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CGR WEDNESDAY 020123 Michael Austin Jesus Is Not Trans Dick Morris Rick Manning Boycott ATT Dish over Newsmax

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2023 3:48 pm

CGR WEDNESDAY 020123 Michael Austin Jesus Is Not Trans Dick Morris Rick Manning Boycott ATT Dish over Newsmax

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses.

And joining me here shortly will be Michael Austin, Project 21 Black Leadership Network. And we'll be talking about this bishop. He is the dean at Cambridge, and he has made a claim that Jesus was transgender, which is just really pretty outrageous. It's just really pretty crazy.

This comes from an interview that Michael did on Newsmax, and let me give you this little piece right here, and then Michael will join us to talk about it. Get this, claiming that Jesus Christ could have been transgender. Among the proofs offered was the idea that Christ's side wound during the crucifixion makes him appear physically feminine.

The dean responded to critics saying the claim that Christ was transgender was legitimate. This sort of thing, I'm guessing. So there you go. All right. And joining me now is Michael Austin. Michael, welcome. Good to have you. Glad to be here.

Thank you so much. Absolutely. Absolutely. So this dean at Cambridge has made the claim that he thinks, based on some pictures, and we've watched this kind of stuff before, there was the film that came out that tried to portray that there was some kind of relationship between John and Jesus because of the way that Michael Angelo painted the portrait of John.

Leaning on Jesus's shoulder. They portrayed it that Jesus was a homosexual. I mean, this kind of perverted concept and these kinds of statements by the woke left are not really that brand new, I don't think.

No, unfortunately, they're not. It's that time old tale of revisionist history. It's looking at either historical events or biblical events and looking at it with a political lens. It's no different than, you know, pulling down Christopher Columbus statues because, you know, they don't think he was a nice person or going after our founding fathers because they had slaves, even though almost everybody had slaves at the time. It's once again, this temptation for individuals to try to appease the woke left because they think it'll get them something, you know, here on Earth.

But as we all know, that's not the truth and we're going farther and farther away from it. What do you think are the implications, because obviously there's more behind this, to just simply suggest that, you know, that Jesus was transgendered, and transgender obviously at this point has to be viewed as the next big woke agenda, right? You know, we've transitioned now through the same sex union situation, and now the respect for marriage codifies that. So now we've moved on to, we're going to start mutilating little girls, you know, in their early teens and dropping hormone therapy on eight year olds. Is that, are they using this thought process, do you think, of suggesting Jesus was transgendered to try to get the church to embrace this in the same way they moved to get the church to embrace the sodomite union thing?

I most certainly think so. I think it's, once again, it's making the outrageous statement, but saying it often enough that it now becomes the new normal. So once it becomes that new normal, it's the new base, you can go on to the next outrageous statement. But unfortunately that means we're creeping along a dangerous path here. And, you know, churches and pastors and ministers need to be careful because, you know, there's the temptation of, you know, I want to bring more people into the church. Maybe I should talk about what everybody's talking about, or maybe I should try to compromise my message. But unfortunately we're seeing some churches start to compromise their principles. And I think that's exactly what we're seeing with this talk about Jesus being transgender. You know, it's interesting.

I had Vince Ellison on, I believe it was on Monday, and he's got a new documentary coming out entitled Will You Go to Hell With Me? And this is really, you know, at the crux of what he's talking about is, and in particular when it comes to black churches and the African American vote, going towards Democrats, and it's the Democratic Party that is pushing these kinds of radical concepts. I agree.

And let me backtrack a little bit here. I don't think there's anything wrong with a church mobilizing its congregation to be more politically involved or to be more electorally involved, you know, getting out the vote. I think that's a fine position for the church to take.

My problem, of course, is when it follows the political line so much that it deviates from biblical teachings or biblical principles. For example, so with this Jesus being transgender stuff, there's no reasonable way to take from scripture that Jesus was transgender. Only woke revisionists who can take a reading of the Bible, ignore 2,000 years of church history, and just say it doesn't count are the ones who are doing this. So it's just another attempt to deconstruct moral and biblical authority by using today's political controversies, and that's what these churches need to be aware of.

Well, I think the same thing can be held true when it comes to the issue of, you know, again, homosexuality. I mean, in Matthew 22, Jesus very clearly says, you know, he talks about a man leaving his family and clinging to his wife. He expresses that this is what he sees as the proper union, the proper marriage, the tradition, and in fact, he opened up his ministry right in Canaan at what? A wedding. And it wasn't a wedding between two guys.

This is a wedding, a traditional Jewish wedding between a man and a woman. So Christ's position when it comes to marriage is very clear. And the same thing, I believe scripture talks about abortion.

The Bible clearly talks about that we're not supposed to kill the babies, and there's very serious consequences for those that are engaged in that practice. You know, it just goes to show that when you go to the Bible, there is only one truth, and that is God's will. That is the Lord's will. And we folks here on Earth might seem tempted to bend God's will to our own, but that is not how it works.

It's the opposite. We are supposed to bend to his will. And so those who I think are trying to force Jesus into this political transgender vessel or use the Bible to talk about same sex marriage, you know, they're not preaching a universal truth there. They are counting on the secular left, you know, all for the sake of their own pride.

Well, and I think, you know, even I had Malcolm and his wife, Simone Collins, on the program last week talking about the pragmatic pieces that are associated with this. And I think that's something that is oft times overlooked, Michael, is that God's laws and God's plans and God's desires for us, number one, they're always good. Number two, they're always backed by love.

And number three, they're actually the best way to do this. We have a, you know, everybody talks about we have an overpopulation in the world today. The reality is, if you actually break down the statistics, we're underpopulated. We are literally moving in the other direction. Man is becoming extinct by culture, you know, whether it's the numbers. I mean, China is going backwards for the first time in decades.

They are going backwards. We're not repopulating here in the United States sufficiently to be able to have the numbers that we're going to have to have. Every group around the world is depopulating. And, you know, when you start promoting things like homosexual unions, those don't create life. No, and it's not just, you know, the same sex marriage. It's also, you know, the fact that we don't promote marriage in general. You know, people are getting married at later years in their life, if at all. Not only that, but we're having, of course, more babies out of wedlock as opposed to, you know, having children after marriage.

You know, another one could be, oh, goodness, just the whole, you know, quality and aspect of life. We've become more, you know, promiscuous as a society. You know, the Balenciaga fashion stuff, where now it's starting to dance with pedophilia. I mean, it's sickening. There are so many different signs in our culture and society that we are just pivoting away from the Lord and we're just pivoting away from biblical teachings and, of course, falling more into that temptation and more towards the devil.

And I think, unfortunately, you know, this Jesus being transgender stuff is an unfortunate sign that it has even infiltrated the church. Well, you know, talking about the deviance and things that are going on, Revolver is a news aggregate site. There's a lot of great stories. I had the founder of Revolver on the program a couple of times the last couple of weeks, and there's a story on there about the Dances with Wolves actor.

The young man who played Smiles a lot was the Indian name that was given to him. Well, he has been arrested for sex crimes as a cult leader with five wives and multiple counts of abuse of children. And I only bring it up just to validate your point of, you know, the degeneracy that has become so much a part of the culture that we live in. I'm trying to think of what the, there's a really popular, I think it's Euphoria. Is that a television show?

Yes, yes, something along that line. And it's become a very popular program. And it supposedly is depicting a lot of the way that a lot of high school parties and so on and so forth, and from the critiques that have come out, you know, the critical acclaim that it gets is that it is following very much in line with a lot of what our young people are being exposed to in schools. And again, this goes back to the pragmatic side of it. And when you start marching out things like Jesus is a transgender, the only purpose for that kind of an agenda is to try to justify what you're doing behind that. The mutilation, the hormone therapy, all of the things that the trans movement is doing right now to our kids in school. And we'll be back to talk more about how do we fight back? That's the key. What do we do in order to turn the tide?

We'll be back with more on that with Michael Austin, Project 21 Black Leadership Network right after this break. Here's an important message from the Diabetes Solution Center. Diabetics understand all too well the pain of pricking your fingers. But now, by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or CGM, you can immediately reduce your pain. It's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions. If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily, or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out-of-pocket cost.

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And the proceeds greatly help U.S. veterans. So please call right now. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through Biblical Glasses and my special guest, Michael Austin, Project 21 Black Leadership Network. So, you know, we're talking, we started out talking about this woke Dean at Cambridge. And it wasn't as though he just made a flippant comment about, oh, Jesus is a transgender. I mean, he did this and then he literally tried to argue the point. Like, it wasn't like, well, he said it and then he's like, well, I was, you know, just kind of hypothesizing.

He said it and then he doubled down on it and was like, no, let me tell you why I think that's the truth. That, I think, is the thing that's the most unnerving about these kinds of radical statements to me. I think I think you're exactly right. I think what that shows right is that this was driven by pride. You know, this was this was not testing the waters and seeing what goes out there.

No, no, no, no, no. He knew what he wanted to do and he knew he wanted to argue it and he wanted to get on TV so that people could see it and maybe he could increase the congregation. Right. It has nothing to do, nothing to do about professing biblical principles, has nothing to do with just sticking to the facts.

This is just not true. It was all about trying to appease the woke left. But instead of compromising his message, he ultimately compromised his principle. And I think it goes back to speak into the level of degeneracy that we see in our society today, where we are just shifting away from the Lord's principles and we're falling into the trap set by the devil. Do you think it's also because I hear what you're saying relative to trying to pander to try to increase your your numbers or pander to a particular group of individuals. But isn't it also about setting policy in tone? In other words, they're seeing out in just regular people, just regular parents that are showing up at school board meetings, talking about things like CRT and so on, but also talking about this sexual perversion, this push, this push towards pornography, and this push towards transgender and sex change.

The National Sex Education curriculum or guidelines, if you will, suggests that at eight years of age, they're supposed to be teaching masturbation and the positives of taking hormones to change your sex at eight years of age. So you've got regular parents now out in the world that have that because of shutdowns and what have you have read this stuff now, and are saying, I know. And now you've got this highly educated Cambridge University, prestigious, high level, highbrow, you know, place, and you've got the dean who's coming out and suggesting, oh, no, folks, you really shouldn't push back against this because didn't you know, Jesus is transgender. Does that make sense to you? No, it doesn't. Well, it makes sense if you think of it this way. Yeah, evil is closing in the walls.

Right, right. Evil is surrounding us. It's cutting off the escape routes. It's it's it's giving parents no earthly, no true earthly solution, no true worldly solution. You know, I think parents right now are taking their kids out of these schools because they don't like what they're being what their kids are being taught at such a young age.

They don't like this. As I said, this revisionist history, this critical race theory, they might be putting their pulling their kids out because they don't like how these test scores are continuing to underperform. But normally, you know, the solution to that will, let's say, take them to a private school or religious school of some sort. And, you know, then you have statements from this Cambridge dean, which unfortunately is suggesting that that's being infiltrated as well. Now, of course, parents will naturally push more towards homeschool. And I think that's a great option.

And, you know, I think we as an electorate need to make sure parents do have those options for their kids. But I think it goes back to my original point. You know, evil has to announce itself. It can't be subtle.

It has to be in your face and it dares you to do something about it. And, you know, ultimately, we all know that this world, unfortunately, is going to get a lot worse than it's going to get better until we see the return of the Savior. But I do think that there are some options like school choice, like pushing back on what we know is evil, that can most certainly help push back that tide.

You know, I agree with you wholeheartedly, Michael. We had on our program, Leigh Broughton, who is the founder of Christian Classics, which is classical Christian homeschooling. And, you know, she's been doing this for years and talking about the importance of parents and the affordability, the options of doing it. She also talked about the dangers of the of the ESAs as far as making sure that the government doesn't get involved, because that's another thing we're seeing. Whether you're a private school or whether you're homeschooled, there are blue states where the government is saying, well, sure, we'll give you, you know, tax credits, money, what have you. But then we're going to come in and tell you what the curriculum is that you're going to use for your kid. And that's where the rubber is hitting the road.

That's the whole issue is, man, we sure don't want that. Appreciate as we're fighting this big fight. I think education, right, is so critically important.

We have got to rescue this next generation and take back our education system. Michael, thank you so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it. Well, it's always great to be on. I hope to be back soon. Absolutely.

All right. Dick Morris is on next with Rick Manning as my co-host. We'll be talking about AT&T and they just canceled Newsmax on Dish. So cancellation number two, time to make a change. Patriot Mobile is a great way to make that change.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Hey, folks. Pastor Greg here. I apologize.

I'm having some minor technical difficulties with the Zoom call. So, hopefully, Mr. Morris will be on with us here in a minute. Let's see. There we go. Okay. All right. There we go.

So, yeah, just I'm working on a Zoom issue. There's Mr. Manning. He is with us. And let me see if I can. Oh, very good. There we go. Thank you, Christian, for checking things out and letting me know that there was an issue going on. I greatly appreciate it, brother. So appreciative of that.

Thank you very much. It's always great to get messages from viewers and listeners saying, hey, man, there's a problem with your broadcast or, you know, what have you, or we love it. I like getting those two or I don't like it.

And I like getting those two because, hey, you know what? Constructive criticism is always a good thing, as long as it's constructive. All right. So, looking for Mr. Dick Morris, he should be with me shortly. Let me try. Let's see.

Why are you doing that? I'll talk a little bit here. One of the things that while Greg is trying to get Morris on the line, some really cool stuff happened yesterday. I think it's instructive for how the Congress is going to run. Those of us who pay close attention would notice that it took about six hours for the Republicans to be able to actually get enough Republicans on the floor to be able to pass the rule.

This might seem like a failure in leadership, but it's actually an exercise in leadership by Kevin McCarthy. The reason is Nancy Pelosi, with a six-vote majority, had a tremendous advantage. The Democrats all gave Pelosi their proxies, which never has been allowed before, but it was a rule that was set up for the COVID emergency. So Nancy Pelosi had all of their votes literally in her pocket, so they didn't have to be on the House floor. Kevin McCarthy said during the new rules that we're not doing that anymore.

We're not going to allow that to occur. And so they brought up a rule, the rule for a bill, which is a separate thing, that governs how each bill is going to be heard. And they had to round up the 220 votes to get it passed and get people on the floor. You have one House Republican member who's in the hospital because of a serious car accident.

You have others who might be ill. And so it's going to be an exercise in hurting pets in many respects, but it's honest. And ultimately they did pass a resolution to end the pandemic, the healthcare emergency anyway. That passed the House. Additionally, a piece of legislation that is specifically designed to force federal workers to go back to work and stop and hang out at home and pretending they're working and calling it telework.

When we're looking at this, I want to take a 10,000 foot view for just a minute. One of the things that the Freedom Caucus, Matt Gaetz, I know Matt Gaetz gets a lot of credit for this, but Chip Roy was a big part of holding the line on this as well. And he did a lot of the talking and took a lot of the heat. Gaetz now gets a lot of the glamour, and I'm not taking anything away from Matt, but Chip was in the middle of this.

I was texting with Chip through that whole process. They got these rules in place. There were some real serious concerns that even if they got to that point, and even after that, you get the rules in place, but is McCarthy really going to hold the line? So far, from a 10,000 foot perspective, and these particular intricate bills that you're talking about kind of prove the point, McCarthy has paid attention to what those guys were trying to get him to do.

And from a grassroots perspective, at the moment, we have to be, I don't know, maybe a little happy? Yeah, I will tell you, I'm impressed by what Ken McCarthy's done. This is, once again, a very hard job, and he's got to hold people together who don't necessarily agree on everything. And it's going to be a war internally to get to 218 on virtually everything, but he's so far navigated that, and the most admirable thing is, he hasn't taken the easy way out on anything. Now we've got a lot of big, obviously vast majority that's the pathway ahead of us, but you have to set a pattern of how you're going to work.

And I think they're working through some growing pains, but so far, Ken McCarthy's done nothing but an extraordinary job. We want, also, I would think, we want to put some spotlight on what it meant to not hold the Senate, right? So I mean, some of this is going to be realizing that yes, we're going to pass some things in the House that are going to get stuck at the Senate and not make it to the President's desk. But in essence, really, that kind of is okay, because the goal in that is to show how out of step, I mean, you look at Schumer right now, right? I mean, he's potentially in trouble in California, which I think is, no, it's not, is it Schumer? Am I saying that right?

Okay, no. Well, maybe he's in trouble. Maybe Schumer's in trouble in New York. But isn't there a guy in, is it Schiff? Schiff is leaving. He's running for, he's not running for reelection in the House. He's going to run for the Senate.

Right, but he's in trouble. If I saw a headline correctly, he's going to have some issues. Yeah, Adam Schiff is not going to win the Democrat nomination in California. The Democrat electorate doesn't line up right for him. And he's, I think he needs to figure out a book deal or go be with the MSNBC or something. Actually, if the Department of Homeland Security with their misinformation, mal-information department actually were honest, Adam Schiff would be automatically censored because he's proven to be nothing but misinformation for the past four years. Yeah, no doubt. No, he's not.

Okay. To get to what you were talking about on the Senate side and why it matters sometimes in the Senate, yes, the Republicans in the House are going to pass the legislation. The Senate is not going to like it and aren't going to pass it and that's normal. But where this is going to get interesting is if they're on things like the debt ceiling and Republicans in the House insist on cuts and the Senate says, no, we're not going to cut anything, then there's going to be irreconcilable differences. And the Senate will have to decide, do they want a debt ceiling pass, a debt ceiling increase pass? You know, ironically, the media will say, oh, the Republicans are holding it hostage and they'll use all this hostage language. The bottom line is the American people think the government is too big and cuts are needed and the Senate and the Biden administration are the ones who are out of touch on that and it is the House Republicans as they move forward, as Kevin McCarthy meets with President Biden today to talk about cuts that need to be made, there's going to be a real discussion and argument in this country about the size and scope of government and that is important. It's important for the future of our country and we might not have that same argument if Republicans were in charge of the Senate, certainly if they had 60, that argument between the White House and between the Republicans. In this case, it's going to be a five vote majority House having that argument with both the Senate and the President and thank goodness they're there.

Well, it is. That's where the fight's going to be. All right, we got to take a quick break. Hopefully when we get back, we'll be able to figure out what's going on with Mr. Morse and get him back in for our final 10 minutes.

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We always promise you a free consultation. Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes.

You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes, and I'm glad to be able to tell you we were able to connect with Mr. Dick Morris and joining our co-host Rick Manning. Gentlemen, welcome. It's good to have you with us. Let's get right into the topic at hand, and part of it has to do with this meeting that is happening now between the Speaker of the House and Joe Biden to determine how they're going to work out this budget situation.

Dick, your thoughts? Well, these negotiations are a sham and a precip. There should be no negotiations at all, but the Republicans should simply pass an extension of the debt limit that cuts the dollar of spending for each dollar of additional debt limit.

And the goal of the negotiations is to obfuscate that point and try to bury it in minutia. There's some speculation of a clean debt limit extension. All debt limit extensions are clean. It means we don't stop borrowing, and we'll continue to wrap up the national debt for a period of time until the extension runs out, and then we go through the same process again. It's only by using the debt limit to make a fundamental change in our fiscal policy and where our nation spends money that we're going to be able to deal with this problem, and I believe that the House Republicans have got to be firm on this point. The other point is that they're trying to convince the American people that there's a big threat of default, which is absolutely not true. There's more than enough tax revenue, not borrowing money, to pay off all the debts we have and to pay for Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid without borrowing a penny. And it's only this fear that the Democrats are using to try to mobilize people in favor of the debt limit. Rick, question?

Yeah, Dick, thanks for being on. I just wanted to ask you specifically, you would recommend then that the Republicans in the House very rapidly bring up a debt ceiling increase with real cuts involved and force the Democrats to respond to that. We know that they can wait until the middle of the summer before it's really a crisis. I'm sorry, I think the Republicans should pass a bill now saying that this debt limit will only be increased if for each dollar of debt limit increase, there is a dollar discretionary spending cut.

This is really similar. I think that, Rick, you talked about this on the program a few weeks ago on one of our Monday interviews. And there is a bill that has to do with the 1% cuts and the, what was it, a $400 million initial cut and then 1% cut after that plus something similar to what Dick's talking about? Yeah, there's lots of ways to get to where we need to be. But the fact of the matter is we have $6.25 trillion budget deficit, or I'm sorry, yeah, budget spending, the amount we spent, $1.25 trillion budget deficit.

But Dick, so yes, there are lots of ways to get there. Dick, practically one of the things I think the Republicans are maybe making a mistake on is they're talking about how the debt ceiling doesn't really become a problem until much later and they're putting off dealing with it until then. And I think this is an important tactic because it allows us to have a public discussion for a long period of time about how big the government should be and how much the spending cuts should be. And the public's with us. Do you agree the public's with us on that point? Of course they are. And by setting an artificial deadline, be it next week or six months from now, we're admitting that we have to raise the debt limit in order to avoid default. And that is fundamentally not true.

Right, because the revenue that's coming in from the taxes is quite sufficient. Now, guys, I appreciate the opportunity to talk about the debt limit, but at the moment I'm preoccupied by more basic issues, which is that Newsmax television and the network has been censored off the air by direct TV and ATV. And the reason I'm particularly upset about that is that I'm working closely with President Trump and this is not something against conservatives or against Republicans. This is a hit directed directly at Donald Trump because Newsmax is the only network that covers Trump rally speeches or anything about Trump.

Fox hardly mentions him. If they do, it's critical. And this is a vital to electing Trump's president. And this intervention by direct TV and ATV, which came the week Trump launches his campaign with rallies in South Carolina and New Hampshire, is simply an attempt to muggle Donald Trump and stop him from running.

Just like impeachment was, just like the second impeachment was, just like the talk about January 6th was, just like the Russia hoax was, just like the litany of threatening to invite him to be taking classified documents was. These are simply a series of events with Democrats are using to try to stop voters from supporting Donald Trump. And I want to urge people to please pick up your telephone right now and call direct TV and ATV and say you're going to pull the plug. You're not going to subscribe to them. You're going to go somewhere else for your TV coverage and your vote for some other form for your cell phone coverage. Would it be okay if I give out the number? 100%.

Absolutely. The, uh, the direct TV, the phone number is, and we've had over a hundred thousand phone calls. It's having a hell of an impact. Direct TV's number is 877-763-9762. And to paraphrase Jerry Lewis on the telethon, the operators are standing by. And for ATV, for ATV the number is 888-833-2338. That's 888-833-2338.

888-833-2338. In the past censorship has been orchestrated by the government. And when they do that, we have recourse to the courts and to Congress. But when it's privatized, contracted out to two private companies, we can't do that.

The only leverage we have is the marketplace to pull the plug and to cost them enough subscribers so that they back off this active censorship. And we're well on the way to doing that. We need your phone call and we need your participation. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, and that's one of the reasons that, uh, you know, we encourage folks to, uh, make the switch over to Patriot Mobile, Dick, uh, because of, of this exact situation. Uh, you know, to, uh, to, to support a company that supports our values.

Uh, yeah. I want to, Greg, I want to commend you for having Rick on the co-host. I didn't realize he was doing that. It's terrific and it's so important that Rick have a platform because he really is the go-to guy on the debt limit. When I have questions about it and I have technical financial issues I want to raise or come to some issues, he's the guy I go to. And I'm so delighted that you're giving his listeners access to his views.

Well, thank you, Dick. I appreciate having Rick. He's on with me twice a week. He's on as, as my guest when we start every Monday. And then he co-hosts with me here on Wednesdays. Thank you, Dick, for those kind words. All right. We got to jump.

Uh, Dick, thank you so much for taking time to be with me. We'll get you back and folks, I'll be giving out the number, our number two straight ahead, but I'll be giving those phone numbers out over the course of the next hour. And I really encourage you, you can hit them hard by making a switch to Patriot Mobile today. Use the code chosen and you'll get free activation. That again is a forward slash chosen or 972patriot, 972patriot. I'll be back.

Our number two coming straight up. Rick, always a pleasure to see you, my friend. Take care, buddy. We'll, uh, we'll catch you on Monday. You got it. You got it. All right.

I'll be back. Our number two straight ahead. Fake news with newsbusters coming up. We're going to expose it right here. Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to chosen generation radio. Get more at

That's chosen generation radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex. You're teaching transgender issues. And, you know, children are moldable and influenced by that. They said, okay, now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly, it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age, of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. One's using a condom and they both give consent.

Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing. The schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive.

Most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure. And if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now, they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds. And once that poison is in a child's mind, it doesn't leave. They'll always remember what they learned. And it's by design. It's orchestrated. In my humble opinion, it will be worse before it gets better.
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