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Scott Spacek discusses the current relationship between China, Japan and Taiwan / Sheena Rodriguez exposes the real danger at the borders

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 22, 2022 1:03 pm

Scott Spacek discusses the current relationship between China, Japan and Taiwan / Sheena Rodriguez exposes the real danger at the borders

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 22, 2022 1:03 pm

Scott Spacek discusses the current relationship between China, Japan and Taiwan. Making reference to the underlying historical complications of these relationships Scott has written a book China Hand based on real events that shows the dangers of the CCP and the attempts by the west to understand their inner workings.

Sheena Rodriguez exposes the real danger at the borders including the trafficking and sexual assaults on girls and boys ages 4 to 13. These children are taken from their families on the journey here, assaulted repeatedly and then once here may disappear into a world of drugs and sex slave trading. CBP are shot at from across the border and the media remains silent on the truth.

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. With the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, and by the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the poor man in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Lastly, we thank Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and our help and support of Pastor Grigg Young.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

I've got a great, great, great program lined up for you today. Ward Connerly will be with us overcoming the left's racist agenda. Ward, of course, is the gentleman responsible for overturning affirmative action in California. He's a very dear friend of mine.

And he's going to be joining us at a new time every Thursday, every Thursday at 10 30 a.m. Eastern right here on Chosen Generation Radio, and we just couldn't be more thrilled about that. Let's see. Also, Dr. Judy Mikovits will be with us. Yes, they knew about myocarditis. Yes, they knew that this could kill you.

But, you know, we're going to give it out anyway, because honestly, healing us was never the goal. Dr. Judy, we'll talk about it. She is, of course, the one who really went out on the front end of this with Plandemic. Rick Lawrence is with us. This is Suicide Prevention Month, and we'll talk with Rick about ways in which you can cope with that very real and very, very deadly issue.

And so we'll talk about that coming up on the program. Tom Rigsby, American Contingency. So if you are a Christian who also teaches people how to survive, I don't know, any kind of catastrophe, you are now listed as a domestic terrorist. That's right. American Contingency Tom Rigsby has been listed by the FBI as a domestic terrorist for being a Christian survival expert.

We're living in an upside down world. We'll talk with Tom about that. And Sheena Rodriguez brings us up to the minute report.

She just got back from the border of Texas and Mexico, where the invasion continues. We'll talk about that. I told you everything filtered through biblical glasses, but we're looking at what happens. Folks, we are believers in Christ and we cannot stick our heads in the sand and expect to live in God's beautiful earth and not be responsible or accountable for what's happening here and do something about it. Faith without works is dead.

It's dead. We can't have dead faith. And we will be held accountable. That's why I play at the end of the day on this program every single day to remind us at the end of the day, we will be held accountable for what we have done with this world that God has given us.

And especially with the United States of America, who I believe firmly based on its documentation and its founding was founded as a Christian nation. All right. My next guest, inspired by actual events, brand new book, China Hand, a thriller, a gut punch of a thriller. This riveting debut is an intoxicating story of espionage, adventure, love and betrayal in Beijing, according to David McCloskey, author of Damascus Station. Tense political story of espionage and intrigue, the Kirkus review, an impressive and enjoyable thriller, the South China Morning Post.

How about that? My next guest has lived in China for most of the last two decades, working as a technology executive, investor and adviser to leading corporations, governmental organizations. He attended Harvard University, speaks Mandarin Chinese, teaching at an elite university in Beijing after college, provided him with the details he needed. And he joins me this morning. I welcome Scott Spacek to the program. Scott, welcome. Good to have you. Great to be here.

Thanks for having me. Absolutely. And because of concerns and folks, we've had IQ Arasuli, as you know, on my program here, because of fatwas that have been called out and threats against his life. We never, ever show IQ's picture because of security concerns. We are paying Scott the same respect.

I have an image, if you will, but I have his website up is what I have. And that's what we will have. So if you're used to watching our program and seeing live faces and what have you, I just want to give you that heads up. Scott, again, thank you so much for being with us and taking the time to join us on the program today. As I said, great to be here. And thanks for respecting my need to be semi-anonymous here. One hundred percent. One hundred percent, my friend. Well, it's important that you're able to continue to share, you know, truth, especially from someone who's been behind the curtain, if you will.

Can you can you get into a little bit? Let's just jump right into the water as far as what in your view from behind the curtain, what is unrestricted warfare? Well, it is true. I think you're referring to the title of a book from something like 1996. I think it's actually referenced in my book, China Hand, by the kind of courageous general. But, you know, the idea behind unrestricted warfare is that China should think beyond traditional kinetic means of warfare and really fight enemies with any means necessary.

So I think they talk about biological cyber, you know, of course, traditional warfare, influence operations, all of these things, which I try to also explain a little bit in the novel China Hand. And and from that perspective, I mean, being having been been over there, I know I spoke with someone who who is married to a Chinese national. And, you know, they were telling me they were like, you know, until we came out of it and and suddenly were on kind of on this side, so to speak. We really didn't realize, looking back at some of the signs that we saw from within, you begin to put two and two together.

Do you find the same thing? Are they are they pretty good at at keeping their people somewhat in the dark? I'll tell a somewhat complicated version, but I think a true version of the story, which which is that China is not all evil. I think that the the this the analogy I'll say to the West or to Japan is that many countries, as they've modernized, as they've industrialized, went through a period of nationalism. And I mean, frankly, it led to the Franco-Prussian war in Europe. It led to World War One. It led to World War Two. You see the history of Imperial Japan. A lot of countries, as they become modern nation states and industrialized, develop this strong nationalism, centralized education, ultra patriotic education, maybe a dictator, in fact. And I think in China, what you've seen is and I'll try to get to the point quickly.

They were going through the same thing. Let's be fair and say that, you know, China was taken advantage of by the West, by Japan. You know, they lost Taiwan in the Sino-Japanese War, 1894, 1895. There were colonial the West, including the U.S., had concessions, colonial territories in China. There is, I think, a natural and fair outrage that they feel about past oppression in their views. And the Chinese Communist Party has always played to that much as Russia plays to the fear of the West is trying to get us. China has always played to this idea that the West is trying to get us. They've taken Taiwan from us. We need to get revenge.

We need to get back. I think there's a fair amount of that is true. I think what's obviously gone way too far and is very dangerous is when you get into a, you know, Nazi-like totalitarian state where there is complete control of information. You know, I taught at an elite university.

It's a university that's compared to, you know, the top universities in the U.S., a Harvard or, you know, an MIT, one of these schools. And it's definitely true that particularly starting 20, 25 years ago, you know, after Tiananmen Square, they really started to try to indoctrinate the younger generation. You see this worship basically of the current leader, Xi Jinping, who requires people to kind of study, as he calls it, you know, Xi Jinping thought. He puts out books everybody's required to buy.

He puts out an app everybody's required to download. What's dangerous is I think it's fair and natural that countries feel pride about their history and about who they are. And it's true that China was taken advantage of.

What's very dangerous is when you get to kind of Imperial Japan, pre-World War II, Nazi Germany, pre-World War II, you know, pre-World War II, that level of mass hysteria. You know, I'm not sure if China is exactly there, but it's not too far. Well, you know, it seems like I mean, I have some close relations with some people who are Falun Gong practitioners that came out of China that escaped. One of them, one of the families, their sister was murdered in a labor camp and their brother was tortured for 12 years. And actually in their film, Finding Courage, five former guards and prison personnel who were part of the government entity that murdered their sister talk about what China is really about and what the CCP is really like and who they are and what their goals are and how they manipulate, you know, the young people and manipulate the education process and so forth. And, you know, ultimately also these are individuals too, the entire family were part of the Chinese media operation. So they were very much a part of the Chinese Communist Party's arm that was engaged in this unrestricted warfare. And that's exactly what they call it and that is precisely what they say that, you know, that the Chinese Communist Party calls it.

It is the goal for them to take over certain areas. Talk to me, if you would, about you're in Japan now. Can I say that? Oh, my God. I mean, OK, it's OK.

I don't think I'll be tracked here. It's OK. OK. What is what are you finding is the is the tenor there? Shinzu, Abu Abi was, you know, assassinated. He was murdered and he was a pretty strong voice and and seemed to be a voice of the people.

Do you get around enough to be able to hear much of what's being what the buzz is there in Japan? Yeah, I mean, it's it's certainly you know, if you look at the history of Japan, it's a bit like Germany in many ways after World War Two, which is obviously they were utterly defeated. You know, the country was basically destroyed and the U.S. imposed a so-called pacifist constitution and limited. You know, they basically said you couldn't have an army. And, you know, we've gradually the U.S. eventually sort of encouraged, allowed and then encouraged Japan to have an army, which they would not call an army. They call a self-defense force. But but through the educational system and so on, you know, Japan was really it was drilled into people that war is a terrible thing.

And it's true. You know, the country on average, especially the older generation and so on, you know, they they really do not want to see a large military. They do not want to return to World War Two and so on. All of that being said, people are really getting worried about China, because in addition to China claiming that Taiwan should be part of China. And I think and as I said before, I think that's actually a nuanced and complicated story that I have mixed to Taiwan specifically. But they also claim that, you know, but sometimes they claim sometimes they back it up, back off it. They will sometimes suggest that Okinawa and those islands should be part of Japan. Obviously, they claim this that what the Japanese call the Senkaku Islands and China call the Diaoyu Islands.

They also, of course, sometimes claim that Korea and Vietnam are part of China. So we're going to hold that for just a second. We're going to explore more of that. We've got to take a break. We'll be back right after this. My very special guest, Scott Spacek. You can find his website,

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

And my very special guest, Scott Spacek, you can find him at, S-P-A-C-E-K, You were talking about Japan and Taiwan and kind of going into some background and some of that history on that. Go ahead and continue if you'd be so kind. Yeah, all I was saying was that for many, many reasons, the Japanese, it's been drilled into them. You know, war was terrible. Our country was destroyed.

Let's stay away. They're very pacifist. They want to be. But over the last, you know, 10, 20 years, there's been growing concern about, you know, the massive increase in the size and modernity of the Chinese military. China is increasingly vocal about, as I said before the break, claiming not only Taiwan, but, you know, the Senkaku Islands or Diaoyu Islands as China calls them, sometimes Okinawa, sometimes they'll say Korea, sometimes they'll say Vietnam. Because the complicated story of China was, you know, it was an imperial power. They had all these, you know, things that, tributary relationships with other territories, right?

It's a little different from maybe in the West where we had relatively clearly defined borders. Often in Asia, you had these kind of tributary kingdoms. It's like what Tibet was. It wasn't really a modern state in any way. It was maybe some tribes who said, okay, we agree, China, you're more powerful.

You know, we'll bow down to you if you leave us alone. And now in modernity, they sort of say, well, that meant they were part of our country. And so Japan is getting very worried that China, if it has the power, will just try to seize China's territory. Sorry, Japan's territory. Also, you know, Japan has very close relationship with Taiwan. They're very dependent on Taiwan like the U.S. is for semiconductors. So it's certainly in Japan's interest to align with the U.S. in deterring any adventurism or conflict, you know, with China. Well, and the South China Sea is very critical when it comes to access and trade routes and things of that nature. So the economy of Japan is significantly at risk if China is able to take over Taiwan and then shut down. They basically can squeeze Japan by isolating them, you know, as an island.

Oh, absolutely. And you mentioned the South China Sea. I mean, as I've said a couple of times already, I am sympathetic to Chinese arguments about Taiwan, because at least since something like 1683, Taiwan was formally part of the Qing dynasty. You know, it was part of what was then considered China.

It was, you know, an emperor. But it was part of China for longer than the U.S. has existed. So it was taken from China by the Japanese in the Sino-Japanese War. In fact, after World War II, you know, the West gave Taiwan back to China. It's just that China was in the middle of a civil war, and the losing side fled and claimed Taiwan.

So I am sympathetic there. But South China Sea, you know, as you're familiar, you've often seen this, you've seen this nine dashed line. There is really no basis for just claiming that this sea, this area that's much closer to many other countries is just part of China. But, you know, if they're strong enough to hold it, I mean, they've been militarizing all these islands. They've been making up islands.

Creating islands, sure. Shame on us for not drawing a harder line, you know, ten years or so ago when this was really getting started. Because right now, as many generals and admirals in the U.S. have said, I mean, we really couldn't take them back. I mean, China has so fortified these. It would be a World War III to try to stop that. Well, and not only that, but we've also become so dependent on China's supply line for so, I mean, for so much of what comes into our country.

Not just, you know, frivolous things, but real serious issues like creating the boards and the electronics and the essential minerals and essential elements and all of that. I mean, China controls all of that now, and we've basically, you know, seceded that over to them. And now, all of a sudden, I mean, when we talk about, you know, possible war, they control, I believe, something like 85 to 90% of all medical supplies. Yeah, China for a long time has done two things very, I mean, I'll say cleverly, but it's kind of obvious, and the U.S. just went along with it. You know, one is they've long had an openly stated strategy of trading market access for technology. So it has long been China's policy, even after this was banned with their WTO session, their policy is, okay, GM, okay, Intel, whoever it is. If you want to sell in China, you do a partnership with some company we appoint, you hand over the technology, and we own it in China. And we have a 50-50 JV for the sale of all that in China. And, you know, that's one way they've moved up rapidly. And also with tariffs, they basically prevent you from exporting things into China. So on one hand, they've done a good job of basically saying that if you want to be in China, which is, you know, arguably the biggest or second biggest market in the world now, you have to basically give everything to us and we will disproportionately benefit. The other thing they've done... You got 10 seconds. Oh, sorry.

They've basically bought off the leaders of the companies and U.S. politicians to get those companies and politicians not to push back against that system. We can talk more about that after the break. Scott Spacek, we'll bring you back.

We'll be back with more Chun Generation Radio coming up right after this break. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

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$2.50 will treat a 10-gallon tank. Take your order in today, drop a green fuel tab in your tank, and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And the lovely face that you see if you're watching us, and you can watch us at, You can watch us and hear us. And if you're out driving about right now and you're saying, yeah, I'd like to stick with you all, you can catch the podcast. We turn this into a podcast that does air in the afternoons, by the way, as well. Real quick, please support our sponsors right over here.

chosengenradio is the discount code. I'm getting reports of more and more people that are coming down with flus and colds. Now they're calling it flus and colds. It's interesting, isn't it, right? You know, a year ago, it was everybody had COVID.

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I don't know, maybe, possibly. Wow, anyway, but cold prevention and building your immune system and taking care of your health. Take it from a guy who has been on on the other side. Okay. It's so important.

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Yeah, it really will. All right. I want to get right to this because we've got a lot of important information we want to get to you and securing our border. I, we are being invaded.

There is an invasion that is happening. And Saturday night, I was at an event. I talked a lot about this on the program on Monday.

Boots and barbecue put on by the Fredericksburg Tea Party. And we talked about the border issues and the invasion at the border. And we talked about Article One, Section 10 and Texas declaring an invasion. And one of the things that came up that night also had to do with, oh, are we going to put machine gun turrets? Let me tell you something. They've got machine gun turrets on the other side. OK, I mean, let me let me just point that out.

OK, it's like, oh, we don't want to, you know, we don't want to have a war. Folks, they're shooting at our border agents. My next guest, Sheena Rodriguez, was just down there. She covers this.

She talks about these issues. And I welcome Sheena Rodriguez to the program. Sheena, welcome. Thank you so much, Pastor Greg, for having me on again. It's always amazing and a pleasure and an honor to be on. But yes, I did just return right after the boots, the wonderful boots and barbecue. We had some fun there with some of our great friends at the Fredericksburg Tea Party and a lot of people that showed up there. So thankful to have been able to be there for that. We turned right back around early the next morning and head on down there to Roma in La Jolla and the RGV area down here in Texas.

And, you know, you just spoke about them shooting at our agents. So many of the spots that we were at, you know, it was a very difficult three days. We were out there on the riverbanks, all over there, very rough terrain and absolutely dangerous.

Roma in La Jolla, particularly Roma, is known to be one of the more dangerous spots here in Texas. And actually one of the spots that we were on the riverbank, our Texas guard had been pushed back from. You could literally see one of the tent spikes. It's like they just hurried up and threw their equipment into the Humvee and ran up the hill because they were constantly being shot at there in that area. So, yeah, shot at from the other side, shooting across the river, across the border at our agents patrolling on our border.

Yeah, yes, absolutely. And that's one of the things, you know, that area is particularly dangerous. And that's some of the most vicious cartel in that area on the other side. We had an interaction, we were there on a project and we had an interaction with one of the coyotes. And he was mocking us, taunting us, you know, come find me.

You can't see me. You know, very threatening. We got it all on video.

It's very interesting. But, yeah, that's one of the areas that, you know, the previous time that I had been there was earlier in the year, very end of last year into earlier this year. And I was there on the riverbanks in Roma just three days prior to them shooting tracers over onto our side. Them, of course, being the criminal cartel organizations shooting onto, you know, into Texas soil at our soldiers. So, yeah, and nothing has really changed except we ran. Our side ran and fled. Like I said, they pulled their stuff up.

They left their tent spikes in the ground because their Humvees were getting hit nonstop. But the media, of course, doesn't report it, including, you know, on the right. Now, I saw something that came across my desk last night. Media advisory.

Governor Abbott holds a border security roundtable press conference with law enforcement in Midland. There was another piece that came across that he was making a direction regarding that we now had declaring an invasion or declaring something of that effect. Are you familiar with what I'm talking about?

Yeah, I was on the road, obviously, coming back. But, yeah, it flashed across the screen and a few people had reached out and told me that Governor Abbott has now declared the criminal cartel organization. Right.

OK. Drugs as domestic terrorists within the state of Texas and then also sent a letter to President Biden because I refused to call him president. So to President Biden, you know, encouraging the designation as terrorist on the federal level. But this is one of the things that we with Alliance for a Safe Texas has been trying to push for here within the state of Texas. Look, we don't need the federal government to designate the criminal cartel organizations as domestic terrorists. We have DPS.

They come out, I believe, every two years or so with updates of who they designate and see as a threat, a domestic terrorist to the state of Texas and to our law enforcement. And that's one of the things that we can do. And that was actually on our legislative priorities, not just, though, for the drugs.

This was designated, this executive order was designated. It seems like it was geared towards just towards the drugs factor. But, you know, we were just there speaking to so many unaccompanied minors. I could tell you some wild, heartbreaking stories. Well, that's why you're here. Tell me.

I want to know. I mean, my audience, people need to understand this invasion and how absolutely and utterly serious it is. And why when, you know, when when Chip was at the meeting on Saturday talking about we're going to we're going to stop their funding. We don't want to give them funding because, in fact, they're ignoring these horrific stories.

You know, 53 bodies discovered, you know, I mean, that's just the ones they discovered. So so please, we've got about three minutes before we go into the break. Share some of those stories. You know, really, seriously, you have my absolute permission. I don't care how bad it is.

Tell us. Yeah, absolutely. So we were there in La Jolla and we came across there's still a lot of the unaccompanied minors. I was really sadly excited to get back down there because of the number of unaccompanied minors that came through, ranging from age in seven to eight, 10 years old, up to 16, 17. And many of these girls and these children did not none of them knew each other. And they had many of them. Some had sponsors. They had an idea of where they were going, but many of them didn't.

They did not even have information of where to go, who to contact. And they went into great detail on how many of them were stuck into warehouses down there in Mexico and along the route and raped. And then went into detail of how they obtained were given money from women, possibly by these NGOs, according to what they were telling us and told, you're going to the United States.

Essentially said, we're sending you to the United States. It was absolutely horrific. This one 13 year old girl was particularly heartbreaking. And it's what's sad to me as a mother is that 20 to 40 percent of these children, these unaccompanied minors under the Biden regime, have just simply gone missing. We don't know what's happening to them. So I did a short video saying, all right, Mayorkas, Biden, how many of these children standing right in front of me are going to go missing? Which one of these 23 children are acceptable to just lose track of what is happening to them? Where are these children?

Now, the RGB isn't seeing right now the same numbers as the Del Rio sector in El Paso. But the reason why that I wanted to head back there to the Roma La Jolla area is because the cartel are so vicious and so ruthless. And what? And it's these children. They had they don't know where they're going. They're completely and utterly alone. And they're just dumping them on here. And then what happens to them from there as soon as they reach Texas soil? Not nobody really knows.

They're not betting the sponsors. We had another situation with a 13 year old last night or the night before. That was particularly scary. And God, thank God we were there. Hold that. We got to take a quick break when we come back.

Sheena Rodriguez, secure border dot US secure border dot US. You can read the stories. You can find out more. We'll we'll be bringing you some of this information. I'm going to put some of this stuff up on the screen when we come back. You're listening to Children Generation Radio.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg. And I'll be right back right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting and now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to hear this and see this if you're watching. If you're not watching this, go to This is gut wrenching. Biden and the Democrats, you tell me. Look at their faces. You tell me which one of these 20 percent, 20 to 40 percent of these children are going to go missing. Which one of these 20 to 40 percent of these children, look at their faces.

You look at their faces. Which one of these are going to be missing that your administration, that the Democrats are going to lose track of? Which one of these are worth being sold into child trafficking and sex trafficking? Which one? Which one? Her? Him? Her? Is she going to go missing? What about her? Is she going to go missing? Where are the children, Biden? Where are the children?

Oh, man. Sheena, it's just devastating. It's just absolutely devastating. What do you hear from those that are coming across? I mean, obviously, these children are, they're trafficked, many of them, the majority of them. Adults bring them across, but have no actual connection to them. Talk about the humanitarian side of this. And then the parents, you know, because some Americans are like, well, what parent in their right mind would give these kids over?

Can you speak to those couple of topics, please? Yeah, so you have a few different things going on here. In this particular area, in the Roma La Jolla area, like I said, the cartel are particularly vicious. The one girl that we encountered the other night, the last night that we were there, they dropped her off. They used two other groups as decoys and dropped her off in the one area that, thank God, we were in. She was 13, and I'm fairly confident, unfortunately, that we probably stopped something, maybe a sex trafficking situation that had happened. I can't confirm that, but everything that had happened, it definitely seems that way because they dropped her off in one area that they knew nobody else was going to be at.

But praise God, we were there. She was 13, and she went in, and we got it all on video. She came and told us on how the cartel had separated her from her mother and separated her brothers from her mother. She came with her mother and her three brothers, 18, 16, and 10, and they separated all of them. And then she was traveling for a few days at the hands of the cartel. They fed her. However, her situation was a little bit different. They did not assault her. And while that sounds like a good thing, and it definitely is, virgins have a higher price tag, don't they, when they come across? And so when we spoke to several of those girls that you just saw and that you just played, several of them did talk about the assault that they endured.

Why was this one from Belize that was bilingual that you just happened to drop off? I want you to go back and say that again, because we can't skim over that. And I know you're not. You're not skimming over.

But for the sake of the audience to hear what you said, we just showed pictures for those that weren't watching. Sorry. I'm mad. I'm mad.

I'm mad. These were little girls between the ages of probably six and at the most 14. At the most 14.

Six and 14. And what Sheena just said is that some of those girls recounted to her and her team that they were assaulted. Now, when we say assaulted, we're not talking about, oh, they were like slapped around. They were raped.

They were raped. Hear me again. They were sorry, I'm not I'm not upset with anybody listening.

But if you're not mad about this, if this doesn't make you want to go kick a hole in a wall. This could have been your six year old, your 12 year old, your 14 year old girl and and listen to what she said. They took her from her mother. So we talk about unaccompanied minors and we just assume, oh, the parent just sent them. What we don't hear is the narrative about how they came with a parent.

And they were ripped from the parent on the way, separated and then assaulted and then arrive as an unaccompanied raped minor. All right. Go ahead.

I'm sorry. I just we have that has got to get into the psyche and the understanding of all of us. And I'm particularly talking to those of that are on the progressive left that want to talk about open borders and how we need to be, you know, welcoming and so on.

Raping little girls. You want to be that welcoming? Is that what you want?

I'll take your ass out and shoot you. Go ahead, Gina. Yeah. And so what in this this is particularly why I wanted to go back to the Roma La Jolla area, because these are the this is the area where I see a lot more of these types of situations. Yes, of course, you have your family units.

Yes, of course. You have those parents or sponsors that are willing to send money back and then send a 14 or 10 year old girl and boy because these assaults are also happening to the boys. And, you know, there's so many so many different elements. And then you have the situation like the 13 year old girl from Belize that they left her untouched and separated her from her mother and from her her brothers. And then through, you know, one of these bracelets on her, all of these children have the bracelets representing the modern day slavery that is ensuing on Texas soil. They bring them over here and now they owe a debt. And many of these girls that you saw in that video, like I said, they did not know each other.

They came utterly completely alone with people that they did not know. And then while some of them said that they have a sponsor, which means that they have contact information, that doesn't necessarily even mean that they know who the sponsor is. We've got some of that contact information that we were able to obtain as well.

And hopefully we'll be able to try to see what what those sponsors are, because we know that these sponsors are going unbounded. They're not. Look, you don't even have to be a citizen of the United States with a background check to be a sponsor anymore, because, you know, the left said that. No, that's that's discrimination. No, that's trying to make sure that they're not going into a sex trafficking ring or to a child sex rapist.

You know, but this is the narrative that's being spun. And then you have a lot that have no idea where they're going. And it's very heart wrenching to sit there and look in. These girls are broken. These kids are broken.

Their eyes are empty. They're petrified. And then they go into a system and 20 to 40 percent by their own numbers. I'm sure, unfortunately, that number is probably an understatement.

But by their own admission, 20 to 40 percent of these children then afterwards on Texas and U.S. oil just go missing. And nothing's being done about it. So this is the human element that this is this is where, look, it doesn't matter if you're Democrat or Republican, any mother, any grandmother, any aunt should be living.

Right. I don't get this isn't about politics. This is about modern day slavery. This is about the exploitation of human beings. This is about innocent children being raped and assaulted and then coming over here to continue that cycle. And if you and so two oh two, two, two, four, thirty one twenty one is the capital switchboard.

Two oh two, two, two, four, thirty one twenty one. You have two senators and you have a congress member. Tell them no more money, no more money for anything until the border is secure. No more money for anything until the border is secure. Otherwise, the blood of these innocents is on the hands of the senators and the congressmen who vote for funding, knowing that little children are being raped on the way here. And oh, well, it's OK because we want to have open borders. It is not OK. She did.

God bless you. Secure the back after this. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur? The dispatcher asked at pump number seven, says the man. Can you describe them?

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