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Victor Avila on the border crisis

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 5, 2022 12:48 pm

Victor Avila on the border crisis

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 5, 2022 12:48 pm

Victor Avila Discusses the border crisis. Busses shipping illegals to places like New York and DC and the liberal progressives now complaining about an invasion. Sheriff's Association in Texas number one issue border security, NUMBER 2 ISSUE is lack of prosecution of criminals. Open Borders creating a major humanitarian crisis. Dead bodies and suicides by illegal immigrants. National Guard and Agents dying trying to rescue illegals out of the river.

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. But you should chew forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through Biblical classes. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Children's Generation Radio. Well, folks, our number two, our number three, no, our number two.

Yeah, our number two. I don't know. I you know, it's Friday. Okay. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend. My goodness.

Ah, okay. Yes, it is our number two. If you missed any part of our number one, man, we really got into talking about CGR wellness and about your health. If you're looking, you know, if you're like me. Well, I'm health challenged in a lot of ways, or at least I should be. But because of the products that I take at CGR wellness, it has made a huge difference in my recovery.

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All right. My brother, I'm so thrilled to have the man, the myth and the legend. And I say that sometimes, I mean, I have guessed and I say that about, but this guy right here, man, is his story.

If you haven't read Agent Under Fire, his story is absolutely incredible. And, you know, I did a lot of street ministry back in the day, south side of Modesto, different areas stood in between, literally in between gang wars. Now don't do this at home. But the Holy Ghost told me to do this and spoke the peace of Christ over the situation and watched the battle end.

I know what the real thing looks like. This guy right here that that's called street creds. This man has creds like nobody you will ever hear from. Well, thank you, Pastor Greg.

I appreciate that intro. It's funny you mentioned the street creds. I want to say really quick, I was talking about that just a couple of days ago with someone about we're talking about having a son that's going to get ready to go to college. OK. And how kids nowadays do not have that street smarts. You might be a very good book smart kid and there's a hundred and they're great and they have a 4.0, but they have no idea how the world works and the real world works. And I think it's a big I think it's a real difference there. Yeah. Common sense, right? Common sense and critical thinking and and and what and what they tell us now is, is, you know, it's all about emotions, right? And yes, it's all feelings and and and what you read in the book.

And and, you know, and of course, the books are filled with nothing but lies and propaganda. And and then and then it's all about how you feel. And and so if today you feel like a girl with a beard, then you must be a girl with a beard. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make fun of the bearded ladies. All right. Anyway, we are not politically correct.

Not even close. Victor, you have you spent a lot of time down at the border looking at our border situation. It's interesting. You and I were talking in the in the break before we got on here about how the folks in D.C. in New York now are freaking out. They suddenly are dealing with these illegal immigrants and they're like, wait, wait, where do these go? Where did they come from? What's that about?

Where did they come from? Talk to me a little bit about that. And then let's shift to the border and let's shift to Biden and the wall efforts. And and do you have time if I needed you to stay just a couple extra minutes? OK, great. So so we got time to get into all this.

Let's do this. So, yeah, a lot of I have some good, strong opinions on this. Let's talk about New York and Washington, D.C. When I heard that, I think it was like last week, the first time that I heard that they're complaining, the mayor of New York and the mayor of D.C. are complaining that they're getting hundreds of illegal aliens in their town and they don't know what to do with them. They don't know where to put them. Their homeless shelters.

Are full. And I'm thinking, wait a minute, what's going on here? Is this something that that they're that they just on purpose are trying to now blame? They're blaming the governors, by the way. They're avoiding 100 percent the responsibility and accountability that should lie on Biden's administration. Biden himself, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, who have decided that they will fly.

By the way, they started doing this here this. A year and a half ago, flying illegal aliens into New York and to D.C. Now, to be fair here, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has bused illegal aliens to Washington, D.C. I have never agreed with that from the beginning, because here we are. And this is one of the reasons why I don't like the aiding and abetting of this situation. I am a border security expert and I want accountability and I want our borders to be controlled.

And I'm starting to use that word now more and more. Everybody says secure the border, shut the border. How about we control the border?

Because it's no control right now. It's lawlessness. And I think the last thing that we need is to kind of say, here you go and shove it in your face and say, I want to bust them down to Washington, D.C. And I know a lot of people say, why don't you just take them out to a bunch of Democrat cities and Democrat states? And it sounds good, but ultimately we're not helping the cause here. Now, initially when Greg Abbott took the buses to D.C., the only thing I agreed about is that he actually got their attention.

This was never done before. And all of a sudden they're like, well, what's going on? Is there something going on at the border?

We've been knowing all over the crisis and catastrophe that it really is down there. But now they're using that as an excuse and they're blaming the Arizona governor and the Texas governor for taking them to New York as well, which is not true. It's Biden that's been flying them in there in the middle of the night to New Jersey and all these other towns. And all of a sudden they're trying to think that, well, what do you mean these individuals?

Yeah, they're human beings. And yeah, guess what? The border states have been receiving tens of thousands, tens of thousands.

And I saw this. I'll take this from I saw this online yesterday where they're comparing the populations of these cities. And down in the valley, we have a town that has 30000 people and they've received 30000 aliens. That's 100 percent of the population. And in Washington, D.C., they've received less than one percent of their population. And they're already complaining.

How about by the way, they refused Abbott's invitation to come down the border to actually see. I'm a big advocate of going down and seeing for yourself. I'll take you. Call me.

Hire me. I'll take you and I'll show you the realities of this border. And I'll guarantee you that you will come back with a different opinion and a different perspective of the craziness that's happening down there. Not just the illegal immigration, but all the national security and public safety issue that it is. And and just to back up what you were talking about, here's an article from Yahoo News that's actually National Review dated October 19th, 2021. Biden administration quietly flies illegal immigrants to New York in the middle of the night. And so this has been going on for quite some time. It's interesting that they have waited until the Texas governor is busing them up there. And I have been with you, by the way, and I've said this on the program, you and I've had this conversation that I feel as though, you know, there's there's a little bit of a politicking going on with regards to this situation. And the reality, in my opinion, is, is that there may even be aiding and abetting by taking these illegals because who's meeting them in D.C. in New York, but Antifa and BLM, who are then helping to distribute them onto trains to the rest of the country.

Setting that aside, though, you covered this. And I'm trying to remember the name of the gentleman who has the the news, the border news network that that was that was at at CPAC last year in Dallas with us. I'm trying to think I'll think of a name here. OK, I lost track of him for a little bit here, but but he was going and actually filming these these folks because they were literally coming across the border and then being put on planes and flown north. And he was he started filming this a year ago.

He was talking about this at CPAC in July of twenty twenty one that he had been covering that particular issue. All right. We got to take a quick break. We come back more with Victor Avila.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. I'll start with that, folks. Welcome back to Turn Generation Radio.

My apologies. I just I get into these conversations with my guests and I'm like, oh, wait, no, wait, we got to go back on air. Victor Avila is my guest. Lots.

My gosh. So a lot of things we wanted to cover. Anthony Aguero, by the way, is the name of the gentleman that we were talking about. And and the name of of his of his news outlet is Border Network News, Border Network News. And he was filming these airplanes that the Biden administration was secretly and quietly. And that was one of the things that happened was, is his story then got picked up by mainstream media.

They started reporting on the airplanes that were shipping. And so all of a sudden that's that that stopped that stopped. Well, right after that stopped is when Greg Abbott came up with, oh, well, let's do the busing. And that's why Victor and I were like, OK, wait a minute. OK, you guys were already doing this using airplanes.

And now you got caught. And so now you get a governor in Texas to come on board. And our issue with our governor here in Texas is many. But lack of addressing the border issue during his six years and illegal immigration and funding of illegal immigrants by the state of Texas and the kids in the schools. That is a reality that is happening. And that is not sending a message that says Texas is protecting its citizens. It's Hispanic citizens and sending illegals back. That's very true. And as a matter of fact, these other states and it's not just New York and Washington, D.C., is every part of the country are starting to feel the effect.

I've been saying it for a long time. You will feel the effect with the education systems, with your health care systems. And of course, the criminal justice system. They have been getting so many bad people. The ones that we know about have been interdicted at the border, convicted child rapists, convicted murderers, people with outstanding open warrants that are wanted. And thank goodness that these individuals have been detected.

But that means that most of them are coming in. The guy always, you know, I don't know if I mentioned this when we talked about the 53 that died in the back of a tractor trailer. The horrific death. A lot of people don't know that 11 of those were hardcore criminals. I know I know it's a horrific death, but it's important to mention that because why are they avoiding detection? Why are they being smuggled? Because they had their bad guys or bad guys coming back into our communities to possibly victimize more U.S. citizens. I can't stress this enough. I was with the sheriff's last week in Fort Worth, Texas.

They had their annual conference. The number one issue, of course, is the border, but also the the lack of help that the sheriff's have. And the number one part of that that they're talking about is a lack of prosecutions.

So let me run you through a quick scenario. Even if the Border Patrol will grab somebody and try to prosecute them, the federal assistant U.S. attorney will decline prosecution because that's the Biden administration right now. That's what's going on. So then they say, well, we'll throw that case over to the state, in other words, to the sheriff.

So the sheriff in Kinney County, Maverick County, Valverde County, let's say, Hudson County, Hugo Sheriff, can you prosecute this guy for human smuggling? Right. I got it.

I'll take it. They call their D.A., the district attorney, who, by the way, happens to be a Soros placed district attorney. That district attorney says, no, I'm going to decline prosecution at the state level as well. Here we go. There's no one to prosecute.

The guy gets released. And here's a picture of children that are being trafficked, little little babies. These are these are these are some of the pictures that you previously sent me, sir. And and I'm showing these little kids being trafficked. These are these are military guys dressed in military gear.

Yeah. OK. That are that are invading our country. Military gear invading our country. This is a picture of the back of a truck. And you can see all of these. And they all look like military age. And this is and this is a picture of one of the trucks with with with and the you know, they're towing.

The back end is open. And what it looks like is it looks like it's a gravel truck. Right. You wouldn't go underneath the actual image. Yes.

Yeah. You wouldn't you would you would not think you think, oh, this is just a gravel truck. It just looks like a gravel truck. So nobody's aware of the fact that that, you know, that in the back of that truck are all these guys. So down in and just crouched down in waiting, you know, and there's a cover over the top, of course, when it's when they're traveling and they're just waiting to stop and get off and and and they're being brought in in these trucks into the country.

That's exactly right. Let me share on the story that the sheriff shared with me last week. They caught a seven year old child who brought in 10 different sets of parents into the country.

In other words, this child was used for that one seven year old. All right. We're going to take another quick break. We'll be right back.

Victor will be sticking around with us. We also want to talk about the pick the Guatemalan payoff stuff that was taking place. Very, very significantly important issue that we want to bring to you. Caught on tape.

Guatemalan officials taking bribes for illegal transport of illegal immigrants. Back with more. Children Generation Radio right after this. I am Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through Biblical Glasses. My very special guest, Victor Avila, Agent Under Fire. Agent Under Fire is the name of the book and I really encourage you to pick up his book, Agent Under Fire. It tells the story of he and his partner and how they were ambushed by the Las Zetas and left for dead. His partner was murdered.

He was left for dead. Recovered, obviously, as you can see. But the story of what happened to them and then the ensuing story of the efforts to find justice in the midst of that situation. And really a lack of support on the part of the government in getting to the bottom of what happened and who needed to be prosecuted. And what was going to happen to those that needed to be prosecuted.

So a lot is unpacked in that. We're unpacking an awful lot here as well and you were talking a bit, so we've talked about the transporting of illegals. They're using buses now because the planes got found out. We'll get a little more into New York City's response, DC's response. The mayor in DC is losing her mind because, oh my gosh, there's a legal immigrant. Hey, there's illegal immigrants in the country. We didn't know there were illegal immigrants in the country. No, we were making that up when we were telling it to you.

Bozer, Bowser, whatever your name is. Anyway, so we'll get into that. Then we also were talking about the Sheriff's Association and their frustration. Number one issue is the issue of the border here in Texas, number one issue. And then the secondary issue is, is the lack of prosecutions by Soros bought DA's. And and then and then we were just in the break getting ready to talk about the undercover video that was done. Proving that Guatemalan officials are taking bribes in order not to acknowledge and to let through these illegals that are ending up in Mexico and then and then ending up coming up. And I'll give credit to that video.

It's Anthony Agüero's partner. Border, conservative border reporter in Mexico, and he travels a lot to Guatemala and southern Mexico, travels with the caravans, walks with them, is giving hand daily updates on what's happening. But he posted this video just a couple of days ago. I think it was yesterday, as a matter of fact, that a Guatemalan police official taking cash bribes from the illegal aliens coming from Guatemala in these caravans to be allowed to pass through into Mexico. And to me, it's not a shocker.

It's a little bit of us when you watch this video. It's pretty shocking to see the bride literally the cash being exchanged. But, you know, I worked in Mexico. I worked a lot in Central America. And this doesn't surprise me. But I want people to understand the level of corruption that exists in these countries.

And so let's not forget that this is also happening in the background. We have Mexican government officials from every level, local, state, federal, immigration officials, the Mexican National Guard, all the way down from the border states and the northern part of their country, all the way south, getting paid off. And who are these individuals? Well, a lot of them are cartel members, the same police men work for the cartel. So a lot of times people think, well, I dealt with the police, you're actually dealing with the cartel because that police officer is a cartel member. And this this video just kind of proves that. And so you if you go and follow Oscar Blue, you'll see these videos that is just what what is his name?

Oscar Oscar, e l blue, b l u e l blue in Spanish, like l e l, and then blue Oscar blue is very, very good. He reports he's Anthony's partner on the Mexican side on border network news. And you'll see a lot of the stuff that he reports down there. I know him.

I speak to him regularly about what's going on. And you'll be able to see all these videos. And as a matter of fact, you probably could catch the video that I were talking about right now. And so it is it is I want people this is this is not just a Texas border issue. This is above and beyond that. This is an issue that we are, you have to look at the big picture from above, which is a national security issue, a public safety issue. Let me let me this is this is just a quick blurb of this.

But let me let me just show you a little bit of some of the work that he's done. These are videos. There's just a huge crowd of individuals. And they're mostly all men. And you just see the size of this crowd. I mean, this is just wall to wall people, folks yelling and hollering and screaming. A barricade of police officers. Very aggressive out there.

Yeah, yeah, just yeah, just absolutely, you know, amazing. How many people? My question is, what is the accountability of Mexico side? What is going on over there? Why isn't anyone from the US putting the real pressure and having the real conversation with the Mexican president?

I know he was just at the White House a couple of weeks ago, but nothing came of it. As a matter of fact, Mexico tried to look really good by getting Caro Quintero who got the they finally got him in custody was a fugitive. This is the individual responsible for the death of DEA agent Enrique Caramerina back in 1985.

So they kind of wash their hands. Well, we got this fugitive and that's it. That's not the way it works. We have these huge cartels in Mexico that are are killing our youth with the fentanyl. Right. I was just in Virginia this week, speaking to the in Norfolk, Virginia, mostly detectives, guess what the number one issue that is methamphetamine and fentanyl. They're overwhelmed.

And where's it coming from? Mexico with the help of who China? Yeah. And this is this is what we need to see in the protection of our sovereignty. I can't stress it enough.

Our elected officials are either blinded by it or complicit one or the other. Sorry about that. It it automatically played but it's just if you go to it's it's Oscar Blue Ramirez, right? Yeah, Oscar Blue Ramirez. Yeah. And and he's got a ton of different videos that are up with regards to these issues where the truckers were being blocked as well. And, and and just, you know, a huge number of videos that show what's happening down there at the border.

That's right. And, and so there's, there's these multitude of issues that continue to occur. The prosecution is such a big issue because you can't we have a problem with trying to keep people in jail in this country to begin with. No one, the left doesn't want to prosecute anybody. They see the criminal as the victim. And, and, and the actual victim doesn't, they don't want to notify the victim, they don't want them to be a victim. Look at what's happening in New York and Los Angeles with these, these unprovoked crimes against innocent people. And yet, and then they catch them.

Here we go, the police catches them. We got the guy, this, this, remember, there's a second criminal justice system that I, as a law enforcement officer, I knew that when I slap cuffs on someone, it was just the beginning of the second part of our criminal justice system. It was just the beginning of the courts and the, and the attorneys and all that. And I also needed that backup from them.

I worked hand in hand with the prosecutor, the US attorney's office and such. And so if you don't have that, then what good does it do? The police officers and sheriffs out in our country are saying, well, what the heck am I doing here? If I'm going out and arresting people and trying to do better for my community, and all you're going to do is either one, just release them, and second, not even prosecute them or just give them a slap on the wrist for them to come back and then commit a more serious crime.

This makes no sense. But it's the agenda of the left that is, they've been working on it for a long time. And they're actually getting it done.

Yeah, he's he's got some amazing. Anthony Aguero has some amazing video up here with regards to some of the means by which they're doing this. Just as an example, this is a work and all they're doing is aid and embedding the cartels. This is a 22 second clip.

And here, we'll give it give it a give it a listen. Okay. They think that they're doing good work. And all they're doing is aid and embedding the cartels.

And you're lucky to cut that because it wins. Unbelievable. The same spot drugs were just coming through the drug smugglers probably drink that water that she's. So so what's happening here they're talking about is is there's areas where these humanitarian efforts are quote unquote, assisting think that they're doing good work and all they do is aid and embedding is it by dropping water off. And the places the water stations where they are dropping the water off are simply being used by the drug traffickers as as stopping points for them and they meet up at these watering holes and exchange drugs, they give the drugs to the mules. And now the mules have water, the the coyotes that came across, get water and everybody gets taken care of. And fentanyl, fentanyl, which is killing millions of Americans goes into the country. We got to take a quick break.

We back more to generation radio coming up right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses, my very special guest, Victor Avila. And we're talking about Agent Under Fire, by the way, is the name of the book. I want to encourage you to pick that up. And just a quick drop in, I want to encourage you also to pick up our energy products. Ultrashot Natural Energy. Ultrashot Natural Energy. This stuff really works. It's fantastic.

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It's free to sign up for an account. And I really encourage you to use it because this stuff really works great. Alright, Victor, we've got some really great stuff we want to get into. Well, I say great stuff. It's not really great stuff, but it's important stuff because no one is covering these issues.

And when we talk about the border situation, everybody says, Oh, well, you know, you guys are your haters and you're hating on illegals and so on. Folks, when you hear what Victor's about to tell you, you will understand this is a humanitarian issue. The humanitarian thing to do is to stop open borders. That's the humanitarian thing to do.

Victor, go ahead. That's the word. And I know when I talk about Biden wanting to all of a sudden start building the border wall in Arizona because of the humanitarian cause, because it is a humanitarian issue to secure the border. What is happening right now is non-humanitarian. We talked about the 53 that died in the back of a tractor trailer and almost on a daily basis, we have rollovers of people smuggling and transporting illegal aliens that do not want to stop for police. There's a chase ensues and then they roll over and people die. Well, guess what the one of the biggest things that kind of a little bit of a shocker that I learned with the sheriff's last week is the amount of dead bodies that they are encountering in their counties from Hudson County all the way down to the Rio Grande Valley and not just on the border counties, but counties that are 50, 60 miles inland and they showed the pictures to prove it.

I mean, and I'll tell you because I think people need to know a body that has been cooked by the sun. It's not something that you want to see, but suicide, in other words, illegals that are hanging themselves because they are hung at trees because they are already without food and water, they're lost and they just take their own lives to stop the suffering. This is a reality that this open border policy is causing. Bodies, and I'm talking about, well, one body, no, seven bodies a day, a day, drownings. They're averaging one drowning a day. They're up to multiple drownings per day. If you guys remember, Bishop Evans, our National Guardsman that drowned several months ago trying to rescue two drug traffickers. He rescued them, but he ended up drowning near Eagle Pass, Texas. And then they said, okay, no more. You cannot jump in the water to save these illegals coming in.

Well, just last week and a half ago, it was a group of family and two men coming in. This is right at Eagle Pass, Texas, right under the bridge. And it's literally 10, 15 yards from the bank of the river.

It's not far into the river. And one of the gentlemen that was coming in was drowning. A National Guardman drove, dove into the water to save him, one of them. When he went to go save him, he then started drowning. DPS troopers, police officers, then had to rescue the National Guardsman. And they rescued the National Guardsman and they rescued one of the illegals, but the other one drowned right in front of them. And it's all caught on video. This is very traumatic, let me tell you.

And of course, the first thing I said, why is he jumping in the water? I thought they were prohibited from rescuing. Well, these are first responders. These are people that have been trained to do exactly that. It's like telling a doctor not to save a life when they're in front of them.

You can tell a doctor, well, no, you don't have to treat him. No, they have taken a nose. This is what they do. And so that's why our first responders have done that. But you're not going to see that in the news anywhere.

You're not going to see that. But we almost lost another National Guardsman to a drowning. This river is very, very dangerous. And this is happening on a daily basis.

Lives lost, people dying, people going over and dying. And it should be mentioned that it is also in part because there was this false narrative that went around and believed that, well, rivers are a natural boundary and so we don't need to put any walls, we don't need to build any structures near rivers because the river is going to be a deterrent in and of itself. And obviously, that is not a reality. It is absolutely not a deterrent. They know.

I'm talking about the illegals. They know that people drown there and it still doesn't matter to them. They are willing to risk it because they see many, many people walk across and get through and they're like, it's not going to happen to me.

And it does happen. And so I don't know what the Biden administration is thinking, but now I know they're confused. They're confused because they're narrative. You know, I say it's deliberate and incompetence, right? I was laughing about they're confused and I'm thinking about, well, we've got senile Joe. So, you know, it doesn't really right. It's already confused me.

It doesn't surprise me that we have some confusion going on with regards to these issues. Victor, where can people go? Where's the best place to go to continue to follow your coverage of what's going on down there? Follow me on social media, on Facebook and Victor Avila TX, on Instagram.

Victor Avila Jr. JR. I'm on getter. And also, if you go to my website, if you need me to come speak to one of your groups. I just spoke to a wonderful group in Virginia, Victor Avila speaks dot com.

And if you want to grab a copy of the book is agent under fire book dot com. All right. Victor Avila speaks dot com. Victor Avila speaks dot com. And there we go.

I've got it right here. Victor Avila speaks dot com. All right. We'll be back with more Children Generation Radio coming up.

Get signed up at the Web site Children Generation Radio dot com. We've got lots of great information that goes out each and every day. I'll be back with more coming up right after this.

Chaps will be joining us and a lot more coming at you. I got contacted by attorney Tom Renz over the weekend who represents some whistleblowers within the Department of Defense. So these are whistleblowers have been extracting data out of the Defense Department database. They have noticed a very alarming increase in instances of certain conditions compared to a five year average.

They also have evidence that with myocarditis, the data has been doctored already. I'm the one dealing with the medical boards. I'm the one watching the witch hunts. I'm the one fighting them off. And I'm the one telling them where to go.

I'm going to keep doing that. 928 2021 Project Salus weekly report. Project Salus is a Defense Defense Department initiative where they report and contract. They take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC. They're watching these vaccines on that date and around that date. In numerous instances where Fauci and that entire crew were saying, it's a crisis unvaxed. It's 99 percent unvaxed in the hospital.

In Project Salus, in the weekly report, the DOD document says specifically, 71 percent of new cases are in the fully vaxed and 60 percent of hospitalizations are in the fully vaxed. This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations. The Secretary of Defense needs investigated. And now the fact that there's at least suspicions that the Defense Department is docking with the data.

I would contend, Senator, that there is not just a suspicion. In August, when the report was run on acute myocarditis in the DOD website, there were 1,239 cases. And now when you run it, it's down to 307. In January of 2022, there were 176 cases. And magically, they are now down to 17.

We have in the military the single best data set that exists because we have baselines in there. And acute disease across all categories in the preceding years, five years, leading up to the vaccination year, was 1.7 million. They introduced and mandated a COVID-19 vaccine for our U.S. military when they had only lost 12 service members total to the disease. And in the 10 months of 2021 after that, it jumped from 1.7 million all diseases to darn near 22 million.

That was a 20 million increase. We need to not be calling this suspicious. With all due respect, we need to be asking hard questions of the DOD. We are being accused by saying they are charged, at least in part, with protecting the sanctity and welfare of the brave men and women who are defending this country. And right now, these numbers indicate something is drastically wrong.

And I know of only one reason that databases roll math backwards. Who are you? Identify yourself.

So sorry. My name is Leigh Dendes. I'm a human rights attorney that's working with Tom Rents on the whistleblower issue in the military. I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers, put their testimony on record. and women of very high rank in the US military because not just do we Congress in this building need to hear about it the world needs to hear about what is going on I will listen to them we will take their transcribed interviews will grab gather their data and again I put the Defense Department on notice they must preserve these records so we can investigate thank you by the way I just got it I have to show you this is what we get when I investigate I mean this isn't to do this this is after a couple years trying to get information out of another agency and we finally get the information and it's all redacted this is how the ministry the the federal government the agency is comply with congressional oversight we're glad we're glad to share with you senator because we have quite a bit of those that aren't blanked out and we also want to tell you listen the side effects the only one that they're recognizing that's an outright lie I've got the Pfizer documents Pfizer said in their FOIA documents that they released they said we're looking for these side effects the FDA said we're looking for these documents we've got their documents showing what they're looking for they're not sharing it with the American people because they're covering this up corruption was the word of the day and I think it needs to be reiterated my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a war war two defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights I am patriot mobile
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