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David Shestokas election integrity and the need to fix a very broken system

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
November 9, 2022 1:04 pm

David Shestokas election integrity and the need to fix a very broken system

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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November 9, 2022 1:04 pm

Pastor Greg discusses why we never saw the red wave but instead a red dribble. It is about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the values that made America great. Get those back and we get the economy back and we stop inflation, open borders and the assault on our children through a compromised education system.

David Shestokas election integrity and the need to fix a very broken system that started from the moment the polls opened.


My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation radio ministry. By the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and a needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this is this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Lastly, we thank to Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation ministry and all the supporters who put the borewell.

Thank you. Hi, I'm Tim Shep, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional Vibe and mineral tablets.

I wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all in one Vibe and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold pressed whole food source, non-raided, gluten free and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

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I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at coupon code chosen gin radio at checkout and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's coupon code chosen gin radio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Legal products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, chosen generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical classes. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. Well, good morning. Welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I greatly appreciate it. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical classes. Pardon me while I'm working on, there we go. Okay, good. Hang on just a second. Let's see if, there we go.

Okay, we'll see if that works. Well, my, my, my. Lots to discuss today. Bottom of our number three, Erbil Gunasti will be joining us. He has written an article published in the Daily Mail talking about, well, at what he believed was going to be a pretty significant red wave. And, of course, we have watched that. We're still waiting on, on some results. But the red wave does not appear to have, to have happened like we thought that it was, like, like so many hoped that it would. And so, we'll talk with him about that. Also, joining us, T Rose will be with us.

Sensor track. And an article that was, I didn't hear a whole lot of folks talking about it yesterday. And I think that a lot of that had to do with the belief that, oh, this was going to be, you know, a big shift, a big, a big red wave, and so on. And, and so there was a lot of, of that kind of conversation that was going on. But Robert Epstein, Dr. Robert Epstein said that, you know, his research team identified that Google was doing a lot to shift the election, that the, that the, the changes, and I'll, I'll, I'll get into that article. I'm going to try and pull that up because I, I think there's some interesting pieces in there for us to understand as we, as we try to unpack a bit about what happened yesterday. In addition to that, we'll have Claire Lopez will be with us and co-hosting with me in that segment, Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government. We'll talk about that. Let's see, top of the next hour, Kenneth MacLennan, the chairman and CEO of TECN TV will join me and look forward to having him on the program.

David Chistokas is normally with us in this hour. I know that in Illinois, he was very involved in the senatorial race of Catherine Murray. And let me see, I, I, I did not, before I jumped on, let me see, Catherine Murray, Illinois, pretty sure that was, that's correct. Kathleen, there we go, for state senate. So I don't know how she did. Kathleen Murray, let me see if I can get results.

K-A-T-H-L-E-N-M-U-R-R. Murray, Illinois, and 2022 Illinois state senate district 45 election results. That's, that's not, that's not telling me anything. I don't even, I don't see her name.

So that, that can't be correct. She is running in, sorry folks, bear with me here. Her priority's got that and, well, the rental rights bill about, let's see, and, why am I? I'm not seeing, I apologize. I'm, there's nowhere on here that it says what senate district she's running for.

Alright, so that's not helping. Let's do, let's see, senate house, that's national, let me try this, and USA Today 2022 Illinois state, I'm looking for state senate, Kathleen Murray. It says district 21.

Let's try that. Illinois state senate district 21. Okay, hmm, alright, so looks like according to the results, Laura Ellman won in that district by 17 points.

That appears to be the net result. So we'll try, I'll try and get David into the program a little bit later on. I'm gonna guess that he was up probably pretty late last night, so we'll see what we can do with that. So let me get into what I talked about yesterday because folks, I've been building on this, and I'm watching our numbers over here. I'm watching the numbers on our website at We've had some big numbers last week. As a matter of fact, TECN, and I don't know where those numbers are.

I'll have to ask Ken, maybe he'll know. On Monday, we had the biggest day in the history of the network, 49,000 viewers, which is incredible. It's awesome. It's fantastic.

I don't know where in the day the numbers jumped in. You know, I hope that you enjoy the program here. I hope that you enjoy the children generation radio program. We've been at the top of the heap, and I was recognized for that by the network, and we'll talk about that with Ken, too. But I know that our numbers have been down on our website, or so it appears a little bit, just in the last little bit. And I have to wonder, I know that there have been challenges, and I know that I've been doing a lot of talking, and a lot of sharing.

And I don't know if I'm holding you. I don't know if you're engaging with me and what I'm talking about, but I'm going to bring it back up, because yesterday's results so far are very indicative of the things that I've been talking to you about, the things that I've been sharing with you about the condition of where we are in this country. And in particular, what I'm referring to is, and it's interesting, I was watching Real America's Voice yesterday, Steve Bannon, Ed Henry, and I think Catherine Turek. And, you know, they were very, very optimistic at the onset, as the day began and so on.

Charlie Kirk was talking, lots of optimism there. Now, I'm not saying, I mean, you look at, for example, what's going on with Kerry Lake in Arizona, and you look at what happened in Arizona. And Michelle Swinek was on this program and she said, look, you know, we know what's going to take place. We know what's going to happen. We know that there's going to be a mess up.

And we know that the machines, this is why they were pushing, banned the machines and the effort that was done with Act for America and that partnership, and I know Brigitte, I've known Brigitte for years, you know, the effort to say, look, we've got to get these machines pulled. This is going to be a problem. There's going to be an issue.

And what happens right out of the gate? And I want to apologize because I was on with Matt yesterday morning and he said, what are you hearing? And I had not gotten Emerald Robinson's email or I had not seen her email, but she sent out an email yesterday morning that arrived in my email box at 9 a.m. that I didn't see until literally getting off of air. And in her email, in her blog, she talked about, you know, the voting issues and her post leads off with Mike Lindell was right about voting machines.

Nobody should need to be convinced about election fraud after today. And then she goes on to write about, you know, all of the people that are talking about all of the issues of going to vote and having to stand in line and all of the excuses that were there that came out. Maricopa County confirms tabulators are malfunctioning on election day. Folks, there are issues with these machines. The Eugene U debacle should have should have alerted us. The fact that that you had Catherine Engelbrecht and Craig Phil and Greg Phillip put in jail by a U.S. marshal in Houston just a week and a half before the election takes place for not giving up a source relative to election fraud issues.

You know, it just it goes on and on and on and on. And, yeah, nobody wanted to listen. And so when Michelle was on my program and when she started the ban the machines effort with Act for America, partnering with her, you know, I mean, they were saying, look, these are uncertified.

It's illegal. They're there's going to we're going to have issues with this. And lo and behold, we do. And then there's this general overall media silence about the machine problems.

And, you know, and there's there's no further investigative reporting into machines that were, in fact, online and and all of the information that was that was put out, that was truthful and that was accurate. But there's there's another piece to this as well that I've talked about that I think is significant. And I'm going to tie in some other stuff coming up right after this. I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to products that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at CGR Wellness dot com.

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Get yours today. So, talking about where things sit with regards to the election fraud situation and I would encourage you to be sure and check out. You can get Emerald Robinson's blog. It's a sub stack and in her blog she points out, hey we tried to warn you Mike Lindell did and it was interesting.

As I was watching Real America's voice yesterday, Jack Prusovic took a jab at Lindell. Oh my, I'm sorry I'm hearing my dogs and the neighbor's dogs all barking at each other. They love to do that in the morning. Living down here in the country at any rate, I'll tell you it's loud because there's a lot of dogs.

So yeah, they can be aggressive as well and yeah, you don't want to come on the property without an invitation. At any rate, so we have this jab that was taken yesterday and it was interesting. Again, this was early in the day yesterday. Charlie Kirk and Jack Prusovic were talking and they were looking at the lines and the turnout and so on and there was a lot of excitement about we're going to take Arizona and we're going to win Arizona and so on and then there was comments about the fact that there were issues and national media was not really giving much attention to the issues that were going on especially in Arizona but other places I heard around the country as well where people were being turned away and told there's problems with the machines and so in some places where there were three polling spots, two of the three, the machines were down and you just kind of got to go, wait, why would that be? Why would that be the case?

I mean, you really do. You have to ask that question. Any reasonable person would have to ask the question, why are there machines down? Why are voting machines down on election day? There's just something about that that doesn't make a whole lot of sense but Jack Prusovic yesterday on Real America's voice with Charlie Kirk took a shot at Mike Lindell and, you know, Mike's the guy who funded Tina Peters. Mike's the guy who said, hey, there's an issue with the machines.

There's an issue with them being connected to the internet. There are problems here and, you know, he was castigated on all sides and I think yesterday that a part of what we witnessed was certainly evidence, proof is in the pudding, that there are major problems with the infrastructure of our election system in what should be the freest nation with the best election system in the world. Let me welcome to the program my very good friend, David Chistokis. I was telling folks, I said, you know, I'm going to guess that David was probably up very late last night. I took a very quick look to see how Kathleen did and I'm sorry that she was not successful in her bid but, you know, hopefully we got some people's attention with regards to the issues that she was talking about and especially the parental rights issue which I know is a critical issue and just very quickly to bring up to speed.

So I was talking about that. I was talking about Emerald Robinson put out a thing yesterday talking about the election machines and immediately right off the bat said, look, see, we told you, we told you there's a problem with the machines. We told you that there were these issues. Michelle Swinek was on my program. She's the one who was partnering with Act for America to ban the machines and sure as shooting right out the barrel, you know, there were all these issues, the issues that took place in Arizona but there were other places across the country. Mainstream media wouldn't report on any of those.

So that's an issue. I didn't yet get into, you know, Ron DeSantis, that's the path to victory in my opinion and DeSantis took on the hard issues. He took on the LGBTQ agenda.

Okay. He said no. He took on CRT and the leftist racist and he said no. He didn't shy away from any of that and he won.

He took on abortion and he won and everybody else in the other 49 states, in my opinion, for the most part, except perhaps Kerry Lake, wimped out, crossed the board and we didn't win because well, we want to have a broad tent. No, we want to do righteously as a nation or we will lose. Period. End of story. David just took is my guest.

We'll be right back and take our break and then and then we'll get rolling and and give David some opportunity to talk to us back right after this. You should to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking a traditional vitamin mineral tablet.

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Drop a green fuel tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to chosen generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So David just kind of got an air full from me, not directed in him, but just in general. Look, I'm watching real America's voice yesterday and I was going to point this out.

I started out to kind of go down this path, but you could see Ed Henry kind of losing it towards the end of the evening because he was watching what was happening and the red wave was turning into a red trickle and the whole thing was just imploding. But they started talking about, you know, during their broadcast, Oh, well, you know, the, you know, well, the left wants to say it's about abortion and that's how we motivated our people. And, and they're saying no, it's about inflation and that's what it's really, no, it is about abortion except that abortion is a dad gum righteous thing to be upset about. Okay. Parents were showing up and were, and it was so bad that the attorney general of the United States of America declared parents to be domestic terrorists for showing up at school board meetings because of the fact that they were shoving abortion, transgenderism and CRT down the throats of children and indoctrinating kids and perverting kids and parents got pissed.

And yet here we have the Republican party and even a real America's voice and Bannon and all of them are afraid to have that conversation. I don't, yeah, that's why you lost. That's why you lost. You want to know why you have a trickle? You got a trickle because you got no damn balls. That's why you got a trickle. You got no guts. And the guy in Florida, Ron DeSantis had the guts to say to the LGBTQ, not in my state, stay out of my school abortionists, not in my state, leave my children alone, racist, CRT racist, not in my school, get out of my state. What's that?

What corporations? What is that? What you're going to do? What you're going to leave? Good.

Here's the door. Oh, and by the way, your tax exemption, but by, he didn't just say it. He did it. He signed the laws and he did it and he made it happen. And he went to the legislature and he said, we're booting these bozos. And the legislature said, yes, we will. Yes, Mr. Governor. And they sent the bills to his desk and he signed them. And guess what? There's a red wave and there's a red wave in Florida only, only because it's the only state where the leader had the balls to do what needed to be done. All right.

So tell me how you really feel. Good morning. I'm sorry to have not been timely. We talked briefly off the air. I was, in fact, upplayed both with returns and other matters. There were, I heard you reference issues about problems with voting machines and problems with voting technicalities. I was involved with a group called Illinois Freedom Alliance that was monitoring elections all around the state of Illinois.

And I had been involved in 200, what they call incident reports of things that happened, whether it was stuff like silly stuff running out of paper. Here they had, people had the option of voting on paper or voting on touch screens. And there was any number of places where they ran out of paper or didn't have paper, making people vote on touch screens that were, of course, and that's kind of suspicious all in itself where you act because Lord knows you know how many people are, how many people are, how many sheets of paper you need to have. It's called registered voters. But it showed up. Yeah, it's called registered voters.

Hello. I mean, you got to save 20 or 30 bucks out of a hundred million dollars that you spent on an election by saying, oh, we're only expecting 20% turnout or something, you know, and then only having paper for the projection as opposed to, so you only have paper for, I don't know, 80 people out of 400 in a precinct. When possibly the precinct may have 400 people. So what's another 300 sheets of paper cost?

You know, I mean, this is, this is insanity. That's, that's, that's among the problems, but there were in fact problems with bleeding through situations where they made people vote with Sharpies. You know, they didn't, they didn't give them an alternative made them vote with Sharpies, which is why Michelle Swinek and act for America said, bring a blue Sharpie, don't use their black Sharpie, bring your own and bring a blue Sharpie. So that way we can, we can, in an audit, we absolutely know that you place that vote and not somebody else, not only not somebody else, not possibly the machine machine out of a, right? A mechanical or electronic or yeah. Right. Yeah.

Out of an adjudication. But, you know, and these are, these are the kind of things that make people go, Hmm, are, is the election secure? You know, these are the kinds of things that cause people to ask, ask those kinds of questions. And they're pretty simple.

They ought to be pretty simple stuff. And so it's reasonable to ask, is the election secure when the election authority can't even bring you enough paper. And that's, that's among them. We had a variety of situations where one guy was trying to, in fact, appropriately see records as a poll watcher and the, and the folks, the election judges are called the police and he was escorted off the premise. Yeah.

Yeah. I heard he was, he was, this morning as a, as a trespasser, I had a nice, nice, nice guy. I actually had data analyst himself never had any trouble with the law in his life. He's in jail this morning. These are, these are the kinds of things.

And of course there's, there's no news about any of these kinds of, these kinds of situations. Oh, it's the most secure, smoothest front election in, in history, or at least the second because of course, two years ago we had the most secure election. So this was almost as secure as two years ago. And I was literally involved in answering these problems and they're calling, calling state's attorneys and they're directing a few, a few other attorneys relative to going to see judges on some of these issues.

They were places where they didn't have enough voting booths and they were making people vote on tables, sitting down at tables in public, casting their votes, not privately. These are, this just went on and on all day, all around the state. And of course none of that's news, none of that's in the, none of that's on the TV, none of that gets covered by anybody. And then they go, you know, it's so secure. And so this is, this is really, really troublesome because of the collusion between covering up the problems. And those are all the kinds of things that make people uncomfortable, make people think that something's a, something's amiss.

And kind of finished. And Lord knows, I mean, it just, you know, if you went to the, if you go to the ATM machine and they don't have enough paper machine, you know, you go to that, well, wait, no, I'm not going to put my money in because I can't get a receipt. Yeah. And so, but they don't allow it to happen. So these are, these are the problems. And like in Arizona, where you had situations where you had people that were, you know, waiting in line, waiting in line, and then they were instructed, you know, well, we're having an issue here. So you need to go, you know, and they were directed to go to a different polling location, except that they weren't told that they needed to have withdrawn from the location they left so that that way they could retain the right to go elsewhere. Otherwise the system wouldn't let them vote because they were already registered in another location, which is good.

I get it. Good safety, you know, good for voter integrity, all that kind of stuff, except that the election worker should have known that and, and should have spoiled their ballot at the first location so that they could then go to the next location where they were sent to in order to be able to actually vote. And, and again, and so, you know, you get the run around, right? And after you do that a couple of times, yet a lot of people that were like, I don't, I literally don't have any more time left in my day to do this, you know, and I'm sure that there are people who, who didn't vote because of those kinds of situations and how we can only hope and pray that those things are simply incompetence. But when they happen too often, they, they don't, you have to start to think that it's beyond incompetence and that there's something nefarious of foil.

Well, and, and when, like in Arizona, when, when the, when the person running for governor is also the secretary of state who is running those elections. Right. Okay.

I, you know, I, I mean, they're, they're, you know, if it, if it, if it looks like poop and it smells like poop and, and, and, you know, and, and so on and so on. Go with the duck analogy. Yeah. Well, there you go. Okay. Yeah.

If it quacks and, you know, banana. Yeah. So these are, these are problems and I was dealing with those kinds of, those kinds of issues in addition to the actual, actual political things that you're talking about. And we can talk about some of that as things go, go, go forward. But the truth is, is at least my experience yesterday, it was more about the issues about the technicalities that made elections not smooth and make people not comfortable and people not feeling that the results are legitimate. All right.

We're going to have to go into a break. When we come back, what I'd like to talk about is, is, is the constitutional implications and, and the legal maneuvers or, or legal challenges because there's already been Carrie Lake and her organization and the, and, and the national GOP have already filed lawsuits. There, there's a number of things that are already in play. Fetterman in Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit by the way as well.

Lots of stuff with regards to all that. We'll come back and talk about it right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a war war two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topics, off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

Of course, we're talking about the debacle really of yesterday and it's not over yet. It's interesting. Here's a headline from PJ Media and I like the folks at PJ Media. I've been following them for 10 years. They're good people over there.

They're balanced. They're level headed in there and they're just a good journalist. In Steven Kruiser's article, he headlines his opinion 7.34 a.m. on November 9th. The morning briefing, we're done. American voters are idiots. So much for the red wave, freedom and hopes that the United States of America would continue to exist past next Arbor Day.

We're done here, kids. You know, actually, human beings who voted for Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, John Federman in Pennsylvania and Kathy Hochul in New York. I mean, think about what those individuals represent. You know, I am I'm not a Memenos fan. I have not been a Memenos fan. I don't believe Memenos was a good selection. I was stunned when when President Trump decided to endorse him.

I thought that was a really bonehead move. But but Federman is straight up. I mean, every every moral debauchery that I talked about last half hour is represented in Federman's policies, as well as Hochul, as well as Whitmore, as well as Pritzker in your state. Every single one, you know, every reason why God fearing American showed up on the 6th of January to peacefully protest. By the way, it was a peaceful protest until the D.C. Capitol Police started firing rubber bullets. And until Antifa and the undercover FBI agents decided to break into the Capitol, bust down windows, move aside barriers and usher people into the rotunda and and lead them through the offices. But you know, yeah, you know, part of the part of the reason we have people like Pritzker Federman Hochul Whitmer, although I can't say this necessarily about Michigan, but around the country, there was a lot going on where the the Democrats were involving themselves in the Republican primaries and doing what they could to choose their opposition.

Yeah. And in very, very many, many places, the very best, most competent candidates were were pushed out by Democrat money supporting the support in the weaker candidates of the Republican Party that they wanted. They spend money to elect to nominate the opposition that they wanted. And this is this is another problem or not, whether it's a problem or not, but it's a but it was a tactic that was very successful in terms of many places around the country where they want to put a weaker candidate in the rep of the Republican Party because the Democrats got involved in the Republican primaries. And they were able to do that because there's no competition in the Democrat primaries.

Right. The Democrats had settled on now whomever it was that was going to be their nominee. They didn't have any real competition. Republicans had real competition in many, many primary situations. And as a result, the Democrats said, oh, we're going to try and help them pick their guy and spend people spend money on there. There's a lot of candidates that were chosen by Democrat money saying that they allegedly were saying that the Republican candidates were too extreme in terms of providing support for the Democrat for the Republican candidate they wanted and motivating a fringe segment of the Republican electorate to choose the weakest candidate out of the Republican out of Republican fields.

There's a lot of things going on. It's a really complex, complex situation in terms of the miserable, miserable lineup of candidates we had in many places. Although I can't say that about Pennsylvania, I had a chance to spend time with Senator Moschiano. It's amazing to me. He's worked harder and talked, been more transparent and open with everybody in Pennsylvania. I'm just amazed that he was not elected governor yesterday.

Well, I agree. And it is what happened in Pennsylvania is rather stunning. Some good news in Texas, you know, overall, the top three, Abbott, Patrick and Paxton, now I just hope that we can get them to hold to what the grassroots has been trying to send them to get them to do. But I think Robert Francis O'Rourke is done.

I think he's finished. Disappointed in Virginia, kind of some mixed results there in Virginia. Yes, Lee, the Hispanic gal that was running was ahead right up until the very last minute. And, you know, hopefully they will challenge that, quite frankly. I hope that they challenge that. There will be a lot of court activity and there's always going to be a lot of court activity anymore until we do away with the early voting and the mail-in ballots and the two-week counting period, you know, because people will never be comfortable until we do away with all the security breaches and until we get them to conduct them competently. So these are all other kind of issues beyond the straightforward political issues that you're referring to. But it's a complex circumstance that needs many, many fixes in many, many areas.

And it's very difficult that you were talking about the PJ media. It's difficult to believe that those fixes are going to take place because the people that are in charge of doing the fixes have benefited from problems. And they're in charge.

And so they're not going to fix the problem. And so it has to be such an overwhelming, it has to be such an overwhelming turnout in favor of things, in favor of the good. And the only way that's going to happen is with somebody that is, in fact, carrying the shield of good like Ron DeSantis. And we've got to get, you know, to the foundational issues as well because that's what got the mama bears engaged. That's what brought those people out and caused them to go. It's what they saw.

And we need to keep that up. You know, there was some conversation about, well, it was, I forget which one of the elections, but there was some commentary that it was, you know, quote unquote mama bears that put a left wing Democrat, oh, that already won on the issue of abortion on the left. And I'm thinking, are you kidding me?

Seriously? You know what? Mama bears are not voting for abortion. Mama bears.

That's right. They've already had, they've had children. They know what they're there. That mama bears are not pushing so that their girls can kill babies or without their permission. Yeah. They're just I'm sorry, but that that's not that's not in the realm of the real world.

It's just not in the realm of the real world. But of course, it is something that the media is trying to push. And we really we have an opportunity because of what has been revealed and what has been seen to gather a group you want to expand the tent will expand the tent by by by standing for something because people are still looking for principle. They're looking for purpose. Let's give them principle.

Let's give them purpose. And and then and then we can have, you know, that that quote unquote red wave. Lots still to see. Yeah. To a large degree, the folks anticipating or speaking about a red wave and and in fact, the candidates were running under ran many kind of lukewarm things, believing that they were just going to win, that they didn't have to do anything else. Yeah. And despite the fact that and apparently the Democrats were very successful in terms of holding down the turnout and by saying people were too extreme by doing the painting of the Republican candidates as eyeballs and Republican candidates didn't go out and give people something to vote for. And and you know, just to close this out, you know, MTG won by 33 percent. And there is a person who had principles, was not afraid to talk about her principles and her contingency supported her principles.

And, you know, Ron DeSantis did the same thing all the way down the ticket in Florida as well. David Justokas, Declaration of Independence. You need to understand it.

The Constitution. We need to use it. We still have an opportunity to take America back. But it's going to take a lot of work in order for us to do it.

Next year, local election school boards. This is where we start. Amen. Amen.

All right. We're out of time. David, thanks so much for being with me this morning, folks. Lots more coming up. Kenneth MacLennan, the chairman of TECN TV, will be with me next.

We'll take a break. Back after this, I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation radio ministry. And by the prayer and support of the Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community before this community was drinking dirty water, and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and in needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. On the fish.

On water. And this is this borewell we have put and pure abstract water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Let's give a thank to Pastor Greg Yeong and chosen generation ministry. Thank you. God bless you. Hi this is Pastor Greg and you are listening to chosen generation radio. Get more at chosen generation radio dot com. That's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass.
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