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Guests Dr. David Wurmser and Rev. Jim Harden

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 15, 2022 12:25 pm

Guests Dr. David Wurmser and Rev. Jim Harden

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 15, 2022 12:25 pm

Dr. David Wurmser Israel defense systems eliminate casualties. Iranian nuclear threat is real. We are in a battle of ideology and the actions of the FBI and DHS to target Americans is a concern we should take seriously.

Rev. Jim Harden Compass Care Community Pro Life Center in Buffalo was burned down. 45 centers have been attacked and the FBI has no suspects and no arrests made. Jane's Revenge has taken credit for the fire and Compass Care has video and surveillance evidence. FBI refuses to act instead targeting Rev. Jim and his organization as criminals for saving babies lives.


Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. No topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses.

And it is my sincere pleasure to welcome my next guest to the program. He is a, well, let me see here. He should be. He should be in the screen. Oh, that's because I'm blocking him.

Let me move me out of the way and then that won't be going on anymore. All right. So I want to welcome to the program from the Center for Security Policy. He is an expert in Israel and the Middle East. But he's also an expert, by the way, in everything having to do with foreign policy and national security and DHS and a variety of other things. I want to welcome Dr. David Wormsher to the program. I know, right? A man that wears many hats.

Yeah, no, a man that has worn many hats and worn them all quite well. So it's a joy always to have you with us, David. Well, there's a lot that's going on when we're talking in the green room, a lot that's going on. But I really, I do want to hone in on the Israel situation because you just got back from there that what's going on with the Palestinians and that battle over the Temple Mount and then the Iranians and their particular involvement in the things that are happening over there and any other developments that are going on over there. And then maybe when we come back out of the break, we can talk a little bit about some of the home land security issues that you and I were discussing. Yeah, you know, I landed just as the missile war was ending.

I called it the very tail end of it. And about 1000 missiles were shot into Israel from the Islamic Jihad organization. Nobody was injured in Israel. Well, I should rephrase that a few people were injured running to bomb shelters, scraped knees and stuff like that, but nobody was seriously injured.

So it was interesting within five, six hours after the end of the war, you don't feel as if anything had happened there. And this is what happens when you have an effective missile defense. And again, it's something I really urge us here in America to think more seriously about. We do not have a national effective missile defense at this point. Ronald Reagan tried to set it up.

And there's been a constant sabotaging of that effort ever since. And I think it's very important for all of us understand here in America, we do not have what the Israelis have in terms of a full umbrella. That means when you shoot 1000 missiles at them, nobody gets injured.

We don't have that here. So it's something we were of course, we have the technology, we even have some of the missiles and stuff, but we just never have dedicated the time and energy to do it. Well, is it an arrogance or an assumption that we're too far away from an enemy for something like that to happen? I mean, is it possible that that's part of the mindset?

There's definitely a complacency. I think a lot of our elites don't believe that anybody really hates us and really wants to do evil to us. So they dismiss the fact that North Korea tests and sends missiles that can reach the West Coast. They dismiss the fact that Iran is developing missiles that can reach the United States. And that both of them have said clearly without any hesitation or a hiccup, we want to destroy, I mean, in Iran's case, we want to destroy the great Satan and in Korea's case, you know, we hate America, you know, Americans must die. Yeah. I mean, just two weeks ago, one of the main guys in Iran and the defense establishment in Iran said, we'll reduce New York to rubble. I mean, these are not empty threads. We see with Salman Rushdie, the poor author who had had a fatwa against him to murder him, was stacked nearly to death last week.

And we see this fatwa comes from the mid 80s, 40 years ago. Exactly. They will never forget. Don't ever let it go. You offend them.

You cross them. They will never, ever forget until the end of your days or their days, they will, they will pursue it. So I think this, this nuclear issue is, has to be seen in that light. We are collectively Salman Rushdie. They have collectively decided we are to be destroyed and they will not rest. They will not stop until, until the United States, the great Satan is destroyed. And along the way, the little Satan to Israel. So where are, you know, in, in, in light of the visit that you just came back from and, and the, and, and what you can publicly say you know, how, how, how much danger are we in relative to, for example, Iran and the fact that we know now that they do in fact have nuclear capabilities? Yeah, we are in danger. The, the mood in Israel was the war was just over within hours.

They were going back to their lives normally. But underneath there's this anxiety. They know that's just small, advanced sort of ripples before the big stuff. The big, and the big stuff's coming down the pike awfully fast. The big stuff being Hezbollah and Lebanon and then ultimately Iran. At the same time, Iran is, is racing forward globally being aggressive and first of all, threatening our troops in the Middle East. And we see now they have capabilities. And the second thing is they are operating in our home in the United States.

Right. And you, we see the guy who tried to assassinate, stabbed to death Salman Rushdie. He had contacts with the Iranian, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards of Iran. We know two, three days ago a squad was arrested that was out to kill John Bolton, the former National Security Advisor.

They're, they have Mike Pompeo and Brian Hook and others and God knows who else on their sites. We are not safe in our homes. We cannot speak what we think without it potentially coming back to have somebody come into our homes and kill us. So freedom of speech in the United States now is under attack. And I can assure you that the Chinese Communist Party and Putin and others are looking at this and they see Iran getting away with this sort of behavior. We have not stopped our negotiations with Iran despite this. We still have every intention of coming to a fake nuclear deal with them despite this. The Russians, Xi and China of the Communist Party see this and they realize now they can begin to terrorize Americans in America to shut up, to stop talking. And I think this is probably one of the most dangerous things because we've been through many wars, but Americans have never been afraid to say what they think. And now they are, because the Iranians will come and hit you.

They will haunt you. And now I'm sure that Xi and China and Putin will too. So we're not defending ourselves in our own home, let alone with missiles, but even against assassination squads. Well, no, because our FBI is focused on 70 million God-fearing, God-loving, Constitution rule of law Americans who are very upset and concerned about shutdowns, mandatory vaccines, their children being exposed to pornography in schools, drag queens, gender modification.

The list goes on, atheism, you know, shut up if you want to talk about God, if you want to talk about prayer, if you want to pray in the public. If you show up at the Capitol and we don't want you to be there, we're going to take your 13 year old daughter, put her in handcuffs, throw her on her knees in front of our own home out in the street. And by the way, we're going to bring all of our military equipment with us to bash in your doors. But you know, don't worry about any of that because, you know, we're the government and we're here to kill you. You know, the progressive camp and the Democratic Party really runs the Democratic Party, at least this administration. They're baiting. They're baiting everybody. And because they want to, ultimately, they have decided that the democratic process is conditional. It's conditional on delivering the right result for them.

And if it doesn't, the democratic process isn't worth anything because they say it quite openly. Our system is racist. We're all racists. America's racist in its origin.

We were born in sin. Everything we've done to try to overcome flaws in our initial structures, whether it's the civil rights movement or so forth, or suffragettes with women, everything we've done is all a fraud. We're hiding it better. We're so clever.

But we're equally sexist, racist, everything else. So they're baiting and they don't really care about the system. They want us to react so that they can impose the violence. They control the government. They control the structures of power. And they're basically trying to inflame the situation so much that at this point they can use their power to say, you see, we were correct. These 70 million Americans, they're all racists, essentially. They're all people you don't want to have any rights.

They're dangerous. So I think what you're seeing here is a process now no longer just of ideological imposition of a radical agenda, but also a deliberate attempt on some level to bait. Well, and let's not forget. I mean, we can go back to the Holocaust and the six million Jews that were murdered. But let's also not forget that Stalin wiped out 100 million people. And that didn't have to do with being Jewish.

That had to do with being contrary to his Communist Party. Now, predominantly, I would suggest that the majority of those people were either Christians or Jews, simply because Christians and Jews are going to be the ones who are going to stand in the way of an atheistic, humanistic, secular humanistic ideology, which is exactly what we have going on in the United States today. So folks, to suggest that, oh, they wouldn't kill 70 million of us.

You're living in a fantasy world, if you think that's not the case. I'm not suggesting civil war. I'm not suggesting that we take up arms at this point, or what have you.

But I am just giving a pretty significant warning to suggest that it is not outside of the scope and the realm of their thought process to kill all of us. Yeah, I mean, that's why I think the elections in November are so important. It's very important to begin to take back parts of the government, whether it's Congress, both houses, you know, these these things are real power. And the whole point now is to limit the power of the government and use the fact that we have divided structures of government that's built into our system to obstruct tyranny, and we need to use it now. We need to make sure that when we've got to get to that election, David, I think that's the other piece that's a part of this. They're doing everything they can, you know, in including inciting guys with nail guns. I mean, how? Look, our side doesn't send guys with nail guns, okay? That's just not gonna happen.

Not gonna happen. But you know, and and then as I was mentioning to you, and we'll talk about this when we get back 87,000 IRS agents and there are 25 cities right now. HR specialists are being hired in hundreds of locations, 25 cities in Texas alone. Back after this, I'm Kim chef certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to product that I think will interest everyone a product called natural sleep available at

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest, Dr. David Wormser, Center for Security Policy and he was a former advisor. He's been an advisor to the NSC. He's been an advisor to DHS. He's worked within DHS. He was there when DHS was conceived and breathed into life and played a role.

What I'll do to that. And to that space, I want to give you a minute to kind of talk about DHS and the FBI and their current behavior. And this whole warning that CBS is coming out with saying that, oh, FBI and DHS are warning of increased threats to law enforcement.

You've got police officers in New York that have been being shot in the head for gosh sakes, and nothing's going on. And we're going to talk to our next guest whose pro-life center was burned down in Buffalo. Jane's Revenge continues to make threats against their life and the life of other pro-life centers and their owners and threats to burn these down. They're domestic terrorists, and yet the FBI is doing nothing about them. Yeah.

I mean, I think you hit it right on. We had the Summer of Love in 2020 where they burned down tens of thousands of stores and attacked police all the time. Kamala Harris, if you remember, was funding the bail for all these people who attacked the police. And everybody said, defund the police. They want us to conveniently forget that.

But that was really the clarion call of the Democratic Party at that point. And she said that it should continue. She said, don't stop. Keep doing it. Keep burning down buildings. Keep rioting. Keep pushing on the streets. Go ahead, David.

I'm sorry. No major Democratic leader has to this day condemned those riots, the attacks on senators like Rand Paul. Or Ted Cruz. Or Ted Cruz and the attacks on police, some of which were fatal. So it's really rich to watch them now talk about threats to law enforcement. Look, it was already rather rich to listen to them talk about January 6th, because all of us remember the Wisconsin State House being taken over for weeks until a law was passed. That was basically a hostage situation.

Right. Well, a law was passed. I mean, you know, they don't have the right to violate the law. They've encouraged a climate of lawlessness, and now they're shocked, shocked, shocked that there's a climate of lawlessness.

So we have to get back to that. You know, we conservatives have to understand we have authority in a lot of jurisdictions. They are trying to use the federal government because they're not winning on the local levels. They're not winning on school boards. They're not winning in local councils. They're not winning state houses.

In fact, over the last decade, they've lost a lot of ground. And we need to understand that the divided government of the United States is set up precisely for that, so that when one party gets out of control in one part, one branch of one level of government, we can react, and we can assert our rights and assert our authority through our governors, through everything, all the way down to local school boards. Sure. And I see a lot of grassroots movement out there. But I think what's very important is that we also understand why and what's really the divide here. We can argue about policies, but that's not really the divide. The divide is what are your inherent rights? What is your inalienable right? What that means is you, Pastor, as a religious man, me as a religious man, we feel that rights come from God. That's what our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence enshrines. It's the foundation of Western freedom. And I would take it a step further, David, and suggest not that they not even that they're put in our hands by God, but that we literally are created with life, liberty, and a desire to pursue a better life to do our desire to to obtain our very best.

Exactly. And by the way, the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness was a rendition of the British in the Bill of Rights. They had life, liberty and property. Pursuit of happiness is a more theoretical and expanded version of property. But nevertheless, property is considered inherently part of that.

Nobody can take away your home. So that's the foundation of our thoughts. The foundation of progressive thought is the French Revolution, which basically held that there is a moral and just cause around which a community organizes and acquires its identity, the social contract, and your citizenship and your rights are derived from being part of that community.

There's no God given right here. There is a granted right by a community in as long as you uphold that justice that that community is seeking, which means if your community doesn't believe in their form of justice, it has no rights and it should have no rights in their view. And that is really the battle in the United States right now. It's a European continental left trying to attack a traditional American and to some extent British right. Really, it's really the entire spectrum of the right and the entire spectrum of the left in Europe.

In Europe, that led to the death camps and also to the gulags in Russia. If certain people are not following, if they don't have inherent rights and they're obstructing the justice of the community, then let's eliminate them. And you don't believe in God, which means you don't believe in the inherent right of a human to have a life. Of life, right. Well, yeah. And that goes back to what we'll talk about with our next guest. But if one of your values is killing babies and sodomizing children, folks, hello.

I mean, that's the evil we're dealing with. David, we're out of time. Thank you so much, Dr. David Wormser. Always a joy. Two weeks, he'll be back. Reverend Jim Harden joins me on the other side.

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$2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And hang on a second while my system tries to catch up. I don't know what's going on here. I've got an external hard drive that should have literally nothing to do with what's on the screen right now.

But because it decided to go to sleep, the computer decided that it wasn't going to launch zoom. It's it makes no sense. It really makes no sense to me at all. You know, it's one of those deals right where you're sitting there and imagine that this is your, this is your router, right, your wireless router, and this is your phone.

And they're, they're, they're touching each other. But the phone won't talk to the router. It's, I will never understand such idiocy and they call them. They call it smart technology. It's stupid to me. I think there should be a cattle prod in someone's somewhere.

And when that happens, you get to push a button and and and say, Hey, dummy. Yeah, your stuff ain't working. There you go. Fix it. All right. Father forgive me. I don't know.

Maybe. Reverend Joe. Hey, Jim. Welcome.

Good to have you. I don't know. It's just you know, you just kind of go Come on, seriously.

Can we just make this stuff work? I know, right. Pastor Greg, it's an honor to be with you, as always. Thank you. Oh, my pleasure.

My pleasure. All right, folks. So now you've seen into the evil mind of Pastor Greg, I don't know, maybe, maybe, maybe. Anyway, my gosh, man, so they burn your center to the ground. Thank God for generous people and and and God's miraculous hand and you guys are are back up and running now.

It's been what about about 10 days that you've been able to get back in and and and your and your center is is is back on track and lives are being saved and women are being helped and and marvelous, incredible, positive things are happening at the compass care But James revenge continues to threaten not just you but pro life centers across the country. They continue to threaten you personally with death threats. But hey, you know what, listen, Jim, don't worry about it because the FBI is really more concerned about you harming them than they are about Jane harming you. You know, I hate to say it, it's mind boggling. I the FBI appears to be politicized.

And I say appears to me because I don't know the inner workings and machinations of of what's going on with the FBI. I know that the Senate Judiciary Committee, you know, interviewed, so to speak, the FBI Director Ray, and they asked him point blank, Hey, what are you doing about all these attacks on pro life centers? He said, Well, we're, you know, we're pursuing, you know, leads and well, how many people have been arrested? Well, I'm not I don't know that number. Well, how is it that I can know that number?

And the director of the FBI doesn't know the number? Because the number is zero. It's just that it's just zero.

Yeah. I mean, this is not a difficult number to know. It's not it's not like it's it's not like it's major geometry here or something. It's it's not even algebra. The number is zero. Hello. Zero.

And so you say, well, maybe these guys are just like, maybe jeans revenge is just full of really smart people that can that can outsmart the technology, the forensic analysis of the FBI and federal law enforcement, maybe maybe. But let's just compare that with what's going on with with abortionists, right? So we've gotten 45 attacks across the country, no arrests. There was an abortion clinic that was attacked in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on July 31.

You probably heard about this, Pastor Greg. Well, what happened now? I'm totally against any attacks on anybody's person or property. Sure. Right.

And I am. So what happened, though? Yeah, you needed to say that real quickly, too, by the way, because, you know, the FBI thinks that, you know, we're the terrorists, right?

We're maybe maybe so I don't I don't know. They they're treating us as if as if we're some we're second class citizens, apparently. So what happened is, it was a Sunday, July 31. And the guy tries to, you know, start a fire at this Planned Parenthood. And the FBI, as well as all the multiple federal law enforcement agencies get together in a task force. And they they they're able to track this guy down using the charred remains of a piece of wood he bought at Walmart and find him four days later, now he's facing 20 years in jail. This was a this was an instantaneous manhunt.

Okay. They had video surveillance, just like we have video surveillance. It took them it took them minutes to hours to find out who this guy was and arrest him. It took it took the FBI five weeks, Pastor Greg, to even look at our video surveillance. And we've got we've got a lot of video surveillance. We have we have cars and license plate numbers and people.

I mean, you name it. Well, and now they're asking for help. We got we got local law enforcement saying, is anybody got any tips for us? I mean, that's for local law enforcement saying, yeah, we're chasing all the leads. It's now day sixty nine, by the way.

And anybody anybody that's got any help for us, we'd be happy to get some help. Well, that's exactly what James revenge would want to hear. I was James revenge and I haven't been caught for any of the activities I've done yet. I want to hear the police saying, hey, anybody got any tips for us? And you've got license plate numbers and they are not following up on the license plate numbers. Jim, is that is that what I'm hearing you say?

We've got a mountain of evidence, Pastor Greg. I don't the that's why I say the FBI is slow walking this at minimum. They're slow walking this minimum. Don't pay don't pay too much attention to what's going on with the attacks. These are bona fide attacks of a domestic terrorist group taking responsibility for it.

And the job of law enforcement is to protect all people equally, enforce the law equally. That's all. And, you know, these pro-abortion politicians, the same way they're attacking us to weaponize the legislature against us to do these, you know, investigations. They're you got they've got a PR campaign against us trying to trying to get Google to wipe us off the maps.

And this allows from advertising. We've got Joe Biden coming out asking Attorney General Merrick to investigate the fraudulent practices of pregnancy centers. Well, what about the fraudulent practices of the abortion business?

What about what about that? When was the last time the elected politicians decided to to to have a pet for profit industry? And they were going to and they were going to leverage the full force of their office and the taxpayer funding to protect this pet industry. And that's exactly what they're doing with the abortion industry. And they've got it looks like they got a four pronged approach.

They've got this four prongs kind of strategy is now emerging. And one of those strategies is to deregulate chemical abortion. And chemical abortion is 400% more dangerous than surgical. We talked about this last time, I think but deregulated all across the country so that women women can have these dangerous chemical abortion drugs sent to them in the mail. That's that's fraud. And they're saying it's, it's safer than Tylenol.

Where's where's the consumer fraud investigation there? You know, yeah, it's just Well, Peter, Peter, Nicole is going to be on in 20 minutes for an hour, exposing the whole VAX fraud, and what's really happening with regards to that who's really involved in it and how long it's been planned to literally wipe out a third of the population of the of the of the world with vaccines, a third of the population of the world. So is it any surprise then, that they would send these poisonous drugs through the mail to women? Let's not forget that this Planned Parenthood started in the 1950s, by Margaret Sanger, specifically to sterilize black women and wipe out the black population. And they tested it on the black population. And it worked so well, that now they've expanded it to the rest of our culture. Yep, I think you're right.

I think that the abortion industry and the promotion of abortion is, you know, by these pro-abortion politicians is a population control measure. No question. Yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off, Jim.

I apologize. You're exactly right. That's how it started. It was a eugenics program.

And that's how it's continuing. And you know, their whole platform is their concern over population. And we don't have a population problem. The only population problem we have is that we don't have enough babies. Our world is facing a demographic cliff, a demographic winter.

We're heading into dangerous, dangerous waters because people aren't having children anymore. Yep. Well, look at China. I mean, you know, they're sitting there and they've suddenly come to the realization, oh my gosh, we've only probably got about 10, maybe 15 years to try to get ourselves situated in the world before our population falls so far off the cliff. We don't have enough people to do what we're pretending we're trying to do.

Yep. They haven't. You're exactly right. They have a 10 to 15 year window to become the world's superpower. And then they don't have enough people. Their civilization is going to come to an end. Bye bye Chinese people. It's a shame. It's horrible.

Oh my God. They've extinguished themselves and they don't end. And they're 20 years behind the curve in trying to recover. It's going to take them 20 to 30 years for them to be able to try to rebuild a population. That's how far off the mark they are. That's right. They've been doing four abortions, four abortions and four sterilizations for four, 50 years.

And now nobody wants to have babies in there and they they're stuck. It's too little too late. Here we go.

We're going to take a quick break. We'll be back with more Gen Generation Radio. You're not going to hear this kind of stuff anywhere else.

I'm telling you, they don't give Jim a platform to be able to share this kind of information anywhere else. You're hearing it here. We want you to understand the truth of what's really going on in the world and in our country. I'll be back with more Children Generation Radio, because look, my people perish for a lack of knowledge. You've got to know this truth. You've got to know that Satan and all of his forces are working to destroy the human race. That's the goal.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest, Reverend Jim Harden, You got to get your compass headed in the right direction.

That's kind of an important thing. And that is CompassCare helps young ladies who are facing pregnancies under whatever circumstance they're facing pregnancies to get pointed in the right direction to give them the tools necessary for their life and for the life that they carry. How was that for a little commercial? That was great.

You did a great job. I'm going to hire you to be our PR guy. One of our mottos is compass care direction for your decisions. We inform, you decide. We actually empower women with true choice. When a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy, as I said last time, she feels trapped. She's got no choice at all.

She needs to have an abortion. And our job is to give her all the comprehensive community support that she needs, all the ethical medical care that she deserves, to give her the ability to say no, give her the ability to say no to abortion. And that's what we do all day long, every day. And we help other pregnant centers do the same thing. And that is so cool, that not only are you focused on what you're doing for the centers that that you own that you run, but that you are helping other centers to develop their programs to be more effective.

Oh, yeah. And we've got an opportunity here like we've never had. I mean, this is the most exciting moment in the history of the pro-life movement. We for the first time since 1973, we can compete head on with the billion dollar abortion complex as being protected by by these pro-abortion politicians.

Well, I know you go ahead and then I'll then I'll jump in a second. Well, I was just gonna say we've got the 21st century telehealth tools. Because now when the abortion industry changed overnight on June 24, in the Dobbs case overturned row. Well, what happened was, now women got to travel to these abortion hub states abortion and go away just concentrated in places like New York and California. And, and now we've got to reach them, we've got an opportunity to reach them before they travel. And now the abortion industry is shifting to chemical abortions, they're going to try to send these dangerous abortion chemical abortion drugs to women in the mail, foreign times, 400% more dangerous than surgical, which we just talked about.

Yeah, the Yeah. And we can reach them and serve them before they travel before they get these chemical abortion drugs sent to them. We've got an opportunity to reach and serve every single woman in America before she gets to an abortionist. That's huge. And I think that's one of the reasons why they're going crazy. They've got they've got a they are on them. They're unveiling a four prong strategy to protect the abortion industry is pro abortion politicians.

Well, it's a multi here's the thing to understand as well. It's a multi billion dollar business. Yes, it's a multi billion dollar business that the sale of baby parts, David Daleiden has exposed it. And by the way, as I understand it, there's more videos that are coming out that he has that he said, Okay, fine, if you're, if you're going to do this to me, then then I am going to go out swinging.

And he is releasing more video, more even even more damning evidence of the fact that these abortion monsters are selling baby body parts and and Reverend Jim, here's the thing that I think is so radically crazy about this. They they they and they're coming off it a little bit, but they still basically say, Well, this really isn't a life. I mean, it's kind of it's not really a life. It's not really a baby. I mean, that's what they tell the little girls that they are conditioning to do to eliminate the life. It's not really a baby. But then on the back end, they're selling parts and they're calling it the sale of baby parts. Yeah. How do you how does that I mean, how does that these people are so so it's like technology that I talked about earlier, right?

It's it's, you know, I mean, the disconnect is just insane. Yeah, well, as you know, Pastor sin never makes sense. But I can tell you that the one of the biggest problems that we have in our country right now is a devaluation of human life. So somebody might say, Well, yeah, you're you're boarding a you're boarding a baby, but that baby's not really, you know, the baby's in the womb baby's not really a person that really protected under the law. What makes anybody what makes anybody worth protecting? Why are humans more valuable than anything else? But see, they don't believe they are. They say that they're not as a matter of fact, you can go right to Romans chapter one, where it talks about the fact that they have eliminated what God created and called value, and even God himself, and have elevated creation above God, because they say that animals and plants are more important than human beings created in the image of God, and subsequently, subsequently, as as as a direct result of that, that's the those are the policies they're putting in place, except for them, the elite ones who are doing it, who believe that somehow they're special.

Yep. Well, you're right 100%. But but we shouldn't be surprised, nor outraged. They have no basis for moral outrage. If people go around shooting people up, if you guys, but they honestly, they pretend like it matters, but they really don't care that because the disarmament of of us has nothing to do with saving lives in those schools. If they wanted to save lives in those schools, they would put people there to defend the children, they don't want to do that. If they wanted to save lives, they wouldn't say let's kill babies up to the age of three.

And that is a reality that is a fact. There is legislation across the country, there is legislation that there's been sitting on it there in Congress in DC, that they've been kind of leaning on putting forward that you can kill a baby up to three years of age. So it's not about that, ladies and gentlemen, it's not about saving lives. The weapon thing is about disarming us, so they can wipe us out so they can kill 70 million of us. Yeah, the primary the primary mass injustices that have occurred throughout history have been perpetrated by governments, not by individuals, not by your neighbors, not by some rogue anomaly who's who just, you know, flew off the handle.

They're perpetrated by governments. And one of the greatest injustices the world has ever seen is abortion. And it's the job and that's why Christians, Christians understand the value of humanity. Because because look, Jesus assigned value to man. How do you Jesus being God in the flesh? Who is being God? Yeah.

Who started I just just popped in my head. Who started killing babies under the age of three? Right? Is Herod? Yeah. Herod ordered the murder of all males born under the age of three. They went into the Jewish community and they slaughtered babies.

Yeah. And this was because he was afraid he was afraid that his powers gonna be taken away from his power to control the population. And Jesus is the one he is the great equalizer. Jesus is the great leveler. And he said, basically, Look, I am God in the flesh. And I'm going to demonstrate the value of every single human being by exchanging my life for their life. And if Jesus is infinitely valuable, then what does that mean about us?

If he says I'm gonna die for you? It says that human beings are also infinitely valuable. And we as his as as as his crown as the crown of his creation must protect our fellow man.

That is our job. And that's why Christians are always on the front line of these great social injustices. That's why you and I are talking today.

Everybody is equally valuable and deserving of blessing and protection from the womb of the tomb without qualification, no matter what period. End of story. Because we are the only being created in his image. That's right. I hear what I'm saying, folks.

This is so important. We are the only being created in the image of God. We're the only ones that he said, it caused jealousy among the angelic it caused Satan many would say to create the rebellion that led to a third of the host to heaven being cast out in Isaiah chapter 14.

Okay, it is caused disruption consistently, that God would say that you are as you said, the crown jewel of my creation created in my image. It drives the devil nuts. He hates us to the absolute core. And he does everything he can to turn us against each other.

Because that brings him what limited amount of joy there is. And I can tell you right now I've been doing deliverance for 20 some odd years, I was just in a deal. And the demonic said the reason that we are getting bolder is because of the time that we're in. But they said this, but Jesus Christ is continuing to work. And he is bringing justice. He is bringing justice.

We're going to run out of time in about 40 seconds. Real quick final thoughts, Reverend Jim. Well, Jesus, I just I'm reminded of this story of Jesus with the only time he's angry with all 12 disciples and all recorded scripture was when they were rebuking parents for bringing babies to be blessed by Jesus. Jesus saw that he stopped what he's doing. He turned to them and said, let the little children come to me.

He's angry. He's living suffer the little children to come unto me. And do not hinder them.

Why? Because the kingdom of God belongs to such as them. The disciples ought to know better because with Jesus, why did Jesus come? Because just like babies, we are weak. We're vulnerable.

We have no resources, nothing to stand on our own before a holy righteous God is sinners. And he said, I came for you. Now go and do likewise.

Go. You know, I'm giving you your life back and bless those weak and vulnerable protection. Reverend Jim Harden, compass care community dot com. I got contacted by attorney Tom Renz over the weekend who represents some whistleblowers within the Department of Defense. So these are whistleblowers have been extracting data out of the Defense Department database. They have noticed a very alarming increase in instances of certain conditions compared to a five year average.

They also have evidence that with myocarditis, the data has been doctored already. I'm the one dealing with the medical boards. I'm the one watching the witch hunts. I'm the one fighting them off and I'm the one telling them where to go.

I'm going to keep doing that. 9-28-2021, Project SALIS weekly report. Project SALIS is a Defense Department initiative where they report and contract they take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC. They're watching these vaccines. On that date and around that date, I have numerous instances where Fauci and that entire crew were saying it's a crisis unvaxed. It's 99 percent unvaxed in the hospital.

In Project SALIS, in the weekly report, the DOD document says specifically 71 percent of new cases are in the fully vaxed and 60 percent of hospitalizations are in the fully vaxed. This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations. The Secretary of Defense needs to be investigated. The CDC needs to be investigated. You combine now the fact that there's at least suspicions that the Defense Department is doctoring with the data.

I would contend, Senator, that there's not just a suspicion. In August, when the report was run on acute myocarditis in the DOD website, there were 1,239 cases and now when you run it, it's down to 307. In January 2022, there were 176 cases and magically they are now down to 17. There is a word for that.

It's not suspicious. We have in the military the single best dataset that exists because we have baselines in there. And acute disease across all categories in the preceding five years leading up to the vaccination year was 1.7 million that introduced and mandated a COVID-19 vaccine for our U.S. military when they had only lost 12 service members total to the disease. And in the 10 months of 2021 after that, it jumped from 1.7 million all diseases to darn near 22 million.

That was a 20 million increase. We need to not be calling this suspicious. With all due respect, we need to be asking hard questions of the DOD and I will close by saying they are charged at least in part with protecting the sanctity and welfare of the brave men and women who are defending this country.

And right now, these numbers indicate something is drastically wrong and I know of only one reason that databases roll math backward. So who are you? Identify yourself.

So sorry. My name is Lee Dundas. I'm a human rights attorney that's working with Tom Rents on the whistleblower issue in the military. I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers, put their testimony on record. These are brave men and women of very high rank in the U.S. military because not just do we, Congress, in this building need to hear about it. The world needs to hear about what is going on.

I will listen to them. We will take their transcribed interviews. We will gather their data. And again, I put the Defense Department on notice. They must preserve these records so we can investigate. By the way, I just got to I have to show you this is what we get when I investigate.

I mean, this isn't to do with this. This is after a couple of years trying to get information out of another agency and we finally get the information and it's all redacted. This is how the federal government, the agencies comply with congressional oversight. We're glad we're glad to share with you, Senator, because we have quite a bit of those that aren't blanked out. And we also want to tell you, listen, the side effects, the only one that they're recognizing, that's an outright lie. I've got the Pfizer documents. Pfizer said in their FOIA documents that they released, they said we're looking for these side effects. The FDA said we're looking for these documents. We've got their documents showing what they're looking for. They're not sharing it with the American people because they're covering this up. Corruption was the word of the day and I think it needs to be reiterated.
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