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Mike Sabgo saw the rise of Hugo Chavez / Dick Morris shares how President Trump will return

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 9, 2022 12:57 pm

Mike Sabgo saw the rise of Hugo Chavez / Dick Morris shares how President Trump will return

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 9, 2022 12:57 pm

Mike Sabgo formerly from Venezuela saw the rise of Hugo Chavez and shares how our country is heading in that direction. Also, the value of understanding faith as the basis for freedom. We are all given great value by the life breathed into us by God.

Dick Morris shares how President Trump will return and what the left is doing to try to bait him and his followers to engage in enlarging the media's false narrative. Tribute to the Queen of England the reciting of Kipling's poem IF.

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. With the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, and by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the poor man in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in poor and needy communities, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Lastly, we thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry that help us and supporters to put the poor man in this village.

Thank you and God bless you. It's cold-pressed, whole-food sourced, non-radiated, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work. It supports four areas of the body.

Cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

I even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, hour number two, hour number two, and I'm very, very pleased to welcome Mike Savga to the program. Mr. Savga, welcome. Good to have you, sir. Good to be here with you, Pastor Greg, as always. Thank you.

Thank you so very much. Well, folks, Mike's background, of course, his family is from Venezuela. His dad watched up close and personal as Hugo Chavez destroyed that country.

Mike has a background in Hollywood and great success in the film industry. And now turns his efforts towards being an entrepreneur and also towards making people aware of the greatness of America, a big, big proponent of making America great again. And yes, supporter of President Trump, but more importantly, a supporter, and I am, too. But let's understand, we are supporters of what makes America great.

And I believe what makes America great is its Christian heritage. We've got to get back to that. And so, Mike, welcome. It's great to have you with me. Thank you, sir. Thank you. You're absolutely right. We were talking about that in the break, about that, and I was mentioning to you, and I shared this last hour, and it's just very quickly important. Please keep praying for our ministry in India.

It'll be two weeks this Sunday. One of our churches was attacked by members of the Sikh community. We had about a half dozen injured and one young lady was killed, beaten to death by clubs. And the police are now saying that they're under pressure because Punjab, where we do our ministry, where I'm engaged as kind of an overseer from here. And just so we're clear, everybody involved in the ministry over there is Indian. Everybody involved is indigenous. There's no foreign interference or what have you, which is something that the Indian government's very concerned about.

Well, there isn't any of that. Our relationship is that I pray for, I speak to, I encourage, and I share the word of God. And I try to give a pastor over there, you know, guidance and wisdom. And he appreciates that.

And he considers me his spiritual father. That being said, the issue we have is we have a caste system over there. And all of these people are in what's called the lower caste. They are the invisible people. They are the people that are considered to be less than worms.

I'm not kidding you. That's what they're treated with less than worms. And so when we introduce Christianity to them, we introduce hope. We introduce faith.

We introduce a sense of, you know what, you're not less than a worm. You are created in the image of God, and you have great value. And so to those here in America, because this speaks to this whole lie about the critical race theory and the racist stuff, the reason that Christianity broke the back of the slave trade and racism is because biblical Christianity teaches just what the Declaration of Independence says.

All men are created equal. And it gives hope, and it gives value. And so now you are breaking the control of the oppressor. When we teach a widow whose husband was murdered for his Christian faith, who is a part of a lower caste who has no skill because not because she's not capable, but because the culture won't allow her to learn anything.

They won't give her an opportunity. When we give her the opportunity and show her how to have a skill set that allows her now to have a sense of independence, and not only have we given her internal value through Jesus Christ, but now we have given her actual physical value because she can do something with her hands that creates. And so now we we break the system. When we provide a well to a community that has had to travel as much as five miles to carry a five gallon bucket. And and get that bucket full and and plead and beg with someone of the higher caste, please let me get some water and they actually let them get water out of the dirty well, out of a dirty well, not out of the clean well, not out of the water that goes into their house, but out of the well that the animals get their water from that they don't really care about.

You understand what I'm saying? And now what we do is is we drill down in that community and give them fresh water, the kind of water that goes into that man's house. And we give it and now we give it away. And now that community suddenly is getting healthy because they're drinking good water, good clean water, and they're drinking it and they're getting healthy. And that health means that now they have a sense and they have an internal sense of value.

They're feeling physically better, physically stronger. And that community begins to say, you know what, I don't really need everything that you used to give me because now I'm self-sufficient. And the oppressor says, wait a minute, I can't oppress you anymore.

That's right. And when you give to us, that's what we're helping to do is to set people free, their soul, their spirit, and their physical person. In India, we're changing lives. And when we talk about holding on to what we're trying to hold on to right here in America, understand that this is what the oppressors want to happen to us. It's why that guy sitting in the White House gave a speech last week and said, everybody who believes in life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, traditional family values, marriage between a man and a woman, a husband, a wife and children, God, real biblical values. Well, you're the enemy of the state, Mike.

Unbelievable. I mean, we have, you know, well, first of all, the India situation, you know, as I go around the state of Florida teaching, you know, for the John Birch Society and teaching, you know, why do we call ourselves a Julia Christian nation? And part of the foundation of that is that, and this is what I do with, you know, a lot of the Hispanics that come into America, I try to explain to them that really it's not because we are a land of prosperity and land of opportunity and all these good things that come with America.

It's because what makes America so great is that God gave us our rights, and we're all created equal under him. And this is written in our documents. Our founders knew these things and they wrote them.

Not for them. They understood this. They wrote these things for us, for all the future generations.

For posterity. And we are a Judeo-Christian nation because only under a Judeo-Christian nation, you have a system where everybody is equal under God. Everybody has the same rights. It doesn't matter if you're the upper caste or the lower caste, you're going to get prosecuted if you commit a crime. Nobody is immune.

You know, this is the original system. Obviously, today, we know what happens. There is a group that is privileged. There is a caste that is untouchable that are getting away with everything right now, so far, because we're going to get them. But what really separates America from the rest of the world is those God-given rights, because in the other countries, those rights come from their governments. And because of that, those governments can take away those rights from the people. Where in America, they're unalienable, which means no man can take them away from you because they were given to you personally by God.

Therefore, nobody can touch them. And I'm going to take it one step further in comprehending this. And it's one of the reasons why, in Scripture, I use the Galatians 2.20 out of King James, where it says, I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God. Not in, because that's my efforts, trying to believe in something.

He literally drops it in me. And so here's where I want to make this shift, so we understand this. Under the John Locke philosophy, you had man who could give you life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and you had God that could give you life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Okay, now listen to me, now listen to me. Here's where our founders rejected Locke. And here's why they rejected Locke. Because it was still external and something handing it to you. Our founders said, no, life is who I am. Liberty was dropped in me through Christ's death and resurrection on the cross. The desire to improve myself and pursue happiness and have hope was dropped in me. It's literally in my DNA, again, because of God. So God breathed life into me. God breathed His Spirit into me. God gave me and put His Son inside of me when I say, Christ, come in. And when I do that, that desire, that deep hope is now inside of me. And so if you want to remove life or liberty or the pursuit of happiness, the only way to do that, the only way to separate that from me is to kill me. In this world, the only way to separate that from me is to kill me.

And that's why our founding fathers said, give me death or give me liberty. We're going to be back. Right after this, we've got to take a break. It's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effect in the morning.

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Get yours today. You know, we were talking about this in the break. Alex de Tocqueville went to the factories and he went to the centers of cities. I mean, he went all over the country trying to figure out how was this brand-new nation able to take down Britain, overcome France, become, I mean, you know, we think about America as a superpower after the World Wars, but the reality was de Tocqueville got this and the rest of the world understood. And even Churchill sitting over there in World War II, those that had fought in World War I, they realized if we don't get America in this fight, we lose. If we don't get America in this fight, freedom and liberty and democracy and the Republic and that whole concept, Christianity even itself, because it was the Ottoman Empire that we fought in World War I, many don't realize it was a final gasp of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire to take over the world, that Islam would rule the world, the final effort of that most recent caliphate is what World War I was.

All of that, I'm sorry, because I want to give you the opportunity to speak to this, but what I'm saying is that what de Tocqueville found was the fire and the passion and the preachers in the pulpits that were telling the people, reminding the people where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness dwelt, not out here, in here, given by God, breathed into us by God. So my question, Mike, is this, how prevalent should that message be today? How much, does the rest of the world get this? Do they understand this? Do the migrants that are coming here fully grasp what it is that they're coming to, do you think?

Oh, not at all, not at all. No one coming to America understands these principles, think about it, if they're not even being taught here in America, they're going to be taught even less in other countries. You know, the perception of people around the world toward America is this concept that is very superficial, which is, you know, the land of prosperity, land of opportunity, which is like a financial thing, it's a physical thing. They don't really get it until they come in here and somebody sits down, somebody like myself in the John Birch Society or a pastor or people within the churches, which is what happened to me when I came from Venezuela. I learned these principles in a church and I wish the pastors would pick up again the black robe regiment movement that happened during the revolution days and take the lead in informing and teaching foreigners as they're coming in, what this America really is about. Why is it so important to understand what you just said, that this liberty that was imparted into us by God, you know, even, you know, basic principles of life are given to us by God.

And that's why they're unalienable. And this is what makes America so special that the other governments, other countries don't have that. The government owns that right. Like you were talking about King George saying, you know, you know, I am God, so I'll give you those rights, but I can also take him away. So there's no difference between that and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela or Fidel Castro in Cuba or, you know, what you're seeing around the world, you know, the Communist Party in China.

They're all doing that same thing. They're playing God and they can give rights and take him away. You know, and again, going back to the situation in India, they have been able to control a country that is so large, you know, with so much population. And for hundreds of years, this is how they controlled their people, by having these cats.

And as they go lower in the range, they have less and less and less rights. So based on oppression is how they rule those people. And that is the complete opposite of America. This is what separates America from all the other countries. And to answer your question directly, no, it's not being taught to the foreigners as they're coming in.

So we all have a responsibility to reach out to people. If you see they're coming in from other countries, you know, maybe their English is a little broken, but sit with them and try to explain to them why America is so great, which is what we're talking about today here. And we will see a great difference in, you know, and I'll tell you, when you explain these things to a foreigner that is coming into America, they understand it. If you take the time to explain it, they do understand it. They know that there's something special about America. They just don't know what exactly it is. So when you clarify it for them, their mind just opens up and now you have a potential citizen that is going to really love America. That is going to work, that is going to prosper, that is going to protect this freedom and they're going to be willing to fight.

I mean, look what happened to me, you know, as a foreigner. I'm willing to fight for this. Amen. Mike Sabga, thank you so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it.

Dick Morris coming up on the other side of the break. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went into a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. For the first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clearer.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And it is it's my incredible pleasure to have joining me again on the program a gentleman who who needs little introduction because I could probably spend the whole half hour just introducing all the incredible things that he's done. And it's my pleasure to welcome to the program author of the brand new book, The Return. I want to welcome Dick Morris to the program. Dick, thanks for being with me today.

So good to have you. Thank you. Now, I've already told you that I have changed my mind and the book will no longer be entitled.

It was never entitled, actually. The Second Coming. That's my feelings about Trump coming back. No doubt, no doubt. Well, it's, you know, man, I'll tell you and I and I don't think that we really have have been together to talk about this. But the insanity of the of the the speech given on September 1st by the guy that sits in the White House right now.

The red background, the Marines, the the the I mean, the optics were bad enough. But then he suggested that you and I, I mean, Dick, you and I are enemies of the state. I mean, we better be careful. Right. You know, your speech brought to you by Dante's Inferno. And here is Lucifer to say a few words. Well, that's exactly what it felt like to me. I said that on my program. I said this guy. This was this was like Satan talking.

I mean, it was it was that dark and and and practically demonic. He said, if you don't want to kill babies, if if you if you believe in marriage between a man and a woman, if you believe in traditional family values, if you believe in God and our country and the and the constitutional republic, as our founders intended it, you're an enemy of the state. Yeah, well, he threw contraception in there, too. He is trying to morph the abortion issue into the contraception issue because he picks up about 40 more points of supporters when he does that. And but in fact, the abortion decision would have no effect on contraception.

So just reaching back here to grab my my my my copy of your lovely of your lovely book. So based on that, can can you talk to me about, you know, your impressions of what he said? How does that what is that? What do you think that does relative to the upcoming midterms we have now we have this situation? Steve Bannon has been indicted, right?

By by, you know, by a kangaroo court in New York, actually double jeopardy because he was pardoned for all those same offenses at the federal level. Well, let me comment on the speech from hell, please. I think it would be wrong to dismiss it as a mistake. Right. It's part of this strategy. This they know that you cannot have a two way comparison of these two presidents on their records. They know that under Biden, there was there's too many immigrants coming in illegally a year under Trump.

The border was closed. They know that under Biden, we have nine and 10 percent inflation under Trump. We had less than two. They know that under Biden, we have five dollar gas. We know that under Trump, we had less than two dollars. We know that under Biden, Russia felt free to invade Ukraine.

We know that Trump kept them at bay. A whole series of comparisons, all of which work in Trump's favor. So they do not want to compare the records of the two presidents. They want to focus all their attention on attacking Donald Trump personally and his supporters. Not about their records as president.

The important thing is what the speech is not about. And it's important to understand that in American politics these days, there's room for only one person on the stage. And in 2016, that was Hillary. There was very little mention of Trump. Will Hillary come? Will Hillary win? Then in 2020, there was almost no mention of Biden. Will Trump get reelected? Then since Biden took office, there's been some mention of Trump, but not much.

And the main theme has been, will Biden succeed as president? And the answer to that has been no. Right.

Resoundingly. Go ahead. I'm sorry. Do you mean? But it's like it didn't happen. Go ahead. Unfortunately for all of us.

My gosh. But there's room for only one person on center stage. OK. The best thing they want is to be Biden because he can't stand that scrutiny.

Not personally and not politically and not in terms of his presidential record. So they have to change the subject. And to do that, they decided to base B.A.I.T. Donald Trump, because they want him to respond fiercely and they want to get engaged in a shouting match with him, with personal epithets and everything else.

Because that's the only way to change the subject, to move the subject to Trump away from Biden. And it's the best strategy. So first part of that was the Mar-a-Lago raid. That was partially designed to get documents, but mainly to enrage Trump and to make him respond, to base him like a bull in a Spanish bullfight.

Right. The second step was the speech on September 1st designed to put the spotlight on him, make him the issue, make MAGA the issue, make his supporters the issue and create this fear that there's this great movement rising in America to take over the country. The left has done this before. Remember in the 60s, how they vilified the John Birch Society, the group of conservatives. Remember how in 2010 they vilified the Tea Party.

Yes, you had a vilifying MAGA. And that's their whole deal, that there's this vast underground movement that's coming to take our country away from us. And the next step, I'm afraid, will be to proceed against Trump over the documents. With an indictment.

Let me ask you this question as you're talking about this. I had an attorney on Wednesday and I compared the Russia gate tactic to what I'm referring to as the Mar-a-Lago gate tactic. Because you had Comey, he has the meeting with Flynn, he leaks the Steele dossier, the Times and the Post run it, so now that legitimizes it.

I mean, this is the same thing, except they just kind of left a person out and they just instead inserted an act. But it was the FBI going into Mar-a-Lago. And now when a judge has said literally 20 hours, four hours before, you can't do anything with these documents, give them back. They leak them anyway. And now the Post legitimizes, and I have to question whether or not there's even a story there based on the fact that the dossier we know was fake. How much fake is there in what they're claiming these documents are?

Well, there doesn't have to be much because I don't care what documents are. I care if we did anything bad with them. The important point here is did he give them to Putin or to Xi or to North Korea or to any of our adversaries? Hillary's laptop, remember, was left unguarded and it was hacked by a foreign government.

And there was one yet. And agents actually, by the way, and we've talked about this here and I've had former CIA and so on, there are agents that died. Hillary's breach of security literally did cost lives.

Those lives and those names didn't end up in a newspaper somewhere, but they still ended up in the morgue. Well, I used to be on Fox News a lot when Roger Ailes was alive. Sure. He would always come to me and say, Dick, am I in danger?

And I'll say, I'll tell you what, Roger, I'll be your canary in a coal mine. I think that it doesn't matter what's in those documents. It matters what he did with those documents.

Right. Possession of the material may be a technical violation of law, but the only thing we're concerned about is were our national security secrets compromised? And there's no allegation of that so far.

None. During the four years of his presidency and the two years since, he's had those documents and hasn't done a thing with them. It is not a great legal principle worth falling on your sword for to have the documents gathered dust in Mar-a-Lago as opposed to the archive basement. Those documents are essentially, I see them as library books that are overdue.

You pay a fine, but you don't go to jail for that. Right. So the Democratic strategy is to make Trump the issue and their hope, which I think we got to in the last show, is that it will make Trump radioactive and toxic so that some other Republican like DeSantis will get into the race and challenge him for the nomination. And it's now a remote possibility because Trump has been so victorious in all of these primaries. That is what the Democrats are pinning their hopes on.

And that's their that's their answer to gas prices, inflation, immigration, crime. And we're going to need to take a quick break. But when we come back, I want to talk about that, because, you know, the difference between President Trump running and anybody else, any other candidate the Republicans would choose to put forward is, is Trump's already done this. Trump has already succeeded and we've had a success and no one else can say that.

We'll be back right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. I've been in the field for eleven years and it is one of my deep joys to have the honor to meet incredible people like my guest, Dick Morse. I feel so humbled.

I do, Dick. I feel so humbled to have this opportunity and that conversation and, you know, and the in-between. Herb London.

Can we take some of the in-between and put it on? You bet. Absolutely. Well, you know, like Herb London was a good friend that I got to meet through this program and, you know, we would have, you know, texts and as he was feeling ill and before he passed and actually got to send condolences to his wife. You know, an incredible man.

Incredible man. Go ahead, Dick, please. You know, I was the object, of course, of a sex scandal when I worked for Clinton. And I had to believe in disgrace, which I think is the wrong word. I was in grace. And when I got back to New York from there, none of my old clients would talk to me.

The Republicans would. Mike Huckabee was all over me. He sent me Bibles with my name on it.

But none of the liberals would touch me because I worked for Democrats back then. And I did get a call from a friend I had not spoken to in 30 years. And he said, I have a friend in Venezuela who'd like you to come there.

There's this guy named Chavez who was threatening to take over. And we need you to come in and help run the campaign against him. So I did. And then I got offers from all over the world and I realized that the Lord was telling me, I don't want you in American politics anymore.

You've done your work here. Now I want you to take that skill set and go around the world fighting for freedom and for my values. And I've tried to honor that. I've helped 14 presidents and prime ministers get elected around the world. I'm very proud of every one of them.

There were Zelensky's predecessor in Ukraine, the Orban, the pro-freedom president of Hungary, the anti-peronists in Argentina, the anti-Chavistas in Venezuela, then Colombia. And I felt that it was the mission God sent me on, a scandal, was to get my attention so that I could do this. God uses everything for our good because he loves us. Even the horrible, even the bad, even the tough stuff. I mean, I look at my accident that I've been through and all the injuries and the pain and all of that. And yet my testimony is what's opened the door to literally touching hundreds of thousands in India.

If I didn't have this testimony, if I hadn't died four times, if I hadn't had all of these injuries, then that would not have happened. And those lives would not be impacted. And we wouldn't be taking people who are considered less than worms in India and giving them a sense of hope and a sense of value. And I wouldn't fully understand even more the importance of this, of what we do right here on this program, to speak to people about life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the American values and how closely tied they are to Christendom.

And that without Christ as the foundation of America, its freedoms, its liberties, its constitution, its Bill of Rights don't work. Yeah, you're exactly right. So let me spend a minute more on Trump. Yes. No, no, no. By all means.

And then I also real quickly want to get your thoughts with regards to the passing of the queen. Sure. Well, with Trump, with your audience, let me put it on a very personal level.

Yes. My father was his attorney and his chief advisor, Roy Cohen, was my cousin. So in Jewish, I'm meshpocha, extended family. And when I suffered from tongue cancer in 2017 and had two surgeries on my tongue, which came out fine, as you can tell. And and I also had two months of radiation.

And when I survived that and came out of it, it was March of 2020. And I felt a calling that God had spared me because he wanted me to help Trump stay in office. And and I worked without pay. And and I worked very hard for him and still do. We talk twice a week, but I feel my work for Trump is faith based and based on a commitment that a command that God gave me. And in my book, The Return, I I deal with that a little bit. But I want to elaborate on it with your audience, please. Please.

No, I appreciate that very much. Well, I'm going to tell you, I believe that that God called Donald Trump. I believe that it was the prayers of his mother, Mary. And I mentioned this to Paula White, that I believe that it was her prayers that put him into that office. I believe that it was her prayers that that that reawakened his sense of faith, because I think that was an important piece for him.

As he took office and as he moved into this role that that faith has become even greater of greater importance to him. You talk to him. I don't I don't know him yet.

I've not met him yet. I believe that at some point that God is going to have to arrange that. I believe that I'm supposed to meet Mr. Mr. Trump. And and that that's a God thing, not a Pastor Greg thing. You understand what I'm saying? It's not about pastors ego or I need to meet somebody or whatever, or I or I, you know, whatever happens is going to be God doing it. But I do believe that I'm supposed to meet the man. And and I believe God has something that he's going to use me to deposit in him.

That's going to be a blessing to his life. Good moments on the Queen while we Yes, sir. Yes. Go ahead.

We got a couple of minutes. Go right ahead, please. I had a perspective on her because I helped run the campaign for Brexit separating Britain from the continent. And I think the extraordinary thing about her is that she, more than anybody else in public life, embodied the spirit of the lines of Rudyard Kipling's poem.

If I know if you're familiar with that poem, but one of the great lines in it is if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same. And she met with triumph and disaster and treat the treated those two imposters just the same. She took the throne when her older brother abdicated, almost destroying the monarchy. She she presided over the Churchill tracer, the liquidation of the British Empire, and yet kept friendly relations with those countries, kept them in the Commonwealth, kept them committed to Western values and and and seamlessly presided over that. She went through a withering scandal with Diana and emerged at the other side, not only popular but humbled. And she realized she had to explain herself to the people. And it was in effect in an elected office, because Britain is a democracy and a simple majority of parliament on one day is all we take to abolish monarchy.

No constitutional amendment, nothing, just a vote of the parliament. And she presided over both the marriage of England to Europe, when it went into the European Union and its divorce under Brexit with equal equal grace and dignity and ability. And so I think she met with triumph and disaster and treated those two imposters just the same.

Let me recommend to your audience the the poem if by Kipling. Yeah, if it goes, can I, if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you and make allowance for their data.

Or being lied about not dealing lies, or giving your thinking, don't make thoughts your aim. If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same. If you can make a heap of all your winnings and lose them all on a single turn of pitch and toss, and have to start at your beginnings and never be the word about your loss. And walk with kings and keep top with crowds and keep your virtue and walk with kings know lose the common touch. And foes know that loving friends can hurt you.

And all men count with you but none too much. If you constrain heart and mind and singing until long after they're gone. And there's nothing in you at all except the will.

It says hold on. If you can fill every unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run. Then yours is the earth and all that's in it. What's more, you'll be a man, my son. Wow. How powerful.

How powerful. Dick, thank you so very much. Dick Morris, The Return is the name of the book.

The Return is the name of the book. Thank you, Dick, so much for being with me today. God bless you, sir. And folks, just continue to keep our President Donald Trump lifted up in your prayers, by the way.

So critically important that we keep him lifted up in prayer. I'll be back with more Children's Generation Radio coming up right after this with Don Jans. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food source, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

I even believed I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Native products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glass.
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