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And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming. Hi, I am Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.
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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.
And now, Chosen Generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here.
I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Let me see if I can find the camera that wants to turn on this morning. No, it doesn't appear that any of those want to work for me. So, they are on but they are not coming through. Okay, well, that's nice. So, let's do this.
Got to figure out where they turned on at. Hang tight. I've got my guest. You can see my lovely guest, Cece O'Leary is with us.
I've got a great program lined up for you today. Matt Wong and I are going to talk about there's a lot of buzz in the church. Well, it's the end of time.
So, you know, just go hunker down in your house and don't worry about anything and let the world all go to hell in a handbasket. I don't think so. And we'll talk about that and our precursor to that actually is going to be talking with Ken Thornburg, our expert on, let me see, let me try that and then that.
Let's see if that works. He is our expert when it comes to spiritual warfare and we'll be talking with him today about sexual sin. And we're going to talk also in our second segment about the UN's push for abortion.
Did you see that? The UN is pushing for more abortions. So, we'll talk about that. It doesn't surprise me when you stop and think about the fact that we have here in the United States begun to move away from that.
I guess it's not really a huge surprise that somebody like the UN is trying to say, no, we want more of those. At any rate, we'll get into that coming up. Let's see, what else do we have coming up for you today? Also, Pastor David Lowery is with us.
He has his own program now on TECN TV. We'll talk with him about some of the things that he's sharing on his program and issues that are going on within the black community. But let me get started by welcoming Cece O'Leary of the Southeastern Legal Foundation. Cece, welcome. Good to have you. Hey, it's great to be here.
Well, I'm very pleased to have you, and I thank you for joining us today. And an important topic, yesterday I had on Callie Fell, and she is with the Center for Bioethics in Culture. And we talked about their new documentary about detransitioning. And this assault on young girls, causing them to question their sexual orientation and then go through horrific things. The Chloe Cole story is one that a lot of people are becoming familiar with. And then we have the assault on women in sports, because, you know, we're going to have men.
And I just saw on one of my social feeds, a guy dressed in a gown who won homecoming queen. This is the kind of stuff that's happening on our campuses. You guys are focusing in on this relative to Title IX and new rules in that and the impact on women on college campuses.
Talk to me about what you all are seeing. Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, I think college kids have had a tough time the past few years, right? They were either graduating high school during the pandemic or had just entered college when the pandemic hit. And so their activities were seriously curtailed.
They lost out on a lot of those important social activities. And their speech activities have also been seriously curtailed over the past several years. And so when it comes to Title IX, they're told that they can't, you know, misgender people.
They're told that they can't hold sincere beliefs about, you know, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. And we're seeing the same thing when it comes to free speech on campus. Colleges are censoring students at an alarming rate.
And so conservative and libertarian students in particular are having a tough time. They want to host debates about transgender issues, but they're being told that if they host those debates, they could be reported to a biased response team on campus and could be punished for engaging in that speech because that speech is offensive to certain students. So this is an issue relative to free speech and what someone can say on campus.
How does Title IX play a role in the free speech battle, or are these two different issues? Yeah, well, under the new proposed changes to Title IX, now you have to recognize that, you know, anyone can decide that they are any gender. And so where that comes into play on college campuses is that colleges will now tell students that they have to support whatever gender their peers decide that they are.
And they cannot believe that there are biological differences between a man and a woman. We've seen this on Bowling Green State University's campus. They have a biased reporting system, which we recently just wrote a letter to Bowling Green State University about this saying that their biased reporting system is unconstitutional. Through this biased reporting system, students alert college authorities to the fact that medical textbooks, science textbooks on campus are no longer gender inclusive. They are using outdated terms where the textbooks recognize biological differences between men and women, and students don't like that. So they're reporting these science textbooks to administrators.
So it's coming from everywhere. Students can't misgender other students. They can't host transgender debates. Even their textbooks are not safe from the campus thought police. So it's really becoming alarming, and we're only going to see this increase with the new changes to Title IX.
So what is it that can be done? Title IX, now that is a federal issue, correct? That's something that's done on a federal level?
Yes, that's correct. So who can impact then? Who makes the decisions? Who is it that's changed the Title IX and how did they go about making those adjustments or those changes? Yeah, well, this all started with the Biden administration pretty much the first day that he was in office. He announced that he wanted to make these changes to Title IX. And, you know, the purpose of Title IX was to protect women, as you said, you know, allow women more opportunities in sports, ensure that they have equal opportunities on campus.
But the Biden administration is here to change that. So what they did is that they proposed changes to the rule this past summer. And through that process, everyone is allowed to comment publicly on those proposed changes. And so Southeastern Legal Foundation submitted a public comment, several groups submitted public comments saying these proposed changes are unconstitutional. Title IX is meant to protect women.
And with these changes, you are not only not protecting women, but you are forcing your views and your ideologies on young people and that's unconstitutional. And so now the public comment time is over? Yes, the public comment time is over. Comments are still being posted to the website. They received so many, I believe it was over 250,000 comments, if I recall. And so now the Department of Education has to sort through each and every comment and respond to all of the issues that are raised in the comments.
So we were glad to see such a massive amount of people coming out against the rule. And we await to see what the Department of Education is going to do. So right now, the concern is, I mean, obviously there's already been, there's been this oppression of freedom of speech.
I mean, we've seen it. I know Charlie Kirk just came out with a book talking about, you know, his experiences and what TPUSA has been watching happen on campuses. We've seen conservative speakers protested run off campus, threats made that were extreme enough that the colleges decided to withdraw the invitations, things of that nature. So we're seeing that kind of censorship. Michael Rechtenwald, I think, just came out with a book and if I'm not mistaken, he just did a pretty big interview on Hannity, I think it was. I'm trying to remember, but he was just, he just did a big interview and he's just come out with a big book talking about this. He's, of course, a college professor. So relative to this, I mean, you're kind of, are we, are we, are we scratching the surface? Are we, are we behind the glacier, so to speak, trying to, you know, trying to melt the ice?
Where do you think we are relative to, you know, positionally? Because, I mean, I know I could keep going on and I apologize, but you know, you're, you're a young person who came through the college system. You saw it firsthand going through pre-law and then going through law school, all the things that you had to experience, the hurdles that you personally had to overcome so that you didn't get sucked into it because it's, it's like a frog in water. It's so subtle.
It saturates you. And before you know it, you're thinking like they think without realizing that that's how you're thinking. You're absolutely right. I mean, I was in college not too long ago and already I can't imagine being a college student these days. That's how much it changed in just a few years. And we've certainly seen this become more alarming and more drastic, you know, with the Biden administration in office. And I think the attacks on free speech and the censorship that we're seeing, it's coming from all sides. It's coming from professors, liberal professors who have a certain ideology that they want to impose on their students. It's coming from administrators who are really babying students. They're trying to shelter students from getting their feelings hurt or they want students to go through all sorts of hurdles, like you said, just to get their speech approved.
They need prior approval before they can even host an event or have a speaker come to campus. We're also seeing the attacks come from other students, whether it's classmates who don't like what you have to say in class or student government officials who have a lot of authority to approve or deny events on campus. And they have a lot of power. So it's coming from all sides, unfortunately. And yes, students are having a tough time right now, but they do have rights.
And that's what we're here to educate them about. Well, and you even have it when it comes to financial institutions. Think about the big brouhaha that took place over the weekend regarding PayPal, suggesting that they were going to start fining people with accounts up to twenty five hundred dollars, because they deemed that that somehow met the threshold of the amount of quote unquote damages they believe that they would suffer based on an arbitrary sense of basically limiting and and and taking away an individual's freedom of speech, freedom of religion, all in any of those kinds of First Amendment rights.
Right. It seems like gone are the days where you can have a civil disagreement with someone. Everyone is trying to protect themselves from ideas and views that they don't like. We're certainly seeing this on college campuses, probably more than anywhere else. Like I mentioned, colleges maintain bias reporting systems where they say, if you feel offended by anything, we encourage you to report that student who made a joke or who said that comment that you found offensive. And once students are reported to campus authorities, campus authorities will launch an investigation and can even punish those students.
And so they're deterred from speaking out and sharing their true views at all. And so we see this ultimate silencing or the chilling effect happening on college campuses and then carrying into the workforce. All right. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be back with more CCO Lurie Southeastern Legal Foundation.
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Get yours today. Welcome back to Chozen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I apologize folks. Having a little in-studio camera issue going on but we're back up and running and everything should be golden again.
My guest C.C. O'Leary, Southeastern Legal Foundation. You know, when you think about this and you think about the sensitivity issues, there was a big story out this morning. Troy Aikman last night was commenting about the penalties on quarterbacks and I'm not, I actually have a boycott the NFL thing and I mean I'm not supporting the NFL but I just thought this was interesting because I'm 60 so I'm kind of old school when it comes to, you know, hits and what have you. Legal hits, not helmet on helmet, not try to kill the other, but you know. Anyway, so he's talking about how dainty they're being now and how kind of ridiculous they're being about protecting the quarterback so to speak. And he made the comment, he said, you know, the rules committee needs to take the dresses off. Now, I interpret that as he's saying take the dresses off the quarterback, not the rule committee take your dresses off but take the dress off the quarterback. Let the quarterback be the quarterback, play the game, and you know, just play better schemes and do a better job of protecting your quarterback so that he doesn't get hit. I mean, hello, you know, that's why they have an offensive line, that's their job, okay, if they're not going to do their job, it goes back to this whole thing of, you know, well, you know what, we're just all going to get participation trophies, right? Right, and I think this is happening, like we've been saying, it starts in K-12 schools and it works its way up so that by the time these students are graduating and playing in the NFL, you know, they've been set up for failure.
They've been set up to, you know, not be exposed to views that are different from their own and so when they are suddenly faced with a view that maybe they don't like or maybe challenges their belief, they don't know how to handle it. I think to your point, we're ultimately doing students a disservice if we're just contributing to this cancel culture and this silencing and we're urging them to report each other or to hide in safe spaces, it does them a disservice. Well, and it seems to me, Cece, that we're canceling out men. You know, here we have on one side, right, they want to take all the girls, they want to cut them up and turn them into men. They want men competing against women in women's sports because somehow that's fair.
But actual men, actual real live, honest to God men, no, you can't talk like a man, you can't be a man, you can't be in charge, you can't lead a company, you're not supposed to, men aren't supposed to be in those positions because that's misogynistic and so on and so on and so on and so on. They want to flip culture upside down and then attack anybody that says anything about it. Right, I think the Biden administration's goal is to make everybody think like one, act like one, look like one, you know, we're not allowed to be individuals anymore and that's a serious problem. So, you know, I know we keep going back to talking about college students, but this is really, college is meant to be the marketplace of ideas where you challenge your beliefs. And so it's so important to protect college students' First Amendment rights so that they can engage in this freedom of speech and engage in these discussions as well as, you know, stand up for Title IX as it was written and recognize that there are biological differences in humans and that's okay. And we should celebrate that rather than try to silence and make everybody think and act like one.
Well, and Title IX also has been used somewhat as a weapon or weaponized against male students because it has allowed for, and I know I've had Michelle Owens has been on the program who's been a great advocate for, you know, guys that have been falsely accused of things. Again, it kind of all rolls together. It really kind of all rolls together and I'm so glad that y'all are taking up this campus fight and this campus battle. Please keep us posted and we'll bring you back on the program for more updates with regards to this. How can people, real quick, 30 seconds, how can people make their voices heard and what do we do right now?
Real quick action point. I think college students in particular should just educate themselves about the First Amendment. They can find a legal guidebook on our website, And in that guidebook, we lay out exactly what their First Amendment rights are and how to stand up for themselves. There you go.
We'll be back with more Children's Generation Radio coming up right after this. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.
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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.
And it is my sincere pleasure to welcome back to the program Dr. Rebecca Owus. And we're here talking about just such a critically important subject. And she is the director of research for the Center for Family and Human Rights. And, you know, we had a Supreme Court that decided that substantive due process was not a true legal position. Clarence Thomas took that a step further along with a 5-4 vote to say that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. And the decision sent back to the states. And so now what do we see? We see the UN has decided to take up the cause of killing babies.
It doesn't make sense to me. Dr. Owus, explain to me what is the UN doing and can you apply any logic to this? Well, there's a lot to unpack there.
I'll do my best. So when we talk about the UN, it's important to recognize that there's a couple of different things we're talking about, right? There is the actual United Nations, the nations of the world coming together to dialogue and to negotiate texts. That's what happens in the General Assembly, right, where world leaders and their representatives actually debate these issues. And then there's, you know, as with our own government, there's a whole lot of agencies, there's a lot of bureaucracy. You know, you think about things like the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, you know, all of these sort of agencies which, you know, ostensibly get their mandates from the member states. But we've seen increasingly, you know, are kind of a law unto themselves. And so within the UN General Assembly, documents are usually negotiated and adopted by consensus.
You know, that's sort of the gold standard. And there are some countries, especially in the European Union, you know, in the West, depending on, you know, who's president, sometimes it's the United States as well, who are really pushing hard, you know, to make abortion an international human right. You know, to redefine the family in ambiguous terms and all of these other, you know, radical agendas that we see here at home as well. But there are, of course, other countries that oppose this. And there has never been consensus on any of these issues. You know, back in the 1990s, there was a big push to try and create an international human right to abortion.
And that failed. And it has been attempted and failed, you know, as far as a matter of consensus for decades now. You know, it remains a very controversial issue.
Sometimes negotiations will go late, late into the night and it'll be these paragraphs that include this language that are the ones that are at issue. So when it comes to the General Assembly, you know, there's a lot of, you know, a lot of controversy and certainly not a consensus position. But what we've seen is apart from that, the work of the bureaucracies and the various agencies that, you know, the World Health Organization in particular has been extremely aggressive in promoting liberalization of abortion laws around the world, the removal of conscience protections for health workers, the idea that, you know, no restrictions on abortion at all should be should be kept in place. And of course, they can't force any nation to change their laws.
Right. Patients are sovereign, but they are influential, you know, both within the medical field, within governments. And so, you know, we have to remember we have to remind people constantly there is no international human right to abortion.
These agencies do not have a mandate to do this. And it's important that they be held accountable. It's just, you know.
Yeah, no, no, absolutely. Well, and and, you know, you go to the redefining of family as an example as well. The UN is is at the front end of of redefining what family will look like and and what what viable. I guess they're really coming right down to deciding they're going to tell us what a viable life is.
Well, exactly. And, you know, and these are issues that, again, are controversial within countries as well as between countries. You know, it's worth noting that one of the founding documents of the UN, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has a section on family. And it says, you know, that basically that the family is the the natural and fundamental group unit of society and that it's entitled to protection from, you know, from society and from the state.
You know, that's pretty that's pretty clear. You know, the not every nation has ratified it. But the Rome statute establishing the International Criminal Court talks about gender as, you know, referring to men and women in the context of society. You know, again, that's a pretty good definition. There are good negotiated definitions of some of these things. And, you know, the terms reproductive health and reproductive rights first sort of emerged into UN speak in the 1990s.
And they were defined as, you know, not including a right to abortion, that abortion must be left up to national governments to determine its legality. And so there are actually agreements on some of these things that that may not be everything we might wish for, but they're certainly not terrible. But what we see is, you know, a lot of the agencies and a lot of, you know, wealthy donor countries just ignoring the consensus and trying to push for a more radical agenda. You talked about some of these independent agencies or entities. It reminds me a lot about of the administrative state that we deal with here in the United States, right where you have these rogue independent agencies using what was referred to as the Chevron doctrine to basically operate independent of any oversight. Is that in a manner of speaking what what you're seeing as you look at the UN structure?
I mean, there's definitely differences and similarities, but I think your analogy is very good. Another one that's interesting is there are these major human rights treaties with the UN that the US has ratified some of them. But there are UN human rights treaties. And when you ratify one of these treaties, you enter into dialogue with a treaty body, which is an expert group that basically is supposed to help you to comply with the treaty and give you suggestions, guidance on how better to do that. And the text of the treaty is binding on your nation if you ratify it. But the communications of the treaty bodies are nonbinding. And what we've seen in the last several decades is that these treaty bodies have acted in some ways like a rogue court in reading things between the lines of the treaties that are not there.
You know, in much the way the same way as our Supreme Court found a right to abortion within a right to privacy, which had been read into other things. You know, I mean, right, reading between the lines is another thing that we see, you know, at the UN where, you know, predicated on biases that that that members may particularly hold that don't have anything to do. In other words, they, they couldn't get what they wanted in the language of the treaty. So they got themselves on to the governing body, if you will, so that they could go ahead and kind of manipulate things so that what wasn't in the treaty would actually be how it would be interpreted.
That's exactly right. I mean, just recently, the United States had its review for the treaty, you know, the treaty body against racial discrimination because, you know, we had ratified the treaty against racial discrimination, and they tried to tell us that, you know, the Dobbs decision was was basically racist, that it was causing disproportionate harm to black women. Which, of course, you know, we know the opposite is true, right?
I mean, abortion itself takes the life of a disproportionate number of black children and that this is a, you know, a very big disparity that we ought to correct. So, but you know, this is again, there's nothing in that. Well, that's that that goes to the one of the other ones is, is the, the rights, the rights to children, it's a misrepresentation, but because what it actually does, or would do if we ratified it is, is that it would take away all parental rights. And, and it would write, you know, you know what I'm talking about?
There's a there's a children child. Yes, exactly. Which, which doesn't have, which isn't the rights of which I mean, it is, but it isn't because in reality, it, it sends a child off into places that a child doesn't have the the mental and emotional ability to make those kinds of decisions that they would be thrusting on that child. Well, and these are, these are certainly things that have been debated in the US Senate, as some of these treaties have come up for potential ratification and, you know, issues of parental rights, you know, the right to life of children, these are all issues that have come up, certainly in terms of opposing ratifying these treaties, because of course, we the United States, we're a sovereign nation who who does believe that people have human rights. And, you know, we don't need to ratify an international treaty to believe that and to incorporate that into our own launch.
And then we have our constitution as well. So, you know, the idea that ratifying that treaty would somehow address a gap in our own policy is obviously very debatable. So what as as we're talking about this particular issue of the UN and this abortion piece, what specific treaty is it that we're addressing? Well, when it comes to the UN and abortion, pretty almost every single treaty body of the nine has pressed countries to liberalize their abortion laws. Okay, I've seen this most from the treaty on the rights of women against discrimination against women.
We've seen it from the treaty on civil and political rights where they in fact, issued a general comment interpreting the right to life as including a right to abortion, if you can believe that. Most of them have done this from time to time. If you had made that statement to me, I don't know, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, I would have said that's crazy. Now, when you make that statement, I'm like, Yeah, okay.
I mean, it really honestly, it's it's like, yeah, I can I can believe it because I see how upside down these things are. What I'd like to ask you is, is what can our audience be doing? Who do we reach out to, to influence the United States? Who are receiving accepting ratifying these treaties that are out there? Which ones have we ratified?
Where do we stand in the midst of all of this? So we can kind of get some action points together for people. And and we'll appreciate you letting us know what we can do.
Absolutely. All right. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be back. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio. My special guest, Dr. Rebecca, always is with us. I'll be back with more coming up right after this brief break.
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I am Patriot Mobile. Yeah, we're coming in. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.
My very special guest is Dr. Rebecca O.S. and she is the director of research for the Center for Family and Human Rights and we're talking about the UN's efforts to push pro-abortion laws into their member nations. And what can we do about it? And as you were closing out the last segment, we talked about that, you know, this is an underlying issue that is pushed in most all of the nine treaties that are being presented and asks for member nations to sign on to. So it's something that is just an overarching issue of pushing to make abortion a primary focus of UN policy.
Right. Now, I want to just be very clear, there is nothing in any of the texts of these nine core human rights treaties that mentions abortion at all or could be reasonably interpreted as including it as a right. So the treaties themselves, you know, there may be other issues with them, but they don't actually include a right to abortion at all.
And no country ratifying them would be accepting such a right's existence. The problem is that the treaty monitoring bodies, you know, who basically try and guide nations to, you know, fulfilling their obligations have become extremely aggressive about trying to read a right to abortion into that. And what we've seen sometimes, you know, most recently in India in their own Supreme Court is they will sometimes cite the opinions of the treaty bodies when making rulings, liberalizing their abortion laws.
We've seen this a few times in other countries. So activist courts sometimes use that as part of the basis of their rulings. So, of course, we were watching very closely when the Dodds decision came down to see if the Supreme Court justices cited international human rights standards or anything like that, because that can be very dangerous.
Sure. Well, and we've seen in some of the American courts where they have, in fact, grabbed hold of some of the international readings and what have you, if I'm not mistaken. I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg did that quite a bit where she would grab things from international bodies and then try to get them, you know, read into U.S. law. And, of course, the human rights experts at the U.N. are more than eager to be involved in the process. You know, there was a group of them from Geneva, you know, human rights experts that submitted an amicus brief in the Dodds decision urging the U.S. not to overturn Roe v. Wade. So, you know.
Yeah, yeah. But when we talk about treaties, treaties have to be ratified in the Senate and then signed by the president. So, really for us, the place where we can have the greatest impact is by getting into the ear of our senators and talking to them about these issues and making sure that they know where their constituency stands.
Absolutely. And, of course, we have an election coming up and these elections matter, you know, including the midterms, because they will determine, you know, who's in Congress. And as you say, the senators are really important here. And it's important that they be not only informed on the issues at the international level, but also they have strong convictions about life and family, you know, so that when they hear this information, they'll know what to do. So, we've got several where we've got races where we want to be asking the candidates and make sure that we have a firm understanding of where they stand with regards to those issues. I'm thinking in terms, for example, of the race in Pennsylvania with, you know, Dr. Oz and I believe the name is Federman, right, is the other guy. And Federman's made it very clear where he stands with regards to this.
We need to make sure that we persuade Dr. Oz, who has kind of waffled back and forth on this issue in the past, that we want him to be a pro-life senator. Absolutely. Yes. No, it's very important. So, we need to contact our senators.
You can do that. There's a number up here on the screen if you're watching us right now, 202-224-3121. What would be the message that we would say? We would make that phone call and what would you suggest that the listeners say to the senator's office when they call? Well, I mean, obviously, you know, if there is an upcoming decision, if, for example, a ratification of a treaty is coming up on the schedule at the Senate, then obviously we want to talk about that. Also, if there are laws, you know, that are pending that include these issues, you know, and certainly if people want to go to our website,, we write news stories every week about, you know, what's going on at the U.N., but also what the U.S. is doing internationally. Both legislatively and, you know, in the executive branch. And so people could look there for some of the issues that they might want to bring up with their representatives, you know, both in the House and the Senate, honestly, because the House, of course, is who decides where the funding goes. You mentioned these agencies and the influence that they can have on a nation. One of the nations that the U.N. has influenced that was at one time extremely pro-life is Argentina.
Talk to us about that situation, if you would, for just a couple of minutes. Well, certainly we've seen, you know, sadly Argentina overturned their pro-life laws recently. They had been targeted a great deal by activism, both inside and outside the country, and it was seen as a huge win for the abortion lobby. You know, I think it's important, you know, to remember, you know, that what the U.S. does not say about this does not force any country to change their laws. Argentina changed its law in its own internal process, you know, just as if the United States is a pro-life law, it can do that without interference from U.N. agencies, obviously.
But there's a great narrative that there's a trend toward the liberalization of abortion laws around the world, you know, that everything is moving in the same direction, that this is inevitable. And, you know, when we see countries that are, you know, making their laws more pro-life, you know, we see, you know, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, you know, that sends a really powerful message and emboldens the pro-life community around the world to hold up, you know, to hold fast and stand up for life. Because, of course, a lot of the countries that have deep pro-life values, you know, are pushing back at the U.N., but they don't have the advantage of, you know, large sums of money, they are recipients, you know, they've got the U.N. agencies delivering aid, they've got European countries delivering aid in that, you know, and so obviously they're walking a finer line. But we in the U.S. have an outsized impact for good or for bad because, you know, we are wealthy and powerful.
So we have, you know, our citizens have a responsibility to make sure that our government is doing the things that best reflect the American people. Well, and I think that's something that folks need to be aware of as well is the U.N.'s economic influence that they can hold where, you know, in the same way we watch the Obama administration trying to push LGBTQ policies on African nations by essentially saying, look, if you don't embrace what we want you to embrace the idea of, you know, sodomy. In the midst of an epidemic of an AIDS virus and things of that nature that they were battling and, you know, children being orphaned because of these kinds of issues. And in the midst of all of that, you still had the Obama administration trying to push a, you know, sexual activity that was increasing and encouraging more death in that country and these countries like Uganda that were saying no, we're not going to do that. So the threat of economic kind of sanctions, if you will, by the U.N. or withholding certain aid is very real.
It absolutely is. And of course, you know, what our country is doing just bilaterally is also very important. I mean, the USAID, the Agency for International Development recently released a draft of its new gender policy that basically wants to define the women and girls out of out of existence effectively. You know, this is the policy specifically that was designed originally under Obama to advance women and girls, you know, and their needs around the world. And now they're basically saying that women and girls in all their diversity includes biological men and boys. You know, the concept of, you know, the whole transgender push.
Exactly. Well, Rebecca, thank you and thank your organization. CFAM,, Get signed up also for their email so you can stay up to date with what's going on. And as I've told you folks all along, we the people, it's up to we the people, and we've got to stay engaged in the process. Thank you so much for coming on the program today. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you. I've really enjoyed the conversation. We're going to take a break, folks.
When we come back, we'll have more hour number three, hour number two, hour number two coming up right after this. Pastor David Lowery, we're going to get an insight as to his program on TECN coming up right after this break. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different, so I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.
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