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Guests Scott Powell and Michele Swinick

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
December 2, 2022 12:18 pm

Guests Scott Powell and Michele Swinick

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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December 2, 2022 12:18 pm

Scott Powell sets the record straight on the Pilgrims, Captain John Smith, Plymouth Rock, Jamestown, Squanto and the Indians. Thanksgiving is a great day to remember and a great opportunity to give thanks.

Michele Swinick shares the report about her meeting with the GOP Board in Maricopa County. The Cochise County apparent compromise, but there is still hope. Apparently, there was a meeting during that meeting that nullified the other meeting meaning she Peggy Judd can still not certify. Also, Pastor Greg describes the real evil that this election battle is about.


There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society and that you must have honor and defend your family. But it's not always easy to do.

When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he's still in prison, and my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. Now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day.

And thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And let me see. I'm pretty sure that I had my my friend confirmed.

But I better I better double check and make sure that that that that was, in fact, there we go. I do. I do have him confirmed. He is here with me. Awesome.

There we go. Hey, man. Hi, Pastor Greg. How are you? I'm good, Scott. How are you? Can you hear me?

Is the volume good? Yeah, I think you sound OK. I think we can make this work, brother. Oh, wonderful. Wonderful.

Wonderful. Well, happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I hope you had a wonderful occasion.

We did in my family. We had our family here and four guests at the table. Well, we we we had a small Thanksgiving, but we are having a a larger gathering this weekend. So we were waiting for everybody to get into town and everybody's in town now.

So so are our big day is going to be tomorrow. But I want to talk about it for a minute, because, you know, there's a lot of obviously there's there's there's been some historical revisions, you know, relative to it. I've been made aware, in fact, that there is a Native American protest now that happens at Plymouth Rock on on the day that is traditionally identified as Thanksgiving. You're a historian. You've looked into all of this. You've you've read about all of it. You've obviously, you know, you know the story of Samoset and Squanto. And, you know, the story about him coming back 10 to 12 years after he had first left and discovering that both of the tribes that he had been associated with were, in fact, wiped out by by sickness and ill health. But but that, you know, in addition to that, though, he found a new home and new family, as one Native American site puts it in the in the pilgrims who who took him in and and and and the travel he'd been on. But give me give me your your historical perspective on all of this, if you would, please.

Scott, I'd be happy to. First of all, let's let's remind the audience that everything has been politicized in America. We can see the really that the cultural totalitarianism of politicization of all our cultural institutions. So it should come as no surprise that the Indians have been politicized. The story of the pilgrims would be politicized.

That should come as no surprise to anybody. The Indians are probably every bit as deficient in their understanding of their own history as the Americans are. So let me tell the pilgrims story in brief. It is a remarkable story.

It is, in many ways, the seminal story of America. Because first of all, the pilgrims came out of really the Protestant Reformation. They were first called separatists. They were were English people who who felt that the Church of England, which had really adopted many of the traditions and the formality of the Catholic Church.

And it was a you know, it was tied also to the state. They objected to that. The separatists wanted, you know, they felt they were called to live according to the Bible and their understanding of the Bible.

They petitioned the British state to establish a new church that was rejected. And that began a course of persecution that drove them out of England. They went to the more intolerant, liberal Holland, almost lost their lives. They had to make two attempts to get to Holland. Their ship almost sank.

So these people were remarkable. And their colony in Holland grew. They lived there for about 11 years and their children were growing up.

They were concerned that their children would become more affected by the Dutch culture than the Christian British culture from which they came. And at that time, they heard about the Jamestown Colony being successful and leaders of the separatists who will now call pilgrims because they were pilgrims when they were forced to leave England. They went back to London and petitioned the Virginia Company for, you know, for getting a charter and a destination, a plot of land in which they could settle in the New World. And they succeeded in doing that.

The plot of land they were given was in the north part of the Virginia Company territory, right up near the Hudson River, probably in New Jersey. So that's where they set out to go. But the storms, they got a late start in September, hurricane season. The storms and the gales they experienced crossing the Atlantic Ocean were so overwhelming that the ship was battered, broadside batterings. Many days they were under a bare pole, that is to say no sail at all. It was just a matter of survival in these very high seas.

Waves were said to be 100 feet tall at one point. And one wave hit the side of the ship and broke the main beam. Fortunately, one of the pilgrims had brought a house jack along.

They quickly got it up under the beam, raised it back up, and somehow survived. But they were blown off course and they found themselves off Cape Cod, a long way from their destination, which was in the, you know, in the mouth of the Hudson River. The colony that they were given a charter for, they couldn't get there. They were almost out of food.

Provisions were spoiling. And remember that the Mayflower, which carried the 102 passengers, nearly two-thirds of those passengers were not pilgrims. They were not separatists.

They were not Christian believers in the same vein as the pilgrims. And it was those people that began to rebel off Cape Cod, and the elders of the pilgrims decided, we've got to keep everyone together. We've come all this way. We now see land. We're going to be establishing making landfall in a place we just don't know.

We really don't know where we are. But we've got to keep everybody together. They decided to establish the Mayflower Compact, which basically was the first document of being governed by the consent of the people. All people were equal. Each person was called to, you know, cover the back of their fellow, their countrymen. And all the people, all the men on the Mayflower signed the Mayflower Compact.

That includes not just the Christians, but the other folks. And there was a variety of them. Some were craftsmen and coopers.

Miles Standish was a military leader. So they came together under the Mayflower Compact and proceeded and found Plymouth as being the most suitable place to establish a colony. So that's the short story of how it all began and how they got to the New World and where they settled. And you're so right, Pastor Greg, in pointing out that they settled in a place that had been previously an Indian colony, an Indian village that had just simply been wiped out. And the wiping out of that village had happened before the pilgrims then arrived. Is that correct?

Yes, absolutely. Apparently they had some kind of plague or disease that just killed, you know, it just wiped the village out. Now my point was from that village originally.

Right. And of course, he had, his story is really rather fascinating in how he ended up initially meeting the very first group, which was not the pilgrims that had came and started working with them. And some history indicates that he was taken at that time. Other history indicates that he voluntarily went, although his mother didn't want him to go, and went to England and went to work, worked for a family in somewhat of a servant role, but went to work for a family and then came back with John Smith. Now, historically, John Smith came back. He came after the pilgrims or before the pilgrims. Wasn't John Smith associated with the Jamestown colony?

I believe that's correct. There were two ships that came across. John Smith's ship and a Captain Hunt, I think is the last name that's coming to my mind. And Smith essentially had given Squanto, you know, leave to go to try to head back to his family. And he came across Hunt's party, and Hunt's party basically took him and nine others captive, and then took them to Spain, where they sold them as slaves.

Yes, I think that part of it is true. And the story goes that Squanto was freed by a Catholic friar. Catholic friars, right. He ultimately ended up being taken in by Catholic friars, and the Catholic friars then set him free. And then they arranged for him to have passage back again. And it was essentially at a point in that voyage.

But yeah, I'm pretty sure so. I think he went from Spain under, you know, when he was free from his chains in Spain, he was more or less a, you know, a slave there who was sold into slavery, and he was free and he went to England and there he ingratiated himself with a wealthy Brit who took him in really as an indentured servant. And he served for some years, learned the English language. That's where Squanto learned to speak English by living in England, you know, for I think three or four years before he was successful in getting passage back, you know, to, you know, to North America in hopes that he could rejoin his, you know, his tribe. In what was, what became Plymouth. Of course, it wasn't called Plymouth in his childhood.

Right. Yeah, that was the Patuxent tribe, which, you know, which was wiped out. And, but there was a neighbor child called the Poconocas. The Poconocas took in Squanto before the pilgrims arrived. And so when the pilgrims arrived, Squanto learned of the arrival of these Englishmen.

And he proceeded to be really a key person in the success of the pilgrim colony. So, yeah, I'm looking at that. So, you know, you're really okay, we got to take a break.

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So please call right now. My special guest is Scott Powell, Rediscovering America. And we're talking about Thanksgiving, which we just celebrated and many are still celebrating. And we are, as a family, going to be celebrating it tomorrow. So just to be clear, because as we were talking about those dates, John Smith arrived in 1607 in Jamestown. The Pilgrims arrived in 1620, 13 years later, up in Plymouth. Big difference.

And there were huge differences in how those colonies were established. And of course, the Plymouth situation and what had happened to Sesquon, Sesquon? I'm sorry, Sesquanto.

The Plymouth situation, what happened to Sesquanto's family and the tribes and so on, had happened years before the Pilgrims ever arrived. Please continue. Please continue.

Yes. But Sesquanto, you know, reach out. It was Sesquanto who recognized that a ship had arrived and he learned that they were Englishmen.

And so he got the opportunity to, you know, to communicate with them because he could speak reasonably good English. Right. Which was really important because the first winter was brutal. I mean, we're talking a New England winter. The Pilgrims arrived in December. That winter, half the Pilgrims perished and four full families died.

I mean, it was devastating. And yet the survivors, they kept their faith and their commitment to their calling and cause. And it was Sesquanto and other Indians that helped the Pilgrims in the spring to learn how to plan the different kinds of crops.

They'd never seen corn before, for instance. They taught them about how they could, you know, how they could be more successful at fishing and hunting, which were all a matter of survival, really. But it was also recognized that it would be good to have amicable, just as they had established the Mayflower Compact, they wanted to have amicable relations with the Indians and so they decided wouldn't it be a good idea to have a treaty where both sides commit to maintaining peaceful relationships.

And so on April 1st of 1621, after this brutal winter, that's what they did. They established the Pilgrim Wampanoag Peace Treaty. That treaty lasted more than 50 years. And so the Pilgrims have a unique distinction in American history as being the settlers, the colonizers, who had the longest stretch of peace with Indians of any settlers in American history.

There was no conflict. There was no, there was cooperation. I mean, the first Thanksgiving would not have been successful were it not for the Indians because, as you pointed out, Pastor Greg, the, you know, the agricultural, the approach to agriculture was communal. It was a socialist model of farming, and that was mandated by the Virginia Company, by the way. It wasn't that they chose that. They were following the direction of the Virginia Company that said, you know, that all crops should be, you know, you raise them as a community and you share in the harvest equally.

Didn't work very well. Their harvest was meager. They invited the Indians to come. And of course, there's less than 50 Pilgrims now because of all the deaths that winter. And the assumption, of course, probably was that, well, the Indians were not going to show up with more than 50 people. I mean, well, they showed up with 100 people. And not only that, they showed up with all kinds of fish and fowl, turkey, pheasants. They brought five deer.

Well, and the other thing is, too, that's a part of this, and we're going to run out of time here. But the other thing that's important to understand, too, was is that Squanto was critical in communicating to them how to plant their crops so that they would yield successfully because their crop had been very meager the first year out. He showed them how to put the corn in the ground. He showed them how to bury a fish with the corn. So the corn had good fertilizer. So the ground gave up a good yield, and they had a gigantic yield. And of course, then they shared their bounty with the Indians. And so it was community. But each individual, if they worked hard, they survived. And that was the key. And if you weren't going to work, then you weren't going to benefit by the work off the backs of others.

And they learned that socialism doesn't work. Scott, we'll get you back in for more of this. We're out of time for right now. But it's important to understand that there was a mutually beneficial relationship between the pilgrims and the Indians. And there's one other story, too, that's kind of ignored. And that is the chiefs that traveled all the way from the state of Washington to Washington, D.C. to thank the president of the United States for sending the missionaries that changed and saved their lives.

It was an amazing story, and it's a true story, by the way. We'll be back with more Children's Generation Radio. Rediscovering America, Scott Powell. I'll be back with more Children's Generation Radio.

Michelle Swinik is with us. We're going to talk Merrick Corruption County and the election right after this. Are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction? Then call Addiction Helpline America right now to get the help you need. From drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment, we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. With one call, you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need. Call Addiction Helpline America at the number below. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. One phone call today can change your life forever.

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Nikko products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Gonna get that on right off the barrel, right out the bat. We got it.

It's written right down below. You know I love the sign. I know you do. I know. Well, and you spent those thousands of dollars on it, so you might as well get your money out of it, right? I gotta put some on the back. Yeah, well, then that'll cost you another thousand dollars, but that's a better use.

Buy a couple of wells. I'm just saying, 400 bucks puts a well on the ground, 3,000 people, fresh water, changes 3,000 lives forever. No, but anyway. All right, so... You're like me, everything promo.

No, it's actually sharing information because people need little snippets because the attention span is 8, 9 seconds, so if you can give them quick little stuff, that's why I talk so fast and I jam so much in. They're like, I'll take door number three. Oh, don't do that. Hey, look at that.

Oh, and speaking of door number three, it is appropriate. That's the blue pill. Michelle Swinik, Is there a Swinik in the house? Right here, sir. I'm reporting for duty. All right, there you go.

All right, so you said lots, lots to share. Oh, my God. Yeah.

Okay. It's never a dull day in AmeriCorruption County. Well, actually, it was out in Cochise County.

So, you know, yesterday, you and I talked off the air and people were probably seeing articles or people were talking about it on shows that Cochise County, Peggy Judd, who was on my show, Episode 383, back in middle October when we were talking about banning the machines and they were talking about originally doing a hand count. I mean, I spent so much time with Peggy. I was pumping her out and she had the whole support of everybody and their mother. And their mother. She knew that.

And all the mothers in all the land, right? Yes. She caved yesterday. Okay. I was like, are you kidding me, Peggy?

Come on, Peggy. You know what? I get it. No, no, no. I know.

But, Michelle, Michelle, Michelle, now, come on now, a little bit of grace here. I do. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. But here's the deal, man. People, please understand what they're doing.

Understand these threats. I'm not. I wish that, you know, because somebody has to say no. Somebody has to say no further.

You will go no further. But there's a difference between Bill Gates and Richard, what's his name, Klein? Stephen Richard.

Stephen Richard, whatever. Anyway, there's a difference between these guys who are a part of a pack that is formed to influence the election that they sit on the board or that they oversee. And we know corruption happened. Okay. Yeah.

And they're part of the party. All right. There is a difference between that and someone who has some guy possible. I'm not. I don't know this.

Just speculating. But some guy that shows up in the middle of the night, snatches your kid, brings him into your bedroom, holds a knife to him and says, you'll vote this way or I'll slit your kid's throat. Right. But I would like for that. I mean, I don't know if they could say that.

Well, okay. But they would be told. But here's the thing. And they would also be told. And if you tell anybody that I was here, you're going to be dead and nobody's going to know.

Now, listen, if you're a believer, you know, if you're a Christian, you know, you go to heaven. But, you know, one of the other things that we talked about last night is we talked about the absolute this is evil. This is this is there is this is satanic.

This is evil. Children are being trafficked. Children are being slaughtered. Children are being sacrificed for I mean, mind, body and soul. They're being really sacrificed. Literally.

I mean, literally, literally put on altars, drugged and their blood taken out. I know. I know. But it's real. Well, real stuff. Folks, I know it's early.

I know that it is early. I understand. Okay.

And I know you're going to go. Pastor has gone off the I'm not let me let me tell you something. I want you to go and look up Robert Stack, Unsolved Mysteries, San Angelo, Texas. Listen to me.

Listen to Pastor carefully. Robert Stack, Unsolved Mysteries, San Angelo, Texas. Two young people executed at Lake Nasworthy. The local FBI was corrupt.

They had to go to D.C. to bring in an out of town FBI agent. My former pastor, who, rest his soul, is living with Jesus right now, Dr. John Haller, was an expert on that case. I lived in San Angelo when that happened.

Okay. I was aware because out at Lake Nasworthy, they had been kidnapping children and taking children out there. I did deliverance prayer and I shared this. This is the woman I did that shared the story about the levitation on your show. And she and she was a courier. She she was a breeder at one point, meaning that they would impregnate her and take the children that she birthed and sacrificed them. And at the point that I interacted with her, she confessed that she was transporting children around the country under the cover of being an insurance agent, going to conferences where she would pick them up and take them to be sacrificed. And I had a woman in my home with her daughter who she and her twin brother, when they were little, had been captured and were being fed and prepared for sacrifice.

And a man that was at the mansion that they were at had a change of heart and whisked them away, put them in a car and sent them away from the mansion so they were not sacrificed. I am telling you these things because I have witnessed and had them told to me first hand. I'm not hearing this from a tabloid.

I didn't get this information from from from some late night program and some host that was trying to make a name for himself that might have made up some stories. What I know, I know because I know. And doing deliverance ministry for the last 20 plus years.

I have sat with people whose demons have told me lots of stuff. We're dealing with evil and the evil is becoming more and more bold and more and more prevalent. Don't forget that. And the good news, this is what we need to remember, the good news. He that is in us is greater than he who is in this world.

He that is in us, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh. Shut up, devils. Shut up, devils, right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that came in the flesh. I command you to be silenced and I command angels to do warfare to silence and bind you up and cast you either into the abyss or take you before the throne of God to be judged according to his will. Every plan that you have right now ended. Curses, spells, ties, marks, vows, seals, contracts, assignments ended and burned up and destroyed by the blood.

The Holy Cross resurrection and ascension of the true Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth that came in the flesh. Against this program, against Michelle, against me, my family. My personal declarations are in force and executed now. My personal declarations are in force and executed now. I hear you screaming. My personal declarations are in force and executed now. This is real.

It's game on and this is real. We've got about a minute, Michelle, and then we're going to take a break and we're going to come right back. We're going to spend 10 minutes and you're going to tell us what's happened. Yeah, I'll give you a little teaser.

Please. Cochise County. What happened yesterday actually didn't happen.

Okay, that's where we're going with this, too. I was at my legislative district meeting last night, which is part of the precinct committee man, which is how Michael Lindell running for the chair of Ron and McDaniels. This is the people on the ground, the grassroots. So we had our election last night and we had our meeting. No mention of the election.

No mention of anything. Mayor of Corruption County. Right then and there. That is a huge problem because the people in leadership positions have moved on. And again, I think I told you guys the first newsletter that came from our chair after they called the race or after just even the chaos in Mayor of Corruption County.

His his newsletter that he sent out to us precinct committee man was about the Thanksgiving Day parade. Okay, so that is their priority. And these are the people that you think are leading you and they're leading you right over the cliff. And then I got in three fights at the actual after the after the meeting and in because I demanded a hand count of the ballots because we voted for executive board, the legislature. And I won't leave it at that. I got a fight with the new chair.

They didn't know she was the chair until she thought she was the chair in January. Here we go. Right after this. Hi, I'm Kim Shep, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets.

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That's Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. You got to go through what I told you last night and just trust your pastor here. Okay.

Trust your pastor. I got you. Okay. I'm picking up what you're putting down and I see you. Yeah.

Trust your pastor. I'm slow to speak and then when I do. It's mighty.

Well, and when I speak, then that's when Facebook bans me. Yeah. Because there's a case and I'm just going to plug it one more time real quick. Case coming up this coming Monday, we'll have Loy Brunson will be on the program. Loy Brunson will be on the program with me this coming Monday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern.

You do not want to miss this. This case may well be our last real opportunity to make things right. And so I wrote, pray for the Brunson case to be won at SCOTUS and all these traitors will be hung for treason.

They would be. If this case is won, if the Supreme Court makes that decision, then basically what it will mean is, is that yes, those individuals that voted to stop the investigation. This wasn't about not certifying. This wasn't about this was simply to say our director of national intelligence has information that the Chinese Communist Party has interfered with America's election and has and has potentially changed the results based on hacking computers and hacking vote voter polls and and and and changing the outcome in the same way they manipulate things, by the way, in their own country.

All right. We know they have the technology. We know they can do it. And and there was evidence to suggest they did it to our election. And an investigation was was started and the director of national intelligence said, I need 10 more days, which he had.

They could do that. I need 10 more days to continue this investigation. And the individuals in the House and in the Senate, along with Biden and Harris and Pence and so on, all said no. And they killed the they killed the investigation. And in in spite of all the evidence that said, hey, something is not right here. Not conspiracies, nothing. This said this had nothing to do with any of that. This had everything to do with actual bona fides from our intelligence community. All right. What happened in Cochise County? Seven minutes.

So yesterday we got the word that Peggy Judd, my buddy, Episode 383 caved in for whatever reasons. Right. And you have much, much more much more patience than I do with these people and voted certify the election. But keep in mind, the actual certification meeting was supposed to happen today. A judge made them have some sort of a special hearing yesterday to actually discuss it. And importantly, they were saying the judge forced them to go ahead and certify. The judge doesn't force you to do anything, people, just like a mandate, OK, a mandate when they say the mandate with a non-vaccine bioweapon, it's not a thing. So stand strong. That's the end of the story.

And these people did not. So then all of a sudden I'm getting texts saying that. There was a filing in a court and I'm going to read the exact email and I'm going to take out the names to protect the innocent and the guilty. There was a filing based on because there was an attorney switch to the original attorney that they had. This guy, Brian, who's is no good. And he's been he's known up here in Mayor of corruption county. He was their attorney and he was his attorney, the attorney for the Board of Supervisors, because there's a mark Mark Elias case because he writes this the second time he's been down there. Mark Elias is sticking his nose into the Arizona election. And remember that Mark Elias second time Mark Elias is the guy that that Durham was investigating relative to Russia, Russia, Russia, very deeply embedded in in the deep state. And then he is he is the attorney that basic crafts and runs all these operations. Right. So then what happened was apparently to their original attorney recuse himself, whatever they do, just didn't represent him.

So they were trying to find another one. And they got this other they got this guy, apparently he's not associated with anything to do with elections. Remember, the RNC and the GOP have an agreement with the whole state of Arizona not to represent anybody that has to do with anything elections. Right.

Keep that in mind. Everybody's don't give them any money. The RNC and the GOP refused to defend the integrity of the election because they were trying to make. Wait a minute. They were trying to make sure.

I know I know this. But because and and and Jeff Zink came on the program, we talked about it. But because they didn't want Kerry Lake or Blake Masters, even though I'm going to tell you that Blake Masters was not the grassroots choice either. Was it? However, layman was. However, the the establishment does not want Kerry Lake or Blake Masters or a guy like Jeff Zink to be at Congress, Senate and governor.

Go ahead. Well, I differ about the Blake Masters, but well, that's why he conceded because when they concede, they close the accounts. They keep the money. Right. So that's that's another show. Well, let's get in. All right.

So anyway, to go back to the coachees. So apparently, when I got this in the afternoon, I'm like, wow, I see what I'm seeing when you see when you have this chaos in a circus and you have all the rest of it. There's all shenanigans, right? It's just nothing is if you're doing things lawfully and the right way, you don't have these problems.

Just like we didn't have the chaos at our meeting last night. And I'm going to give the people advice on how to avoid that, because it's a pattern. And I've noticed it numerous times.

Go through this. Oh, my God, you're killing me. So basically what happened is they filed some sort of a lawsuit or that or a document, whatever. Right.

Don't worry about that part of the language. So then it was and it was changed from the Superior Court to federal court. This is all happening while the meeting was happening or just before the meeting was happening. So it's just like, how come no one talks to each other, right? You wonder that. So what basically happened is that the meeting was actually nullified and Peggy has the opportunity to reverse her decision and then overturn what happened, because the meeting technically did not happen. You can't write this stuff.

It's that stupid, but it's not that typical because, A, it's Arizona and because you're dealing with demons and layers of corruption. So basically, here's. Yeah, so it's not too late.

So the certification process is still it can be can be brought back around. So basically, do we have a do we have a number? OK, so SaveMyFreedom.US, get over there and click on the button for the campaign. The phone numbers are in there. So you're sending for coachees for Peggy, right? It'll have the Board of Supervisors for Coachees.

All right. So Board of Supervisors on SaveMyFreedom.US. It's so important. They need to hear. And here's what they need to hear. Here's what they need to hear. Yeah, we're running out of time.

I know. And what they need to hear is, hey, I support your decision not to certify. So please don't. We supported you, Peggy. We believe in you. We know you want to do the right thing.

So don't certify. It's a positive. Peggy wanted to stand for the right thing, OK? Somebody got to her. She got influenced.

Her arm got twisted. Threats were made. Patriots, we've got to stand with these people right now. We have to stand with them.

If you're a patriot in Arizona and you have some way to reach Peggy to connect with her, hear what I'm about to say. In a positive way, let her know we'll protect you. We've got your back. We'll stand guard at your house, OK? We'll stand outside of your home and make sure nobody gets to you. I'm serious, folks. Yeah, because it's kind of serious at this point. It's that real.

So I encourage you to do that and call and keep clicking on this button because it just I just checked. There's eight hundred and forty four thousand people who clicked on this. Well, we mean, we need those eight hundred and forty four thousand people to do it again. Oh, no, you do it every day. If you do it every day, we do it again to eight forty four times three.

Yes. So now you're in the millions of people because these yes, these these particular emails, this support from the American people nationwide, nationwide, literally less than two minutes a day. You're going to use these in the court cases to show because we don't stand up. We don't physically go anywhere. We're no Brazil. We're a digital society. And let me and let me just close out our signal by saying this again.

Save my freedom. Not us. And please understand. I hate it. I know.

I love it. Thousand dollars. Please understand what we're doing here and why this is so important, OK? We're going to talk next hour about the Respect for Marriage Act.

Just as an example, OK? Every congressional vote on that is going to matter. Every one. I don't care if you live in Texas and you say, well, I got my congressman. It doesn't matter because Arizona's congressional members, Massachusetts is congressional members, Connecticut, Florida, Virginia, South Dakota, North Dakota, West Virginia, Tennessee, California. It doesn't matter.

Every one of them has a say in whether or not you have to allow your child to be anally assaulted. I'll be back. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went into a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at

That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country.

Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending gone crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on?

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