sounds like the voice of President Trump making statements and circumstantially indicating that he's holding documents that prove a particular point and then stating that those documents are still classified that he did not declassify them. Now, the key to that is, is there a staffer or someone that's in the room when he makes that recording that the prosecution has flipped that's going to testify in open court that, in fact, they were there. And yes, he was holding and again, now it still becomes an argument or a debate because your guilt is predicated on a preponderance of evidence, your innocence is predicated on the possibility that it wasn't or that you didn't, that it wasn't what they think. So in other words, I'm going to flash a video in front of you if you're watching and I do this.

Now, you can try and grab a copy of that and try and slow that down and see if you can figure out what video I had. And even if you're in the room, but unless you can actually verify what you see, you still run afoul of the issue of whether or not and it's an issue of reasonable doubt. Is there enough reasonable doubt to suggest if President Trump goes on to the stand and he maybe he will, maybe he won't, I don't know. But if he went on to the stand and he says, hey, those weren't classified documents, I didn't have classified documents in my hand. I was holding up blank white pages.

I just grabbed something off my desk and and waived it. But there weren't any classified documents on my desk to begin with. So you know, and and now the prosecution is left with the duty according to what David was talking about yesterday. They would have to prove that there were documents on that desk that were classified and that had not been declassified by the President of the United States when he left office. They would have to prove that. So they would have to have an eyewitness in the room who would swear that they saw something on one of those documents that said classified.

And even at that, it that's that's probably your your if you're the defense, you still have the ability to question the witnesses ability to be able to make that kind of a determination. How do you know they were classified? Did they did they have some special, you know, and I wouldn't lead them, I would just say how do you know they were classified?

And and then, you know, give some examples. I'm sure that they could come up with some examples of things that might say classified. And again, here here becomes the issue. He could have a document on his desk that says or that says somewhere on it classified, but that he as the as the President of the United States had declassified. And so therefore, even though it might have the indication of classified somewhere on it, he declassified it and therefore, it's a declassified document. So it there's a lot involved in how you would present this and a lot of debate. But again, he's saying it was bravado. You can argue also, that, you know, this is this is President Trump's moda operatus. And that is to to act with a great deal of bravado.

That's just that's, that's how he how he is. And for better or for worse, depending on the circumstance and depending on the situation. All right, moving on. Let's see. Let's see if the Supreme Court's done any more released any more announcements of opinions for June 29. So let's see what that looks like. Okay.

Okay, so 303 click creative and elaneness. I am not finding anything at the moment. I find a stream and you can find this stream. It's a blog. It's a live blog that talks about what the decisions are. But but it doesn't it there's not anything out right now, per se. That that is announcing anything let me see. If you go through. Okay, so there's seven cases that are remaining to hear decisions, students for fair admission versus the University of North Carolina, students for fair admissions versus Harvard, 303 creative versus elaneness, Biden versus Nebraska, one of two challenges to the bite administration student debt relief plan, Department of Education versus Brown, the second challenge to debt relief, Abitron, Austria, GMBH versus hetronic under the Lanham Act, an individual who uses in commerce a trademark that she does not own in a matter that is likely to cause consumer confusion can face civil liability.

The question before them in the case is whether when the Lanham Act applies to trademark infringement that occurs outside the United States. And then graph versus the joy, which even though Christian who declined to work, so that's supposed to workers, you have graph versus to joy, and three or three creative versus elaneness on the Christian specific. And you know, I'm going to take my break, and then I'm gonna come back, I want to talk to you about, about this whole, and I've mentioned it before, it's kind of a peeve of mine, that whenever we get into conversations about morality, and so on, it almost becomes dismissed as oh, that's just a First Amendment religious conversation or religious argument. And and, and I really, truly believe that that approach is part of why we have kids being taught sodomy in school, and, and gender fluidity, and, and, and abortion, killing babies, and, and, and that life doesn't matter. And you have to understand that the stair step, the tumbling effect that this has, murder rates go up, violence goes up, theft goes up, families implode, you, you, you know, you can say, well, you know, the the number of abortions is is maybe coming down, it's it's kind of fluctuating. You have more you have women giving birth to fatherless children.

And when you look at your prison populations over and over and over again, the studies show that it is fatherless children. Oh, looky. All right. Skip the break. We're gonna go we're gonna go right to our special guest. Can you can you hear me Kathy? Hang on a minute. I was gonna take a quick I was gonna take a quick break.

But I think for the sake of time and trying to get as as much time as as as I can. I want to I want to go ahead and and bring her in. So she's hooking up sound. Can you hear me Kathy? I can. Oh, God bless you. Thanks so much for being with me today.

Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

And there's the book nothing to lose everything to gain. I want to tell you we've never met. But I want to tell you that I was praying for you and rooting for you in Pennsylvania. And and I told my audience that the people in Pennsylvania made a huge mistake by by by not pushing you through and getting you through the primary and I and I'm not even sure and and you know, but I'm not even sure that they didn't mess with those results in that primary to keep you out of that chair. But you should have been the Senate candidate on on the Republican side of the ticket in my humble opinion. Well, I think so, too. I mean, we certainly had earned our place on that stage and on the ballot. And we have put in the work to earn those particular votes. But, you know, again, I remember when it was all over and, you know, I'm just kind of sitting back and assessing all that we had gone through.

And I remember so clearly it was as if it was an audible voice that said to me. So now what are you going to be bitter? Yeah.

Yeah. I'm just sitting there because I certainly had enough to be able to lick my wounds from here until Christ returned on how I was treated, just you know, it was it was the behavior of many on our own side was just despicable. And yet it was that come to Jesus moment of realizing that or having to make a decision.

I will not be bitter because I believe God is sovereign. And I know that I was doing exactly what I was called to do. I saw him open up doors that I certainly did not have the ability to open. Now, it did not end in the manner in which I thought it was going to end me. You know, I believed I was doing exactly what I was called to do. And so therefore it should have resulted in a win. It did not. But what it did do is it caused me like never before to turn my entire attention to Christ.

And so from that moment, even before that moment, but certainly after that moment, till to to this day, my eyes are completely focused on what is it that is happening around us? Where is my place? Let me get in my place. Let me plant my stake in the ground and defend that place. And so that is what I admonish all people. I don't care if you're a Christian or not, but figure out. What it is you believe and why it is you believe it, because once you do that, you get conviction. And once you get conviction, you get courage. And that is what I believe we need like never before in our country are people who are willing to say the emperor has no clothes on. You had a Garden of Gethsemane moment.

If you stop and think about what scripture you write, you know, Jesus is in the garden. That was real intense. I don't know if I had that, but it was intense.

Let me tell you. I mean, we were about to win. We spent 15 months, 1500 weeks, every single I mean, 1500 miles every single week is what I was driving my team and I, you know, just to give your audience some perspective, just between Dr. Oz and Dave McCormick, just in the primary alone, they spent 60 million dollars in that race. That's not including all the others think we had about seven people all together, many of whom were writing 10 million dollar checks out of their personal checking account. But just between Dave McCormick and Dr. Oz, they spent 60 million dollars in that primary.

I spent one point six million dollars. So people would say, Kathy, it's like David and Goliath. I'm like, no, it's like David against a team of Goliath. Right. And yet and yet we did the impossible that had never been done before. I almost we got almost a third of the vote, over three hundred and thirty thousand Pennsylvanians came out and voted for me, despite what Donald Trump and many of the other I call them maga rats were doing in line about me. So even so, despite that.

Right. I mean, because Donald Trump and many on other networks, they are formidable. They have formidable platforms and voices. And yet I got so much encouragement, you know, as I you know, as it was over and I'm looking back to see that in spite of all the voices with their large mega platforms who were telling our base not to vote for me and lying on me, the people would not be denied almost a third. They refused to be denied. And it wasn't because I was buying eyeballs. I only had one point six million dollars again and 60 million.

I didn't have the money to buy people's loyalty or their endorsement or their eyeballs. I just simply stood up, put my stake in the ground and said, this is where I'm standing. And that was enough for almost a third over three hundred thirty thousand Pennsylvanians to say I will not be denied. I'm voting for her. And so that gives me great hope about the state of our country. We have the opportunity, if we can get this right, to actually get someone in office for the president. That's certainly the position that I've come alongside in helping Vivek Ramaswamy. I'm his national grassroots director. That's my position, is that I believe we have an opportunity. I believe that window is closing very rapidly. We need to get this right right now.

And I believe that Vivek is that person. Do you think that we can have a good, robust primary? Is it possible for us to actually have, you know, I just had Mark Skouson on from Freedom Fest and we had a great conversation. We came at things from some different perspectives, but we had a great conversation.

Is that possible? Do you think? I'm going to be at Freedom Fest on, I think, July 13th, looking forward to it, can't wait to be out there with them, define robust. What do you mean by robust? Well, I mean, the ability to be able to express your ideas, to be able to share your thoughts, your platform, your principle with without without, you know, I mean, I'm saddened that we didn't necessarily get to that in 2016. And I'm hopeful that in 2024 that people will have the opportunity without, you know, denigration to be able to present their positions so that people can make an informed and educated decision on who's going to lead our country and potentially lead the Republican Party.

Yeah, that's I don't know, I don't think that's going to happen. I don't think the culture within the political system. So let me just say it this way. I believe that there are many layers to the Republican Party and there are many layers to what it is that we're going to see. I certainly believe people like Vivek are willing, have stepped up to the platform and is leading by example of what it looks like to go into a variety of spaces and platform and debate, not with ad hominems denigrating people, but debate on the merit of of of the issue that is in front of us. He has done it like no one else. And if we're if we're talking specifically about the presidential campaigns, he has done it like none other like no other candidate of being able to walk into a variety of spaces, whether it's CNN or MSNBC or ABC or Fox News or wherever the case may be to have that conversation.

But I do believe that it is endemic within the within the political class of the Republican Party to to denigrate each other, not talk. And that's yeah, and that's my own race. And I'm not trying to cut you off. Unfortunately, we're at the top of the hour and I've got another guest that's coming on. Kathy, I'm going to work with the publicists and we're going to get you back onto the program sooner rather than later.

Nothing to lose. Everything to gain is the name of her book, folks. And I really want to encourage you to pick up Kathy's book. It's a pleasure to see you. I'm glad you're OK. And I'm glad that you were able to be with me today. I just told my audience pray for Kathy. I didn't tell him anything, but I just told him to pray for you. And obviously, prayers were answered and you arrived. So it's it's it is so good to see you and to meet you.

Hang tight for just a minute. I got to take our break. Jeff King joins us. We're going to talk about Christian persecution. And don't forget, next hour, we will be live in India as I share my testimony. And we do another outreach in India in Punjab, where we planted seven hundred and fifty churches put in 41 freshwater wells, established four sewing schools for widows, our orphanage and our Bible school. I'll be back. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio.
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